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    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1317665744.png-(423 KB, 800x600, 1301928192835.png)
    423 KB ITT: Gay. Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:15 No.8002811  
    >Am a lesbian
    >Was still in the closet.
    >Been in love with my best friend since we were kids.
    >Never got anywhere until recently.
    >She finally tells me she likes me and she's a lesbian too.
    >Insert erotic lesbian story.
    >We're now girlfriend and...girlfriend.
    >Decided to finally come out to all our friends, all is good.
    >Want to tell my family but there is a problem.

    My parents are really homophobic super religious Christians. Like they absolutely hate gay people. I don't want to keep this hidden from them but I don't know how to tell them. How should I approach them about this? I'm not quite sure how to bring this up to them. Anybody else been in a similar situation, how'd it turn out?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:17 No.8002824
    Don't bother. You'll be disowned and you'll realise that your family does not love you at all.

    Have fun!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:18 No.8002829

    unless you are financially independent you are going to suffer big time. even if you are they will probably get all crazy on you.

    if you are still in college/living at home/living on their dime keep it hush hush. once you are independent you can tell them to go fuck themselves for being fundie homophobes. until then you will just make your life living hell if you come out to them.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:18 No.8002830
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    1. Move out of your parents house (should be easy, lesbians tend to have strong-as-fuck nesting instincts, get an apt with your gf)

    2. Tell your parents

    3. Tell them to eat shit and die when they flip out on you.

    4. Enjoy your newfound freedom and love life.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:18 No.8002831
    Why the fuck do all the gays in homophobic towns have so much sex and romance fall into their laps?
    Sorry, but I fucking jelly.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:19 No.8002842
    It's a new era, family doesn't mean shit anymore, and your parents are a prime example of why this is sadly the case.

    Remove them from your life before they do everything in their power to destroy it.
    >> Drmrfreckles 10/03/11(Mon)14:20 No.8002844
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    What this /adv/isor said
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:20 No.8002846
    Tell them. If they don't like it, they can call the fucking cops. Let them deal with their pathetic shame while you leave and enjoy your awesome life, fucking your hot girlfriend.
    >> Walker 10/03/11(Mon)14:21 No.8002851
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:22 No.8002858
    I had a friend in high school with a mother very much like your parents. He told them that he was gay, and got himself kicked out of the house. He ended up staying with me for about a year in high school until his mother came around and apologized. She eventually realized that having a gay son was better than excluding your only son because he was gay. He was lucky; most parents like that don't think of it that way.

    Seriously, don't say anything to them until you're independent. It sucks to keep something like that to yourself from people you love so much, but in the long run it's better for all parties involved.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:22 No.8002859
    Tell them they are going to hell for the abomination of eating shellfish and doing chores on sunday, as is clearly outlined in the book of Deuteronomy
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:25 No.8002880
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    Also, berate your perverted, depraved mother for refusing to go into self-imposed exile during menstruation, the laws of god are infallible and unchanging, and she should be ashamed of her wretched uncleanliness.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:25 No.8002881
    People still have issues with gay people in 2011? Wow.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:25 No.8002884
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    Epic win.

    But don't tell them,at least till you are sure you don't need parents anymore.

    If you can live without them,go ahead,otherwise,hell no.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:27 No.8002901

    It's worse for guys, especially in the south. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:30 No.8002932
    Apparently so.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:33 No.8002961
    OP here. I do live with my parents still, I'll be moving out next summer though. Is there really no hope then and I'm going to be shunned either way? :[
    >> Walker 10/03/11(Mon)14:35 No.8002985
    I came out once as a trail to people I don't know.
    I'm not doing that again.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:36 No.8002992

    As nice as it would be to assure you that your parent's love for you will overcome their bigotry, I'm afraid it rarely works that way. The moment you come out, you're the devil in their eyes.

    I'm so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:36 No.8002994
    Religious parents can't be reasoned with OP. You're better off keeping it hushed. Least you can have your girlfriend over and have secret lesbo sex.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:37 No.8003001
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    Pretty much.

    Maybe they will get over it,but it takes a loooong time.

