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    File : 1318104123.jpg-(11 KB, 259x194, hatsune miku.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:02 No.8069870  
    White femanon here, I have a bit of a problem. I'm 18 and still in high school, and my parents are threatening to kick me out. My father says it is unacceptable for me to have an older, black boyfriend. But that's not his choice to make. I'm a legal adult. But I really need to finish high school. I don't want to break up with my boyfriend because I've preferred black men ever since I started dating. But I can't get kicked out.
    Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:03 No.8069884
    Live on your own? Get a job to pay rent?

    I don't really see another option if your parents won't come to their senses and you don't want to break up.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:04 No.8069899
    I'm still in school, I can't work or pay rent, and I don't have a car anyways
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:05 No.8069909
    Stop dating black men. You NEVER go against your family.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:05 No.8069913
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    Live with your black boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:06 No.8069925

    Bullshit - There are jobs you can get and do while you're at school. They won't be pleasant, but they exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:07 No.8069927

    This is gonna get someone
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:07 No.8069938
    I wish I could but he lives in public housing and they are very strict about not having any live-in guests.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:08 No.8069951
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:09 No.8069958
    Stop being a bloody race traitor and listen to your father.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:10 No.8069964
    You do against your parents when they're batshit insane racists.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:10 No.8069967
    Either you become responsible and live on your own/with your boyfriend, or you accept your parents' decision.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:10 No.8069969
    joke? I'm here for actual advice, not silly jokes. You people are so immature. My parents are racist, everyone is racist, it's sickening.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:12 No.8069992
    *do go, not do
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:13 No.8070001
    Race-traitor? I was unaware this was 1940s Germany. Racism is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:15 No.8070023
    >inb4 nigger
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:15 No.8070024
    The entire population of the Earth turning brown is even more disgusting.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:16 No.8070025
    >he lives in public housing
    If you're going to be a race traitor at least have the decency to date a nigger that provides for himself
    >by the way, that was the joke I was making with my first post. I assumed with the power of racism that he didn't have a place for your to live. Which I had assumed was the fact since you hadn't already said that was an open possibility.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:16 No.8070026
    Are you actually Aryan OP? Or something shit tier like Mexican
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:16 No.8070029
    Oh go suck a white dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:16 No.8070035
    No. Your parents' word is final. It's called having some respect for your family. You never, ever, EVER do anything that can cause issues within your family. It doesn't matter if you're addicted to black dick. You're just going to have to start thinking of someone other than yourself for a change and do what's best for your family.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:18 No.8070052
    So what would you have said if she WAS going to move in with him. Just call her a race traitor some more? Of course it isn't a possibility or she would not have come here for advice in the first place.

    butt[spoiler][/spoiler]hurt white boy detected
    hows your baby dick feel?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:18 No.8070053
    My father is Irish and my mother is French
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:19 No.8070061
    >implying potato monkeys count as white

    Your mother must be ashamed though.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:19 No.8070062
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    >mfw I'm black
    >> Pimpanon !nrwoAqUM/U 10/08/11(Sat)16:19 No.8070063
    OP, if I were going to advise you on this I would say keep the relationship on the downlow but...

    You are dating a man who lives in public housing, is on government assistance, and thinks that it is an acceptable thing to date a naive young high schooler who lives with her parents.

    Fuck the fact that he's black, that's not the problem: your boyfriend is a bottom of the barrel shit tier predatory leech, and this is coming from a fucking pimp.

    Your parents are right in principle, wrong in execution, and if you really want to be a mature adult you need to sit them down and acknowledge that they are correct about your boyfriend, but wrong in the way they responded to the situation like a damn adult.

    Also, good troll. 6/10, you're improving.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:20 No.8070069

    Okay. Why would you want to date him? He sounds like a loser.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:20 No.8070077
    Nothing against you dating older black guys, but it's your parents house, they have every right to kick you out since you are, as you said, a legal adult. Guess it's just time to start taking responsibility for your life.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:22 No.8070098
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    Whoops. Forgot my pic.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:22 No.8070099
    Why? Well, we have fun together, he understands me, and the sex is amazing. I don't really know if it's a long-term thing, but it's a lot of fun right now
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:22 No.8070101
    >Legal adult
    >Lives with parents

    You have to play by their rules, sunshine, if you want to live under their roof. However, their rules are bigoted and prejudicial. But, then again, it is arguable that some of your beliefs and rules of life are equally as inane, such as this view that your legally entitled to your independence when you live at home.

