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So the new semester is here, and long story short, I make $9 an hour and I don't want to spend $500 of my hard-earned money on a few college textbooks. Unfortunately I am having a hard time locating the textbooks that I need. Google searches have either lead me to a website with 0 results, or I am being asked to sign up to the website and give my credit card information before I can download the material. I'm not sure what to do, and need some advice.
>>11526663 (OP)
Post your list of textbooks, I'll search for them on mirc.
tyvm sir
1. Computer Science Illuminated, 5th Edition
2. Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction.
3. Precalculus, Enhanced with Graphing Utlities, 6th Edition.
4. Literature - Reading, Reacting, Writing, 8th Edition.
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board thinks my post is spam because of all the links, I was able to find most of the books. If you need anything else just use

OP, are you attending SSC by any chance?
You know they use ISBNs for a reason
so those are pretty much books that you can download and print out by yourself?
They are pdfs you can read on your computer or read.
*or print
Hmm, it's asking me to sign up and pay $2 - which I wouldn't care about, but I'm not sure I want to give a torrent website my credit card info...at any rate, thanks for the effort.
I do alright with amazon used, myself, and barring that e versions are cheap and readable on the cloud reader.

For comp sci books, I join the local ACM and clubs at my school to use libraries in officer rooms, that includes all editions of current textbooks. Good reason to run for office and/or tutor.
Discover, amex and some other credit card companies give you single use generators so you can shop online safely. ask them

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