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Men: How come older men act super offended whenever they try to get with a younger woman (18-25 years old... heck, probably even younger than that.) but she states she's not into dating older men and wants someone around her own age?
Guys: What do you think about that whole "thigh gap" thing?
I don't have that trouble.
My last three girlfriends were considerable younger than me (10 years)
not all of them, when im older im going to try and get with younger girls no shame baby.

its because these men are insecure and are going about it the wrong way, they are approaching girls from a "hey WANNA DATE" frame, whilst I would approach from a "hey who are you?" frame where im casually talking to her, because its non threatening
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>>11534771 (OP)
>she's not into dating older men
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Because older men are generally treated with respect by that point, and when a hot young thing turns them down its a huge blow to the ego.
Don't pay it any mind.

Thigh gap is fucking sexy.
Lack of thigh gap is equally sexy provided you don't have a shit, chubby body. Some girls just have thick thighs.
Pic related.

it's nice

no gap is also nice
i dont pay attention to that shit personally. a nice body is a nice body to me. i dont examine every crevasse of the girl, if she has a hot face usually everything else will be nice too.

It's not that ALL young girls hate older men. Some are very attracted to them. I'm just talking about the young women who don't have that same attraction for them.


Let's hope you have a lot of fame and money by then.
Don't care.
>>11534771 (OP)
Because they don't want to wake up to the fact that they are getting old.

I happen to not find older men attractive. I just don't see it. If other girls do, it's whatever.
Girls: Why do you insist on being so damn quiet about your attractions?
Do you have any fucking idea how much easier it would make everybody's life if you were even just a tiiiiiny tiny bit forward?
And not "hee hee lets dance at this club!" forward. Thats not forward. That's confusing.
yea if i am i would lie about my job, say im in a trade or something.
>>11534771 (OP)
Imagine that you're old and try to attempt to feel younger and in doing do someone says (not in these words, but it's what they hear), "Ewww, you're old!". It's basic insecurity and mid-life crisis stuff.

It's pretty, but not a deal breaker.
I'm not an older guy at all, but I'd assume it's because of how they're treated for it. It's like "EW, YOU'RE SUCH A GROSS OLD MAN, WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING TO ME?"

It's kind of backwards with older, attractive women. It's more like "oh dude I'm totally getting hit on by a cougar, sweet!"

Happy I'm not old enough for this to happen yet. Ironically, my mom thinks that old men who hit on younger girls are "gross pedophiles," but she never even dated a guy who was less than 10 years older than her once she turned 18 besides my dad, who is younger.
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>tfw cisgendered
>tfw no opposite, so no-one will ask me anything

I guess it's because when a woman approaches a man, it's obvious to everyone that she's either a slut or she has no value to her so she's desperate to talk to anybody at this point. Men want a woman he can be proud of, and men also like challenging things... this is why they're usually in hard major studies when they go to college and why they enjoy playing difficult video games. When the woman approaches him, doesn't play hard to get (not a lot but at least a little), and shows him all the directions to her bed... he gets bored of her.

It's also gotta do with the whole "men are natural hunters" mentality.
If I like some guy more than he likes me and I show him, it will stay this way. He doesn't have to treat me special anymore and can move on to other girl, because I already like him.
So either he shows me, or I keep hanging around with him for a few weeks until he does. If he doesn't, why bother? Most girls have a few guys who are interested in them anyway.

Because people call them sluts.
> it's obvious to everyone that she's either a slut or she has no value to her so she's desperate
Now, are you a woman or a man speculating?
Because that is downright insanity.
I'm not saying GIVE HIM A BLOWJOB!
I'm saying, you know, give him an obvious fucking hint.
Not playful flirting that is easily misconstrued as just being friendly, but, you know, watching a movie and cuddling, resting your head on his shoulder, that kind of obvious shit that people don't do unless they're interested.
>why do people get offended when you don't want to fuck them

Gee OP, I have no fucking idea.

Except some girls aren't like that at all. They just say they aren't interested in a normal tone of voice and then they get shit thrown at them.
But they do. Maybe she is just not that into you.
>Guys: What do you think about that whole "thigh gap" thing?
I think tumblr and /soc/. But no I could care less really.

>Girls: Why do you insist on being so damn quiet about your attractions?
Because if they weren't, the confidence they're expecting you to have (and attracted to) would be gone.

>tfw cisgendered
Wait, what?
But they fucking don't
I know women and who they are specifically interested in, and I watch them do fuckall.
Not just one or two I know, and not just recently, but in the last 25 years of my life with every lady friend I've had.
And every girlfriend I've had, and so on and so forth.
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Mixed feelings. The hips sticking far out enough to cause that in the first place is what's really fucking hot, the gap itself is cute and girly, but if it's because the girls thighs are simply too thin to meet, then that's a bummer.

It's not about blowjobs, though. Men have nothing to lose. Women? We have EVERYTHING to lose so we're extra cautious, especially in the world of romance and sex. Men can sleep with literally thousands of people from around the world, approach anyone they want, and do whatever the hell he pleases and everybody pardons him. But if a woman does the same, she loses all of her cards, gets slutshamed, and will have to enjoy being alone for the rest of their lives.

It's not fair but hey, that's society for you.
What kind of women are you interested in? What should she have to win your heart? (Or a lot of hearts, if you know what I'm talking about)
guess what. thats how women are, they are hardwired to not do fucking shit, there are exceptions though, part of the reason they like a guy is because the guy wants THEM, they like to feel dominated and "swept off their feet" so to speak.
Because they're scared of rejection. Why would you bother to hit on someone if others are already hitting on you?
Men, do your balls get cold during winter? Or do they remain the same even temperature throughout the year?
And some older men aren't like that at all, either.
>Ironically, my mom thinks that old men who hit on younger girls are "gross pedophiles," but she never even dated a guy who was less than 10 years older than her once she turned 18 besides my dad, who is younger.

That's because that's not what she thinks, that's simply her way of verbally getting back at the men when she's jealous of the younger women.
Why do many women ask, what makes a girl a slut, its quite easy:

It isnt the number alone, its how you handle it, if you lie about it, try to hide it or would flip your shit if somebody asked you about that, you are a slut. If you say to me "yeah i get payed really well for sex and so have had more then 50 guys" then you are an experienced upfront woman.

If you fear judgement you did something wrong, if you are ok with the consequences and that some people might not like you for what you do, that is their problem.

(And yes, Im talking from my own experience here, Number one is and was gross, number two is attractive)

Right now I'm pretty dam high and I'm texting a girl but I feel as if I'm making myself as an idiot wtf what am I saying
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If you want it short and sweet, males subconsciously look for "motherly" traits. Softness, kindness, patience, caring, nuturing, etc etc.
Balls are always warm
>Men have nothing to lose. Women? We have EVERYTHING to lose

Fuck this. Men have to pour so much goddamned time and money into dating it's ridiculous. If you don't have cash you can't even approach half of all women.
The shrink up into us and sort of harden when it's cold, just like the dick to a certain extent. Dick can get kinda cold, but I don't thing I've ever noticed my balls feeling cold.

our ballsacks expand and contract depending on the temperature to keep them at optimal working efficiency. further away from the body when it's hot out, closer when it's cold.

we're pretty much the pinnacle of earthly evolution.
Why do chicks cockblock their friends when im dancing with them at the club or concerts?

There's only one way somebody is a slut, and it's when they use sex for very bad reasons, such as:
>To cheat on someone.
>To make someone cheat on his/her partner.
>To make someone jealous or hurt.
>To "prove" something to yourself or others.
>Forcing others to have sex with you.
>Not taking safety precautions.
>To keep a social group apart and broken. (Seen it happen and it was horrifying.)

Otherwise, if you are honest, safe, and mind other people's feelings and consent, it's all good.

you're probably making yourself as an idiot
What do you mean? Should I stop ? Cause idk what I'm saying
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Oh, and, I know this is probably going to be taken by some broad on here the complete wrong way, but benevolent manipulation.

And as interested as it can make a male, it has to actually be BENEVOLENT. This horseshit tsundere manipulation or typical cut throat mind games have the exact opposite effect even if they work the female better in the short term.
Yeah you should probably stop.

Or not if you really bored with the relationship./
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>approaching half of women to begin with
my uncle died a couple hours ago and my girlfriend texted me literally right after i heard. i don't want to push her away since she means the world to me but at the same time i just need to be with myself for a little bit so i sent her a really short reply telling her the situation (we usually write each other novels). what can i say so she doesn't take anything negative away from how i acted? am i overthinking this?
> men want a challenge
That is totally out of space wrong, yes I want to choose and approach the girl on my own, BUT after that, the smoother it goes the better and the less drama you girls do the less annoyed I am, and the more likely it is I will think a second time about our relationship...
That doesnt mean you guide me to your bed the moment we meet, but the polar opposite of playing hard to get...
> playing hard videogames
Its more about the reward we derive from a possible success, than the challenge. A professional gamer does it for money, women and fame, its not the games deep mechanics, that he has fallen in love with...
It's social conditioning. Men are "supposed" to pursue us, and if we're vocal, we think we'll come off as slutty or desperate instead of demure and feminine.

