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    136 KB Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:13 No.7754877  
    How are you friendless guys seen when you're in public? I've been seeing a lot of you on this board, I'm just wondering what you're like when you're at school/college, work, and outside in general. Do people ever approach you, or do you ignore them and go on your way? Do you think you'll always be alone even without a girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:22 No.7754942
    only time I'm outside my home is for work.
    people approach me because I work retail.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:26 No.7754961
    i think "friendless" is bullshit fiction 4channers perpetuate for some reason. no one these days is friendless, there are even groups for the nerdiest of the nerds. i'm not cool or anthing, but i got some friends on my first day of college and i have a big group of people who like me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:29 No.7754971
    yeah, well, that just like, your opinion, man.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:30 No.7754982
    Sorry brah, literal friendless guy here. Have been for years. I exist, I assure you.

    Been putting more effort into making some the last little while. No luck yet, but I'm hopeful.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:33 No.7755004
    really? jesus. you must be a high schooler then, because as asinine as college parties are, they don't exclude anyone
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:37 No.7755028

    Not everyone is a social butterfly that goes out to parties you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:38 No.7755038
    I don't have friends, I didn't have them in college and I haven't had them since I graduated.
    Outside the house, I move and act like any regular person.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:38 No.7755039
    ... Nope. Almost finished with my degree, left high school in 2007, haven't had friends since.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:40 No.7755047
    I sit in the back of the class being dead silent. Once class is over I immediately leave for the next class and sit in the room until class starts. Once it's over I go home.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:43 No.7755068

    making friends is easy. an incredibly lame joke is better than no joke. just show some self- deprecation and be amiable. i really feel like you guys make a big deal out of fucking nothing
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:44 No.7755076
    Gee whiz, it's almost as if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:46 No.7755097
    >implying I'm not friendless by choice
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:47 No.7755106
    all right, maybe i don't. explain to me the difficulty in talking to someone-no sarcasm, what's the problem?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:49 No.7755122

    Do you think you'll always be friendless and alone? What else do you do besides browsing 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:50 No.7755128

    >thinking friendless is fiction

    My god you really have no grasp on reality at all do you?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:52 No.7755148
    I'm aware it's easy for other people, that doesn't change what it's like for me. Sure, maybe it's just because I'm fucked on the head, but I still can't change that on a whim no matter how much I want to.

    I hope not; and plenty of stuff, my life is reasonably OK aside from the total lack of social contact.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)09:58 No.7755186
    OP, if im not at work im generally at home. i have friends i visit and who visit me.

    People don't regularly approach me when im in public because im out for a quick rush down to the store. On some occasions ive randomly been asked for weed and i was always glad to help.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:00 No.7755212
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    When I'm in public I act, or at least look, like a "normal" person. People approach me sometimes and I am friendly and polite and not socially awkward. However, I do feel the panic surge inside of me whenever someone tries to get a deeper connection with me. I start to lie because I can't hardly tell new people that I'm a forever alone virgin at 23 with no social life. And because I lie I also feel that it's pointless to maintain the contact since you can't build a relationship upon lies.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:03 No.7755231
    ok, as far as virginity goes-guys don't give a shit while thinking it's weird as fuck, girls don't give a shit while thinking you're lying as fuck
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:06 No.7755247
    People don't approach me, but there is a cute girl in my physics lab with whom I work.

    Forever alone? Probably not, I have terribly low standards when it comes to what people've done in the past (I would date/live with a yandere who murdered her last boyfriend if she was reasonably into me and I found her reasonably attractive)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:06 No.7755253

    You don't think so? Then what do you want to do to change? Give me more to do than just browse 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:10 No.7755271

    Why do you even bother going out if you can't make friends? Why not just stay inside all day?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:15 No.7755299
    can't make friends? link people to this:
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:17 No.7755315
    That's what I do. I stay in all day but sometimes you have to go out to buy things for example.

    My day so far:
    Woke up at 11 next to my best friend who's a 16 year old Australian girl. Yes, she was next to me on a computer screen. (inb4 not forever alone. This is far more pathetic)

    Went back to bed and slept till 1.30. Got up and ate breakfast. Enjoyed that feeling of anxiety building up in my stomach. Shed a few tears. Spoke to my mother on the phone. Tried to come up with a good lie to tell said friend when she asks me what I've done today.

    4 pm. In bed on /adv/.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:17 No.7755320

    This best describes my high school life. Want to add my foreveralone e-mail?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:19 No.7755330

    You aren't foreveralone if you have a friend.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:53 No.7755352
    I'm friendless and I look and act like your regular run of the mill guy. You wouldn't know I was friendless by looking or having light conversation with me, you'd probably assume I was a normal person.

