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    File : 1320620742.jpg-(131 KB, 478x600, 1318922602054.jpg)
    131 KB Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:05 No.8379852  
    Hey /adv/ I feel like killing myself today.
    -I'm Muslim
    -I'm Gay
    -I'm unhealthy

    Should I just od and get rid of this and see what God has planned for me? fuck this life
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:07 No.8379869
    you can change 2 of those 3 things
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:07 No.8379870
    -Don't live by an outdated set of rules written by someone else.
    -Find a boyfriend.
    -Eat healthier.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:08 No.8379878
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:08 No.8379879
    Quit being a retarded Muslim because religion is stupid, and quit being unhealthy because that's also stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:09 No.8379884
    That's like suicide.

    I eat healthy it's my body that's fucked up my nerfs are fuuuuuucked up so I can't work/typ long or do anything really

    I dont want to deal with this life I've been lying to my friends and family for years
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:09 No.8379887
    Stop that.
    >> Dr. Phil 11/06/11(Sun)18:09 No.8379894
    If there is a God, it is not Allah. Neither is it Yahweh or Jesus Christ. Abrahamic faiths have severe logical fallacies that cannot be overlooked. If you kill yourself, you will not go to hell, but you will cease to exist.

    There is nothing wrong with being gay.

    I would do something as simple as some pushups and crunches to make yourself feel better. Just blast some heavy metal music, or whatever you're into, and get ripped. Working out is a great deterent against depression and feeling unhealthy.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:10 No.8379896

    LOL Theists.

    You're only getting one life here. If you're desperate enough to want to off yourself then you might as well do all the things you want to do before ever attempting it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:11 No.8379908
    >like suicide
    Well, that's why you're here anyway right?
    You like making excuses like a little bitch all the time huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:12 No.8379918
    OP, in Islam, if you kill yourself, don't you just go to Hell and keep dying in the same way that you killed yourself?

    If so, eat chocolate cake until you get diabetes. Then eat more.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:12 No.8379919
    Life always gets better. I was raised pagan so I don't know what's up with being muslim, I personally try to live like there is nothing on the other side. I'd say don't do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:12 No.8379926
    I can't train much I love training but my body says no which also adds to my depression no1 knows im depressed im the greatest actor in the world.. >>8379896
    I rather not I can't live 1 minute with myself if I ever did that, brainwashed I have
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:13 No.8379935

    You can't be Muslim if you're gay. If you believe in Allah, then you're already going to hell, implying there is one. Why the fuck would you be complaining about your life if you're a Muslim? Ohwait. You're not. Move along.

    So? Find a boyfriend, marry him, etc.

    Unhealthy is in nutrition or physically, or in general? Work out, eat healthy, etc. Check the /fit/ sticky, that's all you ever need to know.

    Also, are you underage?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:14 No.8379943


    I envy you a lot
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:14 No.8379945
    >-I'm Muslim
    Why are there so many muslims in here?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:16 No.8379969
    I don't mind being a Muslim I know in my heart that those 2 can be mixed but the people around it's the shame the damage i would do to my fam and whatnot so much shame..

    I'm 23.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:16 No.8379971
    I highly suggest that you just renounce your faith. To be perfectly honest, religion is nothing more than a money making scam that encourages people to hate those of different beliefs. Gabriel never spoke to Muhammad, Mary Magdalene was not a whore (She was Jesus' girlfriend, possibly wife), and there is no heaven or hell. It's all a lie. If you give up on your religion, especially Islam, you're making the world a slightly better place.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with being gay. I'm personally not gay. but George Takei is and he's awesome. George Takei never wanted to kill himself.

    And you can always work out and eat healthy. go to /fit/ if you need some help.

    What are your parents like, by the way? How would they react if you gave up on islam?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:18 No.8379985
    Protip, many saudi men are gay. Literally half the population is, while the other half aren't. That's because of the way they're society suppresses people so much

    Don't feel bad, what nationality are you?

    I would say arabs not muslims but whatever. You don't see many turks or persians here as they live their life through experience of all stuff. And they're muslim and don't come here
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:20 No.8380011

    You came to /adv/ for /adv/ice (inb4trolls);
    on this;
    >Should I just od and get rid of this and see what God has planned for me? fuck this life

    You pointed out three things which want you to kill yourself.

    We've given you advice on those three things.

    >but i can't
    was your answer to all of those things.

    tldr; You might as well go on a killing spree on the way out.

    See you in hell, niggah.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:20 No.8380012
    I tried to tell them when I was 18 and when I had a boyfriend my parents told me it was a phase and never spoke of it my mother made me feel guilty for at least 2 year I broke up with my boyfriend even though I still loved him, it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, my mother would tell me that she was suffering from nightmares and I would seriously hear her scream at night...

    I told her that she was right and that it was a phase and something died inside of me that day...

