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GUYS: A female friend of yours is sad about something. You call her after she tells you this while texting. Do you like her as more than a friend?
girls -

do you really avoid texting us so we will do it first even though you want to
>>11520105 (OP)

Not enough info.

Girls - Why do you spread gossip about peoples feelings towards one another?
>>11520105 (OP)
Calling after being texted by you saying that something is making you sad shows a high level of concern. Either the guy is really in touch with his emotional side, or he likes you.

Or he just wants to get into your pants.

Depends on other circumstances.
>still in school
>>11520105 (OP)
Maybe. I fucking hate texting. It goes:
In Person>Webcam>Calling>Chat>Texting
Maybe I just knew the conversation would be easier spoken. Though, I did care enough to get actively engaged in the conversation....
Yeah, most do. When I do it, it's usually because I don't want to seem needy or be annoying. But I'm not afraid to text first if I really want to.
yes, if we're still getting a feel for you. if it's been a while then you have a distant girl
>>11520105 (OP)
90% of the time if a guy shows any interest in your emotions he wants to boink you but is too pussy to be straight-forward about it...
Girls: a female friend says that if she gets bad news she wants to tell your first because you are really supportive. Does she like me as more than a friend.
>>11520105 (OP)
Not always. Sometimes you just want to be a good friend.

girls - How do we know when you like us? I can't read you for shit, unless of corse you spill your spaghetti around us often enough.
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Girls- I have a friend who wants to take me to a 18+ club (I'm 19) and be my "wingwoman" so I can get laid eventually. How bad/good do you expect this to work when I actually go up to girls with her helping me somehow? For the reference she is 23.
distant as in not interested, correct?
>>11520105 (OP)
I hate talking on the phone, so yes, I would only call if I was interested in being more than a friend.
ITT: guys finding out they are friendzoned
No. That's full-scale friendship behavior - she sees you as a good friend and nothing more.
What if you previously fucked/dated?
That's a whole 'nother friend level. Like you friend status has been suped up by Rita to attack Angel Grove.
Girls - Why are you all cunts?

>be 22
> Poured heart out to 5 girls and used the 'L' word on 2 of them. In the end, I was the one that was broken and they came out on top as the good guy, and I'm not a prick or a beta.

You girls just suck, period.
>Everybody else is the problem, certainly not me!
this. i bet he has mommy issues
Even though the girl says that she wishes that she was ready for me, that's another friend zone?
Actually mom tried to kill me wen I was 12....shit that's hard to type, and father didn't do jack shit. So yea, I have parent issues. Good guess
I'm in a similar situation, but she is dating somebody. Am I the flipping emotional side of the boyfriend without the fun what is this shit.
You were 22 and poured your heart out to 5 chicks? Jesus,dude. Stop being a bitch.
Obviously you aren't willing to hear that it's friendzone so you know what? It's not. Congratulations. She wants the D. Whip it out and slap her in the face with it, that will really get her juices flowing. Have fun, champ.
fuckin' a man, I tried. Time to cut my losses, thanks femanon. That hurt, but it helped
other girls will rate you on how you interact with your femwing.
having a femwing>wingman.
Shouldn't it be wingfem?
When I say poured out I mean it as telling them how much I liked them. Not like, "I am going to die if I don't have you with me" pour out
Guys. How does you like to be asked out on V-Day?
I want to ask this guy out that I think likes me, and I like him, but he hasn't made a move yet so Imma just do it. I've never been on this side before though..
I've got a serious question that's been going through my mind this week
When you're on your period and want to take a shower, what do you do then?
Do you use tampons? Wouldn't they become bigger because of the water?
Help a confused anon out
The bleeding is BARELY noticeable during a shower since there is water.
The only reason tampons look so full, is because we live them in for a few hours.
15 minutes without one isn't a problem.
It's not like a gushing flow like pee.
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beats me anon...i don't use them....
just ask him if he wants to do something on valentines day. maybe meet at his or your house. have a nice dinner. watch a movie.

the question itself will make him get the point
Honestly just asking us out would work hell we know how much it sucks so don't worry too much.
Femanons. How long did it take for you to get used to sex after losing your virginity?
So does that mean it is like constant when it happens?
if you're a girl---do it....if you're a guy---you're on your own fag.
OK. So you don't really expect a card or something? lol.
Would you expect something sexual to happen? It would be like a first date and I don't want him to think I'm a whore or something.
>>11520105 (OP)
No. calling is more personal that texting. Texting somone "get well soon" does not have the same weight as your voice.

calling just means your a good friend. If does not automatically mean that you like someone
I personally wouldn't it is valentines day I think that is meant to stay classy.
Girls literally DON'T fucking understand this. Guys hate initiating just as much as you do. If the feelings are mutual, it's a fucking godsend for the opposite person to start things off, I'm sure you know this.

If someone I was interested in walked up to me and was outgoing and shit and started talking with me I probably wouldn't get any happier.
girls: is it possible that my ex' feelings are coming back?
she left me on NYE because she wants to live her life and we're too far away (4h drive). moved away in summer because of uni. said the emotions vanished over the time we didn't see each other.
she didn't contact me for 3 weeks now. (and i obviously didn't text her). she's moving back in february.
nah i'm probably just being nice and have nothing else to do but listen to her.
Girls: how long do you wait for a guy you like to ask you out before you give up? I am pretty sure I have blown it with girls this way because I am way too afraid to just take a leap of faith
a card is sweet if you're having fun but you just can't make another move due to shyness etc.
Girls- if you let a guy cuddle up to you, do you want his dick? I know normally cuddling.is the.guy holding the girl, but with a friend of.mine its the exact opposite. She holds me.
Cuddling is innocent.
Having a dick shoved inside me is not.

