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  • File : 1318309299.png-(5 KB, 251x254, thumb.png)
    5 KB Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:01 No.8105566  

    Any of you guys poor or just want to earn a little extra money on your spare time? In college and need more spending money? Then you will love this site.

    I wanted to post this because I always see people posting about needing money and a few months back I was in the exact same position and actually thought about killing myself because of it.

    Thats when I found mturk... Now for those of you who have seen it and think you can't make any money from it check my earnings screenshot in the next post.

    So like all work from home how do you know mturk is legit? Its an amazon company. Enough said.

    Now what is mturk? Mturk is a crowdsourcing website. What companies do is they break a task into hundreds or thousands of small tiny tasks that usually take seconds to a couple minutes to complete and they pay you for it. So if you have a massive project that would take 10 people 1000 hours to do you can split it up and let 10000 people swarm over it like hungry sharks.

    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:02 No.8105572
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    So to the left you can see my earnings since around late august till now. Let me start by saying I was not working 8 hours a day everyday. Vast majority of those days were less than 2 hours. Some days were 8+. It all depends on the work I find those days. In september I made over 600 and I know of people that made 2000 that month. Those are the people that do mturk as a serious job.

    So lets take you through a step by step of mturk.

    Step 1 - You sign up for an account.
    Step 2 - You find a hit you want to do.
    Step 3 - You complete the hit.
    Step 4 - The requester approves your hit.
    Step 5 - Amazon pays you.
    Step 6 - You either blow your money on shit on amazon or withdraw it to a bank account. You WILL need tax information if you are in the US, if you are international you can only spend your money on amazon gift cards (More on international later and how to get your money)

    So thats basically it. Thats the tl;dr of mturk. Now for the tips to actually get real money and not be doing shitty 1 dollar an hour work. If you have questions ask away.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:06 No.8105613
    i.....i have a hard time believing this is legit...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:07 No.8105626

    it isn't. Reported for spam.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:09 No.8105661
    not op, but this is legit. it's by amazon. the pay is bad, but it's real money (or amazon gift cards, your choice.)

    lostity successful.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:11 No.8105678


    >implying this place has mods.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:11 No.8105682
    i was gonna say the site seems legit, and it appears to actually be run through amazon.

    OP where do i find the shit thats not a few cents an hour?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:13 No.8105700
    (next wall of text, only 1 more to go after this!)

    First of all with mturk you have to realize 99% of the jobs are SHIT. There are people from developing countries that are on the site as well (india is a huge one) and those jobs usually are only meant to be done by them. Luckily though there are several great requesters that pay minimum wage that post periodically through out the day. Several even pay well over minimum wage. I commonly find 20 an hour work on Mturk. Best I ever got was 30 an hour.

    You need to learn who is good and who is bad. This means you will have to test hits, and you will realize you're working for 3 dollars an hour and quit and move on to another requester. This takes time but in no time you will have it down and be making money.

    DO NOT slave over shit work. Even if you don't see anything else on don't waste your time doing 1 dollar an hour work because its "Better than nothing": guess what if your busy doing that shit you could miss that 20 dollar hit that was posted.

    Its essential you use Turkopticon (google it) to find requesters with reviews and avoid bad requesters.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:16 No.8105736

    You need to wait for the requesters that pay good to post work. Don't think jobs that pay .02 cents cant be good work though. I've seen a .02 cent hit that paid 15 an hour because you could do it so fast.

    Just gotta learn the system.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:17 No.8105748
    well, reading through the terms im not seeing anything shady....

    seems crazy enough to potato OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:17 No.8105755
    Canadianon here; what can I do with this?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:19 No.8105770

    Will get to international people later. Its possible, just a bit harder to set up and if you want actual money instead of amazon gift cards its gonna cost you 20% of your earnings. Sucks but its better than nothing right? (don't feel bad even amerifags lose 11% to taxes)
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:20 No.8105783
    Before i post the last wall of text is there anyone that still thinks this is a scam? Ill go screenshot my amazon-payments account.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:21 No.8105790
    I can deal with that, might as well get something accomplished while fucking around in my free time. I'll stick around.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:26 No.8105833
    (Last wall of text!)

    Now I'm gonna be blunt. You can't get rich off mturk, you can't make more than 30k a year probably at BEST and that is with a lot of work. Mturk is great for supplementing income or making cash to blow on shit. (I bought a computer completely with mturk earnings) Its easy work and if you can handle doing it then you will make some nice money. You guys sit at home on the computer all day anyways, why not make some extra money while doing it? Making 1000 a month is EASY on mturk if you take it seriously and have the time to put into it. Making 2000 is a challange but possible if your dedicated and take this like a 100% real job. Anything over that is god mode but possible.

    To excel at mturk you need to be able to work whenever the good work is posted. You have to sign up at turkalert (google that too) and when you see good work posted you do the damn work. I've stayed up all night to do some epic jobs that were posted.

    Mturk is a huge topic and I could go on for 40 posts because there is a lot of shit but I doubt you guys wanna read all that right now so ill just answer questions from now on.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:27 No.8105850
    Let's see those screen shots.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:30 No.8105882
    I'm reading this but I can't really seem to find examples of jobs. OP can you post some generic examples of jobs?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:31 No.8105891

    Okay so international workers...

    Mturk only allows 2 countries to withdraw directly to bank accounts. Amerifags and indians... Why india? Because they need a good slave labor force that will work for 1 dollar an hour. For the rest of you you can still work! What you have to do is contact amazon when you open your account (theres a mturk customer support button somewhere) and tell them you want your account set to international I believe, Do NOT use amazon payments as soon as they realize your international they will suspend your account and take any money inside it.

    Once you set up your international account your amazon payments button will be replaced with a link that transfers your money directly to your amazon account for gift cards. Now here is how you make your money from that.

    You dropship on eBay... You find something cheap on amazon and post it on eBay and when that person buys you buy on amazon and put in their address for shipping. This works out to around 20% on average lost from all fees. It sucks I know but its the only way for international atm.

    Although amazon is "Looking into" ways to pay international workers but that could be months away.


    1 sec
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:39 No.8105979
    Looked into it a little more. I need around 700 bucks by next summer, and am terribly anti-social/awkward when it comes to job interviews. I think you've just helped me out tremendously! I'm gonna check this out after school tomorrow.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:39 No.8105982
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    Good enough? Notice all those payments are payments for individual hits which is why they are so small. I can screenshot a actual single payment if you would like.


    Ill use 2 examples from jobs I did today. Both paid around 12 an hour.

