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  • File : 1315772445.jpg-(62 KB, 300x274, suicide682n.jpg)
    62 KB Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:20 No.7733831  
    For the last year or two I have been thinking about suicide every day.

    I finally came to stage where I don't care about anything anymore, because I know that I will do it.

    The question is when, how and what should I do before?

    Should I write a letter if everyone close to me knows the reasons of my depression?

    And no, I don't want faggots talking me out of it. I don't want to suffer for your enjoyment and so others can feel better than me. I won't give you the pleasure.

    Should I even care? I'm a walking corpse
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:23 No.7733868
    well, why to go out with suicide? If you want to die why don't you want to do it heroicly? Go fight some terrorists. Fuck up with the mob. You are going to die anyway. It's your chance to become a star
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:25 No.7733884
    sure faggot, whatever you say pussy bitch

    everyone knows you're too scared to actually do it, why? because then you'll be offing yourself this very instant rather than attention whoring on /adv/ - attention whore central

    pack up your tears and listen to more linken park you insufferable cunt
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:28 No.7733902
    I will explain - because that internet bullshit is just bullshit.

    When you want to do suicide you don't want to put effort into pretty much anything. I don't want to fight terrorists because I don't care. I don't want to do "heroic things" because I don't care. I want to cease existing.

    I hate it when some internet professors think of this bullshit that looks good in paper but never works out IRL.

    I will have one free week from work this month. I planned to go to my father's place and rest at nature from all the stress.

    I will probably just go somewhere far, far in the woods or some deserted place and commit suicide, so my body can't be found.

    Will send text to someone saying that I'm dead.

    I shouldn't really care, but I don't want to disturb my parents by cutting up veins in house or create unnecessary drama, so people would "feel sorry for me". No, fuck that. I will disappear.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:29 No.7733915
    I'm not crying. I have cried out everything. It is very scary though ,I agree. You have to be a real man to do suicide. I was on rooftop and looked down and it was so scary its insane. Your body protests in all ways possible. Somehow you have to trick your body, possibly get drunk and then kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:31 No.7733936
    I feel exactly like you. I want to kill myself but I haven't yet had that final push. I plan to either OD, jump, or use a gun.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:32 No.7733946
    what was that?


    thats all I'm hearing from you

    >You have to be a real man to do suicide.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:33 No.7733957
    Is the pic related on how you intend to kill yourself OP?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:34 No.7733960
    could you at least tell my why you want to commit suicide?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:35 No.7733966
    Not the guy you were talking to, but you are an enormous bag of douche.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:36 No.7733974
    A tip - if you don't want to create drama or stress for your family, make your death look accidental.
    If you overdose on heroin and coke, no-one will feel sorry for you, just put it down to an accident, and your family will be spared the trauma of thinking it was them who cause the suicide.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:36 No.7733979
    Yeah, I know I should do it now, I just feel like I need to do something, I dunno what. My body keeps finding some hope that isn't actually there. Some reason to not kill myself. If I had a gun by my side I would have done it long ago.

    But I'm weak, I agree. Suicide takes strength. I have to muster it up somehow.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:37 No.7733989
    LOL, it's weird because just today I told my mother that before dying I would spend all money I have on drugs just to feel what it's like.

    She thought I was talking about old age. Well, not really.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:38 No.7733998
    instead of suicide, go join the army.

    be infrantry.

    take out some faggots then die in a blaze of glory, because god knows, if you bitch about suicide your not actually going to do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:40 No.7734015
    Not many soldiers see front line action.
    Even less of them die in a heroic firefight with the enemy.
    Most of the deaths are from IED's. And the chances are OP would just fuck up and become a parapaligic, making his already shit life even shitter.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:42 No.7734036
    In all honesty if you just act happy around your parents, say you're going out for a bit, and then go somewhere secluded and OD, chances area verdict of death by misadventure will be returned, as opposed to intentional suicide. You parents will just assume you had a drug problem they didn't know about and, while feeling sad that you died, won't take the guilt of thinking they caused you to die.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:43 No.7734044

    There are many reasons and here are all of them:
    1) BDD. I am not good looking enough. I tried all I could to improve my looks, but never became as good looking as I wanted to. And plastic surgery can't improve my looks much because of bad bone structure.
    2) I'm balding. This makes me even uglier as my head shape can't rock the bald look.
    3) I have nobody in this life. Have never had sex, never had a girlfriend, I'm rejected by girls. Mostly due to my lack of good looks. (inb4 personality, we all know that is bs and that is not what the thread is about)
    4) I'm not rich and my family isn't either. I have worked on earning money, I have 9-6 job, but it just isn't enough. I can't even afford the hair transplant or plastic surgery.

    I think those are the main reasons. It all has made my life insufferable. The most at peace I am when I think how I will just disappear/vanish and there will be no more pain, no more feeling of inferiority, no more loneliness, nothing.

    And don't shun me ok. I told you because you asked.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:44 No.7734049
    Hmm, that might be a problem actually, because my parents and best friend all know I am very depressed.

    But yes, your idea is generally good.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:46 No.7734063
    I don't want to join the army. Why would I? I don't want to spend time around men. I don't see the point of doing it. I don't care.

    You obviously don't know how suicidal feels.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:48 No.7734077
    What are OPs circumstances? I mean age / social status / location / etc. How you should do it depends on what is available to you.

    There is no way to off yourself without upsetting your parents -- I think that's pretty obvious -- but as people here have said, if it looks like an accident it will be somewhat easier for them to grieve.

    captcha: oversell that

    (I don't think I have, I'm just saying...)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:51 No.7734098

    thanks for the answer.
    I won't lie to you by saying that i understand how you feel.