    There is no reason to want to be with people who despise what you are,even if they are your parents.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:37 No.8003005
    I plan to marry a gay dude and we can be each other's beards.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:38 No.8003021
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    You... what?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:42 No.8003057
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    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:42 No.8003058
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    I had a similar situation;
    >moved out
    >came out
    >parents freaked and acted as if I did not exist
    >enjoyed not having to live a lie/guilt free life
    >parents started missing me
    >dad called
    >mom called
    >each asking to forgive them/not to tell the other parent we talked
    >each blamed the other
    >told both the truth about each other
    >they cant figure out if they want to be Christians or act like Christians
    >I miss them but really dont care anymore

    Do what is good for you
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:43 No.8003069
    They're going to hate you and abandon you. As they should, gays are the shit stains of our society.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:44 No.8003088
    No advice to you, OP, just anecdata. Both of my "coming outs" were kind of shittily done, the first one was completely spontaneous and the second one was because my gender clinic told me to do it. My parents aren't super religious but still religious to a degree and as such I was scared shitless about coming out to them both times. I first came out to them as a "lesbian" in the middle of a teenage fight when I was 14 and they thought I was brainwashed into it by my then-girlfriend but completely accepted it in a few years. Later on (about a year ago, I'm now 22 and financially independent so I thought I have nothing to lose and I felt horrible about hiding it from them since we're still pretty close) I came out to them as transgender via email.

    To my surprise they were totally cool with the trans deal and just told me that whatever makes me happy is what I should pursue. I'm having my chest surgery a few months from now on and they already told me they'd visit me in the hospital and that I'd be welcome to recover from the surgery at their place if I wanted.

    Tl;dr - my parents were awesome about these things even though they must've been extremely hard for them to deal with, so miracles can happen. I'm sincerely hoping your parents will be as awesome about it as mine, good luck, OP!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:45 No.8003097
    Lesbians are excellent.
    >> Walker 10/03/11(Mon)14:45 No.8003100
    They'll pretend to be a straight couple while getting homosex on the side. Deep deep in the closet.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:48 No.8003130

    Nothing pisses christians off more than the happiness of non-christians.

    Go die in a fire,or a cross,you guys love that voodoo shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:48 No.8003131

    That's actually kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:53 No.8003170
    Enjoy being the rejects of society OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:54 No.8003181
    Easy for you to say if you're straight.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:54 No.8003185
    >That's actually kind of sad.
    No it's REALLY sad.

    Unless they were/are very good friends, that would be an awful life to live.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:55 No.8003200
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    I'm gay.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:56 No.8003209

    Yeah, some people have to go to weird lengths.

    My family is friends with this middle-aged gay couple, who were in their prime back when homosexuality was a real no-no.
    For years, even though they were practically a married couple as far as they cared, they had to rent homes with two furnished bedrooms so they could convince their respective families and anyone else who wasn't a close, accepting friend that they were just room mates.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:57 No.8003219
    As a bisexual, I knew my theory of the friends effect is real. It is...
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:57 No.8003222
    THIS. Seems like gays just get love thrown into their laps. All my jelly.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:00 No.8003251
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:03 No.8003296
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    >Why the fuck do all the gays in homophobic towns have so much sex and romance fall into their laps?

    Reading "problems" like OP's annoys the fuck outta me. I live in a city full of gay women yet the more I date, the more I'm convinced I'll die a bitter, undersexed dyke.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:04 No.8003301
    Well I have Muslim parents who'd disown me if I came out and I don't really have friends close enough to replace having a family.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:04 No.8003313
    Being gay and having homophobes for parents is the worse. Sorry OP but if you tell them you'll learn that in reality, parents don't really give about you if you don't abide to their beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:05 No.8003315
    Op I'm pretty sure this has been said but there's nothing you can do, religious people are very egocentric and they usually won'nt budge fron their own narrow views. Take it easy, save up money along with your mentally deffective partner and move out. Unless you get the approval of your community'' bishop not much else can be done.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:05 No.8003322

    It's not the fact that they're gay (well, not JUST the fact that they're gay, fuck, that fact alone gives them about the 10th of the dating pool as starights, at best, not to mention the other hinderances), it's the fact that they're ALSO in a homophobic environment on top of it all.

    I'm out, I live in a gay capital, and I'm still a 20 y/o kissless virgin.
    Meanwhile, all these paranoid closet cases who's lives depend on not being found out manage to out themselves to the one person who not only happens to also be gay, but is in mutual love with them.

