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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
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Does anyone have the sauce on this?

Over at /v/ we're trying to find it, apparently it was first seen in an Alice thread with a 4chan filename.

Are any of you fuckers responsible for it?

If so; link? Model download?
no one on /3/ is good enough to make something like that.

Judging by the quality of the textures it's been posed. The head of Alice and the Hatter look straight from the game and the body looks like some kind of stock nude body.
Yeah, extracting game models is so hard

The models are on XNALara
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i want /v/ to leave
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not even that good

Oh you made this?

Good job. Make more images.

Yeah fuck you guys.

Your board runs at 1mph anyway, like it makes a goddamn difference.

Please, just upload the model or something. And not the Hatter one. Or make more images.
you have your own board go back to it faggots

Is that how you wine and dine your guests?

Not the hospitality I was expecting.

I shall leave when I have what I came for.

>I shall leave when I have what I came for.

Well now you're probably never going to get what you came for. Why do people always think this phrase somehow benefits them.

Just chill the fuck out, and watch some porn or some shit, there's no reason to sit on this thread.
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>I shall leave when I have what I came for.
prepare for long witner faggot
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Power of /3/
please post link sir i beg you
Dude he just ripped the fucking model and put it on some nude body model. Jesus I go on /v/ and this makes me feel like an idiot reading your post.
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Here are the links.
I just wanted to say Fuck You, I really mean it, Alice was my waifu and then you put her naked with a hooknosed juden üntermensch, I really hope you get fucked in the ass by a pack of niggers, you shitfaced retard, no offense. I'll try my best to forget that picture.
Any more like these?
For the love of god MORE

now >>285915 this is just being an asshole
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No, fuck your shit eating grin gif, she was my pure lady and now you made her another random whore I wish you the worst in life.
Can anyone upload the Alice head for learning purposes?
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>Waifu ruined
>mfw this is my fetish
>implying "having a waifu" isn't worse anyway
This thread is fucking hilarious. Would quite like the model though.
t-then if it was so easy, why don't you go make one and post it here?

not that I want to fap to it or anything...
"learning purposes"
Do you even 3d?
Go away Ross, stop shitting up other boards
Learn away
Alice model here:

Thank me later
She has too many clothes
select them polys
>hit delete

What model is the nude body from then?

Pretty please?
What makes you think the body is 'from something'? And not 'custom build'? It is not like you can just rip a model from a game with 3dripper and have it all nice and dandy within max and produce great renders. It only gives you a nice overall reference. But then you recreate everything. Including the whole mesh with details like actual acceptable hands and feet. Dump the 512x512 unusable game textures and make your own, then bone and skin is all plus do a ton of per vertex weighing to get it right. Then a bunch of 3dmax Skin Morphs to get it acceptable. Do a bunch of face morphs and even then you have something that is just 'nice' with no real value.
As hilarious as this thread is, he asked nicely.

Give the man the models.

It's not like he even knows how to use the files, anyways.

So you're not going to share your custom model then? That's fine, but no need to bleat like a sheep "If I can do it myself everyone else should."
Just for the record, fuck you. Just because someone may be capable doesn't mean they have to do it. If every person in existence had to make their own shit instead of sharing we would get nowhere real fast.

I don't really care if you share the models or not, but anyone who doesn't share their work with others is putting themselves into a position of stagnation and their work will never go beyond what you're capable of. This is why companies have teams of artists doing separate pieces of the process.

Get over yourself or eat a barrel of dicks.
You got me man

>give me your art waaah! *whine*

wow and lol anon, how can you actually get mad a person wanting to keep his hard earned intellectual property to himself? It takes a tremendous amount of time to create good art, giving it away for free is cool, but leaning on someone to do this is opposite of cool. "Dicks in barrels waaa-waa" - at this point in time you're a pissfacedcockgobbler anon, you might want to fire up notepad and write that down for future reference next time you decide to act this way.
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I kindof wish she'd have hair though
that you can do yourself.

