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    File : 1313705847.png-(86 KB, 233x202, No tails.png)
    86 KB Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:17 No.7411739  
    Describe what your high school life was like and if you changed at all after you graduated.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:20 No.7411779
    I was a fat-ass neckbeard in high school.

    I then spent a decade as a alpha having sex.

    Then I realized that being a neckbeard was more tolerable.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:24 No.7411835
    I was a fat-ass neckbeard in high school.

    I then spent a decade as an alpha having sex with various women.

    Then I realized that being a neckbeard was more enjoyable than fucking everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:26 No.7411868
    I was chubby and a loner

    Now I'm still a lonenr but ive got fit and ive seen some girls eyeing me but im too beta/shy to do anything about it
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)18:34 No.7411960

    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:37 No.7412698
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:41 No.7412737
    Fat weird guy in high school. Was funny (in the random obnoxious fatty way) so I had "people I talk to" and occasionally hang out with. The only girls who ever showed any interest in me whatsoever were this Mexican landwhale, and this trashy white chick who my friend had already fucked a dozen times randomly. Spent most of my free time on the computer.

    Life is still the same now, except I somehow have a circle of friends I hang out with almost daily. And they're mostly Asian females. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:42 No.7412755

    I graduated back in june so not much as changed, all I've been doing for the summer is browsing 4chan and playing video games.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)19:43 No.7412774
    Forgot to mention I'm now going into my second year of college.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:07 No.7413104
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:33 No.7413409
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:42 No.7413514
    During high school I fought a lot. While some guys spend their time finding love, I spend mine fighting with other guys. I was bullied as a kid, so fighting was all I knew really.
    Even though many thought of me as a cool guy, including some girls, I was pretty insecure and pretty alone.
    At the end of high school I lost the friends I made during, due to being blamed for stealing some stuff, but I hadn't done it.

    My life after high school was pretty shit for a year or two. 18-21 years were wasted years as well, filled with depressions and failures. I dropped out of the uni. I couldn't deal with the crushing loneliness and considered harming myself and other people.

    At 22-23 I started stabilizing and my life improved. And now at 24-25 I'm getting fit, tanned, got a uni degree and my self esteem is increasing quickly. Even asked a girl out who gladly agreed. Better late then never.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:44 No.7413547
    In high school I was one of the "GOOD WITH COMPUTERS" kids. I wasnt super nerdy in appearance, but I am a huge nerd. I got along with pretty much everyone in the school, and had a couple of good friends, but I still didn't really click with anyone that well. I never had any super close friends.

    Went to college, met a bunch of awesome creative people that became my best friends and roommates throughout college. We did all kinds of shit like making video games and stupid short films and building wacky contraptions and shit. (engineering school) People that I really got along with.

    After graduation I pursued the whole making video games shit and now I'm doing that as some kinda indie developer or whatever the hip term for it is. I have a lot of like minded amigos that also make games and do other creative work, and life is pretty fuckin good, YEAH!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)20:49 No.7413593
    I was kind of a loser, and practiced a little bit of Karate, but I was pretty laughable at it.

    I'm now much better at it, and my new sensei and I are always reminiscing about the time I won a karate with some bullshit crane kick.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)21:38 No.7414090
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:08 No.7414481
    it sucked.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:44 No.7415017
    i graduated this year, it wasn't anything special.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:49 No.7415093
    27, male.

    highschool sucked. got good grades, for the most part. (sucked in math and chem, did well in everything else, bio, physics, economics, english, history, whatever). spent most of my days playing starcraft and diabo ii and tetris (yes tetris, fuck off). had a social circle, but no true friends. was chubby pimply and shy, no girls wanted me.

    thinking about my teenage years makes me sad. all in all, they sucked. things are better now though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:51 No.7415122
    be 22
    people tell me i still look 16

    aside from being less pervy im a little depressed with my life, ive calmed and simmer down compared to my crazysocial druggy, drunk self from back them

    now im a quiet beta
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:52 No.7415134
    >Immigrant in the US
    >Understands and writes English just fine, too afraid to fuck up, never talks
    >Feeling completely alien, have conservative values, kids fucking, drinking, and doing drugs from an early age, all this is supposed to be fun.
    >Feeling completely left out
    >Want to fit in so I avoid people who speak Spanish
    >Become an underachiever
    >Don't talk to anyone
    >Graduate high school
    >Go to community college, high school all over again
    >Start getting social anxiety
    >Stop going to community college, become agoraphobic, become depressed
    >Start going to bed at 4 am every day, move to the garage as to not bother anyone inside my home
    >6 years later I am still stuck inside my home.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)22:55 No.7415191
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    ITT: pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:01 No.7415259
    >Gr 9: fat loser that hung out with nobodies
    >prude as fuck and super sheltered
    >very poor social skills
    >only I cared about was animu and DDR

