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Long story short, I'm on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend. There's a bevy of reasons like she's psychotic, has borderline personality disorder, but a huge one has been the fact she is a chronic liar and has cheated on me, numerous times, as well as with every boyfriend she's ever been with because she's nuts.

So today, there's been a lot of back and forth in texts where I have factually, and logically obliterated her arguments. It has come to this. Her last response was

"I thought love was supposed to be unconditional. I guess you didn't get the memo"

How should I respond? I have a few ideas but I'm interested in your input. I mean it's so desperate and pathetic, yet illogical that....it almost doesn't even warrant a response based on what has transpired. The response, if there is to be one, should be something preferably powerful and impactful, possibly devastating, I guess.
Oh and she's tried committing suicide 4 times this year alone. Forgot to mention that
sooo...... why are you still with her?
why are you still talking to her?
The fact that you're still talking to her says how beta you are

Shit, she's cheated on you MULTIPLE times? Why didn't you break up with her after the first time, especially when you know she's done it with every other boyfriend she's ever had?
You could explain how retarded andself-defeating it is to unconditionally love someone who gives so little fucks about making their partner happy that they'd actually use it as a response to very legitimate concerns.

You could explain that but she's not going to get it so it's a lot easier to just delete her from your phone and try to avoid her.

I didn't find out about it until this week after I had suspicions and went through her shit. It wasn't like HURRDURR ITZ OK I FOGIVE YOU and it continued.

No way in hell I'd put up with shit like that long term.


Long story, don't feel like explaining it.
>>10848535 (OP)
I am not the world's wittiest person, but if you really want to make it sting just throw back "Whores don't deserve love."

Either way, ABANDON SHIP. Fucking LEAVE, man. Don't do this to yourself! Borderlines are never worth it, NEVER.

OP Here. Oh I know. I can attest to that from firsthand experience. BPD's are scary as fuck. I don't care about the fact she let me fuck her silly all over the house in multiple ways, grope her breasts and lady parts whenever I want or the fact she'd walk around the house naked and cook food while I fucked her from behind.

It's just not worth it.
Just tell her: "You need help."

Plain and simple. Its to the point, its true, very impacting, but not in a way that's going to absolutely destroy her very being.

Just tell her the truth: "You need help. Far beyond what I can do for you."

And if she keeps responding, just keep responding: "You need help."

Just be consistent.
"love is always conditional, toots. condition number one being no falling in love with crazy people."
"Hate is conditional. You trained me well."

"Trust is the foundation of love. Guess you didn't believe the memo."
Alternatively: "Trust is the foundation of a relationship. Guess you didn't believe the memo."

"I didn't need a memo. You, unfortunately, are in desperate need of encyclopedia."
this can work. i broke up with one girlfriend by basically saying "you don't need love or a boyfriend, you need a psychiatrist".

which wasn't in a totally spiteful way, i really meant it. she was just unable to commit because of her shitty childhood traumas and poor experiences in love. classic case of pussing out when things started to get serious. she was offended, but i didn't give a fuck and still don't.
can I get some context as to what the arguement was about so I can think of something witty?
or even just "you thought wrong. love is conditional, upon mutual respect. i guess you didn't get the memo."

you've got some good suggestions OP. don't forget to tell us how she responds, if it's immediate.

OP here. Sure, basically I confronted her about all of her bullshit and lying, cheating and yet is so hypercritical of me talking to other people (the majority of whom are men, but a few girls, none of whom I'm involved with sexually) yet pulls this kind of shit behind my back.

I was also recently nearly mugged and killed by a maniac with a knife, whom I stabbed with my car keys in his leg and ran for help, getting away to safety.

Not once was she wondering or concerned why I was gone for such a long period of time, much longer than I said I would, and when I finally broke the news because I was so pissed off at that point, her reaction basically summed up to "Please, put me down more, like you always do". I confront her with asking "Are you seriously saying you don't care about the fact I was nearly murdered today?". Her response was "No, I don't, especially when you refuse to tell me". DESPITE THE FACT SHE NEVER EVEN INQUIRES WHY I WAS GONE.

