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adv me and my baby are homeless.

I was living with my bf, he kicked me out and I admit its my fault. I get $300/mo child support which barely covers phone + groceries. Currently looking into getting food stamps, either way I don't think I can get rent. My baby's father lives 18 hours away, he doesn't know.

My dad is already homeless, I haven't seen him in years, and right now I am staying in my moms living room but she wants us out she has to take care of my mentally disabled bro and she only has a trailer and she works full time.

Lot of shelters here seem really dangerous, I am trying to find shelters which cater toward moms but they never talk about the availability of beds and I am just so scared because I don't know how I am supposed to get UN homeless, I can't work when I have a baby. Considering I don't have a degree and only 3 months of work exp I highly doubt I will ever find a high paying enough job to where I can afford a decent daycare.

I have no idea wtf is in store for me or my daughter. Any advice is VERY appreciated at this point
And the pic isn't me its just a random GIS of a homeless mother and her 2 babies...I am also scared CPS might tkae her away
you're a stupid woman if you admit that you're in the wrong when your boyfriend kicks you out of your house

I don't know what you mean. I did end up taking him for granted and I feel sorry for that, I cried, I asked him for any forgiveness, but in the end its over. I'd rather not even talk about that part of it.
How old are you?

Talk to child services, hand your baby over if need be, til you can get back on your feet. You don't want to raise a child like that. He or she is more important than you, youre gonna have to nut up and do whats best for your kid
What state?

There's no way I can do that, pretty sure no matter what its better for her to be with her mommy than with strangers she is the whole world to me and if they give her away I won't see her again.
If you love her you won't make her grow up in a homeless shelter. Other people have the means to take care of babies, and right now you don't.

SE Michigan, I did find a shelter which specializes with moms and I am going to try and call them tomorrow and see if they have room or how long I'd be able to stay.

But they don't know her and they don't love her. She doesn't know them. Love is the most important and I know we need to stay together.
That's what's best for you. What's best for a baby is to be warm and fed, with a cot to sleep in and a roof over its head.
Maybe you could be a good mother in other circumstances but a homeless woman does not have the resources to be one.

don't be a selfish cunt
you were fucking retarded enough to get pregnant without a way of supporting the baby, and you were fucking retarded enough to fuck up your situation( and more importantly the BABY's living situation).

youre a fucking bitch
You're either an idiot or a troll.
>you're a stupid woman if you admit that you're in the wrong when your boyfriend kicks you out of your house

Feminist detected. You don't know there situation. She could have tried to murder him, and his actions would be justified.
How old is your child?
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OP, Ditch the baby

No its best for her to be with her mommy I will keep her safe + dry, that is what I am trying to do now, make sure I can bring her somewhere safe. She is almost 3 years old, not an infant, she will notice if I abandon her to someone else. She's afraid to even be home alone with my mother and she cries the whole time.


At the time I was living with her father.

She will be 3 y/o June 6th. She is speech delayed as well so she's a bit behind.
First, let me ask you OP, who is more important: you or your kid?
You could use your daughter for food. She might be able to last you a few days once cleaned.

Don't think about it much, just have another kid and name it the same name. Nobody will know.
Yeah give it to child services you cunt.

Sounds like you arent even doing a good job of raising your child properly. She's gonna have more issues than you. Please, for her sake, give her up.

And no, you arent keeping her safe right now. Youre almost on the street
Females, this is what you get for getting knocked up when you have a) no husband b) no job security, and c) no education

Enjoy being a prostitute to make money.
OP where do you live?
If you're in the same country as I am, come live with me. (femanon too)
I'll look after your baby while you find work and get up on your feet again.
She lives in SE Michigan. Most likely Monroe, unless she just doesn't want to say Detroit.

I will never ever let her out of my sight, never let her spend the night on the street, I'll always find a shelter, etc. Hopefully I can get subsidized housing maybe, find a job when she is in school, or a new bf.

I just talked to her a bit, and she wants to stay with me. I'm her mommy. You act like I am the one who wants her to stay and she wants to leave but thats a lie, neither of us could live without the other.

Give her up...you don't get to be a mom when you can't even support yourself. Children adapt quickly, she can live without you. As much as you don't wanna give her up, it's the best choice.
OP, if you honestly think that a three year old child is going to give you wise counsel, you grossly overqualified to care for another human being. I was put in the foster care system when I was four because my mother couldn't take care of me. Looking back now, it was the best goddamn decision she made.

