Servers up in 200 minutes edition.Old thread: >>>/vg/8754443>How to register:>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):>Other In-Game Information:>Skill Tree Simulator:>Official Blog:>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)>Japanese Wiki:>Story Translation on PSO-W:
>>8814204TOO SLOW.
>>8814204hahahaha faggot
Hitting level 30 three hours before OBT went down general
does /vg/ have an official clan/guild/whatever?
Spent 30million getting your perfect items which are now obsolete and being a touch sore about it general.
I am currently level 18, I keep hearing about city...get lucky one day and see city is up. Only get to play for 5 minutes...What times does it usually show up? Or how do we know when it will/is up?
I probably won't buy anything during the release. I really want to, but they're not offering anything I really want. Mag changes and maybe character slots, maybe.
>>8814449Yeah but they require an interview through skype, they want people who understand or are learning japanese only. I left the other day because seriously they are all such fucking neckbeards. Its as if the worst of /v/ & /vg/ all started playing PSO2 and decided to make a guild.
>>8814636>Yeah but they require an interview through skypeyou're trolling, right?
>>8814459100,000 for 5★ Partisan30,000 for 8 Vol Souls100,000 to grind 3 Units and Weapon to +1020,000 for incidentalsSo it was only 250k for the best gear in the game.
>buy 9* rifle>cant use 9* rifle because not a female cast with pure mag with maxed r-atk1 and 2>level cap raise>will be able to use the nice rifleFuck yeah!
>>8814616fonewearl is ugly in the official artlips
>>8814498>>8814498Look out for みせものねえよ!and シャブ サバクits usually spammed everywhere. If you are in a japanese block, copy + paste thisなにをしている?Its asking how long until city in minutes, most people will reply with a time you can use some basic logic to figure out.
>>88146360/10>implying anybody here knows moon
Lv.14 RAnewm here, running with hybrid range Mag, what sort of gear would you recommend?
Why are the boss areas so fucking unoriginal compared to PSO?All of them are big round areas, shit is bland and boring as fuck.
>>8814684I am not that guy but hes serious, I didn't join for this reason. Fucking stupid.
>>8814930>2011+1>not passing a skype phone sex interview with flying colors
>>8814636>>8814684Then that isn't the official /vg/ anything. I think at that point we can scorn and outcast people who act like total fucking idiots about it.Should definitely get another one started, and pick people who aren't completely socially handicapped to get it started, as difficult as that can be on 4chan (not to mention /vg/).It needs to be done without that faggotry. That is inexcusable if true.
So is everyone using the Sega Japan address when purchasing ARKS cash? Can anyone confirm that it works?
>>8814928>dragon was a big circle>both forms of vol opt>all three forms of dark falz were circles>both forms of olga flow were circlesNOSTALGIA HO
>>8814636is that EDF?
>>8815026>taking it seriouslyHave you learned nothing from the shitposting
>>8815034Worked for me. We'll see if Sega gets pissed eventually.
>>8815034If you put in a credit card first via the third option you don't need to put in any address
>>8815147You'll have to either input an address in your Sega ID first, or as you try your first charge at the AC site.
>>8814717>Uses between 40-120 grinders assuming each is a success>160-600k worth of grinders>Only cost 250kSure thing.
>>8815147I noticed some people saying that, but others still say you have to still enter an address when you attempt to BUY Arks Cash (whereas you don't need an address to simply register a credit card).
>>8815279I do this crazy thing where I go out and play the game and find them just lying on the ground.Damnedest thing.
>>8815086But they actually felt like unique areas and they had a lot more charm than the PSO2 boss areas.It seems like they didn't even put in effort to make the boss areas in PSO2, they look exactly like the rest of the area.
>>8815367And they can be converted into the aforementioned 4-5k each straight away -- or could, now it would cost you $7.As such, during beta they must be properly accounted for.
>>8815086I think he wants more boss gimmicks, like being on the raft or having to attack vol opt in the monitors/ceiling/amps. I think I see what he means, it was just poorly worded.
>>8815453>money you wouldn't have gotten anyways is equatable to lost incomeGet out, RIAA.
When PSO2 opens at like 1 in the morning, which ship will have the most english speakers
>>8815520the problem with gimmicky bosses is that since all the bosses are meant to be able to spawn in other areas having that sort of thing makes it hard to fight them in other situationslike how in city missions ragne has the arena he can crawl around and do fun things with but outside of it all he can do is hop around and get fucked over by terrain and elevation changes
>>8815484>nostalgiaAre you retarded or are you just ignoring the game's flaws?Just look at the Dragon in PSO. He was in a big dome that was totally unlike the rest of Forest. Now look at the Dragon in PSO2, the area he's in is just a bigger version of the usual caves area (and it's actually used for 2 boss fights).