She perceived it as a personal attack that I was upset with the fact she didn't care that I was nearly murdered in cold blood. To which point I snapped. I found out everything going on with cheating and such about a day or so prior to this mugging incident too, so it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Ugh there's so many more details but there's some context for you

The sex better have been worth staying with such a stupid, psychotic, passive aggressive fucking bitch. Holy fuck, I want to leave a burning red pimp slap mark on her face, fuck I bet should would love me even more than you for doing that.

She probably would. She always wanted me to hit her during sex despite the fact I didn't want to, like violent stuff she requested.

In retrospect, the sex wasn't that great. Early on it was amazing. Then as the relationship progressed it went to shit. Then to nonexistent.

Holy shit. This bitch needs a beating

And you stayed with her after the mugging part.... why?

jesus fucking christ
OP shes crazy and in my personal opinion it sounds like shes fucking with you for entertainment. Drop the bitch, quickly. You WILL be happier later.
>>10848535 (OP)
>How should I respond?
"Of course love isn't unconditional. Didn't you get the memo? It was the one with "REALITY" written on it with big, fat letters"

Bonus points if OP's girl is fat and black.
Sounds like my crazy ex.

He used to do exactly this and actually try justifying why he cheated.

Leave op... run for the hills!
>>10848535 (OP)
How fucking stupid are you that you haven't ditched the bitch already?

Jesus. And don't bother responding to this with some herpa derpa bullshit. I don't want to read your idiotic justifications.

might wanna read through the thread, he answered this already
Answered is a little strong, I'd say he responded.
>I didn't find out about it until this week after I had suspicions and went through her shit. It wasn't like HURRDURR ITZ OK I FOGIVE YOU and it continued.
All I read was "blah blah blah, I'm a fucking retard"
respond love is unconditional but respect and trust isnt so and I cant be in a relationship without all 3
"I guess I don't love you then."
I agree.. basically did the same thing with one of my girlfriends

Well then you're a retard, clearly
"Loneliness hurts???"
>>10848535 (OP)
you should never argue logically with a girl. you cant logic away a girls emotions. you cant present a perfect airtight case about why she shouldnt be upset at something but hat doesnt take the feeling away.

in other words, trying to argue why love is and should be conditional between two people will get you nowhere. instead, cut off all contact and kick her out of your life. women who use their emotions as weapons are the worst and they will keep doing it whether its logically sound to do so or not.
Wow, what a BITCH.

So are you in any way seriously committed? Like, do you live together or anything like that?
That is perfect. Short, sweet, directly counters her argument, and I bet it will sting like a motherfucker. Do this OP. For the love of god do this, it will take her down a few pegs.
Or you could do something like "I don't love you. Didn't you get the memo?"
Either way, something in this vein. You are a genius sir, and you should write greeting cards.
Ahahahaha, perfect!
>dating a woman with a reputation for cheating in the past
>dating a woman after she cheats on you
>sounds way high maintenance and drama

So, OP, what makes a 'logical' guy like you choose such a mess? Why try to argue with her when she is clearly irrational? You are wasting your time and hers.

Also, why don't you break up already? You don't need to persuade her to break up, you should tell her that you are just not dating any more and it is over.

You're mistaken. All of that greentext never made itself apparent or known until very recently. I didn't know any of this going in and had I, I wouldn't even had had a relationship with her in the first place.

I want it to end in a way that is finalized, closure, impactful, like the ways shared in here.

Also OP again, cold, but quite beautiful.

Definitely considering this one

No, luckily she is far far away right now. Which will make this even easier.
Definitely do that one. It's been backed up by three other independent sources. It's fuckin' brilliant.
Sorry OP, not going to read the whole thread. Just dropping in with my advice because I was in a similar situation with a boyfriend and my dad gave me some excellent advice to get out of a bad relationship:

Basically, the break up talk isn't a discussion. Discussions are for people who are going to stay together and work things out.

Only one of you needs to decide to break up and then its over. The other person doesn't have a say.

