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    File : 1316666045.jpg-(85 KB, 501x1038, ujelly5.jpg)
    85 KB Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:34 No.7863418  
    Survey time /adv/

    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:43 No.7863537
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    Oh, boy. This thread. I have posted in here a few times before, about how I haven't left my house in years and never socialize. However, my situation has changed drastically.

    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I was talking about game shows with my roommate, for about two hours as we were watching horrible things.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I don't go out unless someone wants me to go shopping with them or out to eat.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think about ... what I am doing. If I am on 4chan, I think about the topic at hand, and how to appropriately respond to it. If I am playing a game, I focus on how to defeat the level.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Say them out loud? God no. My mind stores all sorts of information, but I can recite my food order 20 times in my head, but when I vocalize it, it simply falls apart on me.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Girls, yes. I am female, and I feel most comfortable around females. Males? God no. They're terrifying.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    No. I wish to live alone when I have sufficient funds.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:49 No.7863651
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Yesterday; today was a busy day :<
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Pretty much a lot of shit. /v/, school related subjects, plans for Sunday
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Today, I went to school, then to my house and then to fucking do projects and shit like if I were the fist of the north star
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I keep track of time; think on what to post or search into; hobbies, get to them, do them, and then do other stuff.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    As in that OCD like form, no. :V But I do remember good conversations and most conversations from 1 week.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Acording to my girlfriend, I do.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Married, doubt it. In my country there are little to no benefits from getting married - this is social security and the like.
    Kids, adopt one, and after some years, have twins c: But, I can dream right?
    I want to become a househusband :V
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:00 No.7863782
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    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    I can't remember. I think back in July. I was at a friends house and his parents had a barbecue. A couple of other mutual friends of our showed up. Casual chit chat there. Nothing groundbreaking.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Like I said. Just casual chit chat.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    About a month ago I went to register for college classes (only to find out all the classes I needed were already filled)
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    When I am on 4chan I am just thinking about whatever the topic of the thread I am in. I don't have any hobbies. I am definitely not absent minded 24/7. My mind never turns off. It's always thinking about tons of bullshit. Usually thinking about my life, my future (or lack there of), killing myself, why I can't/won't/too scared to kill myself, how to maybe make my life better. talking myself out of making my life better because I hate myself and deserve nothing but bad things.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I remember conversations very well. But I think that's because I don't get to have too many of them.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    As rare as it is when there are girls in the mix I am very good at talking to them, as long as they are mutual acquaintances. I never ever talk to girls I don't know. I am very scared of talking to people I do not know. I don;t even know how I made the little bit of friends I have.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    At the rate things are going neither of those seem to be in my future. I am probably going to end up either dead. homeless, or both.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:06 No.7863843

    At least you have friends and a social life bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:09 No.7863886
    Haven't actually socialized with the little bit of these friends since July though. I feel like I've been left behind as they all go to school and work and make newer, better friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:33 No.7864110

    What have you been doing in those months? I haven't socialized in a year, at least you're better off.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:40 No.7864167
    Nothing. I wake up, I eat, 3-4 days out of the week I go to the gym and workout, go home. rinse and repeat. Every now and then I talk to my friends. I get invited to go to places but with no job I have no money. SO I have missed out on a lot of movies and whatnot. I try looking for work. Fill out applications everyday. No one seems so want. Even for the most menial of jobs. I have been very open about my depression with my friends for the past few months. it's like they all got tired of me and abandoned me. Not wanting to bother with my state of mental unrest. Can't blame them. But it feels bad man. I chased away the only little bit of friends I had. I liked hanging out with them but because I am poor and depressed I am not worth their time. They told me this isn't the case. But if it isn't the case then I don't know what I did to deserve this abandoning.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:41 No.7864175
    This fucking thread again? I mean if it helps you guys then why not but still....whatever.

    >when was the last time you socialized?
    >what'd you talk about and how long?
    i was at uni, it went on until i had to go home and shit if i know what we talked about
    >if you went out and didn't socialize where would you go?
    I live next to a forest, it's nice to walk around there sometimes. If not there, I'd just go to a movie or some place to eat, sometimes it's nice to go and do stuff like that alone.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    on 4chan I'm pretty absent minded, but my main hobby is breakdancing, so I'm constantly thinking of ways to get stronger, new moves i should learn, sets i should do, etc.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    fuck no. I have a horrible memory
    >are you good at talking to girls
    ya, i would say so.
    >will you ever get married and have your own children
    i sure hope so. Maybe not have my own kids because I'm thinking i might end up adopting, but yeah i want kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:59 No.7864295
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Saturday, or Sunday. I usually hang out with my friends on the weekends, or Thursdays.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    A lot of shit, I don't really keep track of the time when we're hanging out.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think about what I'm reading, or why I fucking suck so god damn much, and fuck me.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Depends on what I'm to remember, if it's music, or faces, then, yes, I have a very good memory. Probably.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    No. I do not talk to girls.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I hope so, but at this rate, probably not.
    >> Colorado !xwEs9bZgRk 09/22/11(Thu)02:01 No.7864321

