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    6 KB Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:35 No.8731603  
    Hey /adv/,
    I'm about to transfer to a University from community college (so I'll have 2 years left). As you probably know, shit starts to get real (expensive). I wanted your opinion on which college loans to get.

    I can't obtain FAFSA due to some bullshit reason, so I need a loan.

    I've been told to get a pell grant, but not sure if it's some federal scam or not. I know it's an issue that should be researched before diving in.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:37 No.8731612

    You mightaswell burn your life savings.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:39 No.8731621
    What is it, like $6,000 a year? Nag your parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:39 No.8731623
    I'm extremely fiscal and basically vidiya/books make me happy. Books are cheap, and I can play cheap games for a year... been playing New Vegas for a few months strait. Since I don't spend a lot of money, I'm pretty sure paying back won't be an issue.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:41 No.8731630

    It doesn't matter. You'll still have to pay back more than you borrowed. If you can't pay in time, you lose even more and you have to pay more back to make up for that. The cycle continues constantly. That's fucking stupid. NEVER TAKE OUT A LOAN
    >> LoveIsTolerance !lf4/JhQMJM 12/21/11(Wed)11:43 No.8731636
    pell grant is a legitimate fund
    its sorta like a scholarship for poor people
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:57 No.8731712
    Parent's don't have the money, we're middle class so that money goes to "poor" people.

    Can anyone else confirm this is true? I've spoken to a few people that say the monthly payments aren't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:58 No.8731723

    It's not that bad if you don't mind paying more money than you actually owe.

    It's fucking bad if you miss a payment and you'll have to pay more money on top of the money you have to pay on top of what you actually owe.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:01 No.8731735
    I am middle class as well, but they still payin'. They don't love you.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:06 No.8731771
    You do pay more than you get, this is true. I don'y know what interest is, but it may be around $7k if you borrow $6k. That sounds bad, but if you have no money know and need it, it's not so much to pay it back when you have money compared to when you need it. Loans for investment (ie better education = better job) are a wise move, loans for frivolous spending are just dumb.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:08 No.8731780

    students have been able to get zero interest federal loans loans since like 1998.

    the other guy either never went to college and is just regurgitating things that he has heard on tv and in movies, or is just extremely ignorant.

    also, the tuition in most state schools is ~10000/yr
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:09 No.8731788
    You guys pay way too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:16 No.8731819
    >I'm extremely fiscal
    I don't think that word means what you think it means.
    I know you should stay in community college and do some more learning.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:43 No.8731981
    It's gotta be lower than a bank loan. I'm also pretty responsible, never have been late on a payment for anything... I actually kind of worry myself sick over that stuff and end up paying early.

    This is exactly what I was thinking, I don't like debt, but I need the money, and it'll only be spent on school. I'd also be setting aside a nice chunk of change to pay it off every month.

    0%? Is that the Pell Grant?

    " Of or relating to financial matters."

    If you don't like the word "fiscal", I could say "financially responsible" if you like.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:48 No.8732011
    Lets back the fuck up for a second. You can't get anything federal unless you fill out the FAFSA. Why the hell can't you do it? The FAFSA is how you get a little thing called financial aid. I get thousands of dollars in grants (including the pell) and can take out a couple federal loans just because I'm shit poor. I can't think of any reason why you can't fill it out.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:51 No.8732025
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    I filled it out, but was rejected. I applied for Financial Aid. For some reason, the CC I go to denied it. I went to a counselor and they basically said I'm fucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:54 No.8732044
    Then either you aren't poor enough, you didn't file your tax returns, or both. Go to your bank, discuss a loan, go over the details with your parents before signing up for anything because they know more than you.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:54 No.8732046
    pell grant comes from the fafsa., which you probably don't qualify for but once you fill it out they also offer you subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Honestly with the grant and both loans, I'm still barely squeeking by.

    I went the same way as you too got my associates and transferred to a university, try to avoid bank loans because they have really high interest rates, but if all else fails better find a co-signer.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:56 No.8732051
    Thats not how the fucking fafsa works. Its not something that you get "rejected" from. All it does is calculate your financial need which is the difference between the cost of school and your EFC (expected family contribution). A low enough EFC will qualify you for pell grants and subsidized stafford loans which are the way to go if you can get them.

