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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232070800.jpg-(18 KB, 345x206, 911.jpg)
    18 KB Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:53:20 No.109902345  
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:53:30 No.109902364
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:53:57 No.109902436
    go back to bed
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:18 No.109902494
    Seems like a nice day to visit the observation deck of the twin towers. I've always wanted to go there.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:22 No.109902503
    get a lawn chair and beer. call off work
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:25 No.109902514
    Hooray! today im going on a field trip to the top floor of the world trade center with my 3rd grade class!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:46 No.109902564
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:56 No.109902588
    6am? Too damn early. I go back to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:55:10 No.109902622
    commit brootal murder and corpseraep of random hot women b/c cops will soon be too busy to care a fuk
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:55:28 No.109902661
    pray to allah and go hijack the plane..
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:55:43 No.109902704
    Go to the top floor of the Twin Towers, take a shit, and throw it at a plane.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:55:51 No.109902727
    Do a barrel roll (R or Z twice)
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:55:57 No.109902747
    two chicks at the same time
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:56:01 No.109902757
    Guy fawkes mask

    scream in front of the entrance of the wtc that there are planes coming in to kill everyone, because terrorists are the lulz

    go back to bed
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:56:17 No.109902805
    hijack a plane
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:56:27 No.109902835
    everybody are gone?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:56:33 No.109902848
    get on a plane?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:56:50 No.109902899
    Wake up head to another day of fifth grade just like last September 11, 2001; same old, same old.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:57:00 No.109902925

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:57:13 No.109902958
    Rape women left and right, then stash them in the WTC. Steal gold from WTC7
    >> Pryftan !FaggotHAk2 01/15/09(Thu)20:57:26 No.109902997
    Get video cameras set up at all best possible positions and sell the recordings to major news agencies at exorbitant prices
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:57:48 No.109903049
    6am? i try to figure out whose house i am and how i can sneak out before she wakes up
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:58:08 No.109903095
    drive down to the pentagon just for funsies.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:58:09 No.109903096

    Do I know whats goin down?

    Cause I would haul a grenade launcher to the roof of the WTC Building and fire all the missles at it

    Then, I would freak out cause now the feds are coming, I forgot to use only 1 proxy. Whipe out the CP on my parents (still lived at home when I was 15 in 01) computer before they got home and found out.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:58:10 No.109903097
    1: Find the one girl I've ever wanted in the most physical way I could ever imagine...
    2: Tell her the world is going to fall in a matter of mere hours.
    3: Convince her that we must begin the repopulation process.
    4: Commence Repopulation Process...
    5: Watch World Trade Center fall
    6: Bitch gets mad when she see's "the world falling"
    over 9000: Bitch storms out
    8: ????
    9: Profit

    I just had sex with the only person I wanted physically. Good day to me!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:58:30 No.109903141
    I would take a video camera to a totally awesome vantage point for the crashes, record that shit, and sell the footage for like a billion dollars.

    Of course, I would pretend to be shooting a documentary about hobo sex in New York City so they wouldn't suspect me of being in cahoots with the terrorists just because I happened to be at the ultimately perfect spot filming when the attacks happened.

    Yeah. I'd be RICH, BITCH.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:59:03 No.109903222
    get on /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:59:25 No.109903289
         File :1232071165.jpg-(33 KB, 300x400, jordanwizards.jpg)
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    Why my childhood hero is shitting on his legacy by joining the Wiz
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:59:48 No.109903349
    failtard. good luck finding /b/ in 01
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:59:48 No.109903352
    get ready to lul
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:59:53 No.109903365
    1. Alert everyone to the terrorist's plans
    2. Become national hero
    3. ?????
    4. PROFIT!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:01 No.109903382
    Sky dive naked off the WTC before planes hit.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:03 No.109903389
    not go to school

    they let us out early that day...
    >> Pryftan !FaggotHAk2 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:21 No.109903441

    too late, see >>109902997
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:29 No.109903459
    I'm jewish. I've just recieved a call from the Israeli consul in Washington, "don't go to work at the World Trade Center today", and he hangs up. "What the fuck?", I say to myself. I go make my self a snack, look downtown out the window, fap onto the streets below...
    >> lol abbott 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:28 No.109903464
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    i knew it i knew it... but i wouldnt do it
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:57 No.109903532
    I wonder WTF I'm doing in NYC.

