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  • File : 1327777601.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, 20420-24858.jpg)
    15 KB Got Questions? Start asking! Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)14:06 No.9048739  
    Con't from >>9046467

    I woke up and the rules are the same: I will give you blunt advice, no pussyfooting and beating around the bush.

    Are you fucking your boss? Tell me and I will fix that shit.

    Don't take my advice 100%, only simply see it as a way to see other options.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:30 No.9048914
    Copy and pasted from last one
    There two girls V and M,
    V = Solid 10/10, we relate on several different levels (except she likes crepes and I like pancakes.) and have mutual best friends. Problem, as a 10/10 I'm sure shes had over nine-thousand cocks, plus, though I can handle it, she can be a bit bitchy.

    M = 7-8/10, I haven't even talked to her yet, but my friend says shes "perfect for me", she seems intelligent, but the problem is shes good friends with a girl that was friends with another girl that thought I stalked her or some shit and that could get complicated. (Also, I've changed since the last time me and the accuser talked anyway.)
    Captcha related: Excellent lowRep
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:31 No.9048918
    there are*
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:33 No.9048930
    How do I chase all the annoying, smelly, stupid, hairy, fucking MEXICANS out of my home city?

    I have a gun and a bunch of likeminded friends who are also armed, but I don't think we'd really be able to commit a cmapaign of urban terrorism to drive them out.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:34 No.9048933
    I need some help choosing, the obvious move would probably be to talk to M before making any decisions.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:44 No.9048997
    Talk to M first. You can't really make judgement before observation.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:46 No.9049005
    >at a restaurant; drove them there; offered to pick up their tab if they didn't have $ (they were high as fuck, but I didn't smoke because work an hour later)
    >friends all accuse me of being gay and spend the next five minutes trying to get me to, "come out"
    >not gay

    When did you all realize you had no friends/not real friends? If you did, how did you even go about getting knew friends?

    >also tfw one of the guys who accuses you of being gay had his first girlfriend and first intense make outs in the back of YOUR car BECAUSE of you and you alone.

    can you help me?
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)14:50 No.9049035
    I guess I'll volunteer for OP's job.

    If you aren't comfortable around your current 'circle', I think that it would be best to probably get out more and just make some new friends.

    By any chance, do you have any hobbies?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:53 No.9049054

    hobbies? reading. cars. fucking. that's about it
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:56 No.9049066
    My erect penis is about 6.5 inches long. Is this small or am I worrying too much?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:56 No.9049067
    How did you get the Rothschild account?
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:00 No.9049090
    Use mutual interest to your advantage. You like, reading, cars, and fucking? Go to a book club, go to a car show/place, go to an orgy.

    Hell, go have an orgy with some cars in a library.

    all jokes aside, just find people who are into what you're into. This is easier than you might think.

    Statistically bigger than a good amount of people in the world. You're good.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:00 No.9049091
    ok i got a question i want to chill today. now i could smoke some weed or i could take this Vicodin a friend gave me for smoking her down. now im kind of running low on weed so im hesitant to smoke it alone as i like it as a social thing. ive never take vicodin though so i dont know if it will do what im looking for. what do you say? if it matters ill probably spend the day watching torchwood.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:02 No.9049107
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    Hey Paul, how was that trip to London?

    Anyway my girlfriend recently broke up with me, we were going out for nearly three years and I won't lie, it was pretty brutal. I haven't done anything crazy like called her after the break up and for all she knows I took it really well, but it's killing me to know she's probably out there on her own and doing really well, getting with a bunch of guys and going out with all her single friends.

    She wants to meet up in like 2 months for a 'catch-up' and I'm kind of warming to the idea of being friends, but it's hard to let go of everything we've had (we got together when we were 17 and have been through so much together). Not to mention being friendzoned just always sucks.
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:06 No.9049130
    What I would do, personally, is just light up some weed. I've never really taken Vicodin before, but I think that it would be a bit unwise to take something you haven't tried yet if you are alone.

    Paul's not here, but I think me and him, and really everyone would have the same advice.

    Stop being a pussy. The relationship, as you even said, was dead and there is no reason left to obsess over this girl if she doesn't care for you.

    Move on, and find something else to obsess over that is healthy and productive.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:07 No.9049134
    So last night me and a girl talked about hanging out in NY. She said if she wasnt sure because she may be going to Chicago, for whatever reason. Its now tomorrow. Should I ask her whats going on today or wait for her to text me? Im split because texting her first might seem needy but not texting her might make her think Im not all that interested and so she wont bother.

