[12/3 02:33:51 pm] clogs have been worn in most of north western europa [12/3 02:33:55 pm] Ahh. [12/3 02:33:55 pm] my little sister said she's gonna run for US president in the futur :o [12/3 02:33:58 pm] e [12/3 02:34:00 pm] lolololololololololol Europa [12/3 02:34:01 pm] lol [12/3 02:34:12 pm] LETS ALL BE ANCIENT GREEKS [12/3 02:34:29 pm] * Anonymous-san is now known as Polymetes [12/3 02:34:40 pm] does that mean we can have butt secks in the streets? [12/3 02:34:46 pm] * Xanothis is now known as Aphrodite [12/3 02:34:46 pm] i got a 165 on the thespark iq test, i don't think it really means anything [12/3 02:34:50 pm] im WODAN god of thunder and I dont give a shit about the greek pantheon. [12/3 02:34:51 pm] If it suits to to be so [12/3 02:34:53 pm] because i'm pretty sure i'm nowhere near 165 [12/3 02:34:54 pm] * Hukurou is now known as Hephaestus [12/3 02:34:56 pm] lololol Xanothis is ghey [12/3 02:34:56 pm] maybe like 130 [12/3 02:34:59 pm] HAHAHAHAHAHHA [12/3 02:35:00 pm] hi i am love [12/3 02:35:05 pm] Hay Hukurou [12/3 02:35:06 pm] someone has this nick? lols [12/3 02:35:09 pm] hi [12/3 02:35:12 pm] r u wan 2 cybr polymtes? [12/3 02:35:18 pm] zomg greeks [12/3 02:35:26 pm] * MoonWolf is now known as Wodan [12/3 02:35:33 pm] Hay guyz GTFO! This is a Hindu Deity only section! [12/3 02:35:36 pm] You do know that Hephaestus was horribly deformed cause he was dropped from Olympus by Zeus having an affair with his mother, don't you? [12/3 02:35:43 pm] yes, i do [12/3 02:35:45 pm] Aphrodite is hawt, she was born from the testicals of Cronos though :( [12/3 02:35:45 pm] * Aphrodite is now known as Guest1176788 [12/3 02:35:48 pm] thx [12/3 02:35:53 pm] lol [12/3 02:35:54 pm] lolol [12/3 02:35:56 pm] u r kewt 2 [12/3 02:35:58 pm] PWNED [12/3 02:36:01 pm] praise be to Mahamayuri Vidyarajni [12/3 02:36:03 pm] give me back my lighting Zeus [12/3 02:36:05 pm] its mine./ [12/3 02:36:06 pm] YOU GOT NICK SERVED [12/3 02:36:14 pm] :( [12/3 02:36:16 pm] lawl [12/3 02:36:18 pm] more so, he was flug around the world and crashed into an island where upon a water nymph nursed him back to health [12/3 02:36:19 pm] So sad [12/3 02:36:38 pm] they had hot sexs all day long [12/3 02:36:42 pm] If you're sad, DIE. COME WITH ME! [12/3 02:36:47 pm] Hephaestus was also in a relationship with Aphrodite, who pity fucked him, and didn't like it [12/3 02:36:49 pm] Hades Nickname is already in use. [12/3 02:36:50 pm] Aphrodite was my wife [12/3 02:36:54 pm] :( [12/3 02:36:54 pm] lol [12/3 02:37:00 pm] relationship = wife [12/3 02:37:04 pm] lol [12/3 02:37:07 pm] Oh? [12/3 02:37:09 pm] * Polymetes is now known as Anonymous-san [12/3 02:37:10 pm] more like "Hemaphrodite was your wife" [12/3 02:37:14 pm] * Guest1176788 is now known as Uranus [12/3 02:37:19 pm] * Hephaestus is now known as Hermes [12/3 02:37:19 pm] Fun Fact! Anonymous is a greek word [12/3 02:37:26 pm] Hermes was gay, too [12/3 02:37:31 pm] zomg, first ruler of theuniverse :o [12/3 02:37:31 pm] * Wodan knew that. [12/3 02:37:32 pm] who the hell registered all these names! [12/3 02:37:36 pm] * Wodan is now known as MoonWolf [12/3 02:37:36 pm] NOT YOU [12/3 02:38:02 pm] * Uranus is now known as Maia [12/3 02:38:06 