    Example 1 - You get 4 search engine results for a query. you review each ones and decide which one is the most relevant. Fast and easy paid about 12 an hour.

    Example 2 - You got a doctors name, you typed his name into a national database and copy pasted some ID number. Fast and easy and also paid 12 an hour although some super fast people were making like 16.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:43 No.8106022
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    You could have 700 within a month if you tried... I'm shooting for 1000 a month personally.

    Heres another screenshot of a individual payment.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:44 No.8106034
    What qualifications are useful?
    Also, thanks. This sure beats ChaCha.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:46 No.8106059
    Wow. Idk if I want to get a good rest or start on this...
    Thanks, bro. This helps a lot. I hope this threa is still going by morning time.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:48 No.8106090

    Get as many as you can. Take qualification tests often so you can expand your the hits you can take. Most tests are fast so why not try?

    The most useful qualification you can get is the Amazon Categorization Masters. Its a secret amazon qualification they give to their "Elite" workers and opens up a lot of good paying hits. To get it you need to do a lot of hits and have a good rating.

    I have to warn you guys though amazon can be a BITCH to workers and you need to be very careful about who you work for or you can get your account suspended. More on that in next post.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:50 No.8106119
    Why are you telling /adv/ this? Do amazon pay you to advertise this or what?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:51 No.8106156
    >how dare you be helpful!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:53 No.8106186
    I actually want *things* more than I want money. So that is perfect for an international (canadian)... yes?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:54 No.8106196
    Oh and the first 10 days you work on mturk you have a 100 hit a day limit. After 10 days that goes away and you get the new 3800 a day limit. If you do just 1 hit every day for 10 days the limit will go so make sure you do 1 a day. Its frustrating as fuck to get great hits and be stopped by the limit.

    Now about amazon being a bitch. They put ALL the power in the requester. If a requester thinks all your work is shit they can mass reject you and RUIN your entire rating. You have little to no options, amazon won't care if you bitch to them. Your only hope is begging to the requester.

    Requesters can also block. If you get 3 blocks within a unknown time period they will suspend your account taking any money in your account with it.

    If you notice you get blocked (you will get a message when you try to accept their hits) then you should ask them why you were blocked POLITELY and try to work it out if you can. if that doesnt work you should beg and promise to never do their hits again if they will just unblock you.


    No I wish.. amazon has no kind of referral system. In fact they could care less about me or anyone. They have thousands of workers and we are literally like numbers to them.

    I'm doing this because i know there is a ton of neckbeards that need cash just like I was and would love to do this.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:55 No.8106213

    Yes but international shipping can really be a bitch sometimes. I doubt you will pay more than 20% on shipping though so its probably still a good deal. Canada isnt too bad though, its overseas that gets insane (hundreds of dollars to ship 1 item)
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:56 No.8106223

    Forgot trip. Fucking addons.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:58 No.8106245
    If this takes off, more people will use it and more of us can make money.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)01:59 No.8106255
    I've been looking at some of the jobs/HITs... lmao they're so fucking weird!
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)01:59 No.8106267

    There's already tens of thousands of workers but don't worry there's more than enough jobs for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:00 No.8106274
    Interesting OP, I've often considered something like this to supplant my income as a college student.

    I do have a question though. After I go through the first 10 days, and I get to the large hit limit, am I obligated to do a certain amount of hits per day?

    That is to say, if I need money in November, but I don't need any in December, can I simply not do a single hit in December, then start doing them again in January with no penalty?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:02 No.8106299

    You should see the porn hits... There is actually a set of hits that gets posted every month or so that all you do is look at screenshots from porn videos and give it a title. They pay like 9 an hour for looking at porn. They have posted hundreds of thousands of them too.


    There is no obligation to do any amount of hits. You can do 1 or 1000 in a day they don't care. If you leave for 6 months your account will still be there and work perfectly fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:03 No.8106311
    Average time a day you have to spend to earn decent bucks (around 25-50 a day)?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:07 No.8106364
    you probably waste more electricity than you earn in money
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:08 No.8106376

    It all depends on the work you find. Most important thing is being available to do the hits when they are posted.

    I personally work for nothing under minimum wage 7.25 an hour. So my minimum for 25 dollars would be 3.44 hours. Of course there's plenty of work you find over minimum wage. Just a couple days ago I was doing 20 an hour work and I was able to do it for 5 hours. It all just depends on your luck.

    There are slow days though, weekends SUCK. Some days I can only pull 10 dollars that day because there is no work posted but thats rare.


    Please be troll...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:11 No.8106404
    So what kind of tax information do they ask for?

    I actually found out about this months ago but never really thought much about it but I need some cash.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:12 No.8106425

    Social security info. You don't even have to put it in I believe until you reach the 600 dollar amount. But it takes amazon days to verify it so you should put it in as soon as you realize you want to do this for realz.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:16 No.8106488

    Forgot trip again...

    Also thats only for americans. If your in another country amazon isnt doesn't have to worry about you not paying your taxes so they leave that up to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:16 No.8106489
    Do they make an account on Amazon for you to store your mullah or do you have to/have the option to put in a bank account? Honestly though, I'm going to end up just buying shit on amazon so maybe it'll be simpler to use gift cards?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:19 No.8106525

    I think it auto makes you a amazon payments account when you sign up and links it to your account. You should also make a account as well.

    All your money gets auto deposited in your amazon payments account as requesters approve your work.

    From there you can link a bank account and withdraw it or turn it into amazon gift cards and spend it on (international amazon accounts cant be bought from like

    I have been blowing all mine on lately but will be adding a bank account this month and withdrawing to there.

    Ill go make some food, be back in a few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:22 No.8106568
    Where do i click to accept the HIT?

    Every time I click on the title it maximizes then minimizes
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:22 No.8106571
    I'm going to try it. Even if it ain't all that great you seem pretty honest in your intentions so I'll do it just for that. And even if you're a viral marketer my time ain't worth shit. Besides I have a bunch of manga I want but no cash and this beats sucking dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:25 No.8106608
    Here. I just went to sign up for an account, and it already had my Amazon account info in the browser. AKA... this shit is legit. If it was a scam, it would ASK for my account info. But I guess it comes down to how much you trust Amazon.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:26 No.8106612

    You have to hit view hit in the right hand corner first. Then you can view the hit and if you want to do it hit accept on the next page.


    Why would a viral marketer be on fucking /adv/ lol they would set up youtube videos and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:28 No.8106637
    >What you have to do is contact amazon when you open your account (theres a mturk customer support button somewhere) and tell them you want your account set to international I believe, Do NOT use amazon payments as soon as they realize your international they will suspend your account and take any money inside it.