    It's just not fair.
    ...Or maybe it's compensation. For the whole 'homophobic town, constant fear of discovery' thing. So maybe I should stop bitching.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:06 No.8003334

    >have one (1) girlfriend
    >love falls into their laps

    Even after spending years on /r9k/, i still can't get used to your guys' standards.
    It's like talking to an alien civilization.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:08 No.8003353
    >implying you can't have love with one girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:08 No.8003356
    Bad fucking idea OP, your parents will disown you and treat you like shit for the rest of your life.

    Ignorance is bliss, just let them think you're straight but can't find a decent man. You don't need to tell them this, ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:09 No.8003362

    Damn polygamists.
    This is what happens when we allow gays to marry, it's a slippery slope I tells ya!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:11 No.8003399
    This is gay as fuck,
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:15 No.8003441
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    I told my parents and my dad pulled a shotgun on me. Not even kidding.
    >> Xzage !!x77pBOFm+BN 10/03/11(Mon)15:18 No.8003471
    Where did that picture come from?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:20 No.8003492
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    The internet!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:20 No.8003497
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:23 No.8003516
    Not saying you can't, I'm just surprised by the implication that everybody who has ever had a relationship is somehow outstandingly lucky.
    It's obviously less likely in OP's case, i'll give you that and I didn't think about it before reading >>8003322
    , but it still sounds weird at first.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:25 No.8003534
    should have sued.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:25 No.8003539
    He must be a faggot as well because he either didn't pull the trigger or he missed.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)16:07 No.8004062
    No he didn't pull the trigger. He threatened to and told me to never come around them again.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)16:21 No.8004243

    How long ago was that and have your parents soothened up?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)16:27 No.8004319
    Sucks for you man.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:19 No.8004974
    About 3 years ago and nope. Haven't spoken to them since.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:47 No.8005305
    How could parents do that to their own kid?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:31 No.8006525
    They can because they think they can get away with it. That's why. Although child abandonment is illegal in many cases, is practically legal when it comes to disowning GLBTQ children/teens.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:34 No.8006557
    Don't tell them, man.

    You can invite your girlfriend over for sleepovers like you are just friends and have freaky sex whenever they go to sleep.

    It'd be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:35 No.8006576
    I know someone who said outright his son would be out of the house asap if he was gay.
    >> TestTubeBaby 10/03/11(Mon)19:37 No.8006604
    Can I watch you two have sex?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:43 No.8006687

    I am dead serious. My husband is a transvestite, and his mother DROPPED HIM OFF in Atlanta at the age of 15 when she caught him with makeup on. 12 years later, she says she "can live" with his lifestyle now, but acts like she was justified in throwing him out. This hurt my husband very badly, and he can't help but feel like things would have been different if he had waited to tell her.
    People who take issue with this sort of thing tend to be absolutely ruthless when they first find out. Your parents DO LOVE YOU, but they need time to process this information alone, which is difficult to do when you are still living in their house. They may tell you you cannot see your girl again, force you to go to one of those "gay to straight" camps, or worse. For your own sake, wait until you are living on your own to make this decision to come out to them. This is very detrimental to your long term happiness and you only get one shot at this. make sure you know what you're doing before trying this.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:50 No.8006774
    Well, if they are Christian, you'll have to pander to their beliefs, in order to minimize their retaliation (not that they have anything to retaliate over).
    You should start off by bringing up how they're supposed to love and tolerate everyone, regardless of their faults and sins.
    Then ask them if they love you.
    then "even if I told you I was a lesbian?"
    Some point after that you should bring up how this never affected anything in the past,
    and if they get really mad argue that this is something you were born with and that yelling won't help anything, as we're all going to get judged in the end and that all sins are effectively equal in the eyes of God.
    If you know any more pertinent facts about Christianity, use them.
    Even if they don't try to kill you, they will want you to repent, and you basically will have to choose what you want to do.
    Then you will need to to stand by your decision.

    That is, if you think you can work a convincing speech out of this shitty outline.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:52 No.8006813
    I have bad news for you OP.

    You will very shortly grow out of this, and have to come back out as a straighty to all of the people who currently think you're a lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:58 No.8006892
    I got to agree. As much as it sucks and as hard as it might be, you are better off not coming out to them until you are on your own. If you are lucky your parents won't have an extreme reaction, but if they do then at least you deal with it better if you are on your own.

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