    You must fill out the fafsa.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)12:58 No.8732061
    Lol wat? My dad makes 55k a year and we got accepted right away with fafsa

    Sounds like your family has too much money
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:00 No.8732070
    Additionally, even if your EFC is 0 (which means the US government thinks your family is rich enough to pay for it), you still have to have a COMPLETED fafsa on file for most universities to give you university level scholarships or other aid.

    figure out why you couldnt file it, and fix it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:02 No.8732084
    >Additionally, even if your EFC is 0

    proofreading fail. Meant to say that even if your EFC equals the cost of school (so the difference is zero).
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:08 No.8732111
    So basically the point is that that counselor was a cunt. Go to your schools financial aid office.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:08 No.8732112
    Go to school in Norway. It's free even for foreigners.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:11 No.8732123
    My dad makes around 200k a year. How do I get bursaries and grants?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:11 No.8732129
    Everyone can fill out the FAFSA. Make sure you have the right site.

    My EFC was $99,999. But my mom spent all the college fund, so I got fucked double hard. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:12 No.8732132

    Never going to happen. They will tell you to get the money from him. You might be able to do it if you just lie your ass off on all the applications but that's probably some kind of felony if you get caught.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:15 No.8732145
    Its just like filing a tax return. A FAFSA isnt an application for anything, despite the acronym. Its a government document, like a tax return, that gets filed each year to determine how much you can afford to pay out of your own pocket.

    It is used to make decisions about aid, but its not an application, and lying on it is just as serious as lying on a tax return.

    At my school, 1/3rd of the FAFSAs get picked for verification, and everybody with EFC 0 gets verified.

    Verification involves submitting filed copies of your tax return and all schedules. If you are caught lying, you are suspended from financial aid for the year and reported to the government. Don't do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:22 No.8732177
    Well, I'm in Canada so no FAFSA. My parents are fine with paying my tuition, but it only puts stress on them. Also, I'm Indian, or Native American for you folks, and I applied to get funding so hopefully that comes through.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:26 No.8732198
    Loans arent going to fuck you over as long as they are small. I would say anything over $20k in lones is pretty risky if your not going in to a secure high paying job after college.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:31 No.8732229
    OP here: The only income my family has is from my mom, she makes 40k a year. My dad passed away a few years ago so we're not exactly rich. I guess maybe I should go speak to a financial aid officer...

    I just get turned off by the idea because I have to sit in a long ass line with a bunch of niggers and their 500 babies screamin' and hollerin' at the people.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:38 No.8732275
    >I have to sit in a long ass line with a bunch of niggers and their 500 babies screamin' and hollerin' at the people.

    this over 9000 times
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:42 No.8732304

    keep harassing them. the people who work at ccs dont care and they probably just fucked your paperwork somehow.

    you havent stated a single reason why you would be denied aid... wait - was your dad a vet?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:43 No.8732311
    When I was trying to get financial aid, I was turned down because my parents made over $100k per year and my mother had a master's degree. The folks thought it would be best for my brother and I to make our own way through school like they did. Of course, back in the 1970s it didn't cost a small fortune to go to school.

    Since I'm also a white male, no one was willing to give me any money. I did not want to take out a huge loan that I would spend the rest of my adult life paying off, so I just said fuck it to college. Meanwhile niggers and immigrants get free rides. Sure is white privilege in this country.

    At least I don't have any student loan debt and I own my own house now.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:44 No.8732318
    Na, sales (staffing)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:45 No.8732327

    im 26. i went to college and i own my house and cars... not making fun, but im just saiyan...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)14:12 No.8732483

    Not saying you can't have all that, but most of my friends from high school are still paying off college debt. A lot of them don't have jobs in their field of study. Did you have big debts? Or did you get some grant/scholarship money?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)14:50 No.8732682

    just 30% financial aid.

    the state college system is amazing in california. you can literally go to school for free here if you are poor enough. i also didnt get a re-re degree, so i was hired as a junior and got a permanent position when i graduated.

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