    The night before, I fell asleep in a forrest in Eureka, California
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:01:25 No.109903604
    This already happened to me!
    Answer is: go to school, have shit scared out of me, and worry about siblings.

    Also the simpsons episode about them visiting NYC and specifically the towers was on tonight.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:01:31 No.109903620
    Get the highest definition video camera I can find. Get in position and record!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:01:55 No.109903676
    I would warn the world about one of the most horrific tragedies ever:

    The start of 4chan in three years.

    Hopefully, that grim fate could be avoided.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:02 No.109903694
    Rob people in the ensuing chaos and invest it in Google
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:11 No.109903720
    Set off the fire alarms in the WTC... Or set fires in it, either way.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:24 No.109903752
    find the best seat in the town to watch the plane's try out for a job in the world trade centers, and lol
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:30 No.109903770
    I'd watch TV all day. Something tells me there'll be some interesting news stories on soon...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:32 No.109903771
    I'd go to WTC, watch planes wreck WTC, look at people jumping from WTC, lul
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:34 No.109903776
    go onto the roof of WTC and fap like a mad man
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:53 No.109903814

    Mine was better because it included the words "hobo sex".
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:03:42 No.109903931

    underage b@
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:03:55 No.109903965
    Grab some beers and a deckchair and go find a good view.
    >> 3759465762845 01/15/09(Thu)21:03:56 No.109903967
    but WHO WAS PHONE?!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:03:57 No.109903974
    Go to school. Our ninth-grade history class has a study session (lol study in high school) today. The test tomorrow is gonna be a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:02 No.109903988
    Call my local B'Ni B'rith office and say hai guise, the plan's changed, go to work today! We've rescheduled the attack for next week.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:21 No.109904033
    Rob the WTC of all valuables, making sure that noone who knows i robbed it actually lives. mmm..money...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:34 No.109904063
    look out the window laugh and say yeah we had it comming
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:40 No.109904076
    you are also a failtard. 3 years? You're either a dipshit or a newfag..

    but then again, welcome to /b/....
    the cesspool for newfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:59 No.109904114
    Sorry but I am actually boarding a plane. I really hope they dont find my weapons in the check-in.

    I am going to New York though..
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:05:02 No.109904121
    False, I'm 18 and a senior in high school.

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:05:38 No.109904214
         File :1232071538.jpg-(37 KB, 516x367, Negrosdidwtc.jpg)
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    Wait patiently and bet on the next eight World Series'.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:08 No.109904296
    This premise makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why the fuck would I wake up at six in the morning? That doesn't sound like something I'd do at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:31 No.109904367
    Call the police and tell them that there's a madman with an AK-47 holed up on the top floor of the Empire State building.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:38 No.109904383

    then u must have just turned 18 u young fucker
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:49 No.109904416
    Go to WTC's day care center, kill staff, rape lolis, then mug everyone I see on the way out and leave myself enough time to flee.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:50 No.109904423
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    Bet this girl a blowjob that a plane will crash into something and create history :D
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:51 No.109904427
         File :1232071611.jpg-(133 KB, 744x1474, xzibit wtc.jpg)
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    Today is a wonderful day to pimp rides.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:31 No.109904518
    Make frantic warnings.
    Then bask in glory when everyone feels foolish for not believing the crazy conspiracy theorist.

    Either that or I'd be regarded as a terrorist and get my ass shipped off to Guantanamo
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:35 No.109904527
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:35 No.109904531
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:36 No.109904534
    Cum on the WTC and take credit for them falling down.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:43 No.109904547
    sell my stocks
    buy stocks in airport and border security
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:53 No.109904578
    commence my job, i'm the window cleaner for the wtc and just as i finnish the very last window i look around and what do you think i see?.. a plane! and i'm like "COME ON!!"
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:55 No.109904581

    Very nice idea.