    But i think can fully understand your first point.
    The dissapointment of not being as good as you want to be.
    But you can always search for something that will make you feel complete.

    If you feel nice when thinking about dissapearing, why don't you travel somewhere abroad? somewhere where you don't know anyone?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:51 No.7734099
    I'm all of that and you don't see me whining on the internet feeding on attention and generally behave like a woman on her period.

    Heh, reminds me of the male/female suicide statistic difference, where most of the men actually succeeded whilst the women were doing it for attention.

    You want unconditional love? Get a bitch (HUEHUEHUE I mean a dog), it works. Preferbly a energetic breed, like huskys, so you'll get the exercise bonus with it.

    Seriously, get a dog.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:52 No.7734107
    What is your job, OP?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:57 No.7734134
    >If you feel nice when thinking about dissapearing, why don't you travel somewhere abroad? somewhere where you don't know anyone?
    I've thought about this but unfortunately I am too logical and too aware of the situation to fool myself into thinking this will be a solution.

    The thing is, I realize how objectively I look to other people. I will have this problem no matter where I go. Beauty is universal, so I can't really run away from the shallowness of humans as it is ingrained in genes and global.

    The only solution would be to live somewhere alone from society, where I wouldn't be judged. But I would still be judging myself. I would know that I'm not as good. I would know that I'm nothing.

    Really, I have tried, but I can't fool myself into thinking that life is better than it is.

    In a way I am an idealist and my ambitions exceed my talents and situation.

    This can ruin ones life and people with BDD or suffering from illusions of grandiose know it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:57 No.7734136
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:58 No.7734138
    I work in an office dealing with company incorporations.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:59 No.7734148
    Again, that is bullshit and just doesn't work. Stop it. You haven't been suicidal, you don't know how it feels. The last thing a person wants to do is "HURR DURR BE AWESUMM XDDDD"

    Although in a way I am free now. I'm not scared of anything. I am looking to take drugs for my hairloss in a vain hope to get my hair to regrow because I simply don't care about side effects, about impotence, about health. I don't give a shit because I feel like I am destined to eliminate myself soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:00 No.7734156
    Killing yourself because you can't get a girlfriend? Lol. It has nothing to do with your looks and everything to do with you moping around and feeling sorry for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:00 No.7734161
    But I am a male. I have a dog, but I want to feel the warmth of a female and real love, real feelings to me.

    I want a nice looking girl, but nice looking girls want hot guys. I'm not one of them. Too bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:02 No.7734169
    >continue to reply to posts and bathe in attention instead of doing it
    think we got a woman on our hands
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:03 No.7734179
    Dude, please stop this bullshit. It's not like I was moping around when I approached dozens of women and emailed hundreds of them on dating sites only to end up with nothing.

    Believe me, I have done my part, I have tried, I have studied pickup and what not. I have gone through it. Give me a break, I can tell you safely that it is all about looks in the end. If you lack them, sorry, either you settle for some hideous girl (I better die) or just be forever alone (again, I better be dead).

    It's also not only about girls. I want to be ATTRACTIVE, HOT, HANDSOME. Model tier good looking. I really want it. It's the one thing that I want most in life.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:05 No.7734191
    Attention? I just wanted to talk. I don't even have a trip, nor have posted a pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:06 No.7734196

    you realize of course that there are many other ways to get them. Success, money etc.
    I know that this won't necessarily mean that you will get their love with that way. This is not guaranteed with looks only too.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:06 No.7734206

    If you're not scared of anything, have you considered trying anti-depressants?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:08 No.7734221
    Not really. Waste of money. I don't need to trick my mind into believing what is not there. I will better spend that money on fucking some whores bareback so I am not at least a virgin before I die, so I at least know what sex is.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:09 No.7734229
    Well. I want to be good looking ok. Success is money. And earning enough money to make up for lack of looks is near impossible in my case. If I get the millions or whatever by age of 40 then it won't matter, I will be too old for life anyway. Those who are born in rich families - good for them. I'm not one of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:10 No.7734234

    Yeah? I want to spend my entire life travelling, meeting new people, learning languages, all while never having to worry about funds or having to join something like the army or the peace corps. But that's not going to fucking happen, get over it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:10 No.7734240
    This way of thinking is majorly flawed, it totally defeats the reasons of being suicidal in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:11 No.7734245


    Sorry I had to.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:12 No.7734251
    Yes. Some things are just destined not to happen. I didn't ask much. I didn't ask to be a gajillionaire, get a Noble prize or become a movie star. I just wanted to be good looking. More than anything.

    I can't have that. I can't be happy. What is the point of living if I will never in my life be happy? With each passing year (I'm 24) I will only get older and uglier, meaning more accumulating pain and sadness. Fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:12 No.7734252
    You're completely delusional if you think being "model tier" suddenly makes you happy. Just from reading this thread I can tell you would be unhappy regardless of how you looked. Your brain is fucking with you and you need help to reframe your life. Go see a pychiatrist.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:13 No.7734256

    >pack up your tears and listen to more linken park you insufferable cunt

    (Not OP) I was feeling a bit angry, then I read that line and it made me LOLOLOLOL. I now have a smile on my face. Thank you man, thank you.
    >> when 09/11/11(Sun)17:13 No.7734261
    if you have money and success you can have more than many good looking guys.
    As i told you before i can understand the need to be looking good, but man in this world money is sometimes enouph to get you whatever you like.

    And making money out of something you are really good its going to do wonders for your mentality
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:14 No.7734270

    Ok, so your problem is you're shallow... and don't have the looks to back it up.