pm] * Hermes is now known as Morpheus [12/3 02:38:08 pm] * Anonymous-san is now known as Hii [12/3 02:38:08 pm] zomg, my son si heer :( [12/3 02:38:10 pm] oh [12/3 02:38:18 pm] Maia Hii [12/3 02:38:19 pm] lol [12/3 02:38:27 pm] hii [12/3 02:38:28 pm] how r u? [12/3 02:38:32 pm] asl? [12/3 02:38:34 pm] * Hii is now known as Huu [12/3 02:38:41 pm] * Huu is now known as Hoo [12/3 02:38:45 pm] * Hoo is now known as Ha_Ha [12/3 02:38:51 pm] * Ha_Ha is now known as Anonymous-san [12/3 02:38:58 pm] fien :( [12/3 02:39:00 pm] That was random and uncalled for [12/3 02:39:10 pm] wtf [12/3 02:39:13 pm] * Morpheus is now known as Hukurou [12/3 02:39:15 pm] * Maia is now known as I_Am_Not_Dutch [12/3 02:39:22 pm] ik lekker kanker hoer [12/3 02:39:31 pm] ja hoor [12/3 02:39:36 pm] ja? [12/3 02:39:40 pm] * Hukurou is now known as Athena [12/3 02:39:40 pm] You nice cancer whore [12/3 02:39:44 pm] taks [12/3 02:39:44 pm] * zepher is now known as HaagseHarry [12/3 02:39:50 pm] kankah hoe [12/3 02:39:53 pm] Hay guys I think Hukurou likes furry [12/3 02:39:55 pm] goddamn someone registered all these nicks [12/3 02:40:02 pm] * I_Am_Not_Dutch is now known as Autolycus [12/3 02:40:03 pm] so far for coursing in dutch by xano [12/3 02:40:04 pm] Hukurou let's stop [12/3 02:40:11 pm] * Athena is now known as Hukurou [12/3 02:40:17 pm] * Autolycus is now known as Xanothis [12/3 02:40:18 pm] :( [12/3 02:40:24 pm] * HaagseHarry is now known as zepher [12/3 02:40:25 pm] why do I like furries? [12/3 02:40:30 pm] Genetics? [12/3 02:40:43 pm] [12/3 02:34:29 pm] * Anonymous-san is now known as Polymetes [12/3 02:40:43 pm] [12/3 02:34:35 pm] -Idlerpg- Penalty of 0 days, 00:37:44 added to your timer for nick change. [12/3 02:40:43 pm] [12/3 02:37:09 pm] * Polymetes is now known as Anonymous-san [12/3 02:40:43 pm] [12/3 02:37:12 pm] -Idlerpg- Penalty of 0 days, 00:37:44 added to your timer for nick change. [12/3 02:40:43 pm] How should I know why you like them? >< [12/3 02:40:52 pm] [12/3 02:38:08 pm] * Anonymous-san is now known as Hii [12/3 02:40:52 pm] [12/3 02:38:12 pm] -Idlerpg- Penalty of 0 days, 00:37:44 added to your timer for nick change. [12/3 02:40:52 pm] [12/3 02:38:34 pm] * Hii is now known as Huu (repeats) [12/3 02:40:52 pm] [12/3 02:38:48 pm] -Idlerpg- Penalty of 0 days, 00:37:44 added to your timer for nick change. [12/3 02:40:52 pm] [12/3 02:38:51 pm] * Ha_Ha is now known as Anonymous-san [12/3 02:40:52 pm] [12/3 02:38:55 pm] -Idlerpg- Penalty of 0 days, 00:37:44 added to your timer for nick change. [12/3 02:40:52 pm] oooops [12/3 02:40:54 pm] .( [12/3 02:40:57 pm] :D [12/3 02:40:59 pm] WTF [12/3 02:41:04 pm] I just got like 2 and a half hours added to my timer [12/3 02:41:05 pm] idle rpg [12/3 02:41:12 pm] your still playing ? [12/3 02:41:16 pm] Yeah [12/3 02:41:18 pm] whats your lvl ? [12/3 02:41:27 pm] [12/3 02:02:58 pm] Drumheller, the level 33 Meme, is now online from nickname Anonymous-san. Next level in 0 days, 20:12:58. [12/3 02:41:41 pm] Hukurou u like furry? :O [12/3 02:41:50 pm] zepher - not much [12/3 02:42:00 pm] But that 'much' still means you like some [12/3 02:42:14 pm] GTFO :o [12/3 02:42:19 pm] yes, some, just as i like cat girls and hentai occasionally [12/3 