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So my dad is basically trying to cut off my tuition because he thinks an art history degree is a waste of his money.

How do I convince him otherwise? It may not have many high-paying job opportunities, but it's what I really want to learn about.
tell him what you just posted faggot
But....He's right.

Universities aren't about higher learning anymore.
They're an investment into a degree which is nothing more than a claim ticket for more money or access to graduate programs.

If you want to learn, go to the library and use google.
The richest people don't even have degrees or have them in something unrelated

If you're going to school for art history, you're wasting your time and his money.
I did and he basically just said that if I'm only there to learn stuff, then I can find the money for it on my own.

School is about 20k a year here, so it's not like it's even that much.
You're fucking high if you think 20k/years isn't "that" much.

Incidentally, 20k a year is more than you'd make with your prospective degree.
I studied literature at university level because I really wanted to learn about it. I think that's what university should be for, a lot of people on my course did it because they just wanted the 'uni experience' of getting drunk and partying all the time. Your dad is probably worried about your long-term prospects but try to explain to him that you understand this path will never make you a millionaire and that you're ok with it (presuming you are ok with it and do realise this). In the end the skills I gained completing my degree helped me to land a pretty ok job that I enjoy - you can always blag your way e.g. you will have analytical skills, writing skills, research skills, etc.
correct. however, college may be the introduction into educating himself that he needs to make any form of education worthwhile. in other words, college does provide the tools for people who don't really have any.

20k a year is functional poverty, buddy.
>I think that's what university should be for
You're right. That's what it should be for.

But it's not.
The world is a shitty place and universities have become just another part of a shitty system.

If you're not going to get a worthwhile degree, you're wasting money at a university.

There's other ways to learn.

OP, there's not really anything you can do. You can't say he's wrong about your shit degree.
Try to take out some loans or something.
Well. I guess OP can always do his art history degree when he's rich, retired and has a lot of time on his hands instead!
>>11069182 (OP)
Better idea, take some time off and work for your own tuition if you want it that bad. You are NOT entitled to free tuition, it is his money and if he gets to decide what he does with it.
Or he could just read art history books outside of college?

An art history degree drawn with crayons on construction paper is worth as much as an actual art history degree.
My Art History teacher even told me that an Art History degree is worthless, give it up buddy.
It is a waste of his money. You can study art history without getting a degree in it. That's how electives and minors work. That's also how libraries work, too.
You don't convince him, because he's right.

I wouldn't pay for my kid's art degree either.

Paying $20,000 a year for a degree for your kid, on top of meeting all your own financial obligations for you, possibly your wife and other children still living at home or needing your support living away from home, and any dependent relatives (parents, etc)...$20,000 is a lot of fucking money.

As far as $20,000 being more than he'd make with his degree....Yes. it is poverty. That's what he'd be shooting for, because his degree is worthless for pursuing gainful employment.
>Or he could just read art history books outside of college?

This. Education on virtually any topic or subject you could ever dream is is available, virtually for free, through the internet and libraries.

Why the hell do you need to make your father pay twenty thousand dollars a year, to do something you can do for free? Why not use that twenty thousand dollars a year to get something that's going to actually help you support yourself in the real world? Learn about art history in your own time.

College and university is not where you 'learn about what you want to be educated on', it's a step on the road to gainful employment.
>>11069182 (OP)
it is a waste of money... /threaad
hell with 20k you could have traveled the globe and see so much more art
change your major to history with a concentration in some sort of curatorial studies and keep art history as a minor. Or do a degree in art curation (my school has one called "art management" but i dont know how rare they are) with an art history minor. learn to work at a museum and how to preserve artworks or educate museum visitors. at least then there's some sort of job.

Degrees dont matter if you have marketable skills and the right connections. I know a dude with a degree in religious studies who now works for the government and he makes bank.
Minor in it and pick something more useful as a major. Problem solved. You can spend some time taking classes if self-study isn't for you and if you feel that Art History is something you want to be accredited for.

You'll finish in the same time and have a degree that will actually get you a job too.
Or additionally, you can double major if you feel like you'll be able to handle it.
get a job ya hippie
>>11069182 (OP)

>Art History Degree

There's your problem. Right there.
what is your job if I may ask?
Who says anything about learning? You don't learn to be creative. It just gives you more opportunities. And reading in a library doesn't equal learning in university.
Also speaking generally: in art-school it's all about making connections.
If it's fun and you meet the right people you surely will be grateful later in life.
An art history degree is fucking worthless
Hitler studied art...

...sorry thought I was on /pol
That sucks OP. I understand your position, but my dad is much more open to me doing what I want. He's an engineer, and always wanted me to be one too, but I decided to major in English lit, which he actually supported me through, probably because I'm the only one in my extended family whoever took an interest in intellectual matters. Still, my dad worries what I'm going to do afterwards.

Whereas a mother will love their son unconditionally, a father will only begin to love their son when they become independent and make a life for themselves.
What's really to prevent you from looking up the Art History course text books and buying them yourself?

You're right. There's a huge difference between self-study and taking a university course. Mainly, you don't drop 80 grand for a piece of paper that will give you no return.
If you want to convince him otherwise then you need a plan for both convincing him, and for yourself/your future. Do some research into the job opportunities that will be available if you get an art history degree, then make a map for yourself, and for your father to see, for how you plan to get there.

If that doesn't work, you may need to compromise. You could attempt a double major, which is difficult for most people but if you really want something, you make it happen. Or you may need to settle for only minoring in art history for the time being. It's not as hard to go back to college as it used to be, and the credits that you earn toward an art history minor will, in most cases, be valid toward earning a major in it if you pick it up again at some point in the future, when you're financially able to support yourself.

Whatever you decide on, good luck.

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