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  • File :1228885095.jpg-(5 KB, 221x140, untitled.jpg)
    Anonymous 12/09/08(Tue)23:58:15 No.101968462  
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    It's that time, /b/.

    My first grade teach set the trash can on fire during fire safety week.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:00:01 No.101968724
    i sharted my pants in third grade cause i didnt know they existed and throught i was just going to fart.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:01:52 No.101969007
    My 5th grade teacher called me a cracker, i called her a nigger and argued it was the same principle.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:04:44 No.101969461
    i did the classic called the teacher "mom" about 3 times.
    Recess was full of "gangs" that consisted of future failures and they controlled and fought over the playground. Then I had to pay them in playgorund currency which was bottlecaps, acorns, and some other shit i cant remember
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:05:05 No.101969521
    during red ribbon week i would never wear those stupid bracelets and all the kids would yell at me cuz at the end the class with the most bracelets worn every day got pizza. I wanted those fuckers to lose, they sucked. i hate little kids
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:05:13 No.101969537
    We did this thing in 5th grade, my whole 5th grade class (both classes at the school, 55 kids total or so) went out to this piece of shit "camp" in southern Wisconsin and chilled for like 36 hours.

    My group (8 kids?) went into a cemetery to just look around.

    ..had to take a dump, and accidentally did so on a ground-inset headstone.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:05:46 No.101969625
    Posting in potentially epic thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:07:19 No.101969869
    I pissed on the retarded kid. He cried.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:07:21 No.101969873
    On the last day of class, my first-grade teacher was giving hugs to everyone as they left school. I refused to hug her because she was such a bitch.

    Fucking Free Holiness bitch took her daughter, the class valedictorian, out of school to marry some older guy. Hey, I became sal so I'm not complaining.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:07:39 No.101969922
    I had a stiffy for my sixth grade teacher.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:07:40 No.101969927
    in 5th grade i told this girl i could put both my legs behind my head. so i tried to and when i pulled up my first leg i farted wicked fuckin loud.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:07:45 No.101969941
    oooooo you called the teacher mom
    david loves Ms Jackson
    david loves Ms Jackson
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:08:02 No.101969979
    my teacher got fired for having sex with a 15 year old student. Then he opened a play and trade
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:08:02 No.101969982
    cant remember 2 long ago
    also op is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:08:17 No.101970030
    Im retarded. One time, this asshole pissed on me.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:09:11 No.101970162
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:09:26 No.101970213
    This one Ecuadorean kid in my 3rd grade class got up during reading one day and said in his Ecuadorean accent "Dees boooks, I do not want them anymore. They go now." and proceeded to throw them out the window. Everyone laughed. The teacher made the janitor get the books.

    A few days later, during reading again, the kid stands up in class and goes, "These book. They make my eyes hurt. I do not want these eyes anymore." and proceeds to try and scratch out his eyes. The teacher has to restrain him on the ground. We never saw him again after that
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:09:46 No.101970266

    Ha, ha! First the worst!

    Second the weapon!

    Third the TURD! (NO! I'm Third the GOLDEN BIRD)

    Fourth the uh... what? Dwarf?

    Fifth the uh...

    (And by that time everyone loses track of the entry order)
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:10:20 No.101970359
    Everyone got sick at our 6th grade camp. Either during or immediately after. They had no first aid area so people were hurling in the same room food was served. The food wasn't very good either... it was usually burned. Once the biscuits were so hard the metal forks couldn't pierce them. The bathrooms had no doors and almost no warm water. One kid shit in the shower at night because he thought it was the toilet and he didn't want to turn the light on.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:10:20 No.101970361
    I went to the best elementary school (public) this side of town - full of rich, white kids. I never saw a nigger until one transfered there in 5th grade.

    Anyway, in 2nd grade, I was friends with the only Latino in the entire school. She was a Satanist (at 8, which is still hard for me to imagine) and she was discussing it with me on the way to breakfast. Some Christfags came over and beat her up, screaming "LOVE GOD! LOVE GOD!" all the while. I watched.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:10:41 No.101970410
    I pissed my pants in first grade and walked around in the hot sun in the playground until they dried. Didn't go home and change, just acted like everything was normal.
    >> sage Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:10:46 No.101970425
    it's not that time
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:11:18 No.101970506
    my 2nd grade teacher cut off her finger while she was cutting a stack of papers on one of those giant paper cutters, I was standing right next to her.

    While everyone in the room helped her and got her an ambulance and shit, I was standing there laughing at the bitch because the day before she told my mom I had A.D.D.

    Fuck that bitch, I saw her at the science center like 6 years later and threw gum in her hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:11:32 No.101970545
    first is the worst
    second is the best
    third is the one with the hairy/treasure chest
    what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:11:34 No.101970550
    I totally shit my pants in the second grade. Big log, too. I was scared to shit in the bathroom. The stall didnt have a door and everyone could watch you shit. I wasnt down with that.

    Sat in it all day. The other kids complained to the teacher, and she told them to shut up.

    I dont think she knew what she was doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:11:55 No.101970612
    during the fifth grade i got pissed off at the teacher. Not because i hated her, she was nice, she was saying Cody while calling roll. TOO MANY FUCKING CODYS IN SAN DIEGO FUCK
    my teacher wanted to fuck me so bad too. she sent me nude pics of her constantly. She gave me a handjob and it stopped there cause she felt bad about it. Watcha gonna do i guess
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:11:57 No.101970617
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:12:45 No.101970742
    In kindergarten, we had reading time where my teacher would whip out a giant 3 foot book. She couldn't see anyone while she was reading the book. So while my teacher was standing up, me and my friend would go under in between her legs, and look up her skirt. I still remember seeing granny pannies to this day.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:12:47 No.101970751
    i was scared of the bathroom too, except i was scared of the fire alarms.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:12:56 No.101970775
    In 3rd grade, I punched this 5th grade bully in the kidneys a few times. I later saw him in the nurse's office, complaining about pissing blood.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:13:13 No.101970812
    the teacher next door to my classroom in 5th grade got fired for massaging his students.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:13:52 No.101970932
    7th grade two friends and I played "Marco Polo" at lunch instead of going outside, anything that got in our way was flipped or thrown. Chalkboard had to be replaced from multiple scratches and every desk including teachers was upside down and it's contents spilled.

    Never got caught :3
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:13:58 No.101970952
    this girl named heather used to finger her pussy in class and then smell her fingers thinking nobody noticed, sometimes lick them. this happened from 5th grade up until 8th grade.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:14:00 No.101970958
    got in a quarrel with another student, smashed his face into the card catalog in the school library
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:15:06 No.101971155
    I remember pissing my pants during circle-reading time. I was wearing green levi's that day. My mother came and brought me ugly ass 90's shorts with several colors consisting of blue, red, and white.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:15:42 No.101971240
    my grade 1 teacher called my stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:15:52 No.101971268
    underage b&
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:16:04 No.101971291
    i lol'd so hard
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:16:05 No.101971296
    I had long hair in elementary and I got mistaken for a girl more than once.

    Tried to go to the bathroom one day during recess and this stupid nigress bitch teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom.

    So I flashed her. "Who're you calling female -_-"
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:16:07 No.101971300
    in 4th grade i got together with my friend, shoved a pair of socks in my underwear, got on top of her (privately in my bedroom) and we pretended to have sex... lesbian hermaphrodite sex. looking back... kinda makes me quiver. in a bad way.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:16:19 No.101971334

    um... never heard it that way personally
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:16:43 No.101971393
    Once in 4th grade this girl peed her pants, and when her friend told the teacher the teacher got everyone out of their desks and said she was taking us on a tour of the new building (it had been built about a year before the incident). Pee pants and her friend stayed behind while we went around the school.