02:42:34 pm] cat girls are not furry [12/3 02:42:40 pm] I dislike about 97% of all of it though [12/3 02:42:41 pm] their ears are [12/3 02:43:10 pm] Kitty girl ears are fuzzy and cute [12/3 02:43:37 pm] http://data.4chan.org/b/src/1102100332117.jpg wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [12/3 02:43:45 pm] * Hukurou thinks Athena is the best Greek God/dess... and goes to go potty [12/3 02:45:15 pm] potty ? [12/3 02:45:22 pm] * Anonymous-san thinks Hukurou is a fucking moron [12/3 02:45:24 pm] that word sounds .... [12/3 02:45:26 pm] ackward [12/3 02:45:33 pm] Get out, you Mongoloid [12/3 02:46:06 pm] hmmm... Hukurou was indeed blacklisted by me [12/3 02:46:25 pm] really [12/3 02:46:33 pm] whatfor ? [12/3 02:46:41 pm] * Hukurou said potty just to be an ass [12/3 02:47:15 pm] yes, what for? [12/3 02:48:08 pm] http://data.4chan.org/b/src/1102100706741.jpg waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [12/3 02:48:32 pm] lol [12/3 02:49:07 pm] * Hukurou may have been in #4chan a long while ago... perhaps did something then to be blacklisted... [12/3 02:49:28 pm] Perhaps you were acting like an idiot noob and people noticed it? [12/3 02:49:57 pm] Anonymous-san's explanation [12/3 02:50:09 pm] Or I wasn't being the asshole that seems to be expected of every [12/3 02:50:32 pm] Well, I appologize for being a n00b. [12/3 02:50:44 pm] That would have been a year or two ago anyhow. [12/3 02:50:45 pm] Anonymous-san, too cute :-P [12/3 02:51:05 pm] * Lunat (~nya@Rizon-352F733B.abo.net2000.ch) has joined #4chan [12/3 02:51:16 pm] what [12/3 02:51:39 pm] the sakaki cosplay [12/3 02:52:18 pm] * Hukurou shrugs and goes afk [12/3 02:53:56 pm] [12/3 02:50:44 pm] That would have been a year or two ago anyhow. <- what [12/3 02:54:31 pm] me being on #4chan [12/3 02:54:37 pm] [11/16 04:43:19 am] (what is Waha?) [12/3 02:55:03 pm] 4chan has only been around since last October [12/3 02:55:05 pm] I didnt know... so fucking what? You gotta learn somewhere. [12/3 02:55:13 pm] The IRC chan only came around in the spring [12/3 02:55:35 pm] Late spring, at that ... May or so [12/3 02:55:37 pm] I siad I might have been... implying I don't remember being on there [12/3 02:55:45 pm] Maybe mid-April, I dunno [12/3 02:56:05 pm] Still 9 months < a year << two years [12/3 02:56:05 pm] I was trying to reason why I may have been blacklisted [12/3 02:56:12 pm] And we answered your question [12/3 02:57:46 pm] Well, seeing as you werent here when he said it, Iluvatar has mentioned that he thought I was blacklisted, but then said no. Now he said yes, and I am wondering what for. If it is for being a noob in #4chan, then so fucking what. Again, gotta learn somewhere. I found 4chan in wiki so all is well in that regard. [12/3 02:57:54 pm] what's "error: upload failed"? [12/3 02:58:11 pm] r00t - can be a wrong file extension [12/3 02:58:11 pm] or do i have to look it up in the source... [12/3 02:58:16 pm] wrtf? [12/3 02:58:20 pm] *wtf [12/3 02:58:33 pm] i usuallt upload files WITHOUT extension, and it just adds them [12/3 02:58:36 pm] *usually [12/3 02:58:44 pm] so without is ok, wrong extension is not? [12/3 02:58:45 pm] are you referring to 4chan [12/3 02:58:48 pm] uhoh, super