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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Old thread is 1 post away from the bump limit.
Might as well start a new one.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Full Sail University, and I've been involved in numerous AAA titles, and I have over 300 completed projects. I am trained in C++ and I'm the top coder in the entire US games industry. You are nothing to me but just another amateur dev. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of industry professionals across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your career. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can program games in over seven hundred languages, and that's just with UNIX. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire Valve employee contact list and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the resume pile, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking unemployed, kiddo
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I'm tired of all the kawaii uguu shit being posted on /3/ lately. Here's some actual original content to break up the--

>have shit day at work
>this thread
>all my lulz
Quick question:

How the fuck do I animate a modifier in max?

I hit set key, I change the modifier settings to how I need to be, hit keyframe, unclick set key, and when I go to view the animation, it just resets itself.

I know i'm probably missing something obvious, but I can't find it. Google isn't helping, niehter is help.

Oh, key filters.

Hold on, I'm sure I clicked /3/, not /b/
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Does anyone have reference for modeling dreadlocks? I can't find anything tangible online.
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posting so i can hopefully stick to finishing a model
hand, arm
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wups lol
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leg, foot

What's it meant to be? bBecause it isn't a human.

That neck is a bit too long. You should take off a couple of centimeters, unless it's some stylized look you're going for.
It's obviously stylized mate.

As for the reference, is not easy enough to twist and scale splines and carve them up with the damian standard brush? I don't think you're going to find a quick way of doing something like dreadlocks. Why with this character though? Seems like it would take away a lot from the face and ears.

Why do I come this board?
wow, This looks really good. looks totally like jaden smith
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fking akward head
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meant to be this guy
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bit of a tidy, fixed some dimensions.
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Fix your topology.
now let me see those hands.
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Nice touch
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better? worse?
Ha. This is me. I'm so stupid.
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Thumb needs to move down a bit
see pic
just as bad if not worse.
it looks like you just added a few loops.
go find a tutorial on topology.
thanks, will do.
will prob finish off tomorrow
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Just learned how to bake AO.
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My first sculpt completely within zbrush
you're still sculpting no? The ear looks like a last thought, and the eyepatch should really be another subtool.
Never fucking change /3/

I laughed so hard the lecturer stoped the entire class and requested to see what was so funny.

My class regularly posts work on /3/ as it's part of our assignments and to get feedback on projects. God damnit that was hilarious.
I am still sculpting it, I see what you mean about the ear, and yeah, it was kind of a last minute decision. Yeah, the eye patch should have been a separate subtool, eh, ya live ya learn XD
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>My class regularly posts work on /3/ as it's part of our assignments
Seriously? What school are you in?
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I suck so bad at texturing and unwrapping.
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Just cubes...looks like ass.
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This is my sheep model I have been working on over the past 6 or so minutes.
Its intentionally low poly, so the best way to view it is through shit covered eye goggles.
Will post progress.
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ass boxes
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Making great progress in rigging.
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re-creating rig-pose optimized hand geometry.
kind of an uninspired environment
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now for the wrist...
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Err why does my render suck so much ?

Lack of lights maybe?

I'd blame a lack of subject matter anon.
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Yeah, buildings again.
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this weekend will be a female modelling weekend (unless some asshat calls to help him out with some shit again)

You know that feel when you want to model but are afraid to even touch a single vertex bcuz afraid to ruin the (already awesome but still not perfect) shape.
Pic related, Im afraid of touching this
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i admit it, i went full retard on this one.