    >Gr 10
    >Skinny as fuck because of all the DDR
    >weaboo to the max
    >listened to jrock and was shit tier cross dresser
    >delusional as fuck and still lame
    >big attention whore
    >hung out with bottom barrel nerds

    >Gr 11
    >girlfriend I broke up with [I had a gf? I know right] told me how stupid I looked and told me off like there's no tomorrow
    >took it to heart and used it as motivation to change myself
    >Now a scene kid, but not as much of an attention whore
    >found new friends
    >recovered dramatically from social failure because of my awesome sense of humor
    >found new friends
    >still awkward but yet some how liked by a lot of people
    >started smoking weed
    >by this point in time I still haven't really partied
    >spent time gaining high social status [I know right even I don't believe it]

    >Gr 12
    >massively popular
    >decided to spend a year hanging only with hot girls as means of learning how women work
    >abandon scene kid style and lrn2 /fa/
    >meet Gr 9 scene girl, hot as fuck
    >bring back scene style while we were dating
    >started partying and made a name for myself
    >meet a lot of people and widely expanded my social circle and greatly improved social skills
    >Left high school well like and popular

    I've changed SOOOO much since then. But you only asked for what my high school days were. like. It's been like 3yrs since then.
    I must say life now is fucking bitchin.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:02 No.7415269
    I didn't go very often, just stayed at home and played diablo 2.
    Kept to myself when I did go, or hung out with friends.
    The staff at the school couldn't figure out why I didn't want to come to school so they figured I had social problems and needed some kind of help, they put me in a class with kids with anger issues and other mentally challenged kids, gave us free donuts and apple juice.

    I stopped going altogether when I was sixteen, went to an adult education center down the street, they had a credit recognition program whereby you essentially do the exam for the course and gain the credit, so I passed through three years of school I missed in a day, then took a single semester of grade 12 classes and graduated.

    The diploma hasn't changed anything, I have lied about my education and would've agian regardless. I've had jobs where I've lied about secondary education even.. so its pretty useless. The only reason I went was for a girl I was dating at the time.

    Also since I'm assuming you want to know how our social lives have changed since, I've blown through a few relationships since, the longest being 3 years, I've hitchhiked around north america and blah blah, high school doesn't matter and college doesn't either.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:06 No.7415321
    I was sorta overweight and shy, but I had a good group of friends. I got really good grades though, I think I graduated like 20th in a class of 800.

    The summer after I graduated I went on a cross country trip for 2 1/2 months, performing 3-4 times a week in front of huge crowds in an organization called a drum corps. I lost a good amount of weight and really grew up. I don't care as much about what others think of me.

    So yes, I changed a ton.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:07 No.7415331
    Oh and I played vidya all the time. That hasn't changed.
    >> Nonsadfag !!K855b0uQQWT 08/18/11(Thu)23:08 No.7415347
    >Grade 9
    >Straight out of homeschool. Hung out with ultra losers.
    >Had a few girls who were friends with me because its the south and most people arent complete assholes for no reason.
    >Was depressed but never cut or showed it
    >Got first girlfriend then made new years resolution to change my life

    >Grade 10
    >Changed my life. Started working out. gained weight about 20 pounds. (I was like 105 when i came to school)
    >Hung out with the semi popular crowd people who used to call me a dork.
    >Start partying
    >Way happier also became 8/10 or so im told

    >Grade 11
    >Just started it. Year is going off well so far. Old friends and new friends. A couple new girls that are interested in me so hoping for the best there.

    Dur hur underagefag
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:12 No.7415390
    >9th grade: Part of the popular crowd. Was always talking to people. Played basketball and baseball.

    >10th grade: Still popular. Still played sports.

    >11th grade: Changed schools. Knew no one. Couldn't make friends. Played soccer.

    >12th grade: Still knew next to no one. Still couldn't make friends. Played soccer and got scholarship to play soccer in college.

    >College: Played soccer for about a week. Grade 3 sprain in my dominant foot's ankle. Tiny college, everyone was jesus freaks. Roommate was a 350+ lb neckbeard that didn't bathe or use deodorant. He played WoW 12+ hours a day. Get depressed because I get cut from soccer team and can't meet anybody due to faggot ass roommate. Leave school after a year. Now at a major university. So used to be unsocial that it's crazy. Can't make friends because I've forgotten how to. Rooming with 2 guys I know from back home but never hung out with. Still awkward.