    I *do* sympathize because I *have* felt that way. You shouldn't kill yourself, though -- instead you should work on becoming a better person. If you want to know how, I will tell you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:14 No.7734271
    I will see a shrink if he will make me rich or very attractive.

    You can talk all this bullshit but studies show that hot people are treated better, are happier, have more partners and get more opportunities in life. It is not delusion, it is a fact that hot people have much better lives. It is not in my head, it is right there - at the dating site when I message a girl with my profile and get ignored while if I change the picture to a hot guy, I will get invited to have sex with her.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:15 No.7734281
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    >too old for life
    lol 4/10
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:17 No.7734292

    Dating sites are for loooossseerrrss. And when you approached those women I bet you were really shy and like 'eeerrrrrrr umm ahh well you see uhh', and you probably hadn't showered in a week. AM I RIGHT THOUGH!?!?!?!?!?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:17 No.7734299
    You know. I don't want you to tell me anything.

    I was a good person.

    I'm not shallow, I'm just honest. I know why good looking people get treated better. It is based on science and theory of evolution, it shows that you have better genes. It shows that you are a better mating option. It is not shallow to like people because of their looks, so I don't blame women for not liking me and going for a hotter guy. I'm not a crazy psycho who will go on a killing spree, because it is not her fault for wanting the best. It is not my fault for wanting a hot girl as well.

    Yes, I'm "shallow" and don't have the looks to back it up. I was a good person, believe me, a kind and loving kid, too bad nobody cared.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:19 No.7734312
    So from what I can make out, all you want is a girl. Jesus, I don't even want to give you advice, absolutely pathetic. There are ugly girls, you know? There are girls you can manipulate into sex using intelligence. I've done been there done that, look at the majority of people on /adv/ in re guard's to relationships. They're nothing worth dying over, trust me - and even the best of us end up settling for a girl. My last girlfriends is absolutely beautiful and I'm pretty average really, but I have long hair, that's her thing. Point is there are many ways of achieving things. Giving up isn't one of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:19 No.7734317

    Fuck dude, you're so jealous you're going to kill yourself?

    Just because you aren't rich or beautiful doesn't mean you can't be happy. Don't you know that?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:20 No.7734322
    You are wrong. I was very confident for a long time. I approached random women at clubs, on street, in social circle as well. I wasn't shy and creepy. I'm a tall and fit guy that dresses well (maxed out my looks), so I was confident in my self, but they just rejected me despite all that. Ignored me, never answered my texts, were creeped out by me (because only hot guys are sexy if they are confident.).

    I think I have deeply fallen in love with 3 women/girls in my life and all have rejected me.

    Now I don't even afford myself to fall in love, I don't even look at hot women. I hate seeing something I will never have. I don't even visit sites that would have pictures of hot people in them. I can't go to my fathers place when my hot cousin is there, because I know she wants the guy from twilight and wouldn't give me a second look because she is hot and I'm a balding uggo with huge forehead.

    I know it is not my fantasy, so I can't really do anything. When you have exhausted your options and have no more hope, you want to die.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:21 No.7734336
    I know that feel OP.
    I planned on killing myself summer before last after setting the date about 3 years prior. I started thinking sort of like >>7733868 and actually ended up carrying a gun around with me looking for some decent reason to die, hoping someone would try robbing me one night while I was walking around at night or something. Looking back, it was sort of like Robert Deniro in Taxi Driver.
    I saved up about $8k, had 20 OC20s that I had a prescription for from a surgery I had in 2008 and planned on taking a massive trip spending all of my money on high class hookers, and drugs if I encountered decent stuff while I was travelling then telling my parents that I'm just staying wherever I'm at and want a fresh start so I'm just cutting all ties and all that jazz, then getting rid of my passport and any identification, and ODing in an area that's fairly humid so my body would decompose faster.
    What eventually happened is I started doing drugs just a bit before my planned summer and actually enjoyed going out and all that. While I still think about killing myself every now and then it's not a constant thing like it was before.
    tl;dr Do some Cocaine, or X if you can find decent stuff.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:21 No.7734339
    >Just because you aren't rich or beautiful doesn't mean you can't be happy. Don't you know that?
    Actually it does.

    Nothing would make me happier than having a good looking partner who would really love me.

    This is impossible if I'm not good looking and very rich (at least then someone would pretend).

    I'm too logical and smart for my own good to fool myself into thinking that "I can be happy just like that". No, I know how the world works. I have studied it, I have seen evidence that world is a shallow, harsh place. I'm not a fool to deny it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:23 No.7734351

    > It is not shallow to like people because of their looks

    No, dude, I think that's the very definition of shallow.

    It's not shallow to be /attracted/ to people because of their looks, but if someone needs to be attractive for you to like them... that is shallow.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:23 No.7734352
    >fell in love with 3 girls before dating them

    It's painfully obvious that you aren't confident, witty, playful, funny, spontaneous or any of the things you could actually control to get girls. You just thought you were, tried a couple times, and said "oh well, it must be because of looks".
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:24 No.7734355
    And this ladies and gentleman is what today's mass media does to people. You're so caught up in what you 'think' women want you've never given yourself the opportunity to learn. Status, looks, attention and confidence. So you don't have looks, so what? Make what you DO have stand out. The dating market is like any other market, sell yourself, make yourself a commodity, something special, fcking learn to love yourself. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:24 No.7734359
    Exactly something a person who gets laid would say.

    You don't know how it's like to be a life-long virgin while having some standards, don't you?

    If you don't, then shut up.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:27 No.7734376
    Not a couple of times.

