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    File : 1313709353.jpg-(157 KB, 1024x768, 1812080.jpg)
    157 KB casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:15 No.7412437  
    people keep telling me i dress funny.

    now i don't see the problem, but some intelligent criticism might help. i wear a t-shirt and jeans every day. i do this because my major happens to be technical and there is a good chance i will get greasy, oily, or just plain dirty on my lab days and i don't see any reason to get anything more than non-stained jeans for the lecture days.

    i dress like this because i value utility, and the cargo pockets hold everything for me. the wide-brim hat is a replacement for sunglasses.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:17 No.7412457
    I dont even know what to tell you
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:17 No.7412459
    10/10 OP, would fuck and suck
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:18 No.7412465
    OP, I'm pretty sure you're only allowed to dress like that if you're someone's dad.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:18 No.7412469
    you look like a farmer
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:18 No.7412472
    Shave off that mustache. It looks silly. And lose some weight.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:18 No.7412474
    Oh man I hope this is fake. Lose the hat. Lose the moustache. Lose some weight.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:19 No.7412480
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:19 No.7412485
    The jeans are fucked. You need ones that first of all fit better and second don't have retarded pockets. Also lose the hat, or just switch to a baseball/trucker cap if you need to wear a hat.

    DON'T GO TO /fa/
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:20 No.7412489

    Cargo pants make you look a bit foolish unless you are actively, and I mean at that moment, engaged in some sort of technical labor. If you fill the pockets and then walk around it will make you look oddly fat too.

    I wouldn't wear a hat like that unless I worked with large animals. People don't wear hats anymore, regardless of their utility.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:20 No.7412490

    never really had a chance to be, but i did work a bit with animal husbandry as a kid, while my family slowly bailed out of farming.

    still live in a farmhouse from the 1890's though. when not at the univ.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:21 No.7412508

    i feel like i look stranger without the mustache.

    i keep a clip on knife in either pocket, and a wallet in one of them for the sake of not getting pickpocketed. if i go in public i have certain jeans to which i have attached fast snaps, and these make pickpocketing even more difficult. i want to have a chance to defend myself if someone wants to rob me.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:21 No.7412510
    just visit /fit/ and read the sticky, then it wont matter what the fuck you wear because you will be swole as fuck.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:22 No.7412518

    also don't think i haven't noticed the "lose weight" part. lost 20lbs within the last couple months, plan on losing more through a less "family supper" environment here. lots of ruffage and proteins.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:23 No.7412527

    just trying to find out what happened that made jeans a non-option really. also t-shirts... seems like these are mainstays of clothing in general
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:23 No.7412530
    Are you a redneck?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:23 No.7412531
    Start by buying some actual nice shirts, if it has a logo or saying on it, your not doing it right. Then get some pants that actually fit you correctly. That hat isn't working for you now but that might change with some better clothes. Ditch the hat for now. That mustache is bad, kill it.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:25 No.7412541

    > [jeans] that fit better

    i am wearing a 38 when i could be wearing as little as a 34, but they no longer carry my kind of cargo jeans where i buy them. can anyone recommend a similar brand? not looking to spend much, since i do beat them around.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:25 No.7412543
    Femanon here. Dear lord, that is the goofiest fuckin' hat I've ever seen. Just get some cheepo ray-ban knock-offs. Stop wearing cargo shorts, and just wear some normal jeans with a tool belt if you really need to hold things, because in all honesty most men stop wearing cargo shorts when they go into highschool, or start wearing them again when they are dads. Since it looks like this was taken in a dorm room, I believe you don't fit into the age range. T-shirts are fine but very dull.

    On lecture days, wear a solid color button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, and jeans with dark colored shoes. I can not begin to describe how much this makes a difference to women. At the very least for all my girl friends and I, any guy who wears a button up shirt just looks so much better.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:25 No.7412545
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    yo. just workout, use tighter pants and use suspenders.

    if you have a good back, you look like hells alpha
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:25 No.7412550
    The pockets at the knees look bad, just straight up look bad.

    Lose the hat
    Lose the mustache (you look stranger with it)
    Get noncargo pants that fit
    Get a fitted shirt

    You'll look fine.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:26 No.7412562

    nope, i haven't even spent two whole days in the appalachians. actually grew up in an old drained swamp. i guess you could say i'm country, but nowadays country means you are a rich farm kid who wears hollister and board shorts daily... so....
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:28 No.7412582
    >wear a solid color button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, and jeans with dark colored shoes.
    This is almost exactly how I dress at work every day. I prefer striped shirts, though. Fuck yeah, I knew I had good taste, even if extremely simple.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:28 No.7412586
    tell them to go fuck themselves

    who gives a fucking fuck what you wear, as long as you're comfortable and happy

    good luck mate
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:29 No.7412592

    Lose the hat, buy some fitted shirts and jeans that actually fit. NOT CARGO PANTS.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:30 No.7412603
    > sleeves rolled to the elbows
    what the fuck? i don't understand this, and it sounds uncomfortable as hell. i can barely stand to wear rolled-up sleeves for five minutes... and wouldn't that ruin the sleeves over time?

    and why exactly a button-up shirt? in my experience the buttons just pop off and they can be a bit drafty in the cold.

    general question: where are you guys seeing that the jeans don't fit? are you all implying i should wear skin tight jeans? confused here.

    i would have to lose a lot of my daily carry if i stopped wearing cargo pants.... and i absolutely hate jeans that are made so that the pockets must be squeezed into. i like big, easily accessed pockets.

    any recommendations?
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)19:33 No.7412638
    also, missed something


    > if you have a good back

    what exactly does that mean? lost again.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:34 No.7412653
    >any recommendations?

    If you don't get why these recommendations would work, I suggest you find a female friend with good taste who's willing to help you go clothes shopping. It's seriously the best way.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:37 No.7412688
    You gotya understand the difference between 'slim' and 'skinny' jeans. Skinny is skin-squeezingly tight, slim just means that there isn't loose fabric hanging around. Slim is good. It's not tight, but it's not loose. The operative word here is "pipeline", that's how you want your legs to look in your jeans.

    In terms of replacing the utility of your pockets, carry a bag, if needed. No, not like a purse. Like a backpack. Messenger bags are trendy these days, but I find them to send a strong fashion statement that you may not intend.

    As far as why not a t-shirt, it's because t-shirts say one of two things:
    >Check out my muscles
    >Check out my WoW character

    If you can't fill it out well, you just look like a manchild in a t-shirt. Button up shirts hide your gut a lot better, and give you a classy, professional look.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:37 No.7412700
    Yo, sleeves at the elbow are cool, I use those. sure they will wear out if you use the wrong kind of shirt. I use heavy flannel button up shirts. they never fail.

    you jeans look too baggy. if you like them loose, may be look at some rapper style jeans. and forget about the pockets dude. just wear a belt, its not just more practical but it gives you style.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:39 No.7412719
    It's unfortunate, but like many others are saying, the 'stache doesn't work. Felt weird as hell for a while, but I got used to it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:39 No.7412720
    Dawg that hat looks awesome, super approachable and friendly imo. Don't listen to these tools, just switch from cargo pants to some nice slim jeans and you're good.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:40 No.7412723

    >any recommendations?

    Nope. You seem intent on refusing to listen to any advice. Keep dressing like an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:41 No.7412738
    >You gotya understand the difference between 'slim' and 'skinny' jeans. Skinny is skin-squeezingly tight, slim just means that there isn't loose fabric hanging around. Slim is good. It's not tight, but it's not loose. The operative word here is "pipeline", that's how you want your legs to look in your jeans.
    Not OP but I have a question about these. Whenever I try on pants cut like this they squeeze my thighs real badly. Is there anything I can do about that?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:41 No.7412740
    Good back meaning, if it is like a triangle wth the top down and muscular. and the suspenders always touch your back when on.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:42 No.7412753

    Ruin the sleeves? No, the folds and wrinkles will go out when you give it a wash and then iron it, which is the most important part about button ups. You don't want them to look super wrinkly. I assume you're going to college, and you're probably single, right?

    The button up shirt achieves 2 things. 1) to profs it makes you look like you're diligent, and more mature. 2) To the women folk, we kind of get tired of seeing men in those silly t-shirts that have a dumb saying on them. To see a 20 something in a button up means that they take care of themselves, and you'll just stand out in a good way. I recommend you getting a button-up in crimson, forest green or even a deep purple. Stick to darker colors, because they look nice and don't blind people walking by.