combine soldiers are just G-men in disguise! [12/3 02:58:49 pm] yes [12/3 02:59:01 pm] * Boeboe` (jim@surrounded.by.porn) has joined #4chan [12/3 02:59:01 pm] .bmp wont work [12/3 02:59:09 pm] its not a bmp [12/3 02:59:13 pm] lol [12/3 02:59:18 pm] its a jpeg [12/3 02:59:18 pm] the steam forums are all [12/3 02:59:18 pm] File uploads work normally? [12/3 02:59:25 pm] yes [12/3 02:59:25 pm] Just now it's messing up for you? [12/3 02:59:26 pm] i prefer doom 3 than hl 2 (trolling inside) [12/3 02:59:27 pm] * MakoChan (~makochan@Rizon-1A1772A1.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12/3 02:59:35 pm] get rid of the gg and the magnum [12/3 02:59:38 pm] i am trying yo post a set of images, and sometimes random ones fail with that error [12/3 02:59:41 pm] *to [12/3 02:59:58 pm] blame your internet connection [12/3 03:00:02 pm] Open the images in Microsoft Photo Editor and resave them [12/3 03:00:09 pm] Maybe they're corrupted slightly [12/3 03:00:23 pm] If JPEG then resave with 99% quality [12/3 03:00:55 pm] That will change the file slightly yet keep it almost exactly the same so you can't tell it was different... that works for me [12/3 03:00:58 pm] i dont want to recompress the file [12/3 03:01:15 pm] If it's 99% it won't recompress it'll preserve the file's quality [12/3 03:01:17 pm] Is it a PNG? [12/3 03:01:22 pm] its a jpeg [12/3 03:01:36 pm] Anonymous-san - I am just fucking annoyed at how pissy and aggressive most the poeple in here seem. It's just a chat filled with geeks. I don't know where people get off thinking they are so superior and that a noob is just some fuckwit. [12/3 03:02:05 pm] Because some people like to bitch about how they're getting the short end of the stick [12/3 03:02:17 pm] r00t, can't connect [12/3 03:02:18 pm] this is the 4chan channel [12/3 03:02:26 pm] what did you expect [12/3 03:02:29 pm] And you say you found 4chan through wiki? [12/3 03:02:31 pm] must be your end :P [12/3 03:02:32 pm] lol drama [12/3 03:02:38 pm] r00t it is, I'm firewalled on edu [12/3 03:02:42 pm] nobody cares anyway [12/3 03:02:48 pm] you can't connect *out*? [12/3 03:02:53 pm] I think I saw a link to it 4chan, and I read it. [12/3 03:02:54 pm] Hukurou > welcome to 4chan [12/3 03:03:02 pm] drama is the reason i come here [12/3 03:03:03 pm] It was the ... [12/3 03:03:08 pm] Lunat - ... [12/3 03:03:09 pm] Apparently Hukurou cares enough to dig himself into the hole he's in [12/3 03:03:13 pm] http://myip/~r00t/CMNGHFIMEPTEPBJOT6JBP4OZ5J3QHCCS.jpg [12/3 03:03:14 pm] ...? [12/3 03:03:17 pm] yes i do [12/3 03:03:17 pm] *dig himself deeper [12/3 03:03:32 pm] Can't access that url, r00t [12/3 03:03:37 pm] [12/3 03:03:38 pm] i can [12/3 03:03:38 pm] It brings me to dyndns start page [12/3 03:03:39 pm] lol [12/3 03:03:40 pm] nobody care about him i think, like about everybody [12/3 03:03:41 pm] "myip" [12/3 03:03:44 pm] it show your ip and hostmask [12/3 03:03:54 pm] i forgot that rizon has cloaked hosts [12/3 03:04:04 pm] * MoonWolf (~MoonWolf@Rizon-1C9F0E53.speed.planet.nl) Quit (Quit: There are 11 types of people: Those who know binary, those who don't, and those who think jokes like this are stupid.) [12/3 03:04:05 pm] timeout [12/3 03:04:21 pm] your timeout is too short [12/3 03:04:24 pm] Anonymous-san - Just for note, I was not bitching about getting a short end of a stick. I am bitching that the poeple here are like 4th grade bullies. Difference is clear. [12/3 03:04:36 pm] Well, to be honest.... [12/3 03:04:40 pm] >.