>> |
05/01/11(Sun)22:22 No.5864385>>5864276 Women
Gender Sexuality Studies. My future goals is to make money so I can
survive. I'm thinking maybe I'll work public relations, I might be a
social worker, I'd really like to be involved in gay or trans activism,
but I'm getting really fucking annoyed with the kids in my transnational
activism class, also I'm shy as fuck. Dunno I took two AfroAm
classes for other requirements but I also took two sociology classes. It
would be easy to minor in either. I really don't want to take
sociology, because every kid I meet who is sociology seems to not know
much of anything but has scattered intelligence. Also the AfroAm
department has a ton of history classes. Which I like, especially civil
rights movement classes. In the classes I've taken there have been
mostly white kids, but majors and minors tend to be black. I don't think
there's any real reason people should be offended if they knew my
reasons, it's just I have to go and file paperwork and I dunno if people
are gonna be annoyed with me on some level. |