    I dunno where you live but if the cold is a problem invest in a good black leather jacket. And of course if you live in somewhere ridiculously cold, sometimes you just have to say fuck it and wear almost everything you have to stay warm.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:42 No.7412762
    not op but is it bad if i wear semi baggy random tshirts and shorts only
    better question: how fuck am i
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:44 No.7412785
    Try a more relaxed fit. Slim is targeted towards an average, and it could be that you just have more muscular or fatter thighs than the average, Unfortunately, you can't always get a perfect fit without a tailor, so you may have to just put up with some loose fabric down towards your feet.
    >> Rei 08/18/11(Thu)19:45 No.7412801
    Meow meow meow meow.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:47 No.7412822
    Well are you successful in fields where fashion is applicable? That should be your answer. The advice in this thread is very general catch-all advice. You'll always look better in a button-up and fashion jeans than you will in a middle school t-shirt and cargo jeans. Your individual style, however, may or may not permit different styles that appear even better than the magical combo.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:53 No.7412903

    Asks for advice, gets some good advice, then questions the hell out of that advice. You're just too stupid to help OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:57 No.7412946
    Why don't you just buy some casual clothes from a nice place like J. Crew or Brooks Brothers. You can't really go wrong with the stuff they sell.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:13 No.7413190
    Keep the hat. People should wear hats more.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:15 No.7413224
    Hats can look good but very few people can pull them off these days. That one only works if you're Indiana Jones.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)20:59 No.7413691
    went and used my google debits for >>7412946

    > j crew
    shirt - $60
    pants - $75

    > brooks brothers
    shirt - $70
    pants - $90

    are you fucking kidding me? i feel like i'm being trolled. i can't even afford one set of clothes from either of these places, much less a whole week or two worth of wardrobe. maybe when i make $50k+/yr

    one person said it here, and dozens of girls i have never seen before in my life have taken time to get my attention and say "i like your hat" or something similar. if i had been paying attention i could have probably struck up conversation with a cutie who literally came outside of a hair place to tell me she liked my hat.

    so the hat stays.

    anyone have cheaper advice? i think i need dress pants and a shirt for whenever bigwig aviation people come by, anyway.

    also, how do expensive shirt sizes work? do i want regular cut or "traditional cut?" same for pants.

    i'm thinking these jeans and t shirts might last me another twenty or thirty years, after educating myself... geez.
    >> Why? !!f+rLkzNZlwH 08/18/11(Thu)21:00 No.7413712
    I'd say its mostly probably due to the hat and mustache honestly lol

    Everyone just wears jeans and a t-shirt most of the time, so I doubt its that.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:01 No.7413717
    lose weight, lose hat, lose mustache

    Your look makes you look much older in a bad way.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:02 No.7413729
    get some different colored jeans, probably darker

    i think it'd suit you better imo
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:03 No.7413743
    I wear a t-shirt and jeans and it looks cool. Do you know why?

    Because my clothes actually fit.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:04 No.7413750
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    >dad jeans
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:05 No.7413755
    People who emphasise practicality over style in their choice of outfit are generally weirdos, OP.

    Your T-shirt is too big (IASIP is awesome though), your jeans are too loose and your hat is too unconventional. Just wear sunglasses. And the moustache only works if you're a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:07 No.7413776
    >Get rid of goofy ass hat.

    Look like nearly every guy near where I live.

    Also, op, sorry to be a dick but you have kind of a goofy face, especially with the mustache.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:07 No.7413781

    the fit part is what i'm missing, i guess. if i go down one shirt size, it squeezes my shoulders and feels tight on my neck. i unconsciously tug at the necks til they stretch.

    with the jeans, i could go down a couple inches in waist size but i've tried on tons of regular jeans in JC penny and other places... and you can't fit your hand in the pockets, much less a phone, wallet, knives, keys, pocket watch, money clip, and loose change. and if you can, good luck getting to any of it when you need it.

    and this is true when i try on pants of this nature that are massively oversized... like they were cut, regardless of size, to prevent you from accessing your pocket. does everyone walk around with absolutely nothing on them nowadays?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:09 No.7413801
    Yeah, don't take that stupid advice. Hit up Kohl's, hit up Target, hit up Ross, any retailer targeting younger middle-class kids is ideal. They carry inexpensive brands that, while lacking fame, carry much the same style. I nabbed a pair of Guess jeans at a TJ Maxx for $25 that would normally run around $150. You can find deals like that, but it's not easy. Lots of women get into the whole shopping thing because of this - TJ Maxx is their Serengeti, and those jeans are the wounded, yet tasty antelope straggling at the back of the herd. You can do it too. Men can easily pull off having only 5-6 good shirts, and maybe 2-3 good pair of jeans, so you can cut your costs significantly and shelf plans for more, nicer clothes until times that are more flush with money, when you can afford extravagances. I ask my folks every year for christmas to get me a Kohl's gift card, since I like their brands and there's one right near me. Don't be afraid to shop around a little bit, and don't think that brands are really very important outside of "high fashion" groups. Especially don't listen when they cite "higher quality standards" in places like Abercrombie and Fitch. The difference in quality pales in comparison to the price difference, and wearing brands like that sends a message.

    I guess that's my best advice to you - consider that the way you dress sends signals to everybody. You just need to look at the signals you send, decide what signals you do indeed want to send, and if the two don't match, then modify.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:09 No.7413804

    thought only females wore outfits, responder.

    also wondering about the weirdo thing. am i just supposed to dish out $200 bucks for one day worth of clothes because they look better, even if they will fall apart in a year and i can't get into the pants pockets?

    this is a fucked-up world for sure, but i'm still listening.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:09 No.7413805
    You look goofy. Just getting rid of the hat would be enough. Although I would also recommend getting rid of the mustache and buying some "cooler" clothes.

    I mean, if you want people to stop commenting. Otherwise dress how you want!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:10 No.7413816
    >i do this because my major happens to be technical and there is a good chance i will get greasy, oily, or just plain dirty on my lab days

    Don't you use a labcoat?
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:11 No.7413827

    > consider that the way you dress sends signals to everybody. You just need to look at the signals you send

    please help here - i am unclear about the signals i am sending, and really about the signals i want to send. right now i KNOW that

    - i am in college
    - i tend to get dirty during class
    - i have never ironed a single piece of clothing in my life

    so, if that helps communicate my desired signal at all...
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:13 No.7413838

    it would need to be a pair of coveralls, and while nice in winter it would be unbearable in summer.

    i work on airplanes for my major. if that helps anyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:13 No.7413845

    Back pocket: Standard leather wallet, change
    Front pockets: Phone, ipod, knife, keys

    That's all any male needs (usually)
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:15 No.7413856

    not sure how to keep change in my back pocket, unless i just stand around like a supervisor all day instead of getting down and actually doing work.

    also bifold wallets get way too thick for the back pocket, so if i buy useless jeans it'll have to be front left pocket. which will also house the pocket watch, and maybe clip the smaller knife on the rim.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:19 No.7413894
    No. My T-shirts are plain but well-fitting; they invariably cost ≤£5 each. My shirts usually cost <£30, as do my jeans/chinos. My casual brown belt was ~£25 and my Chelsea boots, which I wear daily, were £69. My sunglasses were £5.99. The only expensive things I wear are a watch a leather jacket and a few cashmere jumpers.

    I dress very simply but it looks good and attracts girls.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:20 No.7413901
    Your mistake is that people aren't mind-readers. When they see you dress, they don't know that you're working, unless they're sitting there watching you work. So the signals you end up sending are:

    >I don't put any attention into my appearance (overall mismatched look)
    >I never graduated middle school fashion (cargo pants)
    >I don't know how to button a shirt
    >I'm Irish and I like to drink lolol (shirt)
    >I'm a child mustache (mustache)

    For what it's worth, I don't really have any problems with your hat. A comment on the shirt - advertising yourself as a drinker/partier pigeonholes you into one of two categories: immature kid who's still impressed with drinking, or classy guy who just loves his beer. The difference between the two is the public perception of what's on your shirt. If Paddy's is a highly respected local venue, then it's fashionably acceptable. If Paddy's is some random place that's not locally known, then it just makes you look immature.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:21 No.7413906
    mustache literally looks like something from a fake mustache kit- sends message "I am willing to grow facial hair as a joke. Laugh at me."

    Hat- Is just eccentric and weird.

    Clothes- Kinda schlubby, don't fit well. Do send a message that you're not trying or might get them dirty.

    Solution? Buy dark colored clothing, especially pants. I worked a job where I got dirty a lot, and started wearing black jeans exclusively because they don't show dirt/stains well. Levi 501 are always in style. Go buy a couple pairs in black or indigo.
    On this page, there are several under $50, you can also go on ebay or check out thrift shops.

    Next, start buying tees in a size smaller, you are swimming in them. Again, thrift store.

