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  • File : 1304301456.jpg-(17 KB, 192x240, carlton-banks.jpg)
    17 KB Ask a Black Dude!!! Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)21:57 No.5863970  
    Ask me advice or anything that is on your mind.
    I am here to answer any questions
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:04 No.5864075
    awe come on anons, i'm really bored

    no questions at all
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:05 No.5864095
    I want to ask something, really, I do, but I got nothing.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:05 No.5864107
    Are you like a Carlton black dude or a Will black dude?

    Also, please don't stab me.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:06 No.5864123
    As you mention your race, I assume youre okay with questions relating to it?

    Do you find the word nigger offensive?
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:07 No.5864126

    well i have to say i am a mix of both. Smarter than will, but not as nerdy as carlton
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:07 No.5864134
    how do you tolerate gang bangers?

    I mean what is preventing gang bangers from just going out and shooting everyone who is ruining your town?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:08 No.5864154
    Why do black men like fat white women?
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:09 No.5864185

    yea race related questions are fine.
    the word is meant to be offensive so i do take offense to it
    no matter the race of the person using it
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:10 No.5864203
    He's not a real black he's on 4chan real blacks are busy with drugs or calling people racist or eaten watermelon or fried chicken or collecting unemployment or obamaphones or other black people things and real black people don't have internet I would know I was born a poor black child
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:10 No.5864204
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:11 No.5864225
    Are there social pressures for you to only get close to other black girls? Black male friend was close for a while, then started being an unreliable douchebag and now I only see him with his new little black female bff. Can't decide if it was a) social pressures b) he's just a douche c) had a crush on me and gave up because I have a bf or d) combo
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:12 No.5864228

    i don't tolerate anyone shooting anyone. No excuses for that type of behavior


    idk, maybe because bigger white women developed features that normal black women would have?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:12 No.5864239
    Should I minor in AfroAm? I'm white
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:13 No.5864255
    It was kind of funny when you said "or other black things" but not really.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:14 No.5864259
    there are always social pressures when you are dating outside your race, no matter who you are
    it is unfortunate that your friend did that to you. I would say it could have been a combination of both
    >> The World's on Fire !!WNY5cVCxdNl 05/01/11(Sun)22:14 No.5864267
    answer this please:
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:15 No.5864276

    depends, whats your major? and what are your future goals?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:15 No.5864282
    Uh you had a boyfriend.
    Fucking moron
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:16 No.5864295
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    one of these days man. If i get really depressed I'm going to save up and buy an assault rifle, drive to the ghetto and spraypaint "i hate niggers" and any gang banger tries to test me I will shoot them until all thats left is law abiding citizens.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:16 No.5864296
    Chances are he was attracted to you but noticed all your boyfriends so far have been white or something? That would tell him that you don't dig black guys.
    That and it sounded like you friendzoned him, so he moved on and found an actual girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:16 No.5864311
    Are you from the city, suburbs, countryside, what?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:18 No.5864323

    Fair enough. For me, I dont understand how it is offensive. Sure, a few centuries ago the term was used in the slave trade, and as such negative connotations were attached to it and they stuck for a while - but I dont understand how it is offensive today.

    What is it about the word that bothers you? Is it the fact that they are calling you a slave? Or is it more just the fact that it is meant in a negative, derogatory way?

    The word gay has evolved over the years, it annoys me how the word nigger hasnt. Or if it has, again only in a negative fashion - gan culture and all that shiz.

    No real point to my ranting, just I know I cant say this to anyone I know irl as they would have a hissy fit.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:18 No.5864324
    >have boyfriend
    >not allowed to have close male friends
    >girls are shallow and boring as fuck, can't really make friends with them

    Is that really how it goes?
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:18 No.5864336

    ok after reading your posts it seems that you have both gotten comfortable with your relationship.
    the death of a relationship is immanent when you forget that you are dating and that means you must amuse one another
    letting yourself go, and behaving in an undesirable way isn't going to keep you together. Either change the way you do things, and make yourselves more appealling to one another, or move on
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:22 No.5864385
    Women Gender Sexuality Studies. My future goals is to make money so I can survive. I'm thinking maybe I'll work public relations, I might be a social worker, I'd really like to be involved in gay or trans activism, but I'm getting really fucking annoyed with the kids in my transnational activism class, also I'm shy as fuck. Dunno
    I took two AfroAm classes for other requirements but I also took two sociology classes. It would be easy to minor in either. I really don't want to take sociology, because every kid I meet who is sociology seems to not know much of anything but has scattered intelligence. Also the AfroAm department has a ton of history classes. Which I like, especially civil rights movement classes.
    In the classes I've taken there have been mostly white kids, but majors and minors tend to be black. I don't think there's any real reason people should be offended if they knew my reasons, it's just I have to go and file paperwork and I dunno if people are gonna be annoyed with me on some level.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:22 No.5864387
    Only have had the one white boyfriend.
    But seriously, I wasn't trying to date him. We were really good friends for a while; he liked me a lot and then he dropped me like a bad habit and blew me off on my birthday.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:22 No.5864391

