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Due in the US in 2013

Previous thread: >>34520346

US Site: http://www.pso2.com/us/
JP Site: http://www.pso2.jp/

>Current Update PSO2 JP "Imperial Guardian Part 2/Butler Maid Tea Time AC Scratch"

>Current Update PSO2 NA: As of March 26th 2013 the game has been delayed.

>PSO2 JP's Weekly Maintenance:
Tuesdays @ 10:00 PM - 4:00 AM EST

>How to Register for Japanese Version (somewhat outdated):

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
New: http://pastebin.com/f9BMCQJu
Original: http://pastebin.com/q9w86Tbz

>Guides and Additional FAQs (read before asking questions):

>English patch:

>Story translation patch (Up to date and almost fully translated):

>English Wiki:

>Japanese Wikis:

>Official PSO2 Blog:

>Character Creator/Benchmark Test:
English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=414&p=5433

>List of In-Game Titles:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Other In-Game Information:

>Handy spreadsheet with lists of /v/ or /vg/ affiliated players:
thanks bud
Is HU/RA viable?
if you enjoy gunslash sure
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remember, never leave your waifu out in the open
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20 Grind risk reduction (+1)
11 Grind risk reduction (Complete)
800 grinders
4 Grind success rate +5%
2 +Grind success rate +10%
3 - 5 million meseta spent grinding, and buying supplies

Finally, after so long I've acquired the jinrai title for my bolt tree force
>yfw there's nothing left to do
>yfw all eng teams are dead, so you are never going to get a party for the upcoming Extreme quests

Hmm, I think I might do something like this soon but specifically stalk waifus from OH, EDF and DDR.

Heh heh heh
All of those are dead and probably have two people online.
what happened to all the players?
They had their souls sucked out by the game, and turned into zombies who continue to shamble on in game. So, dead is a pretty accurate description
If you count afk all the time as zombies, yes.
You basically have to recruit other people into doing anything. That or Falz. When Falz happens people come to life.
Would you say they're willing to lend a hand
dead game
dead thread
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So what's the most number of red weapons you've found in an AQ. My current highest is 5. It felt bad. Really bad.

>complaining about getting rares

Entitlement, everyone.


Mag food (a.k.a. 4-6 star weapons) is rarer than those shitty red weapons.
That why you don't join a dead ship just to fit in on an anonymous imageboard.
Implying the ship full of FOTM players is still alive
Implying the opposite.

Two can play at that game, kid.
What's the consensus on HU gears? I've heard partisan was bad but no idea about sword and wired lance.
Partisan gear isn't that bad if you have 30 or more elements point
The big problem with Partisan is that it requires you to deliberately stop hitting the enemy or weave that flourish animation into blocks and at the end of attacks. Basically, for most mortal neckbeards, it will slow you down.

Sword and Wire Gears, however, are very handy.
does the flourish animation have a block effect? or is it only for show and you have to manually block?
show and manually block

partizan gear is a wasted potential
The Flourish is included IN the Block effect. But I'm not 100% sure it has a block effect all its own.

I think the intent was to set it up such that you're comboing the flourish into the natural flow of the Partisan's PAs and attacks. .. Which means, in a group combat situation you're basically required to have ten fingers on each hand.
Anyone still on ship 10? I got stuck on here with a friend that no longer plays...
I'm on ship 10, what's the name.
ship 10ian here, whats your name?
SweatyFingers, wanna bro-op?
Tarin. GU/RA atm. I should probably try and get to 50 before that update
Well, whenever you need someone, just ring a bell and I'll be there.
wasn't 10+ star stuff boxed in a differently colored boxes in PSPi?
Its kinda misleading now, since you can get legzaga and jinrai in the same package.
Is the best chance for adding a soul into an item that didn't have it beforehand 50%? (without using boosters)
Don't worry anon, you'll soon get rainbow drops with even more abysmal drop rates
Why is everyone leaving Outer Heaven?
Droprates are completely okay, I'm only interested their adequate representation. Its hardly any better than photon drops being put into red boxes.
Yeah, I think I would have a heart attack if I hear the rainbow drop jingle in this game though.
I wish I knew. Logging in to see two people online is kinda disheartening.

