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    File : 1317559872.jpg-(743 KB, 1920x1080, 1309328908304.jpg)
    743 KB Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:51 No.7987152  
    Introverted. Always seeking solitude. Being scared of making new connections with people. It's not normal, isn't it?

    Please help...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:52 No.7987162
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    Either you don't know where you are or trolling
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:53 No.7987172
    Losing hope.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:55 No.7987188
    > It's not normal, isn't it?

    It's not normal, IS IT?

    What you wrote is an awkward double negative.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:56 No.7987198
    Ah, yea. You're right. Sorry about that.

    >It's not normal, is it?
    Slowpoke fix.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:57 No.7987205
    Why are you scared of making new connections with people? Is it because you don't trust them or you think they are going to hurt you?

    If so, too bad that you are correct. People can't be trusted. I'm introverted and prefer to be alone as well. I'm not scared of making new connections, I just would rather avoid them or keep people at a distance because I know they're going to turn on me.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:58 No.7987211
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:59 No.7987214
    That's right. Why bother?

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:03 No.7987243
    OP, I'm reading all your comments in Rorschach's voice. Turned on as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:03 No.7987245
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    Just one of those things you need to figure out for youself, unfortunately
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:11 No.7987293
    It is becoming more common as mental handicaps skyrocket.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:12 No.7987298
    I think you confusing introvert with shyness, OP.

    Introverts would rather spend time alone or with a few close friends rather than with a large group. They don't however, have any trouble meeting or communicating with new people or making friends.

    Being shy, or anti-social, means your afraid of strangers and having to communicate with people you're not familiar with.

    So to answer your question, introversion is normal; anti-social is a result of anxiety or some sort of phobia so technically it would be considered abnormal.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:12 No.7987299
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:14 No.7987312
    Alright faggots:

    I'm going to guess and say that I'm probably older than most of you. I've lived in a lot of places and I move around all the time. I'm always losing good friends and making new ones.

    The only things that matter in life are your connections with other people. That's it. There is NOTHING ELSE.

    Personal note: I just finished my masters thesis, I've got an amazing job interview next week (they're actually flying me to another country), my 30th birthday is in a month or so, and I have no one to share it with. My family lives on the other side of the world and my girlfriend is gone until Christmas. I've achieved some amazing things in the last few months but they all feel completely meaningless because I have no one to share it with. No a single hug or a pat on the back. I do have some awesome bros here. They know I'm alone here so they invite me to THEIR family dinners and shit. They try to include me in their lives a lot and I love them for it.

    That's why I'm on 4chan right now. I've been coming here on and off for years but right now I'm hung over on a rainy Sunday and I'm craving human contact. Even if it is just listening to whiny faggots like you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:15 No.7987319
    The phobia, you say. I wonder how to find out what caused it.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:15 No.7987321
    As a introverted person, it's normal to act like that. It's also the fear of making new connections because they may use you for more ulterior motives.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:15 No.7987325
    >that feel when both
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:17 No.7987332
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:18 No.7987342

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:19 No.7987345
    I want somebody who had overcome what I have. You're not like that, are you?

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:21 No.7987354

    Seriously? You guys are retarded. Even total strangers will help you 99% of the time rather than use you for some nefarious purpose. Believe it or not, people have more to gain from your success than from stabbing you in the back. Ever heard of "networking" or "favours" or a "reputation"?

    The people that are users are easy to spot a mile away if you have any social intelligence whatsoever. The only people that get used are people that let themselves get used.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:21 No.7987358
    I'm an introvert too. I'm horrible at 1-on-1 conversation, I'm always the silent one in groups, because I mostly observe more than anything.

    But that doesn't stop me from being friendly and talking to people. I at least make the effort. Why? Because they're just people. They're just human, exactly like me.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:26 No.7987387
    I love sucking dicks. also taking it up the ass

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:27 No.7987392

    Ok. So you want a pity party. I'll leave you guys to it.

    I hope you grow out of it, OP. I'm guessing you're still just a kid. Hell, you probably still live with your family. This is the easiest social phase of your life. Just sort it out now or you're going to drown when real life comes knocking.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:28 No.7987397

    >Introverts would rather spend time alone or with a few close friends rather than with a large group. They don't however, have any trouble meeting or communicating with new people or making friends.

    There is such thing as a shy Introvert as well btw.

    Because of OP's love of being alone, i highly suspect he is actually introverted, but like you say even introverts still require a social life to some extent.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:28 No.7987398
    ITT: losers pretend to be introverts
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:29 No.7987403
    attack of the normalfags ITT
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)09:31 No.7987413
    That makes no sense

    So you're saying they're really extroverts who are just shy?

    And once they overcome their shyness they will be "the life of the party" type people

    What exactly would be the benefit of pretending to be an introvert? Most of us admit we're shy AND introverted

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