    Also, you could work out. It's shallow and cliche, but most people will not care much how you dress if you have a good body, especially females.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:23 No.7413919
    It's worth noting that tight pockets are mostly fixed by breaking in the jeans through wear. The guess jeans I mentioned earlier couldn't even fit my wallet when I first got them, but now they're fine for all of my stuff.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:26 No.7413948
    i have one pair of plain jeans, they are levi #569. not quite sure when i got them, but i packed them on accident.

    do i even need to take a picture of myself in these, or is it the wrong kind?

    you guys might think i'm going to ignore all this... but i am going to look at a local kohl's (thought it was a grocery store) and maybe something in the mall tomorrow. i might be able to waste $100 on clothes now if i don't go home to help dad work on building a shop for the next couple weekends.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:28 No.7413964
    op is a stubborn oaf
    you look like southern trash man. just follow the advice people are giving here
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:28 No.7413966
    I wear black work pants and a short-sleeved button-up *black* shirt, and some black socks/shoes.

    Convert your wardrobe to this; enjoy always looking classy and never showing signs of oil/grease.

    In my opinion, it's better to stand out as the ominous motherfucker in all black rather than stand out as the odd chap in mismatched t-shirt and jeans. And nobody's ever told me I dress funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:29 No.7413972
    Go to h&m or something. Also polo shirts can look smart if they fit properly and are not baggy. V neck t-shirts are simple but can look good.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:31 No.7413997
    holy shit no no no no no
    don't follow his advice.
    NEVER wear clothes that have the same color.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:32 No.7414004
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    posted a pic in the levi #569 jeans. why not?

    only time i've been told this was on here, if that counts for anything. i've been told i can be intimidating when i talk though, so maybe i've scared people out of commenting?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:33 No.7414021
    The boot cut is not good, broski.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:34 No.7414031
    Sorry this is terrible advice.
    Incinerate those jeans. Now.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:35 No.7414042
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    >mfw bell-bottoms
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:36 No.7414052
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    >matching your blacks
    In 2011? Any reasonable shithead knows that when you go all-black you need at least 3 shades of black.

    Oh, you didn't know there are shades of black? welcome to my world.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:37 No.7414062

    i have a feeling someone is always going to find something to disagree with.

    does the boot cut send a wrong signal? what if i'm wearing work boots? my current (and only) pair of tennis shoes are covered in oil, paint, and ashes. other than those i wear worn-out old moccasins that do not agree with the gravel lots here. wearing the mocs now for comfort.

    these pants as of now are incredibly tight on my wrists when i put my hand in the pocket - balling up a fist makes it difficult to remove my hand, so i can't imagine actually retrieving items. this does not seem like something that will loosen up with wear. so more questions:

    - is there a cut i'm looking for with bigger pockets?
    - do these jeans look right except for the bottoms?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:37 No.7414063
    >ugly jeans with huge pockets
    >ugly shirt
    >ugly hat
    >pedo stash

    I'm sorry OP, but look like a nice guy but just.. no. :(
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:37 No.7414075
    get some jeans that fit you better, plain t shirts, and shave that god awful mustache. graphic t's are for children
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:38 No.7414091
    well i've come to the conclusion that i need to become a tailor, so i'll know how to judge what clothes actually fit.

    googling such information now, if anyone has a good source i'd be much obliged...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:39 No.7414100
    OP looks a bit like a thinner Oliver Hardy.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:40 No.7414120
    Ditch the big fucking pockets idea. Get a backpack/messenger bag or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:40 No.7414126
    They might be good jeans but they do NOT fit you well. Next time you buy clothes ask the shop assistant to assist you.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:41 No.7414145
    My relaxed cut Levi's have decent pockets
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:43 No.7414168
    fuck, i have a mustache
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:44 No.7414181

    when i do this i'm almost certain i will become angry with whatever old lady is "assisting me" in buying the $40 pair of pre-broken jeans.

    i've decided i'll shave the stache, but as i forgot to pack a razor i will need to buy one.

    the hat will stay.

    i will learn to carry less things ( i guess i'll just start removing things i need from my wallet on a trip-by-trip basis and just tuck them with my money) and i guess try to find some jeans that fit tomorrow.

    is there anywhere i can buy shirts like you guys think i need for less than $20? i'm on a budget here, my last $200 is going down the drain.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:45 No.7414208
    the jeans in
    say "relaxed fit 569"

    are there going to be relaxed fit non-boot cut jeans? still waiting to hear if boot-cut is acceptable when boots are your daily shoe.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:46 No.7414219
    honestly, places like target or walmart have really cheap plain shirts. go browse around and try to find a brand that fits you well
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:47 No.7414225
    10/10 OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:47 No.7414226
    a decent boot cut is acceptable yeah, but not those giant bell bottoms you got goin.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:47 No.7414230

    Fucking anywhere that sells mens clothes has button ups. Go to target for $20 dollar ones
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:48 No.7414237
    I've been wearing #550s, and they don't have a boot cut.

    But I'm not the most fashionable guy, and besides, I NEED that cut for my larger than average hips
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:49 No.7414246
    I have larger than average hips, but I'm not fat. I wear slim jeans.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:50 No.7414258
    The hat is atrocious. I mean really, it's staying because a few land whales commented on it? Rock some aviators instead if you can't take the sun.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:50 No.7414259
    after looking it up, levi's #569 code says "loose straight." maybe the fact that i am not wearing a belt/pulling them up makes it look like a boot cut?

    i will be going to wal mart again tomorrow i guess, already went there today to buy lightbulbs and look for a hoodie (was getting cold in room and can't turn off ac or the floor is soaked) and the only hoodie i found rep'd my school - something i do not want to do.

    also gonna check out prices at kohl's, and there is a local JC penny.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:50 No.7414260
    Listen up OP.

    >Shave your fucking mustache
    >Go to Old Navy or somewhere similar
    >Get some Straight leg Levis
    >Buy some cheap, solid polos
    >Take a bag to school with work clothes in it
    >Get done with school, change back

    You'll look 100% better
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:53 No.7414306

    it's staying because i have gotten more use out of it than originally expected, i can hand-stitch a rough copy at any given time (with the right leather stock) and it does more than keep sun out of my eyes and rain off of my face. it has gotten enough response that i guess i enjoy the attention, not to mention if i leave it somewhere at a party i will eventually see some chick wearing it and glancing at me from time to time. just too stupid/backwards to make a move, so i instead gently coerce the hat back into my hands.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:53 No.7414312
    This this this.
    Lonely nerds in fedoras. Google it.
    Go to goodwill. Buy plain colored tees and button downs in a size smaller than that tee. Try them on. Both sides of the sleeve need to be touching your arm at all times. I get mine for like, $6 a pop.

    If you just bought new tees and some darker colored pants in the same fit, and
    You would look a million times better.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:55 No.7414337

    i'll agree with all except changing back. i've been soaked in hydraulic fluid and it left my car stinking of skydrol for weeks. this year i have a lubes/fuels class that is sure to be similar, as well as a general engines class. changing is not a terrible idea though.

    if i get a button up shirt, will i have to iron it every time i wear it?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:56 No.7414350
    No, just don't wad it up and you'll be good to go. I wear mine about 2-3 times before ironing/washing them
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)21:57 No.7414358

    1) it's nowhere near a fedora, fedoras barely even have a brim

    2) both sides of sleeve must touch arm at all times... so this means if i pull my arms up in front of me, the sleeve is supposed to tighten the shirt across my back? because that's what happens every time i get into a close-sleeved button up. i've bought several to wear over t's for semiformal events.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:58 No.7414375
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    Lose the hat.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:00 No.7414399
    Also, if you take a hot shower take in the button up shirt and hang it wherever the shower won't soak it, but the steam will. Dry off your hands, give it a few tugs to straighten out the wrinkles and you're golden.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:02 No.7414417

    listen, about the hat - and i'm not wearing your pictured felt (or faux felt) bucket hat - i don't like my hair. i currently buzz cut it to 1/2" but it still looks goofy, as you can see in the most recent image. so the hat saves me, and i think i look stupid in a cap. i have several caps that i like the look of, however, and i will likely be wearing them for pictures on here. not like i'm gonna throw away the flop hat, though.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:04 No.7414433

    another question: how are you supposed to get out the wrinkles? i understand, you iron them, but as soon as you put the shirt on it wrinkles anyway. it'd have to be leather or stiff plastic to even begin to stop wrinkling.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:06 No.7414457
    >worst hat ever
    >porn star stache
    >horribly fitting clothes

    10/10 would lol again
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:07 No.7414472
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    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:10 No.7414508
    >hang it up
    >Water bottle, spray the shit out of it
    >Febreeze wrinkle releaser, spray the shit out of it
    >iron it
    >steam it
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:11 No.7414516
    It doesn't save you , you look even worse. Trust me a pair of shades would be infinitely better.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:12 No.7414541
    I don't know about the clothes and such, as I just wear whatever is available (who the fuck cares if your "outfit" doesn't match?) but I really think that if you grew a full beard and thickened out the stache, you would look much better, plus you could keep the stache, beards always make people look badass

    Also, I believe there is a Spanish saying that goes "Men lost their souls when they lost their beards"
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:14 No.7414562

    Ur, well my boyfriend doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Hell, we had sex while he was wearing his button up and it was only kinda wrinkled. As far as the utility of them, they're not bad. He works at target and a red button-up is something he wears almost everyday. He stocks groceries, chemicals and does a fair amount of hard labor, but from what I've seen, even after an 8 hr shift even though by no means is it immaculate, they're generally fairly resilient. I think they even have some anti-wrinkle brands.

