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How often do you bathe?
How often do you shower?
Do you brush your teeth everyday?
Do you have an pre/post sex clean routine?
Do you use deodorant, aftershave or perfume?
1) Everyday
2) Isn't this the same question as above?
3) Twice, more if I am going out
4) Virgin
5) Deodorant and cologne
I shower once every other day, I brush my teeth twice a day, using mouthwash after each brush, I'm a virgin so I don't have a cleaning routine for sex, and I put deodorant on every morning just before I get dressed.
>2) Isn't this the same question as above?
bathing is when you soak in a bath

>How often do you bathe?
Once a week
>How often do you shower?
>Do you brush your teeth everyday?
>Do you have an pre/post sex clean routine?
Wash before and after
>Do you use deodorant, aftershave or perfume?
1. As in tub bath? Almost never.
2. At least once a day.
3. At least once a day.
4. I do. I don't like laying around in sweat and juices.
5. Yes, no, no.
1) don't take baths?
2) every day
3) twice a day
4) (like 4 year dry spell)
5) deoderant
>How often do you bathe/shower?
Every day, and after extreme sweat from working out or doing physical labor.

>Do you brush your teeth everyday?
Unfortunately I only brush my teeth when I go out. This might be every day or sometimes twice a day, but if I'm isolating it can go for up to a week.

>Do you have a pre/post sex clean routine?
Isn't that the same as an ordinary shower?

>Do you use deoderant, aftershave, or perfume?
Yes. I find applying alcohol in the right places in conjunction with moisturizers is the best option. And then I wear antiperspirant, of course.
1) Don't "bathe"
2) Depends if I'm going out/working or not. If I have a day off work and I'm not going out, I don't, if I'm working then every other day
3) Every day, when I wake up and before bed
4) Nope
5) Deodorant regularly at work, perfume/after shave stuff if I'm going out drinking/seeing friends
>>12492130 (OP)
Bathing: If I'm in a situation where I need to relax (i.e, the night before a huge test, shitty-ass day at work)
Shower: Every other day
Teethbrushing: For the most part, everyday.
Sex routine: Just make sure to use the bathroom afterwards. Also, a fresh pair of underwear afterwards is nice.
Deodorant: Yes
Aftershave: I are female
Perfume: Yes
1. unfortunately, I haven't had a decent-sized bathtub in years.
2. once a day in winter, twice a day in warmer weather
3. yes, but I don't use toothpaste unless I feel really gross
4. no routine
5. antiperspirant because I sweat a lot without it
>How often do you bathe?
Once in a while, maybe once a month as a way to relax and unwind.
>How often do you shower?
Once a week OR after any serious physical activity. If I just sit around all week I'm not dirty, but if I spend the day running around in the heat, I shower when I get home.
>Do you brush your teeth everyday?
I try but I forget a lot. I'd say I do it 4+ times a week.
>Do you have an pre/post sex clean routine?
Pre-sex, I make sure I'm shaven and clean. If I have to I'll hop in the shower.
>Do you use deodorant, aftershave or perfume?
I use deodorant when I'm going to be interacting with other people for sure. If I'm home alone I don't bother.
>How often do you bathe?
>How often do you shower?
Average 10 times a week.
>Do you brush your teeth everyday?
Yes, only once a day though, should be twice.
>Do you have an pre/post sex clean routine?
Pre - I like to have had a shower and feel clean.
Post - no, I like to cuddle.
If it's all in the heat of the moment though, I just go for it no matter what I smell like.
>Do you use deodorant, aftershave or perfume?
Anti-perspirant and cologne.
How often do you bathe?
Once a week with a classic book and a bottle of red wine.
How often do you shower?
14 times a week.
Do you brush your teeth everyday?
I try to. At least once a day, but sometimes I get drunk and forget.
Do you have an pre/post sex clean routine?
Post sex: Take off condom, take a piss, wipe dick with a tissue, boxers back on, spoon GF.
Do you use deodorant, aftershave or perfume?
Deodarant all the time, I buy the little spray ones. I have 4 different types of aftershave I use depending on the day.
>>12492130 (OP)
>How often do you bathe?
Every day
>How often do you shower?
Showering is bathing, so everyday.
>Do you brush your teeth everyday?
Twice a day. Sometimes 3 if I eat something smelly for lunch.
>Do you have an pre/post sex clean routine?
>implying I have sex
>Do you use deodorant, aftershave or perfume?
Yes, yes, and no.
1. Never
2. Twice a day, once in the morning as soon as I get up, and once after working out.
3. Twice a day, once after breakfast (also floss), and once before bedtime.
4. I make sure I am clean before and after sex, which usually means showering/brushing.
5. Deodorant after every shower, and cologne sometimes when I'm in the mood.


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