    What do?
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:08 No.9049141
    Call her.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:09 No.9049148
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    Thanks man. The relationship was great, I meant the break up was fucked, it came out of nowhere, but I do feel like it is time to move on if she's over it. Great advice.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:09 No.9049151
    And if she says she cant chill, what do I say?
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:11 No.9049165
    If she can't chill, then she ca't chill. Find someone else to hang with and have a good time.

    No problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:12 No.9049169
    Second year uni student here living with 2 guys and 2 girls, all of which I lived with last year with no issues.
    Somehow, this year I ended up starting to really like one of the girls. Obviously I'm not going to do anything as shes clearly not interested and it will only cause unrest in the house, I just want to know how I can stop being jealous of every guy she shows attention to.
    I feel like such a pathetic loser even asking, but its getting to the point I feel uncomfortable in my own house thinking about how she doesn't think about me. In a disgusting selfish beta of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:12 No.9049170
    How to stop being a jealous paranoid little bitch?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:13 No.9049175
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:13 No.9049178
    Me and my wife separated and i'm looking for someone new. Since i'm not any good at pick-up, i figured the best way would be to expand my social circle and meet someone while doing something fun together. I was thinking maybe sports, what sports have a good m/f ratio and allow getting to know each other? What other activities let me get to know many people?

    Im going to uni right now, but due to high semester the classes are pretty small, plus mechanical engineering is a sausage fest. Clubbing is ok for me, but i went for years and never had any success there. My current social circle is quite small and not of much use, everyone being occupied with uni or moving away for jobs recently.
    What are good ways to meet many people.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:13 No.9049180
    I know but should I just completely give up? Is there a way to signal I still wanna hang with her without seeming desperate or whatever? Or just accept it without any counter offer and just give up on her?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:13 No.9049182
    For some reason, I read V as volume and M as mass, so V= solid... seemed... odd
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:14 No.9049183
    how do I stop myself from having a crush on someone? it's my friend's ex, and we're all in the same friend group. if I pursue her, I'll be an ass, if I avoid her, I'll be a jerk. advice?
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:20 No.9049224
    Man up, and find someone else to date.
    Start caring for yourself a bit more. It'll help in the long run.
    I oddly enough find that hockey has a good amount of females, but, I'd personally recommend meeting some friends of friends. This seems to work well.
    Don't completely give up, but at the same time, don't put all of your money on black here. Start meeting more people.
    How exactly would avoiding her be a jerk move here, I'm a bit confused.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:22 No.9049233
    Okay so when she says cant chill how should I respond to give her the impression Im interested in her but not desperate? Something like "All right but we oughta do something next weekend"?

    Give me some input in how you would react in that situation, what you would say
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:25 No.9049244
    thx, i'll look into hockey. might depend on the location though, i'm in germany. friends of friends might be a little slow, i got maybe 2-3 left who are available to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:26 No.9049251

    avoiding her would make it seem like I didn't like her. their breakup was kind of weird for the group chemistry, and the last thing that anyone needs is more animosity.
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:28 No.9049260
    "Ok, I'll talk to you later then"

    Don't obsess so much over the impression you'll give, or what she might think, or any crappy little technique you might be thinking. Just relax.

    You'll be amazed how easy it gets when you not really care for all that stuff.

    Best of luck then.

    It's your friend's ex. I don't think that you would want anyone to get the impression that
    you like her.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:28 No.9049261
    >Start caring for yourself a bit more. It'll help in the long run.

    what do you mean?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:33 No.9049280
    All righty, thanks a lot bro
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:35 No.9049293
    Stop thinking of yourself as a jealous, paranoid, little bitch.

    Start working to improve, which by the very nature of your question, seems lie something you're trying to do.

    In such case, I think that you could the advice that I gave the other anon works here.

    >You'll be amazed how easy it gets when you not really care for all that stuff.

    In this case, "that stuff" would apply to other people. (assuming that you aren't being jealous and paranoid of inanimate objects)

    No problem

    [I'll be back in about 15 minutes. I have to make a quick trip to the store]
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:35 No.9049294
    What's the nastiest shit you've ever seen in your entire life related to the medical field apart from image you shared if that is it.

