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ITT: Ask a bored and lonely man anything while he smokes, drinks, and works on paperwork.

Smoking: Marlboro Reds

Drinking: Gentleman Jack on the rocks.

"And dreams in their development have breath, tears, tortures, and the touch of joy. They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts; they take a weight from off our waking toils; they do divide our being."
-- Lord Byron, on the Reality of Dreaming
I'm considering drastically improving myself, getting some money, and then doing an identity change (the works) to get back with my ex and break her heart like she did to me.

What do you think of that? I've gotten mixed responses on here. The Summer crowd seems to think it's cool where as the Spring crowd just fucking hated it.
fucking summerfags
What do you do for a living?

Also, Is Gentleman Jack hype, or actually worth paying more for? If I wanted something that didn't taste harsh I'd just buy a different brand, but then again I don't know much about drinks.
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>I'm considering drastically improving myself, getting some money, and then doing an identity change (the works) to get back with my ex and break her heart like she did to me.
>What do you think of that?
Hello, my friend. While I find your considerations admirable, I find their purpose and motivation to be less than your stature. Have you considered employing your goals toward a more efficient end? A positive change in your life may very well result in a change of goals, my friend.

>What do you do for a living?
Greetings to you as well, my friend. As much as I hate to decline a question so early in my thread, I must do so in this case. My current profession is not one worth mentioning or disclosing in particular detail, as I am so much more than my career.

>Also, Is Gentleman Jack hype, or actually worth paying more for?
There is definitely a difference in taste, but I do not believe the flavor justifies such. This bottle was a gift from a satisfied patron (among other things) after a job well done, hence my possession of it. I normally restrict my choice in alcohol to regular Jack Daniels or Wild Turkey.
Why are you so fat?
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I see you have found me again, my old friend. Along with my best wishes, please also consider learning the logical fallacy of "begging the question." Simply searching the quoted phrase on Google should yield positive results in your search.
Do all of that but not for revenge. Do it to better yourself.

"The best revenge is a life well lived."
>>12471742 (OP)
What do you think of American Spirits? It pulls like shit and the taste is too mild for me.
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This man speaks the truth.
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>What do you think of American Spirits?
I am not a fan of American Spirits either, my friend. Tell me, what brand do you prefer and why?
Answer the question, assboy.

I don't mean that in the gay sense.
>>12471742 (OP)

We had a condom break, and yeah, my girlfriend gave birth to a litter of six rabbits.

Uh, how do I be a father?
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"Never pick a fight with anyone who buys ink by the barrel-full"
- Judge Phelan, on Picking your Battles (The Wire)

That said, my friend, I will no longer dignify your posts with so much as a reply.
>>12471742 (OP)
Why havent you switched to vaping yet cancerfag?
Are my parents secretly ashamed of me being a transfag? They're supportive to my face.
when I'm broke, I buy L&Ms. honestly I prefer marlboro lites. been smoking em with my best friend since last summer, while we would get drunk off cheap wine in fields. now we usually just chill on his deck, with the rest of our friends.

camaraderie is a beautiful thing.
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>Uh, how do I be a father?
Like many other things in life, the best advice stems from the all-too-quoted Golden Rule. Do onto your children as you would have done onto you as a child. It seems simple and all-too short, but in its simplicity is its nuance.

>Why havent you switched to vaping yet cancerfag?
Hello, my friend, and welcome to my thread. I prefer my cigarettes over the new trends in smoking mainly due to the familiar feel and taste. I, for one, am willing to accept the ramifications for these habitual preferences. As for you, I am curious, why do you think others should "catch on" to your preferences so strongly that you use such language to persuade?
sorry to tell you but only inferior males smoke
and drink
Recently, I've been feeling like I'm behind where I want to be in life for several reasons. It's a new feeling, because I've usually been content with where I was. This has brought on a new variety of stress that I'm not entirely familiar with, but I feel like I've become more conscientious.