    I feel bad for you. I hope things get better. ( ._.)
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:07 No.7864373
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    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    We talked about a lot of stuff. Hung out, watched tv. We ended up hanging out all day.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    The grocery store.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    When I'm on 4chan I'm thinking about how much I hate my life and if I should be doing something else.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Hell no. My memory is shit. Kinda like me.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Sure. Flirting/picking up girls not so much. I can talk to them, though. It's not hard.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    At this point I doubt I'll ever get married (I don't want to get screwed over when she leaves me...and I know she will.) and I sure as fuck don't want kids. I fucking hate kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:11 No.7864397
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I can't remember half the conversations I have
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Abscent minded
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Give me a few beers and I'm a regular cassanova, until then I'm too shy.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:14 No.7864427
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    I last went out a few hours ago to get some milk (24 hour store ftw). Socially it was 1 and a half months ago. I went to a work social which consisted of me drinking until I passed out next to a bonfire and remembering nothing.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    See above
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Store for milk
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think about trying to forget how much I hate myself.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Terrible memory. It used to be bad but it's actually detriorated significantly the past few years.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Only if I don't treat them as girls
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Most definitely not. Not that I really give a shit about that kind of thing compared to a lot of roneryfags here, my genes will live on thanks to my monthly sperm donations
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:15 No.7864434

    I don't know why you hate yourself, you have friends. Fucking act like a man you pussy ass bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:23 No.7864507
    Having friends is great, and it is. But I can still hate my life and myself. My friends and my parents are all I really have got going for me in life.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:29 No.7864560
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?

    Two, three years? It's been...a while...
    Meaning actual socialization with friends where I was enjoying myself, I've been out speaking to people a ton.

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?


    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go? Grocery shopping?

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc

    I think about lots of things.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?

    Depends, important things? Perfect memory, it's very selective.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Wonderful, perfect, the picture of chivalry.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?

    Married? Perhaps, I'd like a lifelong companion.
    Children? Only if my partner REALLY wanted one...I don't like children. Or most people in general.
    >> Another OH gun owner 09/22/11(Thu)02:33 No.7864595

    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    About 45 min ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Small talk amongst friends while drinking. A few hours.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    A bar called Kobalt
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    On 4chan, I'm trying NOT to think unless I'm on /adv/ I am absent minded frequently and on target just as often. It's a crap shoot.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Moderately good to poor. No I cannot.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I got my dick sucked before going to the bar. I certainly am not bad :-P
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    If I had a crystal ball to answer this one... I think I'm currently incapable of love still.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:36 No.7864618

    egotist detected.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:38 No.7864638
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?

    About two weeks ago, GF dumped me not long after, havent felt like going out

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?

    Work, people from work, new place to live, I went out with a friend and his gf and we're trying to find a place to live
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?

    I went out

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc

    If Im on 4chan, Im using it for the lols

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?

    My memory tends to be photographic and I can sometimes repeat a conversation, depends on if Ive been drinking

    >Are you good at talking to girls?

    Better than I used to be. Ive gotten into the pants of girls with boyfriends (unknowingly), older women, and still unintentionally flirt with girls

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?

    Id like to be married one day with kids. =/
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:05 No.7864830
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:18 No.7864909
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last night. Talked with some people at college for a while.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    hmm.... well everyone was talking about their sexual experiences and shit. Had to cover my foreveralone /adv/ ass lol!
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Probably uni. Or for a walk.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I'm always imagining the future, listening to music, etc. I used to get really engrossed in hobbies but now i'm lazy and boring :P
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    HELL NO!
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I'm good at the superficial kind of talking. I'm not good at connecting emotionally on my end, or on 'sealing the deal'. Though a couple of times I've gone out clubbing, got separated from bros and SUDDENLY SURROUNDED BY WOMEN TRYING TO TALK. That was scary :S
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'd love to have children, but only if i was a stay at home dad. The few times i've told anyone that they've thought i was a weirdo. I'm not sure if i could handle the whole marriage thing because i have no romantic ability at all. That being said, staying alone doesn't seem too bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:22 No.7864936
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Just got back like 15 minutes ago. Me and 4 other people went to a comedy show and then a hookah bar.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I dunno, we talked about various things. We were out for like four hours total.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Uhh what? I don't go out and not socialize. What the fuck is the point of that?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    When I'm on 4chan I think about whatever thread I'm reading. When I'm doing when hobbies I think about my fucking hobbies. You spelled absent incorrectly.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I can remember most things very well, even after long periods of time.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Unfortunately only in a friend sort of way. My closest friends are always female and I'm always hopelessly friendzoned.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    The latter.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:22 No.7864939
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    12 hours ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    We sat and played video games, occasionally commenting/joking around about what was going on in each of our games.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Doesn't apply here
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I just go on 4chan because I'm bored, no video games are catching my interest at the moment and it's too late to hang out with friends.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    My memory is okay. I can usually remember entire conversations, but sometimes I forget some of the smaller details.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I am a girl so..yes?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Will probably get married, dunno if I want kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:33 No.7865022
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    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    wow um, 4 years ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I do not remember at all
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I like to just drive around or go to the movies.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    When I'm on 4chan, what I think of depends on the thread. I'm sometimes absent minded, but rarely, I worry alot.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Yes I can for conversations, I'm pretty good at remembering them for awhile.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Well I'm female, so, I'm very shy, I'm not good at talking with both sexes.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I don't know really. I'm 23 years old and going to college, that's the farthest thing from my mind. If it happens, ok, if not, that's ok too.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:51 No.7865183