But I will only cuddle with a guy that I would let sex me up anyway. I cuddle with my girl friends though and we're completely straight. Sometimes body contact is really nice in those sad times.
/adv/ guys.

Where do I find Asian dudes who use 4chan? Single asian dudes in general?

I'm worried that I'd get rejected by the more...(god I hate to say this) "normal" people because of strange quirks I cannot iron out of my being yet.
Personally I just forget to do it. It's easier to text than call somebody or talk face to face.
go to /soc/
or: have an insight into geeky hobbies.
where are you from?
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>how long do you wait for a guy you like to ask you out before you give up?
1 year. I crush pretty hard, but I only look from afar and never really talk to them. I told one though. Didn't work out, such is life.

> if you let a guy cuddle up to you, do you want his dick?
No. It depends. If it's a guy you like, yes. If it's just one of your friends then no dude. That's nasty. If you can't tell what she see's you as put your face close to hers. If she gets closer then she wants a kiss and that means she likes you.

>How do we know when you like us?
You probably won't, especially if she's shy. I'm shy, so the only way you'll know is if you caught me staring. If a girl looks at you a lot then she likes you very very much. Smile and if she smiles back, you've won.

>do you really avoid texting us so we will do it first even though you want to
Yes yes yes 1000 times yes. If we text first all the time it feels like we're annoying and you don't really care about us. Like you never really think of us at all. So we'll stop and hope that you notice and when you do it's a huge sigh of relief. If you never notice, then it's you don't even need us there. That's when the doubts roll in.
Like ethnicity wise or location-wise?

Ethnically I'm Vietnamese, but I've been told by a surprising number of people that I look Chinese/Japanese.

Location wise I'm in Northeastern America.

I've seen those "Matchmaker" threads on /soc/ from time to time...would I need to sign up?
welp you could literally have every white man

yeah those threads are ok. you could also make an okcupid account. there are really nice men to be found. honest men, who don't only want to fuck
Why in the world would you want to cuddle with someone you weren't attracted to?

Every girl i've cuddled with eventually led to sex.
I do it because I will be afraid you find me annoying for texting often (which I will do if I like you)

I don't. Others do sometimes, but I don't know why.

Need more info. Maybe. Probably more of a friend, but I had a crush on a guy who I turned to when I needed support.

That's a two way street. I can never read you guys, either. Do you want to get in my pants or do you think I'm a cool person?

Femwing makes us feel like you're a decent guy. Go for it.

>Why are you all cunts?
>all cunts?
Guys: Why are you all assholes? Poured my heart out, got cheated on and used, etc etc.

Yes, yes you are.

If she hasn't contacted you, her feelings aren't coming back.

Depends on how they act. If I hang out with them a decent amount, I wait.

Guys: how do you feel about girls splitting the check? I usually prefer to do it (especially if it's early on) because I hate feeling like I owe someone something. My ex hated when I did that.
Where the fuck were you 6 months ago, let alone my whole fucking life damn it!
sorry, same fag from this >>11520250
Girls, why do you always like the bad guy? They say they're never able to find a good guy, then date an ass, meanwhile I'm here all along and they say, "You're just like my brother." When I'm the good guy. Ugh! You women can be so frustrating!
I can't speak for all women, but I know that I do it when I'm sad. If I'm upset about something then I'll let a friend snuggle close. If they're upset about something then I'll do the same. It's because I care about them. Not everything is about sex, calm the fuck down. It's the same as a hug to me. If I stuck my ass out and pressed it against you, then yeah, obviously I want something more. But if we're just laying together then that's all it is.
Self proclaimed nice/good guys are never the good/nice guys.

And it's do to biology and evolution. Men who are successful with familes, i.e normal people were useless ages ago. We needed brawn over brains.
Now, we need brains over brawn, but since it's only be a few hundred years, we haven't switched over to brains yet.

Evolution takes a fuck load long time.c
It's the same question as
>why do guys like women with big hips big tits
Means she's fertile and capable of performing child birth.

I honestly do care one way or the other with respect to check splitting. I don't mind for the first few dates but it would be nice if girls offered to split the check after a certain point.
Same shit happend to me. Was everything she wanted, was everything I wanted. Still not over her ex. Got fucked over
let's be honest, most guys want a combo. don't fall for the bullshit in which we say otherwise
Oh my god, how many times do women have to say the same thing over and over again.
1. A man who isnt you isn't automatically a jerk. 2. Jerks are usually smooth criminals who actually ask the girl out thus making her happy that someone is interested in her so she gives him a shot. 3. "Nice Guys" RARELY ever tell a girl that they like them. If you don't tell her, if you never ask her out on a date and tell her it's a date then she will never know. She cannot read your fucking mind. 4. Being Nice isn't some amazing gift that you have, it's common human decency. You can be the nicest guy in the world and still be a useless piece of shit. Stop insisting that because you didn't kick my dog I should give you my hand in marriage.