>>88156792 will always have the most English speakers, the largest PSO communities all decided to go there once again, as did most any other English speaking community. 4chan is on 4 though, your call which you'd prefer.
>>8815679ship 2 has the general english speaking public.ship 4 block 44 has us and some other folksship 9 has some people hiding on it
>>8815747PSO Dragon's was just reused Caves textures.
>>8815779I heard ship 2 was the RPing community as well but most of them are "LOL XDDDDD" meme spouters as wellShip 4:44 is tolerable and quite fun
So guys.I loved PSO v.2 and PSO EP 1&2. I also like Phantasy Star Zero on the DS despite it basically being PSO v.3. More of the same with some added stuff, but still a good game.Being a human being with standards though, I fucking hated the pile of shit that was PSU. And that was after a year of me playing it and trying to convince myself it would get better.I'm hearing good things about PSO2. I certainly don't like the art as much as I did PSO, but it's heads and tails above that shitty "generic animu space opera" aesthetic PSU had, so I'm not turned off by it either.Gameplay wise, how does it stack up? PSO was, lets face it, the clunkiest action RPG this side of MH, and that was mostly because of the restrictions on hardware and internet speed that the developers had to contend with. PSU had no such excuses, but still played like babbys first rpg.So. PSO2 gameplay. Is it good? Great? Terrible?
>>8815804Still better than what we have in PSO2, it actually feels like a boss area and not another normal area that just happens to contain a boss. Also, the boss music is nowhere near as memorable as the boss music in PSO.
>>8815865i've been to both and I can freely say ship 2 makes me angry, half the symbol arts are reddit memefaces and ecks dee humori mean sure ship 4 has a ton of anime and 4chan references, but it's more tolerable than LE FUUUUU every five seconds
>>8815938>this circle with reused textures is so much better than this area with reused textures
Oh boy, it's time for circlejerking about circlejerks general.See you fags in three hours. By which I mean, time for a locked party.
>>8815997nostalgia logic
>>8816013I was interested in the RP community untill I saw them RP then suddenly someone said "Not cool dude :\" then all of them broke character and started saying le this and le that with picturesI left
>>8815886It's GLORIOUS! A fitting successor to the original PSO series.
>>8815734>all he can do is hop around and get fucked over by terrain and elevation changesHaha, not so slippery now, are you fucker? I enjoyed raping him in the forest.>>8815747>Just look at the Dragon in PSO. He was in a big dome that was totally unlike the rest of Forest. Or a big dome that was exactly like the first part of the caves. I did like that the areas transitioned into each other, but it doesn't really work for PSO2. Ragol was fairly unexplored in PSO, now the Arks people are monitoring everything and know exactly where you are.
>>8816096Locked parties are only for PSE bursting. So that you don't have some random japanese guy with 3 npcs taking up multiparty slots
>>8816013Yep.>That feel when 4:44 liked and reused my symbol arts a lotI feel special.c:
It's patching right?
>>8816237No, reinstall
>>8815886I'm probably going to get insulted for saying this, but PSO2 is pretty awful at the moment.The quests are fucking awful, they're typical "kill x monsters" and "get x items" quests. PSO had some interesting quests at least. The area design is pretty terrible, especially the desert. The grind is annoying since there's no content at the moment. The combat is fun but gets pretty repetitive and boring after a while. The cash shop and limitations on free players are fucking retarded.It feels like a generic F2P game with the PSO name tacked on.
>>8816237yes, its patching in the IP block
>>8815997>>8816103You guys sure like your shitty boss areas.
Friend of mine keeps getting this error message, help?
>>8816313The other PSO games were like that too
>>8816394Well then PSO was pretty fucking terrible if it was like that, I must have some very thick nostalgia goggles.
>>8816394I'm not actually sure that I've heard a more retarded statement than that in the last week.
Something I have always wondered about asian online games (ragnarok, tera, PSO, dragons nest, granado espada) is how the community + devs communicate. It has become quite common practise in western games for there to be a forums and considered very poor practise for the company not having devs or community managers replying to feedback from users. I am mostly wondering this because its the asian style online games that have the most jew'ish and rediculous cash shop setups. Do people actually have a place to complain about these things or is it not common for the game companies over there to have as close relationship to consumers as western games?I am not trying start a western vs eastern game dev argument, I am just wondering because its 2012 and for PSO2 to come out with the same gambling style that was considered outrageous in the past on previous games is surprising.