    Wait wut?
    Tell them you're international but never let them find out?
    ...Rephrase plox?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:28 No.8106641
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    Are all the HITs safe to do,

    I saw some credit report ones and I dont really want to be giving anyone else my social.Bad enough amazon has to get it for the bank account and taxes shit.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:33 No.8106711

    Just contact them and make a international account before you do hits. The problem comes when you make a normal account and then get a amazon payments account and start getting money even though your international.

    When you contact them they will remove the amazon payments account and replace it with your international tab.

    You don't have to hide anything from them don't worry.


    No they aren't. 99% of the jobs are safe but there are scams. The credit report one is the ones that are obvious scams.

    Any hit that asks for your personal information is probably a scam, if it wants you to sign up for something its probably a scam. Just use common sense. Most hits are contained within the hit window itself and don't make you go off site. Some do however, but as long as the link isnt something stupid like a tiny url or something its usually fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:35 No.8106732
    because no one would see and respond to it on youtube since there are so many thing viral marketing things on there so no one would care. When you go to 4chan, and say want to make money, you going to create a lot more attention, especially people can talk about anonymously
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:37 No.8106761
    This shit is legit, but it's not easy to work with if you're out of the USA, and generally it pays something like $4/hr so it cannot replace a proper job.

    It's more useful for getting some pocket money for a student or someone who's really bored.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:39 No.8106781
    every hit i see ranges from 5cents to a dollar, where the fuck is the good shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:39 No.8106788
    whats in it for you tripfaganon to post here about this? arn't you worried about competition
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:43 No.8106823

    5 cents to a dollar can be great work.

    mturk is about MICRO jobs. Most hits take seconds not hours. Ill be honest though there probably is no good work on right now. Its 3am. Good work is posted like regular job hours.


    Nope because mturk isnt a secret site. There is already tens of thousands of workers and a few more 4chan people won't make a difference for me.

    Just refresh and watch the hit counter hundreds of jobs get done and get posted a second.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:43 No.8106833
    Where are you getting these hourly wages from? It seems most of these things just list payment for completion of a task, so how are you supposed to know in advance how much you'd pull per hour?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:44 No.8106845

    You don't till you test the waters. Although once you get good you can look at a hit and know if its good or bad.

    Just do 1. If it takes you 2 minutes for 5 cents its not a good hit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:45 No.8106853
    Amazon set this up originally to get cheap data entry for their own product sales. (That was several years ago.) Ever since they finished, most of the jobs there have been bullshit. I stopped because of the amount of garbage employers.

    I'll take OP's word that there are worthwhile jobs being posted there now from time to time.

    I'll also agree with OP that it can be useful supplemental income.

    In my opinion though, if you spend any great deal of time on this, you could probably be learning a skill and getting yourself a real job.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:45 No.8106859
    How would my money get transfered? How safe is it besides being apart of Amazon? Is there an risks?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:46 No.8106870
    >Its 3am. Good work is posted like regular job hours.

    Any way to gauge what time zone the site is running on?
    That's another hurdle for international members.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:48 No.8106892
    Why was it named mturk instead of mhabeeb or mindian or mchink? Aren't they the ones that are super cheap laborers?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:50 No.8106902
    If Im a canada fag all I have to do is create. An account and get it set to international and then I can get money to use in amazon gift cards?

    Also thanks for posting this op
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:50 No.8106903

    Once you tell amazon your bank account info you can request a transfer to your bank account as soon as you get 10 dollars and its usually in your bank within 24 hours.

    >How safe is it besides being apart of Amazon? Is there an risks?

    Well amazon makes billions they don't care about scamming people out of a few dollars. The risks are the shit requesters and the fact that if you get 3 blocks amazon can and will suspend your account immediately and take your money. So don't leave much on there.


    The site itself runs on PST (california time) but good work is posted from all the normal work hours in america and all through the day as well. There is also international requesters that can post any time.


    mturk stands for Mechanical Turk. It was some kind of middle ages chess troll. Go look it up on wiki it has nothing to do with turkish people.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:52 No.8106920
    What do you mean by blocks? As in they didn't approve of your hit?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:53 No.8106931
    Not OP, but general reference in terms of prices:

    If minimum wage is $7.25/hr, that's $0.12/min.
    So it seems that if a job pays $0.12 or less and is taking you 1min or more to complete, you're being paid less than minimum wage and it might not be worth it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:54 No.8106934
    >take money
    you mean the money I earned on there or whats on my paypal?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:54 No.8106936

    Yes exactly and no problem.

    I'm not an international worker so I can't go into all the specifics of getting it set up as I'm just repeating what I've heard from rep sources. But I've met quite a few international workers from all over the world. there is even a map of 16000 workers from everywhere.


    Block is when they make it so you can't accept any of their hits. When you try it sends you a generic message saying you have been blocked. Its used for spammers and such but sometimes requesters will block out of smite or just because you get like 1 or two hits wrong.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:56 No.8106959

    They can only seize whats in your amazon payments account when they suspend your account. Any gift cards in your account are safe and of course they can't touch paypal.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)02:56 No.8106960
    That sounds a bit risky to do on my general account. Should I make a seperate so I don't have to worry about fucking up?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)02:58 No.8106977

    A separate amazon payments account? Yeah I would if I was you. If you use a amazon payments account for something else already. Before you do make sure you're allowed to have 2 though.

    For those who don't know amazon payments was's answer to paypal, but it sucks and isnt used much.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:01 No.8107003
    I just spend 30 minutes filling out a servery and it hit submit hit and a timer began counting and it erased everything it typed and it says i earned 0.00.

    Did i just fuck up?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:01 No.8107006
    Nah I don't use it. At least I don't think I do. All I've ever done is shop with my debit card and never have I had to deal with it.

    Thanks for the help by the way. Give me your your wishlist or something and if I make anything out of this I'll give you something back.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:02 No.8107017
    1) Where do you find the good hits

    2) If you're in Europe, will vouchers only work for or are they transferable - in other words will I have to pay for shipping? I just want stuff, I'm not interested in money.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:07 No.8107041

    Sounds like maybe you didn't accept the hit before you started working on it?

    The surveys can be good easy pay but a lot of times they pay shit. They can be fun to do sometimes though and theres always a ton.


    Its cool you don't have to get me anything lol Its not like this is taking me hours of my times I'm bored anyways.