    Also, if a hot guy wasn't all that, he would still get laid.

    See. Looks trump everything. So I am lesser being than the hot guy and I have to work my ass off to get anywhere...or nowhere. Fuck this gay earth.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:30 No.7734391
    I just want to be beautiful dude. I don't even care about the money. Don't you see all the "cool" individuals are always portrayed as beautiful in media? All the hot actors, on posters, in ads, even in fucking video games like Final Fantasy which I can't play anymore because of getting jealous. I know it's crazy, but it's true that in 21st century it's all about looks. But it really has always been that way. Look at how popular good looking singers and artists are. It just isn't fair that you are judged on your looks, yet I'm judging others as well, despite not wanting to I am more attracted to good looking women. I wish I wasn't, but I can't command my body.

    Basically I hate the whole situation, the whole construct of natural selection, the whole species, everything. I can't live in this model and want to leave it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:30 No.7734394
    It doesn't matter how many times. If you do it wrong every time, you're going to get a bad result every time. You're doing it wrong.

    Also, you're now whining because life is hard. I wonder why you can't get laid?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:31 No.7734402

    Frankly, OP, I'm calling you on your bullshit. Post a pic if you are such a fucking uggo. Pics or STFU.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:32 No.7734415

    So first of all, if you have no problem pointing out the reasons you are depressed, you're not suffering from clinical depression.

    Second, I too am ugly as shit, come from a poor family and my social and love life is a definition of the word fail.

    Third, even though your case doesn't seem to be a matter of some brain malfunction (as in underproduction of dopamine or what not), professional psychological help is still the key here. So realize your state is possible to change so if you gonna off yourself, just keep in mind that you're wrong thinking 'there is no other way' or 'I've tried everything'.

    Fourth, if you do pursue your plan of suicide in the woods, text someone your GPS position so that they can find your body, so that your parents won't think you just ran away and you're still alive. Spare them the suffering.

    Personally I'd prefer drowning in the sea. And for the last half a year I do think about suicide everyday. Currently waiting in the line for therapy. Three weeks to go.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:32 No.7734418
    I'm not ugly I'm just not as hot as I want to be. I'm average.

    I actually have posted my pics on /adv/ before. But I won't do it because I'm not a fucking attention whore and don't need people telling me that I look good or okay or whatever.

    I know the truth. I will never be model tier and that is enough to make me fucking hate my face.

    It's nobody's fault. My mother and father were good looking, it's just random genetic mutation that fucked me over big time.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:33 No.7734421
    Dude, there's your problem. I bet you're the kind of guy that has come across the most caring, internally beautiful girl that had the appearance of a crumbled crisp packet but turned her down because you couldn't bare the thought of waking up next to her everyday. Truth is we all bang a few ugly girls, I'll level with you - my first girlfriend was absolutely hideous but we clicked and i thought 'why the fuck not?'. Turned out she messed up my view on women for 3 years because she was absolutely crazy, but i learnt something and I took a risk. You're right, i don't understand what it feels like to be a life long virgin because I decided at 16 that I wouldn't let that happen. I'm not attractive, I'm also bolding and I'm only fucking 20! I've lost my girlfriend whom i still love and I haven't exactly got the brightest future ahead of me financially. I'm not going to give up though, neither should you. I want you to understand how society has moulded the very thought patterns that are holding you back. I do know what it feel like to want to die and I want to talk this through with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:33 No.7734424
    1st world problems lol.

    >I'm too logical and smart for my own good

    Lol yet here you sit depressed and suicidal. Bra you r a super smaart haxxor.

    Also post a pic OP. I wan't to see how ugly you really are. If you are really suicidal it won't matter if you post a picture because you are going to die anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:34 No.7734430
    Try ADD, BDD, social anxiety, Clinical Depression, and Homosexuality.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:35 No.7734442
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    I'm pretty much just like the OP (sick of the idea that I'll be treated as subhuman no matter what because I'm ugly), but I actually consider turning to some ill-conceived attempt at vigilantism and allowing myself to be murdered. Not the worst way to die, I think.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:35 No.7734443
    >So first of all, if you have no problem pointing out the reasons you are depressed, you're not suffering from clinical depression.
    Possible, but I am feeling bad.

    >Second, I too am ugly as shit, come from a poor family and my social and love life is a definition of the word fail.
    Doesn't make me feel any better bro.

    >Third, even though your case doesn't seem to be a matter of some brain malfunction (as in underproduction of dopamine or what not), professional psychological help is still the key here. So realize your state is possible to change so if you gonna off yourself, just keep in mind that you're wrong thinking 'there is no other way' or 'I've tried everything'.
    He won't make me attractive or rich, just take my money for exchange of some words. No sane and logical thinking person would ever think that would solve the problem. Shrink won't make my face more attractive to women and I want a woman.

    >Fourth, if you do pursue your plan of suicide in the woods, text someone your GPS position so that they can find your body, so that your parents won't think you just ran away and you're still alive. Spare them the suffering.
    I would tell I killed myself, but I would do it so they can't find the body, because it makes the more hurt to see myself in such a bad state.

    >Personally I'd prefer drowning in the sea. And for the last half a year I do think about suicide everyday. Currently waiting in the line for therapy. Three weeks to go.
    Good idea. Actually breathing in water is pretty painless and very quick way to die. But my body will float up eventually.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:37 No.7734460
    Dude, did you know most people that are intelligent aren't happy? It is because ignorant people do not realize how bad the world is. They don't realize how fucked up they are.

    Stupid people will think they get rejected because "she was a bitch", but a person who has read several studies and knows this shit will know that the reason is because he didn't meet the requirements for mating.