> [12/3 03:04:42 pm] i just downloaded it from a outside host [12/3 03:04:44 pm] Normally we don't care what you're like [12/3 03:04:57 pm] If you handle yourself okay, then we have no problem if you're a noob [12/3 03:05:31 pm] However if you are carrying yourself in a way that screams "Put a 'kick me' sign on my back please" then of course you'll attract this treatment [12/3 03:05:34 pm] root, mezzoforte? [12/3 03:07:03 pm] Anonymous-san - well, I suppose I don't know what behavior asks for such a sign, but I try to handle myself well, as you say. I think I am the only fucker here who says thank you, or is willing to help others half the time. [12/3 03:07:19 pm] lol [12/3 03:07:20 pm] o rly [12/3 03:07:24 pm] so fun [12/3 03:07:28 pm] I ask "what is Waha" and I get bitched at [12/3 03:07:33 pm] LURK MORE [12/3 03:07:35 pm] haha [12/3 03:07:38 pm] I had no idea at all when I first came [12/3 03:07:44 pm] So I LURKED [12/3 03:07:48 pm] And all became clear [12/3 03:07:51 pm] he don't even know what waha is hahahaAHAHAHHAHAHAH *hum*.... [12/3 03:08:04 pm] You came in saying HAY GUYS WHATS GOING ON IN THIS FORUM [12/3 03:08:16 pm] waha~~~~ [12/3 03:08:16 pm] wikipedia wikipedia ~~~ [12/3 03:08:24 pm] wikipedo wikipedo ~~~~~ [12/3 03:08:30 pm] Lunat - read the above... [12/3 03:08:32 pm] :o [12/3 03:08:39 pm] Choiya [12/3 03:08:40 pm] don't care about what you wwrote [12/3 03:08:41 pm] Hukurou: you said you came here through wikipedia, but you don't got the memes before you did? [12/3 03:08:46 pm] musuu! [12/3 03:08:57 pm] iluvatar - no, you misunderstoodf [12/3 03:09:03 pm] Hukurou is kuso miso, don"t blame him [12/3 03:09:11 pm] he is DQN [12/3 03:09:11 pm] * Yakzan (bacon@C018C5E.959D59BB.8D51951.IP) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12/3 03:09:13 pm] Hukurou is DQN [12/3 03:09:17 pm] I found 4chan in the wiki, ie, I found the entry on it [12/3 03:09:21 pm] uhou! [12/3 03:09:24 pm] ii otoko [12/3 03:09:31 pm] How did you get introduced to 4chan in the first place [12/3 03:09:35 pm] Being serious now [12/3 03:09:41 pm] DQN | ・ω・) [12/3 03:09:56 pm] omae mo na! [12/3 03:10:02 pm] Sugoi-Baka: yes [12/3 03:10:02 pm] I honestly don't remember. I found it about 3 years ago I think. I remember it dying 2 times now... [12/3 03:10:09 pm] YOU FUCKING LIE [12/3 03:10:13 pm] (4 times) :o [12/3 03:10:15 pm] :O [12/3 03:10:16 pm] GET THE FUCK OUT [12/3 03:10:17 pm] I just would browse and post a bit, then leave [12/3 03:10:19 pm] I lie? [12/3 03:10:31 pm] you havent even heard me out [12/3 03:10:31 pm] san nen mae????? [12/3 03:10:42 pm] THREE YEARS OH MY GOD [12/3 03:10:50 pm] by leave, I mean not come back for about 9 months [12/3 03:10:59 pm] You just made my opinion of you drop by 300 percent [12/3 03:11:05 pm] (and perhaps it was only one death) [12/3 03:11:08 pm] [12/3 02:55:03 pm] 4chan has only been around since last October [12/3 03:11:22 pm] Not the channel... [12/3 