    I don't think anyone else noticed that someone had peed themselves, but by the time we got back to class everything was cleaned up and the girl had gone home.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:16:54 No.101971428
    My friend and I hated this one kid at school. So when we went back to grab out lunches, I shot a humongous dook in it. He didn't realize it until he put some of it in his mouth. Apparently he thought it was stinky chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:00 No.101971441
    when I was in first grade, there was this strange Australian kid named Russell who had a lightening bolt shaped scar on his head (this was long before Harry Potter was written however). One time for no apparent reason he punched a Chinese kid straight in the face, and the Chinese kid's eyes twitched a bit and blood started trickling out of his eye sockets.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:00 No.101971444
    I sharted my pants in 1st grade, pretended it didn't happen. Smelled like shit on the bus all the way home, but some one else got blamed for it WIN!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:09 No.101971472
    i have plenty. 5th grade>>101971155
    haha i pissed my pants too. we were dancing in class or something and the teacher wouldnt let me go to the bathroom, fucking bitch. noone remembered it though.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:14 No.101971488
    once in my first grade class this girl called our teacher a "butthole"
    that shit was fucking insane in first grade
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:19 No.101971503

    Can't I be born in 1990 and have really good memory? faggot.
    >> deleted 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:24 No.101971517
    Back when i was in second grade, and my sister was just not even in kindergarden, we just got some weird desrtuctive urges. So, One night, at an open house, we sneaked into the computer room, There was about 8 old ass apples (new technology at the time), we proceded to pour elmers glue all over every keyboard, filled every diskdrive, and filled every nook and cranny with this glue. then the same to the printers. We fucked up all the "newest" comps up. So the next day, when the teachers and everyone found out, there was a huge uproar, and my sister being the loudmouth she is, told our teacher we did it. So what ended up happening is that the principal at the time, coverd it up for us, spun it so some dumbass scapegoat kid got the rap, and we got away scott free.
    A big shout out, and a big thanks to Mrs. Roades for saving our asses
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:17:25 No.101971518
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    Kindergarden - took a dump in the bathroom, finished, wiped,pulled my pants up, then stood up.

    One second later I felt the heavy urge to make another poo. I quickly pulled down my pants to go back to the toilet but unfortunately my weak kindergarden ass couldn't hold it in - I went on the floor.

    I ran away from the scene in embarrassment. They had to shut the bathroom down for the whole day.

    Fuck yeah they never caught me though
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:18:23 No.101971673
    not really, i was born in 90 and i wore 90s shorts to school. Just because they say 90s doesnt mean they are old.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:18:53 No.101971753
    There was always someone smearing shit on the mirrors in the bathroom.

    I bet that person is here somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:18:56 No.101971762
    Whenever I'd get a hole in my jeans my mom would make me "cutoffs."

    Once I got a hole in the thigh region so I got sexy shorts.

    That same year I started gaining weight, so I had tight hot pants that showed off my pasty thighs.

    Since I was a gross kid I didn't shave my legs enough either.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:19:06 No.101971794
    you probably are stupid.

    your teacher was preparing you for your life.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:19:24 No.101971849

    this didnt happen cody.
    I was there
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:19:45 No.101971899
    My redneck friend at about over 9000 in a mostly white school asked one of the few Azns at the school why he always squinted his eyes.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:19:49 No.101971914
    In seventh grade, this boy named Yuriy asked my friends Brandon and Taylor what a "cock" was. They told him to ask Paige, a girl in our class. So he did. ...Retard
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:21:20 No.101972149
    Troll Detected.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:21:54 No.101972229

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:22:06 No.101972262

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:22:12 No.101972277
    i did bad on a test and didnt want to show my friend we were in line by the way . he pulled the paper from me to see my grade. i pushed him away and he stepped on the teachers foot and he fucking yelled out. i remember the teacher yelling at him. i never got caught
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:22:24 No.101972306
    Back in second grade, I remember I always felt it a hassle to take a dump in the bathroom. So I held it in. A LOT. Every now and then, shit would seep through my ass. I would then squirm around my chair for a little while so my ass cheeks would roll up the piece of seeped out shit (I wore superman whitey tighteys then that were shit stained with my previous shittings and wouldn't wash out). I would roll the piece of shit down my leg, and make a nice circular ball with my hands. I would then proceed to throw it at walls in the classroom, and store it inside toys, inside people's desks and once on top of my teachers desk.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:22:32 No.101972331
    In 6th grade one kid convinced another that "straight" means retarded... and kept saying "you're so straight" so of course he began yelling "I'M NOT STRAIGHT! I'M NOT STRAIGHT!"
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:22:51 No.101972349
    we had money bars at my school
    every fucking recess i would clim on them and hang upsidedown from them
    i would then do a half flip and land on the ground
    we called it "dead man's drop"
    this was like from 2nd to 4th grade
    shit was awesome
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:23:05 No.101972394
    in second grade a kid named brad pooped his shorts and was afraid to say it out loud so he kind of clutched the lump by his butt (no undies i guess) and tugged on the teachers skirt when she came around to our desks. she got pissed off and sent him to the office so a friend and i followed him by saying we had to go to the bathroom. he was kind of hobbling to the principal's office while clutching the turd in his shorts, the sad fuck. we snuck up behind that bitched and yelled 'boo' so loud he let go of the turd and it dropped to the carpeted hall's floor with a thud. my friend and i ran back to class lol'ing our asses off.

    6 years later my little brother told me that there was still a brown stain in the hallway
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:23:46 No.101972495
    we would beat the shit out of preppy kids near the coatrooms in 6th grade and when our principal would get pissed off, we'd throw planes at his bald spot where he tried to have a combover. In highschool I had his brother and shared my stories of torturing my principal and got laughter in return.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:23:48 No.101972508
    This reminds me. I knew this kid in junior high (sixth grade), Alex Fleming. In 7th grade at lunch, we were loling about masturbation. So, he asks us what it is. We're like "who cares, whatever."

    So, my friend Aaron and I call him over to our neighborhood to hang out on a saturday. Guess who got grounded for asking his super-catholic parents what masturbation was?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:23:50 No.101972514
    when I was really young, once I was mad at my grandma so I peed in her closet
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:23:55 No.101972526
    i remember my mom making me get cutoffs too : \
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:23:56 No.101972533
    It's circle reading time in kindergarten and I need to take a piss...

    "Can I use the restroom?"
    "No, you need to ask for a bathroom pass."
    "Can I have a bathroom pass?"
    "MAY you have a bathroom pass?"
    "Can I?? I really need to go."
    "You need to ask if you MAY go."
    "Never mind... Can I get my book from the music room?"

    I took a piss on the piano leg. Didn't get caught.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:24:02 No.101972549
    in 5th grade i told my teacher i wanted to kill myself lulz.
    >> deleted 12/10/08(Wed)00:24:12 No.101972581
    >>101972149 newfag
    >>101972262 fagfag>>101971794 you beswt be trollin nigga
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:24:44 No.101972660

    You are very wrong. This actually happened. The kid didn't respond, though. I told my friend later that some people are born that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:24:52 No.101972672
    My grade six class got a replacement teacher halfway through the year.
    It was her first teaching job.
    We made her cry. Many times.
    One of the kids in that class used to talk about how he was married to Oprah, and how they had sex all the time.
    I am not making this up.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:03 No.101972694
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:06 No.101972705

    >>101971753I did it to piss off the janitors
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:14 No.101972725
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:15 No.101972726
    one time in 1st grade i tripped next to the nigger kid in my class and my lunch money fell out of my change purse and the nigger kid stole it
    but i told on him and then he never came back to class after that day
    i hope he got dead in a drive by
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:21 No.101972741
    Whenever we had to stack chairs I would always take all of the chairs at my table and put them at some other kid's table so I wouldn't have to stack them. Eventually the kid complained, but didn't know who it was, so we were all kept after school for like 20 minutes until the teacher gave up.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:22 No.101972742
    in kindergarten we had an ex nun as a teacher named ms. mary
    everyone hated her and she hated everyone
    except me, i was the only one who didn't suffer her wrath
    to this day i have no clue why she never chewed me out
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:35 No.101972778
    This is a blatant lie.