    Intelligent = not happy.

    I'm also not saying I'm very intelligent. Just over average. My I.Q. is 124 and I have masters degree in law.

    Not the most stupid person but not a genius either.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:39 No.7734475
    >So first of all, if you have no problem pointing out the reasons you are depressed, you're not suffering from clinical depression.

    Second, I too am ugly as shit, come from a poor family and my social and love life is a definition of the word fail.

    Third, even though your case doesn't seem to be a matter of some brain malfunction (as in underproduction of dopamine or what not), professional psychological help is still the key here. So realize your state is possible to change so if you gonna off yourself, just keep in mind that you're wrong thinking 'there is no other way' or 'I've tried everything'.

    Fourth, if you do pursue your plan of suicide in the woods, text someone your GPS position so that they can find your body, so that your parents won't think you just ran away and you're still alive. Spare them the suffering.

    Personally I'd prefer drowning in the sea. And for the last half a year I do think about suicide everyday. Currently waiting in the line for therapy. Three weeks to go.
    It doesn't and I have posted a pic before. But that will derail the thread, because everyone will start discussing my looks even more and start giving me life advice on what I should do.

    I'm not ugly ok. But I'm not good looking as well. I'm not as hot as I want to be. that is enough for me to be unhappy. And that is what matters.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:41 No.7734494
    You clearly don't understand what intelligence is.
    Also post your ugly face, I'm genuinely curious as to how ugly you are.
    Also I'm 5'7 and 110 pounds and have slept with around 15 women, if that makes you feel any better.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:43 No.7734503

    >I'm not ugly I'm just not as hot as I want to be. I'm average.

    You want to kill yourself because you didn't win the genetic lottery?!

    > I actually have posted my pics on /adv/ before. But I won't do it because I'm not a fucking attention whore

    No, you WISH YOU COULD BE a fucking attention whore, which might be even worse!

    You have a terrible attitude OP, and you need to spend some time around people experiencing REAL HUMAN SUFFERING. You think you have it so bad? Go to group grief counseling for people who have lost a loved one to suicide! Listen to their deep emotional anguish and tell me your problems mean anything. Hopefully the irony won't be lost on you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:45 No.7734528
    >You want to kill yourself because you didn't win the genetic lottery?!

    "What is the point of living if you are not beautiful?"

    >You have a terrible attitude OP, and you need to spend some time around people experiencing REAL HUMAN SUFFERING. You think you have it so bad? Go to group grief counseling for people who have lost a loved one to suicide! Listen to their deep emotional anguish and tell me your problems mean anything. Hopefully the irony won't be lost on you.
    Please stop comparing. I know about Africa, but that doesn't work on me. I simply don't care about them. I'm an egoist.

    I do feel sorry for the hockey player that was left with 80% burns after the plane crash. I almost cried. But that is rare.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:47 No.7734553
    > He won't make me attractive or rich, just take my money for exchange of some words. No sane and logical thinking person would ever think that would solve the problem. Shrink won't make my face more attractive to women and I want a woman.

    True, but they can make you less obsessed with money and looks. Confidence and/or acceptance could not only make you feel better but also attract people around you. You know, I'm not a shrink. I'm a guy who needs one. But I've seen this stuff working.

    > I would tell I killed myself, but I would do it so they can't find the body, because it makes the more hurt to see myself in such a bad state.

    The fact that you texted someone that you're dead is not a 100% evidence that you are. So you will be presumed missing until they find your body.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:48 No.7734560
    Agreed. Someone truly intelligent can adapt to any situation in his given circumstance's. OP needs to accept his flaws and with that accept his good traits too. Learning to love yourself is the key to being immediately attractive, you exude a vibe that says something to a women - i know for a fact that this kind of REAL confidence get's unattractive guys girls every single fucking day. Why? Because someone who loves them self can also laugh at them self, laugh at life and love being who are. Whatever that is. Girls want a man that could live with or without them, it inspires something in there heart. You must become that man, not a pretender or a faker that things some cheap psychology will cut it. Learn that life isn't all about the material and despite your negative view on the world everyone has something in them that transcends these shallow surface desires you talk about.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:49 No.7734574
    >mentally unstable
    >women don't like me because of my looks
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:50 No.7734585
    go out with style... join the army and become a suicidal bastard not afraid to do a thing cause you don't got nothing to lose... like in them movies...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:54 No.7734620
    pull yourself together go get high or drunk or something boost your self confidence jsut let it play it start talking to girls... youll feel a lot better...
    you cant get a woman when youre dead...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:55 No.7734637