    You Just have to search through the pile of crap and learn whats good and whats bad. At first it seems overwhelming but after a while you can easily spot the good shit.

    Separate by most first and look at those ones, they are usually the better hits. Then if nothing is there you want, you can refresh the newest first and wait for shit to be posted. Thats how you snag a 100 dollar hit. Just the other day some guy was paying 200 to create a wikipedia page. He even gave you all the info. I didn't accept it in time though.

    2. You can only use your gift cards at at the moment. Which means you have to pay bad shipping prices. For anyone in europe I suggest the drop shipping method I talked about above and then buy shit yourself. Gift cards can pay for shipping by the way.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:10 No.8107077

    Fuck it I'll just pay for shipping with the gift cards.

    If I'm losing 20% it probably won't make much difference. Saves the hassle of making loads of accounts.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:11 No.8107089
    I'm considering on doing this but i have a question or two.. I already have an account on amazon and I bought a few things with it with my debit card. Should I use this account with the website or should I make a new account and why should I do it or not do it. Also wth are hits and how do you make money?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:11 No.8107091
    I'm at the point where I don't care if this is legit or not... these are so fun!
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:15 No.8107137

    > I already have an account on amazon and I bought a few things with it with my debit card. Should I use this account with the website

    Yes you should. Your account can't be seized if you epic fail on mturk. Its your mturk and amazon-payments accounts that they suspend. Its just easier to have 1 account hooked to everything so you're not confused. There is really no draw back.

    > Also wth are hits and how do you make money?

    Hit is what each individual job is called on mturk. Sorry I never explained.

    HIT = Human Intelligence Test

    You make money by completing hits. When they are approved you get paid. You can make money writing, transcribing audio, doing data entry or naming porn videos (seriously) its completely random.

    There is actually a requester that posts hits where you count chickens...


    I know they can be really fun. Just wait till your getting paid 10+ an hour then its epic.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:20 No.8107165
    So I'm creating an amazon account at this site and it tells me to fill in my personal information (home adress etc).

    Can I just fill in fake information and change it later?

    I just wanna try this shit out I'm not sure I'm gonna be buying anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:21 No.8107166
    I just make 5 us centidollars. In poland i rich!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:22 No.8107180
    Thanks so much for this... this stuff is a lot more interesting than what I usually do on the internet (porn, facebook)!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:23 No.8107184
    Thanks. Will try the website out tomorrow, I'm typing on my phone and its 3am ;_; .. How are you making $10/hr, does the pay increase for doing a lot of HITs or is there stuff that actually pay it on your first try?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:25 No.8107205

    You can't change it. So if you do you will have to make a new account later.

    Its amazon do you really think they will scam you or spam your mailbox with ads? lol

    Also for anyone wondering you can have more than 1 account going to 1 household. You can't however have more than 1 personal account. So if you have a roommate or something both of you can do it as long as you don't use the same personal info.


    Sometimes requesters do send bonus payments if you do so many but generally no. The thing is those pennies your making a hit add up fast and you can easily be making 10+ an hour if you find the right work,

    I did a .02 cent hit before that was paying a lot because you could finish the hit in a few seconds.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:28 No.8107227
    It's weird seeing this useless shit on /adv/.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:30 No.8107245
    How do I set my account to international?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:32 No.8107262

    Contact mturk and ask them about it.


    Is this really any more useless than another relationshit thread?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:33 No.8107268

    Forgot my trip... for the third time... 4chrome really sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:38 No.8107304
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    What do you mean that if you're doing this internationally and thru amazon gifts, they might suspend your account and get everything in there? Can't I just get amazon items for this? Because getting 20% off for the pay is quite some damage, and most likely, I'll be using this to buy gadgets.

    Thanks btw for posting this.
    Random wallpaper for attention
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:40 No.8107321
    What about taxes? How exactly does that work?

    Do they come in the mail with the rest of the stuff? Or do you have to magically know all about them beforehand, and everything?

    I'm worried about trying this out, because I never had to pay taxes before, since I never had a real job. (I'm a nanny for my two nephews)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:42 No.8107330
    Thanks man
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:43 No.8107336
    No, what Turker said was that if you don't flag your account as international, they will suspend your account and take away your wages. But if your account is flagged as international, your only option is to use payment in gift certificates (I know because I just did it).
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:43 No.8107337
    Same here, except I watch my brother and sister
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:44 No.8107351

    Sorry that i'm not explaining this well. Getting gift cards as a international worker is your ONLY payment method available. For now anyways... If you try to get money any other way they will suspend your account. From what I have heard international workers are supposed to contact mturk and get their accounts switched to a international format that way they don't have to worry about that or tax information.


    Taxes are a bit tricky. Ill give you the official story first.

    You are technically a independent contractor working for all the requesters you do work for. When you file taxes you do so as self employed. The tax rate this year is around 11% thanks to obama but they suggest you keep 20% of your earnings and then when you do your taxes mail whatever you have to and the rest is like you income tax refund.

    Now amazon DOES NOT report any of your earnings to the IRS. However if you make more than 600 dollars for any one requester they by law (some don't though) have to report your earnings to the IRS and should send you a tax form in the mail (they get this info from amazon).

    So if you make 601 dollars from requester A. and 500 from requester B. within 1 tax years. The IRS will most likely only know about the 601 from requester A. If you don't file any taxes for requester A. the IRS can come bitch at you for their money. However they will never know about requester B. (more in next post)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:44 No.8107353
    OP, I am thinking about trying this.

    I live with my boyfriend and he'd probably want to try it as well. You already said that you can have more than one account per household, but can you link multiple accounts to one bank account? I don't have a personal bank account so I'd like to be able to hook my mturk account to my boyfriend's bank account.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:48 No.8107371
    GUYS. They just paid me 25 cents to play a video game. I was to solve a puzzle as fast as possible. Idk what it was for. Felt like Zelda. Took me less than a minute whaaat.

    This shit is fucking awesome. Thanks so much! It's a whole lot more interesting and fun than what I usually do on the internet (facebook and porn).
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:48 No.8107375

    Now you yourself are legally supposed to report all your income even if you only made 6 dollars. However the IRS will never find out... So if you don't want to pay your taxes thats on you. If you get a tax form in the mail however you better pay taxes for at least that form as its reported and you are gonna be in deep shit if you don't.

    Also down the line if you ever get audited they will tax this income...

    So its up to you how you want to pay your taxes. I personally am paying it all but I know several people only pay for the reported income. There is also the chance one day the IRS will require amazon to send all your info to the IRS and if you didn't pay they will come find you.