Out of curiosity, guys: your thoughts on redheads? Natural, not bottle.
Yes you nigger, you're overthinking it.
What relationship? It's just some random girl who I think likes me anyway and so I'm just wondering if talking random jumble would make it weird, and if I said something out of the ordinary would she think less of me
I have a fetish for sandy vaginas and butts, is that something girls would be receptive too?
>Its more about the reward we derive from a possible success, than the challenge.

Speak for yourself you homo, the "reward" is all but worthless to me, I play because it feels good to have to use my full abilities or close to it.
>part of the reason they like a guy is because the guy wants THEM, they like to feel dominated and "swept off their feet" so to speak.
Fucking THIS.

>What kind of women are you interested in?
Living, breathing women. I like some things more than others, but so long as she's not morbidly obese or a stone butch, we're cool.

>What should she have to win your heart?
...An open mind.

And boobs. Having boobs never hurt anybody.

Kind of sort of yes.

I'd put someone with motherly traits into the "would marry" box, and someone with slutty traits into the "would fuck" box. Ideally, I'd like some mix of the two.

okay, thanks. i'm kind of emotional right now and not thinking very clearly

She probably already knows how you're feeling so don't assume shit. At the same time, let her know that you're sorry if you're acting depressed but you lost someone close to you and that you need some time to yourself.

Of course, she might think you're dumping her so be extra careful about how you word it.
Hottest hair color, also nuts about freckles. They also tend to have dem thighs and hips with the smoothest fucking skin.

That said, some of them end up with unfortunately funky faces.
It's alright bro, hope she takes good care of you soon.

I for one find redheads to be the most attractive type of women. They can basically look like anything, fat, ugly, scrawny, whatever, if they're a redhead i almost always find them attractive. especially with freckles. thats just me though.
im crazy about freckles on nuts
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>money, women, fame
>professional gaming
Not unless you're a SC player in Korea.
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Yes, this is something I must know more about as well.
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You're a gay man aren't you.
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> Women? We have EVERYTHING to lose
>Men has sex.
>Either nobody says anything or he gets praise for it.

>Woman has sex only ONCE.
>Forever a slut, everybody hates on her and never takes her seriously ever again, etc.
They're jelly.
What? It's true. Being labeled as a slut can effectively ruin everything in your life. Social networking? Forget it. Jobs? Forget it. There are women who had their lives ruined by sending nudes to their boyfriend and then their boyfriend uploads them with their name and everything when they break up. And guess what's the first thing they're called? Slut. Whore. Etc.
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not every mans flavour, but there are a few around

my personal opinion: I dont know any ugly skinny(!) redhead
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>Out of curiosity, guys: your thoughts on redheads? Natural, not bottle.
With a metric fuckton of freckles? Yes please.
Haaaaaaareeeeelllpp MEMMEEEEEE
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WOMEN: do you like short men (i'm 5'5)?

i think that might be the most beautiful woman i've ever seen
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> videogaming
> full abilities

choose one...

this kind of stuff is why i stopped smoking weed.
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She's turning into a nigger!

Why are red heads so fucking hot, god damn.

Have my first date ever on sunday with this qt3.14

How to keep conversation going? How to compliment her?
I do. But that's probably because I'm short too
For me it's a little on the short side, but actually I wouldn't mind too much as long as they were decent looking. I know girls who actually dig short guys. Friend of mine is in a long term relationship with a guy that height and she's like 6' tall.
As long as you're taller than we are, then it's fine. And plenty of girls are shorter than 5'5.

(Personal no because I am a freak 5'7er)

GUYS: Is bigger labia a deal breaker?
My bf of 7 years is 5'3", I'm 5'1". I like that I can wear little heels and look him in the eye, that I can lay my head on his shoulder when we stand, that I don't have to ask him to lean down for me to kiss him. It's great.
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>How to compliment her?

You're already doomed.
Girls: How many past sexual partners would you find to be too many or even too little from a guy you like? What if they were all long term relationships? Is there a such a thing as seeing a guy being too "inexperienced" if they haven't had all that many previous sexual relationships? Also for the sake of the questions, say this guy knows what he's doing in bed and isn't clueless.
>i think that might be the most beautiful woman i've ever seen

>She's turning into a nigger!
I lol'ed so hard.
so I don't compliment her?
Inner or outer labia?

Big outer labia is INSANELY fucking hot.

Inner is... Well, keep the lights off, we all have our less pleasant looking physical attributes.
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I'm so sick of everything having a fucking diagnosis. Call yourself normal and be done with it, no need to try to get attention by calling yourself "cisgendered" because let me guess, being male or female or trans is just too fucking mainstream for you, huh? Fuck yourself.
Men: What's something a girl can say to you during sex that will push you over the edge?

Alternatively, what are phrases that you find sexy coming from a girl?
compliment something you genuinely like about her or something that is important to her

step 1: stop thinking about stuff & pay attention to details
see >>11534936
also a big part of it is namecalling, but if your jimmies get russtled from that namecalling the person that did it in the first place thinks it must be true, because it hit a nerve. Therefore becoming a label

If you put sex into the equation, women surely have a higher risk (marrying a slobb), but also the higher chance of winning (marrying a dream man). So I wouldnt call that exchange unfair...
Only compliment her if you really mean it, and even then temper it WAY the fuck down and try and keep it related to efforts on her part like complementing her choice of perfume or how she did her hair rather than "YOUR EYES ARE SO PRETTY YOUR SO BEAUTIFUL".
if she says something egotistical & against my values, personality or interests

I'll do anything for you.
My boyfriend has had like, heaps of partners. so I get a bit bummed when I think about it. I think there's no actual number. Just don't get crazy and sleep with 21 women in 3 years. If they're all long term relationships, then that's not much of a worry for me, or at least the number would be higher than if they were just casual flings.

There's no problem with being inexperienced though! Some girls dig it, most aren't particularly fussed especially since you improve with practice.

Too little would be if he LITERALLY never touched a girl even innocently, like a kiss.

Too much would be like, he literally had a bunch of threesomes, orgies, cheats on people, etc... I guess hitting the 20's would be too much, I guess.

Honestly, if it's in the past, it's in the past. But if he's still in the middle of "LOL I'M SUCH A MANWHORE XD" phase, I'll just stay away.
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girls: how do you like guys to flirt with you? what do you like to be teased about?
if it doesnt look more like a small penis (ever seen what it looks like with female body builders on 'roids?) it is no dealbreaker, even If innies look hotter in my oppinion
Shit nigger, that's a good question, I'd like to know this as well. Then again, it's probably just going to be shit that I'm to autistic to properly do.
It's definitely more his attitude about sex than how often or with who he's had it. I would much rather he be a little unsure of himself than assume that he knows exactly what he's doing and be unwilling to learn.
tough one, as I am not too experienced, but i would say classic dirty talk, and for me your claws in my back.

And dont be shy to talk about stuff, I would like some comments like "faster, slower, softer, harder"
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Men, what's your real opinion on makeup?
A light touch up is fine, caking that shit on like a whore (I.E. Anything more than some fucking base and eyeliner) is just straight up lying.
I find dirty talk kind of stupid and gross to be honest... I guess sweet things and anything to make me feel like a big man even if I know it's horseshit.

And as >>11535187 said, clear and to the point directions like faster, slower, rougher, softer, shorter pumps, longer pumps, this spot or that spot, etc etc.
I have gotten bad comments from guys for not going after one night stands when i had the possibility to do so.
Probably doesnt happen too often to girls, but would that be seen rather positive or negative by other girls?

my reasons where
> she was way more drunk
> it would have been a logistic hassle
> more looking for a relationship then one night stands
she wasnt bad looking, but nobody I would have wanted a relationship with
Dear men who look androgynous: What kind of women do you like?
I think is ok if you just use a little bit, like in your eyes.

Beautiful woman dont need makeup
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Anything that plumps up the look of the lips is hot as FUCK, though the color should be close as possible to your regular skin/lip color, as is SLIGHT blush. Anything that makes the skin look smooth and moist is ALWAYS good, don't let any dude bullshit you on that one.

Beyond that and maybe a little concealer here and there, you wanna keep it looking as natty looking as possible.
disgusting. I think it's healthy to kiss & be around the opposite sex & chemicals ruin it. RUIN IT!

Speaking from the fact that all the girls I've dated were adamantly opposed to ever wearing makeup of any kind, I have to say I start to miss it. Don't wear it all the time if you normally don't and don't go overboard obviously. But cmon, just once in a while "doll up" for your man to show him you want to look pretty for him. It will make him happy you put the effort in to look good for him.
big hips & titties, a little chubby, cute interesting face.
>>11534771 (OP)
Well, you seem to have been answered on your first question, so ask me anything that you seem have on your mind here are mine.