If you really, truely want to break up with her then it CANNOT be a discussion. It's not working out, thats just how it is.

It sounds really hard but its true. I would get sucked into a discussion again and again and I could never win. If you want to end it, then it really needs to end and you aren't responsible for their feels or needs or sadness. It sucks but you will both move on.
Borderline people do not listen to logic or reason. Just cut cold and run. She will try to manipulate you with suicide threats/attempts/self-harm whatever she can think of, it is your duty to ignore it.
= the same advice.

and both are good advice. Breaking up means saying goodbye to her being able to manipulate you. End your responses to her
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Text her this. She'll get the picture.

No pun intended.
>Trying to win a break-up.

Just stop responding and cut her off. Period. Let her have the last word, it doesn't matter. Bickering back and forth like this is childish when the writing is clear on the wall.
exactly. Debating and trying to win and engaging her is continuing the relationship. Not ending it.

ending it means its done. Either you WANT to keep talking to her or you are just very easily manipulated
It sounds to me like she's depressed and acting out with her behavior because she isn't happy.

I know you want to "get back at her" and say something witty and spiteful, but why not choose to be a mature adult? Just tell her it's over and you cannot continue in the relationship and be done with it. Tell her you sincerely hope she gets mental help, perhaps by checking into a clinic, because it is not normal to act out in such ways, threatening suicide. Hopefully she will heed your advice and become a functioning member of society.
Personally a fan of, "I guess I don't love you then."

You must post results after the text is sent, OP, regardless of what you send. We're all rooting for you!
OP Here. So I sent the "I guess I don't love you" message after some thinking and restraint.

Absolute silence. I then proceeded to receive 100, yes, ONE HUNDRED CALLS EXACTLY from her, leaving some of the most violent, screaming, unintelligible, demonic sounding messages you've ever heard. Like this person sounds possessed.

Every few seconds she did this. She left something like 63 messages and clogged my voicemail box.
Holy shit, OP...I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

Call your phone provider and block her #. It sounds like now is the time to cut contact.

Does she live near you in that she can just rock up and confront you some day?
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>cheated on you
Everything else wouldn't bother me. Seriously, I love dating crazy bitches.

But if she cheated on you then dump that bitch. It's that simple.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I hate to be an asshole but is there anyway you can get these on vacaroo?
But more importantly, you did the right thing. Text her and say 'We can have an intelligent conversation about this if you'd like- your behavior has warranted this for a long time. Otherwise, do not contact me again."
Well at least you know you made the right decision
>lock your windows
Can you get a restraining order for that?
He's not responding. I'm guessing... OP has been murdered!
Poor OP.


I'd suggest OP doesn't text her now... xD
Time for this >>10852146

Also, planning ahead: she might become stalkerish at some point, so try to save and back-up all this shit for the day you need a restraining order. It's proof.

You know...I was sort of considering this. These messages are too insane to keep to myself. How do I go about recording this from an iPhone other than holding it's speaker up to my mic?


I would think I could.


Alive and well!


It's a good thing she's currently 1000 miles away. Otherwise I might have woken up with a knife in my chest this morning, dead.
Record output from the headphone jack. Get a double ended 3.5mm cable, connect form the headphone port to the line in/mic jack on your PC. Then use sound recorder or audacity or vocaroo or whatever, hit record then play the stuff on your phone. Make sure your computers recording input is set to whatever you are using (mic or line in)
She's bad news dude. She's a leech, gonna suck the life out of you until u finlly accept her shitty behavior thinking that's how all girls are.
She cheated on you. No use to stay. If she didn't I wuldve said stick around and try to help her. But she already shitted on the relationship. There's no point. You even have breaking up in your mind. So its already done

So basically the auxillary plug I use in my car for my iPod? Sweet, I'll do this in a bit

Vocaroo the best ones nigga
Exactly that cable
bump. Want to hear these messages real bad.
your girlfriend doesn't understand how unconditional love works, you can't unconditionally love just one person. The fact that you love them more than other people means they meet conditions that other people aren't able to meet, the only way you could unconditionally love is if you loved everyone equally.. Your girlfriend sounds like the type to guilt a person hardcore, especially by insinuating that if you were a good person you would basically let her do whatever she wanted because 'herpderp love is UNCONDITIONAL YOU SHOULD LOVE ME NOW MATTER HOW MUCH I HURT YOU'.