03:11:26 pm] signed. [12/3 03:11:35 pm] and I know it died a few times... [12/3 03:11:39 pm] i can"t even remember the first time i went on 4chan [12/3 03:11:45 pm] God damn it, I wish I was still op so I could permaban you from all things 4chan [12/3 03:11:45 pm] "Error: Flood detected, file discarded." [12/3 03:11:45 pm] the joys of drugs [12/3 03:11:55 pm] that one at least has a logical explanation [12/3 03:11:57 pm] lol [12/3 03:12:01 pm] Lunat: I found it in a chan I visit in Aniverse [12/3 03:12:02 pm] what the fuck is your problem? [12/3 03:12:05 pm] YOU. [12/3 03:12:09 pm] ok ^^ [12/3 03:12:11 pm] why [12/3 03:12:27 pm] * shut (~shut@Rizon-1E8D5CE6.njit.edu) Quit (Quit: bread lollers) [12/3 03:12:29 pm] that was a friend who gave me the url, but i don't remember when and where ;__; [12/3 03:12:41 pm] If you'd shut up, and were as intelligent as you say you are, then you'd be able to pick this shit up and learn more about the community [12/3 03:12:51 pm] You say you came here three years ago when it is barely a year and a month old [12/3 03:12:53 pm] adn usages [12/3 03:12:56 pm] *and [12/3 03:13:03 pm] And the IRC channel is only nine months old [12/3 03:13:13 pm] Even the original 2ch is only four years old or so [12/3 03:13:25 pm] And 2chan is younger than that, but still older than 4chan [12/3 03:13:27 pm] signed. [12/3 03:13:39 pm] I don't mean to be a dick [12/3 03:13:43 pm] and shipped. [12/3 03:13:47 pm] But seriously, you are making it so fucking worse for yourself [12/3 03:13:51 pm] i think it was last yars, in december [12/3 03:13:58 pm] October [12/3 03:14:04 pm] So I browsed 4chan for a few days and then fucking left. Then I came back after a long time. ladifucking da... I came back a month or whatever ago [12/3 03:14:19 pm] Then you should lurk more [12/3 03:14:20 pm] Anonymous-san > (my first visit ^.^) [12/3 03:14:26 pm] Ah, I gotcha [12/3 03:14:27 pm] I guess so [12/3 03:14:30 pm] I came here first time in January or so [12/3 03:14:31 pm] i came (lol) around december last year [12/3 03:14:38 pm] Lurked until fucking May [12/3 03:14:48 pm] i lurked till july ^^ [12/3 03:14:49 pm] Posted as Anonymous, rarely, until that time [12/3 03:14:51 pm] i came every evening cause i fap too much :( [12/3 03:14:57 pm] Lunat lol [12/3 03:15:07 pm] lol [12/3 03:15:11 pm] Then I got myself the name and tripcode - how? I earned it through my posts [12/3 03:15:15 pm] 4chan stole my virginity [12/3 03:15:22 pm] yes [12/3 03:15:27 pm] Anonymous-san is actually an obscure joke from May [12/3 03:15:34 pm] before asking, search by yourself [12/3 03:15:55 pm] Lunat - I often do [12/3 03:16:01 pm] And I only came into this IRC channel in September [12/3 03:16:10 pm] There are certain things like DQN that dont come up on google [12/3 03:16:16 pm] i even learned how to make ascii by a pathetic post of mine last year, i remember, i was a fuckin big noob [12/3 03:16:28 pm] Hukurou: I have explained DQN to you five times now [12/3 03:16:33 pm] And that's why you are dqn [12/3 03:16:37 pm] pff 3 years, yeah right [12/3 03:16:37 pm] I didnt believe you... [12/3 03:16:47 pm] what's DQN [12/3 03:16:54 pm] zepher - I dont fucking remember how long ago it was. it