>>8816449I went back and played it again last week. The quests were "kill x monsters" and "get x items" as he said. Also the area design was pretty bland.
>>You really can't compare Episode 1&2 or Blue Burst to a game where the level cap is still 40 and the story isn't finished.Compare it to PSO v1.
150 S-ATK/50 ABL125 S-ATK/75 ABL100 S-ATK/100 ABLCan't decide...
anybody have any buying AC guides? This shit is fucking impossable to navigate through.
>>8816628Maybe if you've never used a credit card before.
>>8815886PSO2 is basically them taking some of the stuff that doesn't suck from PSU and shoving it into PSO.-lock on (if you use it) is very responsive, and has balanced advantages/disadvantages over third person manual aiming mode depending on the situation (despite /vg/'s insistence that Gears of PSO mode is master race). -The interface is simple to understand despite language barriers but allows good degrees of flexibility.-The three classes can easily be customized to your playstyle and each can be played in very different ways that all feel distinct (well except ranger, but that's because traps n stuff need to be buffed). for example a sword hunter plays in a completely different way then a partisan or wire lance hunter.-quests and grinding are... pretty bad atm, but hey, it's PSO. what did you expect.-current map selection is pretty limited, but more will be released on a regular basis-race/gender/class combinations have less of an impact on your performance then the other games, and you can level in all 3 classes on a single character-MAGS. they're in. you get one free. and chances are you tailor it to a single class and your other classes are left a bit high and dry because of it. but whatever, if you're a minmax faggot you can buy more mags and if not you'll just be a bit behind statwise in your alt classes, no big deal. also there may or may not be special mags for multi-classing in the update coming out. WE DON'T KNOW~-buying/selling stuff. naturally, all the good things are drops, it's PSO. having a shop to sell said good drops to other players in costs a monthly fee. buying from other people doesn't. eh, figure out if it's worth it to you or not.
>>8816553>The quests were "kill x monsters" and "get x items" as he saidYou did the wrong quests you fucking retard. PSO had plenty of interesting quests.
>>8816670its giving wierd errors when it asks me to input my name in Kana, not sure wtf to do.
>>8816313>The quests are fucking awful, they're typical "kill x monsters" and "get x items" quests. PSO had some interesting quests at least.Them's nostalgia words there, pilgrim. PSO's quests were the same. It was just "fight to get to area X, interact with NPC Y". Sometimes, you got to pick up shiny dot representing a quest item.>The area design is pretty terrible, especially the desert.Area design in PSO wasn't that great either. It was either slinky corridors or rooms interconnected by narrow halls. Only exception was the desert, which was a very wide space turned into slinky corridors by super cactus.>The grind is annoying since there's no content at the moment.This is your first Asian online game if you think it's grindy. I burn through levels solo by using client orders.>The combat is fun but gets pretty repetitive and boring after a while.Your only valid complaint. I wish there was a little more to the combat to spice it up, but seeing as we played the beta, I have a feeling it's not always going to be that way.>The cash shop and limitations on free players are fucking retarded."My First F2P Game" level complaint there. I was relieved by how little cash shop bullshit there is in PSO2. I know western games with WAY more freemium bullshit than this.
>>8816704Sure it did. I'm just saying that PSO2 probably has a lot of good quests too
>>8816704>make it to caves 2>kill 30 boomas>collect three glowy spots>make it to ruins 2>clear forest 1Sure is distinct and innovative quests in here.
>>8816013>Ship wars bullshitWe got bigger problems that ship community problems and I have little interest in asking you the real question.
>>8816991>>8816838Towards the Future...
>>8817107wasn't that pretty much just a boss rush?
>>8817107I'd absolutely love a TTF quest in PSO2.
>>8816838>>8816991PSO's quests were a lot more interesting from a story point of view because they actually had things happening in them besides killing fauna. Maybe the event tablets fulfill that purpose but I don't know because I don't speak moon. Not to mention the neat subquests, like dealing with Black Paper and Kireek and, well, that's about all of them that I can remember, but still.
>>8817150Yeah but it was fun, and had a bit to it. The spawns weren't your normal spawns, and there were a few places you could actually get stuck if you didn't know what you were doing.
>>8817360Not to mention PLAYING AS THE DRAGON. Unintuitive as fuck, sure, but you PLAYED AS THE DRAGON.