How many Asian "girl friends" do you have?
Do you and your girlfriends ever talk about all your daddy issues you foster?
>>Do you and your girlfriends ever talk about all your daddy issues you foster?

Where the fuck do you guys even get these questions? I mean now that you throw it out there, I am pretty interested, but seriously.

Beautiful perfect women don't exist either.
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Men, what's the less awful way to break up with you?
>phrases that you find sexy
anything that asks for more/harder
anything telling how wet you are, how hot its making you
heavy/light breathing/ moans close to the ear...

for actual edge - I want you to finish inside me. I want to feel you cum. I need to feel you climax
It's called an Electra complex. It's a female human thing.
Im more into tall natural blond/redhaired with a nice eyecolor. Skinny to athletic.
Academic and strongly social person
motherly and kind, meanwhile open minded and compatible
you can't make it less awful, just do it face to face.
I don't know what it is, but I'm not attracted to you. You don't flirt & tease me anymore.

>but I can change

No it doesn't work that way.

cold hard truth.

I'll tell you how not to do it, over a fucking text message.
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If you're putting on more than this guy does every morning, that's a no.

Just so long as it's nothing too crazy (no butterfly wings around your eyes or some shit), it's cool.
It's gonna differ a fuckton from guy to guy. Personally I want you to be as frank with me as possible and tell it to me over text, and then never speak to me ever again unless I ask a few more questions. Don't even try any of that "we can still be friends!" patronizing shit,
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>tfw small hips and titties, skinny, and only have the cute face.

I guess I don't stand a chance in hell...
Fuck off.
makes you look hotter, if it isnt overkill, like

> eyebrows plugged out and painted on
> permanent makeup
> too extreme colors

got nothing against it otherwise
not with that attitude.
that's exactly how i like women, and i do look kinda androgynous
Girls, I still want to know.

Oh don't mind me, I'm kind of near that time of the... nevermind.


> Men can sleep with literally thousands of people from around the world, approach anyone they want, and do whatever the hell he pleases and everybody pardons him. But if a woman does the same, she loses all of her cards, gets slutshamed, and will have to enjoy being alone for the rest of their lives.

Only a few men can do it and even then, we don't necessarily "pardon him". Of course if he's able to get some pussy more than everyone else, then it's the female communities choice. Not all men can walk up to someone and say "let's fuck" no matter how available she is.

>Women? We have EVERYTHING to lose

Define everything. Is it self respect? You lost that when you and every other female decided fucking that one guy just because he's "Alpha" would be wonderful. Pregnancy? You're fault. Fear or rejection? Men go through it.

If it's things like rape then that's a different story. But then again you are choosing.

As for the topic at hand; I know this sounds odd but what does having breast feel like and how do you react when guys can't help but look at them?
see >>11535287
nothing of big tits and chubby, and the cute face is a really big plus anyways
Once you start to analyze your own life and why you do certain things than you can relate to how others feel, think, and do certain thing that may only hurt them in the end. On top of that I know a shit ton of men and women who end up talking to me about these things, because I confront them as friends in asking why they only do things that end up hurting themselves. I bring it up , because they always confess their pain to me. I didn't choose this road, but they end up putting me on it. Analyze people as humans and you'll see that women of our generation generally have daddy issues. It's from the late baby boomer generation's parent's dying off early in the wars and dealing with parents who fought in massive wars. If you think we have it bad than all those soldiers that are dying in America who have kids......shit's gonna hit the wall in 20 years or so.

Define "Alpha".
confident leader
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>women will never get over their collective daddy issues
push over the edge? I guess anything that the girl would feel is not "enough". I don't have enough experience to say though.

Find sexy? I'm gonna get called a faggot but if I'm ever exhausted from fucking in one position I would want her to say something like "you are so beautiful". Asking for harder, faster fucking is great to but that would be the one thing that would make me fuck longer.

Okay, well if a woman sees him hanging out alone and never knows that he really is a confident leader, is it really her fault if she wants to date him? Women can't tell the future, why does /adv/ think this?
Why's the guy gotta be taller? This I still don't get. It's always said to be about "protection", but, like, protection from WHAT? So how come martial artists aren't in higher demand, then? And how come short guys can still get with chicks shorter than them, even though they're naturally gonna be less likely to protect her from the taller guys?

Pretty much. I understand that females go for the confident leader types and that's fine. But when EVERY girl goes after them it gets frustrating see. Not every man can lead and those that can need followers. Nothings wrong with either or as long as they can take care of their basic needs by themselves.

Having breasts feels like... having breasts. lol
I can't really explain, but I think it's ok guys staring at them. I mean, i try to be nice and understand. Sometimes I have good laughts, like once a guy was staring at my breasts and when he noticed I noticed he doing that, he said something like "oh nice shirt... I love the beatles.". So, yeah...
>what does having breast feel like and how do you react when guys can't help but look at them?

For the love of god someone answer this.

And to add to that, to girls with wide hips, does walking around now feel markedly different than when you were a child or teen with narrower hips?

men think that we have magical vagina powers that can tell exactly who a person is upon first glance, tell exactly what's going to happen, and be able to seek out all the nice guys at the speed of light.
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0/10 would not bang, would not even check boobs out.
if he's hanging alone he's not attractive like an alpha.

it's hardwired into female drives. it is frustrating. deal with it & adapt.
It's just my preference, sorry. Maybe it's more of a masculine/feminine thing than a weak/strong thing.

It's also the angle that you see someone at I think. That's why tilting your head up makes you look more masculine and tilting your head down more feminine. But I don't know for certain if that comes into play or if it's just an interesting tangent.
umm women are very perceptive whether you admit it or not. first impressions are huge. having good body language & being able to express our personality is key.

Don't generalize people like that. To assume every women is the same is sexist and wrong.
>not liking Beatles

>And to add to that, to girls with wide hips, does walking around now feel markedly different than when you were a child or teen with narrower hips?

I suppose so? It's a gradual change. Though my hips happened like some girls boobs happened. One day, you're just a kid, then BAM. Never did suffer the tits, but hips/thighs/butt happened and stayed.

I will say this though- I do notice the rotation and sway. I know how I walk, and it feels- hippy? Does that make sense? It feels like more work for my whole pelvic arrangement then when I was a kid.
you're an idiot
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Oh god, here we go.
I probably should have worded it better. But if you know other girls are going after that one person and you are going after him, then you would likely be looked down upon because it's seen as ignoring ever other guy in the area who isn't as good.

No but that's what it seems like sometimes. I can't comment much on this any further though. I have anxiety when I even think about asking someone out.

I should probably put a name in the field so it would be easier to track

And you're ugly.
Well, you're fat.
well your momma's fat!
Girls: This girl asked me to prom but she already has a boyfriend. She told me her and her boyfriend are unstable. How the fuck do I further this relationship while she has a boyfriend?
she asked you. do what you like. she is into you.

clarify that this is not to piss off her boyfriend, and then go for it.
That makes perfect sense, I was wondering if that was truly the case.
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so she is interested in me as more than just a friend I assume? So should I just ask her out to the movies then? Seems like a very weird position.
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>clarify that this is not to piss off her boyfriend
>seriously implying there's any chance in hell this is not to piss off her boyfriend
you should flirt and tease her & see how she reacts. slow down.
no the girl you're replying to, and I actually would like a guy shorter than me, but I think it has to do more with being held. a taller man has longer arms that will fit comfortably around even a shorter woman's shoulders, which makes them feel "protected".
you think shes just using me as a way to make her boyfriend mad?

alright i'll try this out, thank you.
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Dude, do you just want to fuck her or what? Because if so, you're still an asshole, but it's whatever and doesn't really hurt you. If you're wanting anything more, the same damn thing that's happening to this dude is going to happen to you.

Nigger I know. Don't let that stop you from pounding some pussy though.
Well I don't really want to be her boyfriend and her doing this to her boyfriend is just going to turn me off of the idea even more.

I just assumed that if she is only using me to make her boyfriend jealous any D giving would be out of the question. But you seem to think otherwise, which is good news.
No, that's just gonna make her fuck you harder than she's fucked him in months.
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y u no answer my question?!
>if he's hanging alone he's not attractive like an alpha
Isn't that a fallacy? If someone is hanging out alone he then isn't attractive despite whatever traits he may have?

>it is frustrating. deal with it & adapt.
I don't see how something being frustrating disallows someone to deal with it and somehow "adapt". You're gonna have to explain that one to me.
you grab the lead to take your dog on a walk.
you start walking and the dog is walking you.
she grabbed the lead here. take her for a walk.

just be all like "if this is prom, I gotta know you better. lets go movies <here> and <time>"
yeah because he's not expressing his traits and sharing a good time with others.