Girls, just out of curiosity, what do you do when you're wrong?
>implying we are ever wrong in the first place

You sly cat.
Girls why u have no pipi?
Apologize and try not to screw up again.
How come girls cheat so much? I know guys do because the ones who have GFs are usually assholes. But I see good girls who are nice people, cheating all the time and getting drunk.
Why do girls smell so good? Why are they so pretty? How come they're better than men at college? Sorry Im only 13.
Did you know men cheat more often then women?
Girls: 2 questions
I did these weird but in order for a girl to get my number I would call her right after she gave me hers to make her laugh. I'll text them later and they reply "who is this?" Is this a bad sign or just a misunderstanding? I've just been giving up after she says that

My other question. If I texted you out of the blue. I haven't talked to you in months. Would you be put off by this? How would you react? Should I do this?
Maybe she didn't put your name on to the phone number and she didn't remember your phone number

You aren't the center of the universe Anon-Kun so don't expect her to remember a 10 digit code and who it belongs too.
that sounds about right. Also I saw something really odd today. Why do girls play with their period blood?
>>11520105 (OP)

in my dream last night i had a half-vagina starting from the top base of my penis, upwards a few centimeters, basically just lips that would seal shut whenever i get cold

thought it was normal cos for some reason, had "never seen a nekkid man irl" in that dream

deformity was called "dickgyna hybrid" by doctor

just felt like sharing
Because you grow quite fond of your bodily fluids after they spill from you since the tender age of 12.
I've heard boys play with their cum after masturbating so I don't really see any difference.

For some reason, I love the smell of my period. Very rich and irony.
Actually the ratio of cheating is about the same for both genders, verified by quite a few studies.

I believe you might be a little biased.

I have a PoF account but haven't accessed it in quite a while. Will take your advice in mind though--thank you.
Why do men cheat so much?
Thanks... But you didn't really answer my second question
You're fucking wrong:

>your own hormones
>girls shampoo/hygiene products

>feminine features
>again hormones

>men expected to have more brawny jobs, women more sitting jobs.
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Girls - Many guys are known for having some pretty sick and kinky fetishes. Panty/clothing theft or sniffing seems like a very disproportionate fetish between men and women. What are your feelings on men who sniff/fap with intimate female items which invade your privacy and trust, or even more vile acts like cumming in your shampoo bottles, etc? Is it flattering on some level or just disgusting? Do women ever do even remotely similar acts out of sexual urges?
"'If you look at the studies into paternity, even conservative figures show that between eight and 15 per cent of children haven't been fathered by the man who thinks he's the biological parent."
WTF!! why women? why? thats so evil
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I'm not turning gay but I feel myself becoming less and less attracted to females.
It's disgusting.
Plus I buy all my underwear from VS so faggot stop stealing my 40dollar panties.
Last time I will ever go to a laundrymat
"Used to" as in comfortable with the situation, initiating it and being propositioned without being nervous?
A couple times after.
"Used to" as in the feelings of it and deriving enjoyment from it?
During the first time.
> I've heard boys play with their cum after masturbating

Boys and men don't.
Women are interested in two things: resources to raise their offspring and the best genetics for their child to ensure survivability.

Not every girl can get a guy who has both, so they shop around a bit, so to speak, and mix and match...
Don't go inside a female public washroom. Just don't.

It's not just random strangers who panty sniff or steal, it could be your brother, boyfriend, father or close personal friend. Guys love it and you can't have your guard up 24/7. Here's a tip ladies your panties never magically go "missing" or get crusty for no reason, odds are you have an admirer.
tfw deviated septum so can't sniff panties ;_;
Even more disturbing. I rather not know the face of the person who is basically raping me and getting pleasure from me without my consent. A pervert, a liar, and a thieve. Good luck in life.
not all guys hate to initiate and not all girls do either.
I like to be the initiator. I was the first to admit attraction in all of my relationships, though I was not always the first to actually ask the other out on a date.
It's not a big deal.
Girls: How do you feel about a guy cooking for you when you're horrible at it, is it the guy being a beta or is it him taking advantage of the moment and trying to impress you?
so women can't think for themselves?
Yep. He must be making it up for his small dick size.
Same thing with guys who lift, and play sports.
Why do girls think a guy getting in shape is always to impress them?
Sports are fun and staying healthy is ideal.
Go to /fit/

They only lift for girls.

>staying healthly
>look at me I have 6% bf and I'm injected chemicals into myself
>dies in sauna

Let's face it boys, the only reason you do shit in life is for pussy. Don't deny biology

You're giving me a hard on, just stop. It really is quite a rush though. There is nothing like the smell of your sex on your panties after a sweaty day at the gym. The knowledge that I'm defiling your most private and intimate items, including your sex toys if I have access to your room, and you have no idea. My dick has rubbed against where your pussy rests for all day, maybe I've even cum in them. The next time your roommate has her boyfriend you should hide your panties before they go missing on their own. No need to thank me, it's my privilege.
Being close and having arms around your shoulders can be innocent. Indicators of attraction are listening to your heart or putting my arms around your waist.
But that's wrong. I personally get fit because I only have one body and want to make it last. But I won't deny men as a majority do it.
> Der, what is scientific evidence?