    And this is disturbing. Born to be a fecal-freak.

    Enjoy your shit-smearing, scat lover.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:41 No.101972797
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:49 No.101972819
    I remember once me and my friends convinced some of the girls in our class that it was really cool to wear skirts with no underwear, and they actually started doing it.

    they got in shit for it, too, which was hilarious. they were crying. it was a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:25:50 No.101972822
    when I was in first grade, this little nigger kid came running up from behind me and pushed me and I fell right onto my face, and my nose started bleeding, he went to the office and started crying and I laughed at him
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:26:35 No.101972931
    >>elementary school

    >>grade six
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:27:29 No.101973086
    Oh shit I think I know who you're talking about! Did you go to Collins Intermediate and Knox JH in The Woodands, TX?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:27:35 No.101973102
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:27:37 No.101973105
    I used to play soccer in a kids' soccer league.

    After every game we'd walk by the other team and give them high-fives.

    There was a black kid on one team. I blatantly avoided giving him a high-five, because I didn't want to touch him.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:27:55 No.101973160

    Actually, it's the truth, it happened to ME, but I didn't want to say that...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:28:02 No.101973173
    Grade six is elementary school in some places. It was where I went to school.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:28:42 No.101973293
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:28:58 No.101973338
    When I was in Kindergarten this kid, Chase Demumbreum, used to always eat glue. He didn't care if it was paste, stick, or bottled. He loved the stuff. He never got to do any of the hobby time activities with the other children because of his "problem." After the fourth grade he moved away.

    He came back in ninth grade. He looked exactly the same as he did in Kindergarten except taller. Like someone just stretched him out. He could do this thing where he sucked in his stomach and you could see what looked like his spine. He also had what looked like a lot of psychological problems. And social problems. I'm pretty sure it was a cascade effect from all of the glue...

    Moral of the story: Don't eat glue. There's no way it can have a positive affect...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:28:59 No.101973341
    yeah, your just dumb.

    thanks for proving your first grade teacher right.

    good job.

    Enjoy being below mediocrity.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:29:05 No.101973357
    Fuck the Woodlands and fuck Houston. Fuck Texas. Fuck the Cowboys.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:29:16 No.101973388
    In kindergarten, these two girls took off their shirts for me in the coat closet during naptime. They were both fat, so they had training bras on. Nothing happened.

    Also, my fatass fifth grade teacher used to touch the boys' dicks. He had a table reserved for his "angel boys."
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:29:56 No.101973486
    WUT? My elementary school wasn't rich by a long shot.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:30:06 No.101973520
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:30:21 No.101973561

    Fucking red necks.

    Anyway, in 5th grade we had this fat Mexican friend. His name was Paul. (I'm Mexican too) It was at the end of the school year and we were supposed to go to a end of the school year party. One time my friend put his nuts on my other friends face while he was in the basketball courts laying down becuase he was tired. The fat friend, paul, decided it was funny to say "It's not like he was nipple raping him". Nipple raping. lmfao. Few days later this kid brian told. It was me, paul, jeff, brian, and this black kid named Joseph. Brian said that I was obsessed with raping, I said it wasn't true and the teacher believed me. In short, Paul didn't get to go to the party because he said nipple raping.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:30:29 No.101973579
    First day of kindergarden, me and a friend beat the shit out of a mentally handicapped 6th grader with out bookbags
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:30:49 No.101973620
    In my elementary school, the only criterion for being popular was to be good at kickball. We played that shit religiously at recess.

    p.s. I was fucking awesome at kickball
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:31:21 No.101973697
    its an anonymous imageboard.

    enjoy your compulsive lying.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:31:34 No.101973737
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:32:46 No.101973822
    whoa money bars?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:32:58 No.101973862
    Your friend's name was PABLO, spicfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:33:04 No.101973881
    In kindergarden, me and a bunch of other little girls stood outside at recess and showed eachother our VAGINAs.

    another little bitch told on us, we got yelled at.

    btw I'm a dyke now.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:33:12 No.101973908
    I lost my virginity in an elementary school parking lot. I was not in elementary school, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:33:25 No.101973953
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:33:41 No.101973995
    my 5th grade teacher was a bi-polar bitch, she was fucking mental, she always threw shit around the class room and made people cry, one day, me and my friend had a detention, and she left the room, and he went into her desk, picked his nose with her pencil, and put it back in the desk, I couldn't stop laughing when she was using it
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:34:11 No.101974088
    I remember in grade 4 there was this girl who had a boyfriend who was like, in grade 9, and he'd always hang around the school at recess and make out with her.

    Also I remember her being called to the office and leaving in tears one day, then us never seeing that guy again.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:34:14 No.101974095
    I used to ask to go to the bathroom a lot, i'd just go around the school and look for shit too do. The cafeteria storeroom was right by the downstairs bathroom, i'd just walk in there and steal all kinds of snacks all the time. One time i saw this brown glass bottle just sitting in there, i grabbed it and went into the bathroom and dumped the contents into the toilet, it started making a LOT of smoke. I ran upstairs into the classroom and the fire department got called. They asked me if i knew anything about it, and i denied it saying i was in the upstairs bathroom, i got away with it, but they wouldnt ever let me out of class after that.

    My brother stuck a paper clip into a light socket, and blacked out the whole school. He got the shit shocked out of him, and went to sit at his desk, still holding the paperclip (which was smoking), the teacher asked if he put it in the light socket, he denied it.

    My grandfather was janitor at the school for a while, i'd just go hang out at in the boiler room with him sometimes, and watch him drink whiskey.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:34:14 No.101974099
         File :1228887254.png-(169 KB, 820x1180, 6.png)
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    (this is me)
    Here's a comic I made of the event
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:34:24 No.101974126
    This summer I took a girl back to my elementary school and we fucked on the roof.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:35:36 No.101974288
    Oh yeah. Nevermind her name was Lindsey. Why would I care about the cowboys?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:35:40 No.101974302
    After laying a brick in the bathrooms, i would turn off the tap which refilled the part that holds the water for the next flush. this would usually result with the toilets becoming unusable due to the fuckin dirty ass swamp brewing in the bowl
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:35:44 No.101974320
    what was her name? i had a teacher just like that who taught 5th grade
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:02 No.101974366

    Hahahaha. omfg. fucking rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:06 No.101974378
    lolz...your grandpa was the janitor.

    enjoy being white trash.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:14 No.101974402
    In first grade me and my friends soaked toilet paper and threw it up on the ceiling. We did that so much. The ceilings were really high too. A normal ladder wouldn't be able to reach that high.

    Good shit.