    I'm sorry but no1 can take religion away from me however I am sure that God/Allah will forgive me if I kill myself I'm sure of it
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:21 No.8380020
    Why would I want to destroy fam on my way out
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:22 No.8380033
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:22 No.8380037
    God doesn't exist.
    Muhammad doesn't exist.
    Jesus did not exist.
    Please stop following a religion of blood and hatred.
    Love your follow MAN.
    Don't follow your beliefs, follow what is KIND and LOVING.
    Those are what will guide you to a better life.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:25 No.8380071
    So religion is just a twisted joke?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:26 No.8380073
    Same person here

    Just to add,


    It's more about faith in a higher power than beliefs. Also, people aren't/shouldn't be classified or live by their lives from religious morals alone. I studied all abrahamic religions, and abide by many elements of all of those in addition to my own philosophies/ideologies that I abide/live by on a daily basis. Because lets face it, every "religion" has its flaws and tries to be the "true" religion. Protip, there isn't one. It's how you live your life accordingly, the way that best fits you

    Coming from a Turk, of persian jewish descent and Armenian Christian descent.


    Every person of all 3 Abrahamic religions persecutes homosexuality. Islam on the other hand does teach that its ok to be like that because "you're born like that." And that other fellow muslims shouldn't look down on you at all.

    Many other people of muslim faiths are also gay, look at iran as well in addition to saudi arabia. Although it's not like Saudi arabia (50%), it's about a rough 38-47% which is significant enough. I could list a ton of other people who are gay and muslim but you get the point


    Get your ass to the gym, doctors, and eat well. Most important thing you should value is your health beyond ALL else. Without it, you're fucked. And not in a good way
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:26 No.8380074
    What? You'll destroy them by killing yourself too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:27 No.8380087
    More like a poor man's matrix.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:28 No.8380094
    Your mother has nightmares because you're gay?
    You can't help being gay.
    If Allah made you with love in his heart, why does your mother hate your existence? There are 7 billion people on this earth, why would Allah give her a son that would be gay and suicidal?
    Allah does not exist. It is hard news. When I renounced my faith, I cried too. I know for sure now.
    There is no god and because of that, I no longer hate gay people, christians, atheists, or anyone.
    Hate has left my heart. I don't hate myself either. I am fine with who I am.
    I'm me. There is no god in this world or the next.
    And I'm fine with that. I love my life and my family. They don't have to respect my choice, but my friends and family are what I love in this life.
    Please think about this, OP. Don't hate yourself because of what you are.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:29 No.8380105
    Thanks for your gently push in the right direction I don't know what to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:29 No.8380112
    >Please stop following a religion of blood and hatred.

    That would be all abrahamic religions then, not just islam. Regardless, I'd go with this guy's advice on how to live your life>>8380073
    >It's how you live your life accordingly, the way that best fits you

    Even if it does mean mixing values of various forms of educations/religions/spirituality. In the end, you're still god's child. And he still loves you for being a gay muslim. People can't just change themselves over night, its who they are
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:30 No.8380119
    dude. there is no Allah. It's a lie. For your own sake do some research. You can't believe what religious officials tell you.

    Your mother is also very closed-minded. being gay is not a phase. You are gay. there's no denying that. If your mother doesn't like it then tell her to fuck off.

    Religion is just a lie to get people to blindly follow you. The whole point of the Dark Ages was that the church denied knowledge to the common people. only religious officials could learn. Haven't you heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? The Catholic church burned down the library of Alexandria, but some Gospels that the church didn't accept were thrown into the ocean and were found 100 years ago. Religion is nothing more than a scam used to gain power through Divine Right. Muhammad was able to do whatever the fuck he wanted by saying that God demanded it. He was a pedophile and justified it exactly that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:31 No.8380127
    A twisted joke?
    Pretty much.

    God sending a plague of blood and frogs? Drowning the world? Murdering entire families on passover?
    Those stories do sound silly, but that is what the Bible is filled with.
    It is hate and bloodshed. Wars are caused by this. The Iraq war is caused by this same hate.
    If America was Muslim and the Middle East was Christian, it'd be exactly the same.

    OP, have faith. Not in you god or religion, but faith that humanity can make the right choice and give up religion for good. I cry in my heart seeing these people die and suffer because of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:33 No.8380136
    I would recommend filling a garbage bag with helium or nitrogen gas and wrapping it around your head. Because of the intert nature of these gasses, you wont get the suffocating sensation and just pass out.

    You could also use methane or propane/buthane gas (the ones you can find to use on portable gasstoves)

    GL OP :)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:34 No.8380140
    Not just islam?
    I was talking about nearly all religions that war because of their beliefs.
    I am an atheist and see religion as a way to delude people into doing horrible things.
    A kind person will do kind things no matter their religion, a kind person will also hate gay people just for being gay.
    I'm gay. I don't want to be hated. I want people to accept me, to be ok with who I am.
    I'm ok with them. I'm a human and I can love and feel.
    So can you. Abandon your religion and embrace REAL love. The CHOICE to love.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:35 No.8380145
    >The Catholic church burned down the library of Alexandria

    Actually, catholic church had no involvement in that. Ironically enough, it was the egyptian christian converts who burned that down in the name of Jesus, and they took thousands of fellow egyptian lives just because they were pagan. Sad ain't it?