    i live in the suburbs


    its its past that makes the term offensive. unlike the word gay, nigger has only one meaning, and always had one meaning. Just because slavery has long been obolished, there is still plenty of racial inequalities in america. That word is a constant reminder of that inequality.
    To me Nigger is a word that everyone needs to stop using. If that word truly goes away, then race truly doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:23 No.5864408
    I hate threads like this. If people want advice they'll make a thread. These threads are powertrips.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:25 No.5864435
    I feel ya on the use of the word 'nigger'. It's become a symbol of solidarity between black people, a symbol of authenticity, but it's really a crutch and a manifestation of a grudge. I think race will always matter, but I hope to God it takes less of a divisive role.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:25 No.5864442

    if u truly want to be a part of the cultural activist community, then having that in your resume wouldn't be a bad move.
    It shows that you truely are interested in the progressive movement and are legitimately interested in making that change.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:28 No.5864477
    hi black dude

    i really want a cool black person as a friend. (indian here) but its really hard. what do you guys like to do?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:29 No.5864481
    inb4 trollish responses
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:30 No.5864495

    sometimes, people need a nudge to get advice. its like if i ask someone what is wrong, instead of waiting for them to tell me about it
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:31 No.5864513
    Hi black dude. What makes you think you're so fucking great as to be worth a thread where you dispense your "wisdom" like some fucking monarch? When I need advice on eating fried chicken I'll ask for it. Until then, why don't you fuck off?
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:31 No.5864519

    lol, your first problem is that you are generalizing too much on race. Talk to some people, see what their interests are. Then see if they line up to your interests as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:33 No.5864550
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    ok here's a serious question,

    how do you feel about white guys dating black chicks?

    pic related. I would marry this bitch.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:33 No.5864558

    Why do you feel that I feel like I'm great? Why do you feel like am imposing on you? I'll leave when this thread 404s
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:33 No.5864559
    So you friendzoned him? Maybe he wanted a fucking relationship and when you didn't provide one he moved on?
    You're on /adv/, you should know this shit already.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:35 No.5864587

    no issues here. Date whomever makes you happy. Don't let anything hold you back from whomever will make you happy. Awesome pic btw
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:36 No.5864612
    Do you dislike your afro hair texture?

    I have wavy hair and thats annoying as fuck, I can only imagine you guys get pissed off to fuck
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:38 No.5864646

    I'm not really annoyed because i keep it buzzed short. If it were longer, it may be more of a hastle.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:40 No.5864674
    Is there any reason why black dudes are really laid back and chill all the time?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:42 No.5864717
    I posted >>5863934

    Why the fuck don't girls talk to me on dates? before and after they're as chatty as they ever were, but during the date they're just like NOPE NOT GONNA EVEN OPEN MY MOUTH TO EAT
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:43 No.5864727
    >implying some black dudes aren't high-strung as fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:43 No.5864728
    Sup black dude.

    How do I increase my swag.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:43 No.5864730

    Wow!! You have stumped me! I really don't know. I can't even justify it with a stereotype. Maybe weed? But that can sometimes make you paranoied
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:46 No.5864770

    girls don't talk on dates because of 3 reasons

    1. They think its bad manners to talk while eating

    2. You took them to a shitty place

    3. You aren't asking the right things to make them open up
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:48 No.5864804
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    start dressing to impress, ALL THE TIME
    learn to be sociable at all times. at all times look like this guy
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:49 No.5864822
    How do I become less of a retard?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:50 No.5864837

    PS. I too am a black dude... just saying lol
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:50 No.5864848
    I'm kind of scared of going to sleep. Let's just say I read and saw some creepy shit on the internet today and now I'm just... scared.

    How do I get over this, and quickly so that I can fall asleep?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:52 No.5864863
    It's not fucking friendzoning if he's known I had a boyfriend from literally our first conversation. If all he was doing was crushing, he shouldn't have led me on like he actually liked me as a person instead of a pair of tits... The strangeness of trying to approach a taken girl and then treating her like crap is the doubt I have about the crush theory.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:53 No.5864881

    Think before you act. if you think you are a retard then it is probably safe to say your impulses aren't to be trusted
    Just take an extra few seconds to think "If i do this, what is the worst possible outcome?"
    Then when you think of it, decide if its worth the risk.

    If that doesn't work then always do the opposite of your instincts
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:54 No.5864895
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    >The strangeness of trying to approach a taken girl and then treating her like crap is the doubt I have about the crush theory.

