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    File: 1336857605.jpg-(73 KB, 400x388, Feelsbadman.jpg)
    73 KB Getting expelled Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:20 No.9875173  
    So today I took a final for a friend of mine thinking I'd be able to get away with it since it's an enormous class and the TA for the class is asian as hell. Turns out he deduced that I was not who I was claiming to be, emailed the professor while I was taking the test and got a picture of the student I was taking the test for. On the way out he snapped a picture of me with his phone and told me this would be brought up with the school's honor board (a student run anti-cheating system that has the power to expel students).

    I'm feeling pretty sure that I'm very fucked and going to be expelled from college. Has anyone encountered a similar situation? Whether it was someone you know or if it happened to you any information would be useful.

    Also, does anyone have any suggestions on how I should approach this? e.g. Going to the school and confessing before I'm emailed about this, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:22 No.9875176
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    You're fucked. You know you're fucked. What advice could you possibly want? lol

    To be told there's a chance everything will be ok? It won't since YOU GOT CAUGHT. I don't know that schools are very forgiving about cheaters...
    >> Trollodolo 05/12/12(Sat)17:22 No.9875187
    You are fucked faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:28 No.9875204
    why the fuck would you do someone elses test in collage? they're usually have super strict about that kinda stuff.

    you dun goofed. youre fucked. and you deserved to get fucked.

    why did you do it in the first place? lack for foresight?
    stupidity? what. what could you possibly gain from such a thing?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:31 No.9875216

    Maybe the guy was gonna give him a blowjob that would've been outta this world? haha what a sap

    You just don't do this kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:31 No.9875217
    You are fucked. There is one thing you can do when you are fucked.

    You get fucked.

    Suck it up and deal with the MAJOR loss this WILL provide for your life.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:33 No.9875228
    I gained nothing from it, my friend convinced me to do it and I know I'm retarded for it. Somehow I convinced myself it isn't as stupid of an idea as it really is and now I see how absolutely dumb it was...

    I already know I'm fucked though and I was just wondering if people think I should just go forward and admit what I did and hope for SOMETHING.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:36 No.9875237

    What can it hurt? It can only help really. But yeah, you are Fucked with a capital F my man.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:38 No.9875244
    1. Shave your head.
    2. Tanning salon
    3. Buy some real tight fitting clothes, some real nice shit.
    4. Get a pair of fake glasses if you don't wear any.

    If you get called in, claim you're not the same person as the pictured person. They should believe you if you remain aloof.

    Either that or you could get expelled and waste your money/time on absolutely nothing.

    Small price to pay.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:39 No.9875248

    admiting probably isn't gonna do anything.
    admitting usually only works if they aren't 100% sure it was you, but in this case, they have way too much evidence.

    Well. on the plus side... it's a good learning experience?

    plus you'll have lots more time to go on 4chan. :D
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:39 No.9875254

    Oh wow. My first time on this board and I see this.
    My life sure feels better now, whatever happens I'm not being expelled from university at the speed of light.

    Haha oh wow, you are so boned, you homosexual. You should've thought one step beyond "hurr durr mah bros needn muh helpz!!1"

    At least make sure you take your dumbass friend down with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:41 No.9875260

    hmm.... Im assuming they have your name and details,
    so they'd probably just compare your ID pic to the picture the guy took of you. so changing your look probably isn't going to help. :/
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:41 No.9875263
    Pin the shit on your "friend". If nothing else he'll get as fucked as you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:42 No.9875266
    Just wait until you are notified from them. Admitting anything isn't going to help you. They're not dumb, they know any confession from you isn't because you feel bad about being dishonorable but because you are trying to save your ass.

    I don't know about your university, but at mine a student at the least would fail the course and get an academic dishonesty report, and if you get one of those you might as well just drop out anyways. You're fucked, no way around it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:42 No.9875269
    This. It looks like your only chance for salvation.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:43 No.9875271
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    Tell them he blackmailed you. Flip it on your friend. This is the only way you could possibly get out of it. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to be expelled.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:43 No.9875274
    Yeah changing my look would be worthless since the only picture of me they have on file is my ID picture.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:43 No.9875275
    dont worry bro there is a way out of this
    you just gotta hope the dean is gay and offer to suck his cock every day
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:44 No.9875281
    Two words:

