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K, I'm staying at a place for a few more nights but I have only one or two options, sleep on the floor next to the couch and still possibly get eaten alive by these damn fleas, or stay on the couch, where I can sleep and not be in pain for my two jobs that I have in the morning but be covered in these disgusting bite marks. I'm so itchy and it's creeping me out a lot. How do you quickly get rid of bug bites and should I man up and sleep on the floor?
Pic is what I wish I could sleep on right about now.
>>12755846 (OP)
get some adams flea spray and spray the fuck out of the couch
>>12755846 (OP)
Sleep on the couch. I have flea bites all over me right now, it sucks but they dont last long
I'm hoping they don't, they're getting my arms and neck so I look like a damn crack addict.
It's not my couch or my house...will notice? They're being nice enough to let me stay for free right now so I feel like it would be rude if I was all "hey, your furniture is too fucking disgusting for a hobo to sleep on even" :/

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