    In second grade we took dumps in those urinals that go all the way to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:17 No.101974412
    In the fifth grade we took a field trip to this "historic farm house." My best friend was in front of me through the walk-through-the-house portion of the trip. One of the tables had some toys that the children used to play with. My friend picked up the little wooden drum with its little wooden drumstick and starting vigorously beating the drum. Everyone laughed. I was next in line. I walked over and picked up the drumstick. I held it for a second and looked at it. It was so old and fragile. You could still see the notches where someone had delicately taken the time to make it for their son or daughter to play with. I could imagine the joy on that little boy or girls face when they got it and how they used to play with it all day long.
    I tapped the stick to the drum head lightly, and the stick snapped in half and fell on the floor. The bitch behind me started screaming and ran to the owner of the house. She was furious and ban me from the house. My friend thought it was so funny. He kept laughing at me. I wanted to kick his ass. I still want to kick his ass...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:17 No.101974413
    there was this retarded autistic (I think) girl in our elementary school who used to always take off her clothes in the hallways, and teachers would have to chase her and restrain her, which was indisputably hilarious
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:31 No.101974452
    >> Allah Akbar 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:36 No.101974466
    i remember eating a SHITLOAD of candy a couple of days before Halloween and i was eating reeses and my friends were like CANDY! for breakfast!? and i was like REESES PUFFS CEREAL!! ITS CANDY, FOR BREAKFAST!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:42 No.101974482
    mrs reeves
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:52 No.101974508
    some dumbass named scott neslage stuck a paperclip into a 3-prong outlet where a vcr was also connected. teacher goes to unplug said vcr and gets the shock of her life.

    the kicker: she is pregnant.

    scott gets expelled.

    lol, internet
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:36:52 No.101974509
    In third grade, I was called to the office for humping the maypole/tetherball pole. I was watching Tom Green, and thought him humping a moose was so funny, I didnt really understand what it meant though.

    So there i am on the playground, humping this metal pole, screaming "IM HUMPING THIS POLE! JOIN ME" just fuckin gyratin. Not makin this up

    I cryed so hard i didnt get in trouble.

    kids didnt hang ou twith me after that.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:37:31 No.101974614
    Liam Cassidy
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:37:34 No.101974624
    in gym we used to have these poles for climbing.. Kinda like how most schools I guess would have ropes, we had poles.

    when i would climb then, i would get an orgasm feeling... it was so weird but it felt good.. i used to always complain to my gym teacher bout feeling like i had to pee when i climbed up the pole...

    it was so awesome tho, so i loved climbin it, but i never understood it..

    then i discovered masturbation, and had my first orgasm in like the 5th grade or so.. I was the happiest kid ever - i could get that pole like feeling at home!

    god i miss being able to cum without makin a mess :-/
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:37:49 No.101974665
    Wow, you're very good at art.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:38:28 No.101974778
    In like grade 5 me and a friend took dog shit on a stick and smeared it on the monkey bars at recess. lulz ensued.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:38:29 No.101974784
    In grade 5 i remember my teacher always going behind the artroom every thursday after lunch. Turns out she was smoking crack and was caught by the tough guy in our class
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:38:43 No.101974827
    In the first grade, I had a shitload of anger problems and so naturally a lot of kids hated me.

    One day, for whatever reason this girl was bugging me about something (which I can't remember). So I then proceed to choke her, but I don't remember choking her even immediately after the event. The reason I know now is I got in a lot of trouble.

    Needless to say, as a little 6 year old I was scared as shit and I didn't know wtf I did. At the time, I was convinced the little bitch lied and told the teachers that I chocked her, but a couple years later my friend confirmed the fact that he saw me choking her.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:38:53 No.101974856

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:39:02 No.101974881
    1st grade, my teacher was preggers, thought she was fat. gave her gut a good slap, sent home
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:39:05 No.101974895

    Who didnt shit their pants in grade school?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:39:45 No.101974997
    Epic thread is epic.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:40:17 No.101975088
    luke stanford
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:40:20 No.101975091
    fucking 18yos remember crazy bones?????
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:40:37 No.101975132
    I took a shit in a urinal in the first grade because the stall was occupied.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:40:51 No.101975178
    Someone lit the boys' bathroom on fire in my elementary school, too. Maybe. There were a number of rumors flying around about the event, so to this day I'm not sure that anybody really knows what happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:40:57 No.101975193
    in 5th grade we had "health" class, which was basically sex ed. The teacher was some dumb bitch who gave us all "health nick names" and shit, we all fucking hated her.

    There was this black kid Russel that would always fuck with her. She talked about how her husband had "passed away" and one day he told her he probably killed himself cuz shes such a bitch. Everyone in the class laughed as she cried.

    we never saw "Making Friends-McCarter" again.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:06 No.101975217
    Is feces the reason why we're on /b/?!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:06 No.101975226
    Was this in Hawaii? I had a kid in my class do that
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:33 No.101975268

    oh yeah and i forgot to mention, i told the teacher i had to go to the bathroom once after this discovery just to pretend like i was peeing in the urinal, when i really fapped.

    felt good man.

    i was doomed to being a /b/tard since grammar school i suppose
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:34 No.101975271
    Our bathroom had a skylight. I've never seen it without toilet paper clods stuck all over it. Usually with water, but occasionally piss. Also, the classrooms had sort of foam ceilings. If a sharp pencil was thrown just right, it would stick in it. There were holes everywhere from years past.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:39 No.101975281
    a girl got pregnant in fifth grade at my school. of course I didn't learn this until much later. everyone just thought she disappeared.

    also, at my school there were a lot of retarded kids. there was this one girl in particular who had Cerebral Palsy so bad she couldn't do anything but drool and wave her right arm around. We used to take turns "helping" take care of her in the special needs room. she had a FEEDING TUBE that went to her fucking stomach.

    Also she had a person who followed her around and did shit for her. In gym class we were playing soccer baseball (baseball with a big rubber ball you kick), and her assistant used to go up to bat for her and kick the ball, then run the bases by pushing her wheelchair. everyone pretended they were being all serious when this happened and wouldn't "out" her.

    also sometimes when the helper lady would hit the ball, she'd say "Wow! Great shot!" to the retarded girl as if it was something she'd done.

    Another retard in my school, a boy with cerebral palsy (in a different grade) used to have to go to the bathroom with his personal helper, and once I was in the bathroom when they were going, and heard his helper saying, "Is it in? Is it in?" And he was like, "Yeeah, i-i-it's i-in..."

    Creepy ass shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:55 No.101975328
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:41:57 No.101975335
    Thank you! :D
    Naw, his last name was Varz.... Vahrz.... some shit that started with a V. and from Urkraine
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:42:17 No.101975397

    What, discipline didn't fix what was obviously rooted in a much deeper problem?

    Good God, the entire elementary school system is flawed! How did nobody realize?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:42:37 No.101975460
    In 5th grade the entire class got rewarded a trip to an air show for completing DARE (I hope we all know what DARE is..).

    A plane crashed that day, and the pilot died.

    I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:42:45 No.101975484
    k so one time my sister also went to elementary schol and she was in grade 4 that time and i was in 6 and one time she gave me ablowjob and then my mom got scared and said you're movin with your auntie and uncle in bel-air!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:43:07 No.101975526
    Aw fuck me too! It was alway like, WHERE THE FUCK DO I GO IF I'M TAKING A CRAP?!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:43:39 No.101975613
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:43:39 No.101975618
    I was the bad temper kid, I used to throw tantrums and fling books and chairs around, I hit this girl with a chair once and she still gives me shit for it to this day.

    Also I got our bus driver fired for rough housing kids, like slamming em down in their seats n shit.