    (The IRS has been trying that with paypal for years with no success)


    No unless its a joint bank account with both your names on it. You will have to get your own bank account or just blow your money on amazon.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:51 No.8107391
    So I automatically send in 11% of all of the combined money I make, and if I make any over 600, I wait for the form to come in the mail?

    What if I accidentally send in too much, or too little? Will I get it back, or get a notification in the mail? Or am I just screwed?

    I fucking suck at math.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:51 No.8107395
    Oh, damn. That sucks. I don't think I can get my name on it unless we're married.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:55 No.8107412

    Well when tax time comes you print out all the forms then you use turbotax or whatever put all your shit in, add in deductions and see what they say you owe. Whatever that is cut the IRS a check and mail it in, if you send too much the IRS will mail you back the difference. If you mail too little they will bitch for their money.

    Deductions are sweet though... You can legally claim a computer as a tax deduction because you use it for work. I just bought a new computer and plan on deducting 30-40% of it as a business expense.

    Never deduct 100% its a red flag and they will audit you.

    > and if I make any over 600, I wait for the form to come in the mail?

    Yup they should come before tax time. Don't worry taxes are actually quite easy to do with the software. If you really hate it you can always go to one of those tax places and they can do it for you.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:56 No.8107426
    I've got to go to sleep guys, its 4am here and I got work to do tomorrow (mturk)

    So any last questions before I go? Ill check this thread in the morning if its still around.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)03:56 No.8107428
    >Hugs you

    Thanks a lot! You are a lifesaver.

    I copy and pasted all the links you posted, and will get started tomorrow.

    But can you post all the important ones again, in case I missed any? Please?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)03:58 No.8107438

    Just google Turkopticon (the review site) and turk alert. Those are the only two that matter.

    oh and of course

    There is also mturk forums and stuff if you want to join one of them.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)04:00 No.8107447
    Thanks again! I can't wait to start buying shit, lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)04:01 No.8107450
    OP how often do you do a hit, succeed at whatever it is/do a good job, but still not get paid? (i.e. get scammed by requesters?)
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)04:04 No.8107470

    Very rarely. I've only actually got scammed like 3 times that I remember out of something like 14k hits completed.

    I did get a mass rejection before of about 50 dollars worth of hits. After about 2 weeks of bitching however they reversed those and I got paid. Scams are usually obvious. As long as you only do work for workers with good reviews on turkopticon you are fine. If you find a new requester without any reviews do a few hits to test, if you get paid then great do more!

    All hits auto approve within 30 days if the requester just leaves and never comes back. Most requesters approve within a week but some are slow and take 2-3.

    I'm gonna head to bed guys. If you have more questions keep this thread alive and ill answer in the morning.
    >> Not OP, but a Turker 10/11/11(Tue)04:16 No.8107546
    Not often. And I'm usually so angry that I never take another hit from them ever, so it's easily solved.

    It happens less if you use turkopticon more.

    Seems like the OP was heavy in with Dolores. In general, I hate them. There are two types of turking.

    1. lots of hits for little money each

    (note how in OPs screenshots he's doing hundreds of hits for maybe 20$. .02 per hit isn't even worth the loading-time to me)

    2. only doing shit you actually find interesting, and risking the larger rejections.

    I don't know how much has been said on the second method. If you have either decent writing skills or are adept at transcription, you can work on larger projects that are more rewarding and pay much more. Basically you do a few junk hits VERY well for a certain requester, they favorite you, and then qualify you to work on "smart people only" jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)04:18 No.8107569
    Do you need any special skills to do this stuff? I am very technologically ignorant, it took me forever to even figure out facebook and LJ.

    But once I do figure it out, I can do the same thing over and over and over again all day long. (hence my addiction to 4chan)

    So will this be hard for me? Or will it be ok once I figure it out?
    >> Not OP, but a Turker 10/11/11(Tue)04:22 No.8107589
    You'd probably like the repetition method then. It's very easy, just keep your search on "Most hits" which is default anyway. That way tasks where you can do the same thing over and over thousands of times will be at the front
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)04:24 No.8107604
    Sweeet, also, how do you tell the ratio of profits vs time spent working?

    Does it tell you how long a hit will take, as well as how much it pays?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)04:24 No.8107607
    Guys, I do have to put in my opinion that this stuff is for Indians.

    Spend your time doing something useful.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)04:29 No.8107644
    >implying this isn't useful.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)06:27 No.8108072
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)06:36 No.8108121
    Another anon here who has looked into this shit. Honestly, just get a regular job. The time it takes to complete the essays they give you or whatever is going to pay well below minimum wage. Op has got to be some sort of marketer.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)06:38 No.8108131

    OP freely admitted it's no replacement for real work.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)07:33 No.8108419
    This basically pretty useful to a kid living at home that doesn't want to leave the house to get a formal job, but doesn't have marketable skills like programming.
    Or a regular guy with a regular job that wants to supplement their income. So instead of working to formal jobs (one paying significantly less) you try OP's suggestion and basically work for however long you'd like, earning as much as you can by trying to find the best deals.
    If you're strapped for time, can't imagine that this would work out, tho.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)08:34 No.8108724
    but it says: At this time Mechanical Turk does not support Requesters from countries outside the United States

    how do i register?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)11:03 No.8109426
    bump so the thread doesn't 404 for OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)11:10 No.8109462

    jesus, if I could make 1k a month I could make my ends meet.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)11:14 No.8109478
    googled it, seems legit...going to look into this.

    thanks OP!
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)11:37 No.8109625
    Alright I'm back.


    >Seems like the OP was heavy in with Dolores.

    How dare you! lol No I never do shit hits like that. Only hits that I can make minimum wage at least which is not dolores labs.

    Don't rule out all .02 cent hits they can sometimes pay nice, its worth a look when you see a new one.


    Your not signing up as a requester your signing up as a worker.


    You just have to take the time to learn the system. Like I said 99% of the work is SHIT. But that 1% is fucking EPIC. I'm not saying make this your regular job but if you need some money to get your life moving then this is perfect for you.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)11:45 No.8109673

    For you noobs here is some good work. I can do 2 of these a minute. Thats around 12 an hour. Best part is these always go by slow because no one realizes they are fast.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)11:50 No.8109706
    Why should I bother with this if I'm scandinavian?