    Romans were just looking from the sidelines and tried to get shit in order before chaos erupted in egypt.

    >no allah

    Allah is simply the arabic word for God. Jewish arabs and Christian arabs use the same term, which existed way before islam.

    >He was a pedophile and justified it exactly that way.

    Let's not go on and slander any prophet people find significant in any way shape or form, that includes jesus and the Abrahamic God, shall we?

    We aren't /int/ you know
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:36 No.8380150
    I don't hate anyone besides myself .. yes... I feel unmotivated and depressed all the time because I can't live my live to it's fullest potential, I can't leave the Islam I love fasting I love the rest, the community it's just being gay makes it 100000000 more difficult even if God does not exist the idea alone is worse then death
    >> Dr. Phil 11/06/11(Sun)18:36 No.8380152
    >If you give up on your religion, especially Islam, you're making the world a slightly better place.

    This is a beautiful sentiment.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:36 No.8380157
    Shut the fuck up.

    OP, don't kill yourself.
    I'm here for you if you want to talk.
    I have no religion and I will not judge you.
    Please talk to me.
    My AIM is poxy939
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:37 No.8380161
    Wow brilliant idea is it fast?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:38 No.8380169
    >>If you give up on your religion, especially any Abrahamic religion, you're making the world a slightly better place.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:38 No.8380170
         File1320622709.png-(141 KB, 320x337, hal.png)
    141 KB
    Thanks. I made it myself
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:38 No.8380173
    You might not hate, but your mother does.
    And there is no need to tell anyone that Allah doesn't exist.
    Pray to him. Does he answer you?
    Please don't be metaphorical. Demand that he show himself to you. If he doesn't tell you with real words and a true voice, if you can't see him or hear or feel him, then where is he?
    I don't believe in him. Will I go to hell for this?
    I am a kind person, I hope. I don't want to see you suffer. I want you to give up your religion, not for me, but for you. It is causing you pain and no one deserves pain.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:39 No.8380178
    Thanks bro I don't have AIM though.. I can't typ much in a row anyway...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:39 No.8380180
    Read: fat as shit
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:40 No.8380185
    First to start with, Happy Eid OP!~

    Second, we're all God's children. You were born like this for a reason like many other gay muslims. You're still loved and cared for by God almighty, remember that

    It's ok, don't worry about it. Also, please eat well. Worst thing ever in life is to neglect one's health
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:40 No.8380190

    U mad? He wants to die. I don't give a damn. To many losers in the world, I give good advice to friends IRL and on this board. But to these attention whores I don't give a shit.
    I actually see it as a painfree way of going.
    And if these kind of posts activate empathy in people like you, its still serves an altrustic purpose?

    Yes, using a noble gas like Argon or Neon would even be beter since its intert and heavy (it wont get out of your lungs even if you breath out).
    The idea is quite old and popular btw.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:41 No.8380193
    >Let's not go on and slander any prophet people find significant in any way shape or form, that includes jesus and the Abrahamic God, shall we?

    It's not as though there's no truth in the prior statement. Would you rather delude them further?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:43 No.8380212
    >we're all God's children
    You're not helping

    It's a fact. Muhammad was a pedophile. he had sex with a nine-year-old. nobody ever denies this. they just think it's okay because "God wills it".

    OP, look up a woman named Wafa Sultan. She used to be a muslim, but now she openly attacks Islam on Al Jazeera and wants to take the religion down. listen to what she has to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:45 No.8380230
    It's so complicated! When I was "younger" I was a gay that liked it in the but. But now I don't I like to give it so MAYBE being gay is a fucked up result of events... I've also been molested when I was 12 so it makes even more sence.. I dont KNOW FUCK SAKE
    >> Dr. Phil 11/06/11(Sun)18:48 No.8380245
    >Every person of all 3 Abrahamic religions persecutes homosexuality. Islam on the other hand does teach that its ok to be like that because "you're born like that." And that other fellow muslims shouldn't look down on you at all.

    You have misspoke, or are mistaken. Islam is the third of the three Abrahamic faiths. All three faiths claim Abraham as their origin. The Koran frequently references the Torah, and it is said that Abraham's bastard son Ishmael was brought to the desert by his mother where he began the Middle Eastern clans.

    I do not have a thorough understanding of Islam or the Koran, but I would be *very* surprised if it was accepting of homosexuality. As far as I know, it is a sin so grave that the person must be stoned to death.

    I am surprised to hear the homosexual population in Saudia Arabia could be so high. I hear homosexuality is consistently about 5% of the population in every culture, and if anything this number should be much lower in the Middle East because people can't come out.

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