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  • File : 1299066701.jpg-(55 KB, 400x400, 1266871225799.jpg)
    55 KB Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)06:51 No.5149545  
    Call me a deadbeat parent if you will, but I need a way of getting out of paying child support. The other parent, although I'm not certain will, will more than likely file for support, so I'm just preparing myself ahead of time. I do no longer want to be with the other parent, which is the reason for my choice to leave. I also do not want to have partial custody because although it may be partially my child, I; 1) do not have the time to be a father, and 2) even if I did, it would mean I'd have to deal with the other parent.

    I'll be working at a job which pays $70,000/year, meaning I'd have to pay $650/month in support. She knows as well as I do that she does not need support, but her being as greedy as she is, she'll probably end up filing for support and receiving this amount to play with.

    I'm in school, so I can't leave the country. Even if I wasn't in school, I'm not willing to leave behind my friends who I truly do love.

    Essentially, I need a way to not pay any money to her even if she does file. This isn't about the kid, as I know she'll have plenty and resources to take care of it. This is about her being greedy, and I just want to prevent her from being so.

    wat do?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)06:56 No.5149559
    Sounds like you may be fucked regardless, OP since judges tend to rule in favor of the mother. You should get a lawyer as soon as you can to figure out your options.

    What are the circumstances with the child? Born already? Still incubating in the womb? I heard something about declaring disavowal of paternity or some shit in passing so you might want to check that. But get that lawyer.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:04 No.5149582
    how sure are you that you are the father? You could claim it's not yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:04 No.5149583
    damn dog, you are so FUCKED. that's like 18 years or 140,400 dollars dude. I would say get the fuck out of the country.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:05 No.5149584

    I'm glad to see someone who's civil.

    The fetus is still in the womb, and has only been in there for about 7 weeks now. It's 'technically' 9 weeks "into pregnancy", but apparently the child was conceived on the 11th of January. Figure that out.

    I think there is a way to give up my rights and responsibilities as a father to the child in return for never having the right to see the child for 18 years. This also allows you not to pay child support. The problem with this is that it requires the other parents permission, something that I don't believe I'd be able to get her to do. I might be able to guilt her into it, but again, it's a maybe.

    Are there any other options?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:07 No.5149589

    I'm almost 100% sure that I'm the father. She's not the cheating type.


    And that's if my wage doesn't change over those 18 years, with is incredibly doubtful. I might be making double that in 10 years, meaning I'd be paying roughly double in child support. Like I said, getting out of the country would mean leaving my education and my friends behind, and I'm not willing to do that.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:15 No.5149609
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    well then, man the fuck up. You should have thought about all of this when you thought having a baby was a pretty swell idea.
    pic related it's your baby your going to sea world on your money and you won't be there.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:16 No.5149614
    Your options as the "father" are limited, but I think you'd be a lot worse off if the baby was already born. Get a lawyer ASAP. Also keep your mouth shut until you consult with a lawyer.

    PS get a lawyer.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:18 No.5149620
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    As a previous guy said, get that lawyer. Assuming you get a specialized one he would be far more cunning than any of us at the subject, you should explain your situation to him and do as he says.

    And you should also think about how you'd be able to make her sign the papers that makes you free from the child. A way to think here is that practically anything is possible with the right amount of rethoric and social skill, and considering she's the mother of your child you'd be able to judge her character and come up with the best way to deal with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:21 No.5149628

    I don't get it when people say "man the fuck up". I'm not the one who wants to have or support for a child, she is. Why can't she "woman the fuck up" and take care of it herself?


    I've gotten advice from some friends of mine. They've told me, no matter what, to not sign the birth certificate. Apparently signing the birth certificate is enough to make you the legal father, even if you aren't the biological father.

    What would a lawyer be able to do that I wouldn't be able to do myself in this circumstance? Would they just know more on the subject?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:24 No.5149637
    18 years, 18 years
    payin child support
    then find out its not hiiiis?
    ain't sayin she's a goldigger, unh.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:26 No.5149646
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:27 No.5149652
    How did she get pregnant? If you can prove somehow she stopped taking the pill because -she- wanted a baby without your consent, you might get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:27 No.5149653

    >considering she's the mother of your child you'd be able to judge her character and come up with the best way to deal with her.

    If that were true, I wouldn't be in this circumstance. She was always pro-life and was very against having children before 25, but apparently she's thrown that out the window for nothing.