    Fuck this shit
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:14 No.7415405
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    >/adv/ high school life
    You all had 1-3 friends
    didn't party
    got bullied
    fucked up your grades because you "weren't trying"
    and that cute girl you liked dated the guy that threw milk cartons at you and your 2 friends
    Don't pretend this isn't true. /adv/ are the creepers I see this happen to

    >No u!
    >Well you use anime pictures so you're dumb hahaha
    btw a tip from a socially awesome penguin a LOT of normal people like anime.
    Not obsessed like /a/ but we love shonen
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:16 No.7415435
    Hmm, let's see...

    Freshmen year sucked. My grandmother died, I was failing every class, and I was getting harassed a lot, so I got a heaping dose of depression and was hospitalized for a day. Also, I couldn't socialize if my life depended on it.
    Sophomore year was much better. I had new friends and I was able to handle all the work much more efficiently.
    Junior Year was much of the same. I finally got rid of the horrible moppy fro and settled for having a buzz cut. Looked much better.
    Senior year was tons of fun. Got good grades, but cut almost every class. Met some cool people, got organized, got laid, got accepted to a nice college in the area, and graduated.

    Afterwards, my confidence increased big time. I was known as "the mystery guy" and got bitches all over my dick during college. Fun times.

    Parts of high school sucked, but saying I hated it would be a stretch. There are parts I hated and parts I had a lot of fun. It was a worthwhile experience, and I did learn a lot. None of what I learned was in the classroom, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:22 No.7415506
    >be in high school
    >be really shy, rarely talk
    >dress awkward, be awkward
    >have 1 friend
    >marching band nerd huurrdurr (actually fun sometimes)
    >decide junior year to go to a vocational school instead of normal HS.
    >meet some people open up a little more.
    >by the end of HS start acting like a fake asshole so people will like me.
    >have friends that I don't really care for except 2 old friends that I do care for.
    >rarely date, secretly kissless virginfag

    fast forward

    >be 21
    >in college, almost finished
    >no longer being a fake ass hipstir scene faggot just to fit in
    > happy with 2 really good friends
    >find significant other
    >probably getting engaged soon
    >generally happy with life

    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:22 No.7415507
    Still in high school. Going to be a senior in the fall.
    Freshman year I was a loser nerd who never talked.
    Sophomore year I was a loser nerd who played lacrosse and barely talked.
    Junior year I played JV football becasue I couldn't catch for shit and didn't even know the routes. Started on JV lacrosse but I stopped giving a fuck becasue I was a fucking Junior on JV. Started doing stupid shit. Talked more and had somewhat of a social circle. Still a loser but known as a pothead nerd which I guess is an improvement.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:25 No.7415527
    Jokes on you! I had no friends!
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:29 No.7415568
    Hmm wrong much, never got bullied and got good grades
    still foreveralone, etc..
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:29 No.7415570

    Jokes on you I had more then 3 friends and I didn't get bullied becasue I appear normal. Also I never had a crush.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:29 No.7415577
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    I distinctly remember trying and failing to make the band kids like me.
    lol high school.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:30 No.7415580

    Plus a 3.6 gpa
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:30 No.7415586
    freshman year:
    >dress horribly
    >fourth grade moppy haircut
    >do well academically
    >go into a theatre class where everyone realized i was funny
    >go into other classes where the smart kids realize i'm funny
    >have a girlfriend that dominates my social life
    >don't really hang out with anyone
    >know cool guys that share my interests but don't hang out with them
    >be a theaterfag
    >super pretentious about music

    sophomore year:
    >girlfriend and i split
    >realize there's no point in not being a dick to people i hate
    >start being a dick to people i hate
    >start hanging out with my friends
    >start hanging out with the aforementioned cool guys
    >become closer with people that i like while alienating those i don't
    >do well in school
    >continue theaterfaggery
    >join the newspaper and fuck with everyone because they suck, quit later
    >a few girls express a desire for my penis
    >continue being super pretentious about music

    junior year
    >begins next month
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:32 No.7415609

    My only advice is to go to prom.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:35 No.7415648
    Same here. Except I was considered wierdo and creepy because I didn't talk much. Never really related to kids in my school because most were all people who thought drinking and getting wasted was 'cool'.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:36 No.7415656
    I hung out with a group of people but I didn't really consider them friends, only two or three so you got me there.
    I didn't have a crush on any girls and I remember explicitly a girl having a crush on me and her friends telling me and I just stopped going to that class (she was ugly)...