With Shokushi and Nia dead...yeah

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Holy shit this is still alive?
No its not. Everyone stopped playing.
traffic is low at noon
No, it is only alive in weekends japan time.
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>mfw take a break to do backlog
>add more as I play
>so much fucking vidya
I'll return soon I hope
>mfw I been playing to much PSO2 to not play my entier backlog
>Be in mines AQ
>Kill Vardha Boss
>Get Boxed Gunslash
>"Yes Finally..."
>Its a red gunslash


boxed ANYTHING in AQ is red weapon until further notice.
Can you even get normal drops in AQ?
shitrares that does not even relevant to AQ players, unless youre talking about pyrox exchange weapons that can sell cash
you're making no sense whatsoever
how can the flourish be incided in the block effect but doesn't have a block effect?
are you talking about the actual block, which has the same animation as the flourish?
because when i asked about the flourish having a block effect, i'm only asking about the twirl at the end of every attack/pa and not the block move (shift) itself

Flourish doesn't block. It gives you a second chance to JA.
More like it gives you a second chance to get hit in the face
How so considering you can cancel into a guard that will still raise gear?
Not after Slide End
That sounds more like a problem against bosses though but I see what you're saying.
>PSO2 English release delayed
>Japanese release already has everything important translated
>What the fuck else would they need to do

No seriously. Im gonna go out on a ledge here and say "cut content".
They need to make it less Japanese
>implying SEGA won't make the same PSU mistake
just give up hope and play the JP w/ english patch, you won't miss out on the shitty English dub anyway.

I don't normally do this but

Give me the name of the PA you guys have been desperately searching for but can never find. I've personally been trying to find an Elder Rebellion that's above lvl 10, but 20 Aragnis later, I end up with a bunch of meseta.
>Level 100 Mag blocks my view half the time

Jesus Christ. What's a cheap, easy to get evolution that's not three times the size of my already big breasts?
>level 13 ER from the first Agrani I kill
>level 15 Slide End from the first Signo Blue
I'm alright so far
>implying I go to pus-world
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anyone up to run Hard mode TACOs?
Got nothing to do for a while
my tacos reset at night ;;
b-but I wanna taco with meku
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Still hunting a good Additional Bullet. All Elena and Oran want to drop is Sabarta, though.
i know that feel
still living with level 10 that i had to buy because its never dropped for me
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Yui Horie voice when SEGA

we've already got the hair and glasses, might as well go all the way
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>pso2 cg set previews on the uploader

oh my
>Haven't played since last summer due to university taking my time.
>Mom is shutting off the internet this summer due to bad university grades.
I miss you PSO2...
>mom shutting off internet due to bad grades
are you 12 going to uni?
>all the male outfits outside the default six are awful
Being a man is suffering.
Take your lessons seriously, faggot.
Last week I had no internet for 2 days because I forgot to pay bills for last 3 months and I just went to sleep in the middle of the day after being sad for hours.
Do your homework, son.
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So, these are pretty nifty. Old-school flavor.
Is there anyway to survive Vardha's attack where he sucks you up and spits you out in front of him to eat a facefull of laser? Or are you just fucked if you get caught in that?
Yeah, don't get sucked in.

If you destroy all of his arms and cannons and missile launchers, he'll stick to using his static wave and spawning little roaming minions.
Prepare your anus, basically. The moral is: Don't get sucked up by the boss' vacuum cleaner.
>Waifu simulator
destroy his lasers.
If it starts to pull you in, push straight off to the sides. You can actually sort of steer clear of it towards his under cannons
Haze Socrerer makes you look like a big rainbow cockroach, you could try running with that somehow
I'd use Jan Du if it weren't for the awful pants.
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>not having time in university
>mom shutting off internet because of bad grades

What are you, a freshman?
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Touching sword.
not him but im a freshmen and got a few bad grades and did not get fucked over for it
>still dealing with mommy

WOW can you get anymore neckbeard virgin than this?
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I found a 3 day shop pass in my bank that I wasn't aware I had.
Are any of these worth anything?
So is there still anybody in Ship 4?