    I never make friends because I generally don't party or socialise, but I can actually communicate quite fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:55 No.7755365
    I sure feel like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:55 No.7755374
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    >Back in highschool
    >Had a few friends who I really liked being around
    >Could have them in tears laughing
    >Couldn't play sport for shit, not even "give it a shot" tier
    >They always played basketball
    >Only other friend I had who didn't play basketball was some moody, bipolar dickhead
    >My face during highschool break times

    I even tried basketball.
    Never again.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:57 No.7755380

    Well what's your problem? If you're social with her and your parents, I don't see how you can be a social reject.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)10:58 No.7755383
    i was great at basketball, but the coach didn't give a shit because the only important sport here is soccer. fucking hell
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:00 No.7755392
    You remind me of a friend of mine, if it's true that would make me probably the moody dickhead. Even though I am almost 100% wrong I still feel the need to apologize for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:03 No.7755412
    People approach me, I sometimes approach them. I can hold a conversation, and engage in some small-talk, but I have trouble keeping up with people over time.

    I'll strike up conversation with people on the bus, or security persons at a concert, or janitors at my university, or pensioners at the bus plaza, etc, then we part ways and I never see or talk to them again.

    I've never actually had a "friend", as in, someone I could talk to about my life, or interests, except as a distraction from some other purpose (for example, other people in my department at work), even going as far back as preschool. I have dated two people, both of whom were also guys (years of /d/ have made me functionally bisexual), but it was more physical and short-term, and I quickly became callous, cold and lost interest.

    I've browsed 4chan since 2005, when I was 13, so my social life consists mostly of this.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:05 No.7755426
    I'm an insecure douchebag with anxiety problems. The friends I've had I've lost and my anxiety hinders me from doing things so I'm always at home and never out meeting people. I work random hours at a place where I don't get to socialize with co-workers and I haven't studied for more than 3 months after high school so I'm basically completely shut off from the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:06 No.7755431
    Even though I'm certain I don't know you, thanks. About a quarter of the time, he was fine, good to be around, the rest of the time he was a moody dickhead with his head shoved so far up his own arse you couldn't tell where his arse started and his head began.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:09 No.7755450

    do you think you'll always be alone and a social reject? What else do you do?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:13 No.7755487

    I was pretty good too, obviously not up to par anymore cause I haven't played in a long time though.

    I went to a private school so our team was pretty shit, most of our players were solid at best.

    Living in a neighborhood with a lot of black kids is a great way to get good at sports, since that's pretty much all they ever did.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:17 No.7755515
    Right now I can't see how my life could change but of course I still have some hope that it will.

    I work out, watch football and a good amount of TV series, listen to music and talk to my online friend.

    A cynical person might not call what me and her have a friendship. It's more like we use each other to sooth our own problems. She's got huge daddy issues and a lot of (teenage) drama going on that I can help her deal with. Helping her helps me because knowing that I've done something good and helpful makes me feel better for the moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:21 No.7755542

    You aren't a social reject, you have plenty of social interaction with your "noline friend" and that girl that you liv with, even if she is 16. Although, you seem really creepy and probably think you're some god at giving people advice when you can't even maintain your own life. You're like a walking parody.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:25 No.7755570

    Oh, and before 4chan, I browsed Ogrish/totse for a couple years.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:29 No.7755590
    Hnnnnnnng if I knew you I would probably molest you, we're similar though I'm two years older.

    What do you like on /d/?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:30 No.7755594
    I love how everyone in here has friends and never reads topic titles.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:30 No.7755596
    I don't live with a girl. The only girl I know is the online friend.

    I definitely don't think I'm some "god at giving advice". I just try to say the reasonable and logical thing when she wants my advice or just wants to talk.

    I don't live the way I preach so yeah, I'm a walking parody alright.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:34 No.7755632
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    >Implying you can't be alone when having friends.
    >Implying there are guidelines you need to meet to be allowed to classify yourself as forever alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:36 No.7755641
    Vore, traps, futa, monster girls, bara (more /y/)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:37 No.7755652
    I have ZERO friends since I started college a few weeks ago. I had one very close friend in highschool, as in he knows more about me than my own mom...