    >school shooting

    It's not like you have anything left to live for anyway, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:46 No.9875287
    Just because I ruined my life doesn't mean I'm trying to ruin a bunch of other people's...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:46 No.9875288
    this is retarded. you and your friend's stories will conflict and any chance you have at not getting expelled will be out the window
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:46 No.9875291
    well I guess youl have to apply to a mercantile academy and become an officer on a ship.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:47 No.9875295
    My friend said he wants to take all the blame for this since he thinks it's his fault. He's planning on transferring next semester anyway. I don't think he'd want to make it look like he blackmailed me though.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:49 No.9875301

    Nah, but there are a few things to consider;

    >this academic dishonesty will stay with your forever
    >the result of this is that you will never get into any university, anywhere, because you're marked as untrustworthy
    >in turn, this will bar you from getting an okay job in today's economy
    >you have still gone to school, which means you're probably balls deep in some juicy student debt
    >you're in debt, you won't get a job, why not kill yourself?
    >why not kill some other people too, while you're at it?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:50 No.9875302
    Maritime Academy you mean

    I just graduated form mine
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:50 No.9875303
    So... the prof has a picture of some guy in class taking a test (you) and a test in hand with your friend's name on it. How is he going to connect the test with you? Even if you were so amazingly retarded as to take a test in a class that you don't have, you can still get out. Just claim it's not you on the picture. Have an alibi. Do not ever wear the same clothes you wore on that day, instead give them to someone else from the same class who looks similar to you and pay him to wear them around campus.

    That, and:
    > student run anti-cheating system
    I'm pretty sure there's plenty of ways to get a student-run board to look the other way if the above doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:52 No.9875312
    Nope. Because I'm not a dumb fuck. You will probably be expelled. Enjoy wasting several thousand on an education you will never complete.
    On the off chance you get off, never ever offer to cheat for a friend. This isn't high school. Shit is serious.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:52 No.9875314
    woah, cool. How does it work, do you look for employment with a shipping company and then sail off?

    What sort of money you looking at?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:53 No.9875321
    at least your friend is being a good guy about it. seriously, you and your friend should both just be completely honest about everything and hope for the best. maybe you won't get expelled, but i really doubt you won't at least be written down for academic dishonestly, which sucks, but you could still graduate and get a degree.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:55 No.9875336
    >>the result of this is that you will never get into any university, anywhere, because you're marked as untrustworthy
    Pfhaha, oh wow. Is that really how universities work around where you're from? Over here they have an admission test to prove you're not retarded, then they take your money for as many semesters as necessary until you give up or graduate. Unis don't turn down cash.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:56 No.9875338
    You're right.
    I was disappointed as fuck in myself for my grades this semester. But unlike OP I have a chance to do better.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:57 No.9875345
    and good university at least. of course there are universities that would accept someone with academic dishonestly, but it'll probably be a shit tier school
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:57 No.9875349

    You mean there's no such thing in the US?
    That's interesting, to say the least. Are there no psych screenings for potential med students? No background checks?
    >> YourProblemsAreStupid !!X4HyYMEAPQy 05/12/12(Sat)17:58 No.9875354

    Listen up, son. You have a legitimate problem, so I'm going to give you legitimate advice.







    They're going to ask you questions. You aren't legally obligated to say anything, so you shouldn't say a fucking word to anyone, and especially not anyone who says they're the authority on the matter. Tell anyone who gives you shit that you have a lawyer, and you won't be answering any questions without your lawyer present.

    Tell your friend to shut the fuck up and get a lawyer, too. For all the honor board knows, you came in hung over and accidentally took the wrong final, and the other guy -- whom you do not know at all -- just happened to miss that class on that particular day. It's a long shot, but the burden of proof rests on the honor board, and if you and your acquaintance just shut the fuck up and claim ignorance, they'll have to work their asses of to prove that you committed fraud -- a difficult task for any undergrad with a full course load.

    Represent a strong hand, tout your lawyers, scream that this is libel of the highest order, and don't say anything that will incriminate you, and you MIGHT get out of this one with no more than a slap on the wrist. Open your mouth, though, and you're just asking for trouble.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)17:58 No.9875356

    I got my mates license, if you wanna work on ship you either do engine or deck studies (i did deck)

    They basically set you up with a job since shipping/tug companies go to the school to look for empoyess, it'spretty much 100% employoment with avg starting of 75k. I am going into the navy though so my situation is a little different. It's a miserable 4 years but it gets you where you want to go.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:00 No.9875368
    I-.. You..