OP she isn't going to change, the future I imagine you two having compared to what you imagine must be incredibly different if you're willing to put up with this bullshit. The only thing I'm going to tell you to do is break up with her because IF she gets her shit together it isn't going to be for a looooooooooooooooong time and you two will most likely be broken up by then

She cheated on you many times and you didn't leave why?
Sorry man, but grow a set and move on. It'll hurt but yah gotta do it.
I'm looking forward to this
Hell yeah OP!
That's BPD for you. If she isn't doing DBT she's a boatload of crazy and you need to fucking RUN. Not a gentle breakup, not I'll see you later, she is NOT SANE and she is DANGEROUS. Fucking RUN.
BPDs use the awesome sex so that you will be tied to them and put up with their bullshit. Fucking LEAVE and find an unBPD woman who loves to fuck. They do exist.
Alright...I recorded the ones that are unintelligible. They are unedited from their original audio levels. That's your heads up, headphone users.

I kind of feel awful doing this though
Alright...OP again.

Heres one for now.

OP, she's going to kill you and keep your body all dressed up and pretty in her basement.
She will proceed to cook and clean for you as you rot in order to perpetuate the pretense that you two are a happy couple.

>you're going to die OP

.....Good god. That actually gave me a knot in my stomach, like, that was a spine chilling, gut wretching tone. That sounds like something out of a movie
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nigger you better upload those to vocaroo

i need a cold shower after listening to that
I can not distinguish a single syllable
But the fact she left 100 crazy voicemails like that is highly distrubing

OP again. Why not, have another.

Holy fucking shit dude. How did you ever go out with this chick in the first place. Female here and this is blowing my mind. She is legit insane.
"Fucking gay-ass oreo. Always banging in poo wedge jew itch itch eeeee"

That's what I heard
I thought it was "Fucking gay-ass oreo, Always blah blah blah blah you fucking idiot!"
All I heard was "I'm a cunt. I'm a cunt. I'm a cunttttttttttttttt".


Get better quality ones, can't understand fuck all

I don't think that is OP's fault, dude... xD

OP, I hope you're okay.

OP here. They're all pretty much like that, not much I can do about it. Here's one that's slightly more intelligible.



Dude, are you ok? If you need anyone to talk to after enduring this man...
Holy fuck.
I second this. /adv/ is here for you.. Hell set up a chatroom or somethin', we'll all join and make you feel better
OP leave her now and get a therapist.

Whatever it is that made you put up with her needs to be addressed NOW.
Shut up, he doesn't need a therapist.
If you read the subsequent posts, you'd know he didn't even know about this demonic psycho bitch side of her until this week.

You're a fucking idiot, he even said that the relationship has been spinning to shit for a while.

"At first the sex was great.......nonexistant".

People like that always show warning signs that you just ignore until it builds to insanity. He didn't just wake up next to a crazy bitch one day. This shit builds over time.

OP here You seem to assume that this somehow is a series of events that so clearly revealed themselves over the space of time they occurred.

I'm speaking from experience here. You are in no position to make allegations and claims about the circumstances of someone's relationship when it was not your relationship.

It was instantaneous. She did a very good job of hiding it from me. When I found hit the goldmine, however, all the pieces suddenly fell into place and how the picture very clearly presented itself.

It's like trapping an animal in a corner. They're being ganged up on so they come out swinging, with nothing to lose. THAT's the reality of what happened in this relationship.
Just because he attempted to make a broken relationship work does not mean he needs a therapist, even if it was with a nutjob.

1) My ex had bpd and Inm not in denial like you are anymore, take some fucking responsibility for your actions

2) Break up with her already, faggot.

Actually, that's exactly what it means.