    Keep your relationship furtive, complete highschool and stop being such an entitled little brat.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:24 No.8070124
    You're insane. This has nothing to do with being selfish. It's about principles.
    If your parents were to join some kind of cult and they wanted to sacrifice your siblings, would you do nothing but respect them?

    Respect has to be earned. Just because someone is a family member doesn't mean they're entitled to it. No one is.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:25 No.8070131
    Is it really asking so much that I be allowed to date whomever I want? It's not like I'm having parties in their house, trashing the house, or doing anything really destructive to them. They are just being controlling because of what they think is "right". But this is the 21st century, if you reject interracial dating you are a scumbag racist. They just need to get with the times.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:25 No.8070140
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    And I saved that

    Thank you.

    > I don't really know if it's a long-term thing
    >but it's a lot of fun right now
    >might have no where to live soon
    You deserve him race traitor
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:26 No.8070141

    They have provided a roof over her head, food and are not threatening her life. Your analogy is poor.

    Shut the fuck up with your principles.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:26 No.8070150
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    >this is what brainwashed liberal globalists really believe
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:26 No.8070151
    if you live under their roof, you do as you're told. you're right; they sound like racists. but they're racists that pay for your food and housing. you can't have everything, sweetie. and it isn't them that's acting entitled. it's you.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:26 No.8070152
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    There can be only one!... Who didn't get trolled
    >> Typical Inhabitant of Great Britain !EcRjYWX0sY 10/08/11(Sat)16:27 No.8070154
    Danish people are never black
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:27 No.8070164
    op you in alabama? ill take you to work with me in some of the downtowns and let you see why we hate black people. or i shouldnt say black people, but the ghetto culture. theres plenty of respectable black people out there who speak proper english and work for what they have. sadly its not the majority. i used to work with my stepdad doing maintenance on government subsidized houses around the birmingham area. im not one to judge people before i meet them but black guy living in public housing sounds like the wifebeatering theiving crackheads i used to go fix the shitter for. their are some that are good but few and far between.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:29 No.8070173
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    >mfw you're self hating trash that wishes he was white so you being black is a moot point
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:29 No.8070174
    Right. In your example it's as simple as "Hey kids, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! No? Okay, we're leaving." If she doesn't like the rules, she can leave.

    No, it's not. But you are in their house you are under their rules. If you don't like it, leave. Don't have anywhere to go? Then I guess you need to wait a few months till you graduate and can find a job and place of your own to live in. I'm sure he'll wait for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:30 No.8070180
    So what, I'm supposed to significantly alter my life just because daddy can't stand that I date black men? What if it was a white kid dating an Asian woman? You people would all jump to defend him. It's perfectly clear now, I cannot get advice from such a racist source. You people really need to start living in the present. Mainstream culture already rejects your racism; you will be outcasts forever if you keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:30 No.8070185
    also, most places in GA and MS
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:31 No.8070189
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    >actually believes I was telling the truth about being black

    I'm actually mixed.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:31 No.8070196
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    >/adv/ board on 4chan
    >will be outcasts forever
    >will be
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:31 No.8070197

    Did you not read my post admitting they are prejudicial rules?

    Firstly, you are legally an adult, you can enter a contract. Your contract with your parents at the moment is that you can occupy their residence and use their resources as long as you do not infringe any of their moral beliefs, however inane they may be.

    You are not following their rules, ergo, they have the legal right to toss you out. If you want to keep living their sharing resources, you following the deal, however silly, and get your education. Keep your relationship furtive, but it will be a big risk to your future education. Additionally, you relationship is just "fun" and nothing more; you are eighteen, you have no idea what love is. Risking your future on some guy, of whatever race, is stupid.

    Grow the fuck up, you self-entitled little shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:34 No.8070213
    No. I'm not racist at all. you're jumping to conclusions. you're just being an entitled bitch like most people your age. you don't want to do anything for your situation. you just want it to all magically work out for you. if you actually cared that much, you would move out of your parents house by choice.

    dump the guy. you obviously don't care about him enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:34 No.8070215
    lol now the white guys are getting mad at me because I won't date them. This pretty much proves that dating white guys is a waste.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:34 No.8070216
    I was just pointing out that it's retarded to say that you should respect your parents no matter what. There will always be situations in which your parents don't earn your respect. I don't respect racists, whether I'm related to them or not.
    And it's *them* who made the fucking child, no shit they provide her with food and a roof. They wanted her in the first place. It's their job to care for her, they're not being altruistic.

