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How does one have a mysterious personality? Can someone help me out with this?
just don't tell everybody everything

be cool
>>12665841 (OP)
Like what can I do yo be more unreadable. To be more unknown.
Having a "mysterious personality" is being an awkward beta but also good looking. Same with "strong silent type", though the look is probably a bit different.
only a bitch would say this.

OP im a god at this. Heres what you need to know.
-never reveal your plans or intentions
-practice answering things vaguely
-be subtly unpredictably
-say less
So just be less open basically?
Could you give me some examples of a vauge answer?
Also, give joke answers. It makes people laugh AND obfuscates what you're really up to, which makes you both mysterious and attractive.

"What are you up to this weekend?" "Oh, I thought I'd do some shopping, sort my ostrich collection...the usual."
what do you do for a living?
>i dont like to talk about it
or >i keep myself busy

what are you doing later
>something i need to take care of

just use your imagination
i always answer things to make me sound a little important. Key is to be subtly. NO ONE can ever find out your being enigmatic on purpose or its ruined
But seriously.
>>12665841 (OP)
Be moody
>>12665841 (OP)
Why do you care? Did a girl tell you shes only into mysterious guys?
What if they find out, so what?
Also that is for the examples have anymore?
Read the 48 laws of power ! (Google it)

It makes you act and think different. You wanna be mysterious read that book.
No I already have a gf, I'm just trying to not be so open/find out who really wants to get to know me.
>>12665841 (OP)

Don't have a FB account.

Act more than you speak.

Don't ever talk about yourself.

Do funny shit and walk away before somebody can ask you questions.
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...and be good-looking.

Otherwise, you're just a nutball.
Being mystery is ruined if its intentional.
It has to seem natural.
No one has ever figured out i fake it.
But i do it so much iv been asked MANY times why im like this.

Why are you always to distant? far away? enigmatic? mysterious?

i came up with such a genius answer.
short, sweet, and adds to it all.
look them right in the eye
>i dont know what your talking about.

maybe some other time
Wait what? You have a gf but want to find out who wants to get to know you? Wtf
How to be mysterious:

Be a charismatic guy (meaning people want to know more about you), but dont tell shit to anyone.

A mysterious guy is someone people are interested about but dont know much.

So, if you are boring, you are not mysterious, you are just a guy no one gives a shit about
Just Googled it, is there a way I can find the whole thing online.
Like friend wise. I just moved to a new state, lost a lot of friends. It makes sense to me lol.
It means limiting exposure to yourself but giving 200% of yourself in actions during that small frame you're visible. No talking.
only guy in here knows wtf hes talking about
How can one be charismatic and mysterious?
Are you sure youre not just looking to attract other bitches as well as prevent them from knowin you have a gf?
If you want to be interpersonally exploitative, be my guest and listen to the guy.
>samefagging cause youre getting ignored
same guy thats been giving the real advise in here.

Google charisma and start reading.
Iv read everything there is to know about it online.

and 2 books. It takes practice but its learnable.
>implying anything he said was wrong.
Well OP?
Yes I'm sure. Its not hard to attract a female, I just want to change my personality now that I'm starting over in a new state.
>>12665841 (OP)

You'll just end up looking like a massive beta in every conversation and social setting. Imagine talking to someone who doesn't talk a lot, gives vague answers, and gives off the vibe that he doesn't care. PEOPLE WILL THINK THAT GUY IS A FUCKING AUTIST BECAUSE HE CAN'T HOLD A NORMAL CONVERSATION. Unless you have the aesthetics of Brad Pitt, you can't pull off the "strong and silent/mysterious" persona.
But why? Admit there is some motive to this, no guy moves to another city and wants to be perceived as mysterious just for the sake of? You have social anxiety or acceptance issues?
I am often told to have a "mysterious personality". I think it's all about being shy without being insecure.
It also depends on how you present yourself. If you do it well, people think it's "mysterious personality". If you don't do it well, people will call you the dude with the "creepy and weird" personality.
That's cool. It means you're actually attractive to someone. :)
>>12665841 (OP)

I have a mysterious personality. I developed it as a child because I would extort information from others and use it to gain advantages over them.