    He-.. He is fucking right? What? Okay, that's the first trip that is going in my awesome list.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:02 No.9875384
    You need to stop being the community bitch, assert yourself for christ sake.

    If you do get expelled, start with beating the crap out of your "friend" even if it was your fault for trying to do it for him.

    If you're feeling really ballsy, slash good old TA's tires, or fuck him up.

    Though realistically see if you have enough mental capacity to convince them to let you stay, and kick your friend out for being a bad influence in the class room.

    Taking charge of yourself is the first step though.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:02 No.9875385
    Professor reporting in. You're totally fucked.

    Generally when I do large finals for large classes, every student has to present a student ID in order to turn it in (and they're hard to fake here). If he has a picture of your friend, AND you have an ID in the network, all they have to do is look at the pictures and if they don't match, both of you will get expelled for academic dishonesty. I sure as hell would. And I believe my TAs over my students.

    The fuck were you thinking son, this shit will follow you around forever, even if you DON'T get expelled.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:03 No.9875391
    >> US
    I'm not from the US, I'm from one of the eastern european slavic countries. Doing what the OP did around here might get you expelled, but nobody would prevent you from re-enrolling; though most probably the prof will simply give you a failing mark and ask you to retake the test alone. The system doesn't let you fuck yourself up for life, unless you try really hard and persistently at it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:03 No.9875392
    You're retarded. They check your record when you apply and your record as a cheating fuck will be flagged from the other Uni.
    Universities get money by being known as high standing institutions with integrity.
    If word gets out that any faggot can go to McTech and get a degree by cheating then your degree is worth shit. They don't want that so they toss cheaters as soon as they find them.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:04 No.9875399
    This fucking guy,
    Course if you can't pull it off, both of you stay quiet.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:05 No.9875405

    That's an absolutely fucked up system.
    Like, seriously flawed.
    Glad I live in the somewhat OK part of Yurop.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:06 No.9875407
    They have my picture though.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:06 No.9875408

    In the US it goes on your transcripts forever. The person IN the class will be given a specific marking next to their F that pretty much says "failed due to academic dishonesty" as well as the findings of the honor board will be added in a letter with the transcripts to their record. Forever. And so even if they get in somewhere (which generally you can't because it is a form of dismissal) and then want to go to grad school, or need anything to do with anything regarding your transcripts, that little letter (for both involved in this case) will follow you around for the rest of your life. Unless you want to lie about your academics, which they will find out thanks to the FAFSA information that is mandatory.

    I suppose you could always get a new identity... that might be worth the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:08 No.9875421
    But degrees are worth jack shit in general. Nobody hires based on which uni you're from, they just want you to have *a* degree in cs or math. Well, I guess medicine and maybe law have degrees that matter. But if op is studying law and still did what he did, he's a really special breed of retarded.

    OP, what's major?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:08 No.9875426

    Same here, you're banned from all higher education for life (which is pretty good, because I wouldn't want cheating bastards, such as OP and other miscellaneous scum in my school).
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:09 No.9875430
    I'd drop out and join the military, and I am being completely honest. Unless >>9875354 is correct, you're fucked. If you do get proven "guilty", it will follow you around forever and basically be a black mark on you wherever you go. Even if you don't, there will be a report written on it and that will fuck you just as much.

    At least in the military you can have some income, do your time, and maybe come out of it with some job skills you can apply to your future. Don't go infantry or that bullshit...go something with technology or communications.
    >> YourProblemsAreStupid !!X4HyYMEAPQy 05/12/12(Sat)18:10 No.9875433

    Who gives a fuck?

    I can find your picture on fucking Facebook, but that doesn't mean I can put you at the scene of murder without busting my ass to establish corroborating evidence and presenting it all in a bite-sized package to a bunch of fuckers who couldn't care less about this type of bullshit.

    You fucked your way into this situation, so you might as well fuck your way out of it. Don't give up, represent a strong hand, and scream that you are motherfucking innocent despite any and all claims to the contrary.

    It worked for OJ, dipshit. Just think about that for a second.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:12 No.9875442
    Which part is miserable? The schooling or navy? Also what would the advantages of going navy be?
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:13 No.9875445

    University honor boards are not a court of law... they can find you guilty without perfect evidence. And your idea is cool, that's fine, bring a lawyer, whatever, but you'll be fighting the whole school and its board of regents which will probably choose to just throw you out anyway instead of deal with you.