You are a pathetic mother and are putting your own shallow, petty wants above your daughter's own well being. What's going to happen if you get shot out in the street scavenging for pop cans, and your daughter is stuck in your car? Hm? You really think if you're dead some mysterious angel is going to rescue your daughter? No. She'll most likely die in your car, be found a few days later, and your mother will have to bury her daughter and grandchild (assuming they can even contact her). And that's ignoring the fact that a young girl can have every orifice sold so that you can afford to put food on the dashboard.

tl;dr: You are a horrible mother, give your child up.

Yes, I mad.




I know this is trolling but I have genuinely thought about this, get my mom to watch her just on the weekends...but I would be too afraid and don't even know how.
Oh okay, probably should have read the entire thread.

I prefer skipping past all the predicted misogyny.
Well Op, sorry not in the same country.
Is there anything else you need? Like making phone calls or need to send e-mails, resume creations etc? (although considering you have access to 4chan, I'm guessing you currently have net access)

I'll leave this here and you can e-mail me if you need anything or just want to talk.

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A NEW BF??? christ.

You are so delusional, it's painful.

You are a single mother living on the streets, and you're rejecting any sane advice thrown your way because you're convinced you know what's right for your child.

If you really knew what was right for her- do you think you'd be living on the goddamned streets right now?

Do you think you and your boyfriend would have had a falling out- leading to your current predicament?
Better yet, do you think your baby daddy would have gotten you pregnant in the first place?

Do you even think before you speak/type?

You obviously don't know how to make proper choices for even yourself-
The fact the universe even allowed you to procreate is a slight against civilized society everywhere.

How about you do the right thing for the first time in your miserable life and give your kid to child services so they can take care of her while you try to stumble your way back on your feet.

If you play your cards right, you will see your child again.

You fucked everything up so far, don't you think it's time for someone else to take control?

If this is a troll thread-
10/10, Jimmies thoroughly rustled- would rage again.

Fuck this, I'm out.
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Same here bro. I'm gonna do a shot and thank god my mom isn't such a stupid cunt as this chick.

That's exactly what turned me away from this thread.

I'm in Michigan and considered lending a hand and being a part of one of those happy 4chan caps. Fuck it.
I really hope everything works out for you and your child. Keep the kid safe.
So did you have a really shitty relationship with your dad or was he just not there?
As much as I can imagine the pain of knowing deep down you're going to have to give up your own baby (that's probably the only thing keeping you going?), it is for her best. I'm sympathetic of your situation but don't give up. Give her a locket with a picture of yourselves in it so she'll always remember you and one day I bet she'll understand what you had to do. Your lives are both in danger if you're living on the streets. Surely there's some support groups that will help you with housing and clothes and food and will help you get a job or qualifications. You'll miss out on a lot of your child's life and that's heartbreaking to say the least but unfortunately there's not much to be done. Good luck.
OP are you sure you're not just keeping the kid around for that child support check...?

She's not giving me counsel but I am just letting you know that she wants to stay with me. Like I said she cries her eyes out when I just leave her alone for even a little bit. Kids are actually abused + raped in the foster care system, she is already so fragile I don't want to leave her there.

Your whole thing for me being a horrible mom is that I don't want to abandon my daughter. Actually its the opposite: a horrible mom would just drop her daughter the second it got tough for her for her own benefit, because that is what a SOCIOPATH does. What you are saying is backward and too painful for me to even THINK about let alone do.


Thank you maybe I will.


I hate to say it because I know its not the 'strong woman' thing to do but yeah a new bf would help to get me a home, ideally help me watch her so I can work as well or even just a SAHM. I am thinking practically here.
It's one thing to fuck up your life but you are now fucking up kid's life as well. Good thing there are productive members of society for your deadbeat ass to leach off of.

Seriously, why would you bring a kid into this situation?
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OK listen. Post a personalized picture WITH your children WITH a timestamp (that's what I meant by personlized) and an email linked to a paypal account. I will deposit a random cent amount into your account from my account and then I will wait for you to reply to my email with a phone number.

From that point on I will need to hear your story. I might even ask to speak to your kid. If you pass all of these tests I will deposit a thousand dollars into your account.

I am not fucking around. I do not want to see your tits. I'm just a good person.
Don't give her up. Just keep her safe and warm. Never leave her Op.
Do you look good? You could strip. I'm not joking.

He just was not there. My mom divorced him, he turned alcoholic, lost his job, then his house, he ignored us the whole time and now I don't know where he is. Even if I did I don't think he could help very much.