>>8817297>Maybe the event tablets fulfill that purpose but I don't know because I don't speak moon.And there we have it. You can't say it's not there because you don't understand what's going on. There's plenty of story to be had between the story missions, event shit, and the matter board. It's not Shakespeare, but it's there.
As much as I hate the idea of releasing such an unfinished game and updating it gradually, it really is unfair to compare it to PSO considering most of your fond memories of PSO1 are from when the game had already been supported for 1-4 years.
>no character creator link in OPfucking failures
>>8817541I like the bosses in PSO2 a lot more than the bosses in PSO1. I wouldn't mind having a boss rush type of quest at all. In OB all we had to lvl from 20-25 was running in loops around Nab Rappy hard mode or doing the City runs once a day to level. Free field can't even be unlocked until 30 which is absolute bullshit.
So I'm messing around with the skill tree simulator. I admit I never really got that far in the betas so I didn't get a chance to do this much in game.Anyone have any suggestions for FO builds?
So guys, what happens if I want to de-level one the stats on my mag? Will the overall level reduce itself or will it stay the same until the next stat level up? I'm planning in getting rid of the ability support for pure range support.
>>8818050I don't think it's possible to delevel. You can prevent it from leveling in the first place, but I think you'll have to buy a mag reset or another mag to actually delevel it.
So I want to be a hipster and main the rifle instead of the launcher. I was thinking of getting lvl 6+ weak bullet and maybe bind bullet put the rest on weak hit advance+.. Is this ok?
>>8818050You can't de-level mag stats. Once it has a level in a certain stat, it's not going to go away.
Two hours and twenty minutes remain.I'm eager to see if my Credit Card-funded AC charge worked. I know it said it did, but I won't be convinced until I see 1,000 AC in my inventory when I log in.>>8818154You can buy a Mag Reset for 500 AC, but you can also just get a new Mag for 300 AC so why would you even.
>>8818153Additional levels in skills like weak bullet only give you more shots loaded at once. Im not positive but I think level 6 would be 6 shots. It doesnt decrease recast time or enhance the effect or anything. So you basically have to ask yourself is it worth it? Do you really need 6 weak bullets at once? Or only a 1-3?You can't fire normal shots until the weak bullets are depleted and I believe switching weapons wastes them all. So I feel level 6 is a bit excessive but it's up to you.
Wait, so are knuckles coming in with the release tonight?
>>8818521They're Wired Lances.
>>8817984Maybe the better question would be to ask which element for FO seems to be the best, as the skill tree is broken down that way.Any suggestions? I know I'm basically asking you to tell me how to play, but I don't want to play with you guys and look totally stupid.
>>8818407>Do you really need 6 weak bullets at once? That's not how it works.You can't use multiple weak bullets at the same time. When you use another weak bullet, the previous one disappears. So having 6 of them is fucking useless unless you really can't aim.
Two hours.
>>8818407>It doesnt decrease recast time or enhance the effect or anything. >doesn't decrease recast timeActually, yes, it does. It's just not much of an improvement. Reload time is reduced from two minutes to one minute and thirty seconds. Really not worth it.>>8818521Highly unlikely, but knuckles are probably not far off in implementation seeing as how the guy who saves you from the masked figure in the masked figure route of the story mission uses knuckles.>>8818638All elements are useful in certain situations. The problem is that darkers, which appear everywhere, are all weak to fire and light, making fire the most commonly used element. Charge PP revival is in the fire tree, making it even more appealing. Personally, I've gone with a generalist build that doesn't focus on any one element since I don't want to pay to fix a skill tree that I ruined by betting on an element that sees next to no use.
I really regret making a ranger. All I do is stand around and shoot at things, it's repetitive and boring as fuck. Why are most ranger skills just variations of the basic "shoot at things" attack?I'd switch class but my mag is already pure ranged, so it would be a waste.
>start PSO2 client >SEGA logo appears>black screenHow do I solve this? Why does this always happen to me?
Why does it seem like most people have some sort of devil's advocate-style excuse for how they make their characters look, and not just because it looks good?>everyone is making pretty girls so i made an ugly fat chick>everyone makes girly girls, so I made a man with tits>everyone makes normal-sized characters, so I made a midget>everyone spent an hour making their character, so I just hit random once
>>8819204I'd say some do it for humour, some do it for popularity.
>>8819204>everyone makes normal-sized characters, so I made a midget>I made a loli because loli.
>>8819204Because having a generic character is boring.
>>8819204You have something against my cute little girl?