    I'm not OP. And again, it's not as if providing her with those things should earn them an award. If they weren't willing to do that they shouldn't have had a child. It would be different is she was 26 and still living with them, but as the situation is now, her being in high school, they *should* do those things for her and it doesn't give them the right to demand respect for it. They should (want to) earn it, but clearly they don't.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:37 No.8070236
    their job to care for her....

    until she turns 18.
    after that, they can kick her out at their whim.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:39 No.8070254

    I am not white; your point is moot.

    This conversation would be completely different if you were older and you actually loved this guy. As it stands, you do not. You are a little girl who thinks she has 'rights' without any obligations and that the world should fall into some ideal conception because you said so.

    I got news for you, sweetheart.

    If you go on saying I am some misogynist next, I will absolutely know you are a troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:40 No.8070268
    Stop being a dumb ass coalburner and finish high school.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:41 No.8070277
    She's still in high school. I don't know what the law's like in your country, but in mine you are supposed to take care for your children until they are either 18 or finished high school.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:41 No.8070278
    I am a black guy who finds white women to be beautiful
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:43 No.8070300
    >he thinks his white half makes him not black
    No nigger, you're black. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:43 No.8070301
    You are SO DUMB.

    White trash alert!
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:44 No.8070303
    Damn I worded that the wrong way. I meant that you're supposed to look after your children either until they're 18 (for example when they had four years of high school, so they're 16 when they finish high school, then you should provide for them if needed until they are 18) or (when they will be 18+ when they finish high school) until they've finished high school.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:44 No.8070312
    you got any tattoos op? only two girls i know that have been with black guys are also the only two i know that have tattoos. girls these days go out of their way to get attention and change themselves into something their not. go to your facebook and delete that profile picture of only you in your bikini and after that you can apologize to your parents who wants whats best for you. which isnt some loser in public housing.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:44 No.8070315
    This is a troll. You're all dumb except for >>8069927
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:45 No.8070319
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    Have the best of both worlds

    >Believes I'm mixed even
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:45 No.8070321
    Dump your boyfriend, he's just a guy
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:46 No.8070323
    >still in high school
    >dating nigger
    You fail at life
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:46 No.8070330

    So when she decided to be their kid nine months before she was born- oh wait, no! She didn't! The most important fact for any parent to remember is that your kids did not choose you, they are not your slaves, and you are utter scum if you decide to toss them the moment you can just because they like black men or they're gay or both, or whatever. They decided to support her until she was ready to move out into the world when they had her, they can't go back on that now, especially not for this reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:52 No.8070390

    And this post justifies 90% of the lifestyles lead by the basement dwellers on 4chan.


    Fuck off.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:53 No.8070395
    Explain orphans.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:55 No.8070412
    >It's about principles.
    >If your parents wanted to sacrifice your siblings

    But we're not talking about murder, you faggot. All you're doing is proving my point for me. If you have to compare the situation to something it's totally different from then you're just showing you can't defend your actions on their own merits. And "principles" are just a way to say "I'm morally superior to you and everything I do is noble", which really translates to "I'm just going to do whatever the fuck I want even if it's retarded and then I'll just get up on my moral high horse if anyone calls me out on it". Your "principles" don't mean jack shit in the real world, you self centered cunt.

    I'll say this once more: Getting dicked is not worth destroying your family over. Stop being such a slut for one fucking second in your life and think of other people for a change.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:56 No.8070423

    People whose parents have died, what's your point?


    As opposed to "I own you because you have my genes!"? We're not talking some 30 year old who's still mooching off her parents, this is a kid who's being thrown out before she's even finished high school.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:56 No.8070426
    >It's their job to care for her,
    I would say not allowing your daughter to go to the ghetto to see her boyfriend IS taking care of her.

