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04/24/12(Tue)07:12 No.9743068 File: 1335265960.jpg-(156 KB, 900x602, 1333034368481.jpg)
>>9743033 > yes i was abused as a child but i'm not sure how much that factors in
a major factor, actually. Sort of like with serial killers, if you'll
pardon the analogy. They usually have some kind of defect (brain injury
or hormonal imbalance), a history of child abuse, then a trigger that
sets off the 'bad' behaviour. Your ability to cope with the hormonal
imbalance was probably compromised by the child abuse. Then whenever the
trigger came along, you coped in the only manner you know how.
Fortunately, you don't sound sociopathic so you probably have good odds
on getting through this. |