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I need help. My father has just been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and will be getting chemotherapy soon. I'm jobless out of high school and have only one friend and he's joining the marines in November. I have anxiety and depression and it has gotten worse over the past few months due to all that is happening to me. I take Prozac pills that have 40mg in them a day but I feel like they do nothing for me, my doctor even said to me that was a miniscule amount. How should I deal with all this? In what was can I cope with this and take my mind off all the stress.
Do you get therapy or just go to your GP for pills? Sounds like you could use going to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

1. Higher dosage of pills, if they don't work, try something else like Setraline (Zoloft)
2. Start applying for as many jobs as you can
3. Get some exercise - go for a walk once a day, then if you can manage it start lifting
4. Hang out with your friend as much as you can before he leaves for the marines
5. Hang out with your dad as much as you can, support him
Well you're going to have to accept that your father will die of cancer. My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarium cancer and she died 2 years later.
Yes there's a chance he'll survive, but getting your hopes up will make the blow harder.
Sorry to be so negative.

As for the Prozac, ask your doctor if he can prescribe more/something else. Just talk with him about your issues, he'll help. He should also send you to a psychiatrist. Talking about your anxiety will help a lot.
Try to get close to your friend before he leaves, it'll hurt to lose him but it won't be better if you faze it out even though it might seem like it, you'll need someone as long as he's around.
Try to make new friends in the meantime, and get your find off things. Obviously try to find a job, spend your time on that. Also spend your time with hobbies, and that's 'outside' hobbies, don't game your stress away (if you become a neet you'll never get out anymore).
Do some stuff you really wanted to do, fulfilling some dreams will make you feel much better. I'm sure you have something or somewhere you want to go.
I've considered suicide due to all this
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As >>12755297 said, the best thing to do is to face the truth as harsh as it might be. After that you should try canalize all that drustration into something such as running, boxing, breaking thing, playing vidya, painting, etc. After that you should start getting your mind clearer and you can start to plan ahead.
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>>12755252 (OP)
I'd bail on the prozac and all of that. Go green.

Yeah, sounds hippy-ish, but It'll help you loads right now. But getting more drugged up from the doc will be more harmful and make you more zombie-like.

I've been through my own hell, the only way I got through is tilting my head down and walking forward....looking around just reminds you how bad shit is. 1 foot in front of the other....baby steps.
You just have to get through it, that's the only advise there is. Pills can help, but it won't make it all better. You have to come to terms with reality. Which fucking sucks, I had to do come to terms with knowing my father would die when I was eleven, so, at least you're a bit older than I was. Take solace in the time you have, spend time with him, and deal with it. It's all you can do. That's literally it.
And by the way, you have to spend time with him. I know you think you understand death, but you really don't come to terms with it until it happens. Once he's dead, he's gone, forever. There's no coming back, there's no more time to have.

I'd give fucking, a shitlaod, so much, to shake my fathers hand as a man, and tell him I love him, but that will never happen. Ever. He'll never meet my girlfriend, he'll never see my kids, he'll never see me succeed in life, I can never talk to him about a problem. You have to make the most of it, I can't be anymore cleat about that. You have to.

I know none of this is making you feel any better, but you have to understand.
Those feels, man...

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