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I didn't know where else to go. I don't get why i feel so guilty about not wanting to go out with my family anymore. A little background info here, i'm 20 now going to community college and work a job. I still live with my parents and my little sisters, of course like normal people they want to go out all the time together as a family. I feel like i'm an independent person, i never wanna go out with my family anymore. They aren't necessarily bad people, they aren't boring either, I just don't like that idea of me going out with my family for some reason. I'd rather sit at home and do nothing then spend time with them or even go out to see my friends. I feel like i'm a horrible person for not wanting to spend time with them, but then at the same time I find comfort refusing to go out with them because i already see them everyday where i live. They love me very much but i really feel like I need to be detached from them, and i just hate feeling forced to either feel bad or go out with them. I don't hate my family or anything, i just don't like going out with them to places.

tldr; i don't go out with my family as much as i used to and i don't really like to, am i a bad person? Does everyone go through shit like this?
Yeah, you're fine. I don't do things with my family too much either. But every now and then we do something together like go to the movies. As long as you do things every now and then with your family you should be fine.

Yea they don't seem to care as much as I do honestly, they understand that as i grow up then things change, i'm just tired of justifying reasons why i need to feel so bad i guess

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