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ITT, the biggest untruth you were led to believe about life growing up, and the harsh reality you were confronted with when you finally got out in the world.
Well it was more of me being a child thinking when I got to be an adult the world would be awesome, I didn't have to listen to anybody and could do whatever I wanted.

Then I became an adult, and the world sucks, and I hate everybody.
>Girls don't care about your looks

They do. They say then like it "when they make me laugh" but in reality what makes them laugh is an attractive guy talking, literally girls start chuckling and giggling when an attractive guy is saying shit.

They honestly don't care what personality you have, they care about you having abs and a great face.
Cops and the government are the good guys.

Told from people working on government paychecks.
Not all girls are like that broseph, a majority, yes, but not all.
All the good looking ones are.
>>11546994 (OP)
>be the only male child out of 4 kids
>always took the 'be nice your sisters and mom' thing to heart
>"You're such a nice young man, anon. You're going to meet some nice young lady someday and make her very happy."

Really planted the notion of "the right girl" just kind of coming along into my head. Didn't really understand that it was something I had to very actively pursue for a long time. Made me very lonely in my younger days.
all men are created equal
Again no, not all of them are.
I used to believe that women by nature were better than men, that they were more kinder, understanding, smarter, etc. I believed that they could do no harm, and if they did they were somehow the victim. I used to believe that I couldn't hit a woman back, I used to believe that by getting a woman I just had to be myself, which was just a nice person in general.

Oh reality, how you've made me so bitter about life. When I realized this wasn't all true, and the pussy started to roll in because of the way I acted as a result of essentially being red pilled it made me depressed as hell.

>tfw the happy-go-lucky me who just wanted to be decent wasn't good enough
>tfw being hateful, not giving a shit about women somehow allowed me to blast loads all over them.
yup. All of them. Like I said, I realized this when I grew up, you will too.
I don't know, my parents didn't really teach me anything.

My dad was an alcoholic and my mom worked all the time.

So I never really got any advice growing up, I just kind of had to figure out everything on my own, and I'm still trying to figure it out all on my own.

I want to say I couldn't wait to be an adult, which is a lie, I wish I was a kid again, despite how shitty it was.
I'm 29. I'm pretty sure I'm probably older than you are.
The idea that honestly is something people value or appreciate.

I spent a long time with the mindset "Just be straightforward and honest with people," only to realize after a while that I appreciated my honesty but very few others did. Just aren't that many people who actually want the truth. Most people just want to be told whatever is going to make them feel good and will scorn you for telling them otherwise.
Doesn't mean you're grown up, you clearly aren't. Trust me, I've had more women than you even spoken to in your life.
Alright then, whatever you say. Enjoy your life thinking all attractive women are the same. I'm sure it will work out for you.
"Just be yourself."

Fucking. Bull. Shit.

Why do we tell kids this? It promotes the idea that it's ok to do nothing. "Being yourself" and actually finding any success as a result is a luxury provided to the select few whose genetics and upbringing make their natural persona one that is widely accepted/valued in the world. Most people have to change and work to be someone that anyone is going to hold in any esteem.
That everyone is smart and a good productive person.

No, no they are not.

People are fucking stupid, and nobody is productive, they just get by in a shit world the best they can, that isn't productive.
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Eh, you can't really hold that against them. We as men tend to put way more stock in physical appearance than women do, and it's only human to want someone that is physically attractive.

Plus, as guys, our level attractiveness is a bit more flexible than it is for chicks. It takes more work for us, but it's more subject to change. Most guys are gonna be deemed attractive if they hit the gym and keep in shape. If you're a girl and you were cursed with no tits/ass/hips/etc, no amount of gym time or makeup is going to make you anything more than average at best. Way more of what makes a girl hot is stuff you have to be born with.
Black people are just like everybody else and are kind-hearted victims and just as smart and productive.
I don't even know how you could have been led to believe that.
"If you work hard and be a good person, you will come out ahead in life".

Biggest bullshit thing I ever heard. Obviously those are good characteristics but that doesn't do shit for you in life. You need very good social skills, actual skills, and some fucking luck to really get ahead in life.
>grades matter in middle/highschool

They really don't. Just don't fail every class.

>grades matter in college

They also really don't. All that matters is your fucking diploma yet again.

What matters is that you learn something.
>Mad because girls care about his looks.
>Wants a good looking girl.
>Not realizing he is as shallow as they are.

In dating, your appearance matters regardless of your gender. If you aren't attractive, few girls are going to want you. If a girl isn't attractive, few guys are going to want her.
>grades don't matter in college
They do if you want to get into a masters program or professional program.
If you're nice to a girl, she won't cheat on you. Pretty much same thing in reverse: if you're a kind ssweet girlfriend, men will appreciate you.
this is all wrong. Men want bitchy sluts and they wanna complain to the nice ones like me that they're so nice to her and she treats him like shit. Yet the guy treats the nice girl like shit and goes for The sluts and wonders why his relationships never work out. Stop being nice to that slut who will friendzone you when there's a great girl throwing herself at you just to get your attention!
People are stupid, and there's nothing you can do about it.

People aren't usually "stupid", although there are physical brain differences. You probably just didn't communicate in a way that they understood. If you slow down, back up, and work with them you can accomplish things just fine.
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That being an adult was great. You had the freedom to do what you wanted and had no problems whatsoever.

Oh, how I miss you, childhood.
>Ignorance is bliss
To my parents from some other adult. "You have such a nice child. He's quiet and doesn't run around."

I can't believe people buy this mask of 'niceness.' It's all an elaborate ruse to cover the neuroticism that goes on in my head. I feel like I'm in agony.

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