was a while ago. [12/3 03:16:57 pm] Let me dig up my logs to prove it [12/3 03:17:03 pm] I didnt stay [12/3 03:17:33 pm] and i remember 4chan dying last time after i had been there for a week or two [12/3 03:17:53 pm] (and yes, i know that was not 3 years ago... that was teh second time i came back) [12/3 03:18:28 pm] anonymous-san - I know what you said it was, but I didnt fucking believe you. Dumbly qualified negligence does not make much sense to me. [12/3 03:18:45 pm] That's what it fucking means [12/3 03:18:51 pm] but if that is what it means, then fine [12/3 03:18:55 pm] HAY GUYS ENGRISH IS ON 2CH [12/3 03:20:23 pm] -> *nickserv* ghost Hukurou balanced3 [12/3 03:20:29 pm] Hukurou > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan read everything here [12/3 03:20:35 pm] -> *nickserv* ghost Hukurou balance3 [12/3 03:20:38 pm] If I remember correctly, you and Snacks were being an ass to me when you explained it, hence why i thought you were being a fuck and I did not believe you. Not to mention someone got me identify code (I thought it was you actually) and changed my IRC nick password. I was in the help chat at the time, and was not paying much attention to you either [12/3 03:20:42 pm] ( ゚∀゚)4chan! ( ゚∀゚)4chan! ( ゚∀゚) [12/3 03:20:58 pm] Lunat - FUCKING READ. I KNOW THAT ALREADY! I SAID I FOUND THAT TWICE NOW [12/3 03:21:04 pm] gosh [12/3 03:21:05 pm] I read it all [12/3 03:21:11 pm] so buy a brain [12/3 03:21:19 pm] and two eyes [12/3 03:21:28 pm] Anonymous-san - you bitch at me for R>C>P [12/3 03:21:29 pm] Hay, I only have one. .( [12/3 03:21:35 pm] IT'S COMMON SENSE [12/3 03:21:36 pm] and a humoristic sense, and maybe youll understand waht 4chan is :o [12/3 03:21:43 pm] ... [12/3 03:21:53 pm] DO NOT OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH ABOUT *ANYTHING* UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE DOING [12/3 03:22:06 pm] yes, that's a very good idea [12/3 03:22:14 pm] okay, let me put this in clear terms... that last sentace about R>C>P was in referrence to Lunat... [12/3 03:22:28 pm] ho :o [12/3 03:22:30 pm] Anonymous-san - you bitch at me for R>C>P <-- what do you mean Lunat [12/3 03:22:32 pm] better? [12/3 03:22:41 pm] [15:20] Lunat - FUCKING READ. I KNOW THAT ALREADY! I SAID I FOUND THAT TWICE NOW [12/3 03:22:51 pm] Anonymous-san > i didn't mean anything [12/3 03:23:05 pm] No, I meant [12/3 03:23:15 pm] here, just to be clear, in chronological order... [12/3 03:23:18 pm] Anonymous-san - you bitch at me for R>C>P <-- what do you mean, you directed it at Lunat? [12/3 03:23:19 pm] [15:20] Hukurou > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan read everything here [12/3 03:23:24 pm] [15:20] Lunat - FUCKING READ. I KNOW THAT ALREADY! I SAID I FOUND THAT TWICE NOW [12/3 03:23:32 pm] That is what I mean [12/3 03:23:38 pm] what I just said [12/3 03:23:39 pm] yes yes yes (and a copy past again sir please) [12/3 03:23:48 pm] Just reading a wikipedia entry does not mean you are a scholar on the subject [12/3 03:23:48 pm] make sense? [12/3 03:23:56 pm] omg... [12/3 03:23:59 pm] THUS [12/3 03:24:11 pm] Hukurou should spend is life on 4chan like most of us [12/3 03:24:12 pm] were you listening to what Lunat was saying for the last 20 minues? [12/3 03:24:30 pm] *minutes [12/3 03:24:35 pm] You needed to shut up, take was dished out to you, grow some fucking balls, and realize that INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS [12/3 03:24:41 pm] i can't even remember myself what i say, and people here don't listen what other say haha [12/3 03:24:44 pm] Anonymous-san, post "hito" for me here [12/3 03:24:54 pm] * Anonymous-san is not on Shift-JIS atm .