    I honestly see no good side to keeping a child when you have no money, no job, no education, no car, and no house. Short of getting out of high school, she has yet to do anything in her life worth speaking of.
    >> ShoeShoe !!lawfYekGKss 03/02/11(Wed)07:27 No.5149654
    Just man the fuck up and pay it. Your fault for having sex w/o a condom.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:29 No.5149662
    >She was always pro-life
    And yet you stuck your dick in her?
    Let this be a lesson for other anons - you don't have to stick your dick into crazy pussy if this is going to be the result.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:31 No.5149671

    I don't think that she purposely tried to trap me, but now that she's got the opportunity, I think it's what she's trying to do. I believe it was either a missed pill, consider she 'thinks' she knows the date of conception.


    Why is it always the mans fault? Why put all of the responsibility on the man's shoulders when he has none of the choice in the matter?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:31 No.5149674

    Sorry, pro-choice. I don't know why I said pro-life.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:37 No.5149688

    Any legalfags here? Lawyers cost money.
    >> ShoeShoe !!lawfYekGKss 03/02/11(Wed)07:38 No.5149692
    Becuase she obviously wants a baby, and you don't. So it is your responsibility to NOT have a baby.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:42 No.5149702

    >Becuase she obviously wants a baby, and you don't. So it is your responsibility to NOT have a baby.

    You make absolutely no sense towards your argument. If anything, you're supporting my want to not be a father and to not have to pay child support. If SHE wants a baby, why do I have to pay for it? I do not want it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:43 No.5149703
    1. Condoms
    2. Man up Bitch
    3. Kill your self
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:44 No.5149705

    1. Little too late for that.
    2. Woman up bitch.
    3. Fuck yourself.
    >> ShoeShoe !!lawfYekGKss 03/02/11(Wed)07:46 No.5149710
    You have to pay for it becuase you didn't use a damn condom. You wouldn't be able to prove you didn't want it at the time of inception if you didn't even care to take any precaution to prevent yourself from having kids, especially if you knew she was pro-life.

    You are just hearing what you want to hear. Face it, theres no way you would be able to weasel out of paying without fleeing the country.

    The law is so horribly biased to females because of people like you.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:48 No.5149716
    1. Fuck you
    2. Its your fault ya punk ass bitch of a nigger
    3. Y u mad
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:49 No.5149719

    The precaution I took was speaking with her prior to sex about the possibility of pregnancy. She was on birth control, and also stated that if she were to ever get pregnant, and both of us did not want to keep it, she'd have it terminated. She couldn't hold up on her end of the deal, so I see no reason why I should have to pay for something that I never wanted.

    Even if I could prove that I used a condom, which is impossible by the way, it'd still be biased against me.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:51 No.5149721

    It's more her fault than mine. She isn't willing to have an abortion or give it up for adoption, while I'd be willing to do both. I'm logical, she is not.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:54 No.5149727
    dumb asshole motherfucker i hope your daddy raped you
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:58 No.5149737
    1. Oh look guys its not his fault for being a punk ass bitch of a nigger that didn't wear a condom
    2. It's more her fault than his. She isn't willing to have an abortion or give it up for adoption, while he'd be willing to do both. he's logical, she is not. durp a hurkin durp
    3. Logic you haz not it, Fag
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)07:58 No.5149738
    child on support here
    i think it's hurt my dad financially.

    feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:00 No.5149742
    funny how everyday we have pregnancy threads
    stay classy homo sapiens
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:01 No.5149745



    >Oh look guys, I can't disprove anything he's said, so I'm just going to repeat what he said hurr DURR HURR.



    I don't think that it would greatly harm me financially, as I'd still be able to easily provide for myself, but I would rather not pay for something I didn't want, no offense.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:01 No.5149748
    Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.

    You fuck up 2 months ago; now you must deal with the consequences.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:02 No.5149751
    Then go get a job and give it back to him, you disgusting self-pitying lazy ass leech
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:03 No.5149752
    >I honestly see no good side to keeping a child when you have no money, no job, no education, no car, and no house. Short of getting out of high school, she has yet to do anything in her life worth speaking of.
    >She knows as well as I do that she does not need support
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:03 No.5149758
    I'm always amazed at the number of posts like this where the guy comes in saying, "But I didn't want this - it isn't fair that I should be stuck with child support payments."