    But if you buy a button up and it does that, then just use the spray starch when you iron. They should be next to the ironing boards/irons in target or walmart.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:14 No.7414567

    my only issue with shades, or even my glasses... is that i am somehow hard on them.

    i take care to always cold-rinse before wiping them down, but somehow they always get weird multicolored stains on them, or scratched. and this gives me headaches, though i do use one polarized pair when fishing, canoeing, or spending time near lots of water.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:16 No.7414593
    Use a microfiber cloth and lens cleaning solution. They're cheap and available at any Walmart.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:18 No.7414615
    Take the advice given to you here and remember that you don't have to buy a whole wardrobe all at once. You can go like a piece at a time or whatever.

    You have gone all this time looking goofy, spending a little more time while you assemble a proper wardrobe is no big deal bro.

    And you don't have to just throw away everything you have now, you can still wear your shit you have now while hanging out at home.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:26 No.7414731
    understand, will begin search tomorrow

    have used the microfiber cloths, bought many in bulk for cheap. used stock solutions, alcohol, etc but nothing gets rid of those weird multicolor "stains" on sunglasses. other than harder objects scraping, and...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:33 No.7414851
    I don't understand people like you. I am genuinely confused by people who don't understand fashion.

    For a big fucking hint, how about you just LOOK AROUND YOU AND SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE WEARING.

    That is the casual norm, where you will seem to be an average guy. What you wear will make people think you are a freak. If I was in a class with you, and you talked to me, I would probably change classes.

    To stand out in a good way and actually look decent, it may take a little bit more thought. However, once again you can simply LOOK AT WHAT PEOPLE WEAR IN PICTURES AND MOVIES AND SHIT. Then copy it.

    Who the fuck do you see wearing what you are? Do you not understand that you look completely different to everyone else? It is like you have painted your skin blue and are walking around like that, because the blue skin speeds you up or some other bullshit.

    Fuck man, fucking 4chan. How do you guys even survive day to day life.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:37 No.7414904

    his jeans don't fit right, and he likes to wear a hat.

    that's really all that's going on here. why don't you stop being such a shallow moron?
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:38 No.7414924

    where i come from, more than 2/3 the people wear cargo pants, t shirts, and tennis shoes. i'd wager that 1/4 of the people i actually respect wear full brim hats, and more than half of the rest wear other hats. full time.

    so maybe it's just my area, but the people who wear buttonups daily with their tight jeans are rich prettyboys who don't know the meaning of hard work. i got the impression that buttonup/half-buttonup (just at the neck?) = douchebag, even though most of these guys (re: whiteboy basketball "stars" and baseball "champs") acted like i was their best friend back when i had 15" of hair and still wore the same. exact. shit.

    invited me to parties, invited me to games, etc. and i cannot explain why the bros liked me. at all.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:39 No.7414939

    10/10 for this response, you took two sentences to say what i took a paragraph to communicate

    well played.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:40 No.7414962

    >buttonups daily with their tight jeans are rich prettyboys

    I wear button up shirts, suits, and dress shoes every day. I worked my way up from the bottom and my hands look like a farmers.

    how can you judge a man on what he wears? No better than those judging you!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:42 No.7414995
    Defensive much? Sounds to me you live in redneck territory and resent people with more money and better job prospects.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:43 No.7414999

    it's called an impression, and regardless of what sort of person you are you will have some opinion of everything at the first moment, until that world is shattered by the next.

    seeing a bunch of spoiled rotten rich kids (confirmed and still true today) in this clothing has put my mind against it. i must change my opinions to the idea that they only wore it because it showed off their money, and seemed to be in style.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:44 No.7415010
    It is not being shallow, it is realising what you need to do to fit in with everyone else. The trick is, to be like everyone else.

    This guy clearly has no idea, as he is so focused on being able to fit knives in his pocket, which is also fucking weird. Who carries knives? Are you an edgy serial killer or something?

    >His hat looks straight up retarded
    >He has a goofy, fetal alcohol syndrome hick face
    >the moustache? why? what is that for
    >the lame logo on the shirt, in a bright childish colour, which looks like a tent on him and has absolutely no style to the cut. No one should wear tshirts like this
    >the jeans are also enormous, and baggy, and have no form to them, especially around the crotch
    >the pockets? wtf. Who wears these. If no one else is, why are you?

    If you are autistic enough to not know how to make an outfit that looks good on your own, (which I insist is very fucking easy), then just look at other stylish people, even in magazines and tv, and copy them.

    Just copy the people who look good, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:45 No.7415029
    Holy fuck would you please stop throwing up excuses every time someone suggests something. Follow the advice or don't change.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:46 No.7415053
    Dressing nice doesn't mean you are a rich prettyboy.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:47 No.7415068
    They are not spoiled rotten rich kids. They just know what to wear to not look like a circus freak redneck.

    It really is no more expensive to wear nice fitting clothes. You have to buy yours at some point, you just chose to buy stuff that looks dumb, then don't take care of it.

    I spend the same amount on a nice shirt, and hand wash it and iron it then hang it up. Do you leave shit lying on the floor?

    What makes you think these people with suits don't work hard too. Do you think these jobs get handed out to everyone? No, they work for it. And probably much harder than you

    Getting covered in grease does not mean you work harder than someone in a mentally exhausting job working 60 hours a week you inbred cretin.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:48 No.7415076

    i resent people who waste money, treat their posessions like junk (my prime example is always a vehicle - what can i say, i'm a gearhead) and laugh at the idea of being poor. i spent a lot of my childhood ignorant to the fact that my family went through hard times with just the one kid, and when i came of age i began to become disgusted with the idea that some people have so much money that they feel compelled to throw it away on things like cheaply made clothing, a cologne bath, and expensive rims that deplate in half a year.

    i am moving to a mid-class pay level with my degree, and my current plan is to live like i'm jobless and save like it's gonna cure cancer. then it's time to find some property.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:52 No.7415136
    You sound like a redneck farmer. Just letting you know.

    I wouldn't want to come into contact with you and you probably smell horrendous.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:52 No.7415142

    >Who carries knives? Are you an edgy serial killer or something?

    wow... you get by without a knife?

    I'm from MA, a liberal state without many pocket knife carriers. I've actually made it sort of a little mission to show people that pocket knives are something every man should have.

    every day, I use my pocket knife at least once, usually much more. you'd be suprised how much simpler opening/cutting things is when you always have a knife! one of man's most important tools.

    Most people I know have realized it's not weird to carry a knife. it's something a gentleman would have.

    you're a close minded shallow loser :)
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:52 No.7415143
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    how does autism work
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:53 No.7415151
    You're really so fat that the buttons of shirts just pop right off? Jesus fuck theres no helping you
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:53 No.7415159
    Op let me help you out a bit considering I made horrible clothes choices until I realized wtf I was doing and decided to make some wardrobe changes.

    -first and foremost there is no blanket statement for clothes. sizes and fit can vary wildly from brand to brand, so TRY THINGS ON. I know, i hate trying clothes on too, but you really need to to find things that fit right.

    -second you need to drop your clothes down a size or so. You probably have a weird length torso like me, and buy bigger shirts cause they fit better length wise. Well stop it. If you are worried about your gut showing or whatever when you lift your arms, buy some a shirts and wear them tucked in underneath.

    -third Button up shirts, polos, etc. A few graphic tees are okay if you get ones that fit properly and they are not your entire wardrobe. If you feel button ups are too drafty or thin, wear some a shirts or white t shirts under them. Also, THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE. If you get stuff that fits it will look much better and since you aren't wearing brand names all over your shirts, nobody will even know or care. Hit up walmart, target, jc pennys etc for some cheap ass clothes that still look good.

    -fourth cargo pants are okay, if they ARE NOT JEANS. and again, they need to fit better, go for smaller fits and again TRY THEM ON BEFORE YOU BUY. I would also buy some simple pants, khakis are cool cause they go with just about anything, and get some dark pairs for variety.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:53 No.7415163
    I carry a knife with me at all times but 9 times out of 10 it is easier and less showy/confrontational to just use your keys to open something.