Not finished yet, my autism took a break
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Was thinking about trying to do something Halloween themed for tf2's workshop.
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Too high poly
I know that feel, its usually just because you're so used to your own model that you dont see flaws as easily. I try to switch projects for a while when that happens
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In celebration of Pikmin 3, I made a turtle that hides its self as a pie.
tf2 map?
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still texturing
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I had a cute smile done before I had to wipe all shape keys :c

It was an attempt to learn how to texture for TF2 and bake AO.
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first experiment with sculptris (haven't really cared enough to see if i can pirate zbrush). i have to say, trying to do the helmet in sculptris didn't seem very effective; i didn't spend much time bothering with that

it's quake guy/ranger if you haven't seen the character before
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why is everyones first experiment with sculpting programs 100x better than what I can do

I always give up anytime I see these because I'm terrible at it.
i see. are there any other memes we should be aware of?
it depends on a lot of things. if you have a solid art background, especially with things related to what you want to do, it's probably a bit easier to pick up new tools and techniques versus starting trying to learn those tools without having as much general art experience. either way, don't let it get you down. it probably just means you need to be practicing more than just using a sculpting progarm; practice your general art skills and try sculpting with some actual clay
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It's a castle for a kid's cartoon.
How can I make it better?

I just started learning the UV Mapping workflows to make the textures for it. Any suggestions on this?

Thanks, /3/.
make everything look rounder and less pointy
The style's alright, he's just need vivid/pastel colors, or stuff like bright gray, green, and maybe red, as those go well together.
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not sure what to do.
i think i'm going to model a body and see if anything comes to me.
Its hard to tell, if we don't see the overall art direction/concepts etc.
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Anyone got any tips for me?

Oh, and do you think it looks like the real car? (Jaguar E-type)

SubD model, trying to decide whether to keep the outer shell as is and continuing on to the bumpers/windows/other details, or if I should keep refining the shell. It looks close to me, but something feels slightly off...
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Okay, I guess I'll post my shit. I'm trying to think of something to do with that side panel. I don't really like the over all design but I'm trying to follow the ref.
There is a lot left to be done and some of it needs to be re-done.
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A tiny dog.

I wish I could do more detail, but my comp starts to choke preety quickly.
Turn down te detail slider, an only add polys where you need them.
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I'm new to this whole thing, so any advice is much appreciated.

I tried to keep the polygons down with this one and then paint in details afterwards, turned out okay.
looks like it's made out of PVC pipe
You're working way to high res, but you're not putting any detail into the forms.

Start with a basic shape, and use the move tool to pull and shape it into what you need. Only subdivide when you've exhausted the level of detail you can get at the subdiv level you're on.

Just like drawing, build your forms before you start carving in detail.

I'll get working on that tomorrow, is there a sort of ball park figure for how many polygons i should be looking at for a model of a face?
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Work in progress for my mech, with only the torso done, poor texturing and camera zoomed out much too far (which I didn't realize until I saved the render).
I don't even know what that is but looks pretty cool.
Torso of a mech.
Also, thank you. Forgot to add that in the previous comment.
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The old model was a scuptris mesh imported into zbrush. I had some visible errors going on because of that. I retopologized to better support the details. The horns will be added as a subtool.
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Heya /3/. So what about this version?
I'm sure the folks in the ZBrush forums will like it.
"I don't know what it is, but it has a lot of stuff on it, so it's 5 stars in my book."
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You need to study anatomy. There are structures and forms involved and not just surface details. Faces look the way they are because of layers of bones, muscles, fat, skin. You have to represent these things from the inside going out by blocking in the shapes. Which is why you should stay at lower polygons. Pic related. A screenshot of the Eat3D Zbrush 4 character production tutorial.
do they actually go over anatomy in that video?
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No they don't. But you will see how he makes a human model starting with ZSpere. You'd want something like Ryan Kingslien tutorials. He has a way with approaching the human form with ZBrush without getting too technical like it's a science class.
-ZBrushWorkshops - Anatomy of the Face for Artists

But if you want the hardcore lecture type thing where they show individual muscles by layers in an ecorche, look for Gnomon's Anatomy Series.

Picture from Ryan Kingslien tutorial

In any case the more you watch, the more you learn.
No one?
As far as I can see you're doing fine. Carry on old chap.
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What do you guys think of this weight bench? I think the head area looks fine, but the end doesn't really look right to me.

