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What's /adv/'s opinion on going to the bar alone? I'm going through a period of unemployment and am back with my parents. I'm 25.

Lots of downtime while looking for work. Friends I have don't always want to do anything. Is there any shame in going to the bar alone? I suck at striking up conversations with randoms so I just imagine I'll sit down, drink a few beers, talk to no one, go home alone. But right now I'm just playing games and watching Netflix alone anyway so I might as well go out.

How about something more productive?

Volunteer, some kind of club, online dating.

Going to a bar alone is dumb if you're not good with strangers, maybe work on that first or at the bar itself.

If you're just going to go there with no motivation to try to improve your first impression, pretty pointless.
makes me sadder when I do it. I do like going to live bands and events though. Pool can be social too.

but if your going to a bar alone dont go there just pass time. If its a bar with tons of beer you WANT to try, then by all means go and enjoy yourself.
>>11652482 (OP)
Wrong. Going out when you know you'll not be sociable is stupid. You'll go there, waste time, waste money, and anybody you DO meet is going to be terribly unimpressed with your current unemployment. Don't count on meeting any girls, and guys don't go to meet guys.

Stay home, so at least you aren't eating additional money.
>>11652482 (OP)
dance club

This is actually such a good idea I feel bad for not thinking about it first. I'll start that Monday. Humanes Society or something.

>makes me sadder when I do it

I went to the bar alone one time a year or two ago and I felt so bad afterwords that I haven't done it again since lol.
God that was a derpy response.
What I mean to say is, get comfortable with you first. Play some sports or go to the gym. Read some books. Read up on current events (dont go to /pol/ for this if you are expecting to interact with real human beings)
Basically educate yourself on the normal goings on of the world, get cultured.
This way when you go out you feel confident you can talk to people if it comes your way. If someone talks to you, get to know them, shut up and listen.
Go to the bar because you want a drink. Maybe bring your book there or watch a game on the TV (I don’t judge people who do this). I did that shit all through gradschool. My friend does this all the time. He just goes to enjoy some alone time from work, smoke and have a few beers. Sometimes the bar tenders chat him up, sometimes girls flock to him but he oozes confidence.
If youre not comfortable with yourself, you will look like a nervous wreck and it will be obvious you don’t want to be there.
If you have a social enough bar to let you meet people, it's as good an option as any. Just don't spend too much on booze at bar prices, because that shit's expensive and you're unemployed. Also, don't go to the sort of pub where everyone's at their own table, because it's near-impossible to cut into conversations there. Go for a barstool/standing type of place, preferably with a sports game or something on that leads to easy conversation hooks.
>>11652482 (OP)
Do you live in a busy city? college town? the shits?
also are you a sports fan of any kind?
I live in a town with a university with 6000 or so students. There are basically two bars where college students regularly go. Town is 50-60k, but is near Charlotte, NC, which does have lots of bars and such.

Not in to sports at all. Kind of wish I was so I could relate to anyone haha.
dance clubs

Is this a serious response? I'm not opposed. I've done that alone and I don't feel quite as bad.
>I've done that alone and I don't feel quite as bad.
see there ya go

otherwise it depends on the bar. the more you like it the more inclined you'll be to go alone.
Okay, youre 25 so your not going to be a creeper at the bar. Youll fit in and people will assume you are a student. Do any sports interest you?

I mention sports because they are the easiest way to meet people with nearly zero effort. Especially in bars. Any sports interest you?
what is wrong with me tonight? I aspied out and said the same things twice...plz respond
If you're not going to have anything to talk about, you'd do better to find somewhere else to go where you will. Striking up conversations with randoms is good practice and all, but you nee to have something to converse about.
If you must go to a bar by yourself and are expecting to talk to people, stay away from topics of politics and religion. That shit can go sour fast.

Memorize and get good a telling a hand full of jokes. Fuck this should not just be fore bars but just to be an all rounded person. Who doesnt like a good joke? I have a few that usually people have not heard, especially when I meet people on business.
Same situation as you OP.

Its only awkward if you make it awkward and I don't recommend drinking to much blah blah blah...

shit sucks.....
personally I give the complete opposite advice

religion isnt too fun but there's always a hot button political topic to spur conversation. jokes are all well and good but do they inspire conversation at all?
Those two topics can be pretty hit or miss with strangers. I wouldnt advise someone who feels a bit awkward talking to strangers to dig right into things that can be sensitive and really important to people.
I've seen bar fights go down on topics on politics.
It can be a real interesting fun subject if you're talking with the right people. Talk with the wrong person and it will turn into a shit storm with fists flying.
religion is a definite no but for example smoking in bar laws or something. I'm not saying dive right into abortion or anything.
>>11652482 (OP)

All bars have dark corners for just this purpose.
If its the right person yeah it can go very well. I guess OP needs to be really careful with the subject but I was imagining him going full spaghetti on both topics.
religion is just boring and lame unless the other person somehow mentions it then sure. she could say she has to go to church in the morning or something.
Start small.

Sports, the weather, open ended questions about the other person.
Once you see that they are a level headed person you can consider politics or religion.

I've been to bars by myself. Just don't stare at anyone and it won't be too bad...
Man Ive seen some shit at bars alone.

>sitting watching basket ball game
>drunkish woman stands next to me at bar
>tipsily looks at me
>"The guy I am on a date with is texting his friends 'ILOVEWOMEN' I am on his tab and am going to buy all sorts of shit then stonewall him when we get back home, want a drink on his tab?"
>we both take a shot and she struts back to guy
>another woman approaches me
>slurs something out at me
>I ask
>"what do you do for a living?"
>I am a school teacher....I think my kids get more action than me.......I teach middle school and I always tell them to wear a condom.....
>this one leaves for a bit to visit her friends then comes back over
>I am so depressed.....I am going to die alone.......I want a baby

Holy shit it can be depressing sometimes. But my over all experience has been fun.

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