>>8819204I made my character the pale middle-aged gaijin, which I do whenever I am allowed to.
>>8818407>>8818838I'm gonna put one of them into stuff not named Dagan, having more bullets means more chance to outdamage a launcher in single targets. or maybe lvl 10 weak bullet?
>>8819204My character looks like me, it's actually original compared to "loli's everwhere"
While we're on the subject of the way people made their characters, what happened to all the glorious muscle girls people were making when the character creator was released? I haven't seen a single one.
Does anyone know if friends lists are tied to account or to character? In other words, if I make a second character (or delete and recreate), am I going to keep my friends for their delicious partner bots?
>>8820138Tied to account.
>>8820089Got covered up by clothes.
>>8820089You can't see my muscles in a skin-tight dress... and reasonably-sized broad shoulders on a loli aren't exactly noticeable either...
>>8820089It's future space magic, I ain't gotta have muscles.
Is there a site that gives detailed info about class skills? IE R. atk. lvl 1 = +2 and lvl 10=+50 or something
>>8820373Half of the females I saw use the newman female hunter suit, which leaves their torso exposed from just above the crotch to just below the tits. If any of them had any muscle on them, it'd be there for the entire universe to see, but I have yet to see a single six pack on a girl in this game.
>>8820713JPWiki has most of them.
>>8820750Given the opportunity to be the little girl, many of the people you're playing with will most likely take it.Little girls don't have disgusting muscles. Only perfect and smooth skin on slender bodies.
So apparently we need to complete some sort of mission to increase the level cap. Does anyone know what we have to do yet?
>>8817569My fond memories come from the original launch of the free version, where the level cap was 100. Then they came out with this paid hunter license and 200 level cap stuff, but put them all on the same servers.
>>8814101I'm downloading the client but I've been told there's a 2.5 gig patch to download afterwards so I'm gonna be a while because I'm on wireless DSL in the mountains. Yes, it hurts to live but I will carry on.
Since people have nothing to talk about, how about this? Straight from the Japanese blog:>また、正式サービス開始から、Ship06~10に新規キャラクターを作成、いずれかのクラスレベルを15まで上げた方に、特典アイテムのプレゼントを行わせていただくキャンペーンを行う予定です。詳しくはプレイヤーズサイトにてお知らせいたします。"Starting from launch, we're planning the following campaign: if you create a character on ships 6-10 and raise their class level to 15, you'll get a special item. Details will be posted on the players site."This is because (from the same blog post) over 90% of game traffic comes from ships 1-5.
>>8820892Doubtful seeing as how nobody has been able to play that content yet.
>>8821060Well obviously, but I figured that maybe the Japanese blog gave people a heads up.
>>8821049This explains the descending order of the ships on the ship selection screen.
>>8821248Yeah, he mentioned that too.正式サービス時より、現在のShip01~10と言う並びを、Ship10~01にさせていただきます。"At launch, the currently organized Ships 1-10 will be arranged 10-1."
Can't wait for servers to be back up. I'll celebrate by fighting a Rock Bear to death with my bare hands.
>>8821337I refuse to believe anyone actually drinks Red Bull. It tastes like seltzer water with a sprint of lemon.
>>8821448I agree that it's not the best tasting energy drink (I think Monster is the best plain), but it works well and it was on sale.
I wish I could migrate stats to different Units so I could pick which ones I think look the best.
>>8821627Just use what you like best and never get hit ever.Problem solved.
>>8821356>inb4 idiots thinking character wipe.
>>8821627DCUO had a system where you could use the look of anything you had ever equipped while you had something completely different actually equipped. It was the one thing I feel that game did completely and totally right.
>>8821627Too bad. Enjoy your purple spikes, blue fins and exhaust vents combo.
>>8821756Strangely, PSU had it as well. Costumes were completely separate from armor (called "line shields"); every costume had a glowing part that would change color depending on the element of the line shield.Sega shifted their stance on that for some reason.
>>8821858Or he could just set them to stealth mode and never see them.
>>8821896But I've got to ACCESSORIZE~
>>8819204I just started making something I thought looked good, ended up with something that reminded me of a character that not many people would know, so I went all the way with it and made it look almost the same.>>8821863At least you can hide them from showing entirely. That's how I do it.
>>8821863I loved that about the Universe series (only played the Portable series, but that's just PSU done right). Everyone seems to like it when your character's current gear is displayed on them, but I'm so picky that I usually end up only liking one or two sets of gear in any given game. Universe allowed me the freedom to use the best "armor" in the game without it compromising my appearance.