I haven't been on in months, I just logged on yesterday to see if I still had everything.
You can literally check their value when you're about to sell them on the AH.

And even then, no they aren't worth anything.
just started playing with a friend.
Is it normal that more than one boss monster spawns if you're in a party?
That's normal. It also spawns minions.
Thanks, I didn't want to use the item only to have nothing worth selling.
yes, most of them hang on b24 or b14

Yeah that's normal. If you just want one boss to beat up or no annoying mobs on you then let the party leader use the teleporter alone.
Or b27. A few dozen across several teams.
sorry i meant b27, not b24
thanks for correcting
How much should I be expecting to make from TACOs once I can start playing again?
If you do all of them, then 1m, I think.
why the fuck are spellstone weps so hard to grind? fuck this shit, I'll settle for reds, jesus not to mention they cost more than the average 10* to grind. Also, Sega is fucking bullshit. That ->7 thing only works if you are already at +6
>tfw no PSO2 NA
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Why am I not getting any of Marlu's client orders for beginner forces? That hunter NPC has the hunter COs available but she doesn't for some reason. Is my character just fucked or something?
because ur character isnt high enough level
first time hunter here

how should the tree look like because its all over the place
gonna use it as a sub while amining ranger
Who wants to do Tundra AQ or Caves?
>All these Ra/Hu players
Sasuga, Sega, at last you gave people a reason to level a Hu.
Pretty sure I see more Hu/Fi than Ra/Hu
But people already played HU, or are you being retarded?a
That's because other subs do not benefit Hu nearly as much as a Fighter.
Doing N, H and VH gives you 1.2~1.5mil or so
Doing N and H only gives you around 500k~600k
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>why the fuck are spellstone weps so hard to grind?

Because this.
Might help if you listed a ship, and block
>code collect
>its okay, no time limit, should be cool
>faint shatter behind
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Sounds like a critter smashed one of the items you needed to collect.
Say I wanted to amass about a million FUN points through Excubes from 10 star items. Where could I get the most of those? Obviously, actual quality of the item doesn't matter as long as it's ten star rarity,
What is the best way to level up mag for Gunner/Range?
They won't make the same mistake because they won't release it at all
As far as a localization goes, the biggest thing is probably voices. Those by far require the most budget and effort out of anything else in there. It was pretty noticeable when they skipped over things in the English PSP2 and only bothered with the actual cut scenes.
And by "high enough level" he means level 2. In Force levels, naturally.
That can't be a thing, can it?
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lv14 or 15 Safoie. That's all I want from caves but either no one wants to do Caves AQ, or Burn Draals refuse to drop discs above lv10 or whatever that goddamn rifle PA is that he keeps tricking me with.

I got TWO lv15 Additional Bullets and a lv14 before I could finally get a lv12 Safoie.
yea, the crystals cause decent aggro range, if an enemy isn't already targetting you they'll go straight for it
Does anyone else just make a new account when they want to play a different class? I want to start playing FO but my character has a RA mag and I don't want to spend money on this.
Plenty of people do that.
It's another way to play on multiple ships at a time too.
The cheapest way I know of is to farm up a shitload of tundra stones and trade in Cruel Fluogas. The daggers are like 10k each but you should find one or two by the time you get 90 stones. They're stupidly common.

With a decent party and some luck with bursts I think you should be able to find about 20 stones a run. Rare Drop boosters do cause more of the things to drop. I once just wanted to use up a 250% and finished the run with about 80 stones.
>tfw you level up your mag and then realized you want to play a different class
I'll fork my money over later Sega.

Your best bet is the Falz stone weapons. Anything else is just luck.