    Yes, they have the power to do that too.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:13 No.9875446

    I fucking love this guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:13 No.9875447
    Is it wrong that I'm turned on by your manliness even when I'm not gay?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:13 No.9875448
    Why would they have THIS guy's name? How would they link it up?

    I still think my solution is the best. Even with the change of physical appearance, they don't really have shit on YOU.

    Who would they call up? They just happened to investigate to find out your name?

    More than likely your friend will get called up, and then he will rat you out for a lesser sentence. Make sure he doesn't squeal, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:13 No.9875451
    The problem here is that they aren't the police or the government, which means OP does not have the same rights. He isn't innocent until proven guilty. A university is more like a company and they are more than capable of not providing their service if they think OP cheated.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:15 No.9875460

    See my thing on student IDs. But even then it might not be close so it IS possible for OP to get off if he was smart enough to get out with his mouth shut... which at this rate it sounds like, but his classmate may be completely fucked. Plus if you go to class, even a big one, for a long period of time, there will be witnesses as to who someone is, and they can be contacted provided it wasn't some senior class (and it was big, so I doubt it).
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:15 No.9875465
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:16 No.9875468
    Who the fuck made up a system like that? Sounds like a recipe for a club of backstabbing paranoid sons of bitches. I know education in the US is generally fine, but shit like this makes me glad I don't live there. Isn't the point of education to educate people? People do stupid things all the time - you're supposed to have them learn from it and come out as well-learned productive members of society. Not kick out debtors who can't repay their debt on the street.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:17 No.9875470
    Ok OP, the following here assumes that your friend is willing to take the fall and corroborate any potential story you can come up with:

    Now it seems like there's enough evidence to easily prove that you sat that exam and any board would be much more likely to take the evidence and testimony of the TA than any meager defence you can provide.

    So they'll ask you why you did it, now you've not told us why you did it at all and it seems you really didn't have a real reason for doing it (Which makes it worse) so here's what you say. You were offered a large sum of money to do it by your friend. You're a student so I assume you have at least some financial worries, show them anything that could add to this argument, bank statements, whatever. Of course you wouldn't do such a heinous crime without a defence, your mind was swayed by the sweet, siren call of cold hard cash.

    Note: This probably still won't work and it's throwing your friend under the bus even if it does work but as of now you're both fucked anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:18 No.9875479
    That shit wont work if OP put his friend's name on the exam.
    >shows he has a connection with the other student
    >shows he didn't just show up for the wrong final
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:18 No.9875480

    There's nothing about debt here, it's simply the fact the cheaters should be marked and then thrown out, which is fair game. If you can't do the crime ...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:18 No.9875485
    Sure they might know you're not who you were claiming to be... but how the hell are they going to find out who you actually are?

    What, are they going to go through the pictures of every student?

    When your friend gets called in make sure he says you're unaffilated with the uni, just some guy he found online.

    Your friend is going down, but there's no reason for you to go down with him.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:19 No.9875488
    I'm curious, how did you get caught? How did the TA figure out that you were claiming to be someone else?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:19 No.9875490
    BLAME AUTISM. THAT FUCKING IS THE ANSWER. "I wrote the wrong name, I wanted to be like him all my life long. Blablablabla" Get you fucking tested by a crooked doctor and use a label as your excuse. Then they don't have shit on you, they can't read your mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:20 No.9875492
    Yeah, you'll be fine. If they do find you guilty, see if they'll be willing to not put it on record if both you and your mate drop out. You can learn enough to do PHP in a couple of months if you can't already and plenty of places will hire you even without a degree. Not google, but you don't sound like you were going to google anyway.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:21 No.9875502

    You realize that most of the people on the honors board are the most hoity toity honors students in existence that think it is their god given right to rule over someone, and that ANY form of academic dishonesty should have the book thrown at them right... they VOLUNTEERED FOR THAT POSITION. Trying to convince them of anything is pretty much a waste of time, lol.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:23 No.9875511
    I am a college student in the US also, dude you are pretty much fucked, specifically because it was an exam.

    Expelled most likely, when they bring you up on charges to the honor board you can deny (which is fucking stupid since they have your pic) or man up and accept that you fucked up.

