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My mom has cancer and I'm pretty sure she won't survive it. My dad is an unemployed drunk, he's sober right now but there will be no one to keep an eye on him once she is gone. I'm the only source of income for my direct family and my grandparents (they live with me). My brother is a senior in HS and I think I'll be paying for his college too because, well, there's no one else.

I had to drop out of college to get a job. My entire income dries out in medicines, rent, services, food, etc. If I'm not working, I'm studying. if I'm not studying, I'm thinking (crying) about my mom. If I'm not thinking about her, I'm playing video games to release some stress.

I feel like I'm not enjoying the best years of my life; early 20's, virgin, no friends, balding, you know, the usual. I feel like I don't deserve all this shit, that I should be out there meeting a cute girl, falling in love and kicking my grandparents out of my apartment to experience what's it like to live alone, that I should be wasting MY money on ME. And I feel like shit for thinking like this. My mom is the one who's going through all that pain and fear, she's the one who should be acting selfish not me, yet she tries her best to be useful and not a bother. My gramps are practically dead weight now but my family owes them a lot, giving them a roof over their heads and food on the table is the least I could do.

Opinions, any kind of advice will be appreciated.
>>12766672 (OP)
>I feel like I'm not enjoying the best years of my life

This is a matter of opinion really; any time can be the best time of your life.
and i'm my opinion I'm not enjoying it much.
>>12766672 (OP)
>paying for brother's college
lolnope tell that fag to figure it out himself
You could always think on how other people have it worse.
Leave everything behind, escape to Canada and start all over again? I don't know anon.

Are you sure you want to sacrifice yourself for everyone?
>>12766672 (OP)
your brother can get financial aid and loans to pay for college.
especially if his legal guardian is gonna be dead soon, and your dad is a drunk with no money, he can file as an indepedent and get financial aid.

let's just pick scenario b. say you kick out your grandparents, don't support your drunk dad, and your mom, and your brother.

what girl is going to want to date you when she finds that out that you wanted a stress free life of living alone in an apt.
and why the fuck is the four grown adults dependent on your income?
they should be getting some sort of food stamps, government help, housing assistance, light bill assistance, medicaid or some kinda shit motherfucker.

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