    People who waves their knives around all the time are just as bad as open carry fucks.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:54 No.7415167

    why are you mad?

    i'm not angry at a kid's dad for working his nuts off for money. if the dad happens to be a douchebag to everyone in his town, then i will dislike him. plenty of the rich people in my area deserve everything they have. their kids do not, but it's only right that a parent does whatever they want for their babies.

    regardless, rich prettyboys dress accordingly and it had left a mental imprint of that attiude with the pastel plaid buttonups and half-button shirts.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:54 No.7415171
    -fifth SHAVE THE STACHE BRO, or grow a full beard. It doesn't have to be a long overgrown woodsman beard or anything, you can keep it groomed but the stache by itself is not doing you any favors. If you do grow a beard instead of shaving completely, do yourself a huge favor and buy a beard groomer, it will make it much easier to maintain.

    -sixth ditch the hat.... most of the time. Don't throw it out, you can still wear it and infact if it is not an everyday thing, people will probably notice it MORE when you do wear it and you will get more comments on it since you like that. Wear a cap or preferably just sunglasses most of the time, but don't just throw your hat out. It won't look near as bad once you have the rest of your looks sorted out anyway.

    Anyways bro, good luck on changing your image, you need it and will probably feel alot better about yourself when you look better. Losing weight and realizing you need to change your wardrobe are great first steps and I wish you the best.

    Good luck bro.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:55 No.7415183
    Asspained trust fund kids mad that they can't relate to the proletariat that they hear so much about in their shitty hipster music/fictions.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:55 No.7415187
    You know you pretty much confirmed the previous post.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:56 No.7415195
    What the hell do you have to open, every day, that requires a knife?

    If I am opening things like that, it would probably be in the kitchen, where I keep my knifes.

    Out with friends, at work, or at uni, no, I never need to slice things with a knife. You are fucking weird. Maybe it is an american thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:56 No.7415198
    Opening and cutting what?
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)22:56 No.7415205

    > nice try, 3/10


    these guys can back me up... i feel like a complete idiot when i find a need for a pocket knife, and i do not have one.

    it has also helped me out in class, while working, and plenty of times i have loaned it to someone who needed one.

    i would carry a quality (leatherman?) multi-tool instead, but the knives are tiny and the unit is always so expensive.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:57 No.7415216
    "i keep a clip on knife in either pocket, and a wallet in one of them for the sake of not getting pickpocketed. if i go in public i have certain jeans to which i have attached fast snaps, and these make pickpocketing even more difficult. i want to have a chance to defend myself if someone wants to rob me."

    What the fuck? Why are you so worried about getting robbed? You live in the ghetto? Also, pickpockets, who the fuck has ever been the victim of a pickpocket?
    This has got to be a troll.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:58 No.7415223
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    >mfw i know you in real life hahaha i never really noticed or cared about your clothes though. you cool in my book nigguh.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:00 No.7415243
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    I am not even reading this thread because I don't care.

    OP, if you're any tough and sound like it, I could see taking you hunting as a driver or something, because you look like a Yoop, and Yoops are good for doing things men do.

    But women don't like Yoops.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:01 No.7415254
    Someone posted this thread on /fa/. They appear to be less outraged than the faggots here on /adv/.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:01 No.7415258

    honestly - I used to be the same way as you.

    try carrying a knife for week and you will quickly understand. at least once a week i have a moment where if i didn't have my life it would have been a big inconvenience, but its mostly just a great thing to have.

    agreed, but I carry a regular folder and a small slip joint type knife for stuff in front of a lot of people.

    it's just retarded when people are scared of a knife anyway. we all use some knife or another every day.

    most murders happen with whatever random object is around, pocket knife murders are slim to none. people are just dumb i guess.

    I'll carry my knife and let the bad guys see my pocket clip and move on to the weaker targets i guess....
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:02 No.7415266
    These were both me. I don't understand you.
    You clearly look like a freak, people have told you this. So you come here to ask why, and what to do to change it.

    People then tell you, and you accuse people that dress well of being "asspained trust fund kids".

    I am no more wealthy than you are, I am a poor student, with a one shift a week job, and then money from the government. I however, do not dress like a redneck. I wear button up shirts. They do not constantly wrinkle, because I fucking iron them and hang them up.

    This is what is required to look good, it is not expensive. If you don't want to listen to us, carry on being a friendless autistic redneck.

    It makes no difference to me whatsover, just don't expect anyone to talk to you. Social norms man, they exist for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:02 No.7415274
    It's illegal to carry knives where I live. I have never needed one outside the kitchen either. Seriously, describe one of these situations where knives are extremely useful.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:04 No.7415292
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    You can't wear a hat with those clothes. If you're going to wear a hat, at least have some clothes that much. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:06 No.7415314
    dude i work 40 hours and get filthy all week, and while i could go your way and wear old ill fitting clothes that i don't mind getting nasty looking i make sure my shit is fresh fitted and fly every morning. showing that you're putting effort into looking nice despite how down and dirty you're getting generally makes for good impressions. i think you're just hiding behind hats and cargo pockets because you could just get some stunna shades and idk not carry so much useless shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:06 No.7415315
    You still haven't said WHAT you find yourself needing a knife to cut.

    Things are designed to be opened up by hand now, we are no longer in a hunter gatherer society.

    Literally the only times I will need a knife would be a) cutting food b) cutting open containers to food (both done in a kitchen where knives live) or c) cutting open boxes at work...where they supply you with a box cutter.

    The point is, people who carry knives everyday are actually really weird people in 2011. I am well aware it used to be the thing to do, and was definitely necessary, but it simply isn't needed anymore.

    It just gives off the vibe of being some neckbeard loser or a farmer.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:07 No.7415327
    If those are just your work clothes than I honestly don't see a problem. You should avoid dressing like that when out socializing though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:08 No.7415345
    Does your work entail manual labor?

    >Things I used my knife for
    Cutting open boxes
    Prying open lids and gaps
    Cutting open wires
    Cutting pretty much anything
    Using the handle to smash or bend things back into shape

    Knives are a tool, if you really don't need it then don't carry it.
    However unlike many tools they are not huge, ungainly, or single purpose.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:08 No.7415348

    you better fucking say something, now. gotta know who this is. identify in some way or another if you would.

    i don't "drive" on hunts. i prefer to hunt, not flush, game. so i don some quiet (full leather) footwear and sneak around shadows as quiet as possible - stalking with rifle or bow.

    either way, i get where you come from, and yet i still find myself confused somehow. anyway.

    you missed the point. i am completely aware that my assumptions from MIDDLE SCHOOL do not apply to everyone, and i am actually trying to move towards the more acceptable dress style.

    but you can continue insulting and being a general jackass if you like, doesn't affect me any. just make sure you're informed for your next big thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:10 No.7415357
    He asked for advice, people gave him advice, and then he says he won't do that or gives lame excuses like "a button down shirt is too tight, it'll wrinkle, I don't want to roll the sleeves, waah waah waah, I'm a little bitch who can't even understand the concept of wearing clothes the rest of the world has no problem with so I'll just keep my oversized t shirts and cargo pants and my pedo stache and my stupid hat"
    This would be funny if it wasn't disgustingly sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:10 No.7415365
    Well yeah, if your job involves doing that shit then a tool would be helpful. But people use tools in their jobs, you probably have hammers and shit too.

    If you work in an office, like a real person, you won't need a knife.

    When do you use a knife outside of a working environment, which is only if you are a labourer(scumbag).
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:11 No.7415384
    >If you work in an office, like a real person
    >you are a labourer(scumbag)
    Trolling is supposed to be subtle.


    See me after class.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:13 No.7415402
    Haha you hunt? Of course you do, jesus christ.

    You stalk through the shadows with a bow? what the fuck man. It is 2011. You should wear nice clothes and take care of them, and in your pockets should only be a wallet, a phone and keys.

    Stop being a farmer, no one respects farmers.

    If you get dirty at work, wear the shit you wear now while doing it, then wear nice clothes outside of it. It really is not hard, most people manage this.

    Who'd have thought a guy who was allowed into university cannot even dress himself.

    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:15 No.7415417
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    -bought2 things with clam shell packaging. opened it with the knife. otherwise you go fuck around with scissors and cut yourself.
    -was at lowes buying wood in a plastic tied bundle. can't get it off without a knife.
    -opened mortar mix with knife.
    -opened my mail - gracefully - no ripping like an ape. boxes and letters

    tons of random things are made easier, you wouldn't expect it until you get one.

    and that added security. I've never had to, but if someone tried to harm me/rob me... I could pull my knife out and stab him to death. he probably wouldn't see this coming at all because I look very kind/trustable.

    my knife in pic
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:15 No.7415421
    Not trolling. This is how people do, and always have, think.

    If you are not a good enough person to go to uni and apply themselves to actually make money in the world, people take the easy route of being a labourer.

