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  • File : 1312211659.png-(463 KB, 613x684, sad1.png)
    463 KB Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:14 No.7161248  
    >that feel when you're 19 and never had a job or have your drivers licence or debit card

    I can't be the only one.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:15 No.7161256
    Where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:16 No.7161267
    Well I have a job only because my parents own the company I'm working for, and thanks to that i finally have some money, but I'm 19 and still no drivers license
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:16 No.7161268
    >no job
    >no drivers license
    >living at home

    Oh yeah, future sure is looking bright.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:18 No.7161276
    >its my second job
    >beginner drivers licence
    >everything went better than expected.jpg
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:23 No.7161304
    ME TOO OP!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:24 No.7161306
    unemployed (never been employed)
    No drivers licence...


    could do with a job though.
    >> The Postman !!DTw7vvt3ETo 08/01/11(Mon)11:24 No.7161312
    >no job

    Really now?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:25 No.7161324
    >Drivers license
    >Studying after summer
    >Still a virgin
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:26 No.7161330
    >Just lost job
    >Have license and debit card

    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:27 No.7161336
    >that feeling when you are almost 21 and have no license
    >that feeling when you had to quit your job due to being harassed by a coworker, and having a boss who is a coward and didnt stop it.
    >that feeling when you use your debit card in the middle of the night to buy a ton of shit online.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:29 No.7161361
    >19 year old Filipino kid
    >virgin in denial
    >expired student's permit
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:42 No.7161458
    >Just got my first job
    >Got debit card
    >Can't drive

    Could be better, could be worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:44 No.7161473
    > 20
    > Never had a job
    > Don't have driver's licence
    > Virgin

    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:44 No.7161474
    I knew that feel.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:45 No.7161486
    I'm turning 20 soon and am just finding it SO difficult to get a job and definitely feel like a failure. I have my provisional driver's license so I'm getting there on that regard. I don't want to go to college...basically I feel like a total bum. I understand OP. It's depressing.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:47 No.7161502
         File1312213640.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, edd cry.jpg)
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    >Have a car
    >Have my license

    Now I'm starting to like this girl but saw her kissing a friend of mine on a night out. Shit hurt like fuck man.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:49 No.7161521
    >no license
    >no car
    >debit card
    >credit card
    >live by myself
    feels ok
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)11:49 No.7161523
    I don't understand how anyone over 16-18 doesn't have a driver's license. Anyway, back to the topic:

    >Got my first job this summer
    >Have debit card
    >Working on my driver's license, still have a few more hours

    Meh, could be worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:09 No.7161682

    Whats your daily life like?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:15 No.7161741
    > that feel when you're 19 and make $30,000 a year while at university, have a drivers license, a credit score of 735, and $12,000 in your savings account with a debit card tied to it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:20 No.7161789

    What are you doing on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:21 No.7161795
    I'm twenty and same as you OP. We're still young.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:23 No.7161806
    I forgot to mention prescription pill abuse, not having any friends (not one, not even back to early elementary school), having desperate gay buttsex with people I met online, and spending most of the work day browsing 4chan from my office.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:40 No.7161976

    Least you might have a life ahead of you.
    >> Guru !!BJFyBs5bdZx 08/01/11(Mon)12:41 No.7161986
    I'm 17 and I have all that. U jelly?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)12:51 No.7162098

    fuck off tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)13:38 No.7162592
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)13:39 No.7162610
    I'm 20
    never had a job or a driver's license.
    I do go to school, and live on my own though (yeah, I need to get a job soon).
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)13:43 No.7162641
    >had a license since I was 16
    >had a job on and off since I was 16
    >Never had a debit card

    Oh well.
    >> Mstski 08/01/11(Mon)13:53 No.7162756
    >drivers licence since 16
    >no job
    >live at home
    >community college student

    Life's pretty good, wish I had a job though sucks living in a town that has very little job offering
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:30 No.7163183
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:31 No.7163189
    Don't worry that's perfectly normal
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:34 No.7163210
         File1312223645.jpg-(21 KB, 367x451, 1307506561904.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:37 No.7163249
    I have had all of these things since age 16
    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:38 No.7163273
    as if money and a job will help the fact i literally hate being conscious and sober
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:43 No.7163342
    ill be 19 in dec.
    no job ever as of yet. i always get all stoked on trying to get a job and turn in apps and stuff but never follow up because i always realize id probably fucking hate working there.
    >> Dellminihackintosh !!5/YiOfD6PLi 08/01/11(Mon)14:50 No.7163400
         File1312224656.jpg-(151 KB, 467x571, 1306048134052.jpg)
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    > 23 Years Old
    > Drivers License, No car
    > Pilots License, No plane
    > Job, No place of my own, currently sleeping on friends couch
    > Life now bores me after the previous year

    > Boyfriend was literally a Norsk traveling karate hobo, we walked, flew, surfed and drove from the UK, across europe, up through the balitcs to Russia, down through china and Korea, to Japan, then across to America, to Canada, then worked as sailors on a fisherboat for a month for lame pay, we only got $370 each, he took both our shares, bought me a plane ticket and sent me home wishing me a happy life while he continued his quest as a martial arts bum.