    Not really, I have very low overall self esteem. lots of people who are way better than me. Most people are in fact, and I can admit that easily.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:01 No.7865238
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Random stuff, a few hours
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Not really. Sometimes someone will say something, and I'll want to say ORLY or foreveralone, but restrain myself.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    My memory isn't that good. I can remember general converstions, not every single word.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I am a girl- but I'm alright at talking to guys.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Married hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:11 No.7865300
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Never for my own benefit.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think about what I could do to better my life. Then anything I accomplish gets pulled out from under me.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I think im okay when it comes to memory.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Business wise, yes.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Probably neither.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:21 No.7865681
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:28 No.7865706
    >implying i CBF answering your questions

    i talked to my boss and a friend of his, about work related shit, that was all.

    I am pretty absent minded but usually these days im thinking about my as yet non-existent girlfriend. Either that or something about work, or just humming a song.

    I probably cant remember a whole conversation and recite it, but i generally remember the important details.

    No im horrible at talking to girls in anything other than a business like tone. I have 0 ability to flirt or detect flirting of others, sometimes i will think O SHIT, maybe she was flirting but that's usually 4 hours later.

    I intend to get married, and likely have children, all though children is optional atm depending on my future S.O wants and needs.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:30 No.7865715
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last night. Chilled @ cinema with 4 bros.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Who the fuck remembers? About the movie, the weekend that's coming, about the future, about what happened at the weekend that just was.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    What a stupid question. Well, I am very self-aware, and try to improve myself at all times. I study to become a psychologist, and it can be quite a handful at times.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    My memory is quite good. I only got A's so far at uni.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    At my study there are many girls, so yes. I'm getting a lot better at flirting, I would say, and meet new girls all the time.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Offcourse I will get married and have my own children.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:32 No.7865728
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    had a friend come over a week ago and we drank and took a walk. if that don't count, then i guess 4 months ago when i went to get some coffee and hung out with the same friend for an hour at a starbucks.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    we just shot the shit (is that cool to use in past tense?) about our trivial lives and mutual friends
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    what. when i'm on 4chan i think about whatever the fuck it is i'm reading. i'm not contemplating the nature of existence and shit. same thing with hobbies.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    what the fuck are you asking. i can't remember conversation verbatim, but i'm not forgetful.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    fuck if i know. i ain't ever tried.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    fuck if i know. and kids? oh hell naw.

    what a shitty survey.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:46 No.7865786
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    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    About five years ago.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I can't remember.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Store to buy diet soda so I can poison myself while I feel good about it.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I feel really bored, I can't really think unless I am not doing anything at all.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Terrible and no. I don't even know my own phone number.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    In general or something more meaningful? Either way not really, I think I'd just come off as creepy because I'm overweight.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Neither, I will eventually be kicked out and end up homeless because I don't have a drive to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:52 No.7865810
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?

    With people I don't know? Last night. Went out earlier today though.

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?

    Music, life, other subjects. Went on for about 4 hours. It was a large group of people
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?


    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc

    I'm usually planning on what I'm going to be doing later on. I never have been good at just staying home and relaxing, I like to stay busy.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?

    More or less.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?

    Depends on the girl. I'm good at conversation, but some people you just don't hit it off with.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?

