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I'm in-between jobs. I don't have any financial support other than a roof over my head provided by a kind friend. I can't go to college because FAFSA wants parental tax info, which I can't obtain.

I desperately want to go to school, and I also would like a stable job as I need to move out in order to quit feeling like such a mooch on my friend.. Does anyone have any advice they can give me?
This got pushed down rather quickly..
>>10839666 (OP)
you are homeless and currently in a transitional living facility

therefore it gets rid of the requirement for family tax info.

And that means your expected family contrib is 0

netting you every award basically

Thats how I got the pell grant op.

If you need anymore help send me an email


I'm going to bed.Best of luck
Take things once at a time. I think you should focus on finding a job and establish your independence.

AFTER that happens, I'm sure there's some way you can get financial aid some how. Can't you file yourself as not dependent? There is also working with the school you'd like to attend to try and figure this stuff out. They got offices full of people that handle this sort of thing.
I tried filing as an independent student, and listing myself as homeless.. From there it would be up to the school to decide if I should be considered independent or not. The school I want to attend say that they require court papers or publicly notarized papers of sorts to prove that my parents aren't around to help me.. I've been told that I cannot be considered 'financially independent' until I'm married, 25 years old, or in the military..

Thank you for the comments, I appreciate the help. :)
move into halfway house for a week, and get a guy to write a paper on letter head.

done deal
There's gotta be some way to get you in. Go to the financial aid at the school and see what you could do. Just check out your options.
I had a letter written from an old boss of mine about my situation on letterhead... :/ They still said it wasn't enough proof.
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep trying..
>>10839666 (OP)

I dealt with the same thing. fill out the "dependency override form" and take it to the nearest court house. They typically have at least one individual who can "notarize it for you. There might be a small fee but surely no more than 5-15$. it's worth it though!
There really is such a thing as a dependency override form? Was it supplied by the school, or FAFSA? If this is true, I might be saved!
Dear OP,

I have pretty much the same situation as you. Go to the freaken finaid office. People like you and me appear at college offices all the time. And the finaid people will definitely help you.

Each school has its own way of dealing with "independent" students.

SUBMIT YOUR FAFSA WITHOUT PARENTAL INFO. It'll take 2 days or so for them to process (maybe less). Go straight to their office and talk to someone there. They WILL have a dependency override form or some such.

For me, I had to submit documentation to prove my case. I got letters from people I went to school with, people who were related to people I tutored, a high school counselor, and the people who housed me while I had nothing.

It'll work out. Just try.
I'll definitely give it a shot, it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks for the help, anon.

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