    This guy has it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:57 No.7734652
    >True, but they can make you less obsessed with money and looks. Confidence and/or acceptance could not only make you feel better but also attract people around you. You know, I'm not a shrink. I'm a guy who needs one. But I've seen this stuff working.
    But I don't want to be less obsessed. My level of caring for these things is equally proportional to their importance in society. I am not exaggerating importance of looks and money, therefore it would be foolish to try to fool me into thinking these things do not matter.
    >The fact that you texted someone that you're dead is not a 100% evidence that you are. So you will be presumed missing until they find your body.
    That is fucking stupid.
    FALSE. I became like this AFTER getting rejected. Learn about cause and effect bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:58 No.7734660
    >Someone truly intelligent can adapt to any situation in his given circumstance's.
    True. But not any situation is adaptable. For example, if I want to become very good looking but am not able to do so despite maxing out my looks with all ways possible. This is the case. All I have left is plastic surgery, but I did photoshops of me after the procedures and I didn't become "hot" like I want to. Basically the bone structure is impossible to change no matter how many surgeries I perform. So logically, being an intelligent being I am, I realize that I won't reach the goal in a million years and will live a sad life.
    >OP needs to accept his flaws and with that accept his good traits too.
    I will not accept by sub-human status. I better be dead.
    >Learning to love yourself is the key to being immediately attractive, you exude a vibe that says something to a women - i know for a fact that this kind of REAL confidence get's unattractive guys girls every single fucking day.
    Because it is a myth and they don't. Because a few you see are rich. If a short and bald guy is happy and love himself the society still sees him as a short and ugly guy...perhaps a bit delusional. It doesn't matter how you feel, because the society will judge you on your:
    1) Looks
    2) Money
    3) Status
    >Because someone who loves them self can also laugh at them self, laugh at life and love being who are. Whatever that is. Girls want a man that could live with or without them, it inspires something in there heart.
    No, they want someone with good genes and who can provide for family.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:58 No.7734665
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:58 No.7734668
    life is not movies silly child.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:01 No.7734685
    You should make it look like an accident or a murder or something

    that way they won't feel as bad. Suicide tends to make them blame themselves and can trigger suicdes after it (like a suicide cascade)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:02 No.7734701
    The post is wrong. I refuted it. It's another "feel good post" fooling people into thinking they have life under control and can just have a good personality and it will all be great.

    There is no vibe. Go on a dating site and make 2 profiles with different looking guys (hot and not hot). You will see that no vibe matters, it is the face.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:04 No.7734711
    You are completely and utterly wrong, check out my post again. The guy I replied to is, in fact one of those guys (no offence buddy). If you'll just settle your racing mind for a moment, read over the paragraph a few times and allow yourself to digest it maybe you'll take something away from this thread. I genuinely want you understand that your thinking isn't objective and it's based on subjective observation - therefore, not fact. You're sub-human, you are just another bro. I don't care what you look like and I'm trying to help you completely anonymously, isn't that enough for you realise you ARE worth something.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:04 No.7734712
    Now that I think of it...I don't really care. My mother and grandmother would kill themselves 90% no matter what. Because they have said many times I'm the only thing in their life.

    My father has a daughter, so he probably won't kill himself, but be depressed.

    But I can't continue living and suffering this miserable life as a sub-human because of others. I have to make my own choices. I'm a big boy now.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:05 No.7734721
    You're not-
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:05 No.7734722
    How do we move from the "knowledge" phase to the actual doing? I know if I exercise I'll lose weight, but I still sit here.
    Ya dig?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:06 No.7734739
    To anything you say I will say this:

    - Go on dating site and post with average and hot guy with identical profile descriptions and see who gets more phone numbers, more invitations, more responses.

    There is nothing to discuss anymore. Facts speak for themselves.

    Looks is [near] everything.

    Want to argue? Do the experiment first.

    Too scared from the truth.

    I understand...I was, too.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:06 No.7734743
    OP, I would like to say I have felt the same way about you, but that would be lying to you and myself, but yeah, I hated myself because I'm not good looking, every person I have tried befriend has rejected me, even my own family rejected me, but one day I went for a jog just to forget about everything, it felt fucking amazing, I stopped hating myself so much, sure it was a slow proccess but I did. And no, I'm still a loner, but I feel happy about myself.

    My point is, why don't you try doing some stuff you like? Who the fuck cares about women and love bullshit? I've never felt loved in my life but who the fuck cares? Not me.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:07 No.7734752
    So I can kidnap you, use your phone and text your parents that you're dead and they'll be like 'ok, this message is all we need for a proof, funeral tiem'

    fucking moron

    And if you're that obsessed with money and looks just make a god damn career, become rich, hot girls will beg you to let them live in your palace. Truly, if my problem was just making a ton of money, I'd be a happy person.

    Now I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:09 No.7734781
    good advice, the truly strong people can learn to live without others' affection
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:09 No.7734785
    >My point is, why don't you try doing some stuff you like?
    I love being good looking and being with good looking women who like me. What now, Sherlock?

    >Who the fuck cares about women and love bullshit? I've never felt loved in my life but who the fuck cares? Not me.
    Well, I do care. It is great that you might not need love and companionship, but I have always desired since I was young. I can't tell my body not to desire it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:10 No.7734798
    I need money for ME, so I can afford plastic surgery not to attract women. I don't want a gold digger to find me attractive for my STASH OF GOLD. Fuck that shit.

    Also, you are speaking of "getting rich" like it was so easy. It requires extreme amount of effort, time and luck. So basically sweating my ass off for 20+ years just to get some old gold digger in the end? No, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:11 No.7734801
    good parts of life end around 22, 30 at the very, very latest.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:11 No.7734805
    You change your goals in life completely. I think the key is doing it for yourself, saying to yourself - 'Today I'm going to respect who i am and what i can be and change - for the sake of my health and no one else.' Repeat that to yourself and keep strong everyday, you'll slip up - we all do but every day you put a little something in you get a little something out. Sorta like an RPG if you will. Look at it as a game, make it fun. That'll keep your endurance and long term stay-ability up. In short there is no EASY answer to learning to love yourself but knowing how much YOU can benefit from it is key. Doing it for society or anyone else will get you no where.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:12 No.7734822
    what good parts?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:15 No.7734848
    Yeah, lying to yourself really feels good doesn't it.

    Op here. You are probably right. The careless young years are over for me. In a way I don't regret much because it's not like I was good looking and didn't socialize, missing opportunities. Nope, I did socialize and was a regular kid. I was just not lucky enough to be born with the alpha genes. So naturally, I didn't get all the fun of going to parties, drinking, fucking girls and being a "COOL TEENAGER". I tried making up for it by going to clubs later, but it's still about the looks man and my ripped body didn't help one bit.