I just want the body ;_:
Does anyone have any nude body they have lying around?

Bethesda released a famos porn game called Skyrim last year, just head over to the nexus and you'll find yourself up to your eyeballs in tits and dragon penuses.

You're looking for CBBE or UNP bodies.
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>Get over yourself or eat a barrel of dicks.
You mad
The hair in the game is kinda special and 3dripper does not capture it somehow.
made me lol
good job man
keep em coming but very very slowly
>If every person in existence had to make their own shit instead of sharing we would get nowhere real fast.
>Talking about a nude 3D model like it was PROGRESS FOR MANKIND
entitled much?
i am not going to beg or demand anything, but i would highly appreciate it if i could work and toy around with that pretty model.
if you would be so generous to let me have a go, but dont want your stuff to be spread around, please concat me.

Anyways, good work. keep it up :)

Fucking entitled gamers. Go back to /v/.

Excellent. Damn you, barrel of dicks. You're in the way. I will keep this thread bumped for eternity.
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I admire your dedication
So did we actually get anywhere in this thread?
Yes, we learned that anons from /v/ are a bunch of whiny, self-entitled cunts that want people who spent years learning what they do to share their work for free, just so said anons from /v/ can jack off to 3d porn.
I was fairly entertained.

i'm sure there where some intentions for jacking off when this was made anyway

i never understood why someone would go through all the trouble of modeling, texturing, posing and waiting for the image to render, just so they could fap to it.
It's not worth the effort. 5mins of googling will get you something just as good.
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because you don't really need to make a model from scratch. you can modify stock (e.g. just add your head on a premade body), and after you make it once, you can use it to create a ton of different images.

also, specific rule34s require some effort on SOMEONE's part. just because you're a selfish cunt, doesn't mean that everyone else is.

fuck you and your overvalued time. you're probably just too much of a gimp to have an efficient workflow.
I think you grossly overvalue 2012 modelling/content creation tools and "workflow"
And this explains why Poser exists.

>And them come the people that take Poser seriously
>you're probably just too much of a gimp to have an efficient workflow.
Of making porn... you're really overglorifying your abilities
You know how it is. Making something sexy seems like an interesting plan. Almost everyone in 3d is making nudes at one point. But after working on such a model for a long time and struggling to get it right, in the end it has lost it appeal to yourself. And it is hard to look past the flaws. But you learn a few thing along the way. And other might like the results.
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>also, specific rule34s require some effort on SOMEONE's part
you seem to have interest in this. where's your effort, you entitled cunt? stop expecting everyone else to give you what you want.

I was fucking around with the model before I realized I have absolutely no interest in making alice porn.

u mad that you can't fap to Alice porn?

Where's your fucking effort you twat? If you want something that badly, then learn to fucking do it. Almost everybody on /3/ spent their time learning their skill, and they shouldn't have to pander to your 2 inch boner just because you want them to.

So FUCK YOU, and have a nice day.

There's something terribly wrong with the proportions
wut u talkimg abiut
They can brag about it on the internet
Where is the daily pic?
Which proportions?
Following the fuck out of this thread. Haven't even played this but hnngh, those eyes
Hatter is huge in game.
Ok then. I am willing to do some requests. So let's hear it.

Nothing which involves adding extra stuff which takes forever to model.
No tasteless shit, this isn't /b/

Can't promise anything, might take some time.
Taken from behind by the hatter?
shoe on head
found this thread

this shit is amazing post more

Post two alices making out
>found this thread
>it's on the front page
Consensual sex in Missionary position while holding hands...with Micky mouse
>implying most of these suggestions won't get me banned
ahhhh you had me go'n there for a second.
I thought you were some sort of deviant.
We told moot we need spoiler images
What did she say?
If everybody thought like you then there would be no porn
Nothing, as usual

Took us months to get a damn sticky ;_;

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