    Also, what happened to the poor nigger in the picture you took?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:39 No.9049311
    Ah, thanks :)
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)15:46 No.9049349
    Is this towards me?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:58 No.9049398
    Im friends with a guy who is usually cold with everyone, met him on the internet, have seen him IRL. We have talked a lot and he has been very open with me, he has never been like this with anyone (even his ex-girlfriends)

    I want to date him but I'm not sure if he'd like it, I'm his "bro" (even though Im a girl) and we talk about ltos of stuff, and I'm not sure if he'd like to date me or has me like a friendly support.
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)16:02 No.9049419
    Be straight forward about it, and just ask him. Coming from a sort of cold person, if he is open to you, then he obviously sees something special in you.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:08 No.9049455

    Should I wait for physical approaching? like holding hands or something and then ask him? I don't want to scare him either
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:19 No.9049517
    How can I stop disliking myself? I always feel like such a loser and really struggle to find things I like about myself. On a good day I'll feel fine but then the next day it's as if a switch has been flicked and I no longer believe any of the positives I may have noticed.
    It's really circular, I get upset, then note how I'm upset at nothing in particular and feel pathetic and get upset at that and so on and son forth.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)16:41 No.9049646
    Woah shit! I went to the old advice thread by accident. So sorry everyone! I will answer every question even if it's already been answered.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:47 No.9049698
    You guys seem pretty cool, thanks for the advice
    >> Part 1 Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)16:55 No.9049751
    Seems like you have doubts about V as far as not riding a dick as we speak or you mean she has a long sexual history. If it's the latter, should be irrelevant unless she pays attention how you are in bed.

    Anyway, meet M and try that out. Disregard that one friend who accused you, if she starts shit, just tell M of what happened and she should probably understand.

    Anyway, meet M and see how that goes, if it doesn't go so well, go for V. If you have to choose between the two, of the long-term benefits of each and choose wisely.

    Brand a neo-nazi flag and wave it. Get an army and chase them out of town.

    You need new friends. They sound like giant shitheads. Friends do not pull that shit.

    Sorry Neku!

    Average size, girls like that size over bigger anyway.

    Well, Halberstram, I could tell you... but then I'd have to kill ya. Heh.

    Try it. I heard it's different highs.

    Pretty good, I had dinner with Bateman's lawyer. Disregard her. You are now free to go for any girl you would ever want without repercussions. You are only focusing on the whole she's with guys thing because you don't realize you have the same power.

    Go for it.
    >> Part Dos Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)16:56 No.9049759
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    It's insecurity in yourself, feel more confident and show her you mean a lot.

    Stop being so insecure and feel proud of yourself. If you can speak English fluently, you have off better than every foreigner looking for a job.

    Go around and start talking. Be yourself and let the soul flow.

    Occupy your time with another girl or keep your mind distracted. Force yourself to forget about her in the back of your head.

    I died. Bateman. Etc.

    We all have that same problem. Monday we'll be flying high, Thursday we are shot down by ourselves. Focus on the positives and feel great about yourself.

    Special thanks to Neku for filling in, I didn't realize this thread blew up as it did.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:59 No.9049773
    Should I try one more time with an ex?

    She was dating this guy and now the guy left her for another girl and I want to know if I would just be a rebound/backup.

    Is there any way to not seem like the backup or rebound?

    I was the alpha kind of guy who slowly progressed to beta and started letting her take charge of the relationship.

    We were together for around 8 months.
    She doesn't seem to be too hurt.
    She only talked to him for a while (I think).
    She broke up with me.

    But now that I'm good again and have gotten stronger, smarter and more emotionally well, I want her back.

    We went through a lot of fights about the relationship.

    I honestly want to try again and if she says no then I'll just never contact her...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)17:01 No.9049795
    I'm hung up on my ex. After two years, she decided the relationship was too comfortable and boring, and bailed out.

    I sink into a really shitty mood every time I think of her, which isn't as often as it used to be, but it's still way too often. I still have dreams about her, for fuck's sake.

    So, uh, what do?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)17:02 No.9049797
    Just note if you do successfully land her, you'll be the emotional tampon for at least a month when you start dating. If you're up for it, try it out. Just don't expect her to take you back and you won't be disappointed.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)17:04 No.9049807
    That's all normal, bro. We're in the same boat. Just progress as you're progressing and those pains and scars will start to fade. Talk to other girls, the best healer in any breakup. Once you start realizing there's better and cooler girls then you'll feel tons better.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)17:52 No.9050210
    I'm terrified of success.