I guess straight guys can't think for themselves because they're programmed to find young women attractive...
so every time my cousin comes over their is this tension between us, im not sure if its sexual tension or what.. i find her attractive and try and hold back on the humor because it feels like im flirting with her even though it's quite hard.

at times she looks at me while im not looking at her and ill look at her and she'll look away.. its kind of odd. is she attracted?

i would never in a million years act on this im just curious
>implying "in shape" = retardedly and unnecessarily muscular /fit/ faggots

Keep it going, /adv/... You disappoint me more every day.

what the actual fuck xdddd
Man, that is some juicy writing there. I literally have a pant-straining hard-on from that.
So true.
But I like well MILFs and high school/college age girls irritate me...your information is off...
I'm fit because I want to get pussy and also extend my life so that I'll be able to get pussy for years to cum.

I thought I was the only one. The more violated and disgusted she feels the more aroused I get. The irony is I don't think the people talking about panty stealing were joking, guys really do get off on that stuff. Just as a tips to girls and guys in this thread, never let any male friend for ANY reason sleep alone in your sister's room, no good will ever come of it.
get embarrassed and a little defensive, but after a short break to let the embarrassment go away and I can admit I was wrong, apologize, and go back to nothing being wrong. And I think I'm too sensitive about being wrong.
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Do you find her sexually attractive?
Guys: What would your ideal woman dress like?

(Like how much makeup, what type of clothing, shoes?)
Is it an important thing to you?
> Guys: What would your ideal woman dress like?

Like a big tittied maid who strips whenever I'm horny.
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MILF not GILF guy. I'd say about 30-40 if she takes care of herself
Apple bottom jeans...jeans! Buts with the fur....the fur! The whole club be looking at her!
Guys: Why do you ask girls advice on how to get with girls when you know they like you?
Even if they're not making it your issue, don't you think it's kind of a dick move?
That's within the fertile range. So, you are attracted to large-breasted fertile women.
Black Eyeliner.
Frilly Short Skirt with Top or Maid outfit

It Depends on who you try to attract.

>Wearing emo clothes for emos
>Daisy dukes for jocks
>jeans for regs
>anime for anime

Most men like a bust,
but you might get raped for it.

Because we think you're happy in the friendzone and would be willing to help us out because you just want to be friends like we do, right?


i'm a minimalist
What would kill your attraction for a man that you'd been sexually intimate with for years, and then only want to cuddle with him?

A. Irreconcilable disagreement about ghosts/spirits/afterlife/evolution/etc?
B. Man asking you about what you find attractive or not, what you like in bed etc?
C. Man talking about worries/insecurities and problems in his life?
D. Man talking about childhood abuse shit?

Basically, what things do men do to make their longtime female partners permanently turned off? What things, if any, turn you off forever that aren't necessarily the man's fault?
For me it doesn't really matter as long as her shes got a cute face and has a style that matches and isn't too far out there (like those really weird hipsters). I have this weird thing for scene/emo girls but ill go for conservative, hippy, hipster (like I said not really weird ones), swagfag,etc.

Makeup is a must but I'm not too picky about it just no outrageous eyeliner and
> Why do you ask girls advice on how to get with girls when you know they like you?

Because we want pussy.
Yes but then the only alternative is annoying, pedophilia, and semi-necrophilia so yeah. Besides your argument was "young" women.
A 35 year old sure as shit isn't old, dude.
But women who do the same to men are bitches, and not friends. So wouldn't this make you a dick, and not being a good friend?
I could ask you the same question
Of course. But a grown woman at that age is surly beyond being a "young" lady.

It seems to me like there is some sexual tension between you are your cousin, which is perfectly normal. Sexual attraction is only natural when you have two individuals who like each other and are exposed for prolonged durations.To be honest it might hurt your relationship with your cousin if you DON'T have sex with her, all the sexual tension will just make things awkward unless you fuck her. Be yourself around her, no need to be afraid of your feelings or act differently. It sounds like she is interested so the ball is in your court champ. You don't want to look back years from now and think "what if?", opportunities like this only happen once in a lifetime. My advice? Go fuck your cousin and get it out of your system, you'll be a better person for it.
> Guys: Why do you ask girls advice on how to get with girls when you know they like you?

Oh, I see. You're asking us why we ask girls who like us how to get with other girls.

It's because the other girls are much better looking.
I don't do it while masturbating, but I like to sniff my own panties sometimes. If you're not my bf I don't want your cum in my hair, but it's not that I find it disgusting, per se.
I suppose "young" is subjective and I should have been clearer.

Well, yea you're being a huge dick. As I see it, the friendzone only works if the zoner is self centered enough to convince themselves that since they only want to be friends, then the other person will be fine with that.
> I like to sniff my own panties sometimes.

Da phuck...?
I answered it already

I'm just trying to see if that applies to men doing the same thing, if seeing if they just don't think about it in the same terms
Like Jessica Biel in the new Total Recall, but cleaner, and without the weird looking face.

Well I'm glad to hear not all women find the act disgusting, generally it is meant as a compliment. Do you find it flattering or erotic on any level?
I don't become emotionally intimate with my female friends. I've had female friends more or less start crying and trying to get me to hold them while they tell me their sob story...