    And once, this dude called my friend a nigger so me and all my friends pissed in a bottle, threw it up on the school roof in the blazing sun for a few days, went up and got it and poored rancid piss all over this kids locker. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:43:41 No.101975622
    Those things were like currency. I still have my collection.

    shit was SO cash
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:43:43 No.101975628
    This girl nicknamed Abby was wearing a short denim skirt and she was not wearing underwear with it. I know because I saw and was like "lol whatever". But this other girl told me she saw too and started going "ewwwwwww" and so I ew'd with her, not knowing what was so "ew" about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:43:58 No.101975664
    When I was in third grade my teacher said Candlejack. Man, that shit was so c
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:44:04 No.101975680
    dude i had the same problem when i was a little kid. i would tell my friends about boners and sex, not knowing wtf it was exactly, and then they would go ask their parents. they would deem me a bad influence, and one kid and his family i swear to god moved out of the nieghborhood because of me (they were hardcore biblebangers of course)
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:44:05 No.101975683
    I remember there was this one girl who wouldn't shower at home, and she stank so fucking bad that the teachers started taking her to the gym to shower when she got to school.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:44:27 No.101975743
    It's really nice that you'd do that with the girl that had cerebral paulsy.

    And the last bit is weird...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:44:40 No.101975779
    When was in 5th grade i was one of those faggot patrolls with my friend, we took busses so our job was to escort the 1st graders to their buses. Well every day my friend and i left early because the class was always in gym. we would run in the class room and wreck their shit. we would flip over desks and take shit out of the teachers desk and put it in the students desks. well one day we took a HUGE stack of papers. most likely their report cards or some shit (it was the last week) and put them in a random desk, then started placing other peoples shit in that same desk. we run out rofling and the class arrives. we wait a bit and the teacher comes out and asks us to wait for the girl because she was in trouble. the bitch i hated was the one who got a yelling of her life. epic lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:44:56 No.101975821
    oh thanx.. See, there was a social retard named Yuriy Iskrenko at my school who would do pretty much the same shit. Yuriy Alexandreivich Iskrenko, he goes to Vanderbilt. I made a similar comic about him and a fake facebook much later.

    Good artwork btw.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:45:16 No.101975882
    holy shit, i had the same thing happen, except i used scissors.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:45:28 No.101975910
    everybody stole all of mine, but thats ok i had like 300 from stealin everybody elses...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:45:33 No.101975920
    One of my friends and I were chucking rocks at a pine tree to knock the cones down, quickly there after, the schools smells like shit all the time kid, gets hit in the head. Ambalance comes and takes him away, we lol'd .
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:45:43 No.101975943
    I never have took a shit in class for one
    To start,
    we were sitting in the first grade class doing Grammar, the most annoying of subjects. A kid named Max was given a "time out" 15 minutes on a little broken desk, he started yelling, and his time out was extended to 30 minutes

    He then ran out of the class holding up his index finger signing "number 1" and yelled, "I'm going to shut this school down!"

    And last week, because of our district budget cuts, little Max's dream has came true, the bad thing is he's addicted to oxy cotin now

    what a retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:45:45 No.101975949
    Me again.

    The school was old, like i said. The playground was all concrete and rusted old steel stuff from the 50s. The slide was probably 15 or 20 feet tall, just a ladder with a slide going down, no rails or anything. I used to climb up to the top, and grab onto one of the support poles and slide down it like a fireman's pole, i was the only one with the balls to do it, i was kinda the man back then. Then one day this goofy younger kid saw me do it, and he tried it, but he totally missed the pole and fell the whole way down, and landed square on his head on the concrete. That was the first time i ever seen anyone seriously injured, little girls were screaming, i was pretty stunned. The funny thing is his head was fine, he ended up breaking his arm somehow.

    One time i got held in at recess, me and the other bad kid in class, the teacher left the room, and we kind of lived just to annoy this guy, so we thought it'd be funny to climb out the window and onto the roof. He came back in, and started looking around for us, then he saw us out there, waving at him through the window and his face just went red. He dragged us in and proceeded to have a meltdown. I never seen a guy that pissed off in my life (thats saying something because i had a psychotic, abusive father). The guy was just shouting at the top of his lungs, and threw the one kid into a locker. Then he demanded that i copy the dictionary for him, i told him no way, he said he'd kill me if i didnt. Then the principal came in and took him outside, he didnt come back for the rest of the day, the principal taught the class. About a year ago that same teacher hanged himself on his daughter's playset in the back yard.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:46:11 No.101976018
    My friend Shane and I pissed into the radiator in the bathroom in the morning (it was an old catholic school) and when they turned that shit on, the 2nd floor smelled like Lucifer's dillhole.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:46:23 No.101976059
    at some point during elementary school I learned that if I talked about suicide and killing myself then I could get out of class
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:46:57 No.101976153
    One time in 5th grade, we had a teachers aid in the class. We were doing class work when this girl said "Hey Mrs. Dove, why are you always over here?"

    I then proceeded to say out loud, "BECAUSE YOU'RE UGLY". I then apologized afterwards.

    About a week later my teacher came back, I got my first detention ever.
    >> Medfag 12/10/08(Wed)00:47:04 No.101976174
    When I was in like 3'rd grade this kid would go into the bathroom and wad up toilet paper and stick it between his buttcheeks, and hop around the bathroom with his pants around his ankles and pretend he was a bunny. Strangely enough, this kid grew up and was like 4'th in overall class rank when we graduated.

    Another kid in the same grade would keep his pants at the waist down to about mid level and chase the other kids in the bathroom and rub his PENIS onto their clothes. I don't know what happened to him, I know he didn't move onto the next grade, so maybe he was committed. Ben, if you are for some reason in a straight jacket for trying to rub your PENIS onto an orderly, and scrolling /b/ with your tongue, WAZZZAAAAP.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:47:38 No.101976259
    My teacher in first grade died after 2 weeks from some disease. The substitute teacher we got was a 70 y.o suomi-whore who had a breathe which smelled rotten fish.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:47:39 No.101976260

    Who the fuck calls kickball "soccer baseball"?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:48:04 No.101976317
    dude 5th to 7th grade thatd be all i do.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:48:10 No.101976338

    lol i remember when i was a kid my friends would say stuff about masturbating - but i didn't wanna look stupid, so i never asked what it meant

    then we had one of those standardized tests, and my parents asked how it went - i was like "it was hard.. there were questions asking what words meant and i didn't know alot of them" and they asked "like what?" and i said "masturbate"

    an epic look ensued, which i was too young to appreciate, but brings me lulz to this day
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:48:53 No.101976475
    first day kindergarten i made the bus driver drop me off at the house i was being babysat at. i didn't know to get off when my friend got off. had the bus driver drive all the way around the hood and drop me off. shit was so cash
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:48:56 No.101976486
    Pog was really cool when I was in elementary school.

    Then Pog was outlawed at our school indefinitely because it was considered gambling and kids parents were complaining that their kids were going to school and coming home without Pogs.

    Some of us still played Pog but the whole "gambling" thing gave us a neat idea, and we started playing poker instead of "Pog" with our pogs, and using them as chips. That was fun. Fuck you, teachers.

    Also, I thought cigarettes were badass.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:48:57 No.101976488
    My friend in 3rd grade wrote "GIRLS SUCK" on the inside of his desk. The teacher saw it and forced him to go up to every girl in the class and apologize to them. I was laughing hysterically the entire time.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:49:22 No.101976565
    all through elementary school, i didn't have any friends, and i was convinced that the bathroom was haunted. so the ghost in there was my only friend, and i wished and wished that on my last day of fifth grade (just in case i got scared) the ghost would show himself to me.

    he didnt.

    i cried.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:49:49 No.101976652
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:49:53 No.101976669
    That sucks, man. They still make 'em, y'know!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:50:03 No.101976695
    I pissed on my 2nd grade teacher's dress while sitting on her lap during storytime
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:50:15 No.101976732
    No legal action was taken at least, because I didn't do much damage at all. Immediately after the event, I remember being in the principal's office and my parents being called. However, the principal nor my teacher wouldn't tell me what exactly I did. I was then sent back to class where everyone said nothing but pretty much just stared me down.