    Honestly, I don't see you not getting expelled. Best thing you can do is be a man and accept what you did and admit it. (Maybe through in an apology, but only if you mean it)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:24 No.9875516
    Not unless you use a label like autism, pretend to be horribly autistic and a huge aspie until they almost feel sorry for you.

    Make them think that you're such an antisocial faggot that you're willing to lick anyone's heels if they give you a blink of an eye worth of attention. People like that dig that shit, don't kiss their ass openly. But do it without them noticing. Say how you wanted to be like them but your social inabilities is preventing you, spill your spaghetti all in front of the board. Fucking do it, it's your last hope.
    >> YourProblemsAreStupid !!X4HyYMEAPQy 05/12/12(Sat)18:26 No.9875527

    You're going to prosecute me and put a permanent black mark on my records without any kind of corroborating evidence?

    For a professor, you're pretty fucking retarded. I guess you teach underwater basket weaving, because logic really isn't your forte, you pencil-necked chump.

    My lawyers would have a field day with that one, and I would take the fucking university to the mat over the fact that a bunch of high-falutin' undergrads parading as legal paragons got trigger happy in their application of perverted justice.

    And I'd win. You can bet your piddly-assed pension AND your cardigan sweater on that, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:26 No.9875530
    I agree
    Does the university even know that was you OP taking the test? Or do they just have your pic?
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:26 No.9875532

    ... maybe I should mention I was on the honor board as an undergraduate. Nope.. cheating is cheating is cheating, you either learn or you don't. The choice is yours. Also by enrolling in classes you pretty much agree to the university honor code, and that huge bunch of stuff in the university handbook that generally is followed by "no exceptions" since you knew the rules, you chose to violate the rules, and you therefore will face the consequences.

    No sympathy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:28 No.9875541
    So you're saying they're trivial to blackmail with even the most minor amount of dirt? And you don't get to feel very bad about it, since they're stuck-up little shits? Well, OP, I guess you can either have leverage or revenge, depending on how it goes.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:28 No.9875544

    They know you weren't who you said you were but they have no way to determine who you really are unless your friend sells you out. He found you on 4chan. You said you have a degree in said class. You said you'd sit the exam for money. He paid you in cash. He never knew your name or email address.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:28 No.9875545
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    Listen to this guy, DENY EVERYTHING.

    It's fuck or walk time son, so you better be doing the fucking.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:28 No.9875547
    The TA saw me while going around with a seating chart and saw the name I wrote on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:29 No.9875551
    you might not get expelled you might just fail the class. That's basically all you can hope for I think
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:30 No.9875562
    "Have you ever faced federal court Dave?"
    "No-.. Have you?"
    "I thought so.. Then our only option is to keep our heads up, and fight like men. So when we lose we can tell our clients that we fought like men."

    John Grisham - The litigators.

    Do you want to be the little bitch who nodded his head towards the board? Or are you willing to try everything to succeed? It's your choice, you have nothing to lose when everything is at stake. Remember that.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:31 No.9875564
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    OP listen to this guy.

    It will be virtually impossible for them to determine your identity. Unless your maths/cs department specializes in machine learning. Think about it. They will have to check a database of thousands of students to determine your identity.

    Just make sure your friend does not rat you out.

    If they identify you it is very likely he has pointed you out and as such you should take your revenge.

    In the event you are identified simply inform them that your friend blackmailed you. Say he was going to out you for being a faggot, which by the sounds of this thread you are. They are likely to believe this as they will realizes there was nothing for you to gain for sitting the exam for him.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:31 No.9875565
    Holy fuck I fucked up the quote.
    "That we fought like men, so we can tell our clients we did the best we could."

    Is what I wanted to say.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:32 No.9875568
    If OP is in the UK he can sue for judicial review on grounds of procedural impropriety or something. See Nail v. Stirling University.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:32 No.9875570
    >"They are likely to believe this as they will realizes there was nothing for you to gain for sitting the exam"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:35 No.9875587
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:38 No.9875600
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    Don't listen to this faggot.

    Did OJ get off because of honesty. I fucking think not.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:40 No.9875618
    OP, what will you do, given the advice in this thread?
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:41 No.9875621
    Glad to see we have a navy seal in here.

