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I was wondering if I could get a job in the non-profit sector by volunteering full time. I basically need a job to do when I'm not in college and living expenses are covered by my parents for now.

I'm interested in doing volunteer work none the less, but if there's a way to land a job out of it I'm very interested.
peace corps/americorps
Is it possible to participate in that and stay local? I already registered for college here.
no he's retarded
peace corps is a HUGE commitment
you join and get sent away to some foreign country in buttfuck nowhere for a few years

volunteer at the red cross or salvation army or good will
Actually, Americorps is the local branch. Those seem like good suggestions too.
shut up fag. he asked how to get a job in the non-profit sector by volunteering full-time.
a summer job isn't full-time, so i assumed this faggot meant after college.
me again

Or do an internship with a local non profit or something.
You think I could get a job by doing that? My friend worked at a hospital like that, and she said they just turned people right out.
Akshually, I was listening to an NPR broadcast about this a few weeks ago.
What kind of nonprofitty job do you want? that will depend on what kind of experiences you gain now.
My basic advice is to do some 'meaningful' volunteer work in the general area that you want to learn about/work in.
In my particular area there are a lot of museums, so even volunteering at the museum, or the library, or the anywhere shows you are willing to work hard for a cause-type thing.
Well I'm going to school to be a teacher. While I'm still in college I'd like any job to be able to pay for myself, really. I guess an education oriented volunteer or job position would look good on my resume.
It depends on the non profit. A lot of non profits hire interns at my school, and I'd assume some of them would offer full time jobs to the interns if they like them. The more skilled the internship is the better your chances are. Regardless it'll get you good experience, and you'll be able to network among people that work in non profits.
do tutoring or teaching inner city kids stuff
I tried to get into museums through volunteering alone but I had to give up after about a year. That's not to say it's impossible but given the current financial situation it's not going to be easy. I'm sure if I'd stuck at it a bit longer I might've landed something eventually but I kind of needed to focus on earning money and being able to pay bills and not starve. From my experience I'd say your best bet to getting a job is focusing on small organisations, such as a local history museum.
I live in Camden County, New Jersey, so I could probably bus to some after-school thing.

Museum doesn't seem like the environment that hires/fires many people.
Some museum where I live is hiring interns for like ten different positions.
substitute teacher, part-time tutor. here tutors get paid more than subs, ironically
seriously, you can make a lot tutoring if you find the right place.
i can charge retards $40 an hour, but it's few and far between.
i got a job tutoring with the college at first, 8 or 9 bucks an hour, supplement that with some private tutoring for X amount whatever you can charge
Will people accept a tutor with an associate's?
if you're smart at the subject, there are a lot of web sites you can list yourself for free, etc
try applying at the local school district to be a sub, they also have summer shit going on, you can work on the days you have no class, etc.
OP, the route you're discussing is how I got my current gig at the Boys and Girls club. I had to complete an internship for my Bachelors, and they liked me after I finished volunteering and brought me on.

The pay is shit, but if you make a good impression and kiss a little ass, you'll get in.
I'm not that guy but I tutored my junior year (for pay) 9.50 to tutor in my university's academic achievement center. My friend subs and she's a junior. He's right private tutors can charge like 20-80 if they can find clients. They have adds trying to find tutors for the inner city kids and the qualifications are like the bare minimum for non retardation.
good advice. thanks, man.

Will a standard public school accept someone saying they've only got a few days available?
i don't know how it is up wherever you are, but you don't really put your 'availability' when you apply. if so, just lie
here, people are sick or absent, so you basically go online to a web site and do a certain day, so even if you had only tuesdays available all semester, you could try to get a job every tuesday

this basically helped me figure out of i wanted to be a teacher, which i didnt, so it might crush two pheasants with one stone.
>I was wondering if I could get a job in the non-profit sector by volunteering full time.
Sounds pointless if you don't get paid for it. Stop trying to go through th back door.


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