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    24 KB Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:48 No.7895120  
    hello /adv/

    anyone have experience with getting security clearances?

    reason I ask is because I have a job that requires me to get one and they ask about prior drug use, 7 years back. i did put on the form that I tried marijuana and it that is not a big deal. but I did try cocaine ONCE, many years ago. I can't even remember if it was 7 years ago or longer.

    should I even bother putting it on there since it was so long ago? they are going to polygraph me and probably ask about my drug usage but I dont think it matters because it was so long ago.
    >> blue !qUuDrBkEqs 09/24/11(Sat)17:50 No.7895154
    When applying for top secret, they can and probably will send someone to your parents house and maybe friends houses.
    they don't really fuck around.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:51 No.7895163

    this. They also go to your neighbors and ask about you, so be nice to them
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:52 No.7895174
    yea im aware, they interview my friends and neighbors, family, every place i worked. to be honest no one even knows i did the marijuana except a few friends and ive already disclosed that i did it.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:53 No.7895180

    This, I am in the middle of a TS clearance for my MOS in the army, and they are hitting everyone I know. Did drugs once in your life? Your fucked, sorry bro. This is where an insane mother with the attitude of a drill sergeant who controls your teenage years comes in handy.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:54 No.7895194
    Say that you tried it once and that you never did it again and you are a changed person. Offer to take a drug test as well
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:54 No.7895204
    I currently have TS SCI clearance. There is no reason to put that you have done cocaine. Yes they'll interview family and whatever friends you put down as contacts.

    Marijuana is fine, just state that you experimented with once. Not really a big deal. They'll also check finances, as long as you're not huge in debt or anything though, no worries.

    If you have any more questions just ask.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:55 No.7895220
    this is for a job, not the army. i know plenty of people who did drugs in the past and it was mitigated by time and got their clearance. its not automatic DQ.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:57 No.7895233
    i have no debt, no speeding tickets, never been arrested, good credit, i dont even drink alcohol anymore.

    were you polygraphed?
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)17:58 No.7895244

    Not true at all. They check neighbors, family, and whoever you list as friends. They don't have the time to track down every person you ever met.

    This is me

    If you're not currently doing drugs, no reason to mention at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)17:58 No.7895255

    Still, good luck. Odds are it's going to affect you somehow, albeit extra paperwork or whatever they decide. In my opinion I feel it was worth it to just not do any, as everything on my end has gone rather smoothly.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:00 No.7895286

    I never said everyone I ever met. I consider the people I know the ones I wrote down on my clearance application, family and my JROTC bud's.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:01 No.7895292
    well i understand that, i have not done drugs in like 6-7 years but they ask if you have done any in the past 7 years so you cant lie about it ?
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)18:01 No.7895299
    You're a perfect candidate to get the clearance then. If you're nervous just put you tried weed. I did and when the interviewee asked me about it I just said I experimented. Wasn't a big deal at all.

    No haven't had to be polygraphed. It comes up though when you get really high up in the government though.
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)18:03 No.7895316
    Yeah, How the hell would they know?

    List good point of contacts and you're fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:04 No.7895326

    yea see, it's a big deal for me then. i have to get a ts/sci and a polygraph so if im caught in a lie i am fucked forever. i mean its not a lie i guess, i cannot remember the year i did the cocaine, it was so long ago that to me it doesnt seem worth mentioning.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:04 No.7895331
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    >Getting a security clearance job
    >Not shady enough to lie about negligible mishaps

    I don't know where you're applying to, but you're probably not morally bankrupt to fit in with the people there..
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)18:08 No.7895375
    I wouldn't mention it then. Cocaine though isn't an in stable denial though. Especially if you're younger and haven't gotten into trouble.

    Just remember, they look at the overall picture of who they think you are. You're good to go bro. I wouldn't mention it though.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:11 No.7895411
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    >Hurrrr should I admit to illegal activity they have no way of proving in a thousand years?

    Shape up nigger. Goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:11 No.7895413

    yea ive never gotten in trouble for anything. my friend told me it's just a big test to see if you lie though.

    also for employment it says list all jobs 10 years back but nothing before your 18th birthday. all my jobs previously were before my 18th birthday so i dont have to list them?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:12 No.7895433
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)18:16 No.7895469
    I just had to refresh my clearance. So had to go back 10 years. But when I originally granted it I listed everything and it didn't matter the age.

