11/06/11(Sun)18:26 No. 8380073 >>8379985 Same person here Just to add,>religion It's
more about faith in a higher power than beliefs. Also, people
aren't/shouldn't be classified or live by their lives from religious
morals alone. I studied all abrahamic religions, and abide by many
elements of all of those in addition to my own philosophies/ideologies
that I abide/live by on a daily basis. Because lets face it, every
"religion" has its flaws and tries to be the "true" religion. Protip,
there isn't one. It's how you live your life accordingly, the way that
best fits you Coming from a Turk, of persian jewish descent and Armenian Christian descent. >gay Every
person of all 3 Abrahamic religions persecutes homosexuality. Islam on
the other hand does teach that its ok to be like that because "you're
born like that." And that other fellow muslims shouldn't look down on
you at all. Many other people of muslim faiths are also gay, look
at iran as well in addition to saudi arabia. Although it's not like
Saudi arabia (50%), it's about a rough 38-47% which is significant
enough. I could list a ton of other people who are gay and muslim but
you get the point>unhealthy Get
your ass to the gym, doctors, and eat well. Most important thing you
should value is your health beyond ALL else. Without it, you're fucked.
And not in a good way