    I wouldn't mind getting married someday, but I'd have to be very sure of the person. I'd probably have a few children.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)06:32 No.7865977
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Tonight. went to symphony with girl i friendzoned and she's sleeping on my couch as we speak so beta
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    everything. being depressed, family, food, school
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    depressed, thinking about books, science, sex, music, myself
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    no, but i can remember the just of stuff that people say forever, it's good for building rapport
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    When it's 1 on 1, in a group - depends on the girl.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I think not having kids is sad. hope to god i get to

    well that was fun
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)06:38 No.7866005
    19 / male / holland

    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Just smalltalk with an old friend, for like 2 hours as we were traveling together. I always seem be talking smaltalk
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Go shopping, go out eating alone, go to movie alone, go for a walk.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I used to think 24/7 and it made me very sad. So now i dont think much anymore. Somehow i always get to think i hate myself and how i fail at everything. Otherwise i think about funny things i remember.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Yeah pretty much, i remember it always.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Not any better than with boys. kissless virgin if that is what you are after. I dont have any problems with smalltalk tough i guess.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I hope the first
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)06:45 No.7866034
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    With a group of people? Elementary school. With a single person? Yesterday.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Boys and pokemon or something, fuck if I remember. Talked about other restaurants in town with who I went out with yesterday.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I go out every once in a while to the library just to chill.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Nothing. I don't think of anything other than what's currently going on around me, mostly.
    >How good is your overall memory?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I'm a woman, but still, I hate talking to women.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'm married, I don't want kids but it's inevitable if I'm going to have sex with only one birth control method so I'll adopt it out to some rich cunts or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)10:23 No.7867219
    Same as this guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)10:28 No.7867269
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Couple weeks ago.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    How much I hate going out to socialize. 3 days.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Anime. At the moment I spent a lot of time thinking about a girl I like, and being sad about not having a chance with her.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I have terrible memory, I can't even remember what I did yesterday.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Yes, until I get close to them, then I sabotage any relationship I have with them in fear of getting to like them, or them getting to like me.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I don't know any more, I used to want to, but nowadays I don't think I deserve to be happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)10:35 No.7867317
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    8 months ago.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Football. It didn't last very long.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself?
    I'm constantly thinking that I need to get my life sorted. I'm too old for this shit and I'm becoming a burden to my family and society.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    No better or worse than talking to men.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'd like to get married but I'm not totally sold on the idea of having children. It's too much responsibility and I don't want my kid to hate me.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)10:44 No.7867392
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    it's late, why not.
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last night homie
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Music, hour and a half.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Only ever go out to alone to either buy groceries or go to the gym.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I usually think about how people see me and lifting/nutrition. Like what I need to eat for the remainder of the day.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Pretty bad.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Never really had an issue with it. Probably talk to them the same way I talk to guys. I still get way too nervous to approach.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Get married brah.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)10:46 No.7867406
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Four weeks ago.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Lots of stuff. Music, dancing, girls, boys, reminisced about old times, got caught up on some new stuff new stuff. I was staying at a friends from friday to Sunday
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I'm thinking about what I'm doing/making plans, thinking about one of my hobbies
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Pretty good. I tend to surprise my friends by bringing up shit they said five years ago.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I don't know about Marriage or kids, but I don't really think I'll be alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)12:42 No.7868290
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)12:59 No.7868443
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    ~1 hour ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    How life is going, a lot about a little really.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I very rarely go out by myself unless its to get food.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself?
    I kinda want to be a better person but I'm quite passive most of the time.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I can remember key parts; I don't remember it word for word.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    50/50, not great but certainly not bad either.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I can see myself getting married and having children.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:02 No.7868465

    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Never? I'm 20 and live in Wisconsin, there's nothing here for anime/video game fans.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Didn't go out.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies?
    Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think of how much I hate humanity.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Can't remember things more than 5 years old.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Talking to savage cunts? nah.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Nope, forever alone because I like anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:05 No.7868501
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    I chatted with people at work yesterday, but I had a Warhammer game with some friends on Tuesday if that's more what you mean.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    We talked about Warhammer mostly, but we also talked about general news stuff, what we were up to, etc... for about 4 hours
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I've mostly been thinking about this guy I had a fling with over the summer. I'm slowly getting over him but I have good memories that I like to look back on. I usually daydream anyway though.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I have a pretty bad memory, I can really only remember flashes of stuff.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Gonna change this to guys, and yes.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'm pretty sure I'll get married, but I don't want to go through pregnancy so I don't know about kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:18 No.7868584
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Yesterday, went to a friend's house to play War of the Ring board game. Quite epic.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    On skype a few mins ago, talked to a friend about a few things; mostly films and going back to university.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Went for a run around the local park a couple of days ago.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    On /b/: Mostly whether I can justify appreciating many of the appalling things posted, and internally debating the morals of the use and legalisation of cannabis; on /adv/: Mostly thinking about her.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Pretty good I think, better long term than short term memory.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Yes, I don't have a problem with it and have a decent number of female friends. But as a 20 year old virgin probably not that good at getting them (though that's probably due to being a shortnskinnyfag, and a first-class friendzoner.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I wouldn't see life as much worth living without a wife and children. It's kind of my only goal in life.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)14:07 No.7869064
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)14:11 No.7869096
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    If you mean out with people my age then... months ago. If you just mean any contact at all with humans then today.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Can't remember.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Getting a job, sex, getting a job, sex, women.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Pretty good, sometimes.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Stay alone in a flat alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:05 No.7869666
    Are you me?
    >> systematique !j2P/HVHNN6 09/22/11(Thu)15:12 No.7869737
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last weekend. Party with some friends.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Casual chitchat, went on for most of the night and into the morning.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Usually sorting my plans, thinking about people, thinking about whatever current issues have come up
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    No. I don't have really good memory.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Seeing as I am a girl, yes. But even if this question was reversed, still yes.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I have no intention to get married or have kids. But if it happens, cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:13 No.7869751
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    If visiting just a single friend cunts, then yesterday. I don't leave the house much.