    Scum or not, that's the rules. I can (sort of) agree with you that they're assholes because of it but that's too bad. If you don't like it, leave.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:58 No.8070438
    Another disrespectful little faggot. We need to raise the term limit for abortion to about 18 years or whenever kids start paying their onw fucking rent. Whichever comes last. That'll get rid of little faggots like you and OP.
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 10/08/11(Sat)16:58 No.8070446
    >legal adult

    >I'm 18 and still in high school
    >I'm a legal adult
    Kind self defeated there
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)16:59 No.8070454
    OP, maybe your parents have a good reason. I'm sure it's difficult to see from your perspective, but if you start off assuming that "it feels right, so it must be", then you're already bound for making some really poor choices.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:00 No.8070469
    Everyone above this line here got trolled very fucking hard. Well played OP "black boyfriend..."
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:00 No.8070471
    OP, just keep your relationship furtive. Your parents may be assholes but they pay your bills.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:01 No.8070480
    This is pretty funny because I'm a black male and my mum for unknown reasons thinks White womennare whores. And she wouldn't talk to me if I dated one, but any other race is fine. It's racism at both ends of the spectrum...
    >> philisophical event 10/08/11(Sat)17:02 No.8070493
    fuck their shit. keep boyfriend secret. keep on keepin' on.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:02 No.8070495

    Maybe her family sucks balls. If they're so weak as a family unit that they'll spin out of control trying to control and manipulate who enters their daughter's vagina, they deserve to crash and burn. THEY'RE the adults, they're the ones who should be seeing how unreasonable they are, but instead they're trying to use emotional and financial manipulation to control her. If they think their precious racism is more important than their family, they deserve to lose it. They're cutting of their nose to spite their face because they want their way, like giant spoiled children.

    Fuck 'em OP. Live with your bf.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:02 No.8070499
    >this is a kid who's being thrown out before she's even finished high school.
    And as such, has no right to tell HER PARENTS what to do. They have every right to tell her what she can and can't do while living in their house. That's what parents do. It's what mine did, it's what yours did, and it's what hers are doing.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:04 No.8070518

    If she wants to insist she is "legally an adult", this is how she will be treated.

    And I never said her parents own her; I said, if she wants to be treated like an adult and break their rules she can leave. If she wants to continue their contract, and yes, it is a contract if she is legally an adult, she can do as they say.

    Her "reasons" for wanting to continue her relationship, at the jeopardy of her future, are as equally inane as her parents' prejudicial views. In fact, they might not even be prejudicial, they just know the boy is a complete dropkick and the girl wants to nullify her parents' opinions by calling them "racist".

    She can get a job and support herself if she is an adult, which she claims. The fact is, as you rightly point out, she is a kid and should do as she is told as long as it is not against the law.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:05 No.8070532
    Assuming this is not a troll...

    After you turn eighteen, your parents have no obligation to keep you in their house or pay for anything for you. Be happy they are willing to still let you live there. Whether or not they are racist is not the point, the guy you're dating sounds like scum, regardless if he's black. While they shouldn't have said anything about his race, they should have said "He's going no where in life, do not date him." Which is true. It's not even a serious relationship, finish school, then get back with him if you like.

    8/10 Good troll, I felt myself getting angry.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:05 No.8070535
    Listen to your parents. As long as you're living with their money and resources, you are under their control.

    Even when you are autonomous, however, you shouldn't date people if your parents don't approve if you don't want any in-law drama (but that's up to you)

    Goddamn, white kids are so ungrateful

    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:07 No.8070552
    >THEY'RE the adults
    There we go! They're the adults. She is not. She doesn't get to make the decisions until she leaves.

    >Fuck 'em OP. Live with your bf.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:07 No.8070560
    All I was saying was that when people do something bad they can lose your respect. Regardless of genes. Since I suspected the person I replied to was a racist little fuck who wouldn't understand that it's wrong to judge people on a superficial trait I used a more appealing example even people without any kind of principles might understand. Now kindly fuck off.
    Also I'm NOT OP.

    Oh come on just because the guy is black doesn't mean he lives in a ghetto...
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:08 No.8070572
    If you're living with your parents, they can tell you to do whatever they want.

    Move out if you crave niggerdick so badly.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:08 No.8070573
    >wat do

    Stop trolling. 2/10.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:09 No.8070580
    Why is the man so important? Men should be second class citizens anyway since they are useless to society. They only think they are actually good for is reproduction.