    I want to apply to the college of my dreams, and all that's between me and that is a handful of essays. But I can't even begin what is essentially the easiest of these essays by far without being paralyzed with what I'm beginning to think is probably fear/anxiety. I can't seem to go beyond getting a handful of words on the page.

    How do I keep from going into a panic attack every time I try to get legitimately important shit done?
    >> Neku !eUtAzqZUBM 01/28/12(Sat)18:09 No.9050327
    My pleasure
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)18:14 No.9050366
    I met this girl at a party last night that i've been talking to for a while on facebook and with texting. Anyway i've been kinda bummed out for different reasons for a while now so she thought i was bored cause i didnt talk much. texted her afterwards telling her i wasnt bored just really tired (sounded like a really lame excuse) but that i really enjoyed seeing her ending with one of these <3

    So she replies after a few hours with a pretty stale answer but finishes off with that she enjoyed seeing me too and a <3

    What do you think? Should i tell her the truth of why i seemed bored or would that just be weird?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)18:44 No.9050547
    Just tell her the truth now and the complications of lying won't come later. It's not really all that weird.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)18:46 No.9050558
    Don't think of it as a whole and don't think of it as you're the only one suffering, everyone in that college is in the same boat. The anxiety affects everyone and just focus on the topic at hand rather than looking at the full picture.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)19:21 No.9050756
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)19:59 No.9050992
    theres this girl that i met at a party recently and as soon as we got time to talk i couldnt find anything to say. i just looked into her eyes and smiled because she's so damn beautiful i felt like a retard. how do i find something to talk about when my mind goes blank like that?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)20:08 No.9051047
    What just happened is your mind refused yourself to say anything out of fear of it'll be met with disapproval. The game is to force yourself to say something, anything. She is not the only girl in the world and understand this. Try general topics like Sports, Gadgets or the Internet.

    It's better to be charismatic than to be silent.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:58 No.9051414
    Here's one for you people. I'm gonna lay it all out there.

    Long story short. I moved from the Northeast to the Virgin Islands because I was getting tired of the scene I felt stuck in. IE Shit friends, lots of drugs, lots of stress at home, getting bad grades in college and the feeling of going nowhere in life in general (I'm 19 btw). So I've been in the Virgin Islands for a bit over a month and I was hoping to have a grand experience. While it has been in some regards because it has been an eye opening experience, it in some ways has only furthered the depression i felt back at home.

    The drinking age here is 18, so I find myself drink not heavily, but pretty much a beer a day. I've also been dabbling in coke a bit (bout once a week). But I still feel quite unmotivated and lonely. I live with about 10 other people, so there is a community in the home i live in, and i do participate from time to time. But I can't get over this depression that fills my mind.

    This depression is most likely caused by:

    My Anti-socialness / No friends outside my housing
    No girlfriend
    Got robbed LAST NIGHT
    I'm always hard on myself

    Basically, what do?

    I know its not much information or for that matter a direct question. But any advice to give me some motivation and a good mood would be much appreciated.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)21:02 No.9051452
    Talk to people in your housing and say you are new and you would like to get introduced to new people. A girlfriend might surface.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, if you fuck up hard, always remember, Chris-chan will fuck up even worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:09 No.9051497
    About 1/2 are new to the island as well. But your right, I do try to tag along if I get the opportunity, but sometimes I just dont feel like going out and getting drunk. Its really 50/50.

    I do appreciate the response!
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)21:10 No.9051504
    Just don't get drunk then.

    Talk to people and explore. As long as you aren't physically disfigured you should get new people in no time.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:12 No.9051525
    So, there's this woman, she's asked me out before, apparently, but at the time I had no damn clue who the hell she was. Anyway, I've gotten to know her, and I've really taken quite a liking to her, intellectually and physically. Thing is, I can't tell if she likes me back. It seems like it, mostly because she says she thinks I'm really handsome, and is always very touchy when she's around me (holding my hand, hugging me, resting on my shoulder), but I have no fucking idea if I should act on these things, because she's pretty naturally affectionate like this with a lot of people. The fuck do I do?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)21:25 No.9051626
    She likes you. Ask her out NOW. Tell me how it goes.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/28/12(Sat)23:41 No.9052770
    Back from an 830 res at Dorsia, great sea urchent ceviche.
    >> tl;dr Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)00:05 No.9052982
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    19/male here. Ugly blonde slut jumped me at 17 and fucked me in her backyard. Felt trapped into dating her afterwards, was way out of her league but I'm terminally nice to people. Took it too far when I tried to turn niceness into a serious relationship though, and after splitting and getting back together with her out of pity twice she dumped me and I felt like shit about it for about a year. Now I'm at community college, living with parents, no job and training to be an EMT. The whole experience really made my perception of girls and really everything I think and see all wonky. Now I need to learn how to pick up girls around campus or have a good time around the city alone. I spent so long feeling like shit that I alienated myself from pretty much everyone I knew. Can anyone help me decide how to rebuild my life and have a great fucking time at college despite being poor, having strange social skills (unable to flow from mood to mood, get stuck in the here and now until my environment is making me miserable and im forced to change)?