It's not really the same thing.
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Yeah. In my mind MILF is children at about 25 and Granny status around 48+ you see? The old lady you posted was well over the limit and I'd rather stay out of the grave.
Ew. That's disgusting. I think period blood is gross.

I'd totally like it if a guy tried to cook for me, but it'd be 10x better if they were actually good at it.

Guys: Ass man or tit man? Can't really change it, I'm just curious. It seems to me most guys like asses.
I like to rub my cock and sniff my hand.
why do women only date assholes?
Honestly I just assume they aren't attracted to me. I might be doing this right now accidently because somebody else said they are pretty sure this girl likes me, but I just scoffed it off. Now I don't talk to her about trying to date somebody else, but she tends to ask me these things. Of course I don't really say much because I'm not really doing to well with the other girl but whatever. I guess we kind of do it without really thinking about it.
Not sure.. what that means. In correlation to conversation.

I wouldn't hold a crying girl if you paid me to.
Have you ever considered why you don't find older women attractive?
Honestly I just assume they aren't attracted to me. I might be doing this right now accidently because somebody else said they are pretty sure this girl likes me, but I just scoffed it off. Now I don't talk to her about trying to date somebody else, but she tends to ask me these things. Of course I don't really say much because I'm not really doing to well with the other girl but whatever. I guess we kind of do it without really thinking about it.
Female friends demand more emotionally from their male friends than vice-versa.

Guy here - I actually think the whole period blood thing is kind of hot and fairly rational. I'm kind of curious now as to what it would feel like to jerk off using a girl's period blood, or better yet how it tastes?
I'm good at cooking, but if a guy can cook a dish I haven't tried/mastered and he's willing to do it for me, I like it.
I don't have to cook, he's showing me that he can feed me, and showing me one of his skills. not to mention I get off on role reversal.
Definitely tits. Big, small, normal sized I love em all. Boobs are pure and feed babies a loving mother's milk. Asses just poop.

Best advice on here. Part of my job as a lifeguard was to clean the bathrooms. Men's room had piss on the seats and shit like that, which I thought was disgusting, but it generally wasn't that bad. The women's room, on the other hand, was the single most disgusting place I have ever been. Tampons left everywhere, clogged toilets constantly (someone threw a t-shirt in for some reason once) and even vomit from when they would get too boozed up while they were 'watching' their kids swim.
>Guys: how do you feel about girls splitting the check? I usually prefer to do it (especially if it's early on) because I hate feeling like I owe someone something. My ex hated when I did that.

My rule for splitting checks: 1st, offer to pay the bill entirely. If she says she wants to split the check, insist that you can pay for it all. If she still insists, split the check.

It generally covers all my bases. Frankly I like not having to pay for someone else's food, but my father managed to bang some manners into my head at an early age, and now I can't get them out.

But now it bites me in the ass sometimes, because I dated a girl who outright took offense at the simple things like opening doors for her and paying for checks. I didn't mean to be condescending or chauvinistic, I'm just trying to be nice.
Like blood and raw pulped meat mixed with a little urine and salt and just a dash of mucus.
Of course. Wrinkly skin and frailty.
They don't.

Why don't you find wrinkly skin attractive?

I'm still a bit curious, I'll be honest after reading this thread I want to eat out a girl on her period.
I am not one to demand anything out of friend's so I guess I simply can't relate.

But the fact that someone suggested it doesn't make you think you should adjust your behavior? Or Do you just respond to what she asks herself? Or is this just not a factor.

Purposeful ignorance is not ignorance.. Unless it is and I simply don't understand..
>Guys: Ass man or tit man? Can't really change it, I'm just curious. It seems to me most guys like asses.

I'm a bit of both and a bit of neither. I'm not a fan of big tits, but I can appreciate well-shaped ones. Likewise, I'm generally not attracted to asses, unless it's a particularly good looking one. To wit, I hung out with a ballet dancer the other day, whose butt just looked magnificent in her skinny jeans.

But that was an exception. Usually, so long as an ass exists, I'm fine with it.

Personally, I like waist lines. Thin girls with little curves right around their midsection. The first sign I'm in love with a girl's body is if I feel an irresistible urge to put my arm around her waist.

Maybe I'm weird.
Well it's pretty much the same reason I don't find poor hygiene attractive. It's simply not my thing.
> I am not one to demand anything out of friend's so I guess I simply can't relate.

Not literally demand... More like expect, you know. Like they want to tell you everything bad about their day or boyfriend. Just whining to a sympathetic ear sort of thing.

I had a friend who broke up with her boyfriend. After she broke up, she proceeded to tell me basically everything that she hated about the guy and how he was a piece of shit, while breaking down and crying in the middle of it.

Guys don't do that to each other.
I know that some guys like a bloody victory, but I just think that's SO gross. Then again I have to deal with it every month.

I'd think it'd make more sense to like tits. You can make a most girls go crazy with their tits, but asses, like you said, are just poop.

Ok. So you wouldn't mind paying? I should just let a guy pay for me? Would you LIKE for a girl to insist, or would you not care?

