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    76 KB Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:27 No.8812367  
    I'm 18 and she's 16 (Legal here so fuck off)

    Her friends and parents have instilled this bullshit idea in her that sex is bad and that sex is sick and you can only do it once you're like 20 or married, her friends told her (and I heard this when they didn't see me) "Don't let him force you into having sex" and It's not like sex is everything to me, but it's an important part of any adult relationship and if we want this relationship to go anywhere, we need to have it, yet I think if I tried to explain this to her, she'll freak out and she'll think I want her only for sex.

    tl;dr: How to explain to a younger girl that sex is a part of a normal adult rel.

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:27 No.8812372
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:29 No.8812381
    >it's an important part of any adult relationship
    >adult relationship
    >> sage sage 01/01/12(Sun)10:29 No.8812382

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:32 No.8812395
    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:34 No.8812403
    Just break it off.
    >It's not everything, but I need to force her to give up everything she's been taught as a child and all her beliefs because fuck her shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:38 No.8812414
    Maybe instead of breaking it off, you could just postpone it for a while. Try and get her involved with more liberally minded people. You could be just friends for a while. Just don't force the issue, and keep your options open. I always tried for that one woman at a time, in high school. I lost out.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:38 No.8812415
    You aren't adults. You're exactly the situation her parents warned her about. If you want to pressure her into having sex with you anyway that's your call, but don't delude yourself into believing your own bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:41 No.8812427
    Okay fine, she's hot and I want to fuck her, what do?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:42 No.8812432
    you don't. just find some nice 20+ chick
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:42 No.8812433
    >adult relationship
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:43 No.8812438
    What's the legal drinking age where you live? Get her a bit tipsy and fuck her before she figures out what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:46 No.8812451
    We have 1st of January
    you just lost your first chance, next one: her birthday
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:47 No.8812454
    woah, woah. Calm down. He never said that he was going to push her against a wall and give her an ultimatum. He just said that he wanted her to loosen up. Also, what is adult, for you? Do you really think that it can be expressed as a number? If kids never get the chance to experiment, when they are young, can they ever learn?
    Try showing that you are a cool, caring, fun-loving guy who can pay attention to her needs. Don't take shit or be beta. Just show her that she can trust you.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:47 No.8812455
    This. Fuck you OP. You are not understanding.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:48 No.8812463
    That is considered rape, OP. If you want to do that, you might as well add statuatory to the charge.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:57 No.8812503
    It's not statutory rape if they're protected by Romeo and Juliet laws. It is rape, but OP clearly doesn't give a shit about her other than wanting to get in her pants. Hopefully she realizes this early on, before he ruins her life.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:00 No.8812520
    was OP not caring read between lines 2 and 3 or 4 and 5?
    Check assumptions!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:02 No.8812525
    >Adult relationship

    Sorry, but I agree with her friends. Yes, sex is an important part of most adult relationships. You are not in an adult relationship. Her brain and emotions are still not fully developed. She's still trying to figure out who she is and her own personal values. It's not up to you to explain to her what an adult relationship consists of - that's up to her to learn and she doesn't need you pushing her into sex under the guise of it being "a normal part of an adult relationship."

    The bottom line is, if she's not ready, she's not ready. Tell her your opinions and needs, but don't you dare try and push them on her. Just let her know your feelings, then she can decide what she wants to do for herself.

    You also need to realize that not all adults want sex either and lots of people have low sex drives. Sex may actually not end up being important to her, in which case you'd be better off finding someone that matched you better instead of trying to change this girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:03 No.8812529
    He was asking for a way to whitewash his rape attempt so he could justify it as a good thing. Stop enabling him.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:11 No.8812558
    ok, now that you put it this way, the answer is simple: roofie
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:13 No.8812568
    When do people fully develop, anyways? What were the people like, in your life, who decided that they were perfect and no more growth was required. I used to be almost at that point (I thought that everything would be easy). It ended horribly, for me. I refer to a previous post where I state that this could be a growing experience, for her.
    You are trying to whitewash her family and friend's attempt to force their values on her by saying that she isn't ready. You don't even know her.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:19 No.8812591
    In their twenties, so you're not fully an adult either. It is fluid and there is no set age where it's, "Welp, I'm an adult now." It is a continuous growing process, but it's known that most of your growth is finished in your 20s.

    I see what you're trying to say, but I really do think this is an attempt just to get into her panties. I'm standing by the rest of my statement, which you seem to have ignored: just tell her your opinions and let her make up her own mind. Don't try to "convince" her to YOUR way, then that would make you just as bad as the parents and friends you're complaining about. If you're so convinced this has the potential to be a learning experience, then let it be just that. Don't be upset with the results if she ends up deciding she agrees with her friends and parents and decides not to sleep with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:22 No.8812600
    It's an adult relationship since 16 is legal there, retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:22 No.8812606
    man logic: if she can't put out she is not worth it.
    woman logic: if he can't wait he is not worth it.

    grow up kids. there is nothing wrong with wanting sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:23 No.8812609
    That's not how it works, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:26 No.8812620

    age of consent = consenting adults.

    consenting adults = adult realtionship.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:35 No.8812658
    >consenting adult, yet cannot vote, drive alone, drink or buy alcohol, get a bank loan, work a job without scale and school is still compulsory.

    But hey, I guess they have to pay adult prices at the movie theatre so they must be adults.

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