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Stupid bullshit like music and vidya and dumb ass jokes.

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I shop alone alot..

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    My shit life and the whole being a trap thing and coming out of the closet.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Alright, I only remember what I want to remember. Sometimes I can.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Depends really, not good at talking to people, not my thing.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Don't want kids and not at all focused on marriage. Probably forever alone. I'm too picky and no one meets my needs or standards and it is even hard to meet any of them at all, I don't get it, so fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:16 No.7869774
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    last year
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    somewhat, 4chan is bit like opium, keeps you fuzzy and shit. It's pretty bad for me, I guess.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I have a feeling I have a really good instinctual memory for faces but that might just be me imagining things.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    if it's one on one and it's about say a task like at work or at uni, sure. Anything else, no, I'm looking for the first excuse to gtfo
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    latter option probably
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:18 No.7869805
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Umm last weekend?

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Various, economy, physics (my undergrad major), umm by the end of the night I was at the very tipsy stage.

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Grocery store? Unless we count jobs? Define "going out"

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I tend to have a few different trains of thought going on, I tend to mull over programming problems.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Depends, mem a convo? no. My memory when it comes to my life sucks, however I can memorize math, physics, chem, and programming languages easily.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    No worse than I am with talking to anyone. I'm not /bad/ at it, but I wouldn't say I'm /good/ at it either. I'm not really that social because it doesn't appeal to me.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Well I AM married, but no children and plan not to have any.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:21 No.7869833
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last night, almost every night really
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Umm last night I was hanging out with a friend I havn't seen in a long time so we mostly talked about what we've been doing with our lives. Jobs, girls, future plans, etc. We chilled all night
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I go on 4chan so that I can put the brain to rest for a little bit
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I want children but getting married is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:33 No.7869959
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    This past weekend.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Technically the last time I went out was Sunday night, for about 3 hours, talked about sports, music, general life. But I was with friends all Sunday - day (just a couple hours @ home before heading back out) and all Sat.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Uuh, I went to the grocery store Tuesday.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    While on 4chan, thinking about whatever thread strikes my interest. Thinking about my hobbies while I'm doing them, obviously. Absent minded? Hell yes. Constantly thinking about what to do with myself, not really no.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Not very good at all, to be honest. Can't quote a conversation, I have trouble remembering what some of them were even about.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'm hoping to get married someday down the road, say in about 6-8 years at the very least. Not so keen on having kids at any point in the future, but who knows, my opinions could change.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:39 No.7870015
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last wednesday.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    5-6 hours, nothin in particular: the world, politics, wars, love, life, anything
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Im usualy very busy, just bored now, normally never come to 4chan
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    near-perfect. I have photographic memory and all. shit's nice.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Pretty much, major problem for me is to be actually interested in her and therefore you know, make moves... most girls i meet / have a chat with are not that interesting (dumb)
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:41 No.7870041
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?

    About three hours ago. School=awesome place for friends

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?

    Random crap, just stuff that's funny.

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies?

    Nothing of it. Too much trouble thinking about stuff all the time lol

    Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? ect

    Well that really depends if I care about that im doing at the moment.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Hmmmmmm Nope. I guess i'm stupid then, huh?

    >Are you good at talking to girls?

    Yeah. Soem girls want to go out with me, or talk to me about my sex stories(0.0) But they're not really my type at all Kinda hard where I go to school
    School= Awesome friends : Not many hot chicks

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?

    Hmmmmm Neither. I might have one or two children at best, but i'd really just appreciate dating multiple women and living a pretty bachelor lifestyle at least until my late 30s, and if that's too
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:45 No.7870084
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?

    Uh, today, I'm at work, yesterday I was at both college and work.

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?

    Random stuff, I dunno.

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?

    If I'm not talking with the guys at the parking lot of where I live I'm at home playing video games or studying or whatever.