The "sane" advice is to give my baby into foster care! I'm not perfect but I still know that she loves me and that I love her. There are whole shelters dedicated to moms/families this happens, its not the end. Why would I give her up? And HOW? I love her more than I love my life she's my entire world.

Have fun fucking up your Daughters life, as well as continuing to do so to your own.

obvious troll since op hasn't responded, if that was me i'd do it in a heartbeat
>implying i'm as fast as a heartbeat
Jesus Christ. I almost want to say give the kid up so it at least has chance. It sounds like you are dragging your kids down into the fucked up mess you call your life.

Your dad is a homeless and now you and your kid are homeless. The father has nothing to do with the kid and you are dating a guy who is willing to throw out a mother and young child.

I am willing to bet your relationships with men have been abusive and/or dysfunctional. I don't know how old your daughter is but in the environment you are raising she is doomed to follow in your footsteps.

Kids as they get older see what you are doing and they may not understand it at the time but as they reach teen years and young adulthood those memories will play back in their personality like a record over and over again.
Why're you on the internet homeless?
>inb4 cell phone charges
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>have a place in Ypsilanti and another in Ann Arbor
>feel bad for OP
>new bf

You sound like a gold digging whore. You're a troll anyway.
That's not necessarily true. A lot of kids grow up perfectly normal in foster care.

OP talk to the fucking government, we have welfare systems for a reason. Your kids don't have to suffer while you get back on your feet.

Annnnnnnnd confirmed for troll.
So obvious it hurts.

I don't have the cord from my camera to go to my comp I left it at my bfs, can I have your email and mail you the pic tomorrow?


I don't know I have thought about it there is a strip club right across the street from the park my mom lives in--I think I look pretty good but I do have stretch marks + flab on my stomach. So I don't know how well I'd do. It definitely is a stereotypical job to take if you don't have a lot of education/experience and need money.


Aw I will.

Dude, I'm heading over to AA this weekend, wanna chill?
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Man, I love this thread. I fucking LOVE this thread.

I can hear the jimmies rustling and I don't even have my speakers on. But let me tell you kids some facts since you're on an advice board and someone actually needs advice that's not "I'M 16 AND I LIKE THIS GUY/GIRL AND I'M 16" or "I'M FUCKING SAD BECAUSE XYZ. HOW MANY ADVILS DOES IT TAKE TO KILL MYSELF."

OP, do you have any extended family you can get into contact with?

What's your work experience with? What kind of grades did you get? Do you have any skills that you're good with? Are you applying for jobs now; if so what jobs are you applying for?

Willing to give you real advice for someone who is the same age and living on his own in the midwest. I understand how much housing, food, and other shit costs in the area. I am not some weirdo who is going to give you money, I only have advice.

It's good advice too. Also...get money from the dude below. He seems weird, but free money is free money.


>there is a strip club right across the street from the park my mom lives in
>the park my mom lives in
>park my mom lives in


Fuck you, troll.
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>Dude, I'm heading over to AA this weekend, wanna chill?
Depends, are you OP?

No. I'll be watching this thread and bumping it every 30 minutes or so for the rest of the night. More than enough time to get a disposable camera and take a picture AND get it developed/put on a CD. Just upload it from then on I'll take over.

Nope ;_;

My mom has the internet? She has wireless even? Like I said I am at her living room now, I just can't stay here forever.


I was looking for my cord to go from my comp to my phone, but I don't think I have it.


It was my own fault getting kicked out, like I said I don't want to talk about it but I was not always a good gf to him, and thats that. I don't know I admit that my life is rough now but that doesn't mean it always will be. I hope that when she sees me she sees a mom who did everything for her baby, who is kind and who is smart.


I don't see how that would make me a whore. Maybe a little bit, because I would be depending on a guy for shelter, but I don't think thats a bad thing when you look at alternatives, plus then he would love me and help to take care of her as well.

I'm not trolling either and it hurts because people say give up your kid or you are a troll. Maybe if it ever came to that, I would beg all my relatives first to please take care of her. But right now I still can't imagine it, giving up my daughter sound slike a fate worse than death.

What do you mean OP? How were you not a good gf to him? It just seems really absurd for a guy to kick out a mother and her child.

>OP, do you have any extended family you can get into contact with?

I have my cousins and an aunt/uncle on my dads side who I am close to. I also have my baby's father who I am debating on because I know his family is pretty rich (and actually live much closer than he does, though still out of state) and so if worse came to worse hopefully something would work out there.

>What's your work experience with? What kind of grades did you get? Do you have any skills that you're good with? Are you applying for jobs now; if so what jobs are you applying for?