    Well, isn't that just a big sad pile of rainbow unicorn shit you got yourself into?

    The laws of the land are what they are - if a guy fathers a child, he's going to be stuck with child support payments if the court so orders and no amount of whining is going to change that.

    So if OP really is the father and doesn't want to pay, he's got two options.

    1. Leave the country
    2. Kill himself

    Enjoy the unicorn shit...
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:07 No.5149770
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    >Implying child support is for the women and not the child
    It doesn't matter that you don't want it and she wants it, fact of the matter is that the child needs to be supported financially and if it's not the taxpayer then it has to be the parents that do that.
    The child needs the money more than you do. Deal with it and lrn2condom or better yet, become infertile.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:07 No.5149772
    It always amazes me how many kids don't use condoms because of this. That's the way the game is, if you don't like the rules, don't play it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:07 No.5149775
    well i didn't want you to be a nigger so i'm a stop paying my taxes so you don't get as much well fair money, because i didn't want you to be a nigger, no offense.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:08 No.5149776

    Thing is, we had a long talk to make sure that these consequences never happened. That's one of the main reasons why I don't want to be with her anymore, as she's turned completely 180 from who she used to be, and one of the main reasons why I don't believe I should be required to pay.


    She doesn't need support because of all the aid she'll receive from her family. She could work at McDonalds and still have enough money to support this child. Working at minimum wage in Canada in a full time position, it's impossible to make under $20,000. The support I'd be paying to her would only allow her to not have to work, meaning that she'd be as good as a greedy welfare parent. Not exactly someone who you want raising a child.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:08 No.5149780
    >This isn't about the kid, as I know she'll have plenty and resources to take care of it.

    >[She has] no money, no job, no education, no car, and no house. Short of getting out of high school, she has yet to do anything in her life worth speaking of.

    You should've seen this coming man...
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:12 No.5149804

    Or, I could terminate my parental rights to the child, which would also terminate any support I'd have to give. Problem is, I need some sort of way to 'trick' her into signing those papers.


    I never said it was for the woman, but I did say that the child didn't need it. She doesn't require financial aid to support the child, so why should she get it? She'll end up spending it on booze and drugs.


    Women play the game too. It's not like I raped her.


    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:13 No.5149810
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:14 No.5149813

    Do you think it's easy just giving up a child or having an abortion? It's not. No matter how much a woman says she wants the baby, having a baby pretty much fucks up your life in a lot of ways. Never any sleep, can't go out at all, puke, shit, puke shit...dealing with that 24/7 is worth more than any child support payment. So she's fucked over, not you, the woman always is. You say she can abort it or out it up for adoption--you have no idea how painful these procedures can be, and she's decided that she's rather take care of the kid. Men get off fucking scott easy, just throw a couple dollars at the kid now and then. She's going to have to deal with all the horribleness of childhood. The law is there so that men have at least ONE negative aspect of getting someone pregnant. By the way, many more of you wouldn't be getting laid if there was no child support laws in place because women would be terrified of getting fucked over by pregnancy. Having a security blanket there makes it a bit easier to get into their pants. I personally would never have sex with these psycho bitches like you guys though, and if I ever had a child I'd man the fuck up and pay for it. OP is a piece a shit who needs to die in a gutter and I really wish he wasn't spreading his idiot-genes.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:14 No.5149815
    >Thing is, we had a long talk to make sure that these consequences never happened. That's one of the main reasons why I don't want to be with her anymore, as she's turned completely 180 from who she used to be, and one of the main reasons why I don't believe I should be required to pay.

    Oh man, thanks OP, I needed a good laugh this morning.

    Tell ya what, when you get dragged into court over this, just tell the Judge that you and she talked about this, but she changed her mind and now you don't think you should have to pay.

    Do that and let us know how it worked out for you...

    Seriously, OP, learn the way the world really works before you start going around thinking things like, "we made a deal so nothing bad will happen to me if it goes wrong."

    Because the world doesn't work like that and the sooner you figure that out, the better.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:14 No.5149819
    >She doesn't need support because of all the aid she'll receive from her family.

    Why should her family have to pay for your child if you don't?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:17 No.5149827
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    and man up bitch
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:17 No.5149829
    >She could work at McDonalds and still have enough money to support this child.