Really? That's the first time I've ever heard that. And by that I'm assuming you mean hourglass, right?
well, if it's a matter of him doing it without my knowledge, how am I supposed to feel one way or the other?
but if I was asked for a pair of my panties or propositioned to wash my hair with a mix of shampoo and cum, both flattering and erotic. Even better if I can watch.
The girl who said she thinks she likes me has been trying to hook me up with girls for a while, so I didn't put much into it. Also she has been asking me the stuff, I only answer what she asks, and I am not going to lie to make her feel better or lead her on because that would be awful
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>Really? That's the first time I've ever heard that. And by that I'm assuming you mean hourglass, right?

Eh, kind of. Not like, say, Jessica Rabbit. More petite.

Girls like this set off like some kind of animal trigger in my brain. I can't not be attracted to them.
Yeah, what I'm saying is that I am not one of those people so I cannot relate. I simply reciprocate whatever is going on in the conversation. Most girls I know are this way as well, so not able to understand that sentiment. I understand what you're saying however.

Well I think part of the rush comes from the fact that it happens without your permission or knowledge, but I think it's kind of cool that you're at least open to the idea and might do it willingly if asked. I doubt I would ever directly ask my girlfriend to let me do that, she's too much of a prude, your boyfriend is a lucky guy.
If someone asks a question they deserve to hear the answer, that doesn't quite apply to the scenario, or a non-biased one at least
...huh. Any other examples? (I'm wondering if I'm like that, inb4 post pics (not happening))
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How much better is it that I'm about to move into my own house by myself, while owning my own car and working a full time Job making enough to easily support myself. In an overall attractiveness kinda way.
Maybe, but those are the types of girls who friendzone guys. The type who only want to talk about their problems or themselves.
Depends on your age. Younger you are, less it matters.

i'm hyper sensitive is that a dealbreaker for most girls? i take a lot of things personally even if they aren't meant that way and tend to overthink situations
Girls - Is a threesome with your slightly younger sister always taboo and off the table? Even if she has expressed interest?

25 in May
For me, yes. My ex was like that, drove me mad.


Not at all, go for it.
Then yeah it's probably a good thing you got your own place.
How old is your sister?
Better question:

Girls - Is a threesome with my slightly younger sister always taboo and off the table? Even if she has expressed interest?


All the examples I can think of off the top of my head are girls I know on facebook, and I don't wanna feel like even more of a creep by sharing photos all over the place.

I mean, I guess my tastes are kind of hard to codify, but it's more a matter of proportions than anything.

Like, let's say the ratio of a girl's Tits to Ass is about equal to 1, and call it TnA. If the ratio of TnA/Waistline is

Equal to 1: Then she's about average, and her attractiveness would lie mostly in her personality.

Greater than 1: Then she's overweight, and I'm a vain motherfucker and I just can't find girls like that attractive.

Less Than 1: Perfect. Instant attraction.

Much Less Than 1: A little too far. I start to wonder if she has implants or is actually from some cartoon universe.
So she's legal, but still taboo.

I like where this is going...

Oh wait I switched up the ratio it's supposed to be Waistline/TnA, I think.

Would you continue dating a guy if you found out his dick was small? Like 2".

I think that might be the ultimate fantasy for guys. Having sex with your girlfriend's younger sister. Am I wrong? Unless she's ugly, which guys here wouldn't want to tap the more fertile and supple of the girlfriend's kin?
Wait so. uhm. if her waistline is less than her boob /butt sizes? Isn't that most chicks who aren't fat, at least a little?
All those options are perfectly fine just be light with the conversations you choose and don't constantly bring them up. However if you want a choice i would pick D.
Guys - How many guys here would fuck their sister if given the chance if she was interested? I want honest answers.
> Marry both girls
> Impregnate both
> Breed the resulting half-cousins
> Raise an army
It's HIS little sister.
Not me I don't respect her. Respect is a big thing for me.
I've had sex with a group of sisters several times. The same result is always bad. Unless the family is sexually freaky. Yes, I've been around familys that were always horny.
My sister is crazy as fuck.

But has a banging body. Big firm tits, great ass, all-over tan, tiny waist... I would fuck her until I collapsed from exhaustion if given half a chance.
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Is this what you're saying?
I would've like 6 years ago. She has a kid and all that shit now, and I was only 13 at the time. Not into it so much anymore.

I think so. I don't know. I'm bad at things.

Somewhere in between Banana and Hourglass is The Perfect Shape.

I have a HUGE crush on this one guy. I know he finds me physically attractive just by the way he acts, but he never tries anything with me, (except for one night when we were both really drunk and we made out). I am shy as well but have tried numerous times to get him to really make a move on me. I'm tired of trying to get him to man up and want to move on but I'm having quite a bit of difficulty in doing it. How do I stop obsessing over him?
fuck im doing this right now on purpose.
Huh. Ok. Cool, good to know

My sister is similarly crazy as some of yours, and I don't really like her that much because she is a bitch, but to the question of would I fuck her I most certainly would. But mainly only as a passionate hatefuck.

Why do you never hear of girls wanting to fuck their brothers, only their fathers?
uh no, not really, man. Curves are the ultimate significance of a sexy woman.
Different for me. Took about a month or two to get physically comfortable, took until my second partner to be super open about it.

Why don't you just ask him out if you're interested? The pressure shouldn't always be on the guys. I say give it one last go where you try being a full on slut around him. I'm talking no bra, loose shirt, and shorts with no panties. If some alone time like that doesn't prompt some action he might be gay.
>YOU can't have different preferences than ME, idiot.
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Yeah, I hate my sister too, but I would fuck her because of her damn near perfect body.