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc

    I waste time on 4chan while I'm at work, I'm rarely at 4chan when I'm at my place. I'm fairly abscent minded, just minding my own thing playing guitar or doing whatever.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?

    Not that great, I'm great at history, but not that good with names.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?

    Well I'm not scared and I'm funny, but I'm a kissless virgin, mostly because I'm not that interested in most women I meet.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?

    I don't know, really.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:47 No.7870104

    If you guys are still there, do you even have friends or are you always alone and think you'll will remain that way?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:51 No.7870143
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    I was at the gym yesterday
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    There for about four hours, decent conversation all through
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I try not to plan everything anymore because I find it makes things more fun. When I'm here I wish there were more positive /adv/ threads, at the gym it's all about self-improvement.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Fuck no I can't. I remember the gist of a conversation and the effect I was supposed to take from it, but no words.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Don't want to be married, but if I come into a great deal of money I might settle down with someone I can trust without the legal bindings.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:56 No.7870185
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    last week saturday

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    11 till 8pm met a couple new people

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    London Waterloo

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Most yes

    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Not if I'm attracted to them

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Probably not, I don't mind kids I just don't wanna screw them over, getting married is kinda obsolete
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)16:00 No.7870230
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Yesterday went to a friend's house. It was my birthday.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Just stuff
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Usually I'd go shopping. The end.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you absent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Usually a combination as most of my hobbies involve using my pc
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Fuck no. I've always been terrible but now I'm worse.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Used to be. Could never get round to requesting sex so never got any. Now I'm fat and bitter so don't bother.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Live in my own apartment. Slim chance. Haven't been with a woman fro years. Never had a relationship/girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)16:02 No.7870254
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    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Long time ago.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I'm not sure. I think I talked about my shoes smelling weird.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    The woods or something or just sit at some sidewalk and watch people.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies?
    Why was I born.
    Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    No. My goldfish remembered stuff better than me.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    No, horrible.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I don't think anyone would want to marry me, so I see myself staying alone for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)16:59 No.7870744

    Are you even close with your family?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:35 No.7871108
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Does chitchatting with random people at school/gym count? If yes, today. If not, I can't remember. Probally months ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Random gym stuff, 1-2 minutes.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    It's decent. Nope.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Dunno, haven't tried to hook one up in quite a while if that's what you meant. If just for casual conversation I guess just as good as talking to other men.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Dunno, I don't plan ahead that much. I don't let it bother me. Marriage? Nah, not on paper atleast. Kids? Not until I'm 40 or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:21 No.7871633

    how do you live your life?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:15 No.7872244
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    I can't remember. I think back in July. I was at a friends house and his parents had a barbecue. A couple of other mutual friends of our showed up. Casual chit chat there. Nothing groundbreaking.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Like I said. Just casual chit chat.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    About a month ago I went to register for college classes (only to find out all the classes I needed were already filled)
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    When I am on 4chan I am just thinking about whatever the topic of the thread I am in. I don't have any hobbies. I am definitely not absent minded 24/7. My mind never turns off. It's always thinking about tons of bullshit. Usually thinking about my life, my future (or lack there of), killing myself, why I can't/won't/too scared to kill myself, how to maybe make my life better. talking myself out of making my life better because I hate myself and deserve nothing but bad things.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I remember conversations very well. But I think that's because I don't get to have too many of them.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    As rare as it is when there are girls in the mix I am very good at talking to them, as long as they are mutual acquaintances. I never ever talk to girls I don't know. I am very scared of talking to people I do not know. I don;t even know how I made the little bit of friends I have.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    At the rate things are going neither of those seem to be in my future. I am probably going to end up either dead. homeless, or both.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:04 No.7872784
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:34 No.7873185
    >when was the last time you socialized?
    >what'd you talk about and how long?
    i was at uni, it went on until i had to go home and shit if i know what we talked about
    >if you went out and didn't socialize where would you go?
    I live next to a forest, it's nice to walk around there sometimes. If not there, I'd just go to a movie or some place to eat, sometimes it's nice to go and do stuff like that alone.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    on 4chan I'm pretty absent minded, but my main hobby is breakdancing, so I'm constantly thinking of ways to get stronger, new moves i should learn, sets i should do, etc.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    fuck no. I have a horrible memory
    >are you good at talking to girls
    ya, i would say so.
    >will you ever get married and have your own children
    i sure hope so. Maybe not have my own kids because I'm thinking i might end up adopting, but yeah i want kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:50 No.7874056
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:30 No.7874531
    Come on fellow foreveralones.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:36 No.7874590
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last night, I was hanging out with a few boys who were up for the weekend, had a few drinks and went knocking on some doors.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Like, serioustalks? Social worker yesterday, so life in general I guess. Went for half an hour or so.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    In to town for baking supplies yo'. ;)
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I tend to get absorbed in whatever I'm focusing on. Otherwise my mind is wandering completely.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I forget things to do often, but when it comes to detailed things like quotes or lyrics, I have a great memory.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Yup, assuming I can stand the girl, which is unfortunately pretty rare.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'd love to have kids, even if I had to be a single father. Fuck living alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:48 No.7874739
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Conversed with a friend during lunch at university today
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Talked about classes, and some bus accident he witnessed. It lasted a little less than an hour
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    The only place I went today was my university. I talked to people a few times (as I mentioned) but for the most part I kept to myself.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think about a lot of things, mostly about where I am in various aspects of my life, as well as school work.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I have a great long term memory, but not so good a short term memory
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I'm bad at starting conversations period, but I have a harder time starting them with females than males. I can hold a conversation fine once its started though.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    No idea. I'd like the earlier, not sure about kids though.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:55 No.7874828
         File1316746512.png-(469 KB, 601x450, 123456789.png)
    469 KB
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    about an hour ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    How on my personal records at my school it says I am African American (I am actually white)
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Gamestop, borders, someplace to get something to eat.
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Nothing good on 4chan again. Time for vidya
    >Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Naw. I day dream alot but I never get a bad feeling like my life is worthless
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud? Alright, and maybe. If the conversation is interesting
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Yes. Alot of girls I talk to say I am a huge flirt.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I plan to get married after I have all the fun i can with being a bachelor.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:17 No.7875098
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    When I went to Acting class on Wednesday.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for? I don't remember... We were mostly just reading over the script. Went on for about an hour or two.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Porn. Drugs. Violence.
    Are you absent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc Yes. 24/7
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud? If the conversation was particularly traumatic and/or arose from me saying something idiotic that I wish I could go back and change... I'll remember bits and pieces.
    >Are you good at talking to girls? Talking to, yes. Flirting with, no. I'm actually more comfortable talking to girls than guys.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'd like to get married and have kids.
    But it is unlikely.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:38 No.7875359
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:14 No.7875755
    I shouldn't have opened up this thread.