    Don't think it is harder work than white collar work, literally anyone can do it, which is why you get paid dick all. People who make more money than you are probably objectively better people than you.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:17 No.7415449
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:18 No.7415455
    I am a university student.

    My father owns his own business and I help out whenever I am home (summer, christmas, spring break).
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:19 No.7415471
    Buying wood, opening mortar mix. This is not normal day to day stuff. I have never bought wood. Isn't that what tradies do? So tradies need knives, and wifebeaters and beer and southern cross tattoos.

    You use it to open mail? As in letters, inside a paper envelope?
    1) That is not a difficult task, I have never thought shit, I need a knife to open this letter
    2) Letter openers do exist you know, which you would probably keep in your home, where the mail is sent to.

    The point about stabbing someone to death just shows how out of tune you are with the rest of society. Face it man, you are not a normal guy.

    If that is what you want, then fine. But if you want to fit in, don't carry a fucking knife like a psycho/nerd.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:19 No.7415472
    >clothes that match

    Much, what was I thinking?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:19 No.7415478
    >-bought2 things with clam shell packaging. opened it with the knife. otherwise you go fuck around with scissors and cut yourself.
    Well I have knives at home, if I'm buying something like that I would open it at home.

    >-was at lowes buying wood in a plastic tied bundle. can't get it off without a knife.
    They have staff that do that for you.

    >-opened mortar mix with knife.
    If part of your job fine. If it was opened at home then it doesn't help the argument of carrying a knife everywhere.

    >-opened my mail - gracefully - no ripping like an ape. boxes and letters
    No response. You are at home anyway.

    There is no need to carry a knife outside the home. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:20 No.7415486
    What and you think you are the only person at your uni who does not have limitless funds?

    You paid for the clothes you are wearing. You even have some levi jeans WHICH YOU WASTE BECAUSE THEY ARE SHIT AND YOU DON'T WEAR THEM.

    Instead, when you buy clothes, buy nice ones, which you can get for the same price. Then take care of them. Then people will stop thinking you are a weirdo.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:21 No.7415498

    0/10; you seem to be missing the point, friend.

    i make toothpicks with my knife all the time. hardwood toothpicks, not shitty mass-produced yellow pine that will fall apart and get stuck in my teeth the instant i use it. i trim nails with it. i cut out at least a couple dozen splinters per year with it. i use it to cut loose threads. i use it to open bottles when i don't have my massive keyring + church key on me. i loan it out to people who seem to need a knife.

    many more things, but they would all seem too redneck or blue-collar to mention. don't want to feed the trolls any more.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:23 No.7415512

    you ignored clam shell packaging.. lol

    and I'm a normal guy. I dress nice and run my own business. I have a B.S. from a university.

    I buy wood and mortar/other things at lowes... because I fix a lot of my own shit at my house.

    I learned how to fix a lot of things I learned trades.... when I was starting out and needed money in college. I worked many hard jobs and met many good people. I was a carpenters apprentice... and built walls with stone masons.. I worked on fishing boats, I painted the bottom of boats. I got into a lot of different things and met a lot of people. now I'm rich....

    I wouldn't go back and change a damn thing.

    what the hell are you? probably nothing compared to me. no offense.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:25 No.7415528
    You make toothpicks? you do this outside of your home? Anything that requires a knife while you are in your house can be done with a knife that is inside your house.

    Cutting your nails with a knife is a new level of weird. Do you do this out in public? Why would you use a knife over a nail clipper?

    How do you see yourself? Some sort of bear grylls type wildman?

    I am honestly scared of you. How anyone can live so differently from the world around them and think it is normal. You must have severe psychological deficiencies.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:26 No.7415534
    Have you ever been tested for aspergers?
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:26 No.7415539

    you seem to be missing it. i am taking the advice, i am searching for "fitted" clothing tomorrow. as in the day after right now.

    but i will continue to believe in utility, i will continue to marvel at machinery, i will continue to see practicality in my everyday life, and i will continue to carry a pocket knife. if that puts me at a lower social level in your mind, i am okay with that. it gives me something to stab at heathens with if they try to mug me (been three dozen muggings at my school in one regular year). and i'll bet i either die, or convince the asshole that i'm not worth fucking with. both are okay with me, because at least i had more than my fists.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:27 No.7415549
    Nobody gives a fuck about knives, goddamn. If he wants to carry one, why do you give a fuck?

    Let's get back on topic and talk about how he can change his shitty looking clothes into something more presentable.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:28 No.7415555
    the knives at home argument is dumb too man.

    your outside in your yard.. and need a knife to open something while your working outside... Run in and get a kitchen knife? please.

    open main with a kitchen knife? why?

    pocket knife = universal opener of... things.

    get it yet? you reach into your pocket and always have a very useful tool. it sure earns it's keep there clipped to my pocket.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:29 No.7415576
    I ignored it because I don't know what it is. It seems like something you would open in your kitchen though.

    When in the kitchen do you use a kitchen knife, or just whip out your hardcore little army knife.

    Same with the mortar etc, fixing stuff at your house is a really good thing. But you are at your house, why does that mean you should carry a knife around with you at all times, unless you fix stuff on the street too?

    I don't think you can say something offensive like "you are nothing", then just follow it with no offense to make it ok. But since you asked, I am a management consultant at quite a large engineering company. I dress very well, can take care of myself, can fix things around the house.

    Not once have I been out of the house though, and thought, hey I could really use a knife for this task.

    Knives are usefull, but all the times you will need them you are either working, where it is supplied, at home, where they would be stored, or camping.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:32 No.7415616
    i do it in private, and usually only when i wreck my hand on something and have a hangnail.

    i make toothpicks when the only ones available aren't of quality.

    i think of myself as someone who does things the way he likes to. if that entails waiting a whole three minutes to steal a low hickory twig for a toothpick, so be it.

    knives inside my house are not sharp if they're small, and cumbersome if they're sharp (larger ones for veggie slicing). they are also not handy. i am not always in a kitchen.

    and, would you looky here? i'm nowhere near my kitchen! the only knife i have with me is a tiny folder! so it just became my everyday knife, as well as my eating knife, my letter opener, my make-a-funnel-out-of-a-bottle knife, etc.

    if you're scared, that's okay, just don't let irrational fears take you over. if you must believe i have "severe psychological deficiencies" in order to rationalize your fear, please do. just make sure you seek help soon.

    no, i have never taken any kind of medical or psychological evaluation.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:34 No.7415639
    >I am a management consultant at quite a large engineering company
    Get me a job please.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:35 No.7415650

    OP, why do you want to look good better?

    -are you having trouble getting pussy?
    -are you having trouble getting your work done and learning/building who you are as a person?

    If neither of those things are a problem, I wouldn't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:35 No.7415652
    Helping my point of being a stupid person.

    If I was working in my garden, I would take any tools out that I need. Do you suddenly go oh shit! a Trowel! Better run back inside to get one. Or do you have it out there with you while you work.

    You don't then keep the trowel on you at all times incase you come across gardening work, you keep it stored in the house and take it when you need it.
    Same with knives.

    there is no way you need one on you at all times. Not to the extent that you abandon looking decent for the sake of having a huge pocket.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:40 No.7415697

    a trowel has one specific use, it's cumbersome.

    a pocket knife is small, light, and has 100s of uses.

    Like I said, I used to be ignorant about this like you. try a knife for a week.

    I'm not going to spell check my posts for you. I know the difference between you're and your. maybe 'you're' bringing that up because you have no other way to challenge the argument properly? :)
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:40 No.7415699
    Look man, you came here saying people told you that you look weird.

    You ask us why

    We tell you why.

    You can now change things by throwing away weird habits like making your own toothpicks out of trees, or you can continue to do so, as you seem so adamant on doing, and continue to be seen as a freak by everyone around you.

    It is completely up to you. Also you probably should get the autism looked at, you seem to struggle to understand any point of view other than your own.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:42 No.7415718
    A pocket knife is not small and cumbersome enough to cause no problems. It was raised because this hick has issues with not being able to FIT HIS KNIFE IN A POCKET.

    Typing in a literate fashion should be natural to you. I do not use a spell check either. If you have to consciously think about whether you need your or you're, then yes, you are probably below average.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:43 No.7415739
    is it weird that I'm watching I'ts Always Sunny right nwow
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:44 No.7415752

    let's get rid of the knife discussion real quick:

    i do not NEED to carry a knife at all times. i WANT to carry a knife at all times because it has proven to be valuable to ME, in MY LIFE, doing the THINGS THAT I TEND TO DO.

    i do not NEED big pockets. i WANT them, but since my WANT for a knife is greater i will move into a style of pants that are difficult to reach into.

    i have backed this up with the idea that maybe my phone and shit won't slide out of my pockets as easily with tighter openings, and i will not have to worry as much when working on the ground, laying down.

    so, fuck off with the knife thing, you obviously have no use for them; some of us do. regardless i am making a choice to change my style of dress.


    i would like to be more social and i do believe having the knowledge that i have actively changed the way i appear for the better will help boost my confidence in these situations. i am not just out to get laid, i could do that looking like complete garbage in a town full of party whores that are drunk literally every night.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:45 No.7415766
    Also the knife does not have 100's of uses.