    picture is me flexing, a sad foreveralone. how do i get out of this rut without money or friends? how do i find people that will appreciate me even though i'm weird and feel like i have to be alpha all the time, and how do i turn all my bottled up emotion from inwards to outwards so that i can meet women and have a normal, active sex life?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)00:06 No.9052989
    How do I control when I fart so I can save it for the girls I take home? I usually start giggling at some point from the anticipation and let the gas out.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)00:33 No.9053191
    Ditch everything you knew and act yourself. If they don't like it, don't change yourself., ditch them.

    Push it back into your ass, force that gas in.

    #1 is friend zoned, can't do anything.

    #2 is the safest bet, she's cute as you say and you have mutual feelings, go for it, the studying shit shouldn't be taken so hard.

    #3 is a disaster waiting to happen, if you have no interests mutually it will burn into your mind and drive you crazy.

    #4 seems... strange, if she is willing to wait for you to break up then she is... strange... I am not entirely sure if you're confusing liking with friendship either.

    My opinion: 2 > 4, but go with what your heart says.
    >> Original Text from >>9053060 that got deleted Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)00:35 No.9053204

    I need to choose between 4 girls

    1- Rejected me 3 months ago, I haven't been this infatuated with a girl in a really long time. I still talk to her and eat lunch with her on occasion. I think she might be interested (ill find out by the end of the week) She is absolutely the cutest girl ive ever met, our convo's are awesome when we get the chance, she is blunt and doesnt care for bull shit (which is awesome)

    2. Chinese girl who is definitely interested, planing on seeing a movie with her in a month (I know a long ways off) if I choose her I can come up with another date sooner no problem. We share many similar interests and talking is easy. Shes relatively cute but doesn't really stand out. She is a very sweet girl, but I feel she can get a little overly asian with her studies (blocking friends out when a test is a 3 days away studying hardcore)

    3. Korean who already accepted my offer of going on a date, yet because of a death in the family I wont be able to go to the date (funeral same day/time I planned the date) Have to postpone and I think im losing interest in her. She is funny but I dont feel like I have the same interests as her.

    4. Girl Ive been friends with for 2 years now. We have discussed dating each other for the last month or so. She knows Im interested in these other 3 other girls and is ok with waiting for me to date/break up with one. She is as attractive as girl 1 is to me. Im not sure if we are actually interested in dating or just confusing feelings of friendship.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)00:39 No.9053231
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    I'm not from a rich family, average most likely

    But i want to switch University because my current Uni sucks dick and i'm taking the most shittiest no job for my future that is History.

    I really want to take Comp Science, but at a Private Uni. I want to ask for loan, etc. But since my current Uni is public, I don't have to spend money for fees just cost of living.

    How do i tell my parents i don't want to waste time doing shitty degree, i am a second year student now :( fuck my life

    anyways i told my mom yesterday, when she heard that i want to change course she's like Ok. But university she rage and said that we dont have money, but i want to ask for loan T.T

    She even asked me to finish my current shitty degree
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)00:57 No.9053324
    It's your future. By the sounds of it she wants you to complete this degree first and then focus on another one. Clarify this with her, obviously.

    If she's for you to get both, get both and apply to a fuck ton of loan, scholarships and such. Reason I say this is because the past 1.5 years, if you dropped now was wasted towards nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)01:43 No.9053639
    I'm 24 and I've had one hand since birth. I've been in school for the past 5 years and I've only had one job (as a tutor at my college for 6 months in 2010). Been trying really hard to get a job and turn in a few applications every week. But every interview I've had has never progressed past the first meeting, and I'm pretty sure having 1 hand is a factor.