I have no idea what you are asking in the 2nd part. re-read what I wrote.
29 yo straight male here
>>11534771 (OP)
No idea, maby they like to think they are all that?
It goes with nice ass and thighs.
Hell no, If it's clean it's fine.
"Cum inside me" is the hottest thing I have ever heard. Also just her being open in general, harder, softer, move up a bit. Tell me what you want.
I'm not a fan but lipstick with a natural color is nice.
Be honest, it's always going to hurt but honesty saves bullshit latter.
It's always the simple questions. I'm curious too
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Same here.

>tfw this entire thread has been a ruse and there's been no actual women here
we're just teasing you
You're right. I know. They live with it forever. It's not just women though either. I hear so many things in the media, like music for example, about how men saying that it will always hurt and live with it. Let's face it; the institution of family is a necessity to foster love and growth as a human being. When families are broken and society casts the values of a family aside than the society and communities will start to crumble until they are gone from history.
>America in the works
>Europe is already about to fall to muslims
>Japan can't stop dying
Japan has a lot of reasons for that though too, not just the family thing.
so I am a m/7/10ish or whatever. I understand that I am a type that some people like and some people dont.

always open and probably too flirty. right now and today I am taken and dont want to accidentally end up with more girls than I can chew.

for people who dont like my type - totally fine. great friends. for people who do - they just cant be platonic at all ever? what do? make people who have the hots for my type less into me as a person at the present time. (also without making myself repulsive)
suck yo mudderscunt
>"yeah because he's not expressing his traits and sharing a good time with others."
> not expressing himself = not attractive
I'm going to bleed out.

Also I was asking how telling someone to "deal it with it and adapt" is going to make the process any less frustrating but I already know this one.
it won't be less frustrating. it's going through an uncomfortable barrier and trying something new on.
I don't really like to be teased about anything, unless you're clearly being playful: you're so cute when you ____.

As for flirting, I like to be the one in the lead, asking you about yourself and listening.
Ah ok.

Well this thread has been interesting
you're such a dork
OK, is it true that some women sit on their underwear while wearing their skirts. Example here: http://images.4chan.org/adv/src/1359085193531.jpg
I'm not sure what you mean by being in the lead. can you be more specific?
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Meaning I steer the conversation, for the most part, but you probably do more of the talking. I don't like talking about myself too much and I know most people do so why not let them?
Guys: What does it mean when a guy hates his ex-girlfriend with a fiery passion yet still keeps all of her stuff (gifts, love letters from her to him when they were together, cards, etc) in a box?
>Men: How come older men act super offended whenever they try to get with a younger woman (18-25 years old... heck, probably even younger than that.) but she states she's not into dating older men and wants someone around her own age?

- why do short men act offended whenever they try to get with a taller woman and she says shes not into shorter men?

- why do fat men act offended...

- why do poor men act offended...

- why do gingers act offended...

-why do black/asian/hispanic/white , or christian/muslim/jewish/atheist or any other label of people act offended...

-now change men to women in every question.

-none of this is acting. its legit.

-now realize every single person on the planet gets mad when they get rejected, unless their self-esteem has hit total rockbottom.
well that's not exactly flirting, bantering or teasing, that's vibing & rapport.
means she lost attraction and he became frustrated with her. this secretly drives him mad.
I wouldn't get to concerned. I don't hate my ex, but I keep shit from way back then because it represents a interesting point in my life and is kind of interesting to think back on as far as how much my life and the world around me has changed.

Well, what if he tells me and everyone around him that he doesn't want her back or like her anymore? He even told her this himself. I just don't get why he gotta keep stuff that supposedly would remind him the worst person in history, you know?
anything becomes flirting with the right body language, in my opinion. making meaningful eye-contact, nonthreatening touches, smiling, etc.

I don't know where you get the idea that flirting and teasing are the same thing. the only time they get close is when being coquettish, and that "insincere flirting" which I'm not into.

Well, I can see why keeping the box if you don't hate them, but what about if you do hate them? Like I don't get it...
I do. I think girls do it when they're menstruating and don't want to get blood on their skirt but I just do it whenever. Can't you tell this just by looking at a woman sitting in a skirt though?
Probably because part of him was lost when he was with her. That keeping things either
A) fuel him to not be with people like her
B) Remembering the times he was happy
he doesn't want her back tho. it's simply the memory & experience of it all. it's very common for guys. I'm like this with my ex-wife.

well flirting is playful & fun whereas rapport is sincere.
I also have shit from a girl I did hate, though that never entered a legitimate relationship. The hating and neutral feeling makes no difference in this regard, it's still a part of me.

If anything, the only time I got rid of stuff is when I still had feelings for the girl. I couldn't stand to see the stuff.
now that I think about it you have a good point, but I still draw a line between playful & sincere flirting. sincere is just so intimate.

I appreciate your responses. Got me thinking.
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It's fine, and can actually look really nice for special occasions.

But it's almost always;
A) Overdone so girls look like freakshow clowns.
B) Put on every fucking day. It ruins it's appeal and wow-factor.

I liked the Dictator in Turkministan. He banned make-up because he thought the women in his country were so beautiful they had no need for it.
He was a wonderful crazy dude.

Up front and honest. No bs, no "I just think of you like a _____", no suger coating.

He may seem more upset/angry in the moment, but you're sparing him long term psychological damage and preventing him from becoming disillusioned and turning to misogyny.
I've seen too many poor bastards led on my girls trying to be nice and it always ends poorly.
Probably good advice, I certainly hate woman and crave their extermination to a psychopathic level.
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Don't worry, guys are pretty split 50/50 on that one.

Or rather, we like both as their own package, but might lean towards one or the other.

Hips are definitely a big plus to me when I'm looking for a gf I've found, but I like fucking petite girls just as much.
I think it's the "child rearin' hips" aspect kicking in.
its a sign of malnutrition
Girls: After you broke up with a guy because he honestly wasn't the type of guy you were looking for(you wanted alpha he was major parent living jobless beta) and he didn't change while you were with him.

You say you still want to be friends because betas make the best friends.

What would it take for you to realize you made a mistake in breaking up with him? Even after you found an alpha guy you liked.
She would have to be not overweight, not religious, kind, loyal, fun to be around, sexual, and hell if I know.
a miracle.
I doubt the shape and appearance of the vagina area matters to any guy, barring gross highly rare deformations.
Women: Why can't you just say no when you get asked out if you don't want to go out with the person? Why do you have to do the bullshit stuff like that isn't a clear answer (and if a person isn't thinking straight can be taken as a yes), and then add on to it by responding to affirmatively when they say they will contact you later to set up the date?
smokes weed, no make up, is attracted to me, shared interests.
Females: How would you feel if a gay guy wanted to perform cunnilingus on you?
>Too little would be if he LITERALLY never touched a girl even innocently, like a kiss.
Why? Because that's me.
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Get a job. Get a house. Get a life. Stop playing video games and become a happily independent person. Only then will you be good enough for the relationship you desire. And once you do that, you'll realize she probably wasn't worth it...but look at all the new girls who are!
Well, you (women) seem to be avoiding me at the speed of light.
What I look for is honesty and the ability to hold a real conversation.
I have dropped so many things from the list over the last few years because I have fallen for girls I didn't think I would just because of awesome conversations.

Like it's just another Tuesday in the fish factory.

Because you're already that pathetic that we're worried our rejection will utterly crush you.

>Get a job.
Got that.

>Get a house.
Crazy expensive here in cali. Have an apartment.

>Get a life.

>Stop playing video games
Fuck you.

>and become a happily independent person.
I am.
Oh god this. Having the ability to talk to someone and not feel like I'm banging my head off the wall is so refreshing. It is amazing how many more girls you meet like this in college.

>then I found out they all already are in relationships
>usually through conversations involving other people too
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So instead, you decide that you should build their hopes up more, just to crush them even harder? Seriously, straight getting rejected is so much easier, I've dealt with both.

>woman logic
Men: What does your ideal female dress like? Could you possible post a picture too
>doesn't know how to talk to girls unless the girls know how to talk to guys

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Fair question, but you're missing a key aspect.

When you say "interested", do you mean;

A) Girl I want to take to a nice meal, enjoy time with and bring home to the parents?

B) Girl I want to take back to my place and fuck like a pair of rabbits and then never speaking to each other again?

I think this is why both genders get so confused when the answers to this question don't match up with the reality, because it goes both ways.
Watch this
I have gone 3 days without fapping and I'm already seeing a difference.
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Unimportant. As long as it's not super conservative nor super skanky.
Funny. I just did a thorough takedown of the stupidity and out and out falsehoods of that video, no more than a few days ago.