What are some good habits to adopt right now that will get me through my 20's without being broke, disappointed and unhappy?
Because cancer. How long have you been a smoker for? I was for over 12 years and felt some pretty fucking awful ramifications that have now almost conpletely dissapeared.
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>Are my parents secretly ashamed of me being a transfag? They're supportive to my face.
This is very difficult to answer on its face, as I do not know the folks you call your parents. That said, where is the cause for this concern rooted? Certainly it must be based on something other than pure conjecture.

>camaraderie is a beautiful thing.
Yes, it is indeed, my friend. This next drink is to you, sir.

>sorry to tell you but only inferior males smoke and drink
I appreciate your opinion being voiced here, sir. However, if I may be so bold as to ask, why did you feel the need to voice it in such a way? If something is on your mind, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you. If not, then thank you once more for your quick interjection of opinion.

>What are some good habits to adopt right now that will get me through my 20's without being broke, disappointed and unhappy?
First, what is your level of education? Second, what is the weather like outside at your location as of right now?
Seneca whats your age?
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>Because cancer.
This old frame of mine has been cancer-free now in every monthly-checkup I've received thus far. I suppose when the doctor finally hands me a negative report is when I will finally employ my willpower against quitting.

>How long have you been a smoker for?
I first began when I entered undergrad, and ever since then I've always enjoyed a smoke with my whiskey.

>I was for over 12 years and felt some pretty fucking awful ramifications that have now almost conpletely dissapeared.
Kudos to you, my friend. Tell me, what have you done with your new prosperity of health?

Senior at a decent American university. It looks like it might rain. Pretty cloudy.
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>Seneca whats your age?
I am in my later-mid-twenties (26-29). And yourself, my friend?
For a long time they were very opposed and upset. I suppose it is also that I don't trust them.
You didnt say how long you've been smoking for. I am genuinely curious as it is typically tied to your optimism and sense of self invulnerability
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>Senior at a decent American university. It looks like it might rain. Pretty cloudy.
Because you are a senior, I presume that you are well educated in your chosen field of study. My advice is to take an umbrella and go for a walk for at least two hours; if you come across someone else walking alone strike up a conversation with that individual if possible. Try to intermingle your knowledge with conversation pieces relating to your new conversationalist's life. If nothing else, you will have enjoyed a walk.
>what have you done with your new health

Enjoyed breathing again, enjoyed my sense of taste and smell again. Satisfaction that im noy poisoning those around me anymore. Using my excess energy to create and be more productive. Also to heavily scrutinize why people who sti smoke find justification in entering an early grave
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>For a long time they were very opposed and upset.
I have known many trans-people in my life, and I've yet to hear a story where the parents have not been initially opposed. That said, you must understand that your life-choices affect more than your life, and that those two people are the very cause of your creation -- thus their interest in your well-being. While your life is your own to do as you please and to live as you choose, you must also remember the emotional investments that others have made into you and never forget that they love you despite any lingering resentments over your choices.

When was the last time you told them that you love them and thanked them for their support?

> I suppose it is also that I don't trust them.
And where is the root of this lack of trust stemming from?

>You didnt say how long you've been smoking for.
You will notice that this reply, much like my last one, will also evade answering this question. Hopefully you will accept the sidestep this time around, however.

>I am genuinely curious as it is typically tied to your optimism and sense of self invulnerability
Please, my friend, elaborate.
Lucilius Seneca suo salutem dicit.

For how long have you been smoking and in which ways has it influenced both your health and your appearance?
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>Enjoyed breathing again, enjoyed my sense of taste and smell again.
I am genuinely happy to hear you are enjoying your life free from the addictions of smoking. To your health, my friend.

>Satisfaction that im noy poisoning those around me anymore.
Do not take this in the wrong way, but I've found in my life that there is more than one way to poison those around oneself.

>Using my excess energy to create and be more productive. Also to heavily scrutinize why people who sti smoke find justification in entering an early grave
And what have you found thus far, sir? Please, share your discoveries with the rest of us. Knowledge is meant to be free, after all.
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>Lucilius Seneca suo salutem dicit.
Greetings to you as well, my friend.