    I maintain that I have not once been outside my house and thought that I needed a knife to do anything. The very few inane tasks you guys seem to use it for, such as making toothpicks (???) do not seem to offset the cost having to have a fucking knife in my pocket all the time.

    If I don't need my phone I would leave it behind, why do you want all this shit in your pocket?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:47 No.7415786
    >I want your 'help' but only if it fits with whatever I want

    Too bad what you want people don't find attractive. You're a lost cause.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:50 No.7415826

    let's see

    > wallet
    cards, cards, and more cards. student ID included (must have it to enter my building, do laundry, etc) spare key to my car. picks. fishing and hunting licenses. the jokers from my best bicycle deck. my driver's license, boating license, insurance proof, and to top it all off: small amounts of money.

    > keys
    pretty obvious. room key, car keys.

    > change
    i like to give exact change if the amount of cents is small. sue me.

    > knife
    we might have mentioned this

    > phone
    never know when communication can help, it's just a cheap tracfone from wally world.
    and yes (your reiteration hasn't helped a bit) we understand you don't have a use for a pocket knife. good deal! we're so happy for you! i am completely willing to try and paste together an award. want to give me your address? and maybe a title?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:51 No.7415836
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    as far as pockets go...

    I wear jeans without cargo pockets. I happen to like cargo pants/pockets, but they look GAY.

    so it goes:
    right front pocket: knife clipped, cash folded in half in a money clip
    left front: phone
    back pocket:wallet

    I also like leather belt holsters/sheaths for anything else. sometimes ill holster a multi tool.

    I hate the fat wallet in my back pocket, so right now im downsizing the wallet to a front pocket type deal - then will belt sheath my knife.

    once it get's cold I wear a good wool jacket - which can function as a full portable man cave, and still look bad ass.

    winter I carry more. I'll have a flask with whiskey at all times, flash light, lighter, cigar case.

    when it's hot - it's impossible to carry everything you want at all times. unless you wanna look retarded.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:52 No.7415844

    > implying carrying a knife, in an opaque pocket, and not waving it around like a child, is unattractive

    good luck with making sense in the future.

    i can say it again... i have MADE THE DECISION TO ALTER MY STYLE OF DRESS. is it any clearer yet? regardless of wether or not i carry a knife, i will be buying pants with fewer pockets and difficult entrances.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:54 No.7415863
    Well then all you need to do is make sure stuff fits you

    If you have a tshirt, the seams of the sleaves should be at your shoulders, and the arms should not be as long as the one in your picture, nor as baggy.

    You want your trousers to come straight down your legs, and end at your shoe, with the back of it hugging your arse and the front coming in to your crotch.

    The hat just has to go, as does the moustache. grow your hair out a little, take care of it, use product, it makes a huge difference.

    For shoes, if you go with the button up shirts (you should), then just some black leather ones will be fine.

    If you want to stick to tshirts, which should be plain colours I might add, no slogans or pictures, then maybe some simple white canvas shoes. Not trainers. Not converse.

    Also posture goes a long way, as does your fitness. If you lose a load of weight, clothes will fit you much better.

    You obviously don't have an eye for what looks good, not an attack, just the truth. So either take someone who does know what they are doing, or ask the shop assistant to help you out. They would probably be bored so the task of fixing you would be a nice break.
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:54 No.7415865

    seconds on the jacket - i carry so much shit in a canvas coat in the winter, it's not even funny. then my pockets are free aside from phone and pocket watch. maybe an extra knife or three to piss off the people who seem to be so scared of them, while they remain hidden...
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:56 No.7415892

    haha i know right? good call with the pocket watch that's cool.

    I always wear a watch. screw the people who want to use their phone for their timekeeping ;P
    >> casual 08/18/11(Thu)23:58 No.7415911

    > use product
    unsure what you mean... gel? i dislike shit being stuck/sticky on me, so i simply refuse to gel my hair.

    > white canvas shoes. Not trainers. Not converse.
    also unsure here. i'm not sure i should be buying a pair of $100 dress shoes for the kind of places i go. and it's not like i'm going to put on a whole 'nother pair of shoes just because i'm not going to be inside a building... so i guess i'm really just asking if tennis shoes are out. i have been considering the switch to some kind of work boot, simply because i like the weight and the feel a little more.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:58 No.7415918
    Nooooo. Don't do a big chunky woolen jacket.

    You will undo everything that has been done.

    Wear a nice fitted blazer, or a fitted leather jacket.

    Not a sack made out of pockets.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:02 No.7415970
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    somebody needs to learn their shit before they give others advice ;P

    all the bitches love this jacket
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:03 No.7415986
    Yes tennis shoes are out. No, nice shoes do not cost $100. I bought some plain white canvas lace up shoes that work with anything and are casual enough to wear with jeans and a tshirt but don't look TOO out of place if I have a shirt on. They were $20.

    As for leather black shoes, they will be slightly more, but you can always look out for sales. I got a pair for $40. But regardless, shoes are expensive, you will have to pay a bit even if you get tacky shoes.

    Yes tennis shoes are not cool. Under no circumstance should you wear these with jeans. In fact, they should not be worn AT ALL outside of a sporting situation. Along with socks and sandals, jeans and trainers is probably the biggest mistake you can make.

    For hair product I use a wax, the orange crew one. It is not gel, I also dislike gel. It just allows you to shape it a bit, and does not look any different, people can not tell. It also doesn't leave you sticky or hard or anything, you can put it in in the morning, then just go to bed later on and will not notice it.

    See any guys that have nice hair? They have wax in it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:04 No.7415991
    The bitches absolutely do not love that jacket.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:04 No.7415996
    I'd wager they don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:07 No.7416018

    canvas shoes... Jesus christ guys.

    quit trying to turn this guy into a bitch. if he follows your pretty boy advice he's just going to be trying to be someone he is not.

    he's a man that works with his hands. he needs a pair of jeans.. not tight ones -_-... and a good pair of good looking boots. the only problem is his clothes don't fit right, not the clothes themselves.

    I'm not lying the bitches do like the jacket.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:09 No.7416043
    He said he wants to not look weird. This is what he needs to do. If he continues dressing like a farmer, even a farmer whose clothes fit, he will still look like a farmer.

    If that is what he wants, go for it, if not, listen to the advice. Besides, you can have clothes for while you are not working. He doesn't work on engines 100% of his time.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:09 No.7416044

    Look into a backpack OP. Also, get a smartphone. Keep as many club memberships/cards/numbers in the phone that you'll need, and encrypt it properly. Now you can downsize your wallet.

    Do something like this with your keys:

    Now you keep your wallet and knife in your bag, (don't even use the excuse of shanking people you nigger, you don't know for a second what will happen once you flash metal on the streets) and keep your phone in your pocket. The fucking bag goes with you wherever you go, and you don't have to worry about it being stolen, because it's on your goddamn back. Oh, and those keys? They're also in your pocket, and you can put it together to have a small utility blade on there as well.

    Don't wear a wide brimmed hat. You're probably not even in the sun enough to worry about sun-stroke, and if you are, you probably aren't doing anything where fashion is your concern.

    I've hereby debunked your needs and replaced them with valid alternatives. Now go do what I said, that is:

    >Get a semi-fashionable utility backpack
    >store almost everything that doesn't require immediate reaction in it (PROTIP: the knife doesn't need immediate reaction. Your wallet or phone getting stolen isn't worth your goddamn life)
    >Keep phone (requires you answer immediately, unless you don't have to, then throw it in the bag
    >Keep keys on you, keep spare keys in your backpack
    >Get nicer, better fitting clothes and lose the goddamn hat. There is no need for one when you can damn well move to somewhere where the sun is not going to kill you. That said, if your job makes it so you can't do that, then keep it, but only use it at work and go for a baseball cap/no hat elsewhere.

    tl;dr read the goddamn wall of text.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)00:16 No.7416103
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    i wear warm undergarments and layers, so my jacket can be cold. not to mention i already have it, it's canvas. pic so related, and it is indeed completely waterproof when oiled. many pockets, a waist cinch, and quite warm when worn right.


    while i see the merits of using a pomade-type styling product instead of gelatin... i still do not like things in my hair, and i especially do not want to "do" my hair like a chick every day. if it won't work under a hat or a sockhat in the winter, i'm likely not gonna do it.

    is a slim fit jean gonna be tight? i want to be able to actually bend my legs and squat without worry. i squat a lot when waiting or if picking something up, so i want pants that will work for this. any suggestions on the kind of cut i'll need are appreciated - and classy boots are definitely a possibility.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)00:20 No.7416155

    > get a smartphone

    hell. no. i can get by with talking little to none on my cheap wal mart phone and texting only when necessary. it is less than half as expensive as the cheapest service provider i have priced, not to mention there is no contract.

    i would like a smartphone, but i would feel like a douchebag for being on my phone enough to justify having one. maybe when i have the money and the time to waste on a phone, i will get something with a customizable UI and maybe options when it comes to an OS.