    I would call the police and tell them that I had gone into a time warp and I had seen everyone die in the towers.

    Given that the federal government would listen to me, they would evacuate the towers. They would ask if Jesus had helped me and I would say no, it was just a time warp and I wish people would stop trying to give Jesus all the credit for saving those lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:08:08 No.109904614
    call in multiple bomb threats to the WTC from payphones around the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:08:16 No.109904636
    True, but still not underage

    18 > under 18
    >> Ashley 01/15/09(Thu)21:09:01 No.109904746
    a fucking barrel roll.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:09:07 No.109904763
    I would become my own grandfather.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:09:23 No.109904806
    make sure i get kick ass footage, profit
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:10:15 No.109904936
    I run to the World Trade Centers and Count Down, Holding a sign that says "When I Say Zero, America goes to war with Sand Niggers!!"
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:14 No.109905073
    Make some hilarious prank calls to radio stations prolly
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:16 No.109905079
    call a bomb threat in to all the local high schools and make sure all the local authourities are to busy to respond properly to the whole plane thing, then lol at the increased body count
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:21 No.109905092
    1. post online that I've masterminded a plan to destroy WTC with airplanes
    2. Fap vigorously as I am torchered by FBI
    3. ???
    4. Break even
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:36 No.109905130
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:40 No.109905144
         File :1232071900.jpg-(22 KB, 238x238, soap.jpg)
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    This site is filth. Let's clean it up! :)

    This post brought to you by Dial Soap
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:12:08 No.109905218
    get recording deals for every song from then on

    also play the lottery on the 100 or so days that I remember

    and make bets on everything (ie. Super Bowl)

    finally, make a bet for over 9000 dollars that McCain picks Sarah palin, obama picks biden and then pick every single cabinet member and become famous by predicting hurricane katrina, bhuttos death, Thailand tsunami, ect.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:12:15 No.109905232
    catch the liberty ferry for safe viewing
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:12:18 No.109905235
    Go to 4th grade. Later some kid will tell me about the wtc but I won't believe him because I don't know what that is at the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:07 No.109905359
    Get my ass to Newark Airport and slice some fucking sand niggers up
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:15 No.109905378
    Go inside the towers, murder 20 people, towers fall anyway, I get away with it.

    Then smoke a bowl, and go back to bed.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:32 No.109905423
    be happy that i am now back with my ex, and live in his state now, and go to his house and wake him up by sucking his dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:37 No.109905432
    ditch school + take subway downtown to get a good view
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:42 No.109905442
    UNDERAGE B&. I was in 6th and I am 18 now. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:45 No.109905450
    ure not funny go the fuck away
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:53 No.109905474
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:14:39 No.109905583
    i'm gonna go to WTC and block the exits with various items, shit is gonna be so cash.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:14:41 No.109905586

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:14:52 No.109905606

    He could've been held back two years. Would you really be surprised?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:14:56 No.109905618

    newfag read wiki yday
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:15:42 No.109905729
    call faux news
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:15:58 No.109905772
    *Look out the window*
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:16:05 No.109905785
    spam gaia
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:16:17 No.109905821
    the same thing I do every day, try and take over the world
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:16:53 No.109905910
    buy a sony and become millionaire
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:16:57 No.109905918
    inb4 barrel roll
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:17:33 No.109905995
    I'll wait by WTC7 dressed as a cop or swat team member, with all the shit happening the won't suspect me, then I would steal me some gold.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:17:37 No.109906011
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:17:47 No.109906037
    prove it was the jews
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:01 No.109906070
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:13 No.109906102
    Holy balls... I live in New York and I woke up at 6:00 every morning (Including Sept. 11). I'd do what I did, take a shower, get dressed, and go to work.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:47 No.109906194
    do what the rest of the rich elites and government officials did that knew about, make investments and get fucking rich
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:19:01 No.109906229
    sell in summer of '08
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:19:07 No.109906236

    >> sage 01/15/09(Thu)21:19:11 No.109906248
    Slowly meditate over the teachings of Mohammed, say my praises to Allah, put on my best shirt and pants and head out to the. 72 virgins, here I come!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:19:22 No.109906271
    Same thing I did last time: Fucking watch my digimon.