( [12/3 03:25:00 pm] I will be though! one sec [12/3 03:25:00 pm] :( [12/3 03:25:17 pm] internet is serious kids, get out of my intarweb :o [12/3 03:25:28 pm] Anonymous-san - I know it is ... and I am saying, if you were paying attention before to what Iluvatar and Lunat were saying, my comment about R>C>P would have been perfectly clear [12/3 03:25:36 pm] Lunat signed. [12/3 03:25:45 pm] Hukurou, you do realize... [12/3 03:25:53 pm] that you're making a fucking enormous deal out of this [12/3 03:25:57 pm] And it's making us hate you even more [12/3 03:26:07 pm] You are playing right along with it [12/3 03:26:08 pm] haha the truth [12/3 03:26:14 pm] Because you don't get it [12/3 03:26:18 pm] nooo, i think he's funny [12/3 03:26:19 pm] Just get the fuck off, I'm done [12/3 03:26:32 pm] i live for 4chan drama [12/3 03:26:37 pm] * monticello (jrk@Rizon-C0AC53A.aep.bellsouth.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12/3 03:26:39 pm] me too :3 [12/3 03:26:39 pm] zepher, I'm doing the shift-jis thing now [12/3 03:26:48 pm] thanks :) [12/3 03:26:49 pm] ascii ? [12/3 03:27:10 pm] i just need the "hito" to complete this AA... [12/3 03:27:17 pm] i cant find it anyways right now.. [12/3 03:27:27 pm] ONe sec [12/3 03:27:34 pm] * Hukurou sighs [12/3 03:27:34 pm] ha ok, [12/3 03:28:08 pm] AA is the best thing that happened on the internet for the last 10 years [12/3 03:28:27 pm] yep :) [12/3 03:28:52 pm] but i'm a shitty ascii posters :x [12/3 03:28:57 pm] * Hukurou is just a dumb noob [12/3 03:28:59 pm] what is AA [12/3 03:29:07 pm] If you lurked you'd know [12/3 03:29:07 pm] ascii arts [12/3 03:29:10 pm] thank you [12/3 03:29:11 pm] It's ascii art [12/3 03:29:26 pm] AA > you [12/3 03:29:36 pm] Damn it, mirc won't connect to Rizon .( [12/3 03:29:38 pm] Oh snap [12/3 03:29:45 pm] zepher I'm an idiot, I'll do it on xevion [12/3 03:29:51 pm] lol, ok [12/3 03:29:58 pm] Anonymous-san - use ports 6661 or 6667... [12/3 03:30:04 pm] those usually work best for Rizon [12/3 03:30:34 pm] geez, i cant believe it, i'm looking all over for hito, but i cant find it..wtf? [12/3 03:30:40 pm] There it is [12/3 03:30:48 pm] great! [12/3 03:30:48 pm] it died [12/3 03:30:54 pm] * Anonymous-san kicks zepher to xevion [12/3 03:31:01 pm] Hita wa shindeita [12/3 03:31:15 pm] iirc, /server connect irc.rizon.com 6661 [12/3 03:31:37 pm] ( ゚∀゚)人( ゚∀゚)人( ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚) [12/3 03:32:16 pm] Hukurou, I know how to use IRC [12/3 03:32:31 pm] And it's /s irc.rizon.net:6661 [12/3 03:32:37 pm] And that didn't work on my other client [12/3 03:32:41 pm] End of story [12/3 03:32:45 pm] ok [12/3 03:33:17 pm] * Hukurou isnt used the the "new" short-hand [12/3 03:34:01 pm] * Hukurou is now known as Hukurou_lurk