One hour left. Got my AC bought, my purchases planned, and nothing to do tomorrow (the bright side of it being 108° and humid). Time to waste all the content I can as fast as I can so I'm bored and out of things to do before I ever even have fun.
>>8822250You can do what the rest of us are doing, sit in this thread and troll all the newbies coming in with the official launch.
It's almost time.Body, ready, ect.
Anyone here gonna dive in and buy AC scratch cards once they're in?Planning on getting a single scratch card per week. inb4 meseta booster everywhere
Hey I have a quick question. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to grouping with NPC's? differences as in like enemy health, difficulty, etc.
why dont you talk about Premium Block?they will change some blocks into Premium Block, and Block44 might disappear.
>>8822694I think npcs affect regular spawns but not boss spawns.Enemies themselves aren't any different, npcs are retarded but you get FUN for using friend npcs and story npcs can give you items if they like you. Only source of wind techs and grants techs right now is npcs.
>This thread>Slowly discovering I know fuck-all about this game>suddenly don't feel like playing because the information is daunting
If they ever introduce actual good cast HD parts, I might just make one.
Inb4 tons of people are begging in the lobby and this thread about how to uncap lvl 30 via quest since they can't decipher moonrunes.
>>8822937Read momo's pastebin
>>8822962Why are those blank eyes so... unnerving?
>>8822937 it, read it. A ton of links and even more information, all with screenshots, awaits.
>>8822937Click to attack.Get into parties for City Mission; go to area 2; PSE BURST; CROSS BURST; ONE MOREWhat more's to know?
>>8823087holy shit that's brilliant
>>8823063CASTs are an unnerving bunch.
It won't be long now
>>8823068>>8823030It's just... too much for me. Maybe if it was in English, but I can't expect that to happen. As it stands, it's like I have to look at the guide every time I have to do something.
guys how's this build?!IEGQrNik6Also, does weak shot advance only kick in for weak bullet marks or does it kick in for hitting the weak points of monsters? (vol's horns/tail, ragne's brain, etc.)
>>8821049i hope this includes players already on those ships past level 15
>>8823345I know the feeling, but once you get the hang of the basics, you'll only need to check the guide occasionally.Still, you can always wait for the English version... if that ever happens...
>>8823358Works for all weak point shots. Very good for AR, decent for launcher, a good choice overall.
Half hour. Prepare your jew monies.
>>8823651Thanks. What should I spend the rest of the SP on? I have 6 left, and all the other skills are butt. I don't want to max weak shot because I think 3 shots is enough at level 6.
>>8823876I've got over 300 dollars dedicated to AC stuff. My wallet is ready.
>>8824043I hope you and everybody else. I hope there will be enough AC stuff around for me to be able to afford it.
So has anyone found an alternative to credit cards yet? Paypal preferred.I'm looking at this site but I don't really know if I want to trust them with my money just yet.
>>8824043If you get this outfit I want itThat goes to everyone planning to buy AC actually. I was gonna but for some retarded reason i can't buy more than 500 ac at a time with my card so I only bought enough for the 5x pack of inventory expanders
>>8824423You don't trust Sega either? Or do you think they'll ban you or something for using filthy gaijin money to buy AC?
>>8824475Momoyo is that you? Color on outfit is different but I'd recognize dem titties anywhere.
>>8824423suto is trust worthy but they charge a bit of a markup because of that. Also it's somewhat annoying to make your first purchases iirc, needs phone verification.A lot of people use it for nico video but nico's cheap so the markups arent a big deal
>>8824486What do you mean? I don't have a credit card and Sega doesn't support Paypal directly last I heard.
>>8824535Yes, that's my CBT look from an AC scratch outfit. It's going to be in the release AC scratches too
>>8824614I wish your titties were broken like Jiggle Princess.
Ah, they don't accept debit cards? That sucks, I don't have a credit card.
>>8824726Pretty sure nothing distinguishes between credit/debit/checking because I use my debit card all the time for online purchases, this one included.
>>8824726I used my mastercard debit card and it seemed to go through fine.
>>8824726debit cards work like credit cards online. There's no difference between the two.
10 minutes, the wait is killing
>>8824815>>8824803>>8824801I don't have either so Paypal is pretty much my only option.