I did that. Not because of the mag, but because of looks.
why would they release it here
they know we alread burned their content on JP version
and the fact that they will delay content wont help either
Why does any company release products
Out of the good of their heart and the desire to make people happy?
Oh yes, of course. Now who wants to trade butler and maid outfits?
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Who runs the Ship 2 team? Just curious.
Can they make any profit with PSO2 here? I guess they could if they were faster, but now west has Tera for those who want to fap to their fantasy waifus and Scarlet Blade - for the sci-fi ones. What does it leave Sega with? Cast porn?
Well if they wanted profit, they should have released PSO2 by Early 2013.
>if they were faser
Hasn't Tera been out for a year already?
If I use a MAG reset device on my mag with a skin on it
will the skin go away to?
PSO2 will probably flop in the West. The other TERAfags will infect the videos and previews about how superior their game is and every 13 year old will draw a connection to some other game like Vindictus. PSO2 will probably be "That game that's compared to a lot of other games but still does its own thing."
Tera launched as a subscription game and swapped to an F2P model after that. PSO2 launches as F2P, and honestly is one of the best put together F2P games on the market, really.

Compare this to twaddle like say.. Cosmic Break.
Well there is a bunch of Ship2 kiddies that would have jumped ship (excuse the pun) for a NA release if they released it a while back.
The skin cannot be applied until mag reaches 100 level, so using reset device will reset your mag to level 0 and also reset its skin.

Reset device is waste of money when your mag reaches level 100+, get extra mag instead
How should I build a HU/RA, any builds out there I can follow?
the Mikudayo skin seems like it will be really expensive to get later
and my current mag is just terible for anything usefull
what exactly do you want from HU/RA?

At early levels RA sub profits from their DEX skill, so you can hold high end weapons like Aristin, Bellow, or Rogue Coffin with level 25/20

After you reach late game [50 or so both classes] you use your reset ticket and thats about it

The skills should be Fury Combo maxed out first, and then JAs, also get 1 step attack if you wish

The skill for RA should be DEX up 10 for early, WB1, and rest goes to Weakpoints
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If you mean RockemSockem their character name is Eldieme. If you actually want to join, I can add you. We don't really have many active members anymore.
I highly doubt there will be mikudayo revival AC scratch, so yeah, its a nope.

The only way reset device will be fixed is if a lot of nihons start bitching about it
fuck man I need to stop going to ship4 and visit shit 2 ;;

That would be nice, as I only know one other on this Ship while leveling.
That's definitely gonna rise in price after the scratch is over. It has never budged from around 5m as far as I remember.

Which is a ridiculous price as a I payed 4m for Sonichi and that's from an event.
I'm sitting block 4 if you want to join, by the class change thing.

Kirsch pls.
Nah It's me, Welf.
I always love economics discussion between 16 year olds whose moms forbid them to play the game today because of bad grades.
gr8 b8 m8
16 year olds go to college now? Man have times changed.
You're cute.
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Another code destruction lost because of greed.
Is the number of enemies killed to guarantee an S rank quantified anywhere?
They are random.
I remember during the beta and launch that about 20 enemies were enough for S-rank.
There is a required point amount you should get for S rank. Points rewarded for enemies vary. there was a chart going around last year, good luck finding it again.
What college?
You sound insecure and mad.
try kill one enemy and rush boss, i dont know if the points vary among enemies, but doing code like destruction does not increase points
What insecurity?
You sound gay and mad.
It varies by quest. Because you can just rush straight to the end on Subdue Za Oodan and get an S rank, but you gotta kill a number of mobs to get in on Transformer Takedown

I'm also certain every mob is valued differently for the rank, like in those point based ARKS quests. Random bosses are worth a lot of points towards S rank, but clones aren't worth shit in my experience.
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It's time for RATE MY waifu/husbando.
to that ship 10ian I met yesterday Tarin?