    Anyway for a couple of years I was pretty much alienated from the rest of the kids and such. The event fucked part of my childhood for sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:50:27 No.101976770
    My frirends and I coaxed our indian Friend to jump in a large mud puddle right before we were to take schoool pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:50:47 No.101976816

    >we were playing soccer baseball (baseball with a big rubber ball you kick)

    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:50:56 No.101976844
    I'm getting such a clue right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:14 No.101976903

    Vanderbilt's a pretty good school. At least he's intelligent.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:21 No.101976918
    yea they just came out with a new set in the uk
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:21 No.101976920
    I use to draw boobs on the back of my notebooks throughout 1st 2nd and 3rd grade.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:29 No.101976944
    childhood trauma so I don't remember elementary school. No really. I don't think I was really alive until 2002 and not really aware of reality until like, 2007.

    but I expect it would have been crazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:44 No.101976988


    I don't know why we called it "Soccer Baseball" but I never realized that's what "Kickball" is.

    Maybe it's one of those stupid Canada things.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:54 No.101977015
    for my 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade years.

    at the end of every year like the last week or so.

    i would go into the bathroom and took a fat shit in the urinal.

    no reason but to hear all the teachers and staff talk about me, and try and find out who it was.

    i should go back there now and do the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:57 No.101977022
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:51:59 No.101977030
    ahhh the memories lol
    when i was in 4th grade i convinced EVERY GUY in the grade that the way people were getting connected these days was to stick your dick up a girls butthole and piss in it.

    man i was a pervert.

    also there is no chance of anyone from my school reading any of these posts. heritage hall is a cesspit of elitist fucks.

    thats right i'm calling you niggers out.
    >> noko 12/10/08(Wed)00:52:16 No.101977082
    I stuck silly putty in this kid's rat tail.. his parents had to cut it off.. I had to write his PARENTS an apology because for some reason they really liked the pig tail and complained to the teacher.. fucking fags
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:52:45 No.101977163
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    Once, there was this mormon girl in my class named Amanda, and when we (the whole class) were reading the Declaration of Independance, we came upon the phrase "Manly firmness" in it (It's actually in there!) She didn't know why everyone was laughing. She was told.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:52:52 No.101977183
    i went to a really strict catholic elementary school and was always trying to find something fun to do
    I would bring shit to school, like yo-yo's, magic cards (i got in so much trouble for that shit), pogs, fingerboards, etc. After about a week I would see
    some other fuckers with yo-yos, pogs, etc whatever it was i decided to bring weeks before.
    of course, it being a a strict catholic school once it was popular enough it was permanently banned. i think this is when I started to hate people
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:53:00 No.101977198
    Year 4, I got the teacher fired for pulling my hair, I was an hero for the kids, fucking mean teachers.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:53:10 No.101977223
    I pissed my pants one time in first grade and it was gross.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:53:18 No.101977244
    Heads down thumbs up. Jeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:53:52 No.101977355
    In 3rd grade, this retarded boy, when he went to piss, would pull down his pants all the way, pull up his shirt, and stand a few feet away from the urinal and start to piss. one time my friend and i told him apple juice comes out and when he bent over to drink it, we pushed him and he smashed his head into the urinal
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:54:06 No.101977394

    That reminds me. I had anal sex with my cousin once when I was like over 9000, I didn't know girls had VAGINAs. I came back home and told all my neighbor friends that in order to have sex, you have to act like you pee but you don't.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:54:29 No.101977459
    I agree, he is a smart guy. In a way.

    In b4 you are his gay lover...?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:54:30 No.101977463
    My 4th grade teacher went under her desk, told everybody not to look.
    She took off her underwear while still wearing her dress.

    We never saw her again

    BTW she was at least 70
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:54:47 No.101977519
    My dumbass redneck 6th grade teacher called me an asshole because I made fun of pennsylvania one day (the state she was from)
    >> winnnnnar winrar 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:00 No.101977563
    argued with my teacher in 2nd grade, Mrs. Soderstrum, about whether the word "vast" existed or not. Dumb. Bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:05 No.101977579

    fucks yeah!
    illest game ever
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:16 No.101977614
    my teacher asked us to draw a "random shape" on a grid paper, and i just drew some random shit. she told me not to draw swastikas and got really pissed... i didn't know what the fuck a swastika was.


    that was grade four
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:22 No.101977632
    in grade 5 my whole class had this really bitchy substitute teacher that we all hated.

    one day it was REALLY fucking cold (I live in Winnipeg) and we saw a stray dog trembling outside. And we were all like, "aww! We have to let it in!" And our bitchy substitute was like "No, that's against policy," etc etc, really by no fault of her own.

    But we rioted and started calling her a bitch. Well, one girl started it (that chick was badass) and we all went along with it. Then our substitute teacher started crying.

    The Principal came to our classroom and reprimanded ALL of us thoroughly for our misconduct and forced us to each write letters of apology to our substitute teacher.

    I was the ONLY one who didn't realize the rebellion was at its end, and I wrote a really nasty letter.

    So I got in shit and was reamed out in front of the class the next day. I cried and cried like a little girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:26 No.101977644
    In kindergarten, my teacher would give students conduct demerits for going to the bathroom (we only had 2 chances per day, one at each recess). Well, my parents would get angry with me because every other day I would have a demerit. I told them it was because I needed to use the bathroom, but they thought I was lying.
    One day, I asked the teacher, "May I go to the bathroom?"
    She replied, "Of course, but you will receive a demerit."
    Knowing that I would be shouted at... again for having sub-par conduct, I said, "Never mind, I'll do something else about it."
    "What's that?" She asked, puzzled by my response.
    "You'll know... right... now," I said, with a grin on my face.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:38 No.101977677
    In 6th grade a girl got buttraped in the bathroom by three niggers. Yes, in the ass. By three niggerdicks.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:55:51 No.101977722
    I broke a big mirror with my friend's head. That was cool, blood all over the floor and a lot of mirror pieces together. I liked that.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:56:05 No.101977763
    it ws called that in my school too. probably is a canadian thing
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:56:07 No.101977769
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:57:01 No.101977915
    There was a guy named Lance in 2nd grade who had an amputated leg that was replaced with an artificial one. He usually got a lot of shit from other kids already but the teacher was a bitch too and picked on him. He needed to go to the washroom once but she didn't let him so he ended up peeing in the class and she even yelled at him for it. Then like a few months later she did the same thing to me, wouldn't let me go to the washroom and I peed myself. She was such a evil bitch.

    I think in 3rd grade or something I used to go over to my neighbour's house a lot. There was this 4 or 5 year old boy there that I used to play with and once I decided to show him my tits for some reason. Idek.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:57:04 No.101977921
    in 5th grade, a few people told this retarded kid to say fuck you. later on in the middle of class he screamed FUCK YOUUU. lolz
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:57:05 No.101977923
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:57:28 No.101977992
    first grade.
    I bit some kid in the arm.
    After that he started calling me vampire.
    He came to my house one day to try and harrass me.
    I stabbed him in the arm with a kitchen knife.
    What a douche, self defense ftw.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:06 No.101978118
    I remember once I got really mad at this kid and kicked the shit out of him, and then the next day they explained to me that the reason he was being so annoying is that he is autistic and doesn't no any better. So I got in CRAZY shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:26 No.101978178
    I forced Patrick at knife point to get on his bed. I did the same with Jason who I had noticed had pissed his pants. I said "Jason I know you check out your goddamn roomates ass all the time, maybe now is the time to hit that shit." Jason was shaking violently. "Vance goddamn I'm seriously going to puke now, please just leave and I wont tell anyone what happened, please..." I was laughing to myself. I held the knife to his fucking chest while gripping Patrick's throat.