    Now basically I realize I have missed everything but not due to my own fault. I'm 24. I have the education and career possibilities, but I'm deeply upset due to things that are out of my control.

    If I get extremely lucky, I would wind up with dozen thousand of dollars to perform the necessary surgeries and hair transplant and then I would be "hot"...hopefully. I would be happy if I would look at the mirror and see that my face looks just as I want it to. I would be so fucking happy like no other person in this world. I could do anything then...but it just a dream.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:16 No.7734850
    women will put up with unattractive rich men, but they will cheat on them with attractive poor men

    that's not winning, that's not even tieing.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:16 No.7734851
    in that case my advice for you would be to spend the rest of your life waiting for Leprechaun and a beautiful Princess. Or a goldfish, I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:16 No.7734859

    Well, then fuck you.

    Every guy in this thread is giving you advice how to help you, but you make excuses how much of needy piece of shit you are. Why did you even made this thread? You should kill have yourself already because this is getting you nowhere.

    Or get a hooker.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:18 No.7734874
    You're half way to the road of accepting yourself, now you need to focus you're mind on the positive things about yourself - however hard, I know you will find something if you try. Giving up is the worst, most unforgivable thing anyone can do in any situation.You shouldn't dare call yourself intelligent because what i said is true and you agreed. An intelligent person will adapt to any situation in any circumstance, ANY. That said, i know you're fighting a psychological battle you'll never win. You can't change your situation so why care so much? THEN and only then can you adapt to it and make your life better. Sure, shallow girls like hot guys, shallow guys like hot girls. Sure, we're all in some varying degree, shallow but if you overcome this and tell a girl about it a guarantee that strength you would of displayed will have her thinking and feeling.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:19 No.7734886
    they have meds that basically stop balding
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:20 No.7734892
    easy sex and not having to work 50+hrs/week
    easy social realionships at school
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:21 No.7734898
    >You should kill have yourself already because this is getting you nowhere.
    Finally you realized it.

    And if you read my original post I never asked for help. I just wanted ideas how to kill myself.

    I won't be your average suffering guy that society can look at and compare themselves to so they feel better.


    I won't spend the rest of my life waiting for anything. I will remove myself from this hypocritical and ugly earth.

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:21 No.7734903
    >easy sex
    Easy if you are good looking.

    Fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:22 No.7734913

    life is only good for attractive men (~15% of them) and 80% of women.

    and mostugly women are just fat, 100% their fault. most ugly men are genetically ugly and unfixable and forced upon them
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:23 No.7734921

    OP I am an ugly woman, I am to my eyes repulsive to most men because due to a skin and joint disorder I am literally covered in stretch marks top to toe, you would recoil in horror if you saw me naked. I have crooked teeth and just a generally ugly face.

    However I have been married for three years now and have a child, and this is not my first relationship either.

    I have had two serious suicide attempts, one where I only lived through divine intervention as I wasn't found for almost a day after my OD, I still have after effects from that years later

    If you just plod along things will plod along with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:23 No.7734924
    ... jordan?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:25 No.7734936
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    Women have it easier. Your egg is more valuable, but sperm is less valuable. Even ugly women can find males to settle with presuming they lower their standards enough.

    I am a male, therefore women have higher requirements for me, because I'm less valuable as a gender. (it's also like that in animal world).

    This is why you can't compare yourself to me.

    It doesn't help that I want an attractive woman.

    Pic related. If only I had a face like this I wouldn't ask for anything else.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:25 No.7734939
    this is true. There are so many things that can go wrong for men while women just have to not be fat (extremely easy) and they will be deemed attractive
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:27 No.7734952
    >Get shiny shorts, boxing gloves, boxing boots, and cape
    >Wear said garments
    >Go out into wilderness and piss off bear
    >When body is found, you look like a badass
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:27 No.7734956
    >most ugly men are genetically ugly and unfixable and forced upon them
    Very true. Despite me being 6'2" tall and very fit I am still not handsome enough to get laid by a nice looking female just because of my face bone structure.

    What is even worse is baldness. It's basically God's saying "let's see now you get laid"
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:28 No.7734959
    All of this over a warm moist hole, do you not see the stupidity genius? And don't talk about affection it's everywhere, in your mother,farther and your best friend. You just want to throw it all away because you don't have the one thing in your life you can't seem to obtain. I'm the guy who's been posting all the 'feel good' posts. I'm not a 'feel good' sort of guy, I'm telling you fucking truth and how I built myself up from a little bullied 14 year old with a part time dad and schizophrenic mother. Life is what you make of it. It's cliché and true. I honestly don't have the energy to invest into this any more if you're going to dismiss my help as nothing more than 'feel good' posts with no substance. You'll feel the benefit if you try. Let yourself at least accept one thing about you, internally or externally that you can say you like. Just one and go from there. All your problem are psychological and with a bit of strength and REAL INTELLIGENCE you can do something.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:29 No.7734977
    >implying reproduction isn't the closest thing we will ever have to the meaning of life.
    Science and Evolution would like a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:30 No.7734992
    I would write a letter. I would write tons of letters and make hidden messages and shit everywhere. I would list a few reasons to why outright and make the rest coded like a giant riddle. My computer would have the bulk of it. I could do something like change file names of shit and make it into a puzzle, hide text documents in the hard drive, and shit like that. I figure it would make everyone feel better about what I did if they knew the reasons. Also it might offer them comfort knowing I'm still communicating to them even after death via discovering my riddles.