    The other thing is this, there are generally lines in an academic code that deal with corroboration and cheating however the problem that OP will run into is it becomes an issue called complicity. Because it wasn't his class, he has no stake, BUT because he knowingly helped a student with it, he faces charges. Because the TA saw him there, taking the examination, as did the students around him (see the seating chart so they can be pulled as witnesses of his presence) the actions of him performing an act to aid a student (that was not him) of academic dishonesty and evidence of doing so is there, regardless of for what student he was doing it for.

    Provided the university can figure out who he is, which I think is the main issue on the table, there is more than enough evidence to at least start the case, and the severity of the case will differ depending. Since it was a major exam, I'd say they're pretty fucked.

    If this is his first offense, and I hope it is, generally (unless the major articles of expulsion are found) the following will end up happening (pulled from my current university's academic honesty code)

    A grade reduction for the course
    A zero on the assignment
    A requirement to attend the Academic Integrity Development Program.
    Placement on Honor Violation Probation
    Some combination of these

    So it'll still hurt like hell, but might not be as bad as long as it doesn't fit one of the "things you never do" list.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:43 No.9875638

    That list is for less severe things so depends on the circumstances:

    The usual penalty for a violation shall be an “F*” in the course and “Honor Violation Probation”– as defined below. More severe penalties, including separation from the university as outlined immediately above, may be imposed by the Honor Council if the facts and circumstances, as determined by the Honor Council, warrant such penalties. Less severe penalties may be imposed if the circumstances warrant.

    That is the big one. Problem is OP wasn't in the class, so in order to take action, they have to go beyond something... so chances are if he isn't put on suspension or expulsion, he'll have to face the "rehabilitation for being a fucking cheater" classes regardless; OP's friend is going to get screwed much harder than he is.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:46 No.9875654
    They just have the pic of me, but I go to a small school.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:47 No.9875661
    With regards to evidence from other students, do you really expect that they will remember?

    >When I sit an exam the last thing I am thinking about is the people around me or what they are doing.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:47 No.9875662
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    HAHAHAHAH. My insides!
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)18:52 No.9875692

    You'd be surprised, but if there is a seating chart, that's like, what, up to 9 people around the guy, and it doesn't matter if they know a name, if the picture there was "is this the normal guy that sits there" and the answer is no, then it is at least something. Like I mentioned before, the student that asked OP to cheat for him is going to be in more trouble, regardless since there is a much more solid case against him, but they'll try to find any connection possible. Things like "did this guy come in and try to take the test for so and so, did he go through the exam" rather than sitting there being like "what the fuck is this" and yeah, I've had students remember these kinds of things.

    We still don't know if OP was identified as who he actually was yet, which is the big fucking thing... the only other problem is the cheating student (who now hasn't taken the final as well) might spill the beans about who OP is, and THEN they're screwed.
    >> YourProblemsAreStupid !!X4HyYMEAPQy 05/12/12(Sat)18:53 No.9875696

    That's your fucking rebuttal -- some laughably weak gibe involving sailors?

    Don't quit your fucking day job, teach. I hope you're not as pathetic in the classroom as you are outside of it, because I just wiped my ass with your cardigan sweater and laughed all the way to the bank.

    And all that bullshit you wrote is about as ridiculous as you cocksuckers engaging in university politics -- something so trite and meaningless that it makes the Special Olympics look like a fucking MENSA meeting.

    I would dominate you and all the other wankers who think they can get on their ponies and legislate morality as children fresh off mom's tits, and I encourage OP to fight this with the same vigor. If motherfucking Casey Anthony can get off, OP can get off, and that's a fucking fact.

    Don't even bother writing "umad" rebuttals, either, because that pathetic shit is as weak as it gets.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:53 No.9875699
    How small? I mean, would they really go through all of their student pictures in the off chance the culprit was one of their students? Make sure your friend says he found you online and that you're not a student.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:53 No.9875700
    OP how did he get a picture of you?
    What type of camera?
    Was it during the exam?
    How do you know he got a good picture as well?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)18:58 No.9875729
    There are 2 things that'll happen, either they call both you and your friend, or just your friend.
    If they just call your friend, try these
    but make sure he agrees to it too.

    If by some miracle it works, you'll need to do something to make yourself look different so they don't recognize you walking around. Cut your hair shorter, or grow it out. Shave or grow facial hair. Wear a hat/don't wear a hat. Anything that changes your face. Also, avoid wearing the same shirt you were wearing that day. Other than that, unless you have some distinct feature you should be fine.