    Me: "Take his fucking pants off."

    Jason: "Wha-"

    Me: Or you get it next.

    Jason (in tears): "Patrick, I'm sorry, goddamnit, goddamn.."

    Patrick: "No dude! Please! Bro, come on! You can take this fucker! Come on in high school he wasn't shit! Come on beat his punk ass!"

    I hit Patrick's temple with some goddamn dumbbell he had lying on the floor. 5 pound dumbbell, Patrick was a skinny fuck compared to me. Knocked him clean out. "Jason, he's all yours now. Get in there for the kill fucker!"

    Jason had actually puked over the front of his shirt now. "Dude..You are so messed up..please..please..."
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:41 No.101978227
    same, soccer baseball
    never realized that = kickball
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:43 No.101978233
    In 4th grade there was this asshole named Laurence who used to put me in headlocks and mock me. He always did this when teachers were not around and my friends were a bunch of pussies. My dad decided to teach me how to get out of headlocks, by shifting your bodyweight and throwing the other guy to the ground. ( I don't know how he knew this, the guy is a total wuss) Anyways, next time Laurence pulls his usually thing, I threw him on his ass and he ran off and hid in shame. I'm friends with him now and the son of a bitch still won't admit that I did that.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:48 No.101978254
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    what the fuck is wrong with all you niggers? 6th grade isn't elementary school


    gfto niggers
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:55 No.101978275
    Me again. My friend in 5th grade kept saying the bathroom was haunted and after one of those spring craft fair things in 6th grade, I remembered her words so clearly, I shat squares of masonry when one of the toilets started flushing itself and wouldn't stop. I have a fear of loud toilets too, and school toilets are loud as fuck here.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:58:57 No.101978280
    We had to fucking put on a play called the Elephant's Child.

    Oh, and going to see the seniors..... that place reeked!

    And.... motherfucking Ms. Duncan the music teacher. I never wanted to play the xylophones, but she fucking brought me up there and then she scolded me for my lack of skills.

    It took me 8.5 years to like playing music again.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:59:07 No.101978312
    fucking lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:59:08 No.101978315
    In elementary school this kid would always pull his pants all the way down when he took a piss, so another kid put his dick in his ass and peed in him.

    I'm not kidding, it sounds sick now but we all thought it was hilarious at the time.
    >> (b^.^)b 12/10/08(Wed)00:59:29 No.101978377
    first day of kindergarten (didnt go to no preschool), i was first in line to go into the classroom. some fatass named eric gray (funny i still remember his name) tried to cut in front of me, so (quite rationally) I socked him right in the grill. He had a bloody nose, and I spent the first 5 minutes of my public education career getting talked to.

    then there was the time i was playing 4-square and there was a controversy about a rule (probably line = in or out), and i got some kid so pissed he kicked me in the face. I went sobbing to the office, and then I got in trouble, because I must've done something to antagonize him. Verbal bullying, they called it. Fuck ms. carol the principle, she sucked
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)00:59:40 No.101978415

    Alrighttttt you caught Big Chief Brown Bottom..
    Teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom after asking several times. There was only about half an hour before school let out and she said i had to hold it. So what did i do? I fucking followed her advice went to the reading corner and soiled myself while sitting in the bean bag chair. Then she proceeded to come over and ask me why i wasnt getting up and leaving when the bell rang and i told her what happened. Bitch pretended like she had nothing to do with it and waited for my mom to arrive and lied to her and told her that i never asked. :(
    Haunts me to this day
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:00:15 No.101978520
    In 5th grade, I drew swastika's on all my class work assignments. I'm Mexican by the way and have posted at least 5 stories here. The one with flinging shit everywhere, and the one with my friend Paul not going to the end of the year party for saying "nipple raping". My teacher asked me if I knew what they were, I denied. I didn't know what it was, but everyone else drew them.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:00:23 No.101978541
    I thought I was really good friends with this older kid at my school. We used to play a game he invented called "Predator and Prey" where he'd chase me around and beat the shit out of me when he caught me.

    I was really young and didn't know any better, and I thought that because I was hanging out with older kids and they thought I was funny, that it was okay. What a bunch of assholes though.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:00:30 No.101978559
    Holy shit, that happened to me. Picture day and everything, and I was covered in mud because my friends convinced me.

    I'm not Indian though, I'm German.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:00:34 No.101978575
    hey i'm a winnifag to!

    also, we had this one sub where she would always give people the finger.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:00:51 No.101978633
    diff schools have diff systems, dumbfuck

    some are K-6, over 9000-8, 9-12
    one elementary school i went to was even K-8
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:01:35 No.101978755

    Which school did you go to?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:01:56 No.101978816

    OMFG some chick named heather did the same thing only it was in 3rd grade.... what school did you go to?!?!?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:02:13 No.101978863

    HO. LY. FUCK.

    i want to know who comes up with this shit. this is nasty even for a rape fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:02:30 No.101978914
    k whippersnapperfags, you might not know it, but middle school in the u.s. used to be JR HIGH over 9000-9
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:02:40 No.101978941
    only fail school systems have that shitty way of thinking
    >> (b^.^)b 12/10/08(Wed)01:03:08 No.101979029

    not trolling. K-6, over 9000-9, 10-12. that way there are no freshman. pretty gay i know


    dude, even as a kid myself i lol'd at the boys who pulled everything down to their ankles at the urinals...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:03:18 No.101979056
    same poster
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:03:30 No.101979084
    we had a deer bust through the window of my second grade class and totally lose it's shit in the classroom.

    This unfortunately happened about an hour before school started. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:04:08 No.101979186
    5th grade, wore a T-shirt that said 'All This and Brains Too' implying that I'm a fuck awesome person and clever as well.

    My teacher took it as 'Large, early developed titties and brains too.'
    The bitch.
    I had to go to the school nurse and put on one of those icky gross spare t-shirts that they keep for kids who have 'offensive' clothing.
    It was mortifying.

    ...at this point in my life, I wish I had that shirt, because it being taken either way would be great. Hell, the rack is good enough :3
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:04:18 No.101979218

    no that depends if your area has middle school (6-8) or junior high (over 9000-8)
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:04:57 No.101979332
    in fourth or fifth grade my friends and i would pretend to smoke opium. we had no idea what the hell opium was but the teachers got mad when we did it, so of course it was fucking awesome to do. that must've been where my drug habit began.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:05:06 No.101979361
    I was a latchkey kid, so I used to get dropped off early at school and have to chill with all the scummy kids of my school. One time this retarded girl (downsyndrome I think) started chasing me around trying to kiss me. I never went back.
    >> 12/10/08(Wed)01:05:17 No.101979395
    When i was in grade 1 i got in a fight with a friend because he thought the "deathstars" laser from starwars was red instead of green...

    this is how it went down.