"porn causes ADHD and OCD" my ass.
>implying that is what we said
Hell, it is something I look for in friends in general. You would be amazed how annoying it is to try and talk to someone, even about something related to a class you are both taking, and every other word is "like", "uh", "um", etc.
>as long as it's not super conservative nor super skanky

So it is important. Because if it wasn't, then a scantily dressed woman wouldn't be a deal breaker, correct?
I can talk to women just fine, it's when they refuse to talk on subjects of meaning that I loose interest.
I don't want every conversation to be about gossip, music or TV.
Scantily clad? Not so much. I mean looking like a hooker.
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Remember the golden rule when dressing up fr the night girls;

Don't show all the goods at once.

Either cover the legs and have the breasts on show and given proper support OR cover right up to near your neck and show off those nice legs of yours.

One or the other.
Showing both at once makes you look like a slut.
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Men AND women: Would you date someone who is still friends with an ex/exes? I'm talking about them hanging out one-on-one and such?
bullshit. life is empty & meaningless. she doesn't want to talk about your meaningful shit & you don't want to talk about her girl relevant shit.

the best thing to talk about to a girl is each other, which you can't do well.
>I'm not very good at it either tho
This might be one area where I'm desperate enough. It really seems like a horrible, horrible idea.
You are that obsessed with porn and masturbation that you won't stop for a week to try to improve your situation?
I come to /adv/ because I enjoy helping people.
One on one would make me a bit uneasy...
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I knew about 5 couples in this situation and EVERY SINGE ONE ended up cheating with the ex.

Not one exception.
It would bug the shit out of me but I wouldn't call off the entire relationship over it.
You take it as a given that it would improve my situation. I call bullshit on that scientific claim. That guy in the video is a crank.
As a male I do not know, I've just seen some girls and females sit on their underwear wearing skirts. That's all.
personally, i like girls that dress really sexy. short skirts, cleavage, etc.

it's weird i was just thinking about this question yesterday and today. a few days ago i bumped into my exgirlfriend. when i met her and while we dated last year, she always wore short skirts, tight blouses, high heels. she turned a lot of heads. but she was reeeeaaaaallllly prude. as far as i know, she is still a virgin judging from comments on her facebook.

my current girlfriend dressed very conservatively, even on weekends, and she is unbelievably sexual.

i guess you really can't judge a book by its cover
I agree with this guy
Not the guy you're talking to but i went a week and a half without cranking or looking at porn this summer.
Had been a whole year as well since I had been laid.

Got laid that weekend, fucked the girl for over an hour and still didn't cum.
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I wouldn't mind if they were on civil terms with an ex... you know, like a birthday card here and there, maybe a phone call every once in a blue moon, or saying "hello" and walk on if you bump into them outside in public...

But getting chummy with them? Hanging out one-on-one? Hell to the no. Looks like they're still working on their little broken relationship and I ain't gonna stand by and watch. You're either dating me or you're not, stop playing that lukewarm shit.


You messed that up bud.

i don't think it is a good idea. while it may be possible to be only friends with an ex, if they want to hang out one on one it will lead to sex. at least that is how it has been for me. one of my exes has been married for 8 years and we have had sex at least once a year of every year of her marriage. she just tells her husband she is going to the movies or something with me and we spend the two or three hours in bed.

haven't been caught yet
lady on the streets but a freak in the sheets

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You won the "I'm the biggest faggot" of this board, congratulations.
Nah you're a cunt. I fucking hate it when ex's think that they're incapable of carrying a friendship with me, regardless of who broke up with who.

I'm best friends with two of my ex's and I haven't talked to the other two in three years. How can you develop such a strong relationship with someone and then piss it away?
I don't think you know what that means.
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>How can you develop such a strong relationship with someone and then piss it away?

Ask my ex. I tried to be his friend but despite our prior "strong relationship", he decided that being enemies would be better for us. So whatever. Of course later on he started becoming a pussy ass bitch and was like OH I'M SO SORRY THAT I RUINED YOUR LIFE CAN WE STILL BE FRIENDS CUZ I REALLY WANNA... and sure, I forgave him. But being friends? Nah. He showed me his true colors and they were just ugly.

And hey, props to you for clinging onto the past instead of moving on like the rest of us folks. You're super cool, no, really.
I posted this>>11535972

My ex wanted to hang out one on one with me all the time..but she didn't do anything for my birthday, cept making out with her new guy all night, and she knew I was still trying to get with her but said she can't/wont go back to me..

I was selfish and couldn't stand the thought of her being with someone else and still willing to hang with me one on one..all day.. so I ended it..

I kinda hate myself in the fact that I was the one that helped her and her new relationship blossom all along.
>I was a jerk when she dumped me
>I convinced her she liked him
>I ended up relieving her worries that I didn't hate her so she could easily move on
>I said I couldn't hang out with her anymore and ended our friendship
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You're sleeping with a whore, encouraging her to be whore and ruin her marriage, and humiliating some poor guy who's almost certainly done nothing to deserve it.

You're a pretty huge fucking faggot mate.
I wish I was born as a woman. Housewife is basically my dream lifestyle.

Not falling for your shit, nigger.
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Girls, if you say

>Oh sure anon, I'll go with you to ____ on Sunday

an then on sunday you text him to say

>Sorry Anon, I made plans and I can't go with you

WTF does that mean?

That is really fucking rude
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>Never heard of stay at home dads
But when you play with yourself there's no boobs and you aren't pretty.
Yeah, but it's not nearly as accepted by society. Therefore, not nearly as easy to achieve.
It means they're really fuckin' rude and you shouldn't waste your time on them. They're too self-centered to keep up the responsibilities in a relationship probably, anyway.
It mean she never really wanted to do anything with you on Sunday. OR, something really important came up.

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In his defense, those are pretty rare and if we're honest a moment, political correctness aside;

I bet you not even 10% of women would be happy being with a man who wasn't in a career.
That's just how it is.
GUYS: Once a girl makes out with you, do you occasionally manage to remember to be flirty and take her on dates, or is it ALL SEX ALL THE TIME from there on out?

or maybe I just landed a bad one, idk. it's like he's either at zero or a hundred and there's no in between.
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It means she ain't worth your time bro.

If you did that to her, do you think SHE would take you seriously?
He's probably gay.
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Okay, this seems like a good thread to ask in... What if a guy grows distant, then,lovey all of a sudden, then distant again, then kissing, then back to ignoring me? It's so weird. It's like he finds a new girl every month and just dumps me to pursue her until it fails and he comes back. I've tried ignoring him, and after that he comes back stronger, but he ends up straying away again soon after. How to tame a stray?
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>making out

Those are two very different things lassy.

>girl makes out with me
>now entitled to dates

Depends if I made out with her because I like her and wanted to express that or because I wanted a crack at her vagina.
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Why would you want to?

Why is this one worth it?
Chances are if he doesn't want to hang out with you (dates), then he probably just wants to bang.
Doesn't mean he doesn't like you, just not relationship wise.
Some people are just like that. You have to either accept that or move on.
Girls, what do you think of a guy that had whiskey dick during a hookup?
If you are fucking he is using you for sex while looking for a gf. Sorry but some guys are pricks.

Right, I'd like to know where BJs fall, exactly.
if by whore you mean that she is promiscuous, you are wrong. i was her first, her husband is her second and only.

it won't ruin her marriage if we don't get caught. and since she and i are the only ones who know, he is not humiliated. she does love him-more than she likes me.

you are right that what we are doing is wrong, but it is only once a year for a couple of hours.
Do you know what the definition of attract is?

Unless you're a pure aesthete you're going to have to, you know, show people your personality.

And how the fuck do you show your personality if you aren't expressing yourself and are just off all by your lonesome?
Not necessarily. Different people just have different requirements for affection and might even feel smothered by too much of it.
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"Making out" is just just light stuff. Passionate kissing, groping, touching, grinding etc etc.

BJ's definitely come under oral sex/third base.

Anyway, you need to look at the situation detached a moment. Is this a relationship or is it just sex?
If it's not established as a relationship, then the guy has no reason to think to take you on any dates.
If it is, then maybe try reminding him...you know, communication?
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Um, cheating makes her a whore. Sorry. Are you 'special', by any chance?

Well, he did ask me out, and we went out twice and text... almost every day, but it's like every time I see him now, it's all about trying to get a home run, which I just won't do at this point. Call me frigid, but I don't care to have sex with people I'm not actually dating.
Ask him about it.
>the best thing to talk about to a girl is each other, which you can't do well.

No you dumbfuck, you said it yourself, life is empty and meaningless. The best thing to talk about is exactly what you want to talk about.

9 times out of 10 not gonna get you laid, but then when the hard on is over conversation itself, that's not the concenr.
Kill him.
well then, i guess she's a whore.

Guy cheated on me, does that mean every guy is a cheater?
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Doesn't matter bro.

I don't know whats happened, but you've become way to detached and you're failing to empathize.
It doesn't change shit if he doesn't know or not, the fact is it's happening.

Christ, I'd fucking kill myself if I found out my wife had been cheating on me for 8 years.