>For how long have you been smoking and in which ways has it influenced both your health and your appearance?
As I said in >>12472206, my monthly health-examination has yet to reveal any negative medical condition. I count myself fortunate enough to claim a clean bill of health.
>When was the last time you told them that you love them and thanked them for their support?
I... actually don't know.

Whenever I give them a hug before I head back down to London again I can't quite bring myself to say it first, and they never say it either.

>And where is the root of this lack of trust stemming from?
They spied on me when I was younger and lied about doing so. They were never happy with me no matter what I did. They tried to sabotage me getting hormones for the trans stuff. I tend to hold grudges.
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>I... actually don't know.
If you don't know, and they once harbored anger at your life-choices, then how would they know you have forgiven them -- or that you even have the capacity to forgive them?

I, for one, think you have (at the very least) a phone call to make, my friend.

>Whenever I give them a hug before I head back down to London again I can't quite bring myself to say it first, and they never say it either.
Why do you think that you can't bring yourself to say it first?
Dude stop talking like a faggot. If you dont want to say youve only been smoking for a short time, thats ok to do. You dont have to keep trying to push this superiority complex. Your answers are full of convoluted self congradulatory nonsense. Get back to your paper and stop including us in your mental masturbation
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I knew it, your a reddit fag. You just want others to jerk you off to your own sense of intelligence. Go back to leddit you sub human
>I find their purpose and motivation to be less than your stature
What do you know about my stature? It really upsets me when the arbitrary balance of right and wrong is off, and when people cheat me with no apology and just walk away unscathed, it makes my stature look like shit.

So if the best revenge is a life well lived why not kill two birds with one stone by getting revenge and having a good life? I mean, even if the plan falls apart I can use the progress for whatever I want. I'm tired of my background anyway, so it should be fun to change.
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>Dude stop talking like a faggot.
Simply because you do not like the answers being given does not make your conversational partner a homosexual, nor a bundle of sticks, my friend.

>If you dont want to say youve only been smoking for a short time, thats ok to do.
Tell me, do you always employ the tactic of placing unsaid words into others' mouths when you do not receive the answers you are seeking? Please, my friend, take a step back from yourself and see this conversation for what it is rather than what you wish it to be.

>You dont have to keep trying to push this superiority complex.

>Your answers are full of convoluted self congradulatory nonsense. Get back to your paper and stop including us in your mental masturbation

All of this said, I will be absent from my thread for roughly thirty minutes. I would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience in waiting for my return.
>you're instead of your
>mistake anon for a distinct tripfag
>trying to mind read
Someone is upset. Is it okay that I read your post in a spittle-filled nerd voice?
Stop indulging this summer fag, he doesnt have any real world advice
So how long have you been smoking for?
This guy has been here for over a year, far as I know. He's apparently a grown man and not a teacher or professor, so the fact it's summer makes no difference.
Go back to rebbit you cocksucking tryhard
>grown man
>says hes in his early-mid 20s

Suspicious of samefagging
Have I forgiven them? I don't know.

I think I'm still bitter about it. If I had children and one of them turned out to be trans, I would have been wholly supportive from the outset.
Never even been to reddit but for the MineZ dev page.

Because my style of prose similar to his and I could write like him if I wanted to.
Now more suspicious. Also lel at

>never been on reddit except that i have

Pls go
With NSAgate, I'm worried about the government stealing my pokemons and winning competitions with them. What should I do?
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It appears as if my return has come sooner than I had originally anticipated. That said, let's return to this thread.

>Someone is upset. Is it okay that I read your post in a spittle-filled nerd voice?
Please, my friend, let's not resort to the level that my other friend has resorted to. I, for one, would not like to see this friendly conversation degrade to such. Nonetheless, thank you for your support.

>Have I forgiven them? I don't know.
Perhaps a better question is what it would take for you to forgive them?

