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I just feel so bored with life anymore.

I don't know what causes it. I'm used to spending all of my time doing one of three things, going to college, working and sleeping. It's all I have time for when the semester is in session. When I get free time, which is rare, I don't know what to do.

Now with summer coming up, I just feel like I'll be even more bored, but I can't really do anything cause my work keeps giving up 30 hour weeks.

Video games aren't entertaining anymore, TV barely is and anything else just seems meh. I don't have the motivation to try anything new. How do I break out of this?
Do something that gets you involved with people, or physically moving. Yeah yeah who wants to work out, but if you want to stay out of depression and enjoy your life, get out and do something. Join a gym or sign up for a hockey team. Call up some friends and plan to meet for a jog every sunday. Do whatever you can to get out there and do something.
you still there OP?

Friends don't live near me.


Yay, you're still here! OK, your issue right now is time, right? You're not a tfw no gf kinda dude or an unsociable douche? If it's time, you'll be surprised by weekend planning and shit helping you out. Find friends, get lunch, beers, listen to music, then hang.

Nah, I just literally have no time. I can't plan for weekends because my work loves to schedule me 8 hours on Saturday and 8 on Sunday. I'd love to be able to have them free, but it's just impossible. I don't even know where to start to make friends that I can honestly relate with.

I'm not exactly the most sociable of people. I mean I talk to co-workers and whatnot, but not outside of work. I don't relate with them at all. I hate this problem. I'll be a junior in college in the fall and I feel like the next two years are going to fly by and I'm just going to be stuck in this "college, work, sleep" rut that's nearly impossible to break out of. Then once I do graduate, I'll feel like I missed out on everything.
>>12173755 (OP)
kill urself
Well, shit, you definitely should have picked a better time to start this thread then 1 in the morning, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to meet people in college at clubs, events, and even classes and shit like that. This is a common thread issue that usually gets fixed, try again later this week for better advice. Sorry for the shitpost.
try to read or write a book or experiences, like go with a notebook and write, draw, put some shit on that like flowers and idk
>Nah, I just literally have no time. I can't plan for weekends because my work loves to schedule me 8 hours on Saturday and 8 on Sunday. I'd love to be able to have them free, but it's just impossible.

I know that feeling OP, I have free time but my free time is all at the wrong fucking time.

I have no advice on meeting new people, I found friends I related to by luck. All I can say is talk to as many new people as you can as often as you can because that's really the only way to find someone you relate to.

Try to find a new job with a better schedule? It never hurts to turn in resumes.


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