    Fuck this thread. I'm outta here
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:19 No.5149836
    >Women play the game too
    You miss my point.
    If a game is rigged against you, you don't have to play it. If I offer you odds of 10 to 1 that I'll give you ten cents, but if you lose I'll kill you, most people would turn down the opportunity to play that game.

    The rules of this game are simple: if you stick your dick in a girl, there's a chance she could get pregnant. Using a condom reduces that chance (but doesn't eliminate it entirely). If she gets pregnant, she can choose to abort it, but you cannot make her. If she keeps the child, she can sting you for child support.

    It's too late for you dude, and I feel you pain. But I wish some of the kids in here would learn from your mistake.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:20 No.5149842

    Women still have the OPTION to get out. The choice to have an abortion or give it up for adoption may not be easy, but it's the right, logical choice for someone who's not ready to have a child.

    Since women have the OPTION to opt out of parent hood, men should also have that option. Men should have the ability to, without the mothers consent, terminate their parental rights, as women do the exact same thing when they have a LEGAL abortion.


    The world works on deals. She seemed genuine, so I saw no reason to not believe her.


    Because they're willing to do so. They're willing to give her furniture, clothing, food, games, formula, babysitting services, etc, etc. They have all this shit sitting around, so they're willing to give it away.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:23 No.5149854
    the option for men is..... DON'T PUT YOUR NIGGER DICK IN HER BITCH!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:25 No.5149864

    They can't have this option because it's unfair to the woman for the man to just get out of the horrible situation easy as pie, while she has to make one of the most difficult decisions of her life. The laws are made unfair to equalize the unfair laws of nature--the woman has to house the kid. If we had some sort of baby maker thing, everything would be equal.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:26 No.5149868
    Life is unfair. Suck it up.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:27 No.5149871

    >If a game is rigged against you, you don't have to play it.

    It's kind of a mainstay in relationships to have sex. She even told me on several occasions that if I wouldn't fulfill her needs, she'd find someone who could, aka, cheat on me just to get sex.

    She told me during our talk that condom's freak her out, and that she likes the feeling of jizz (apparently women do?). Looking back, I was an idiot for doing anything for her, considering it was more than likely a trap, but I'm just trying to find ways out now. There's always a plan (queue the A-Team theme), and you've just got to stick to it. I think that volentarilly terminating my parental rights would be the best course of action, I just need a way to do so without her realizing what she's done. Is there any drug which wouldn't harm the fetus which makes her more susceptible to making bad decisions?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:30 No.5149876
    >which wouldn't harm the fetus
    why do you care?

    Joking aside, seek legal advice.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:30 No.5149877

    Women also have that option. It's to NOT HOP ON THE NIGGERS DICK.


    Making a decision to destroy your own genetics is as hard on the man as it is on the woman. While the woman has a hormonal influence to keep it, her decision is still as hard as the man's. The thing that would be unfair to her would be the couple of weeks of pain that they have to go through, but I'd rather go through 2 weeks of pain, than have to go through 9 months of pain and 18 years of more pain.

    Women just aren't logical.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:32 No.5149886
    If she wont let you put a condom on don't fuck her ya dumb ass nigger, go git screened for stds and damn right its your fault now bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:32 No.5149887
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    >Women also have that option. It's to NOT HOP ON THE NIGGERS DICK.
    Correct. But we're talking about a woman who wants a baby. She wants to hop on a nigger's dick, or at least, to hop on a rich guy's dick who she can milk for child support. Why wouldn't she?

    Pic related: it's Hitler as a baby.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:32 No.5149889

    Well, I wouldn't want to take away her right to be a parent, but I dislike the fact that the 'right' of being a parent is forced upon me.

    Legal advice will tell me to terminate my parental rights, but that requires her as well. What I was saying earlier is, is there some sort of drug which would harm her judgment, but not harm her child?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:34 No.5149896
    >the 'right' of being a parent is forced upon me.
    It's not a right, it's a responsibility, you twat.
    A responsibility you took on board when you chose to stick your dick into her baby making machinery.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:37 No.5149907
    >It's not a right, it's a responsibility, you twat.
    amen bro
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:40 No.5149917

    Legalfag here. It amuses me greatly that you don't know the myriad of legal reasons why your plan sucks the big one, and I'm not even talking about your stupid idea of drugging her.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:40 No.5149919

    I've already been screened, as was she. I have none, and neither does she. That wasn't a problem at the time.