    With the lack of job history and with that prejudice in mind, what can I do to get a job?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)01:52 No.9053693
    Hey OP,

    There's this girl in a few of my classes that always makes eye contact with me whenever we see each other. I've never talked to her before (she sits far away), but the other day she was on the same bus with me. The bus was crowded, and I didn't have a chance to talk to her, but while I was checking her out, she happened to turn her head and glance at me, and we made eye contact for about 2 seconds before she wuickly averted her eyes. I was still watching this beautiful woman, the whole time, and I noticed that she looked back up at me again and gave me a smile. Now my question for you is how would you interpret this situation. I feel like she is at least somewhat interested in me, but I've been wrong about these things before. What's the best way to approach girls in a classroom setting? And I should also add that girls make eye contact with me all the time and I get smiles, but this time felt like it was more than just a courteous gesture.

    TL;DR - Girl might be interested in me and I don't know how to approach her?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)01:57 No.9053731
    Your scope is limited. Think creatively of occupations that doesn't require a lot of handwork, no offense. At the top of my head... Front desk jobs maybe, coaching, teaching, online jobs... Like I said your scope is limited since they see you as a person who can only do 50% speed.

    I had the same situation. At the end of class introduce yourself and stay normal. If she smiled at you while making eye contact, that's a DAMNED good sign.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:00 No.9053765
    I have schoolwork and responsibilities to do but I'm being a lazy fuck and avoiding them at all costs, all the while lying to everyone about it and becoming depressed/stressed about it. How do I fix my work ethic so I can get shit done instead of whining about it?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:04 No.9053783
    Realized I was in love with my best friend. She's in a relationship. I told her, we're fucking, she's still with him. Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:04 No.9053788
    What is more important: spiritual/personal self-fulfilment or social self-fulfilment? This is in materialistic terms, if you catch my rift...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:17 No.9053871
    I'm currently employed in a minimum-wage retail job in the mall. When commission is considered, I make maybe $9.00 an hour, with a 35-40 hour work week.

    Low-balling it, my current budget is this:
    $1000 a month income after taxes (seeming like it will be 1100, but I'm not assuming anything).

    $400 - Monthly loan to pay off 3K college debt at 8% APR.
    $120 - Food, assuming one restaurant a month.
    $20 - Gym.
    $10 - Netflix.

    This leaves me with $450.

    I have $500 in savings, and I will likely use that to purchase a new phone (current is a 2002 Nokia), and add on Internet fees, which will reduce my monthly budget to $420.

    I want to purchase a computer on a payment plan of $800 with 0% interest in six months. Paying this off in that time is ideal, which will further reduce the budget to $300 a month.

    Mr. Paul Allen, do you believe it is more financially advisable on a $120 a month budget (Insurance will be roughly 80 for me, and let's say gas will be about 100) to finance a nice car (let's say, four to five grand range) that is unlikely to break down as frequently as an 800 dollar beater, or do believe purchasing an 800 dollar beater and praying for low maintenance costs and good mileage is a better bet?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:19 No.9053887
    On Omegle/Chatroulette I am awesome. I get all sorts of girls numbers and facebooks, I make them laugh, they tell me how cute I am, etc. I feel better and more confident.

    IRL, I am full asperger's mode. What gives?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)02:25 No.9053924
    Never plan anything, just do it whatever you were gonna plan right there. The problem with the human mind is when we plan for something, we usually push the plan because our first instinct is to procrastinate.

    Get her to break up with the boyfriend for you.

    You should always do things for yourself and your well-being. Of course get selfless once in a while to give yourself a boost of self-confidence.

    In the end, gas is the end-all killer and/or saviour of our checkbooks. There is no stopping gas from climbing to high rates or dropping back to 1 dollar again.

    Go for the nice car, in the end when you really sit down and think about it, the amount of money you dump to fix a beater could just add up to the cost of the nice car almost guaranteed to work. People who sell beaters at low cost usually sell it for a reason, most likely than not because of repair costs to get it on the road again.

    Of course, be wise when choosing a car, perhaps you'll get lucky and find gold in a pile of shit.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)02:28 No.9053949
    The internet is a very funny thing, it makes us confident when we are spitfucks in real life.

    Think of it this way, if you don't have any physical deformations, you have nothing to hide and to girls in real life, you'll have the attractive first impressions off the bat.