Make the legs of the bench at least 3 times longer than that. Also do the end part similar to how you did the head part. Not a rectangle like that. Your bar is also too skinny. Make it about 4 times thicker than that and twice as long.
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Trying to give her slight x-legs because for one, too many 3D-artists give their female models o-legs (only Mongoles are supposed to have o-legs) and for two me thinks that slight x-legs make the women appear more life-like.
I remember your last female. Hideous.
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I hope when I connect the body to the face then maybe she will turn from hideous into gorgeous
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sure I can already see it happening
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you just made my day!

yeah nah, I just try to make a somewhat unique face
are you retarded
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Finished my new textures for the Counter-Strike 1.6 USP. Was pretty fun, despite the derpy UVs and inaccuracies.
why dont you just give up?
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babbys first bone based facial rig
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I'm pretty new to all this, but anyway here's something I did this morning.
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i agree, you need to learn about both of them, im trying to finish my first serious attempt at modeling something with sculptris and it´s pretty hard, im very auto critical so to me most of the time it looks pretty deformed, but looking at pictures of anatomy really helps. working on the arms right now, they are harder than what i tought.
How long have you been working with 3d?
>first bone based rig

glad to see I wasn't the only one RIGGING using the semen of paraplegic relatives of king Charles the second.

Seriously, the fuck.
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I've never been one to mess around with Sculptris (though I did grab Zbrush a while back, wasn't too fantastic at it), but that looks damn fine to me. Better than anything I could do, at least.
The bottom of the pectorals are a little flat though, the nipples seem a little high, clavicle is a bit too thin and raised, trapezius is a bit too thin.

Just a few little observations, all of which can be easily fixed. Looking good so far, please do show the progress!

The edges are a bit too sharp but it looks pretty good already.
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Lmao, I guess blend shapes doesn't coun't as rigging, but you probably knew what I mean

oh and you can rig using any geometry really, not only the bones and semen
Fix the top of your god damn magazine. Fuck, the original did a better job with a single 256.
those weights
that bar

That's like holding a million hotdogs up with a toothpick bridge.
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UDK has been acting like a bitch all day. One moment it works fine, and the next moment I literally get 1 FPS across the editor.
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Progress. This is what happens when I don't draw something out first and have no real clear idea what direction to go. I wanted the eyes to be like the Trex from Jurassic park. Something not really physically accurate, but had a slight stylized look. Which is why it doesn't have eyebrows. I imagined the head being covered in thick, scaled, hide. But the more I messed with it I wanted to make the head covered in shell, like a crustacean. Played with colors and first ended with the blue version. It seemed like some frost MMO creature. But the mesh was messy and was bothering me so I did a retopo and adjusted the proportions. The mouth still bothers me. But I've come to another stopping point.

NVIDIA GPU's can downclock themselves by over 50% to save power when it detects no GPU intensive programs are running. Sometimes this messes up and it downclocks your GPU even though you have GPU intensive shit running (thus causing a massive performance drop). I get around this by using Rivatuner to force the highest clock rates at all times.
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heres a quickie i built in high poly so i could make a tutorial on how to reduce poly counts and convert to vray meshes for people in the california branch
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How's this up to now?
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>>Aaw shit nigga. What have you done!

first try in blender

how am i doing?

also: jamstar person
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anyone know how to make individual hair follicles move and bend with geometry?

I'm using maya 2013
Do you model 1 poly a day or something?

How long have you been working on that?
tried killing yourself?
so fhunny
Now THIS is podracing
Awesome! the textures are just an itty bitty stretched
I'd make the glass more transparent.