    Hell of a year and I knew this was coming but good golly I have a lot of catching up to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:56 No.7163470
         File1312224996.jpg-(32 KB, 400x400, 1308340052986.jpg)
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    >that feel when you have a drivers license but no car.
    Cruel, cruel world.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:56 No.7163473
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:57 No.7163483
         File1312225067.jpg-(27 KB, 400x284, 1307734892961.jpg)
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    >that feel when you will never have a drivers license has cool has this one.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)14:59 No.7163516
    I was the same when I was 19. Actually no, I did have a job but hadn't had it for long and wouldn't if I wasn't forced into it.

    Three years later, I have normal driving licence and HGV with HAZMAT certificates (and that isn't even my job) and I didn't didn't pay a penny. I have a job giving me decent qualifications and financial support available so I can study for others in my own time.
    Also have a house (mortgaged of course).

    Basically OP, heave your arse out of the house and do something now because, falling short of winning the lottery, if you don't you'll be a lonely poor fag forever.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:01 No.7163529
    with you on the job part, though I've worked I've never had an actual job yet. got my debit at 17, got my license at 18.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:02 No.7163535

    >if you don't get a licence you'll be poor forever this how Americans really think?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:04 No.7163557
    No, not driving licence you fucking mong. A job...
    Also, since when have Americans written "arse"?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:05 No.7163567
    >that feel when you're 22 and have had several different jobs, a driver's license, an aeronautical radio license, a debit card, and a credit card
    >that feel when you don't have your motorcycle license yet
    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:05 No.7163576
    Not exactly. But there are some jobs you just can't do if you don't drive.
    >> Dellminihackintosh !!5/YiOfD6PLi 08/01/11(Mon)15:08 No.7163610
         File1312225727.png-(7 KB, 191x234, 1306000322944.png)
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    From my ex-boyfriends point of view:

    > 25 Years old
    No car
    No job
    No house
    1 useful "techno-geek" girlfriend whos good with electronics, computers, soldering and cracking WEP keys, crimping phone lines and using a residential line to connect to PAYG internet servers (used twice on our epic journey)
    ASS-KICKING-MACHINE karate skills
    Erryday walkin, workin, scavenging for food, challenging people to fights for beer at night, sleeping wherever he wants, earning money by asking people for small jobs and doing them.

    Worldly posessions
    - A knife on fishing wire (which he threw away and re-made after each border check)
    - A wallet containing his passport, EU driving license and picture of his family, usually with no more than 30 euro to the value of any currency
    - A camera and a few SD cards
    - A miniature laptop
    - A mobile phone and a fistful of pre-pay sims
    - clothes
    - good medical kit
    - usually some kind of emergency dry-packed food, kind of like army rations.
    - emergency charger kit
    - IPod

    See? He's not really poor because his life is so rich... every single day was an adventure with that crazy bastard and somewhere his journey continues.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:28 No.7163832
    Pardon the question, but why did you guys end? He sounds like a cool dude and you a cool dudet or dude, can't tell.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:36 No.7163901
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    Mong is MY WORD.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:39 No.7163935
    Hey OP, you sound like my dead beat brother at that age.

    He's still the same way at age 23.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:42 No.7163970
    >no driver's license
    >no car
    >> Dellminihackintosh !!5/YiOfD6PLi 08/01/11(Mon)15:42 No.7163975
         File1312227752.png-(621 KB, 720x540, 1308534525111.png)
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    haha, well thats simple, he felt I should go home because he didn't want a plain jane like me to throw away my life in England for him. He said at the airport "This is my quest Kathryn, I can't ask you to throw away your life following a mad man, go now, that ticket is not refundable, you know I can take care of myself, but dont let a month of work go to waste... thank you for everything, until we meet again"

    I forgot to mention he played the harmonica... just hearing one gives me 1 million ladyboners, truly the best days of my life, I only wish I wasn't such a burden to him, maybe that crusade could have lasted forever.

