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Sup /adv/,

Am about to do 48 hours, in jail for first time.
More concerned about boredom than anything else.

What are some good ways to kill time?
offering handjobs to other inmates is a good way to pass time
Not get raped.
Work out, read books (if allowed), meditate
Plan your escape
OP Here

Going to small county jail in Iowa. Safety not a big concern.

Can't bring reading materials, but they can be ordered. I don't think there will be time for it :(
id probably just think about why i was there and what i could do to not go there again
How long, OP?
Take sleeping pills just before they go to take you in. You can sleep off a good chunk of those hours right away.
nvm i'm an idiot for not reading.
48 hours is piss easy.
Just sleep through it and read some.
jerking off, reading if you can get access to a book, meditating, sleeping, exercising...

Yeah, or LSD.
It's boring as fuck and smelly people.

Just close your eyes and hope no one touches you.
>How long, OP?
48 Hours
>Take sleeping pills just before they go to take you in. You can sleep off a good chunk of those hours right away.

I really like this idea actually.


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