My dad often said I had "the mind of a politician" and he was the only one to have ever figured me out, because I learned from him.

It's not something you can accomplish over night. It takes literally years. You must CONVINCE yourself, or others won't buy into it.

If someone asks; What are you doing tonight?

And you reply;

>Eh, something I've got to handle.

People are going to assume you're up to no good. You've never "got to handle" good things, only bad things.

>Eh, something I've been putting off for to long.

People will assume you're lazy and irresponsible. A keen, upstanding person is not the type to be "putting off for to long.".

>Eh, something that's been bothering me.

You are now a depressed attention seeker. People often say sentences like that in order to lead others into question further. So instead of "opening up" they are "questioned". The longer you play that one, the more pathetic you appear.

>Eh, just some things.

Now you seem goal-orientated, mysterious, and attractive. "just some things" is vague, VERY vague. But it shows collective insight and planning, meaning coordination.

You can't just pick sentences. You must understand them; their meanings. You must understand how others will perceive their meanings, as well.

The best way to tell a lie is by telling the truth.
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b ratatosk
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Be very... random.
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Ask this guy.
>>12665841 (OP)
You cannot learn how to be mysterious, at best you could have a temporary change, but that would require a radical trigger. Being mysterious is a natural thing, not something you can force. But then you also have to take into account that one persons "Mysterious" is another persons "Clever".

Take me for example, I've always been told im mysterious and whatnot, but I never really saw it. Instead, what I saw was that people in general aren't interested in long winded explanations, so in order to save time and energy, I just stopped giving long explanations.
Case in point:

>"Hey, what are you up to?"
>"Just trying to figure out the feasibility of using and developing a miniature particle accelerator to propel an object through the air at high speeds without the need of a battery."

People in general don't care about what im doing, and just want a summary, so that becomes:

>"Hey anon, what are you up to?"
>"Just, you know, things."

I don't consider it being mysterious like a lot of other people i've talked to seem to think, I see it more as solving the information problem. There are problems with it though, if you're unnattractive, you will not be mysterious, you will be creepy. Mysterious is reserved for attractive people. For example:

>Be 17
>Not interested in being friends with anyone in my peer group
>Do things on my own and rarely talk to others
>A few weeks into the school year girls start approaching me more and more and try flirting
>Disregard them because women = problems
>One girl outright askes why im so distant and aloof
>"Because it's easier than explaining things to people that are only interested in summaries of my daily activities."
>"Oh, like what?"
>Lunch break consists of me explaining how flight, time travel, and the anthropic principle are all connected to eachother
>Went from being the most interesting person in the school to being the most creepy and insane person in school

Overall, depending on your definition of "Mysterious" you have nth number of way to go about it. One way is being a jerk with a heart of gold, another is simple ceasing to care about others. Jerk with a heart of gold is probably the easiest, as all you really have to do is be a dick, but do good deeds like volunteering in public places, or starting fundraisers/donating large amounts of money to fundraisers.

But chances are you're just a highschool kid that hasn't found their niche, and assuming thats the case, stop trying to be something you're not, otherwise you WILL get busted, WILL come out looking pathetic, and WILL NOT gain a good reputation.
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Everytime someone ask you a question, say an illogical answer, like "how old are you anon?"

you say, "Im super old" or "old enough, lad"

just a lame example but for some reason girls love when you do that shit, I've been watching a lot of pick up videos and they tell you, thats a great way to flirt, just amuse yourself and come up with stupid answers.

Im still learning how to do this, my brain is so wired to answer logically it doesnt feel natty when I try to seem illogical and mysterious, but I can still do it a few times and it's worked

Also it works best when you have a grin on your face and a non serious sarcastic tone

Anon, I'd like to hear more about your theories regarding flight, time travel, and anthropic principle are all connected.

This thread died years ago, let's get an actual interesting topic on board.