    Just chill, be yourself and be the best you can ever be.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:35 No.9054002
    Well ok.. I need some help.
    I'm dating somebody currently and she pretty cool most of the time. I thought I was in love or something so I acted like it and I told her. We were sweet and wonderful we had sex (both our first time) just oral. Then a really super cute girl that I used to have the the biggest crush on hit's on me and tells me that she like's me. I can't decide what to do. My current girlfriend is kinda bitchy but really nice sometimes. But she abslolutley loves me and will cry her heart out if I break up with her. I told girl b how I feel about everything. My girlfriend knows what's up kinda because she has a feeling i'm going to break up with her. What the fuck do I do.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:39 No.9054036
    Sorry about the shitty grammar. I'm kinda freaked out. My girlfriend is coming over tomorrow to talk. Girl B knows that I can't make up my mind
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:41 No.9054051
    I've know this girl for almost a year now, but she usually hanged outwith my friends and never alone with me. But recently i've become interested in her and tried to get some one on one time with her through webcam,etc. I like this girl but i dont know if she either friend zone me a long time a go or i have a shot at getting with her.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)02:42 No.9054058
    Don't. Don't give into temptation like that. You are more in the crush for the other girl because of her looks over more important aspects. Also ask yourself, why ruin a good relationship over another girl? It might not even work out and then you'll be single and without any.

    My personal opinion: stick with the girl.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)02:43 No.9054066
    One on One time does not include webcam time. Different alleys. You need to be one on one in real life for it to really matter. Ask her to hang out, just the two of you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:45 No.9054088
    Thanks bro. I tired of shitty advice of just doing what my heart tells me or some bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:46 No.9054097
    i got invited to her birthday party but when i get there im assuming there will be a fap-load of guys there, and generally i don't see her that often and if anything during break, we're in high school(shit sucks).
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)02:50 No.9054128
    No problem. Somewhat unrelated but I played a game that had a similar story, probably heard of it, Catherine? Except for the Character actually had cheated and hopefully you haven't. That would be disastrous.

    Ask to hang out sometime after school. Make time, propose the idea. The idea is to show interest and to get to know her better intimately.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:53 No.9054149
    No the second girl is waiting till marriage because she's Mormon. I'm going to end up hurting one of them.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)02:57 No.9054179
    It's better to stick with Girl A IMO. Don't give in, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)02:59 No.9054192
    aight thanks man
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:00 No.9054209
    How can you tell if you're shitty or not, in general?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:08 No.9054253
    You can test yourself with the lowest of the low. Here's a few sample questions you can ask yourself:

    Are you Chris-Chan?

    Can you not speak English?

    Given the chance would you have 4 relationships and keep them a secret of all 4?

    If you said no to all of those, you should feel not shitty!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:14 No.9054292
    Sigh I guess you're right. I just wish I wouldn't of told girl b now. She know's everything I found out by reading here blog that she hid from me. "He just has such great taste in most things, and he's so sweet and hilarious- he's no prince charming, but he definitely is pretty cool. He makes me want to be better, and take more pride in myself and the things I do. Maybe I don't suck that much.. at guitar, at singing, at being a friend, at life, at being pretty. Maybe I'm just an extraordinary person, and no one (including myself) has come to see it yet." She said that on her blog. Sorry for hogging the thread but this is a really big deal for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:21 No.9054328
    Also, how can you tell if you're smart or dumb?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:22 No.9054334
    IQ test. Creativity.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:23 No.9054341
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    No worries, plus this thread would have probably 404'd and I'd be bored to tears anyways.

    So, you have to do a hard thing it seems in the future. Girl B got way into you without realizing the possibility of rejection.

    Whatever you do, don't date both at the same time or else the attached image will happen.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:24 No.9054351
    IQ Test... got beaten to the punch :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:29 No.9054376
    Sigh... I wouldn't cheat. I obviously have feelings for both of them. I feel terrible because I do.I don't what's going happen honestly. I think i'm just venting now.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:32 No.9054395
    Just follow my advice. Girl B seems to be more lustful feelings from what you told me and there's that possibility that things could end grimly.