    If they just go through the photos of all the [presumably male] students who've taken the same class (no idea how many that is), or if your friend tells them you're a student, good luck. I can't give you much advice on that, unless you want to make up some seriously bad stuff about your friend.

    The problem with it being a student honour board is they're probably not gonne have that many opportunities to get at someone like this. If they catch you, they will *want* to expel you.

    Also, what are the chances of whoever teaches this class of recognizing your photo?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:00 No.9875744
    What would you recommend I do?
    I'd be happy with anything that allowed me to remain in school, as unlikely as that is now.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)19:01 No.9875758

    Meh, not worth my time. But I do plan to keep my day job, thanks, I rather enjoy it.


    This is OP's hope (where the fuck did he go?) in that its a shitty picture or it can be checked against the ID database (since I still haven't seen an institution that doesn't have this yet) and even then, they're fucking student IDs. As much as I personally would want to throw the book at OP, if he isn't identified that way OR the guy who is being accused of cheating IN the class doesn't give him up, he might just get out of this. Lucky bastard.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:02 No.9875761
    It's actually 8 people. 3 infront of OP looking away from him. 3 behind. One looking at his back the other two looking at the backs of the people either side to him. Those two are the only two who would have any chance of identifying him. Which as I said will not be the case unless they're idiots that would rather spend time looking around them than actually doing their exam.

    OP only has a problem if the class was very small. In which case OP is a fucking retard and doesn't deserve a degree.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)19:04 No.9875773

    Let me ask this clearly: were you identified or not. As in do they know who you fucking are, your name, something, anything like that, where the university KNOWS it was YOU that did it?


    And the TA, making 9, but I agree with those findings. If OP was sitting in for say... a female (assuming OP was in the completely wrong seat instead of just the guy he was cheating for's seat) it might be a little easier.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:05 No.9875784
    100% correct. Lawyers are evil leeches, but you might just have to go there.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:06 No.9875791
    The class was pretty big and there was no one behind me.
    The professor has no idea who I am.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:08 No.9875805
    They don't have my name and I was sitting for a male.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:11 No.9875819
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    change your look update your facebook page and tell your friend that you are not getting fucked for what he made you do.

    if they know his name he has to refuse that you helped him

    pic related it's you op
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:12 No.9875822
    Then you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure your friend doesn't give you up.
    >> Suomynona !!PgdN++l3+lj 05/12/12(Sat)19:14 No.9875836

    Pretty much this. You got really fucking lucky if you do get off... don't forget about this. And don't do it again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:19 No.9875854
    This. Deny everything. Tell your buddy to say he doesn't recognise the guy in the picture and has no idea why some fucker took his place on the test. He wasn't there because (pick any of the many nonfatal short-term illnesses that make you stay at home for a few days). When they later see you together, say you met each other due to the incident and laugh like a maniac.

    Also, get your shit together. Don't do it again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:48 No.9875996
    I hope to God you two are ready to face a prisoner's dilemma. Your friend seems decent, but this sounds like it could be turned into an "every man for himself" situation here: think your friend is willing to stay strong when they start giving him incentive to rat you out?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:52 No.9876014
    if you want to conspire w/ your friend, get your stories straight etc., don't fucking do it in writing. not some facebook messaging shit, don't even talk about it together online.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)19:54 No.9876026
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)20:24 No.9876179
    Even better, create some social site account (tumblr for example, use same email as facebook one), make a bunch of post to seem like you were blogging months ago by selecting past time and date option.
    Make around 10 reblogs for the time you were on exam.

    Conclusion: you weren't even taking exams, you were blogging!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/12(Sat)21:57 No.9876833
    The way I see it, OP is going to get a punishment a lot less worse than his buddy.

    He's not enrolled in the class, so he cant get a red-flag-raising F-x (where x is the school's particular grade for failed-acadmic dishonesty). So if the prof can get a hold of him, the most he will get is an extra slip of paper in his file reporting the incident, plus maybe probation or suspension. If OP can lay low for a while, he can get off the hook.

    His friend however, is going to have to shut up in order to save the both of them. Like someone else said, he should make an excuse for not showing up to an exam. Cheating on an exam is much more serious than assignments, so the typical punishment is F-X and maybe suspension because this whole scheme is more complicated than looking at someone's paper. Kinda like stealing papers from the prof.

    IN any case, talk to the school's ombudsperson for more advice.

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