    Just leave the bastard. Leave your dad as soon as you can too. He was useful to you one night 19 years ago but not anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:10 No.8070590

    Spoken like a true dyke.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:12 No.8070614
    I know this is irrelevant to the thread but why does /adv/ hate interracial so much? It's not like it affects you...
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:16 No.8070642
    Because the thought of subhuman monkeys having sex with the girls that won't even give them a passing glance upsets these permavirgins.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:19 No.8070681
    Sir, I'm not insinuating that at all! How dare you?! I'm saying that because he does live in the ghetto. See >>8069938
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:26 No.8070731
    Public housing = ghetto? Is that some kind of euphemism?

    If it is I do apologize, sir.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:26 No.8070734
    >What if it was a white kid dating an Asian woman?

    I wouldn't complain.I also wouldn't complain if a white girl dated an asian man.Fucking consistency,how does it work!?

    Also, crime statistics prove black people are scum.

    OP is a troll though so it doesn't matter anyway.timestamped pic saying "hey /adv/ ,from dickslave" and a picture of her and her boyfriend together or I will manually sage this shit to death.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:28 No.8070753
    >What if it was a white kid dating an Asian woman?

    Then he'd be a weeaboo faggot. In other words, a sub-human. And you're comparing yourself to the kinds of people who do that. What does that say about you?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:32 No.8070790
    Fuck the "legal adult" crap. If you need to rely on your parents for things, you are not an adult. You are still a fucking child.

    And most high school relationships don't even last anyway. Unless your nigger boyfriend is willing to house you and take care of you, break up with him, because you will have no other options otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:33 No.8070800
    No, that would be frat boys in polo shirts.

    First you have to understand something. Interracial is a word with double meanings.Very few people get offended when a white man or woman marries another of a respectable race.Blacks however are disgusting apes.I lived around them my entire life.They are anathema to the civilized man.When a white woman dates a black man it's treason;treason of race;treason of reason;treason of art and creativity;treason of the collective good.

    That is why it makes us sick.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:35 No.8070820
    ffake white boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:37 No.8070839
    That's actually a pretty good idea, I could get a white bf and then just have sex with black guys on the side lol
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:38 No.8070845

    Just because they're that adults doesn't mean they get to decide who enters her vagina. She's old enough to have certain rights, and one of those is that it's her sexuality and she's allowed to do with it as she pleases.

    Frankly they strike me as abusive, teetotalling bastards. They're spoiled and whiny because OMG daughter did not turn out exactly how we wanted, WE MUST FORCE HER TO BE OUR PERFECT CHILD.

    Seriously OP, fuck 'em. Go live with a friend for a while. Run away. Call their bluff. Seriously. They're hoping you just fold and cower, we'll see if they actually have the balls to toss you out.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:39 No.8070859
    Yeah man. Just do an image search for it. Ghetto.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:39 No.8070860

    Stupid cultural Marxist detected.

    OP I hope your parents never talk to you again.

    There's nothing in this world more disgusting than a race-mixing white girl
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:41 No.8070873

    As certainly, your tiny little sphere of existence, which is mostly from your computer to yoru fridge and back, it actually defines the whole world as it is, does it?

    There's a possibility that you maybe haven't experienced everything that actually happens in the world, and that you only understand the way things are in your small town, in your home, in your less than 30 years of experience on earth. To think you know How Things Are...what utter hubris and narcissism.

    Anyway white people suck, my dad is basically The White Devil and it would be a better world if he didn't exist, I'd betray that race any day of the week. If you'll excuse me, I need to go fuck my brown boyfriend. His dick is bigger than yours. Peace
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:42 No.8070876
    Oh alright. English is not my native language, I assumed it was just some kind of building for students. (The house where I live has a strict policy when it comes to "guests" who live with you.)
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:42 No.8070886
    perfect example for the downfall of humanity
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:43 No.8070888
    I see my words have fallen on deaf ears. Why you would refuse your birthright as a woman for the sake pleasing and empowering a worthless man is beyond me. Those who do are traitors to women everywhere. By not accepting your gift of the superior gender all you do is legitimize the predatory conquest of every rapist (synonymous with "man" really) in existence.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:44 No.8070898
    >Just because they're that adults doesn't mean they get to decide who enters her vagina.
    You are absolutely right! However, as adults and homeowners, they have certain rights as well. One of which includes who enters and lives in their house. OP has no right to decide that.
    And no one is forcing anything upon her but a choice. Either stop dating a ghetto black guy or move out.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:44 No.8070905
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    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:46 No.8070922
    >They're spoiled and whiny because OMG daughter did not turn out exactly how we wanted, WE MUST FORCE HER TO BE OUR PERFECT CHILD.