    I'm pretty suicidal, but I want to be prepared before I do it. I would want everyone to know my condition and mindset. I wouldn't want people to question my actions or motives. I also wouldn't want to be listed as mentally ill, or the suicide to be a considered an act of depression. They would know everything eventually. Everything would be planned out to the finest detail, and I would be sure to let them see that.

    As for the act of killing myself, there's tons of ideas I have but I'll decide that when the time comes. I do want to go out in an awesome way though, something very memorable.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:31 No.7734995

    yeah fair enough. Once I lowered my standards though I didn't have a problem getting a guy.

    My husband is losing his hair (at 25) and is overweight with an average face. Once I became at peace with being too disfigured to get a guy like in your photo OP I now have a happy life.

    You won't look like that OP, my advice is to lower your standards for women, the best tradeoff with being unattractive is you weed out all superficial whores and you wind up with a valuable woman with a A+ personality.

    Looks fade quick OP.

    I'm not saying all you can get is a woman that looks like me but you can get a woman to marry you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:32 No.7735008
    >Implying your obsession with it isn't the very thing stopping you.

    You are the most intelligent stupid person I have ever met.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:32 No.7735009
    you're 6'2 and want to kill yourself?

    what the everliving fuck
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:32 No.7735014
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    Bro, I was born without the ability to grow hair. Not even eyebrows. I've still been laid and more blowjobs than I remember.

    Pic is me. I'm still suicidal as well, but hair isn't the reason. My mother was hospitalized with bipolar disorder and had multiple suicide attempts that were only thwarted due to luck.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:32 No.7735015
    It is not stupid. It is what we call Natural selection. It is what evolution of species is based on.

    The only possible option for me now to reach my goal by utilizing the little power and intelligence I have left would be the following:
    - Try to get about 40-50k$ for plastic surgery in two years;
    - Perform plastic surgery at best doctors and hair transplant;
    - Take propecia and minoxidil to not lose any more hair.

    If it all works out I should be objectively hot. If not - I'm fucked. to get 50k$ when I earn only 1200$ a month?

    BTW, I hate when people think they can change things by talking. You can't. This is how you can help me:
    1) Make me good looking
    2) Find me a hot girlfriend who would love me.
    3) Give me money

    Everyone can talk and speak bullshit, making themselves feel like they accomplished something. It's no art.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:33 No.7735018
    Your chicks probably weren't hot.

    Anyway, anomaly isn't the trend.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:34 No.7735023
    you gotta get a better job?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:34 No.7735028
    My height never got me laid. They just ask me to close the top window.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:34 No.7735031
    the third one costs like maybe 50$/month
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:34 No.7735032
    It's not that easy where I live. And even a "better job" won't pay me enough money to accumulate that wealth. I'm only 24.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:35 No.7735037
    this conflicts with everything i've ever read on /fit/ and /adv/ over height threads

    ergo you are trolling, 6'2+ get laid without trying
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:35 No.7735039
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    Haven't read the thread.
    >The question is when, how and what should I do before?
    This is entirely your decision. I would probably pick a suicide method with the least amount of pain possible. Maybe a heroin overdose? I've smoked opium before and going out in a blissful nod would be alright. What should you do before? I dunno, get naked cover yourself in blood. Fuck knows your going to die anyway lol who cares. Maybe tell your parents your going on a camping holiday into the wilderness so she just assumes you got lost and died.
    >Should I write a letter if everyone close to me knows the reasons of my depression?
    I think generally clinical depression doesn't have reasons. Again it's up to you, suicide is a very personal decision, nobody on an internet forum can make decisions for you.
    >And no, I don't want faggots talking me out of it. I don't want to suffer for your enjoyment and so others can feel better than me. I won't give you the pleasure.
    Should I even care? I'm a walking corpse
    It's up to you. If you want to suicide then do it. If you want to live then live. Either way stop being such a massive attention whore nobody cares about your 1st world problems.

    Cool pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:37 No.7735055
    That's why I am using it now. I only hope that it will actually WORK.

    But I still need the hair transplant for lost hair. FUE hair transplants cost 5 pounds per graft, that means about 5000 GBP at least just to get a nicer hairline.

    Nosejob - 7000$.
    Chin reduction - 6000$.
    Cheek implants - 7000$.
    + travelling and medication costs.

    All money I have saved up now is 10000$ and I keep it for some dire need. For example, my mother needed money for doctor and I gave her.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:38 No.7735074
    you should get a non-fue transplant because its 3$.. go to h&w. though they're the only good ones for that.

    i can't speak as to the rest of your face
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:38 No.7735079
    I am >>7734921.
    What is it about your face that you would get surgery for? Is it your chin or your nose or something? What makes you look siginificantly different from your ideal?
    What famous person do you most look like?

    I think it's lucky you are even a candidate for surgery, I'm in the same boat as >>7735014 where it's genetic and unfixable.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:38 No.7735080
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    Then tell me the reason I was able to get laid then. I'm not rich (used to live in section 8). Not attractive ( I don't even have eyebrows for gods sakes). But I've gotten with hot chicks before. Actually the first girl I ever made out with ended up becoming prom queen 3 years later.

    It's obviously something I've got that you don't. It's your personality - not your looks.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)18:39 No.7735081
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    This is a myth. I've been to clubs and there are generally tall guys. I'm 6'2" and fit (pic related). I didn't get laid despite approaching women. I also dress well. It is bs. Your face has to be nice.

    I know 2 more friends who are the same height as me and one who is 6'1". All of them are virgins. None of them are hot.

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