    We made a great team in cities... I was great with people, he was great with survival and could think of 1001 ways to get out of any situation, in America we earned $500 and a free ride over the canadian border with just him looking for unofficial pilot work for me, just ferried a brand new piper twin-prop and got paid for it... it's just the kind of guy he was, fun-loving, resourceful, kind, clever, tough, strong and loving... plus he was a demon in the sack. (about a 4.5 inc.h penis too, dont tell me that size matters.)
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:46 No.7164013
    You have tangled with Macgyver it seems.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)15:48 No.7164032
    I'm 19 and just opened a bank account. I have no drivers license. I just got fired from my first job.

    I have licenses for:
    stand up counter balance forklift
    order picker
    rough terrain forklift
    stand up forklift
    power walkie/ride on
    scissor lift
    boom lift
    transportation of dangerous goods
    bobcat skidsteer

    nearly got my bosses' forklift impounded because i forgot you need a drivers license to drive a forklift on the road. lol

    Boys and girls, don't do drugs and stay in school
    >> Dellminihackintosh !!5/YiOfD6PLi 08/01/11(Mon)16:05 No.7164233
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    lol to me he was kind of Link from legend of Zelda... I swear if that harmonica could warp us to places I'd be completely convinced.

    He made me feel like a princess too :( carried me up a mile-long hill when I collapsed due to lack of hydration, then banged on some guys door with me on my back asking for water, the guy was kind enough to let us stay the night while we told him and his family of our quest with no purpose, they loved it.

    He said he traveled this way because he was searching for something he would know when he found it... fucking amazing guy, I hope he knocks on my door again one day.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:10 No.7164313
         File1312229457.gif-(48 KB, 400x335, OcarinaofTime.gif)
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    But Link had an Ocarina.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:13 No.7164354
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    >that feel when 23 and that all applies to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:14 No.7164359
    >>7164354 least you have friends and go out to parties? nah, I don't either, all I do is stay in my room, sleep, and browse 4chan...
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:24 No.7164504
    >no job
    >job seeking like hell
    >no licence
    >only ID is birth certificate and NIN
    >debit card
    >no credit card
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:31 No.7164587
    I'm nineteen. I've had a car since I was fourteen, got my first job when I was fourteen, and a debit card since I was fourteen. I acquired my current job last year after a lot of job searching, but at least I have one.

    It really isn't that difficult. I find that most people that tell me that they don't have a job and have been "looking really hard" don't ever go out looking for jobs and complain about not getting any calls back. I even know one guy who applied for a job, got the job, then quit after the first day because it was "too hard". Most people, once they get past the age of nineteen without having a job or anything else, are just content to spend their life living at home with their parents and getting everything from them. It's easy, so why work for what you get for free, I guess.

    Finding a job isn't difficult. I started by volunteering, so I would have something to put on my resume and something to talk about during interviews. There are plenty of high effort minimum wage paying jobs that are always hiring people.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:36 No.7164635
    Same bro, never really had to do anything job wise since I moved so much when I was in MS/HS so no friends or anything. Just gave up & havent done shit for the past 5-8 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:36 No.7164636
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    >mfw I am 24 and I have learned to stop caring about anything that might cause discomfort in my life
    life is too fucking easy, I don't understand why you faggots want to make it so complicated.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:36 No.7164651
    >part-time job working at a flea market when home from college
    >only have my permit, got it when I was 15

    My mother's too much of a Jew to put me on her policy, so why bother?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:37 No.7164654

    What is your daily routine like and is it ever memorable?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:37 No.7164664
    shit I think I was 21 when I got my license OP

    but I had a bank account as soon as I turned 18, the bank only asked that I deposited $5 so I was lucky
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:38 No.7164670
    be 20
    >No "legal" job
    >Credit and Debit card
    >Drivers license
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:39 No.7164686
    it's complexity that makes life - and we've missed out on it...

    >you will never be 17 and take your girl to a drive in
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:41 No.7164722
    you dont even need a license...unless you live in some ghetto tiny city
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)16:44 No.7164757
    >My mother's too much of a Jew to put me on her policy, so why bother?
    wtf dad but my bro on his and then gave him the car...and i dont get shit
    >> Dellminihackintosh !!5/YiOfD6PLi 08/01/11(Mon)17:48 No.7165585
    Link also cut grass to find bombs, arrows and currency... lol when he cut grass it was to carry in his pouch to dry out and eventually use it as kindle for a fire to cook rations.

    fuck, should have bought that hobo an ocarina :(
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)17:50 No.7165615
    19 year old virgin shut-in here, i worked for 2 days and have a driver's license
    you jelly?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)17:51 No.7165624
    im 19 year old shut in and have no license or debit card either

    well thats not true, i have a debit card for my own bank account

    but are you referring to people not using daddy's credit card to buy everything?