    Argument then i pushed him over and started throwing my hands at his face *not clenched fist because i didn't know how to fight* he was laying on the ground crying then i got up and started walking away... when some older kids on the jungle gym said "GO BACK AND BEAT HIM UP HE STILL WANTS TO FIGHT" so i grabbed a rock that was near the mary-go-round and i walked over and started smashing him in the face repeatedly with it over and over while i was crying.... everyone on the playground didnt make a noise... they just stared at me while i walked to the field.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:05:44 No.101979482
    You know the rules, cunt. Tits or GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:05:48 No.101979496
    we went to a camp in grade 5 somwhere for a few days. anyway one time i was psisign in a urinal, this fuckin wood tick jumps on my dick head! fuckin gross i'm still scared of those things.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:06:04 No.101979537
    me and my "gang" got it in our minds to beat this one kid up at recess. This was only 5th grade....and our idea of beating a guy up was just chasing him around the playground....that was it. Well...there was this new kid, we let in on the "Beating", i later learned he was a fucked up trailer park kid (who grew up to be a meth addict, rapist, and robber). Well...we start chasing this kid around, and kind of herd him to the crazy kid, and this fucking guy just unloads on him.

    I mean, he punched him in the face, started pummling him, kicking him in the face and sides. I mean we were only 9 or 10, didnt even occur to us that you could actually hurt someone like that. It was probably the worst beating (and the first) i've ever seen, he was just like a crazy machine gun throwing punches and kicks, and all his shit was landing clean too cause the other kid had no idea how to defend against that.

    I dont even remember how the beating stopped, but the kid that got beat up had to leave in an ambulance, the other kid got expelled. The kid's who got his ass kicked, his fucking parents drove to all me and my gang's house and made us apologize to him. He was out of school for like 3 months, he had a couple broken bones and a ruptured kidney.

    The fucking maniac kid would come back every now and then, usually do something to get suspended or expelled (apparently expulsion only lasted a year at our school) the first couple days he was there.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:06:22 No.101979593
    Fantasy? ....hahahaha.

    More like lightly fictionalized reality.
    The guy's name is Vance.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:06:48 No.101979658
    Shit bro, I feel that.

    Back in the day, here's how recess broke down -
    1 and 4/5
    2 and 3

    K AM and K PM worked in randomly about twice a day.

    In first grade, these two older kids, total faggots, were chilling by this plastic tube thing. It's one of those things where it's just a clear plasitc tube about 6 inches off the ground you crawl through i guess, and they were like "wanna play 'hostage,'" and not knowing better, was like "sure what's that?"

    Faggots slammed me into the tube and blocked off both ends. Kicked one of them in the nuts and fucking bolted.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:07:04 No.101979708
    holy shit i just remembered something.

    at about age 4 or 5, i remember my parents would be loud as fuck at night when they were fucking (i cringe thinking about it)
    anyway because i was 4 or 5 i didnt know what the fuck it meant, but i realized that it sounded just like how women sounded having babies on tv (moaning and screaming and shit).

    so one morning i asked my mom:
    "are you having another baby?"
    her: "lol why do you ask that sweetie?"
    "because i hear you and daddy at night"

    (probably not exact words, but probably extremely close)

    she proceeded to have the biggest WTF stare for the next 2 minutes. didn't even answer me.

    i never heard them fucking again.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:07:07 No.101979714
    me and my friends invented super heroes and wrote comic books to go along with them.

    we took it really seriously and invented at least two years in it, refining their storylines, explaining their origins and their super powers.
    >> Monkeyfetus 12/10/08(Wed)01:07:24 No.101979757
    One time, in fourth grade, a dust devil started in the playground. It was more of a wood-chip devil I guess. But it was really cool because we were playing with paper airplanes at the time. It randomly spawned around this one kid, then went through the playground. After it left the playground it hit an old lady, then it ran into the building and died. Everybody ran through it throwing their planes and getting pelted with wood-chips.
    >> deleted 12/10/08(Wed)01:07:47 No.101979820
    k-5 or k-6 depends where you are douchebag
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:07:47 No.101979821
    my principal was a sadistic bitch. After a teaching assistant framed me and 3 other kids for kicking book bags she stuck us infront of the class and yelled at us. When I didn't cry like the other two she got even madder at me. Then I lolled at her. I got in so much fucking trouble but it's worth it since I can lol at that every time I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:08:45 No.101979992
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    We were waiting for snacks and for some reason I stood up. Everyone was yelling n shit so when he turned around he saw me standing up and told me i was acting like an animal. I got pissed and knocked over his tray of snacks. +my mom yelled at him lolololol

    He died of cancer 2 years ago.

    pic not related. i just love her ass
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:08:51 No.101980002
    in elementary school, we had a french program where kids had classes in french and were seperated from the rest of the school for the whole day accept for recess. we used to have epic soccer and kickball games, the "french fries" against the "apple pies"


    stupid french fries.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:09:19 No.101980089

    another one:

    whilst in the movie theater watching "lady and the tramp" at age 4 or so, there was the scene where one of the dogs gets run over or some shit.

    everyone in the audience proceeded to gape in shock and sadness, while i proceeded to stand up on my chair, point at the screen and yell "HE'S DEAD!"
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:09:31 No.101980119
    Our area had K-6, over 9000-8, 9-12.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:09:49 No.101980170
    4th grade teacher got pissed off at this kid took his stuff and just chucked it out the window made him go outside and pick it up too(later that year a kid put a pencil under him when he sat down and he had to go to the nurse to get it removed)
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:09:50 No.101980175

    >>Faggots slammed me into the tube and blocked off both ends. Kicked one of them in the nuts and fucking bolted.

    Seems like part of this story is missing...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:09:51 No.101980177
    In 4th grade, we and this chick decided to start a business selling cigarettes made out of rolled up binder paper. We sold them to this Mexican/White hybrid of a child, for $1. When my teacher found out, she found a shitload of binder paper rolled up cigarettes in our desks. Then this vietnamese kid beat out business by making fake cigarettes out of brown construction paper. Then the teacher caught all of us once again, and took us outside and explained to us that the tobacco industry was to blame.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:10:04 No.101980214
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:10:22 No.101980250
    my first grade teacher Mrs. Fergison sucked my dick
    >> Anonymous 12/10/08(Wed)01:10:31 No.101980278
    1st: Learnt that I was the only Anglican kid in a Catholic school. Also, IQ test. They were way way harder on me after I did it, turns out I was super gifted.
    2nd: Got excluded from all the sacraments but no one else in the class really really cared, got fat. Got made fun of for being fat. Essentially, this made me a doubleloser because I was Anglican and fat. Got punished for saying something uppity/saying something that Anglicans do instead of Catholics, had to read the whole Bible. King James version. Took a month. Understood it only very superficially, ignored Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Never told my parents, I don't know why. It was really wrong of them to do, in retrospect. Joined the track team to prove I could still run fast. Ended up still failing against like, the over 9000 other kids that joined, they were fast. Could beat any of the other kids in the grade after that though, they didn't make fun of me for being fat after.
    3rd: Some fucker framed me, said I hit him when he just hit his head on a shelf and didn't want to look stupid. Teachers got way harder on me after this grade, I was doing no homework but getting perfect on every test. She liked me though, she thought it was kinda funny. Still did track.
    4th: Hated the teacher, she was very hard on me because I was Anglican. One day I tried to make her look dumb when she challenged us to find words she couldn't spell. I said to spell acetylsalicylic, which I had learn from my mom, who was a nurse. She punished me by making me read the whole dictionary. Oxford Concise. Didn't tell my parents about that one either. Read it in 2 months, made my teacher look foolish several more times that year. Took up shotput. Started serving in my church, because my aunt made me. Liked it though, the priest was a very nice man, helped me through going to a Catholic school because I was getting picked on so much.

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