Seeing a therapist isn't an insult, it will fucking help you after dealing with such a crazy bitch you idiots.

holy crap I think you just made me realize im not nuts. not op.


Four times? I'm not being a dick but how difficult is it to kill yourself?

I mean sure, if you guys want. I'm quite alright about the whole thing. When it originally occurred it was upsetting and emotionally, I wasn't in a good place. I think the stage I'm at already is acceptance.

But yeah sure if you guys want to, I can go more in depth about the entire relationship to paint a clearer picture about how everything is connected to one another.
I wonder whether the last few commenters even read the thread.

To stay off topic, OP, what is your favorite animal?

What denial? I am in no denial whatsoever about the state of this relationship or where I stand in it. I haven't done jack shit to deserve any of this and it is certainly not my responsibility that she's a mentally unstable psychopath.

I have broken up with her already, faggot. Read the thread

Budgies! I love the little buggers. Some of the best pets I've ever owned.
So you actually broke up with her? Nice. What is she doing now? Trying to kil her self?

To each their own.
I just want to say you're awesome for delivering, and were this not anonymous internet land, I would give you a pass to the zoo where I work and buy you some seed sticks so you could feed our five hundred or so budgies.

Became more of an attention grab of anything. "Tried" quote unquote....by taking pills each time. Never took enough apparently, just put her into "serotonin syndrome", causing the loss of control over muscles.

I think she knew full well it wasn't going to do anything, just a grab for attention. Of course I didn't find out about any of this until literally this week.

OP again. Dude your zoo has budgies!? Where are you, Australia?

I also forgot to add SS is temporary, makes someone bedridden for a few days (I researched it after hearing about this instance)
>It's like trapping an animal in a corner. They're being ganged up on so they come out swinging, with nothing to lose. THAT's the reality of what happened in this relationship.

Having been in a similar situation, I can say that this is probably true. [spoiler]I was the girl...[/spoiler]
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I can never remember which board has spoilers and which doesn't.
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They are just boring old American budgies, I'm afraid. It's a walk-through aviary chock full of them, people buy sticks with seeds on 'em for a dollar and feed the burds. They're funny in a big enclosure, though, they chew up everything and buzz people and don't give a fuck.
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Well, at least OP got away mostly unscathed.

I think she probably did love you OP. I'm not making excuses for her or something, cheating is one of the worst things you can do to a relationship. Many BPDs have this thing where they need to do something thrilling or exciting, or feel awful about themselves because they're an emotional void. So they pick randomly from a laundry list of bad ideas.

I used to date a BPD. It wasn't the constant attention-whoring, crying over nothing, random outbursts, or loads of crazy self-destructive tendencies that killed the relationship. It was the boredom after we'd settled into a routine. She needed stability desperately but she fucking hated it at the same time.

So good on you for getting out. Do some introspecting and see if she damaged you in any way before putting yourself out there again.
So... it has ended now?

we shall see i guess

Bro...those messages...I...good lord man
is op still alive?

I guess OP needs sleep too.
"If you think love is unconditional then you have no understanding of love. Love amongst two people disappears overnight for no reason all the time. Love is built on trust. Love is mutual and it is lost if there is no respect or trust. The truth is that I did love you but you're the one who didn't love me enough. If you loved me enough you wouldn't have cheated. Plain and simple. Love is conditional and it's your fault it's gone."
Vocaroo won't work for me. I feel like I'm really missing out on some epic insanity!

Either way, all the best OP. Hope you don't get murdered
Oh wow. This was a little bit uncomfortable to read and listen to.
I'm imagining this thread as a drama cult-movie.

polite sage
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Save the psychotic voicemails. Also note down people who've seen you together, save receipts from dates, that kinda thing.

You are going to need some ammo if she decides to tell the cops you stalked/raped/abused her.
Most of the women you guys complain about usually have borderline personality disorder. It isn't that bitches be nuts, it's there a special type of nuts bitch that is excellent at getting men into their nest.
This thread is amazingly intriguing and disturbing. I really wish I could comfort the OP somehow. Those messages are horrifying.

This is brilliant

i concur

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