    I guess there's a funny story there though, the girl I dated in junior high got with another guy and I guess on behalf of myself.. the group of people I spent time with threw milk cartons at him and told him to stop being with her so he dumped her..
    I remember him coming up to me and saying "you can have her back" and I was like.. "What".. I didn't want her in the first place, I just liked to tease him about getting sloppy seconds and I think my "friends" took that the wrong way.

    My grades sucked long before high school, I think like most 4channers I was good at tests, didn't care about homework/assignments, but that started in grade three or four.. when school became a kind of job and less about learning and having fun.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:36 No.7415666
    am i doing well?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:50 No.7415828
    >freshman year played football, had a decent number of friends, fucked around acted stupid like a freshman, talked to some girls but never did anything

    >Sophmore year quit football played soccer, weighed more (175 lbs) at 6 foot, joined track team, played tennis, acted even more stupid, had less friends but got to know younger students

    >junior year quit all sports because i no longer cared, started smoking weed, acted slightly less stupid, nondescript year really, partied a little bit, kissed first girl at end of school year

    >senior year still smoking weed, hang out with a lot less people, but really good friends with the ones i did hang out with, was known as the guy that was either quiet or extremely loud and obnoxious, went to a few parties, made out with some girls, more girls showed interest but I acted really dumb and like an asshole so they never went anywhere, smoked a lot of cigarettes, acted as dumb as freshman year, got average grades and got in university

    >now leaving for college in 1 week with one of my best bros and pretty excited about things in genera
    >> Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)23:53 No.7415851
    High School was literally hell for me. I was bullied to the point it put me into a deep depression, and had I had a weapon handy at the time, I wouldn't be alive right now.

    I absolutely changed after High School. I felt like I could be myself, and I also stopped giving a fuck what other people thought of me.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:22 No.7416182
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:23 No.7416191
    shits weird I was a NERDY bad nerd
    but now since i've graduated band is like super cool to kids now. Im like wtf.
    fucking hipstirs like all the shit I was once bullied over.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:24 No.7416205
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:26 No.7416230
    Hey, me too! For years I was made fun of for being a nerd because of my hobbies. Fast forward some time, it's popular. Now I have to still hide my hobbies because I don't want to be mislabeled a hipster. I can't win.
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 08/19/11(Fri)00:28 No.7416260
    >High school life
    Depressing, spent it alone in my room
    >have things changed
    It was only like, 2 months ago that I graduated. Still, I'd say I've gotten better in little ways. I've gotten out of my house more this summer then in the past 4 years combined. Still don't have a social life, though.
    Going to college in 9 days. Scared shitless.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:30 No.7416283

    you sir, are my inspiration. I'm pretty much exactly like you, going into grade 11 (inbe4 underage). I hope i can follow the same path as you and turn my life around
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)00:50 No.7416484
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)01:53 No.7417240
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:01 No.7417322
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    In high school I was more or less like all of the trolls on this site, just trying to fit in with my group of friends by being as obnoxious as possible.

    I grew out of that after graduation and started a drug phase for the next couple of years. Hanging out with friends constantly never hanging out without getting fucked up in some way.

    That lasted a couple of years, I have nothing to show for it but a DUI. So here I am at 23, with no car and a rusty piece of shit bike. I feel like I'm finally approaching some primordial semblance of adulthood, mostly brought on by the horrifying prospect of working for minimum wage for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:09 No.7417403
    My only advice is to not make a big deal about prom. If you have a good chance of getting laid, that is one thing, but if you don't, there is no point in losing sleep over it, because after graduation there is a good chance that it will never come up again.
    >> Anururmurms 08/19/11(Fri)02:17 No.7417497
    This thread is fucking depressing.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:19 No.7417509
    >loner by choice, antisocial
    >ugly through most of first two years, approached average in later years
    >never partied or drank or did anything cool
    >terrible style, meh physique
    >no skills or interest in women, and they showed almost no interest

    >got social
    >got friends
    >got sexy
    >got ripped
    >got stylish
    >party animal
    >have my pick from most girls, and they're always eyeing me. Asian girls in particular for some reason...meh

    like a bauz
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:20 No.7417522
    Sure is bullshit in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:22 No.7417536
    I was teased about my small eyes. People hate me still to this day for being a teen and try to fit in. It wasn't just lol I like you teasing, nobody helped me when I was attacked, they just watched and shrugged it off. I am bitter, a misanthrope, and cynical.

    For those that say looks mean nothing -- yeah, fucking right.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:26 No.7417588
    Good grades, varsity lacrosse, varsity track, did a lot of drugs, partied lots, had sex often, self produced musician. Graduated, met girl in college, fell in love, continued making good grades, quit drugs, party less, better person.