    That would be a question for your company your applying for. I'm really not sure, they may have changed it. But if they say nothing before 18 then don't list it.

    Also, the paperwork sucks. Sorry in advance, lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:16 No.7895471
    If any of the people they might interview know you did it, you should put it down. If your friend says you did and you said you didn't, you're hard fucked. If there's any chance of you getting a polygraph, mention it.

    Harder drugs are a somewhat gray area but if they find out you lied by omission (proof has nothing to do with it) then you WILL lose your clearance, no questions asked.

    I've seen guys lose their clearance for a lot less.
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)18:18 No.7895501
    All bullshit. Why would you list a friend that you know would mention it? Thats retarted in the first place.

    How are they going to know you lied?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:21 No.7895529
    it says list nothing before your 18th birthday unless to provide minimum 2 year work history (no clue why id need 2 year minimum work history)

    but they only ask you to go back 7 years, even if it was 8 years and my friend said i did it that long ago im still fucked?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:22 No.7895537
    i think you keep missing where i have to get a polygraph (lie detector test)
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:23 No.7895550

    They talk to people you don't put down. They talked to all my neighbors and asked them for other contacts whom they also talked to. Like I said, if there's a chance of them finding out you should put it down, I didn't say put it down no matter what. Also they don't have to "prove" you did it. This isn't a court of law. They can take away your clearance for any reason they damn well please.


    Are you an employee yet? If so talk to your SSO or equivalent. He'll give you better advice than 4chan will.
    >> !!knfO6GmkNYo 09/24/11(Sat)18:29 No.7895586
    You're good man. Don't listen to your friend. If they need 2 years of work history and that was when you were younger than 18 then you answered your own question and have to put it.

    They want a 2 year work history just to make sure you didn't steal or fuck the owner's wife and get fired.

    Seriously, here are some of the questions.

    Do you have a family member involved in a militia?
    Are you a natural citizen?

    Don't worry, you sound as a clean as they can get. No tickets, no jail. Etc.

    Also you'll be granted an interim security clearance while they complete it. You'll get the job.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:29 No.7895590

    im not employed yet but i filled out a security prescreen last time and only put marijuana. the prescreen expired so i have to fill out a new one and am debating on whether or not to put the cocaine this time.

    to me it seems like they would think well why didnt you put it on there last time and not hire me. i dont have a problem admitting to it on the sf86, just to my employer.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:31 No.7895608
    funny you say that, i did get fired from target when i was 17 for stealing a phone. nothing ever happened though, just got fired.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:34 No.7895628

    Tough spot, you're going to have to take a risk somewhere. My advice would be to try to figure out exactly when you did it. If it was more than 7 years ago than maybe you can probably get away with it since you actually are telling the truth (assuming the form actually says 7 years, I haven't filled it out in a couple years myself). If not, you're going to have to decide where you want to take the risk. How many people know?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:37 No.7895654
    my brother, (who is in jail now for robbing pharmacies and is a pill addict, he probably doesnt remember)

    and one of his friends, they dont talk anymore, and i dont talk to him anymore
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:39 No.7895671
    won't they check this thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:44 No.7895710
    wouldnt matter because i admit to it but i cant remember WHEN. i have no visual clues or past events that i can link to that night. there is just no possible way for me to say an exact date or year it happened. all i remember is one friend was there, but never saw me do it, who i havent spoke to in 4 years, and this was way before we stopped talking.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:01 No.7895865
    well anyway, i think ill just put it so it's off my mind and whatever happens, happens.

    should i ask the SSO if i wont get hired because i put it on their prescreen?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:03 No.7895887

    Your SSO can't make that call, he can only tell you about the clearance (probably). HR would make the hiring decision.

    If you're not going to put it, like the guy above mentioned, obviously don't put your friend down as a contact or anyone who still knows him well.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:18 No.7896056

    yea but im sure he would know if someone put doing cocaine before got hired or not
    >> Søren Kierkegaard !!rJqPikgYe0n 09/24/11(Sat)19:20 No.7896070
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    Lie you fucking idiot, they aren't going to go talk to every human you've ever spoken to.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:23 No.7896089
    ill say it again, polygraph
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:46 No.7896305
    any more advice before i make my decision

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