    > betting i still sound like a dumb farmer
    now, onto the next point

    >Keep phone (requires you answer immediately

    hell no, yet again. my phone stays on silent, and i will check it if i'm expecting a call. i will leave it the fuck alone if not, and maybe i'll see a missed call some time in the future. i will not be interrupted by a damn phone, end of story.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:23 No.7416194
    You're missing the point. Styling wax is not visible, nor can you feel it in your hair. It just makes your hair do what you want. And "doing" it just constitutes rubbing a bit on your palms, then messing up your hair with it, then pushing it how you want it to be. It takes all of 10 seconds.

    Saying you don't want to because it is girly is completely the wrong direction. Looking good takes effort. You need to take pride in your appearance, iron your clothes, moisturise your skin, and style your hair.

    I guarantee any guy you think looks good, be it on the street or in movies or pictures, even with the messy hair look, they will style it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:28 No.7416253
    This post leads me to believe, like I previously had guessed, that you have no friends or social life.

    Can you take a guess as to why this is?
    Many people receive and give calls to their friends frequently, or get messages fairly often, as friends enjoy talking to each other.
    You however, keep your phone on silent, and only expect calls. No girlfriend I take it? What happened to your comment about easily being able to go out and get a girl because they are all drunk and easy.

    Have you ever done that? My guess would be no, you never have.

    If you want people to stop thinking you are weird, you have to stop doing these things that people think are weird. End of story.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)00:34 No.7416337

    it took you this long to confirm that?

    wow, you must be a pro. next, can you maybe figure out why i want to alter the message i send through appearance?

    if i had a shit ton of people i regularly called or text, that would naturally justify a higher expense of airtime. in this case, i would do the math and see which was the better deal.

    willing to bet that even with dozens more contacts, my current phone still gets by much cheaper than an overblown piece of pop-electroculture garbage churned out for the endless stream of nine-year-olds who need to have the web at their fingertips during world history.

    but if you make me sad enough, i might just break down and spend more than $10/mo on a phone service i hardly use.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:40 No.7416385
    All of you people who complain about knives have never owned one

    >own a swiss army knife
    >want delicious sam adams beer
    >beer has old style bottle cap
    >bottle opener is no where to be found in the house
    >use bottle cap opener attachment on knife
    >enjoy a sam adams like a boss

    >in engineering class of 100 people
    >everyone needs to staple their work together
    >stapler is jammed
    >pens, pencils are useless to fix the jam
    >take out knife
    >unjam stapler in 3 seconds
    >everyone is happy

    >at home
    >find loose screw on door
    >no idea where phillips head driver is
    >whip out knife
    >use driver attachment to screw in screw.

    >in lab
    >need some chemicals
    >get new bottle
    >screw off cap
    >bottle cap
    >not a bottle opener in the 12 story lab building
    >take out knife
    >use bottle cap opener
    >have chemicals

    No one has ever said anything about me having a knife in the 5 years I have carried one. Granted I don't carry a taticool mall ninja knife, but a swiss army knife will kill someone just as easily as any knife.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:42 No.7416410
    If it bothers you so much, you will have to change what you are doing.

    We gave you solutions, you discard them. It is not hard to fit in with people, you just have to be the same with them. Whittling your own toothpicks like a psycho doesn't help.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:43 No.7416419
    >Looking good takes effort. You need to take pride in your appearance, iron your clothes, moisturise your skin, and style your hair.

    A man does not care about his appearance beyond staying moderately clean
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)00:46 No.7416446

    call it what you want, if it helps you deal with your own situation then more power to you.

    but in my part of the world, knives are not omgscary and whittling is just something to do that never really hurts anything and maybe even gives you a nice briar root pipe bowl, or a handy toothpick that tastes like sassafras... because that's what the fuck it is.

    glad to meet you, city mouse. enjoy yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:57 No.7416565
    >says people call him weird
    >gets told the reason for this
    >says nah that is not weird, you're a city mouse

    Ah, delicious redneck logic.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:00 No.7416609
    >hey, cletus, man, I am growing hungry, how 'bout we go fishin' some catfishes and some snappers. On are way back we could get us some cold ones.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:08 No.7416699
    Well op, you know all that advice? Ignore your bullshit obstacles and follow it. We can do no more.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)01:08 No.7416704

    >somehow implying catfish is unfit for normal people

    sweet, more for us. never tried turtle soup personally, but i'd like to.

    > implying i ever said i was weird, worried about being weird, etc
    glad your irrational fear of sharp objects has led you to feel superior, you should run with that
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)01:10 No.7416719

    so many people seem to be missing the fact that i have made a conscious decision to act on something that i would not normally do based on the suggestions of other people.

    now, i don't know what country you're from, but along the grandmother river we call that


    so, anything more useful you have to say?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:10 No.7416728
    Opening post
    >people keep telling me I dress funny
    funny in this context = weird.

    Not scared of sharp objects, just carrying knives is a dated thing. Just like it would be weird if you walked around with a sword, or wore a codpiece.

    Weid as in uncommon, out of place, different from the normal. This sets you back, as you are not a unique and interesting weird, you are a daggy, tacky, don't be near me weird.

    If you don't like this label, stop doing the things that people have told you are weird.
    If you don't care, and want to continue doing weird shit, stop complaining about people not liking you.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:12 No.7416741
    The only advice you have taken is to get better fitting clothes. That is the tip of the iceberg man.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)01:19 No.7416808

    to you, it may seem dated, because you've never had a need for a knife.

    to someone who tries to be handy in every aspect of their life, and as prepared as reasonably possible for any little issue, a knife is just yet another tool that happens to be convenient and lightweight.

    it's no issue for me to carry one, regardless of what clothes i wear. and even if i was worried about being weird, the only people who regard knives and their use as commonplace items as "weird" are not people i want to be involved with, either socially or in passing. these people are "weird" to me, for not seeing how simple items can be useful to the right individual.

    tl;dr i could give a fuck what you think about knives.

    what's the next "weird" issue i need to get around? let's solve this puzzle

    >betting all my responses are similar
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:24 No.7416883
    couldn't care less, for a start, weirdo.

    And that is fine then, if you don't care if those people think you are weird, then there is no need for this whole thread.

    Your issue at the beginning was people think you dress funny, and didn't know what it was. We have told you what people find funny about you.

    You can now ignore that, and allow them to keep thinking you are weird, or you can stop doing it.
    I don't care what some hick american does, to be honest I don't think you can break free of the autistic "functional" thinking you are in anyway.

    All you need to know is that as you are, people find you weird, so change or don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:25 No.7416898
    Just lose the fucking hat.

    Honestly you're too much of a fucking weirdo for dressing nice to help anything, as soon as I clicked your post I could taste the assburgers in the air.

    You'll find some nice girl who doesn't mind your intense strangeness one day, and that type of girl doesn't give a shit how you dress or if you have a shitty mustache that makes you look like a rapist.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)01:33 No.7416989

    actually you're wrong again... all i needed to know was why my clothes were odd. but you don't have to be accurate to be superior, right?

    i defer to you from now on, i will abandon my knives and start munching through life in a $40 shirt and $60 jeans that i can't wash but once a month. maybe even get me some hip new shoes that aren't sturdy or even comfortable, but damn they sure do look like what everyone else is wearing.

    i will now abandon all functionality for sheer pop societal wow factor, because who needs to be useful in a world full of sheep?

    in fact, i might as well start over on a business bachelor's and forget about becoming a precision parts handler and overhaul expert. no sense in doing anything worth while when i can spout bullshit and make sales!

    thanks, you've helped me so much by taking away everything that i have spent time learning and applying in practical situations. i feel fulfilled and excited for my new life as yet another braindead city solider.

    anyone feel like showering me in cologne and making my hair all prettified?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:36 No.7417032
    Hey, all I did was point out what makes you seem weird to others.

    You can choose to remain weird or change, I am not forcing you to do anything.

    You seem pretty upset about the fact that people think you are weird though. I would too, which is why I try to not be an outcast.
    >> casual 08/19/11(Fri)01:38 No.7417054

    i am upset that certain individuals might feel a bit higher up on the ladder than others, and yet they are not capable of reading a question and staying on topic while responding. derailing is what the dumbasses did to trains, not the ones who focused on the task and got the job done.

    thanks btw

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