Her body looks like pic related.
Ya, whatever go ahead and keep fuckin that 4x4.
I'm gonna fuck my siste soon.
Hot. Please describe what she looks like and what you'll do to her. Also, ages.
Don't forget to creampie that sister pussy!
I found a shirt I want to buy for my girlfriend but the only size that's close to hers would be a youth large. She's size 4.

Should I go ahead and buy it? How bad of a fit would it be?

And if you're wondering, it's a band shirt from a band that broke up a few years ago, so there's really no chance of getting another. (They stopped making merch)

It's a band we both really like so it has sentimental value too
This should head to >>>/soc/
Yeah, go for it. Sounds adorable, not gonna lie
is he good at oral or willing to learn?
will he let me use my sex toys still?
BJ's would be easy, which is a plus, and still very fun.
sex wouldn't be out of the question, just more difficult.
so yes, provided he's a good guy, but he has to understand that unusual sex organs call for unusual sex lives
shes a half. 18. Blond. Hour glass body. flirts with me all the time. got on top of me a few nights ago at my apartment after smoking a bowl.
Guys (or girls, too I guess)
>18 virgin f in college
Is that honestly weird or normal? I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't fool around.

Try being 24 and a virgin and then come talk to me about weird, awkward or uncomfortable. Women can have sex at literally the snap of their fingers, even if they're ugly, it's harder for guys.
> is he good at oral or willing to learn?

Let's say he's a virgin, but kinda grossed out by vaginas.

> will he let me use my sex toys still?

Sure, go wild.

> BJ's would be easy, which is a plus, and still very fun.

Eh, he thinks oral is kinda nasty.

> sex wouldn't be out of the question, just more difficult.

How so?

If it helps, he'd be willing to wear a strap-on...

> so yes, provided he's a good guy, but he has to understand that unusual sex organs call for unusual sex lives

It's not really unusual, just less than stellar.
Good luck, dude. Don't spoil it with a condom. Get the morning after pill.
AMEN! Women are not here to suck the Dick of every fucking guy that's "nice" to us!
That's normal. Most people lose their virginity between 18 and 22.
Cool I'll do it, thanks.
It's really not a big deal unless you let it be one.

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>a guy with the 2" penis wearing a strap-on to fuck
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You're literally living the dream.
Okay, guy I dated for about ten months says he loves me, but he cheated on me. Does this mean he would rather have someone else? Why not just tell me that he does and break up with me to be with them instead of screwing me over? What does cheating mean in general? If you want the full story I'll tell it..
Guys: Do you follow this 3 day text rule thing?
Maybe he loves you, but you're just really, really bad in bed?
That sucks. You're right, it's not that I couldn't; I just don't want to with the "wrong" person (all that sentimental bull)

Ok. The majority of my friends lost their virginity in high school, and then there's me.
I don't even know what the fuck that is.
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I just did maintenance at a public pool this past summer and had the same reaction. Foulest part of my day easily.
ill just pull out i think.
Is it.. Is that so weird?
Blow your load on her ass cheeks? Fuck yeah! Mark that sister-tail as yours, bro!
Ya, she seems totally down for it.
Girls - How do I get to know a shy girl? I'm generally sociable and loud while this girl is reserved and quiet as hell.
how come women only date scumbags who hurt and cheat on them?
I don't even care ha. i think ill post this in /b/ so keep looking.
why do the self professed nice guys always turn into controlling needy pricks?

guy here. man the fuck up
Scumbags can be surprisingly deceptive. I dated a guy who was the sweetest guy ever. People told me he was a douche but he had me totally fooled. I'm sure this doesn't apply to everybody, but it's what happened to me.

For the record, it's because you're a little bitch, not because he's a "scumbag".
I'm that guy. Because I'm better looking than pussy betas and I'm nice to them in the beginning like I'm really cool and got my own thing going. Then once I got them grocery bagged or falling for me. Control and deception ensues as I cheat on them. Other girls fuck me because I have a gf. I'm able to have more than two girl fighting over me, because once again, im the shit.
>grossed out by vaginas
get a boyfriend, instead?

>oral nasty, would wear strap-on
does he not care about his own pleasure at all?
women enjoy and care about getting their partner off too

>how so?
just less choice in positions, is all: cowgirl and missionary should still work, provided he's not fat, meaning his stomach wouldn't prevent penetration.
I find this as him opening up to me, and I feel closer to him. Permanent turn offs include lying, cheating, beating, abusing, rape, etc for a sane woman.
same fag. Girls keep falling for the hot deceptive asshole guy because she can never tell how the guy is going to really be. Thats why he always gets a chance.

Would it be a dealbreaker if you boyfriend (or really whoever you happen to be screwing at the moment) for whatever reason CAN'T cum? I was dating a girl a little while ago, and no matter how hard either of us tried, I simply could not orgasm with her. She wasn't ugly, she wasn't bad in bed, I just couldn't let go, and I'm afraid that she felt innadequate or guilty or something.
> get a boyfriend, instead?

He's not interested in men.

> > oral nasty, would wear strap-on
> does he not care about his own pleasure at all?