I worked a summer as a cashier. I got OK grades I admit I was not the best at school. I also volunteered a lot at my brother's school for disabled kids,so I have that. I have been trying to apply for working at home jobs to where I would not need to worry about childcare, as well as a ton of low paying weekend jobs to where maybe my mom could watch her though I am sure I wouldn't be able to live off of that.
>Nope ;_;
That's a plus then, she sounds like a cunt. I won't be around for a while though, visiting my aunt this weekend.

No fuck YOU:




Like I said I can't change the past and I don't want to talk about it. I did take him for granted, and thats what I'll say.


Please, you are planning to give me your email anyway correct?

Ah, okay. Well I hope you have fun too man.

If you're still here, any places you'd recommend checking out?

Also you can't really see from the google result but click on the map and then you can see.

What do you mean took him for granted? How can you be so sure that you can't fix things? Yeah you can't change the past, but you can at least try to fix things

He thought I was just using him and to be fair that is partially true. I wasn't always warm to him, I got an attitude sometimes, etc. I should have tried harder and cared more. He thinks I cheated on him which is not the truth but I admit I sat on a guys lap when I was being drunk and stupid and I think that really hurt his feelings, which I do understand. I wasn't thinking and that was the problem./

I already left him a lot of messages. If he wants to forgive me then who knows, but its not like I can plan on that. I'd rather not talk about it either way.

I'd suggest calling on your extended family for help in terms of child care. Whatever you can work out basically. If they can watch the kid on the weekends, or weeknights, that gives you time where you'll be able to get out and find hours working somewhere.

I'm the same anon who asked about the strip club. If you can deal with being judged, I'd suggest going in there and talking to them. If you can't be a stripper, maybe they'll let you be a barback and work your way up to bartending there. I feel like strip clubs are pretty open to chicks with your situation and they might throw you a bone if you're not a slacker.

Those low paying weekend jobs can turn into assistant manager/manager positions if you play your cards right and give a shit about where you work. You can make any job into something awesome if you work your ass off; sounds fucking corny but I'm your age and I make a living off of bullshitting, mediocre grammar, and knowing how to use MS Word.

I can give you better advice if you ask me specific questions as well. I could dump everything on you, but I'd rather you ask me since it helps narrow my thoughts-- you sound like you have a bag of problems and I'll just vomit info at you that you'll most likely pass up.

Here is my question: almost all the low pay jobs they always say "fill out the app online". So I do and I never hear from them again. Should I call back the place? Because it seems like some job hunt advice sites say "make sure you call back!" but then I read on other sites and they say "don't call back its annoying"?

Call back. You'll end up with a lot of awkward conversations, but most of the places are going to pass up your app anyways.

Go on craigslist. Find the places that ask to call. If you can start a conversation with someone and open up a dialogue about a job, you're on an awesome start.

Also, apply for any kind of government job you can. State, county, and city websites will show you any openings available. A lot of people pass these up because they just don't think about them and McJobs are always in front of your face but a custodial job for city hall pays twice as much with benefits and paid vacations for less work.

Thank you very much, though I know applying for govt jobs can be a big deal.
I suggest you use this time to find a job with daycare while you have a roof over your head.

If you can find a job at a daycare, you'll also be in a decent position.

Sure, but thats the thing, I can't even get Taco Bell to hire me for the weekends. So who knows about a really nice job with daycare.
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HAHAHAHA oh wow, this thread is golden. I hope to god this is true. OP asks for advice, and then neglects the advice given to her. People like this should not reproduce. No wonder your boyfriend dumped you out on the street. This is how crackwhores are born. I'll lol in 11 years when your daughter gets pregnant. Oh women, god I hate em.


I guess Detroit because of your post where you mentioned the strip joint and trailer park.

Power in numbers. You're having the same issue as my girlfriend and I understand that you may not realize all of your options (this is why you're asking for advice). I'll be realistic with you. The chances of you finding a nice government job or a job at a daycare is pretty slim, but it doesn't matter.

If you apply for a shit ton of jobs, someone is going hire you. You have not applied everywhere. You need to discuss something with your extended family and your child's father's family and hope they can find time to watch your kid for a while since you cannot afford child care. Once you've established times where they can watch the kids, you have lots of time slots open up for you, which means you can work more, and the more you work the better off you'll be.

Advice from neckbeards telling her to give her child to CPS or another agency? She's got enough sense to fucking ignore that. Her situation isn't fucking dire for gods sake. She just needs to get her shit straight.

You fuckers are incredibly unrealistic and detached from society and real life situations that it makes my head spin.

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