    I like Girl A, she seems nice, despite what you said about her being bitchy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:38 No.9054435
    Ugh ok.. This hard to recover from with girl A. I feel like telling her. I know that will just piss her off and make her hate me.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:41 No.9054452
    You would think that but if you sit her down and admit it but telling her you didn't cheat or anything she should appreciate you telling the truth over anything, if she loves you. She might get hurt initally and might cry or get mad but always remember keeping secrets would be worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:42 No.9054459
    Anyone wanna see The Artist with me tomorrow?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:43 No.9054467
    Sure where you at?
    I'll tell her tomorrow when she comes over. I still have feelings for girl B but maybe it's not a big deal
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:44 No.9054470
    No can do I have an 830 res at Dorsia. Unless you're in the New England area.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:45 No.9054476
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    Out of curiosity what makes you so qualified to give advice?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:45 No.9054479
    Orange Park, FL
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:46 No.9054485
    Well I'm GA.. So if you want to give me a ride I'll go.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:47 No.9054486
    The feelings for Girl B are moreso driven by lust imo. What a disaster. Good Luck and keep me posted. I'll probably make a new thread tomorrow so after remind me of who you are and such, I will be waiting for an update.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:48 No.9054491
    The fact I add in "Don't take my advice 100%, only simply see it as a way to see other options.", I tell people to not take my advice 100% straight but rather to see it as a way to proceed in the right direction.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:53 No.9054521
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    Ok Thanks for the help. I have feeling I'll just end up single.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)03:55 No.9054533
    Put it this way, if she loves you, she will probably be initially shocked but will come around. Remember, it's not like you cheated, you simply developed some sort of feelings.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)03:56 No.9054542
    That actually makes me feel allot better. I feel much better. I owe you one paul allen.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:00 No.9054562
    Just remember to keep me informed, you should see a thread at near around 3PM EST. Wither it's this one or a new one. Cheers.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:00 No.9054563
    how do you know when a guy likes you
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:02 No.9054579
    Body language, usage of certain words, different ideas and topics brought up by him, him talking about the future and his relationship status influences this too.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:06 No.9054608
    if he hangs around you a lot, is that good?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:08 No.9054622
    Ok I'll let you know tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to telling my girlfriend but I think it's the best thing to do.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:08 No.9054624
    Maybe, if you guys are alone a lot it might be a good sign. Just watch his body language next time you see him.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:10 No.9054630
    I believe in you, Anon. Sleep tight, it's a hard day tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:16 No.9054664
    like what body language though
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:17 No.9054666
    I want my ex back, she dumped me 10 months ago. Haven't spoken much. See her around when we go out and we flirt heaps. It's still kind of awkward cos we don't really know what to say to eachther and i don't have any intention of being her friend. There's still a connection i can't explain because we're in the same friend group so we haven't really like disconnected but at the same time we're not close anymore. I don't know what to do. We always catch eachother looking at one another and it's weird. I just dunno how to behave around her, i don't know whether to engage her or just keep my distance. She really wanted to stay friends and complains to everyone that it's awkward between us now
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:18 No.9054670
    Touching of any kind.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:18 No.9054673
    Smiling, where his arms goes, his real language and other signs. Just watch them!
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:26 No.9054708
    It seems like when you say "complains to everyone that it's awkward between us now", she wants it to be more, without actually saying it.

    Try to amend things, go on a date for coffee.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)04:27 No.9054710
    what do you mean by his real language
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)04:27 No.9054713
    Forgive me, it's 4 am. His words from his mouth.
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)05:17 No.9054948
    Alright I am heading to bed. I am beat. I'll make a new thread tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:00 No.9055589
    Alright so, I told her why I was bummed out etc.
    She then replies with some general stuff and ends it with "If you want to talk im here, just so you know" am I risking getting into somekind of pity/friendzone? I dont talk about such feelings with anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:12 No.9055622
    Are you me? I came out of a 3 year relationship a month ago, I had exams and stuff to deal with first and that helped. Right now I am just enjoying the freedom to flirt with a few girls I have liked for a while.
    Don't rush into something you are not ready for, just have fun and don't worry about her or what she is doing. If it was her who left you then she is not worth worrying about. My ex let one choice I made define the way she saw me (I tried weed once and from then on we were rocky until she left me) and to me, I don't want to go back (she wanted me back for a bit, not sure now, don't care) becuase why would I want to be with someone that controlling and that fickle.

    If you are North England based, lets grab beer and bitch about women :)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:24 No.9055657
    How do i gain some self discipline?

    I have a shitload of uni work to do, but just cant seem to get it done.

    I always fall into the cycle of staying up for 3days before the hand in day and rushing everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:32 No.9055682

    Is it good to chase girls? I generally catch girl's attention quite decently, and easily get them to the stage where they start testing me. Problem is, they seem to expect a chase, but I worry that weakens my prospects because I look weaker. I have dated several girls, but have difficulty lasting longer than 3 dates, because they start flaking and what not. Usually my response is just to not tolerate it and move to the next girl. Am I doing something wrong?
    >> Paul Allen !r5FtHBNu8g 01/29/12(Sun)11:52 No.9056480
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