"To forgive is to set the prisoner free, and then discover the prisoner was you."
-- Author Unknown

>I think I'm still bitter about it. If I had children and one of them turned out to be trans, I would have been wholly supportive from the outset.
Forgive the excessive use of quotes, but to that I offer you the following...

"In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since: Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, he told me, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald, on Perspective (The Great Gatsby)

That said, my friend, have you considered that the very fact that you are capable of such support and love for your potential children is indicative of a good upbringing on your parents' part?
You are totally samefagging. Fuck off with a this psuedo intellectual faggot speak
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>With NSAgate, I'm worried about the government stealing my pokemons and winning competitions with them. What should I do?
If I may be so bold as to set the jokes aside, may I first inquire as to why you are troubled by the knowledge of your privacy being intruded upon? This is not to suggest that the government is correct in its actions, but instead to establish the perspective you're approaching it from.
I think my reply got lost here.
>what it would take for you to forgive them?
I don't know if I can. For them to admit they were wrong to try to stop me would be a good start.

>That said, my friend, have you considered that the very fact that you are capable of such support and love for your potential children is indicative of a good upbringing on your parents' part?
Do you mean the racism they tried to instill in me?

Okay, that was a cheap shot, but I don't rate their parenting very highly. Especially the part where they said they thought I was a freak because I enjoyed studying and reading rather than going out with other people my age and causing trouble. Or where they "gave up" on me because I was sick of them asking me to do chores that they were too lazy to do themselves.
Hes not being genuine in any of his replies.

Look up definition for mental masturbation
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While I am near-certain that this will not persuade you, I assure you that if I were "samefagging" that I would not be in such blatant support of myself. I, like you, possess far too many flaws to be so deceptively braggadocios.

All of this said, what is the metaphorical "thorn in your paw" today, my friend? You seem as if there is something you would like to talk about. Your aggression is misguided, and there are more than enough helpful-friends here to help realign your compass.
So how long have you been a smoker for?
They allowed you to become who you are, even though they were resistant. While they were occasionally rude to you for being a bookworm, they still let you sit around and read the books, possibly on their dollar.
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>I think my reply got lost here.
My mistake, sir. Please, allow me to rectify my oversight now...

>What do you know about my stature?
Admittedly little, my friend, and I apologize for any assumptions I may have made. That said, I was assuming you were someone that accepts bettering yourself as a reason to better yourself in and of itself -- without external motivations such as revenge. Is that not, at least in some form, better?

>when people cheat me with no apology and just walk away unscathed, it makes my stature look like shit.
I respectfully disagree, sir. Your stature is just that: yours. When you accept that it has been defiled, it was you that accepted it -- not some external force.
1. Would you be okay with me knowing everything you do? I promise not to tell your boss that you like horse porn (or whatever your most deviant fetish is.) Honest. You can trust me because I work for the government.

2. Everybody has broken some minor law, by-law or regulation with no ill intent. If the government knows everything about everyone, then it can persecute whomever it wishes because everybody is technically guilty of something and so can be punished.
>>12471742 (OP)
I got piss drunk at a get together last night drinking Jim and smoking reds. Ran out of reds and threw up. Drunk texted girls. And watched a depressing movie.
So how long have you been a smoker for? Why do you keep avoiding this question? Do you feel it jeapordizes the Integrity of your advice giving?
>when you accept that it is being defiled
It was defiled behind my back.

>isn't better yourself a good option in and of itself
It certainly is. My opinion on this matter is that I'd be killing two birds with one stone. Let me explain what I'd be doing to change my character...

-getting fit
-trying new things
-changing my style
-learning a new language(s)
-meeting new people
-finally altering hair and eye color and maybe growing facial hair

Admittedly, I'm a little bit into the alter-ego idea on it's own, and nothing is stopping me from tricking her down the line. Nobody has given me one good reason not to.
Can u drop me a grette pls m8
>>12471742 (OP)
Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly?
Never seen you on here so early before....