For the sake of all that is good and decent, as one guy to another, I implore you to cut that shit off forever.
Except you wouldn't bother to say this and hold such disdain if it were truly pity. You're afraid of the guy chewing you out and hurting you're feelings.

Don't be a little bitch, just man up (if you will) give it to him straight, period.
yes-given the opportunity ALL men will cheat
GUYS: I have a feeling my guy friend likes me, and i like him too. I think that the reason he hasn't made a move is because he is unsure if I like him as well. What are the best things for me to do that will make him go "ok she definitely likes me"
Back to Lesbos
:( Really?

What about women?
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Me mad? You're the one who's fucking her pussy hole after it's been drilled by her husband. His cum came in contact with your dick.


Honestly? This kind of happened with me and my gf at one point.

Bring it up and let him know what he's doing.

He either knows it and doesn't give a fuck about you at all, or he's just kind of slipped into accidentally and will probably be ashamed of it once he realizes.

I don't know how long you've been with this guy, but it happened to me a few years into the relationship during a rocky period.

Hope that helped.
Tell him you like him. It gets the point across and it's fast enough to not be a big deal if you made a mistake.

Or, you can play mind games like most people, I guess.
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Nope, not at all, but what I am saying is that based on what I've seen...

I wouldn't hedge my bets on the person being faithful.
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fuck you, feminist bitch.
U mad lol.

Sure, talking about what you want if fine & 9 times out of 10 it won't get you laid. If you want to get laid it's all about talking about each other & getting to know each other... if you know what I mean.

lol u so mad
someone has to risk the friendship in order to find out if feelings are mutual.
your appeal is duly noted and will be taken under advisement.

not having been in the situation that he is in, i honestly don't know how i would react if i were in his shoes. however, even if my reaction would be more tepid than yours, it would trouble my conscience forever if, upon discovery, he "an heroed".

that said, i cannot think of a diplomatic way to end the annual liaison without ruining a lifelong friendship. we have known each other since we were born.
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Feminists, pls go.

I had the chance to cheat on my gf twice and I turned it down both times because I don't do that shit on principle.

Fuck you and you're shitty taste in men.
I'm not mad, sheesh I'm just giving you shit. The dude that started the chain was talking simply for the sake of talking, so as I said, getting laid in this case isn't the point to begin with.
that is a difficult question beyond the scope of this forum.

suffice it to say, there are evolutionary reasons while males tend toward promiscuity and women do not.

read richard dawkins' "the selfish gene" for a brief yet thorough explanation.
evolutionarily women tend not to be cheaters, but modern society is changing these attitudes. however, on the whole, women tend to be faithful more often than men.
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Perhaps just tell you really do just enjoy her company but you don't don't wish to infringe upon her marriage anymore?

I mean, she is going to be trying to get at your dick with the force of a 1000 suns if you tell her that, so you'll need to steel yourself.

Otherwise though, I can't see how that would ruin your friendship.

tbh, she should really just end that marriage if she doesn't respect him.
Keeping the facade going is just cruel.
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>and women do not

Am I being tricked?

The reality is 90% of both genders really have no problem cheating when they're left feeling unfulfilled in their relationship, or just momentarily pissed at their partner. If you want to be realistic at this point, you probably shouldn't expect you're not going to be cheated on, it's neither shameable nor realistic.

How about "I've met someone and I think it's getting serious so we should stop fucking."

The end.
just make sure your boyfriend/husband doesn't have the chance to cheat and he won't
fair enough. that's what he was attracted to. i was pointing out he was being a hypocrite.
a man wrote that reply.

"you can't handle the truth"
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you should go to a psychiatric hospital.
Fuck yeah let's go! Lol
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So basically you're saying she must some poor hideous neckbeard.
you don't know women if you think that will work without creating drama.
*must only hook up with some
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Wasn't there a study done a couple of years back that dispelled this?

It found that something in the region of 30% of babies from about 50 years ago were from different men and that husbands had been raising other men's sons and daughters unaware.

Forgive me, I'm being somewhat conservative with the numbers there, it was a while ago I saw it.
Well what else is he supposed to do?
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>you can't handle the truth
>the truth
Women are more likely to lie through their teeth about cheating.
while i dispute your numbers (i think it is more like 90 for men 25 for women), i agree with your points. especially that it is neither shameful to be cheated on nor realistic to expect someone not to cheat.
>i-it's not my fault! it's BIOLOGY

man i fucking hate people like you. coming up with a bullshit excuse every time you do something shitty. humans have evolved to be dominant because we can suppress our instincts and exercise JUDGEMENT and REASONING
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>i think it is more like 90 for men 25 for women
because sanity is in your blind spot.
That's not true. We've taken the top because we like to teach each other things and because of the structure of our hands and shoulders.
>25 for women

Oh boy.
25-30 percent sounds about right. this is much smaller than the 90 percent for men.
That's purely preggers, realistically we're talking a minimum 70 something percent lifetime for ever cheating.
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90% sounds way to high tbh.

I remember going to the Hong Kong 7's one time with my buddies and all our Dads as a big reunion for us all now all us kids had grown up.

It was just the guys, and so everyone was pretty open about their cheating and bragging about it really.
One guy even brought the girl along, even though we said no women.

Even then, it was only about a 5th of them.
you are correct that reasoning should triumph over our baser natures, unfortunately every human is subject to them at one time or another. for some it is sex, others food, others greed, others power, others violence. however, everybody succumbs in one way or another.

humans will find a way to rationalize societally objectionable behavior when presented with the opportunity.
I was in an actual relationship with him. He kept growing distant, so I broke up with him, he got a new girl, I went to get my stuff, he wanted me back, dated two weeks, dumped me, went back with miss slut, cheated on her with me, and is now back to kissing on me, but he knows I simply won't date him again. So he plays it off as being friends, but I think he just likes leading everybody on.
it could be. i pulled the number out of my nethers. however, that number for certain kinds of bird species is well established scientifically and makes sense mathematically.

humans have much more complex social structures, so the numbers should be different.
I have a hard time attracting attractive guys. I draw in total creepers, but he's the only guy I liked who actually liked me back. I feel drawn to him, I may sound stupid and maybe I am, but I feel like I'm there for him for a reason..
20 percent were indescreet. the other 70 percent were probably more worried about getting caught.

btw, how were the 7s? never been but would love to go.
Work out, hit the squat rack, get some better clothes, learn how to do your hair and make up better etc etc etc. Don't be a fucking loser scrambling for the scraps.
How does one do this?
He doesn't really like you, he's just settling for you. Ignore him
Get with a guy absolutely no one wants, including yourself.
that is the eternal question. if you solve that you will become the richest person in the world.
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Also considering Birds on the whole don't just have 1 partner (excluding Swans & a handful of others) and have a whole different structure for this.

I actually did some study on the subject about human mating and fidelity and looked into those who'd studied it and mating patterns of other apes.
It's essentially our pre-historical protection measure against infanticide.

Chimps and Gorillas use Harems. Only the Alpha gets to have sex and children (but chimps will trade females for political favor other other powerful males).
Bonobo's fuck everything, all the time. Everyone is always fucking. In the end, the males don't know who's is what because everyone fucked the female who just had a baby, and due to their passive nature, they just all take it in as one of their own (as opposed to using it like a basketball like Gorillas and Chimps do when an "unauthorized" baby is born).

Humans came up with a strange one though.
We ritualized unions between couples and like to pair people off because it makes us more secure.
We know that if Girl A is with Guy A, Girl A's baby belongs to Guy A.
That's why we naturally get hostile and angry at infidelity.
It breaks that ingrained generic social contract.

You can see it if you spend 5 minutes looking at women's magazines, or the news. People love talking about who's fucking who, because it's a survival trait.

Man i fucking hate it when girls use this word

>guy likes a girl but she doesn't feel the same way
>omg he's sooooo creepy!

seriously go fuck yourself
I'd like someone who likes me for myself, but I guess that's not how life works. Although in defense I have to point out that I know a lot of kissless Virgins who are beautiful.
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"creepy" = subconscious fear of being raped and impregnated by a man you don't want to be impregnated by
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Seconding this. Had a conversation with a girl the other day actually:

>yea i left early cause this fucking creeper was making me uncomfortable
>what? what was he doing
>i donno...just being creepy you know?
>not really, what specifically was he doing that was creepy?
>he was like looking at me and stuff...i donno it was just whatever
Everyone would like that, but of course no one wants to like someone else for who they are.
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Fucking great, so long as you can get in the mindset for it.

Had an absolute blast.

Get ready to get drunk. I was sick for the first time and nearly passed out more then once. But you'll love it.

We ended up all passing around some Australian guy's show and downing pints in it.
Some guy showed up in a modified gasmask with a beer drinking tube on it later on and we all did that.