    He, like other men, learned at some point that the only way to a girls heart (or her pants, because they are essentially the same thing as sex = love to many girls) is to be as big of an asshole as you possibly can to her
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)22:56 No.5864921

    the best sleeping aid is an orgasm. i shouldn't have to teach you how to attain that, lol

    but listening to your favorite music can help give you brain a good scrubbing of bad thoughts
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:56 No.5864931

    Thank you! :D
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:57 No.5864942
    Yes it fucking is you dumb slut. If you know he has a crush on you you're supposed to let him go if you don't feel the same way, not try to string him along "FOR THE FRIENDSHIP".
    If you're on here you should know it's fucking encouraged to drop a girl for someone else if they already have a boyfriend or "just want to stay friends".
    You are both. So he did the right thing. You have no right to get analpained because you lost your little token black, little whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)22:58 No.5864953
    How the fuck did he lead you on if you never wanted to go out with him?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:00 No.5864980
    Don't be afraid. The chances of you having a nightmare about it is minimal.
    Unless you're genuinely afraid. If so, get the fuck over it.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)23:01 No.5864982

    ok, lets calm down now. Let me say something about this topic real quick. Just because a girl wants to just have a platonic relationship, doesn't give the right for the guy to get mad about it

    Yes, he wants something more, but it doesn't give him the right to get crazy mad over it.

    He needs to be mature and get over it. You are missing out on a good person if you are only trying to get in their pants.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:02 No.5864992
    >Unless you're genuinely afraid.
    Well, no, but I-
    >If so, get the fuck over it.
    NO U!
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:02 No.5864999
    So much bullshit. I was ALWAYS dating a guy. Non-negotiable, it's not rocket science. If he only wanted to date a girl and not be friends with me, that's on his fucking end. It's not my fault if he acts like he's perfectly okay with that and then suddenly treats me like crap, it's his because he's a fucking moron and a dick for not outright telling me he was into me and that he only wanted to date.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:06 No.5865029
    So yeah, it is leading me on if he acts like he wants a friendship when all he wants is a fleshlight with tits.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:08 No.5865041
    >implying you're not open to cheating
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:08 No.5865046
    Ever thought that MAYBE he wanted to get to know you to see if he really liked you or not?
    Not all guys are attracted based on looks alone.
    I still fail to see why you care. You didn't want his dick, so you shouldn't even care. You have a boyfriend. Those things you wanted the black friend for? A boyfriend can do the same fucking thing. And since you're going out with that boyfriend, chances are he does it better.
    You're just pissy because you want attention and you didn't get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:09 No.5865055
    Very important signs a guy likes you?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:10 No.5865063
    It's not real bro. Think of it this way. If it was real the writer would be dead because they would've gotten to him before he could write it.
    But using him as an emotional tampon knowing he wants you isn't?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:14 No.5865080
    Yeah, because it's really awesome to go to a different college than my boyfriend and constantly study alone and have no one to talk to or chill with. Trust me, my boyfriend is my best friend in the entire universe but it's not so weird if I should feel lonely and stressed being here by myself. It's hard enough finding people here I can actually relate to and have fun with, I don't need to be treated like shit on top of that.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:18 No.5865093
    Signs a girl likes you

    And also
    How to ask for her number without literally saying "can I have your number"
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:19 No.5865096
    I already said, I don't KNOW know. It's conjecture. I'm trying to figure out why he would be sucky like that. If I'm "using him as an emotional tampon" by simply trying to be friends, fine. I won't make any damn friends if I'm being so cruel just wanting to hang out with and support a person sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:23 No.5865112
    Surprise! I'm a whiny beta like everyone else on this thread.
    Atleast I have a delicious cock to suck once I move in with my bf in two weeks.
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)23:24 No.5865117

    Signs a girl likes you. If she is touchy, makes any sort of unnecessary physical contact with you. Laughs at any dumb thing you say. Is very engaged during conversation. Those are sure signs.

    Never ask for numbers, always ask for a date. Hey want to go for a movie friday? If she agrees then the number is a way to contact her.


    If a guy is single and is going out of his way to engage in a conversation with you, he likes you. lol
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:27 No.5865139
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    Man, the more I read this board and deal with women, the more it seems like dating men would be a much better idea, seriously
    >> Black Dude !!NGYg8PS+fbI 05/01/11(Sun)23:33 No.5865188
    off topic: they got osama
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:34 No.5865198
    I dunno, depends. The problem with a lot of gay men is that they take on the culture of/act like women.

    As the woman to whose post you responded, I totally agree that most women are bitches and that's why it's almost impossible for me to make friends with them. But alas, the main problem with men is that most of the time all they want is pussy.

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