    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:59 No.7876259
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Yesterday; today was a busy day :<
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Pretty much a lot of shit. /v/, school related subjects, plans for Sunday
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Today, I went to school, then to my house and then to fucking do projects and shit like if I were the fist of the north star
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I keep track of time; think on what to post or search into; hobbies, get to them, do them, and then do other stuff.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    As in that OCD like form, no. :V But I do remember good conversations and most conversations from 1 week.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Acording to my girlfriend, I do.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Married, doubt it. In my country there are little to no benefits from getting married - this is social security and the like.
    Kids, adopt one, and after some years, have twins c: But, I can dream right?
    I want to become a househusband :V
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)01:35 No.7876649
    I don't.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)02:49 No.7877254
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)03:37 No.7877688

    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:59 No.7878386
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)07:48 No.7879006
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    I last went out a few hours ago to get some milk (24 hour store ftw). Socially it was 1 and a half months ago. I went to a work social which consisted of me drinking until I passed out next to a bonfire and remembering nothing.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    See above
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    Store for milk
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I think about trying to forget how much I hate myself.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Terrible memory. It used to be bad but it's actually detriorated significantly the past few years.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Only if I don't treat them as girls
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Most definitely not. Not that I really give a shit about that kind of thing compared to a lot of roneryfags here, my genes will live on thanks to my monthly sperm donations
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)11:05 No.7880019
    no, people hate me.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)11:12 No.7880067
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    last week
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    a lot of stuff,maybe two or three hours
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    to the store maybe.I go to gym and I socialize there
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I'm thinking about what I'm doing
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    it's been flaky lately
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Yes but not in a traditional way.I can talk to them,flirt but I can never escalate
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Hoping to get married,but not too soon
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)11:24 No.7880170

    >a week

    and it feels like a month...
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)11:28 No.7880205
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)11:32 No.7880233
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    about a month ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    nothing. about 3 hours
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    usually thinking of funny stuff
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    no, im not autistic/sherlock fucking holmes
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    i cant talk to fat chicks, but im not confrontational or mean to them either. i just feel uncomfortable because i keep staring at their fatness. never had a problem engaging with 'hot' chicks, other than a few crushes in high school.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    live by myself now. kids are a pain. wives are even worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)12:28 No.7880608
    >Since last weekend. Kinda keeping to myself this week.
    >Various stuff. Mostly planning upcoming road trip. Lasted a couple hours.
    >Mostly what to do with myself. I'm starting exercise and trying to get my life on a better track.
    >Not the best memory. I remember what's important, but probably not a whole conversation from start to finish.
    >Definitely have plans for the former.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)12:42 No.7880704
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Yesterday. I spent the afternoon cheering up my girlfriend (no innuendo intended here, seriously). and then went out for dinner with friends and played pool for a couple hours, then ate (again) with my girlfriend. Then I come home and spend time on the internet until the early hours of the morning.