The Rugby was alright too, but it's the crowd you go for. Make sure you get tickets BEFORE YOU GO.
Getting them off the street is a pain in the ass.
That's certainly not you not since you only seem to attractive low quality males. If you want to change that, that's up to you.
I don't know if I should believe him, but he's told me I was too good for him, and he needed to downgrade. Load of bull, really. I still want to be there for him, though. Crack his shell and help him. I'm too nice. I know he's playing me, but I still like being around him.. Feels pathetic.
Nah that's bullshit. It's just a word girls use for guys that flirt with them when they're not interested.

>yea this girl was all over my dick but I blew her off, not my type you know?
>omg this guy was staring at me the whole night what a fucking creep like wtf?
>wooooooooow he sounds so creepy girl omg
I just feel uncomfortable around some people. They get too forward or I just don't like him. Bad vibes, ya know? You guys invent the friend zone bullshit, and you believe that every girl should start sucking your Dick if you're nice to them. It just doesn't work that way. I like guys I'm attracted to. Simple instincts and brain chemistry. That's it.
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But didn't you yourself say you're only interested in this guy because he's the only one moderately attractive that shows interest?

But you don't want to make an effort to improve yourself, yet expect others to?
think about what you just said. in other words, you'd like a high quality person to like you even though you don't have the self-respect to take care of yourself.

i am not trying to be harsh. but if you want someone to respect you, you have to respect yourself first. take care of yourself, get educated, look like the kind of person that you would be attracted to.
>I'd like someone who likes me for myself

Male here. Was skinny, but always dressed well and was good with girls. Hit on this girl for a long time, friendzoned, etc etc you all know the story.

Couple years after I asked her out I started working out. Got pretty cut after a year, also took a trip to India and got tan as fuck. Came back, she was ALL over me. Was absolutely fucking ridiculous. The whole summer she was just jumping on top of me and other girly bullshit.

Long story short, I got furious because I knew it was just completely superficial. Yea, so you "loved me like a brother" and "didn't want to ruin our friendship", but now that I have muscles you want the dick? Fuck off.

Goddamn it pisses me off just thinking about it. What I'm trying to say is that doing that kind of shit helps people NOTICE you but it won't get anyone to love you. I'm sure there's plenty of people out there that love you for who you are, but you need to get their attention first. That's why people focus so much on their appearence
I'd love to attract a guy that I actually like instead of repelling everyone away. My ex was like a godsend to me, but everyone has their flaws. This one just likes to cheat.. -_-' Ugh.
Go fuck yourself. Yea, some guys are legitimately creep rapists, we get it. But women throw that word around way, WAY too much. You don't have to like every guy that hits on you, but calling them creepy and weird just because you're not interested is just being a fucking bitch. Get some perspective.
Then improve yourself.
Yeah, I actually agree with this.
any absurdly nice girls in here who hate being hated on by people? if so please answer:

Nice guy you don't mind hanging around asks you out on a date, he's persistent and you agree to date him.

You find out that you don't wanna date him, how do you go about breaking up with him. Do you do things in hopes he will take a hint or no?

I'm trying to figure out if my last relationship just happened because she was too nice to reject me till she couldn't stand it anymore..
>omg he's sooooo creepy!
if i had a dollar for every time i heard a girl say that...
I personally don't throw the word around. These guys that randomly ask me out are legit creeps. They smell horrible, don't take care of themselves, have a reputation for being a creep, and they genuinely make me feel uncomfortable to be around. If it was an actual nice guy that asked me out and I simply wasn't attracted to him, I would decline. My point is that guys act super nice and I like it, but can't handle rejection and blame the female.
oh and also how do you treat such a relationship while you're in it?

and do you prefer to never talk to such a guy again/not care if he ever talks to you again?
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My gf and her gaggle of friends would always talk shit about this one poor bastard in our year.

Poor guy was balding at the age of 18, skinny, nasally voice: the works.
Otherwise same as anyone else, if a bit of a smartarse.

They'd all call him "Creepy Chris", based just on his looks.
I felt really bad for him, but I can see how they all got sucked into being so malicious. It's hard to resist that groupthink.
I think this is something you're just going to have to ask her
I do make a constant effort to improve myself, but I don't want to be a generic Barbie cardboard cut out just to attract someone. I want to be myself, my best self. And honestly, I can say that this one guy is the most attractive, great smelling, adorable guy I've had the privilege of seeing naked. :) so no, he was not only moderately attractive. I was very glad he asked me out in the first place, which is why I'm pretty bummed to have lost him.
>generic Barbie cardboard cut out
>trashing women because they're better looking and more successful than you
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>These guys that randomly ask me out are legit creeps

durr all the other girls do it BUT NOT ME!
I do take care of myself. I just don't want some guy to like me because I'm some fake slutty Barbie doll. I dont want to be a generic version of perfection. I want to be myself, only my best self. I appreciate the advice, but I do think I am a moderately attractive person, yet I'm kind enough to where the less attractive (in my own opinion, respectively) guys don't fear being shot down when asking me out.
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>I do make a constant effort to improve myself, but I don't want to be a generic Barbie cardboard cut out just to attract someone.

Well, fair enough, but no one said that.

You sounded reluctant to do anything at all.

Put it down to a misunderstanding based on text conversation I suppose.

Good luck either getting your man back or finding some new hot tottie.
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>"I'm not like other girls!"
> - Most girls
THANK YOU!! this. Totally this. this is what I meant.
it's not superficial. what you show on the outside gives hints about whether or not one should take a chance on what's in the inside.

dude, you blew it.
I did she doesn't know the answer, sometimes she says "I did like you" other times she says "I didn't know we would end up bf/gf"

I honestly think she doesn't know/understand why she acts the way she does. She really cannot say no to a person.
Let's get real, she only get's losers because she herself is a loser, and the one time she get's someone halfway decent, he plays her up and down the court like a complete chump because she has no fucking leverage in the relationship.

You can go all Disney princess on me here if you really want to, but the reality is she's going to grow up into the creepy (yes CREEP) catwoman if she doesn't get her shit together and have something of value for high quality men.
Thank you for understanding :)
What is this a fucking fairy tale? It's completely superficial. We were best friends, hung out every day. She knew be better than anyone. She didn't find me physically attractive before and now she does. I'm the same fucking person. I'm still a nerdy, lazy manlet with no ambition. I just have a better body.

If that's what my relationship hinges on than she can go fuck herself. I've dated quite a few girls that I didn't think were particularly attractive just because they were fun to be around.
Heh, this last man was a high quality in my own opinion. But do continue, this is /adv/! give me some advice, how do i get some leverage here?
same person, but not physically attractive.

what's wrong with being physically attracted to the people you date.

do you date ugly, hairlipped whales exclusively?
I realise your view on this, but I do believe you are slightly biased. I do not think all guys I am unattracted to are creeps. most are actually very nice and make good friends. But i believe you do not see the points i am trying to make. Honestly, I think /adv/ is a terrible place to learn about attraction because it's full of bitter guys who think they are in the friendzone.
>what's wrong with being physically attracted to the people you date

Nothing. But you're either attracted to someone or you aren't, and physical appearance shouldn't trump EVERYTHING ELSE. Here are the two possibilities

>She was attracted to me all along, but physical appearance was the most important thing
Therefore I don't want to date her because she's a superficial bitch

>She never wanted to date me, but physical appearance is the only thing she cares about
In which case I don't want to date her because she's a superficial bitch

I don't know, maybe I'm alone in this. I give people a chance. If they're a cool girl and seem interesting and fun to be around and they come onto me I'll see where it goes. I've met some awesome as fuck girls that I wasn't really attracted to that I dated for a year or so but things just didn't end up working out.

I don't think physical appearance is redundant, but I don't think people should care about it as much as they do. I fucking hate the amount of attention I get now that I'm in good shape. Makes me wish I never did it
>I do not think all guys I am unattracted to are creeps. most are actually very nice and make good friends

Of course not. Just the ones that hit on you
You'r ean idiot. everyone is unique and different. yes, girls have their obvious similarities, but you cant just think every one of them is some swagfag slut who thinks they're special... -_-' seriously. okay people, when do we stop arguing and i get some real fucking advice?
GIRLS: why do you get pissed off when I friendzone you? I have had several difficult experiences with girls that just won't take "no" for an answer.
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>everyone is unique and different
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Oh to be young and naive...

You're adorable kid.
reposting this for actual /adv/ice, NOT a shitstorm.

Simply: How to tame a stray?
>Nothing. But you're either attracted to someone or you aren't, and physical appearance shouldn't trump EVERYTHING ELSE. Here are the two possibilities

do you even English?

she liked you, but wasn't physically attracted to you. you got fit. now she liked you AND was physically attracted to you.

why is that so difficult to understand?

i'll ask the question again: do you only date ugly girls with great personalities?

face it, you blew it.
Simpy trying to point out to someone that "im different from other girls" may or n=may not be true. but the girl who is truly different would have no need of pointing it out.
>open your legs like a slut
>let him fuck you
>wait for him to fuck around with other women again, then repeat
Because the fact that she wasn't physically attracted to me was more important than everything else. If that is the only thing holding you back from dating someone, you're being a fucking idiot.
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Honest morally bankrupt answer: You destroy him.

