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    File: 1336858574.jpg-(660 KB, 1920x1200, 2115-3ddigitalart_3dscene_i_stand_alone_(...).jpg)
    660 KB Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:36 No.9875238  
    Re-post from some days go.

    I've been mostly depressed since I was around 14y/o (currently 20). I guess it started because of all except for one friend abandoned me, then they started bullying me and made two of my school years something I despised. I was depressed and lonely, and thought of ending my life. But it never happened. My one friend at that time introduced me later to anime. It really made me cheer up watching, and after watching one called "Clannad", it changed how I was thinking and it made me realize what I always have wanted in life: Someone to love and care for. Years passed and I started studying photography and such since that was one of my only hobbies. I slowly started to lose interest for photography, and from there, everything. I just stopped caring since I felt there was nothing to care for. In my life, I've never felt a strong enough bond to a person that I could say that "I really care about you". Tbh, I really don't care about most of my friends, nor parents. It's like I've kinda lost emotions towards other people, and I managed to accept it as who I am. I barely felt guilt for anything anymore, and I was kinda comfortable with this. Since I didn't care about anything nor anyone anymore, I found the thought of dying as a relief, and I was just drifting and waiting for death to come. I was comfortable with this.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:38 No.9875242
    Until now.. When I started studying photography, there was a new girl who joined our class, two weeks after everyone else. I found her very cute, and I was kinda interested. The problem at that time was: I was just too shy, and I didn't have a conversation with her before many weeks later. Then, it was too late. Another in the other class had already started dating her, and after around half a year, they went into a relationship together. At that time, I was kinda depressed because of it, but it was nothing I could do about it, so I just accepted it and ignored my feelings about her. As time went by, we started talking to each other more and more. I became good friends with both her and her bf, and in the end, me and her ended up chatting almost every day with each other. My feelings for her grew stronger and stronger, and I hated myself more and more because she was already taken. I managed to ignore my feelings tho, and just tried to not think about it. A few weeks ago, she asked if I wanted to hang out since she was so bored and her bf was traveling. I said "sure", and we decided to just go for a walk up a mountain. It was kinda late, and we managed to watch the sunset with eachother while just chatting. I never had felt so much in peace as I did then. I really felt happy and comfortable, something I can't remember last time I did. At that moment, I realized that I really do care about her. If there was one I wanted to love and spend my life with, it would be her. This really sucks. First of all because of her bf.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:38 No.9875246
    . Their relationship only seems to grow stronger for each year. I know she only sees me as a friend, and in my opinion really good friends. We trust eachother enough to share secrets about ourselves which we hadn't told anyone else before (atleast I hadn't). I really don't know what to do. I really want to confess my feelings for her, but if I do, I risk our friendship which I really value. I really doubt she has any interest of leaving her current happy relationship to be with me, so for me, I see no happy ending to my confession. It has been really nagging at me, and I've barely slept the last days because of thinking of what could be, and why it won't. If I don't confess, it will slowly devour me from the inside. It has led me to have extreme depression the last days, and I can't focus on anything other than thinking about it. If I actually do confess, I know it will risk our friendship and our contact. I really don't want to lose the only thing I truly care about, and be left more alone and lonely with nothing to care or live for at all. I doubt she knows how much all this have meant to me since I usually seems a bit careface. Mostly because so she won't suspect how I feel for her. I really need some /adv/ice and opinions before this is killing me. I really don't know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:45 No.9875286
    >It's like I've kinda lost emotions towards other people, and I managed to accept it as who I am. I barely felt guilt for anything anymore, and I was kinda comfortable with this. Since I didn't care about anything nor anyone anymore, I found the thought of dying as a relief, and I was just drifting and waiting for death to come. I was comfortable with this.

    A-..Are you me?

    Anyway, I had the exact same problem. And I have the golden ticket for you my friend. Ask her this question and I assure you that it will not hurt your friendship in ANY way.

    >"So-.. Listen, you're a great girl and all. And there have been times because I was really close to you that I actually had some feelings for you. And the thought of that keeps nagging me every day, I don't want to nick you away from your boyfriend whatsoever. But I just want to know if the feelings were ever mutual? You know, just so I can get some closure."

    If she still has those feelings or ever had these feelings she'll tell you. If not, then no harm done.

    And good luck bro, I believe in you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:51 No.9875309
    You screwed up for not asking her out earlier. Meet other girls, wait. When you really are in love with her you will stay a few years. When she finally breaks up with her bf you can take a shot. But once in friendzone it is very hard to break out. And you are in this very moment in Guantanamo-Alcatraz-Auschwitz-LondonTower friendzone, since she has a boyfriend. So just wait and hope for a chance.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:22 No.9875506

    >"So-.. Listen, you're a great girl and all. And there have been times because I was really close to you that I actually had some feelings for you. And the thought of that keeps nagging me every day, I don't want to nick you away from your boyfriend whatsoever. But I just want to know if the feelings were ever mutual? You know, just so I can get some closure."

    Thanks for that! A really good question I think I might ask her. I'll save it. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:25 No.9875523
    No problem, and again: Good luck!

    You deserve it!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:26 No.9875526
    Yah, I know. It's a lesson learned, and I will not screw up next time!
    The problem with waiting for them to break-up is that it seems it will never happend. Their relationship only seems to go in the right direction (for them), and then I might need to wait forever. But I haven't done anything else than waiting in my life, so I guess I'll survive.. Just hoping for the best
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:27 No.9875537
    Listen, the same guy who posted the question here. I don't want to squash your dreams but don't do it, there comes a time when you have to move on. Because it will be incredibly painful for you to see that everyone is moving on, including them. Except for you. Believe me I have seen it happen countless of times.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:38 No.9875603

    Hmm.. I see. I will atleast save the question IF I actually find a moment for it that I feel right about it.
    I do know that the only thing I should do is to move on.. and that's what I'm trying to. It's just that there ain't anything I want to do in my life, other than that. I probably sound "blinded by love" love right now, but it was like this before I fell for her. Only then, I wanted only one to fall for, then be with.

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