This sounds like theoretical science, and I've always had a passion for the obscure and estranged.
wow I didnt read this thread before I posted this >>12668249 but it seems everyone already knows how to do it too
This is my problem.
>Eh, just some things.
>What things, Anon?
If you were to catch me at the right time and day, I couldve had no problem giving a good in-depth explanation, but its nearly my bedtime, which is the second reason I chose saging over not saging. I guess a very basic explanation would be rounding in the many worlds/multiple universe theories into the mix. There have been reports of people vanishing while in the middle of flying, only to show up elsewhere or at an erratically different timeframe. Nearly all of that can be explained through jetstreams, however, some pilots experience "Trips" much like a druggie would experience LSD.

Now before getting deeper, lets say time is in fact linear, and has a beginning and an end. Now, the Anthropic principle can easily buddy up to the alternative universe theories by way of decision. So lets say that someone went flying, and just vanished from the earths present, entirely. Lets say by vanishing, they in turn entered a different universe at a different time and place, this would still be time travel, despite also being space travel as well. You crash your plain into a desert or forest where a tribe lives, and being that they have no idea what just happened, they worship you as a god simply because you came from the sky.

At this point, you've changed that timelines history, despite that time line having not existed until you arrived in it. Then, several thousand years into the future, a group of people discover ancient artifacts reminiscent of modern day aircraft. Boom, now you have present day earth. Now, how could you have created an entire universe while just flying in an airplane? Easy, depending on how you want to think about it. If you consider time and space as a computer, someone/thing could simply be cut and pasted elsewhere, much like opening a picture in paint, cutting bits out, and putting them on another picture. The hard way is by assuming a black hole or worm hole broke the universal "placenta" on accident and spawned a whole new everything.

Really, its just a matter of expanding your imagination. Saying something is impossible is rejecting reality. There is no impossible, only improbable. Our planet itself could be considered a miracle for being in the goldilocks zone, but then if you factor in the vastness of space, chances are our planet isn't special at all. Getting tired, and forgot where I was going with my tangent, only wanted to do a few sentences and ended up with two posts. Anyway, if the thread isn't 404'd by the time I wake up, I could throw more things down for you, but its whatever, im off to bed, anon, stay curious, and remember, by winning an argument, you learn nothing.

Okay OP, here's my solution.

The way I became who I am is by pulling off multiple facades.

Think of a facade as an alternate personality. This takes practice, obviously. Try talking to yourself in the mirror to observe gestures and gauge reactions from them.

If you act like a badass, but look like a loser, not only will you appear to be a loser but you will have the added fallback of being pathetic.

Regardless of what others will tell you, physical appearance has nothing to do with being a badass. It's how you act. I'm basically average. Maybe slightly above. Only real reason is because I'm tall-ish and tan year round from being part Native American, but I'm also strong Norwegian so I'm a tall, lean tan guy with blonde hair and green eyes. Clumsy as fuck, violent as a bull, forgetful, awkward, and to top it all off yes I am in fact Autistic. Diagnosed when I was..... siiiix, I want to say?

Anyway, point being. People look at me and think I'm a goofy strange guy. But then I speak.

The best way to manipulate others into doing what you want, or whatever your case is, is to be honest. But only semi-honest. Don't tell the full story.

I tell people I am a pyro. I tell them that I've set dumpster fires and I know how to make wooden furnaces hot enough to melt steel / cast iron.

>INB4: Hurr durr Anon is a faggot; WOODEN furnaces!

You learn how to make such things in Boyscouts and up. You make a standing shell and sheet it so the heat can't escape. You then put a steel container within the middle and put gasoline in it. When you light it, the metal heats up and will cause the surrounding air to combust and rise out of the top center hole you've created. With sheeting around it, covering all but one side, you've cut off air circulation. Since heat rises, the hot air is drawn out of the top, pulling the flames aside and away from the sheeting. With the opening in front, new air is pulled in via vacuum effect due to the atmosphere being burned up.


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