You'd need to crush he spirit and self-belief so that he'd think he was lucky if you even looked at him. Because right now, he thinks-KNOWS rather, that he can do better than you.

The only way you can change that is to either find a way to be better or drag him down.
Socially would be the easiest but least reliable way because he might just bounce back.
More risky would be something physical, that would make him a dependent and needy person, but I doubt you want that.

So go get 'em tiger.
>If that is the only thing holding you back from dating someone, you're being a fucking idiot.

No, you're being a fucking idiot. This is how EVERYONE operates, like it or not.
not necessarily. it was just the final piece in the puzzle.

umad cuz yew blue it, jimmies all rustled
Neckbeard is making all this up anyway.
I'm honestly wondering why he doesnt just go for more casual, open relationships. every girl he "dates" he ends up being extremely serious with.
I'm pretty sure the original person left and someone is now impersonating her.
>This is how EVERYONE operates

Translation: That's how YOU operate because you're a twat.

>women dating a man for his money or status
>men dating women just because they haven't had sex in a while

But goodluck buddy. There are people out there that settle for "average" looking people because guess what, that's most of the population.
>implying that wasn't years ago
>implying I'm not currently dating someone
>implying I'm not embarrassed with myself for even liking the first girl to begin with

Yea, livid.
No, I'm still here. This guy I'm pretty sure is the one saying that

No that's how EVERYONE operates, and you're a twat just like the rest of us.

A man may settle for something less than stellar though to get his dick wet, yes, but that's not what he wants and it's the only exception.
wait what? plenty of people date people they're not attracted to. you thing hugh hefner's girls think he's the hottest man in town??
Money is attractive nigger, the point is they're not fucking him out of the kindness of their heart, they're doing it because they have something to offer.
obviously you weren't average until you started working out.

deal with it.
Yea, everyone with an average looking woman is clinically depressed and can never be happy or content or in love.

>being this fucking stupid
No shit? I don't date women to do them a favor either. What the fuck is your point?
No one wants an average woman dipshit, they settle for social reasons and to get their dick wet. They still want the hotter, richer women.
What the fuck is yours?
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>No one wants an average woman dipshit
>imaginary majorities
>presuming to speak for every man in the world
>projecting your shallow opinion onto billions of people

you can go whenever
That you can date people you aren't physically attracted to (which does not mean ugly), and should entertain the idea because most people are a lot more fun and interesting than they let on.
>this much denial

Must be rough.
denial? i'd rather have an average looking woman. in fact i've actively turned down more attractive women in favor of the average one that i'd rather date

but you'll probably just greentext and pretend like you aren't just being short-sighted and ignorant.
You can, but no one wants to. And frankly, no one's going to date someone they're not attracted to at ALL unless there's serious money or connections involved. I don't care how nice or funny the person is, there's friendship for that.
>this much shitposting

Must be rough.
>those sour grapes
>but no one wants to

Are you just hoping that if you say it enough it'll be true?
>this much ACTUAL shitposting

Must be even rougher.
Are you hoping if you deny it enough, it won't be?
>neckbeard dreams...
>people wonder why 4chan thinks /adv/ is one of the worst boards
>reading the end of this thread
damn guys, impressive level of bullshit

>hurr your opinion is wrong
>no your opinion is wrong
>you didn't do what you said you did
>im not the kind of person everyone else is
>shitpost shitpost shitpost
Then again, he's been kissing me telling me
>i miss you
>i miss your kisses
>I'm stupid
>I just wanna hug and cuddle
>I like having you around

etc etc, I have no idea what he really wants. He wants to be serious and find the mother of his kids, yet he's fucking around with different girls. I wouldn't mind if it was purley sexual, but he actually pursues relationships with them and makes them fall in love.
>"I wish girls didn't throw themselves at me"
>"I gave up my relationship to hang out with you"
>"I do want to be with you and I do want you around to talk to"
>"Thinking of things about you saddens me:"
>"I wish girls didn't fall for me so hard"

I think he feels remorse, but I'm honestly not sure what he's thinking. girls just throw themselves at him, and he says he's trying to please everybody. I'm not sure if he actually loves me and is shy about it, or if he's a no good player who does this to every girl that gives him enough attention...
>oh no they burst my fairy tale perspective
Not that guy, but plenty of people would rather have someone that just looks plain. Extremely attractive women attract a lot of attention. Sometimes they're *too* attractive and the guy feels like he's out of his league. I'd rather have a 6/10 than a 10/10. Of course I want my girlfriend to be attractive but that's an incredibly subjective thing too
Seriously. all I wanted was some damn advice and I started a shit thread -_-'
>fairy tale
>attractive women taking advantage of rich men
>attractive men taking advantage of desperate women
yep sure sounds like a fairy tale.

Yeah, you did start a shit thread.
That's the side I'm on, the fairy tale is the guy that thinks people shouldn't give a shit about looks.
>I'd rather have a 6/10 than a 10/10

Meh, not an easy thing to say. If it was a choice between the same girl either extremely attractive or mediocre looking, but that's never the choice, since it's always two different girls
yea i know. he didnt say people shouldnt give a shit, he said that looks shouldn't be (and often arent e.g. my post) the most important thing
6/10 is still a full point ABOVE average. Let's see if you'd do the same with a 2/10.
>the guy that thinks people shouldn't give a shit about looks.

Except there isn't a single guy in this thread that's saying that. Nice strawman though
I have to agree with this guy. Though my total life experience is 1 gf who was average looking 6 maybe 7 out of 10..

But most attractive women I meet are absolute bitches.. I don't mean they designate me as creeper, but they talk so much trash about other people behind their back, and have a HUGE ego.

I just feel like I can trust someone who looks average looking more than an attractive person.
though I find myself pretty average too..
Well they are, or atleast a close second to money.
Okay, I'd rather have a 5/10 than a 9/10. I'm an average looking dude and I want an average looking girl.
Looks ARE the most important thing though.
>Well they are
Yea, to you.
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I know..
>look at me im so JADED and HARDENED i know what the real work is like look at my BRUTAL PESSIMIST HONESTY

actually you're just being a faggot

a samefaggot specifically
So you wouldn't go with a 2/10. You still need to find them attractive or you aren't going to bother,.
No, to everyone.
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>M-maybe he'll c-change...
>I can f-f-fix him.....
>He'll eventually c-come around
>R-right? ;_;

There's nothing brutal about that you giant limp dick faggot, grow some balls.
Depends on the girl. A 2/10 that was the coolest fucking girl I've ever met in my life? I'd give her a chance.

>inb4 telling me what I would or would not do
i've met bitches who were ugly and women who were very sweet who were beautiful.

there is no correlation
the scale goes like this
10 - super hot
9 hot
8 hot
7 average
6 average
5 below average
4 ugly
3 pretty ugly
2 very ugly
1 super ugly
Yeah, I'm telling you right now you would not fucking do that, at most you'd simply be friends with her.
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damn bro ur so hardcore and manly fuck u mustve fucked so many bitches
>Yeah, I'm telling you right now you would not fucking do that

baby's first argument
>maybe if i just tell him that he's wrong everything will go away!
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>using the IGN scale
What is even your point?
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God dammit /v/
>I do it

Why do you even bother posting?
pretty much what this entire thread boils down to
It's not even believable, I don't know why you'd even bother saying it.
You didn't say you did it, for one, no one would do that.
>"I just miss you"
"I miss you too"
>"I feel like crap, I'm mad, I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep in my loneliness"
"aw :( why so lonely?"
>"just so down it's all coming down"

I'm not so sure what he's trying to do. I know he won't change, I know I wont date him again, and I know he will always be a retard, but I love him and want to understand him. Kind of a study on cheater's remorse and how to prevent cheating.
I can tell you fuck around on this board a lot.
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>Kind of a study on cheater's remorse and how to prevent cheating.

Find someone who lives by a very rigid and firm set of moral principles?

Outside of mutilating their genitals, there isn't much you can do.
Yeah, quite a bit. I think I may have developed an idealistic point of view. I also like to give others advice, so I try to find all the information I can to help others through experience.
Girls: Is 6'3 a preferable height for men?
True, but I believe everyone deserves a chance to improve themselves. but I think the saying stands as "once a cheater, always a cheater". for now, he needs a friend to be there for him and understand him, I guess. I've figured out he has a tendency of being suicidal.
I'd like to date a tall man. really depends on how tall the girl is herself and her preferences. Your question is targeted for too broad of an audience.
What does girls below 160 cm think of 6'3 guys?
Still, depends on the girl. why not just ask her?
Because then she'll know for certain he likes her anon.

Also, we barely ever talk, or interact even.
Stop being beta.

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