He just wants to be able to have any sort of sex life at all.
>No morals or integrity

>I'm the shit

Choose one. High school won't last forever kid.
It's just a lot saltier is all
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Reverse the situation and tell me that it wouldn't weigh on you that you couldn't make your partner orgasm.
If you can make yourself cum, it's even worse.
>I should just let a guy pay for me?
Not the same guy. If it's the first date, and he insists, sure, let him pay. Do offer to at least pay for yourself in a not too distant future thou.

>Would you LIKE for a girl to insist, or would you not care?
Yes, i would like that.
At first, if i'm offering to pay, sure, i don't mind. But a girl wins huge points with me if she pays for herself, specially if it's not for retarded feminist reasons, shows some character in my opinion, and initiative, which is always nice to see in a women.
Would never let her pay for me thou.
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we all know your talking about yourself....
Yeah, I kinda figured...
When I was a virgin I thought oral would be nasty too, but when you're with someone you like, you get this desire to please them...
GIRLS: How should a guy approach you if he likes you, say he's a good looking guy and smart but he's socially akward and has problems deep down what shall he do?
Can a skinny guy be attractive at all?
LOL, it really is easy as hell to manipulate women once you learn the rules. but you gotta learn the rules. Women basically have gullible minds because they WANT to believe the emotions in their head.
Learn how to play guitar, and sing.
No, I think in decent in bed, but he had long distance relationships with the girls he cheated with. Just sexting and pics, mostly. Plus promising a relationship when they move back, lovey things like "I miss you" etc. it wasn't just about sex between them. what truly bothered me was he said he loved them, and grew emotional attachments. Yet after replacing me twice after us breaking up and him still trying to be with me and hug and cuddle and stuff, I don't know what goes on in his head.
It appears I've somehow stumbled into /r9k/... Wait...
do this if you want to be a DYEL faggot for the rest of your life
he said he wanted to be attractive while skinny, best thing would be to do that and start lifting
>interesting skill
>dem insecurities
get old fashioned: write a love letter!
I like skinny guys, but then again, I'm not female...
ya i know, silly females. Some girls do the same thing, when I run into a girl like that, we kind of immediately figure each other out and nothing ever really works except sex.
GUYS: I've heard that if a guy likes a girl he will try to avoid talking about emotional stuff to not look like a pussy to her.

If a guy who is normally very private tells a girl about trying not to cry during a movie, would you say he is opening up to her cause he likes her, or would you say that is a sign that he doesn't care if she knows because he isn't interested?
yes, my bf was a twiggy guy when we got together and he's still fairly skinny.
I have a pretty dominant personality, though. A more demure woman might have other ideas.
Guys: how can a girl know when a male-friend is interested in her as more than a friend?

There is no such thing as a male-friend for platonic reasons. If he's your friend then he's DTF. If you're still unsure try the 'panty test': one day take a shower at his place and leave the panties, if they're missing the next day or crusty with cum you know he's interested. That's what I would do at least.
Physical contact becomes more sensual. Extra calling or texting.
ya, as opposed to my first comment

I agree with this. Your guy friends always have wanted to fuck you. It's in a mans nature to be like that.

As a rather shy guy, I tend to get embarrassed around girls I like, especially if they're already my friends. I will find more excuses to make physical contact with them, often subconsciously. I will hang around them more often at parties. It's only when I catch myself doing these things that I feel like a creep, and then I tend to avoid her.

So, yeah, if a male friend is being abnormally close or abnormally far, it might mean he likes you but is afraid to admit it.
>When he's your friend.
any girl want to help me out for this one?
shit got very real, 9/10
Girls: If you tell your ex you still want to be friends what does that mean?
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When you tell a guy:

Your just such a great guy, you're so nice, I just don't want to hurt you

What does that really mean?
"I don't like you romantically"

She wants to be friends
>that feel when girl of your dreams won't date you cuz you're not the right race
wat do, girls?
yes. well if its a guy that i talk to every day.. and if i dont contact him first its because i want him to notice and think of me and contact me
Depends on the guy really.

I'm usually a very shy guy and all that manshield stuff is rooted very deep inside of me (e.g.: I didn't even cry at my father's funeral).

Now there's this girl I think I'm in love with (never really felt for another person that way, so I really don't know) and I just feel safe enough around her to talk about stuff I wouldn't tell other girls.

But in general I'd say a guy starting to talk about his feelings means one of two things only:
- He's in love with you or
- You've succeeded on becoming the female version of his best buddy

That's the only type of girl I'd talk about my feelings with.
I really didn't want to create a whole new thread to ask advice on this, so it's probably the best option to ask in here.

Guys: My boyfriend of 6 months pretty much just told me he doesn't like sex, despite us having a lot of it and he (seemed) to enjoy it.
Basically, we've argued about it and he has told me:
>fapping is easier, quicker and feels better
>he thinks sex is bland and boring despite me trying every kink of his in bed and doing a fair share of activity
>he says he "likes sex when he's having it" but doesn't want it often
>he said he only wants it once every month. or two months. and still masturbate.
>it's all a surprise to me, he's pretty much said he prefers porn over sex with me

You'd think after 6 months it would've come up sooner. He doesn't get how insulting it is to say his hand is more pleasing sexually than me, and I just want a guy's perspective on all this.

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