    P.S. Sora's fucking hot.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:19:59 No.109906377
    Go back to bed. I work nights and am an insomniac. Why the fuck would I want to be awake during the day?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:20:21 No.109906421

    you remember 100 days of lottery numbers? some kind of genius?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:20:29 No.109906443
    get video camera up
    set up investments
    get money into off shore account
    sell video
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:21:33 No.109906597
    Try to go on /b/.
    Rage at /b/ not existing.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:21:46 No.109906628
    a barrel roll of course
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:21:47 No.109906631
    PENISPENISYou should signup at http://6850.atu.ca/ and then go to Games=>Domination or Rape=>"Welcome in hell" and just keep playing the freaking game until you cum!!!VAGINAVAGINA
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:21:48 No.109906633
    get in position at a semi-distant building and moon the camera, some of the newspapers don't catch it and unknowingly publish my ass for the world to see
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:22:43 No.109906761
    I would immediately short American Airlines stocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:24:13 No.109906976
    Kill Moot so this fucking shithole place would never exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:24:23 No.109907004
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:25:36 No.109907185
    I would broadcast it live on some youtube type of site and say GOD told me in advance, then build up a church, get rich and fuck my female disciples.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:26:42 No.109907343
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:27:26 No.109907445
    get the biggest muthafuckin speakers ever, and rikroll NY while its happening
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:27:44 No.109907488
    put bomb in bag. go2 airport.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:28:43 No.109907613
    You get as many kikes as possible into the top stories of the WTC buildings.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:28:47 No.109907620
    start up a message board called 4chan
    see how it goes
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:28:56 No.109907639
    i was in 5th grade

    we just got to leave school early
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:30:03 No.109907799
    Host all types of conventions in the top of the WTC of people i dont like
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:30:05 No.109907806
    Bitch, don't wake me up, I got a good hour to sleep before I wake up for 6th grade. Srlsy tho. I live in NY.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:30:48 No.109907910
    this might work, if the timing was right. Just telling people "the towers are gonna fall" no one would believe you. Fire alarm= evacuated floor at least, repete prosses for extra heroishness?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:31:46 No.109908055
    get some popcorn. get a good seat.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:32:07 No.109908107
    plant fake evidence and claim to have lost a family member in the debris. collect on all that free cash.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:33:10 No.109908247
    report that a bomb is inside both towers causing a immidiate evacuation of both buildings, thus saving thousands of lives.

    win for me even if i did go to prison.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:33:27 No.109908294
    this but fuck a chair afterwards
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:34:08 No.109908391
    pull a lawn chair and watch the fireworks. In a safe distance obviously.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:34:34 No.109908447
    go to pentagon
    get high speed camera set up
    prove it was a missile!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:37:05 No.109908781

    Exacly alternative is to call in a bomb threat. I mean, it's happened before, they would have to evacuate. Then watch as the retards crash into mostly empty buildings.

    The people on the planes are fucked though... Unless you mess with ATC, maybe. Not sure how you'd manage it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:38:54 No.109909032
    rape and pillage.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:39:12 No.109909081
    is /b/ really that young?.. god i was n high school when it happened
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41:33 No.109909437

    if you changed what happened then things in the future could be different...could even end up with a nigger as president