    also, i dont have a license because i have no friends so i rarely have to go anywhere and dont want to pay the insurance and gas
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:38 No.7166171

    What is your daily routine like and does it ever change?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:42 No.7166214
    18 here
    Never had a job
    But I've fucking tried for over a year now, many jobs, oh we were hoping for someone with some job experience
    Wtf is this bullshit, how do you get experience without gettting a job, and fuck getting a Mcjob
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:42 No.7166220
    >No drivers license
    >Only employed during semesters
    >Has debit card

    So I'm only half fucked here.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:44 No.7166251

    Same here, except I'm 22 and I've never even had a summer job.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:44 No.7166256
    LOL amateurs

    >no job
    >no drivers licence
    >literally no money
    >dropped out after 9th grade
    >at home on computer every day all day
    >family don't care about me
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:47 No.7166284
    OP you'll have to put in some effort to get a job or get your drivers license, but i'm happy to inform you that you don't have to put forth any effort to get a bank account / debit card.

    Bank of America has been offering this new checking account called eBanking. You can apply online. You don't have to make an opening deposit. There is no minimum balance required and there is no monthly fee if you follow these two conditions: only use ATMs and only use online billing.

    I applied for one, got an email the next day saying that I was approved and in two weeks I got my debit card in the mail. So look up eBanking from Bank of America
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:54 No.7166373
    >fuck getting a Mcjob

    fucking this. everyone tells me im being too picky by not going to mcdonalds and burger king. sorry faggots, but id rather be unemployed and broke than sell my soul and happiness for a shithole fastfood job. i'd literally do pretty much any other job.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:56 No.7166412
    >same situation as OP
    >except all my friends are getting cars bought for them and their lessons paid for by their parents
    >they are also employed at their parents companies

    Fuck everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:57 No.7166428
    Alright, here's a job that collegefags can get even with no job experience. Just throwing it out there:

    >Get work study.
    >If you don't know how, go to your financial office and ask.
    >Scour university jobs.
    >Find one that deals with kids or senior citizens.
    >Acceptance 90% guaranteed.

    The great thing about these programs is that they need all the people they can get, but not many people apply because of "kids" and "old people".
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)18:58 No.7166442
    >Be 20
    >Attending a top tier college
    >Fluent in 3 languages
    >Have seen more of the world than most see in their entire lifetimes
    >Not a virgin
    >Not even that /fit/
    >Dress well
    >Have good paying, respectful job for someone my age (Art Museum tour guide/receptionist)

    Wait Im doing this thread wrong arent I?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:00 No.7166471
    hi, OP

    >never had a job
    >no license
    >not out of High school
    >in and out of psyche wards
    >not virgin
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:01 No.7166483
    nice e-stats
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:12 No.7166638

    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:19 No.7166737
    So, there is a correlation between not having your drivers license and being a failure.

    Yep, going to be 19. Permit, never had a job, and I'm in community college. I've been taking random classes that I don't think will count towards any degree. Morbidly obese and ugly too. Violently retarded little brother (he's actually mentally retarded), and living with a "step father" that absolutely hates me. I'd kill him if I knew I wouldn't have to go to prison.

    Alright, that's enough bitching and moaning for this year.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:21 No.7166773
    What up ABoatsABoat
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:22 No.7166786
         File1312240941.jpg-(43 KB, 442x599, 1274155260580.jpg)
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    >get first job at 16
    >purchase first car a year later with own money
    >now able to drive and get a better job
    >saving up $$$ for college and able to buy whatever I want
    >independence from parents despite still living at home and only 18

    Feels pretty good actually
    >> han 08/01/11(Mon)19:42 No.7167083
    >Be 19
    >Not a virgin
    >Have a car
    >No job, my mom doesn't want me to work because I take so many hours at college
    >Go to a state college with almost a full ride
    >Will be living on my own again soon
    >Got a permit
    >Going to take my driving test this week.
    >Nervous as hell.

    My life ;.;
    >> Anonymous 08/01/11(Mon)19:45 No.7167131
         File1312242343.jpg-(55 KB, 369x452, Sandhurst.jpg)
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    > 17 studying at sixth form
    > Expected A-A*
    > Achieved a Bursary from the British Army to enlist as an officer.
    > Regularly visit /fit/ and are acceptably muscular.
    >Good with girls and never struggle to make friends.
    > Joining the Household Cavalary because I'm a rich posh cunt.
    > My life is about as awesome as my parents estate.
    >Fuck Yeah

    The minute when you write this, remember its absolutely true and you're happy as fuck :L

    Pic related, its me. Looking FUCKING HEROIC at Sandhurst.

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