My brother is probably using drugs again.
He's on parole but, due to him being a low priority felon/parole incompetence he's smoking meth and heroin and stealing form parents. I sadly have to live with this situation as well.
I went to his parole officer and she told me to go to the regular police, I go to them and they tell me to go to the parole officer.
Who should I talk to?

In lighter news. I'm entering a fighting game tournment. I don't expect to be #1 but, I do want to strive to be in the top 8 (i'll get prize money if I make it that far) I'd just be happy to be in such a contest.

any advice or motivation?
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>1. Would you be okay with me knowing everything you do?
Personally, I do not mind constant surveillance. Nonetheless, I do understand why the vast majority of people do not share my opinion.

> Everybody has broken some minor law, by-law or regulation with no ill intent. If the government knows everything about everyone, then it can persecute whomever it wishes because everybody is technically guilty of something and so can be punished.
While this is certainly a valid observation, this is hardly a deviation from the status-quo throughout history.

>Drunk texted girls.
When you texted these people, what did you share with them? If you regret it, why do you regret it?

>My opinion on this matter is that I'd be killing two birds with one stone.
Why do you want to kill a single bird, let alone two of them, to begin with? You are a man with a stone, and the bird is a separate entity. Of all the things you could choose to do with that stone, why do you wish to use it in that way?

>Nobody has given me one good reason not to.
Have you asked yourself why you might not want to use your newfound self in such a way?

>Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly?
Of course, my friend. But what of the penguin spatula? Have you no conscious?
It can get more serious than simply knowing someone's fetishes. Think stealing trade or industrial secrets.

>this is hardly a deviation from the status-quo throughout history.
Just because it has always been so does not make it right.
>have you asked yourself why you might not want to use your newfound self in such a way?

Considering I want revenge and I'm not a white knight, no I haven't.

That made me think about not going through with it in the first place, in that I still do have feelings for my original self. I'll make sure not to get completely lost in it.
Seneca, i want to quit smoking because I know how many people suffer from awful diseases and die generation after generation from cigarettes, but because I feel fine now and have adecent bill of health, I feel as if those same experiences wont apply to me. Am I just in believing that I can cheat death because of how much I enjoy the temporary instant buzz?
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>Never seen you on here so early before....
Hello, my friend; it is good to see that you've found me at this hour.

>My brother is probably using drugs again. He's on parole but, due to him being a low priority felon/parole incompetence he's smoking meth and heroin and stealing form parents. I sadly have to live with this situation as well.
This may be a foolish and naive question, but have you confronted him about these concerns yet?

>I went to his parole officer and she told me to go to the regular police, I go to them and they tell me to go to the parole officer. Who should I talk to?
If you haven't spoken with your brother yet, then I suggest you go to him first. If not him, then my next suggestion is to wait until he is indulging in such degradation within your home again, call the police and report him without mentioning his violation of probation.

>In lighter news. I'm entering a fighting game tournment. I don't expect to be #1 but, I do want to strive to be in the top 8 (i'll get prize money if I make it that far) I'd just be happy to be in such a contest.
My best of wishes to you in this, my friend. Could you tell us all more about this tournament? I am genuinely curious.

>any advice or motivation?
Sadly, I am coming up dry on finding advice or motivation for this to give you. Maybe some will come to me soon, however.
Which is the best state to live in?
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>It can get more serious than simply knowing someone's fetishes. Think stealing trade or industrial secrets.
Our trade and industrial secrets are protected by a plethora of intellectual property law regardless of who might be able to steal them.

>Just because it has always been so does not make it right.
Touché, my friend. Touché. Tell me, how has your life changed with your newfound knowledge of external observation?

>Considering I want revenge and I'm not a white knight, no I haven't.
You seem to have a keen sense of what you are and what you are not, my friend. With such self-awareness, have you made sure not to extirpate parts of your original self that you still have feelings for? This is to ask if, while you were sculpting the new-self, you used a hammer or a scalpel?


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