    Truth is, I don't desire friendship in its entirety. I sit at home and do what I love.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:39 No.7755659
    Ugh bara wtf is wrong with you you sick bastard
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:39 No.7755660

    >Implying the thread was referring to people who have friends but like to be alone
    >he didn't read the "friendless" part at the beginning of the thread

    Your definition of friendless is skewed.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:41 No.7755675

    IRL I like masculine men, not twinks. Think /fit/ but with less "no homo".
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:42 No.7755686
    I hope I look normal enough. I'll still stutter when I talk and im still some what awkward but iys slowly getting better. But like other anon said, there's no point in building a relationship or friendship on lies and there's no way im telling anyone just how lonely, friendless or virgin etc I am.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:46 No.7755708
    jesus fuck, is this a US thing or can western europe also relate?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:46 No.7755712
    >with less "no homo".
    You're gay, then?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:49 No.7755734
    I am the other anon he is refering to and I'm from Europe so yeah, we can relate.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:49 No.7755735

    At least you have friends and a social life online and off.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:54 No.7755770

    Like I said, functionally bisexual. I'm attracted to women, and most of my porn is straight or lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:57 No.7755808
    What? Shit I wish I had either, you probably misread, I don't have friends or a social life. Also s virgin and for the past months, I dunno, a lack of intimacy, romantic human contact or at least what o think it feels like is getting to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)13:12 No.7755881

    You said you're getting "better" so i'm sure you're talking to someone in order to fix your social skills. you can't just fix your social skills with random strangers on the street.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)13:17 No.7755914
    I feel for you bro. I just wish I had someone to hug. The lack of sex is hardly getting to me despite 23 years without it but the love. God I wish I could experience it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)13:35 No.7756031
    i don't og out.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)13:52 No.7756190
    You wish I ever went out.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)13:55 No.7756212
    I go to the gym and I just keep to myself. I don't know how other people perceive me. In class I am conversational and I flirt with girls in my classes. Then I come home and read Feynman's lectures on Physics while playing guitar.

    I don't know what people would think of me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)14:19 No.7756304
    i'm seen as an outcast.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:04 No.7756662
    I sit in the back of the class being dead silent. Once class is over I immediately leave for the next class and sit in the room until class starts. Once it's over I go home.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:23 No.7756836

    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:45 No.7757060
    The last time I went out a bunch of girls started to point and laugh at me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:52 No.7757136
    >Has friends
    >Social butterfly
    Is this really what foreveralones think of other people? Like everybody just gallops around like confident little hippies, hugging and kissing all the time.
    Uber confident playboys are just as rare as virgin basement dwellers. Most people are pretty insecure, they just don't show it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:55 No.7757147
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:55 No.7757148
    I only go outside for uni. I hang around the same three guys during lunch to draw less attention but hardly talk to them.
    I want to keep a low profile and sitting alone in a corner during lunch break is not the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)15:56 No.7757158
    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)16:19 No.7757324
    don't make fun of me. ;-;
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)16:31 No.7757420
    hit the nail on the head.
    I'd like to add though I do the latter because I like solitude. I rather enjoy doing things alone. I have good social skills and can talk to be people rather well. Also, take note it's easier to talk to strangers than people who know you/see you daily.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)16:32 No.7757446

    Can I ask why you even bother to socialize if you don't have any friends or know anyone on a personal level?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)16:33 No.7757453
    holy shit you are in every thread that has this sort of shit.
    Are you the same person always making these threads asking questions constantly?!
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)16:39 No.7757513
    I do know people on a personal level. I even say I have friends but I don't really want any. Just recently after high school ended my really good friend still wanted me to come over despite the fact that I always say no. They always want me to hang out with them even though I try to be mean to get them away from me. I pretty much shooed all my friends away because you can't be judged when you're alone. It's sad though, he and couple of other friends still call me/text me updating me on their lives and I just wish they forgot about me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)16:46 No.7757584
    deal with it faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)17:26 No.7757973
    Last time I went out was back in november...
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)17:48 No.7758216
    dat bee.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:11 No.7758513

    >friendless by choice

    than you can get friends whenever you want?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)18:40 No.7758835
    I don't have friends, I didn't have them in college and I haven't had them since I graduated.
    Outside the house, I move and act like any regular person.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)19:05 No.7759125
    I never go out OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)19:06 No.7759142
    i dunno. sometimes, rarely though, again sometimes. sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)19:09 No.7759185
    i've never walked a girl to class, i'm either alone or with a group of dudes. girls will approach my friends but never speak to me, i never make eye contact with anyone...ever.

    at parties i usually sit in a corner by myself unless im really drunk, then i'm actually social.

    i dont think i'll ever have a real girlfriend, hookup or lose my v.

    i'm constantly being told i look depressed, or i'm depressing. it sucks dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)19:16 No.7759248
    Back then I used to care about people in general, I would be walking on the street and thinking how friendless I was, looking at the people passing by, I just ignore everything and try to focus on something, like studying or reading, thinking about something else.
    One thing taught me that having ''friends'' isn't as good as I imagined, even though I do talk with a few people, but ''going out with friends'' isn't the meaning of life

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