    nah that will never happen
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41:51 No.109909476
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:43:31 No.109909698
    call the fbi let them know, whore yourself out as the most knowledge intelligence agent ever
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:43:35 No.109909706
    do what a friend of a friend did -- he put his video camera on the twin towers after the first plane hit. when the 2nd plane hit he sold the footage to cnn for $40,000. it was the footage from brooklyn, either the first or 2nd one that was shown on the air
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:43:36 No.109909714
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:27 No.109909821
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:31 No.109909832
    wake and bake
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:48 No.109909872
    Call Bush, tell him that after this day he his on thr road to becoming the worst President ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:45:37 No.109909982
    6am lol
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:47:14 No.109910210
    Strap bomb to my self.
    Get on plane.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:47:15 No.109910212
    set up cameras all over the city. Specifically in areas that there were cameras that were confinscated. Then Sell the footage. Suppose I might try to warn people but meh they prolly wouldnt even listen.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:47:37 No.109910267
    make sure everyone has their box cutters
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:49:36 No.109910535
    An hero.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:50:36 No.109910680
    OMG 6am it's late!!!!! I'm losing the plane i'm supposed to hi-jack.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:51:04 No.109910751

    No, if we changed that, then the patriot act would have been read and not passed, Afghanistan and Iraq would not have been invaded, the nightclubs in Bali would not have been bombed, the busses in London would not have been bombed, and America would still be cool. Also, you can imagine that Bush would still be a pretty cool guy if a bit of a silly one.

    Oh, and we'd have gone back to the fucking moon already with the trillion dollars spent on the war.

    See, before 9/11 I though America was an nice place, hell, I was going to move there. Then all of a sudden, the constitution that I admired was torn to fucking shreds and America went to war against all the wrong countries and they only invited further attacks. So I moved to Australia instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:51:45 No.109910848
    Go into WTC. Shout YALL NAGGAS ABOUT TO BE KILLED!!!!! Walk out.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:52:04 No.109910893
    prepare for lulz
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:52:41 No.109910992
    Already happened. I realised that I was late for my flight home to Australia to see my mum. Damn thing they canceled all flights, I was like 15 stuck in some small town I cannot remember. That really sucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:54:20 No.109911215
    get parachuite. Stand at top of wtc. Jump when it begins to collapse. Get major poonage.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:55:20 No.109911358
    1 buy a motherfucking badass camera

    2 take pictures and buy more cameras so i can videotape from different angles

    3 run when the dust clowd comes

    4 recover camera, sell to media

    5 ???

    6 PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:55:21 No.109911359
    1. Take a ride to Pennsylvania
    2. Dig a giant hole
    3. Start a fire near the place
    4. Say an airplane crashed here
    5. ??????
    6. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:56:31 No.109911537
    I know man, when i was a kid, i thought i was living in the best place on earth. Now, I wanna go to Europe...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:56:39 No.109911555
    Turn off alarm. Go back to sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:57:20 No.109911667
    I'd realize I have no idea how to contact the FBI, I completely forget what airline/number the planes were, and there is obviously no way of looking it up. So I'd probably just pack up and move to Canada.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:57:48 No.109911723
    Sell off all stocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:58:12 No.109911771
    I feel your pain
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:00:10 No.109912066
    Board UA Flight 93, convince the other passengers to not rebel against the highjackers, lul as everything goes according to plan and it crashes into the white house, killing everyone, even me.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:00:44 No.109912148
    complain about windows xp.

    and tell mac to fuck off.

    then realize my dog can't argue with me and go back to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:01:01 No.109912198
         File :1232074861.jpg-(47 KB, 600x403, 1230040721151.jpg)
    47 KB
    Pull a Cloverfield.

    ie. Run around like a retard with a camera complete with obvious and obnoxious commentary.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:01:25 No.109912249

    WTF?!? I didn't tell anybody what I did!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:02:17 No.109912373
    Jump off the top of the twin towers onto the windshield of one of the oncoming planes.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:02:42 No.109912435
    Board flight 93, re hijack from terrorists, crash into moots house.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:04:33 No.109912695
    1)get good veiw
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:05:58 No.109912897
    Run massively through WTC naked/piss the security off.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:06:55 No.109913036
    nigger nigger nigger

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