    I live so far away from the US it's not funny, I imagine the shipping costs must be pretty insane.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)11:53 No.8109731

    It is but if you dropship on eBay and take the money you only lose like 20%.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:01 No.8109815
    Okay just wanna make sure I got a good understanding of how this dropship thing works
    So I
    * Look for products on amazon that people might wanna buy
    * I advertise said products on eBay
    * Someone wants to buy them
    * I buy the items from amazon, but enter their shipping adress instead of my own
    * Person on eBay pays me
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:04 No.8109840

    Yes exactly. Its that easy. Look for things that are really popular in electronics, find something that is cheaper then on eBay (not by a lot but just a little) then sell it. Once you get all the fees out of the way you will lose around 20% less if you find some epic deals on amazon.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:06 No.8109863
    Tnx man. Definetely gonna try this out.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:07 No.8109874
    This may be a retarded question, but.. What fees? Or do you mean that you have to lower the price because otherwise people might as well buy their stuff on Amazon themselves?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:11 No.8109916

    ebay has listing fees, final value fees, paypal has fees, currency conversion fees. It all adds up to around 20%
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:12 No.8109936
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    Is this HIT serious? It brings to mind The Men Who Stare at Goats. I think I might draw a man staring at a goat and submit it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:12 No.8109941
    Having registered to this I just have two questions

    One - I set my location to non-US when registering and it put me through an additional verification spiel where I provided my local address, name and confirmed that I have zero ties with the US - does that mean my account was already set as International? It already shows "Transfer your earnings to your gift certificate balance" as the only withdrawal option.

    And two - is there a way to filter out Hits that I have no way of qualifying for? Namely the majority which seem to require my location to be set to US
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:15 No.8109979

    Probably. Theres a lot of universities that post surveys and shit and do little studies.


    1. Thats great, I guess they added that in. When i started you had to contact. But yeah your set to international don't worry.

    2. Click "hits available to you" at the top.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:22 No.8110047
    >2. Click "hits available to you" at the top.

    Obviously enough. But that also sorts out everything that I might qualify for after doing their test or whatever, and the ones open to anyone by default seem to be the crappier ones.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:23 No.8110060
    When I try to view my tax status it says: "Your account does not need to submit information for tax reporting."

    Does that mean my account has been flagged as international?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:23 No.8110061
    Omg does this shit actually work?

    Thanks op /adv/ is actually useful for a change
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:25 No.8110075

    What do you write for the reasoning behind your selections?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:25 No.8110078

    Yeah thats the down side =/


    Did you create an international account? Then yes. If you didn't I would see if it still gives you the option to input your tax info.


    Yeah check the screenshots.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:28 No.8110101
    Yeah I did set it to international, guess everything's fine then.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:28 No.8110104

    Something like "A had the most relevant results" "All had several relevant results" "None had a relevant result."
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:33 No.8110162
    Are you serious? How do you make 700 a month off of mturk? Because from what I've seen, it was bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:35 No.8110174
    You must be picking the hits that are only worth 2 or 3 cents each.

    There are some that are 20 dollars a hit. You just have to learn to find the good ones.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:35 No.8110177

    You only do the good work when its posted and don't waste your time doing work for slave wages.

    Like i said before 99% of mturk jobs are crap. But that 1% is epic. Once you learn how to wade through the sea of crap and pick out the good jobs you will start making some serious money.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:36 No.8110182
    so does this mean 1$ hits are pointless?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:38 No.8110197
    Depends, is it 1 dollar for a hit that takes an hour to do?

    Or 1 dollar for a hit that takes two minutes to fill out?

    If you do 1 dollar hits every two minutes for three hours, then yeah.

    Or at least that's what it looks like how it works. I haven't tried it myself yet, but am seriously looking into it.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:39 No.8110199

    Any hit can be worth a lot. You need to remember mturk is a crowdsourcing website. Its meant for MICRO jobs. Not full time hourly work. Although that gets posted too.

    A hit that pays 10 dollars that takes 4 hours is shit. A hit that pays .10 cents but takes 30 seconds is far better then that 10 dollar hit.

    So don't rule any job out just because it appears to pay crap. Even .02 cent work can pay well sometimes. Although generally in my experience .01 cent hits don't make enough to be worth it unless they are extremely fast.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:40 No.8110210
    This seems legit, thanks OP!
    Also, if anyone wants a similar website, usertesting have a similar scheme where moderately big websites use you to test betas of their sites and new projects. It's $10 a test, for sure, unless you're terrible. You need a good mic as well.

    Seriously, not a troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:41 No.8110222
    how long does it take for your hit to be approved and you get your money?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:43 No.8110237

    Depends on the requester. Most requesters approve within a couple days. Some can take 2 weeks. Max is 1 month but thats very rare.

    Once your work is approved it takes 12 hours max but usually only a couple for amazon to transfer the money into your payments account and then you can blow it.

    For new accounts though there is a like 3 day delay for getting paid, that goes away after the 10 day period is over (doing 1 hit at least a day)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:50 No.8110306
    Can you explain the dropship a little more? Say im an Australian doing this, would this be my process?
    1. do HITS and make money
    2. find item on amazon, then list same item on ebay for same price
    3.once i find seller on ebay, use my amazon gift cards to buy item on amazon but change shipping address to seller on ebay
    4. get money from ebay

    Would i use australian ebay or does it matter? thanks
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)12:54 No.8110340

    Yes thats it

    You would use US ebay.

    Once someone buys your product and sends you the money on paypal you buy the item on amazon and ship it to their house.

    They receive it and leave good feedback and then you can do whatever with your money on paypal. Set your shipping address to some generic location in the US. Bonus points if its the white house.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:00 No.8110398
    The money you earn is stored in your account.

    -Transfer your earnings to your gift certificate balance
    -View your account balance and transaction history

    Do these settings indicated that i am set to international? (which is what i want)
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:01 No.8110404

    Yes because if not it would say something about transferring to bank account. Ill screen shot mine 1 sec.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:04 No.8110420
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:08 No.8110441
    Do you need a bank account, or can you use a paypal account?

    What's the difference between the two?

    Can you still use your bank account to order stuff online?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:11 No.8110457

    Amazon won't transfer to paypal.

    They send your money (if your US) to amazon payments. From amazon payments you can withdraw to a bank account or blow your money on amazon through gift cards.

    From amazon-payments you can withdraw your money to your own bank account and then spend it with a debit card or upload to paypal or whatever.

    So you don't NEED a bank account but id advise you to get one eventually.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:11 No.8110460
    cheers boss, apart from using turkalert and turkopticon are there any other methods of finding the best jobs? or if you could make a summary of finding the best jobs that would be sweet.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:11 No.8110464
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:16 No.8110497

    As i said before the most important part is being available through out the day to do the work. There is no magic way to find the jobs you just have to learn whats bad work and good work so you can spot it easily.