    She seemed quite genuine in saying that she didn't want a child until the age of 25, and we often argue about this pregnancy. She says "Do you think I wanted this?! I don't want to be pregnant! I don't want to be a mother!". I hold my tongue in saying "Yes, you did fucking want this," and instead try to talk to her about adoption, but she's not willing to do that either.

    She doesn't want to be a mother, isn't willing to abort, and isn't willing to give it up for adoption. Womens logic, eh?


    Well then, I feel as though the responsibility is being forced upon me. I feel like, since women can choose to abort up until the date they have that child, men should be able to choose if they want to be a parent or not also. Just because they get disfigured because of pregnancy isn't man's fault, it's natures. Don't blame the man for something that isn't in his control.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:41 No.5149920
    Man this is like some kid whining "waaaa I don't want to go to school, they should make it so legally I don't have to because I don't like it!" Sorry, that kid has to go to fucking school, and you have to fucking pay to support that kid. If you don't want to pay, get custody and make her pay dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:41 No.5149924
    >men should be able to choose if they want to be a parent or not also
    That choice is whether to stick your dick in a woman or not. You've already made it.
    >Don't blame the man for something that isn't in his control.
    What part of sticking your dick in isn't in your control?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:42 No.5149925

    Terminating my parental rights would also terminate all my responsibilities to the child. Why does that 'suck the big one'?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:45 No.5149941

    Who said the kid wouldn't be going to school? It doesn't exactly cost a lot to send your child to public school or secondary school. Past secondary school, you do not have to support the child, so them "going to school" in any sense that's worthwhile doesn't involve me. If I got custody, I'd have to pay the same amount, as I'd be paying to support the child on my side, and she wouldn't be paying anything because she's a worthless human being without an education or a job.


    What part of not hopping on a dick isn't the woman's control? Women have the ability to prevent pregnancy through not having sex, and also the ability to prevent birth through abortion. Men should have a similar right.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:46 No.5149943

    You went to uni, yet you've clearly never read even an introductory law textbook; have you?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:47 No.5149950
    >What part of not hopping on a dick isn't the woman's control?
    Why it is a binary either/or? Both parties can decline to partake in intercourse. Why didn't you?

    I'm beginning to think OP is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:47 No.5149952

    I went to college, and my field had nothing to do with law. Many fields don't. Please, enlighten me.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:51 No.5149963

    No, cause you're pathetic and it amuses me that you have no idea what you're doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:52 No.5149967

    It was an analogy. Ok so the woman has a choice... because life is unfair. So you have to pay...because life is unfair. So, life is unfair. Don't blame the women for it. See what I did there? It's basically a case of "the law doesn't benefit me specifically so I'm angry".
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:53 No.5149968

    She told me that if I didn't fulfill her needs, she'd find someone who could.

    Both parties can decline intercourse.
    Both parties can decline giving up for adoption.
    Only one party can decline their parental rights during pregnancy.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:55 No.5149975
    ok i've made up my mind about you op..... Your fucking stupid, in fact your so dumb that all of my attempts to troll you have just went right over your heads like the farts of the gay men your on dl with. gg all im out.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:55 No.5149976
    >She told me that if I didn't fulfill her need for a baby, she'd find someone who could.
    Fixed that for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)08:57 No.5149980

    >No, because I have no idea what I'm talking about.



    >It's basically a case of "the law doesn't benefit me specifically so I'm angry".

    The problem is the fact that the law benefit's one sex over the other. You don't really see this in many cases. Sure, domestic violence is, most of the time, a man beating a woman, but it CAN be the other way around. Sure, females insurance rates are lower than males, but that's because statistics prove that males often have more careless accidents than females. In this circumstance, the male has no legal right to give up his parental right during pregnancy, while the female does. Sure, the female has to carry the child, but blame mother nature, not men.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:01 No.5149993

    I'm going to assume that you are >>5149609, >>5149716, >>5149727, >>5149775, and >>5149886. When was I trolled?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:02 No.5149994

    Don't blame women that the law is this way, blame nature,
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:03 No.5149997

    If it is a trap like I suspect it is, is there anything that I could do or say in court to partially or wholly relieve myself from being a father?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:04 No.5150001

    But nature isn't taking my money, the woman is.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:06 No.5150008
    only one is right bitch tits others are not me.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:11 No.5150026
    and nature is taking your money, it was your nigger nature to put your dick in her w/o a condom on. nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:11 No.5150027

    Learn how to quote, for one.

