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Hey /adv/,

I need some live/job advice. For the last few months, I've been studying/working to be a stock broker. You need to pass a very difficult exam in order to be able to become a stock broker, so I've been busting my butt to get it done. I'm being sponsored by a (who I thought) really nice guy, who picked me because I went to a good school and he thought I should be able to pass easily.

Last week I took the test and didn't do well on it. I was naturally really upset, my boss was pissed, everything looked bad. He pretty much told me I was a sack of shit. I seriously thought I was screwed.

I ened up going in and talking with him on Monday. He pretty much said, everything was okay, we can settle things out, he'd help pay for classes and keep paying me a salary so I can re-test again in 30 days. So cool, I thought I was in the green. Everything was okay.

He then talks to me on Wednesday, and totally reneges on almost everything he offered. He'd just pay for my salary, and it's not enough to cover the cost of the class and the test. So I'd be in debt even if I passed. I told him he offered to pay for my classes and pay me, so he back peddled on those, but he still was hesitant to pay for the test. I told him I'm broke (and for my job, since he hasn't paid me for the last two weeks, is my only source of income). I told him I couldn't afford anything, but I would pick up extra work if he needed me to. He told me he needed to find out the exact cost of the test before he made a call.

I should note that he can't keep people working for him. His assistant is leaving after less than one year, he already had a stockbroker who he trained that left (for some magical reason- I haven't heard the details). And I DO want to work for him, it's just all these red flags keep popping up and I have no idea what I should do.

I have an interview today, so I'm keeping my options open.

what should I do?
Anyone? I'm legit having a panic attack over this...
What is the interview for... another job? If I were him and suspected that you were looking for another job I wouldn't pay for anything.

He probably already feel like people abandon him quickly since the stockbroker and assistant left/is leaving.

Maybe you could borrow the money from the company and pay him back out of future earnings.


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