    What i do when I check mturk is I switch to most first and scroll through all the results to see if anything looks good to me. I go until im around 500 hits per listing. Then I consider it crap and go watch newest first and see whats being posted at the moment.

    If you stalk newest first and refresh it a lot you can snag high paying work like transcription jobs that can be like 75 dollars each but its rare. I do the surveys that come up to kill time too.

    You will find a method that works for you but most important for starting out is getting hits done even if they are shit hits. A lot of requesters have requirements that are like 1000 hits done. So you want to get a few done as soon as possible.

    Once you find a requester you like, add them to turkalert and get e-mails when they post new jobs. Before you do any huge batch of hits for a requester make sure you check their reviews on turkopticon.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:20 No.8110523
    I fucking hate dumbfuck american sites where i have to fill out a state/region/province. THERE'S NO SUCH THING IN SWEDEN.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:31 No.8110595
    So how will I how a rough idea on how much money i will make per hour? what type of $$ should i be looking at per hit depending on how fast i can do the task
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 10/11/11(Tue)13:34 No.8110617
    I am in college and currently have in my possession a large amount of oxycontin.
    My peers all want this.

    Should I supply the demand and make mad moneys or just use it for my kidney stone like I'm supposed to?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:36 No.8110633

    Minimum wage is .12 cents a minute. So if you can make that on any hit you know your making 7.25 an hour. to figure your hourly rate test a hit and see how long it takes you to do it then see what that is an hour. Make sure you test a few as sometimes you might get a longer hit but others are fast.


    Definitely sell that shit.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 10/11/11(Tue)13:37 No.8110643
    I don't think you are aware of how horribly kidney stones hurt...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:39 No.8110649
    i think you know in your heart what the right thing to do is thent
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:39 No.8110654

    I don't but I love money and have a high pain tolerance. So laying in bed in agony is worth it if the pay is nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:42 No.8110679
    ok thanks i think thats all the questions i need.. gonna go sleep now
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)13:44 No.8110688
    Alright guys I gotta go get some work done. Be back soon.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 10/11/11(Tue)13:46 No.8110701
    Imagine being stabbed in the kidney repeatedly. I thought I had a "high pain tolerance" too. No matter how tough you are, the stone is tougher. For your sake, cut down on the sugar and greasy foods and drink more do not want to experience this.

    Anyway, I like money too..and I currently have none. Which is why I'm considering caving to pressure and just selling this shit. Until then I've told everyone who keeps riding my ass about it to wait until the stone is out so I don't have to worry about pain anymore.
    I'm conflicted about this whole thing..seriously.

    The fact that I've been trading them for other drugs like a dumbass isn't doing much to dissuade people, either.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:52 No.8110769
         File1318355573.jpg-(17 KB, 250x250, 1303218831681.jpg)
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    >Referring to mturk slavery as work
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)13:55 No.8110793
    >Label porn screenshots
    >I Hope My Boss Doesn't Walk In.jpg
    >Trying This Next Time.jpg
    >Pizza's Here.jpg

    Anyway, this is Amazon, so probably not a scam, and stupid, so probably not for anyone who has pride.
    But I need 2000 dollars and I need to get a job. This will be a good thing to do in the meantime, and hopefully with more money, I'll be happier, confident and more capable of getting a real job.

    Some of these actually seem kind of fun.
    Create a music playlist based on moods?

    Some seem pretty easy.
    Record a 104 minute long audio to text?

    Some sound hinky.
    Make a credit profile? Sounds like they want to pay me for paying them for their bullshit service.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)13:59 No.8110828
    While I don't approve of drug dealing or drug use, and I prefer to let my own horrible agony continue instead of taking pills--so that when I'm in TRULY horrible agony after a surgery, any drugs I take will be pure bliss, instead of diluted through years of use--why not do the smart thing?

    Take half, sell the rest.
    I mean, it's not like you have to do 100% one or the other.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 10/11/11(Tue)14:03 No.8110852
    >I prefer to let my own horrible agony continue instead of taking pills--so that when I'm in TRULY horrible agony after a surgery, any drugs I take will be pure bliss, instead of diluted through years of use--why not do the smart thing?

    Man, if only you knew what kind of pain I woke up in last Sunday..
    Strange thing, I haven't had any pain since. I haven't actually had to take them. Which is why I'm considering just selling them..

    I normally don't approve of drug dealing either..which is why I'm reluctant. Not that I'm a shining example of sobriety, but the thought of somebody I know ending up in the hospital because of this scares the shit out of me.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)14:09 No.8110906
         File1318356591.jpg-(188 KB, 1280x960, 1007111804.jpg)
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    >Man, if only you knew what kind of pain I woke up in last Sunday..
    Never had a kidney stone that I know of, though I have had pain in that area, so I assume they just broke up.
    But I've scrapped skin off, broken my toe, twisted my ankle, broken OTHER toes at the same time, had half a toothpick wedged in the front of my foot, and on the subject of toes, I think mine is currently infected

    Although the throbbing pain has since gone down.

    Anyway, has anyone besides Turker done this? I'll admit I sort of skipped most of the thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:10 No.8110910
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    >mfw work for an hour get 52 cents.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)14:10 No.8110918
    Also, is there a penalty for choosing a HIT and then not doing it?

    I kind of want to just take the most expensive HIT and do it, but not if I end up failing.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)14:12 No.8110931
    >mfw I just now got that this is a reference to The Turk.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 10/11/11(Tue)14:12 No.8110939
    >Implying any of that is in any way comparable to a sharp crystal scraping the inside of your kidney then slowly traveling down your urinary track, and ultimately popping out of your urethra in a stream of blood and piss.

    My roommate has decided he's going to call everyone we know when it finally pops out so they can stand around the bathroom and listen to me scream.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:15 No.8110974
    i dont understand, the list of hits is just stuff like "find a url for a radio programme" meaning i would get payed $0.02 for using google?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:15 No.8110975
    Oh god, that looks so disgusting, but for some reason I love it when shit like that happens to me.

    No idea why, but I get some kind of sick satisfaction from squeezing until blood, puss, and ooze comes out.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)14:16 No.8110985
    I'm aware of what a kidney stone is. My mom used to get them every couple of months.

    Although broken bones that keep you from walking, and then walking on them anyway is really, really painful.
    Also, on the subject of dick pain? Remember those old Hot Wheels toys that were monster trucks with tails, and when you pulled the tail down they'd pop up and have teeth and then snap back down?

