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What kind of job pays at least $10/hour, doesn't require any previous skill or a degree, and that has a significant amount of down-time? I need to save money to prepare for moving out of my folks' place, but at the same time, I wanna be able to practice my art as much as possible.
>>12714655 (OP)
If you can type fast, you can get a data entry job that pays almost that or just that.

Just go through employment agencies and advertise your words per minute and whatever the equivalent to wpm is for the num pad.
drug dealing, buglary, playing russian rulette.
The jobs that don't require previous skill are usually bad payed or require a lot of work. Easy well paid jobs are usually illegal.
my friend installs credit card machines. He makes about 20 an hour. If you're in college work in the library sitting at a desk, or any department sitting at a desk. The kids that work in my school's library sit around for 8 hours a day and maybe answer a question every four hours or so.
Satan trips.

Also I'm actually dropping out of college, been miserable with the business program so I'm done. I just wanna find a job that can pay the bills while I live with one or two roommates so I can practice art as much as possible, eventually take a weekend class or two, and someday manage to make a little money off of my work.
I make $10/hr doing customer service at a grocery store. Loads of down time. I'm standing here browsing 4chan on the job as we speak.
Good luck with that.
customer service at a grocery store? I still have a job on the weekends doing customer service and I'm always busy, cleaning messes, stocking shelves, organizing product, helping customers, etc. Do you mean at like a customer service desk for returns and questions?

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