if you see this can you come online, TLs want to ask you questions and if your golden we'll get you in, thanks.
fix that face
why does it take so long to level up to 40?
no one plays N or H anymore either, it's just VH or AQs all day
post yours
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all with TAs
but no one for AQs
anyone for floating continent?
stop having a heart attack then maybe
i was waiting to see if any would jain
all 3 teams busy it seems
whats the block for AQs to try and pug
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I always though freckles a shit until I combined it with dark makeup. Now I think it looks cute.
So... anybody knows what the fuck is this? http://vocaroo.com/i/s03dGQPK4dCf
I cannot describe it so I made this
Anyone found a way to inject chiitrans to pso2 yet?
red box spawned somewhere
Are hunters really the only ones that have weapons that go with non-endgame boss unit sets? It's what cirnopedia reports but it seems odd for sets that require T-DEF to equip like quartz.
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b-but anon
there is already an app that does it
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That's the only way to roll

pic related it's my waifu
oh cool. I was away for quite some time so I expected somebody finally did this
Is that the gay elf dude?
This is not a real injection, just an overlay thingy, right?
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>guy's friend gets all pissy at me for not inviting him for a TACO run
>have to explain I blacklisted his friend and couldn't see his text because he seemed incapable of chatting in the lobby without using a /ci command
>TACO party breaks up because some guy got mad his friend is autistic
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what the fuck
>finally can't stand PSO2 anymore
Well, that was a good 3899 hours of my life. Time for other shit I guess, like, real life. Later guys
Are there any drawbacks to the lyra and delphinus mags for a fi/hu male cast? I was thinking of going 120 S-Atk and 30 ability on it but would another route for my mag benefit me more?
The only drawback to Dephinus is the awful auto attack, which can be fixed with 2 cubes.
Those stats are fine in my opinion, as long as you don't care about high requirement SDef units.
I blacklisted a guy for basically roleplaying in the lobby when his friend was in the party. Apparently he was trying to get an invite and they thought I was ignoring him on purpose. Cue shit flipping.
what lobby action is the best to have?
Mad as fuck
>people in block 20 can't stop just doing a blank /ci command all the time with their sameface loli elves
>have to manually find their character and permanently blacklist them

life's fucking hard, guys
>going to block 20
Mainly because Japanese people don't speak the fuck up when there's an ecode in emergency quests. They may be loudmouth fucks, totally incapable of using whispers, team chat, party chat, or otherwise, but you can count on their talkativeness for one thing, and that's gonna be an autoword to go off whenever they get an ecode.
So, do they announce etrials or not?
but i already have that, what's the next best one?

>being this fucking entitled
Be happy you are able to play their game
Not to mention you're a lying fuck, unless shit 2 japs are just as bad as the Eng community.
How do these "Add Special Ability" items work? Do they add a slot to the item?
>Not to mention you're a lying fuck, unless shit 2 japs are just as bad as the Eng community.
90% of the JP players I've been with in MPAs have had autowords set for when emergency codes start.

I don't think you know what this word means.
The Japanese? No. The weebs in Block 20? Yes.
It means "assigned a title", right?
You think you're entitled to knowing when an Etrial is happening right? Then shut the fuck up
I don't think you do
I wouldn't say 90% personally but I usually see someone with it set, yeah.
lolwut, if anything the japs are the ones who always have the autowords with the "/toge /ci" for etrials and not the eng players. Shit 2 is just that bad I guess
I wouldn't say 90% either, 98% is a bit more accurate
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>You think you're entitled to knowing when an Etrial is happening right?
>discerning this from what I said

>90% of the JP players I've been with in MPAs have had autowords set for when emergency codes start.

Good for you, then.
So, Extreme quests will have their own stone to trade.
no bitch
>being this mad
It could be worse, he could be on shit 4 with us and deal with the roleplayers and the lack of ENG players actually DOING quests.
There's always one or two but I never see any more than that in any given MPA.
Why do people get so mad about people roleplaying in an online roleplaying game?
>being this mad your ship is shit
>MPA in PSO2
>post Feb
Good joke
What? They come out for EQs.
Not mad, just depressed. Shitposters and memespammers like you populate ship 2 and the worthless folk that don't even play the game populate ship 4. It's a real shame for the few people that actually like the game and want to enjoy it.
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Also, my Husbando
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Daily reminder that the first game is superior.


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