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should i get a facebook? ive never had one. 25 years old. i would NOT want to add family members. i wouldn't mind using it to talk to women. people that have facebook, pros/cons? is it worth investing time in?
Facebook is alright if you want to keep in touch with friends and family. But you are looking for the wrong website if you want to hookup with women.

It is a competition. For women to become the biggest attention whore and for men to become the biggest kiss ass.
I would never use facebook to meet new people, but without it meeting people in real life is awkward. Anytime they ask you for your facebook, and you tell them you don't have one, they start grilling you on why.

Apparently it's socially unacceptable to not have one.
i hear you on that. kinda what i figured. if its anything like myspace in highschool ten years ago oh lord. i know its not a dating website. but its like my class has a facebook for the students to get study material which is otherwise unavailable so i might get it for that. but then i figured i have to put work into it and maintain it if people tried to add me. just not sure if its worth my time.

i dont really meet new people irl too often. i work at a small business of 8 male coworkers. i go to a small class of 15 people of whom i dont really talk to anyone (or at least carry a real conversation) and i sit at home. not sure if having a fb would improve getting a real social life or if it would be the opposite (the internet).
As someone who deleted his facebook years ago and recently started using it again, I can say its well worth it. Literally any time there's a party it's on fb, no one actually invites anyone anymore, they just make fb events.

Also on a few occasions I've met girls and chatted through fb. People, especially girls, do think it's weird if you dont have one
>>11535216 (OP)
Investing time?

I occasionally use facebook to talk with family/friends. Not uploaded a picture since 2010. No one says you have to join in the competition. Just have an account and do whatever whenever you need to do on it.
Contrary to what people here are saying, no one has ever told me I was "weird" for not having a facebook account. I made an account a year ago solely to supply farmville crap to a girl I was dating, and I gradually have added some of my real life friends to it. I use facebook sporadically now, but almost never add anyone I don't know quite well to it.

When I meet people and they want to get in touch later, I swap phone numbers with them or sometimes email if there is a specific need to exchange a large amount of data. I don't bother trying to have any sort of relationship with someone who is too frightened to talk live.
you can put as much/as little effort into it as you want. theres no requirement that you have to do anything.

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