>>8824801>>8824803>>8824815I've heard of straight debit transactions working online. The problems usually arise when the debit card in question isn't a U.S. debit card - I'm Canadian, and I've encountered a good number of sites that basically say "haha you're Canadian no debit for you" and force me to do debit through PayPal.If I didn't have an ACTUAL credit card to use for buying AC, I'd be out of luck due to PSO2 not using PayPal (why).Also, PSO2 official service in 5 minutes and counting.
what do
Less than 5 minutesALRIGHT /vg/!I'LL SEE YOU IN GAME
>>8825128Longest 5 Minutes of My Life General
Oh god, the ship order is flipped.
>>8825226I noticed that too, makes me wonder why they did it.
>>8825078Oh, I forgot to mention: the WebMoney and BitCash methods can be done through, though through a convoluted registration method that involves you scanning your photo ID and e-mailing it to them, which I'm inclined to think isn't as safe as they say. I'm probably wrong, but I'd rather not take such a chance.
>>882526290% of the population is on 1-4
>>8825293Makes sense I suppose. 95% of players probably just go with the first server they see, so shoving the least populated servers at the top would probably balance most of the "new" players from the live launch onto them
it's up niggers
SHITThere's no block 44.
>Standing Snipe>1% increase @ lvl1wat?
>>8825405what lobby?
Okay so how the fuck do we break level 30?
>>8825456N-nani?!EMERGENCY MEETING.
>my ac went throughYES
>>8821049is there any more info on this?as in does this apply to current players on these ships past level 15?
So no new Skill Tree branches or weapon types? Pity.
>>8825494BLOCK 34?
Oh god what is this I don't even
>>8825569I don't like this..Are they actually level restricted, or just recommended?
>Buy 1000 AC points>Don't get my AC pointsSEEEEEEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
What the fuck is up with these blocks?Also, I think I just got a dildo from FUN scratch. What do I do with it?
Any people wise in the way of moonrunes able to tell me what the lvl advancement quest asks for? I know its 90 of 3 things and I wager by the first one it means 90 Novice something.
>>8825569Oh god, did they decide to split it up that minutely?
EMERGENCY CODE: WHERE GObtw 1-2:solo play3-4: party5-6: chatthe rest: kinda obvious
>>8825710Aren't those going to be packed by everyone else?
>>8825739That's what I'm thinking, we need a blank block, like 34 or something.rule 34
>>8825738Clearly rule 34 is the way to go.
>>8825738>>8825710B-4's probably moonlander territory, I say 34.
>buy inventory expansions>don't get the ticketsI suggest not using your AC right now
>>8825795>>882579634 mind huh?
34 niggers
I like 34.
>>8825569I like either 37 or 34. Going to go fuck around in the lobby of either one until people show up.
>the shit i put on ah is still thereNice.
>new thread doesn't have jew guideJust gonna repost this with along with グラインダー so I can search them easier
>>8825808Oh wait they were in the normal storage instead of the stash. Because that makes sense.
>>8825831Unconfirmed, but it seems like it's 90 of each area mob drops, hard mode(lv21~41 mobs!)
I have AC.Where do I tell them I want to spend it on premium?
>>8821049Ah, had no idea the numbers were that skewed!Alright, just in case anyone wants to take advantage of that:Ship 6: At least one person who posts in this thread plays on ship 6. I don't know anything about the english population there besides that.Ship 9: /vg/s backup ship. I haven't seen much grouping in the threads from there anymore, but I assume everyone who started there didn't transfer to 4 when it was possible.Ship 10: Ship 2's backup ship. I don't know enough about Ship 2's community first hand to give a comparison, but they seem alright to me. It's where I play, and there's definitely no shortage of English players here.
>>8825904>Search for Rappy Costume>Already one up for around 525k...that's a lot better than I thought it'd be.
>pink echo outfitI just don't have the tits for this.
>>8826035Why would you play on a shitty empty server for just one item?
>>8826081>525k one is gone>700k one shows up>By a different person
I keep getting this error, I can't read Japanese.Anyone want to help me?
>>8826272wrong password probably
>>8826272>go to pastebin>ctrl+ f>602>????>profit
>>8826272fucked up yer password son
>>8826272Type your account name in lowercase, even if you entered it as uppercase.
>>8826307>>8826340>>8826362>>8826404Looks like I'm an ass hole today huh? Thanks bros, see you in game. What block are we all taking refuge in?
>>8826437Theres been word of 34?
Any way to increase the odds of item grinding? I managed to get an epic staff up to +9, should settled for that, cuz then it dipped back down to +2. Thank god I have like 200 grinders but still.
Been looking at random guides and I prolly missed it but how the hell do I spend my AC on that premium pack? Is there a shop or something I go to?