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I don't even remember what it was about; we talk about whatever comes up. It was probably about her sisters or mother or sth.

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I'd probably go study in my uni library (I hardly study as it is, it'd be good for me)

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you absent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I usually think about whatever I'm doing at the time...

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I rarely remember conversations I have in detail. I usually remember the general gist and details I considered important.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    In general, not really. My girlfriend and I talk for hours, though.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Hopefully I will marry my girlfriend one day. We both want kids one day, too.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)14:26 No.7881551
    the guy above me.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:05 No.7881899
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:13 No.7881967
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    A couple days a go I suppose
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I was just catching up with a friend and we had lunch for 20 minutes or so
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Well I end up being stuck at home a lot so when I'm not working or practicing something I usually spend it on here. I have anxiety and depression so I worry about living here forever and become a failure. But I'm trying to find ways to cope and leave
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:18 No.7882010
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    last night, got a 24 between 3 guys and brought it to some kids house and drank.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    music, people, a bunch of different stuff i guess. went on for like 3 hours?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    thinking about how socially retarded i am and how much i hate myself.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    i'd say i have a pretty good memory, i remember a lot of random things that i shouldn't and i dwell and stupid things that i regret.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    i'm almost positive that i'll stay alone in a house by myself, i cant see myself having a relationship with anyone, ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:19 No.7882023

    oops skipped over girls. i'm good at talking to girls i'm not attracted to, but if i really like a girl i can't even look at her unless she initiates a conversation with me, which i'll barely carry on and never make eye contact.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:28 No.7882102
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Outside of college? Probably last Tuesday. I don't go out much these days because of the amount of work I get :(

    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    We talked mainly about costumes for a fancy dress party. We were laughing in a coffee shop with large windows next to the street and this man thought we were laughing at him so came and shouted at us.

    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?

    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Usually I'm bored because my boyfriend is at work and my friends are all doing homework and I'm trying to put off doing it.

    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Nope. My memory is awful. I'm surprised I do so well in exams.

    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I'm a girl so yeah. I'm really bad at talking to guys though, so I don't have many close guy friends. Most of my guy friends are gay or the type who are absolutely lovely but just unfortunate with looks.

    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I hope I'll get married and have kids one day... although, I would be happy being a lonely, old cat lady too.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:50 No.7882286
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:54 No.7882334
    yay I get to reflect on how craptastic my life has gotten

    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    A couple of weeks ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Mostly just hung out with some old friends and watched futurama
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I go out every week to run errands/keep my kitchen stocked
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    When I'm playing difficult vidya or bass guitaring I focus on that. Normally I just end up dwelling on how much of a screw up I am..
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    I can remember a lot of important conversations in my head but can't speak them from memory.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    LOL. No. Only girl I've ever dated I met on /b/ and we were friends for two years before our ten month relationship.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    Given my current siutation, I'm wagering that I will always live in relative isolation.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)15:58 No.7882370
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    Last night at a party.
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    Just everything. Football, smoking, drinking, life, friends, etc. About two hours or so I guess, it was just a small get together party.
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    I over think my life and everything I could do in it. Sometimes I'm pretty absent minded though. It varies on my mood.
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Depends if I want to remember them. I can remember serious conversations nearly word for word, hell I can remember some conversations from when I was a little kid.
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I am, I just don't have the confidence to actually make a move.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    I'd like to get married someday yes, maybe have a child or two, preferably a girl, I don't want a little me running around wild as hell.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)16:24 No.7882640
    Look at all of these studs.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)16:28 No.7882683
    >When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    All day today until an hour ago
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    All sorts of things I was with all sorts of people all day
    >If you went out and didn't socialize where did you go?
    I'm in my room now for an hour or two alone
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    Decently well not perfect though
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    I'm ok, especially if I'm not interested in them
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    It could really go either way right now
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)17:16 No.7883094
    what up?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)17:44 No.7883372
    My memory is shot from excessive alcohol use.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)18:30 No.7883743
    When was the last time you went out and socialized?
    >What was it that you talked about and how long did it go on for?
    I can't remember half the conversations I have
    >What do you often think about when you're on 4chan or doing any of your hobbies? Are you abscent minded 24/7 or thinking of what do with yourself? etc
    Abscent minded
    >How good is your overall memory? Can you remember conversation from start to finish in your head and say them out loud?
    >Are you good at talking to girls?
    Give me a few beers and I'm a regular cassanova, until then I'm too shy.
    >Will you ever get married and have your own children or stay alone in a house by yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)19:31 No.7884320
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)21:48 No.7885672
    i'm really bvad at remember conversation. you?

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