    My molesty friend bit me in the dick with one of them.
    That was... an interesting pian.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:17 No.8111000
    An hours work just got me 1.42 cents.

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:17 No.8111001
    do i need to be 18?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.8111009
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:20 No.8111036
    Wouldn't there be huge admin costs for breaking huge tasks up into smaller tasks, or do they have some automated way of doing that?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:22 No.8111054

    This op, what am I doing wrong?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:22 No.8111057
         File1318357375.jpg-(107 KB, 960x540, I've seen some shit....jpg)
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    I bet you REALLY don't want to watch Transformers Prime then, cause you will have nightmares of this guy chomping your dick off with his shark teeth.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:24 No.8111071
    You're probably just doing shit work
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:25 No.8111081
    This. Sub-.05c work generally isn't worth it, period.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:26 No.8111083

    Let's aim for 5 dollars an hour. 5/60= 8 cents a minute. None of these shitty jobs pay that.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:27 No.8111094
    I'm under 18, will I get fucked in the ass for this or shall I just used my parents details or some shit? 18 in 2 months but I wanna give this a go.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.8111104
    $5/hr is an easy goal. Most of the stuff is .04-.10 cents/30-45 seconds.

    That's about .12-.14c a minute. About $7/hr. This is constant work though.

    I worked for about half an hour doing .05c/30-45seconds and I wanted to shoot myself in the face.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.8111107
    somebody help us :(
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:33 No.8111134
    back guys.


    You can use your parents details no problem. Then in 2 months make your own account.

    To the people not making 7 an hour. Your noobs... you need to realize its gonna take a few days to learn the system and get some hits done to do the better work.

    You guys from the US should be able to do this hit.

    It takes me 30 seconds for .10 cents which is 12 an hour. if your slow it would take 1 minute and you would make 6 an hour.


    Apparently not because huge jobs are posted all the time. Some are even completely automated.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:33 No.8111138
         File1318358038.jpg-(12 KB, 151x169, sadfrog.jpg)
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    >Location is US
    Fuck your nigger ass racist bullshit shit

    >live in europe
    >Shitty ass low-wage HITs
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:35 No.8111150

    Yeah I know it sucks =( But they do post hits that outside US can do that pay good. Most have qualification tests though to weed out the Indians.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:35 No.8111151
    answer for me
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:35 No.8111152
    What if I take a survey that doesn't apply to me?

    Like I just saw a short one about men over 45 with ED that payed a dollar, would they check up on that?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:37 No.8111163

    Yes precisely. A lot of the work is simple shit like that, Google searches or putting info in a database.


    They can't tell how old you are, so you can lie and take it but watch for any trick questions or anything if they think you're lying they will reject your survey.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)14:37 No.8111164
    You there.

    What happens if I don't do well? If I sign up for a HIT and just don't do anything, does that effect my score?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:38 No.8111167
    Notice how often OP drops trip and accidentally forgets to re-trip.

    Obvious samefag astroturfing viral faggotry going on here.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:39 No.8111178
    excuse my retardation, but how do i accept a HiT? all i see is contact
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:40 No.8111193

    Nope the only thing that effects your scores is submitting hits that get rejected. There is no score based on how many you do a day or anything.

    If you return or abandon hits it usually doesn't effect your score unless you do it so much that it becomes a large percentage of your hits. Like say you abandon 30% of your hits that could be a big problem...

    Generally you want to keep a rating of 99% approved. Any less then that and you can start missing out on hits that require 99% approved.


    Thats because I use the 4chrome addon...


    Click view hit in the right hand corner, when it opens in the next page hit accept at the top if you want to do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:41 No.8111207
    How can I find jobs that aren't shit? Best I've found so far is $3 for 35 minutes, and I had to know hebrew.

    The rest are like 1 cent a minute... no thanks.

    Also, does the fact the link is https mean anything to anyone? Like, fake URL?
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:43 No.8111227

    http is the standard URL format so thats safe. its what comes after http that matters.

    You need to look through the sea of crap and find the good work. It takes time but thats only because your new and everything looks like a sea of crap. However most crap is posted again and again so you never have to look at it again. Then you just wait for the new shit to get posted.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:52 No.8111295

    $0.10 each? what?

    In my region I'd get like 0.01 for that. Fuck this racist site.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)14:52 No.8111298
    https means the page is secure.
    There's probably a lock and green text there, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:53 No.8111312
    lol you guys are fucking dumb

    i just read a bit of the thread, and you need to give your social security info and your bank account info to amazon.

    are you guys retarded or what? it's not because it's fucking amazon that it makes it any more safe.

    besides, 0.2 cents per each fucking thing? are you guys out of your fucking mind?

    like that guy said, you'll probably spend more money on electricity than you make out of this stupid shit.

    lol 5 dollars an hour shit. are you guys that fucking desperate? and you have to click shit and have your eyes on a fucking computer screen the whole time. you're going to be like a cheap 1 dollar per hour chinese workers.

    fuck guys, you need money to make money in this world. if you want to make easy money that's a lot safer than giving your fucking social security and bank account info to a fucking random company, start selling shit.

    25 bucks? i make 20 times that doing absolutely fucking nothing except having someone drive me around to see people. i take a fucking break whenever i want, i turn down people whenever i want, i start and finish whenever i want, and i eat any restaurant 2-3 times a day. at the end of the day, i got 1000 bucks in my pockets out of which 600-700 are mine, and i go home to do a big fat fucking line of 24mg of hydromorphone, and then i order some food while renting some movies. every day.

    while you spend your days on a fucking computer making 0.1 cent an hour.

    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:56 No.8111332

    >that's a lot safer than giving your fucking social security and bank account info to a fucking random company

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:56 No.8111335
    Doing an audio transcription one now, 48 mins for 15 bucks.

    I better actually get payed for this shit.
    >> Turker !!j56j6Gk69Qv 10/11/11(Tue)14:58 No.8111350

    Oh shit nigga. you should be doing like 10 minutes of audio for 8 dollars. I was paid like 45 dollars for 40 minutes of audio last time I did a transcription hit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:59 No.8111361
    hey calm down man youre so angry.
    >> Walker 10/11/11(Tue)15:02 No.8111382
    For your information, Amazon already had my info, I just needed to activate my email for this thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:06 No.8111420
    So what are some better options?

    fuck off OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:07 No.8111425
    Okay so i've been doing some 5 cents a pop stuff that only takes 30 or so seconds. £3.80 a minute is just below minimum wage, but I can take it I guess. How can I find the real deal?

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