    The end.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:34 No.7417660
    I met some foreveralone girls who would seriously spend ALL DAY talking about these things:
    a) oh my goodness I will never have a boyfriend
    b) Why doesn't this guy like me?
    c) Why am I so fat/ ugly?
    d) Why does no guy like me?
    e) Will I die alone?
    My self esteem PLUMMETED, and while guys DID show interest in me, I assumed that I was so ugly and fat and whatnot that I could NEVER approach them.
    These girls went after what you could describe as "beta" guys, because they mistrusted the "popular" guys and assumed these less popular, less attractive guys would treat them better. Luckily, I didn't really date anyone, because these "beta nice" guys turned out to be ASSHOLES who showed absolutely no consideration for these girls. And these girls were really good girlfriends. I will always remember how one girl baked her boyfriend cupcakes with his favorite color of icing, and wrote him a poem for his birthday. He didn't even thank her, he just said "how am I going to get rid of these?". Not surprisingly, ALL my friends got dumped by the summer after senior year,

    I learned not to go after a guy just because he SHOULD be nice given his situation. I learned that if a guy shows no interest in you, you should leave him ASAP because he obviously doesn't want you there.

    How I have changed: not much. It has only been a year since high school ended. I am less judgmental of guys in general, and still haven't dated yet. My self esteem is still sort of low, but not as low as it was in high school.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)02:58 No.7417886
    In high school:
    I was the weird kid, I didn't talk much and people filled in the silence with whatever bullshit they could think of. I was asked if I was going to shoot up the school. At the end of every year the people in my form class gave out these ridiculous awards to members of the class. They actually gave me a "Lone Wolf Award for Solitude" and next year when I told then to leave me out of it they gave me an "I Don't Want Award" award. I didn't fit in for whatever reason and when they claimed to be trying to include me I ended up being treated like a sideshow.

    After I graduated:
    I went to university and became invisible, I'd been kind of put off the idea of friends. I sometimes see my former classmates but they either don't recognize me or say hi like we were friends or something. All in all it's a major improvement, people will let you do what you want to do at uni and don't concern themselves with what you're like.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)03:16 No.7418088
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    >Go to a different high school than my buddies, so I don't know anyone.
    >Freshman year, quite a few cute chicks approach me, flirt with me, instead of flirting back and asking them out, I act like a good friend and friendzone myself. Some guy in one of my classes starts talking to me, invites me to hang out with his group of friends at lunch, they aren't popular kids but not nerds either, they are cool and funny guys.
    >During PE, I get picked first for basketball (I'm one of the tallest kids at school), my team's like "AW HELL YEAH" while the other team's like "OH FUCK", unfortunately I suck at basketball and play like a nerd (afraid of the ball, etc.), so the other team's laughing while my team hates me, that gives me a bad reputation. I'm in RSP, that too gives me a bad reputation. I get shitty grades, never do anything in class and never do homework, that also gives me a bad reputation.
    >Bad reputation causes girls to not want to flirt with me or talk to me anymore, except for the weird ugly girls that get NO attention, and that one group of guys start avoiding me.
    >Spend the rest of high school being alone, bored and half awake every day waiting for school to end for the day so I can get home and play vidya/PC games and go on the internet, oh don't forget hanging out with buddies on weekends.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)03:19 No.7418121
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    Oh and as for if I changed at all after I graduated, I didn't really. I don't have a job, I get $1,000 a month from social security, 24 year old that hasn't been to college yet, live at home, continued to fuck up chances I had with girls, play vidya/PC games, go on internet, still have the same friends but not a HUGE social life.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)03:22 No.7418156
    Skinny, mildly athletic, tall kid (6 foot 6). I had a lot of friends between basketball, 3 years of autotech, and just talking to people. I had a lot of fun skipping class to fuck around in the parking lot (live in Michigan, had so much fun sliding cars around in the senior parking lot), never smoked or drank.

    I rather preferred staying home and watching movies though, I texted people but made whatever excuse to not do shit with them. I was probably known as a "cool kid" to most people but other than being a loud mouth and talking back to everyone I gave no fucks.

    I go to a 4 year university and do the same shit, but care even less.

    When I graduate I really want to move. I live in the country and all my friends are into is mudding and bullshit like that.

    I'd like a city life, but I dunno about giving up my car obsession..
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)03:53 No.7418489
    >> Anonymous 08/19/11(Fri)03:56 No.7418517
    >High school
    Poor kid at private school, I think I said enough. No friends because I didn't have daddy's money to spend every weekend.
    I'm doing nothing with my life.

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