    Two, l2grammar.

    inb4 "lol its 4chan nobody uses grammar"

    Three, just because random channers call me a bitch nigger doesn't mean I'll suddenly think "Gee, supporting this child is the right thing to do. Thank's anon." In most cases, it would be. In this case, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:13 No.5150029

    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:16 No.5150036
    nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:19 No.5150042

    How insightful.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:20 No.5150046
    Prepare for 7 months of systematic psychological torture to try force a miscarriage.
    Also, don't sign anything at the hospital when the baby's born.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:20 No.5150048
    what can a bench do that op can't?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:24 No.5150059

    I never planned to sign anything at the hospital, but what kind of psychological torture could I used to cause a miscarriage? Also, could I use psychological torture to make her give it up for adoption or not file for child support? I'm just trying to save my ass here, but I don't want to do anything criminal.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:24 No.5150060
    legalfag here.
    1) Some have suggested fleeing the country in the future as an option, but they check child support status when you get/renew passports, so that's not really so viable.
    2) Proving it's a trap is really your best bet. Perhaps count/track her birth control pills.

    If you can't prove it's a trap and you have a job, avoiding child support has become increasingly difficult with national databases and automatic payroll deductions. And her 'having a rich' family works against you since she won't have much income so you'll have to pay significantly more child support.

    The justice system is wired against fathers so find a good lawyer (i.e. expect to pay $6k-$10k)
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:31 No.5150089
    support the nigglit his made?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:33 No.5150097

    Fleeing the country would happen before the child was born, or before she files for support. If she tries to file for child support with a person who isn't a citizen, it wouldn't end up going anywhere, would it? Also, if she did file for child support and I was no longer a citizen of her country, would I still be able to visit that country?

    There is really no way that I could prove it was a trap. I believe that if she missed a pill, she'd double the dose the next day. Also, the package is probably long gone now, considering that it's 2 months into pregnancy now.

    I know the system is wired against fathers, which is the big problem. I don't have a lot of money right now, but I would have some at the time of the birth of the child. What could a lawyer do for me in this circumstance, and would I still have to pay if he didn't get me anything? I'd rather not take a risk.

    Also, what about >>5149925? Is that true?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:37 No.5150108

    If not troll:Because you didn't keep your dick in your pants you moron, it's not like she tied you up, jerked you off and took the sperm in a vial for artificial insemination.

    If troll: Good job.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:42 No.5150131
    If you don't want a baby, it's your responsibility to take measures to protect yourself you dimwit, women are cunning harpies and you can't trust them so if you get owned it's your own goddamn fault.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:46 No.5150152

    My measures were her taking birth control and me talking to her about the possibility of pregnancy.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:48 No.5150163
    Your measures weren't good enough. You failed.
    Enjoy your baby. Googoo gaga!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:51 No.5150179
    I want to know how OP totally knows he's gonna be making $70K a year (and double that by 18 years) when he's still in school. Counting our eggs a little early, aren't we, OP?

    So if you're making that much money we're talking about every month you're kicking the kid half a week's pay? Just fucking do it, Donald Trump.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:52 No.5150181
    talking 100% not effective as birth control... dumb ass
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:53 No.5150189
    Then don't play the game. MGTOW is the only way.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:53 No.5150193
    >$650/month in support
    >$7800 a year
    >$93600 in total

    this is what you will be paying over the 18 years you are legally required to support your child.

    why don't you try paying her off instead?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:54 No.5150195
    I was assuming you were a US citizen. If not, living abroad certainly is an option, although I don't know about laws in other countries - I'd suspect the EU may have similar tracking databases.

    No, terminating parental rights does not absolve you from financial responsibility.

    However, you can structure settlements any way both of you agree upon (which is the tricky part). For instance, you can simply pay her a lump sum in exchange for not ever being held accountable for child support. You'll need a good lawyer to make sure it's not reversible so she can't sue you again in 5-10 years (which happens A LOT - particularly if you become quite successful).

    You really HAVE to talk to a lawyer to see what your options are as there is considerable variations from state to state. Get a free consultation now and explain your situation and then you can work out a plan. If you wait until the kid is closer to being born, you'll either have to stay with her for 6 months or break up and she'll be bitter and cold and lawyered up by then and you'll get NOTHING.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:54 No.5150197
    So you gave her full control of the outcome. Nice job faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)09:58 No.5150209

    I have connections for that job, know the starting wage for that job, and know the wage of current workers of that job. I may be counting my eggs before they hatch, yes, but it's almost a guarantee.

