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04/25/12(Wed)00:53 No.9749575 File: 1335329618.jpg-(86 KB, 515x400, sadawesome.jpg)
 >Do all guys in their early twenties expect sex without any kind of commitment? Nnnn...maybe.
If you appear easy, they'll circle like sharks. I kinda doubt that's
what's going on; you're just hitting a streak of very bad luck. >Is there any way I can find someone who is not mean and heartless? You're
going to school, yeah? Meet people with the same interests. Don't go
looking for relationships, which I figure is what was up with the online
guys. Don't date anyone online without knowing them for a long, long
time. Talk, and be personable with the people in your classes, and try
to get a feel for the men. Watch their body language closely. It's
unfortunately trial and error, but you know what didn't work, so adjust
from there.
Look, you can do this. Don't let yourself become that
bitter old person. That isn't a life you want to live, is it? Finding
the right person, or a right person, takes time. Be patient. It will
happen. |