    1.she is not an adult,she lives with her parents
    2.So now somehow not wanting their daughter to date some older guy who lives in the fucking projects,and goes against their feelings= Daughter must be a perfect slave!YOU DON'T LIKE OUR FAVORITE MOVIE? LEAVE FOREVER.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:48 No.8070947
    Well op.

    you are gonna combobreak 6000 years of lineage because you are a dumb slut.

    and your kid is gonna be dumb as fuck.

    id be pissed too.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:49 No.8070952
    >Either stop dating a ghetto black guy or move out.
    Whether the black guy is ghetto or not makes fuck all of a difference in most cases.
    This is why I hate white people that don't date blacks but not because of aesthetics as that's just preference, but the ones who care "oh but what will my parents/social circle think"
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:50 No.8070962
    Yes, my 22 years of experience as a grad student currently who goes outside quite a bit is vastly inferior to a girl who is still in fucking high school.

    Also I work part-time as a store manager at a certain well known chain and I actively ignore the job applications of black men because they have no education.
    U mad?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:50 No.8070964
    6000 years of inbreeding more like.
    "white" traits are recessive. It takes a shitload of inbreeding to have a majority of recessive traits.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:52 No.8070974
    What about black guys that DO have an education?
    >lol no because i'm a dumbass fucking niggers why don't they get a job XD sorry nigger you can't work here
    And fucks like you wonder why so many of them are poor and violent.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.8070986
    White people are more genetically diverse than black people.

    Also, mutations, how do they work!?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:53 No.8070988

    You leftists don't even try to hide your anti-White hatred anymore.

    I seriously hope you die in a fire. You're nothing but a disgusting cultural Marxist snake.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:55 No.8070996
    Not the person you're arguing with but:
    >That feel when I'm liberal but have to share my party (the democrats) with niggers.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:55 No.8070999
    >I'm an adult so I can do what I want
    >although I am an adult you should still let me live in your house and take care of me
    female logic everyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:56 No.8071002
    i hate black people and turks.

    i was raised to accept them. and i did. then they started doing stupid shit.

    one of them kicked my goddamn door in because i touched his sister.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:57 No.8071023
    Too true. Too true indeed. However, that's not the point.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:57 No.8071025
    >using straw man to refute, willfully ignoring context and relevant premises
    Male logic
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:58 No.8071031
    A person's sex/love life is something adults have nothing to do with. And yes it would be different if she'd be 13 but she isn't. That she's old enough to pick her own partner doesn't mean she's old enough to do *everything* on her own.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:58 No.8071037

    Yep, this. Have to ever had to TA for the affirmative action cases at uni? I honestly feel badly for them sometimes, but I suppose that they can always get a "black studies" "degree."
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)17:58 No.8071038
    Except they don't.Stop whining about exceptions that exist in your mind.

    Let me tell you a story.I had to interview people for a programming job.A black guy sent in an application and I went against my better judgment and gave him an interview since he had a comp science degree.I gave him a simple test(fizzbizz) and he couldn't fucking do it.

    He must have gotten affirmative action and cheated his way through school or they had the worst faculty ever.

    As long as race is considered in things like education and job openings, "racism" will never disappear.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:01 No.8071070
    Lol no.

    That's why I have a job, so I don't have to TA to pay my way through school.
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:05 No.8071106
    how is that a straw man? she says she's an adult and she can make her own choices. but is crying that her parents don't approve and will kick her out. she should've thought of that before dating a nigger

    >A person's sex/love life is something adults have nothing to do with
    nope. if anything that's one of the more important things the parents should have involvement in

    if she's old enough to pick a partner she should be old enough to live with the consequences of letting down her parents
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:05 No.8071117
    Why you would want a black boyfriend?
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)18:06 No.8071118
    >Except they don't.Stop whining about exceptions that exist in your mind.
    So you're saying I only exist in my mind?
    What the fuck am I then?
    What about black guys that DO have an education?
    >lol no because i'm a dumbass fucking niggers why don't they get a job XD sorry nigger you can't work here
    And fucks like you wonder why so many of them are poor and violent.

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