    Having a single-income (because, after this, fuck women) household isn't incredibly easy, even if it is $70,000/year.

    I know for a fact that she's got some birth control packages somewhere around here, and that there are a few months of packages remaining. Could I take one of the months, poke out some of them, but not all of them, and use it as evidence claiming that she trapped me? Also, if she did trap me using by lying about birth control, would I still have to pay child support?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:03 No.5150232
    >I may be counting my eggs before they hatch
    What an unfortunate phrase, given your predicament.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:04 No.5150234

    $140400 is what I'd have to pay over 18 years, not your number. Nice math, though.


    It might be different in Canada, but reading online, terminating parental rights does absolve you from any financial responsibility so long as it's told to the other parent.

    Would there be any way that this would basically be me paying her a 'lump sum' of zero, and her agreeing to it? Also, are most consultations free with lawyers?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:08 No.5150251
    >Also, are most consultations free with lawyers?
    Yes. Lawyers are like priests - they work for the love of their job. It's a higher calling, not one they do simply to put cocaine^Wbread on the table.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:14 No.5150278
         File1299078840.jpg-(34 KB, 400x400, 1296656831804.jpg)
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    fuck 3DPD and join us /a/nons in our love for 2D insted, OP
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:14 No.5150280
    Well, you can do anything you want in a jointly signed agreement - including terminating parental rights with the explicit agreement that you have no fiscal responsibility for the child. Terminating the rights generally involves her agreement though.

    Sure you can do it by paying her a lump sum of zero if she agrees to it. That was just meant as an example - you can do anything between the two of you.

    Most lawyers have a free initial consultation fee. Bring a clear list of questions you want answered or you'll just spend the time chatting.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:22 No.5150319

    Which type of lawyer should I be looking for? Also, what type of lawyer will actually be civil with me, and won't say "man the fuck up"?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:22 No.5150321
    God you are such a stinge, not wanting to pay child support and not wanting to pay for a lawyer. Fuck.

    I agree with you, though. She should look after it, considering she wants it. However, the law doesn't like that because the law is a fuck... an actual fuck.
    So getting out of it will be very, very hard. You may just have to leave the country.
    Also, you mentioned that she doesn't have any way of paying for it herself, something about still being in school or some shit.
    Don't you think it would be the gentlemanly thing to do to give her a helping hand, plus you do get to see the child, which is a plus (believe me)
    And then, when she can pay it, about 10 or 12 years down the line find a way to stop it then, which is much more possible than trying to cut it now, because when the mother is comfortable and wealthy, she'll be easier to convince.

    But yeah, get that lawyer if you do manage to get out of this the price of the lawyer will seem ridiculously small compared to 18 years of child support.

    Also, I may as well say it now, fuck society in general. Steal a 4WD, take some food, a guitar and fucking go bush for a few years. Leave a bit of money behind for when you get back. It will be an experience, you won't have to pay child support and your life will be aligned towards happiness. It was a good choice for me.
    I'll add that I'm older than 40, now, and I spent more than 36 months in the Australian Desert doing exactly what I said there.
    Life just feels right.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:26 No.5150337
    Divorce or ones specializing in child custody. They have some lawyers that ONLY represent men in these cases which may help as well.

    I don't think any lawyer would tell you to man up as much as simply explain your rights under the law (which will likely come across as man up because there aren't many options unless the girl stupidly agrees to them).
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:29 No.5150358

    I'm Dutch, what can I say.

    >I may as well say it now, fuck society in general. Steal a 4WD, take some food, a guitar and fucking go bush for a few years. Leave a bit of money behind for when you get back. It will be an experience, you won't have to pay child support and your life will be aligned towards happiness.

    I'd have to pay for the child support once I got back if she filed for it. The best thing I can do right now is stop her from filing for it or convince her to give it up for adoption, but it's getting increasingly difficult to do so. I guess I could tell her that I'm going to the Australian outback and never coming back, then move to a different country. I doubt she'd try to file for support if she knows I'm not in the country, and if my friends tell her that I'm not.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:30 No.5150360

    Alright. Thanks for being helpful and civil, unlike most people in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)10:32 No.5150366
    Funny, that's what I tell men who whine in threads like this.

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