Will do, thanks.
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Thanks man, maybe you had a bad start but if you like modeling clay ( i loved it since i can remember) maybe is the Zbrush UI what confused you, try sculptris it´s very easy, not as powerful as zbrush and it´s tesselated geometry instead of pixols but for a free software i think it´s really great. thanks for the observations, i will take a look at those parts when i detail the back too, meanwhile here´s an update.
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I've been working on my high elven anime knight the last few days. still need to model and uv stuff. most stuff is quads for some sculpting purposes (armor and stuff).
[spoiler]I'm horrible at sculpting characters but i'm alright modeling them. that's kinda my excuse for my 'basemesh'[/spoiler]
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So I was going to go ahead and unwrap this evil dead chainsaw that I made for tf2 but I wasn't sure if I should unwrap it as a whole or just the individual parts. Kind of new to this.
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Nothing much, just a mostly-finished M37 Ithaca I made while teaching a friend how to model. Dunno if I'll ever actually finish it.
In return does he tongue-fist your vagina ?

I should hope so!
so if your name is hans, you're not really a girl are you
depends. I have no idea how source works. I know in cryengine you can have multiple materials assigned to an object, but I don't know if source is the same. You can certainly do each part separately and combine them into one uv if you find that easier.

So the answer is, do what you find best and what's best for the task. Obviously you don't want to use six 4k textures for a side prop, for example.
do you model anything but guns?
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Looking good!
Organic things just aren't my strongsuit, I guess. More of a mechanical mindset. Everything looks pretty close to accurately corresponding with the male torso (though as I like to tell myself, it's impossible to finish a drawing or model because there's always room for improvement). Again, I'd love to see the updates.

At work, yes. For fun, not really. :P
could you give some advice on how to get a nice looking viewport render like that? I assume something like 3 point shader, but how do you set up your lighting and material to get it to look that nice?

Remember that anything you put in a video game costs memory. If you're going to make stuff for games, you have to be efficient. Anytime you can combine many small meshes into one big one, do it. Anytime you can combine small texture maps into a larger atlas, do it. Your single weapons should be a single mesh and a single texture sheet. Unwrap it all to a single sheet.


It's not a good idea to have multiple materials for a single object. Or multiple materials at all. Except for things that absolutely require different materials. It costs more memory if you do. That's why you use textures to simulate different materials. He definitely needs to use only one material for that chainsaw. Especially for TF2 since the shading model isn't physically accurate.
Thank you both,
Well, it's good to be able to use multiple materials if the object is a point of focus, and different parts of the object have different setting needs? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I know if cryengine you get a bunch of settings for each material. For example, you need different materials for different surface types, to dictate the decals applied to them among other things.

I never worked with cryengine. Since it's famous for being graphics-intensive, I assume they do use multiple materials. They probably have some trick or work-around to reduce footprint.

In Source, Gamebryo, UDK, and as a general rule, it's bad. It's bad because no matter what, it increases processing time.
yeah, I can imagine. the more you know!
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I'm done modeling actually, and almost done rigging.

been working on other projects.


I've also been away from home for 3 months.
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i´m just starting with organic stuff, this is my first attempt at modeling something with sculptris after fooling around with the default sphere and just deforming the shit out of it without doing nothing, but i guess it helped me get used to the UI. Perhaps you should try it a bit more before discarding it, if you are into organic modeling of course. I´m an architect but i always thought organic stuff was pretty cool, i started this torso in my free time while i was modeling/rendering this building last week.
>nice otter btw, scott pilgrim is cool too.
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I know it's far from perfect but your all welcome to it.
jesus christ that is absolutely fucking horrifying

even when i was 12 and started out making art and shit, i would have taken a look at that and feel physically sick. how could you create that and not think it looks nasty?

jesus christ.
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As much as I fucking HATE My Little Pony and everything having to do with it, I have to at least say it's a decent walking animation.
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current WIP, wanted to model a pony in a different style
that's a cat
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I like the look of it. can we get a 3/4 view?
I knew someone would say that XD
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here ya go
FIM ponies are more cats than ponies, anyway.
Why is everyone making ponies. What is the appeal, seriously.
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I'm guessing because they're really fucking easy to make.

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