How big is the update from last night to now?
I don't remember seeing this before
>>8826984that was there. you just iddn't finish the quest for it
Don't make me get blood on my suit. You don't want me to get blood on my suit.
>>8826354If I'm reading that correctly, his name is something along the lines of "Great Gramps"
>>8826724Yeah, some of the scratchers have grinding boost items that you can use from those dropdowns at the counter.
>Putting things on the AH is a premium only featureEconomy fucking ruined on day 1.Way to go Sega.
>>8827429>he didnt know this from day one
So it's up now? Sweet!Where are we? Where do I go?How much swag is there?And how do I Arks Cash?
>>8827529whoa whoa whoa, slow down there buddyread the fucking thread
So where's the new /vg/ block now that 44's gone?
>>8827429Yeah, You aren't the only one raging about this. The fan backlash on their forums will probably change things.
>tfw I've already had two shitty 7* talis drop with no abilities
What the hell do we need to do to get past lv30? I'm still getting exp full.
So does anyone actually have an AC balance? Getting reports that some people didn't get the AC they purchased.
>>8827745There's a client order you have to do to unlock it I think
>>882774590 drops from forest mobs. 90 drops from volcano mobs. 90 drops from desert mobs. Ice areas drop the forest ones too.
So where do eng players hang out on ship 2 now?
>>8827653to be fair, its a decent way to prevent gold sellers in a free to play game
>>8827781American here. Mine came through fine, used a credit card.
Can only premium members trade? Or can a premium member initiate a trade with a non-premium?
This game is pretty cool but I don't know JP ;w;
Halp, /v/! What do? I just finished installing the damn thing and this is the first thing I see when I try to run the game. Pressing OK just exits. Am I fucked?
>>8828396Get a real operating system.
I searched for the fox ears and apparently their tickets, can anyone confirm this?
Oh wow, looky what i found
All the new mobs hide their weak point on their ass.
Where the hell do screenshots save to?
>>8828440For future reference, all head accessories and hairstyles are tickets.
Anyone capable in moon want to translate?
>>8828716>>8828751Thank you.
Hey Internet. I couldn't figure out how to progress past the I tier of talents when I first started playing, so I ended up putting 9 points in my Guard Advance (the invulnerability after a roll). I'm only level 10.Did I fuck up? Should I just reroll and relevel to 10? Or is 10 points in Guard Advance actually useful?
How do you get to your storage?
>>8828816You don't have anything you can recycle.
I never got to play the beta mostly due to laziness but i'm downloading it right now.I played the shit out of the xbox version of PSO episode 1 and 2I think when I stopped playing I was a level 107 hunterI remember thinking I was the shit for having a Flame Garment.Will I most likely enjoy this one and it is pretty easy to understand?
>>8829056Not that, the part at the top. See what it wants recycled. I have some bought AC outfits and got one from scratch to test
>>8828336This is important, my friend wants to give me a free wedding dress
>>8829368in CBT both people needed premiumIn release we don't know
There is literally no way at all for one player to give another player items if they both don't have premium in this game. This is fucking retarded, Did they even think this through?
>>8829161Oh, you mean you want to know what it is? It's a Color Change Pass.
>>8829440>chinese gold seller buys premium>chinese gold buyer buys premium
>>8829462the middle box, with the 0/1
>>8829440Friend them and sell it for a cheap price, but it could get snatched up.
>>8829440Maybe you should buy premium then you digusting american pig
>>8829503You can't use the AH unless you buy premium.
>ice rock bear>common enemyYES
>that feel when you log on and spot a friend using your bot
H-how do I search for my friend?
>>8829440You just found this out? Everyone knew you had to premium to do that stuff.
>>8829638>yfw they have been using your character for ERP
Haha oh lord the PSO2 JP forums for support got locked temporarily from all the threads complaining about how they're doing premium and item trading/auction house systems. This is it, PSO2 is finished if this keeps up.
Does anyone wanna help a nigga out with the S rank accordian dragon? I need to kill him in under 16 minutes, and every group I join is full of slow people that can't kill a dagan to save their life.RedMasta, 4:34
Starting up for the first time, what ship should I join so I can play with the most bros?
>>8830131First mistake is wanting to play with "bros".Just go roll on Ship 2 with the intelligent folk.
>>8830131ship 4 if you want to play with us.we're kind of scattered atm though because we haven't decided on a block. some on 30, some on 34, some on 37.
>>8830198go back to reddit
The fuck are the first two and last one of these? (Lock, Arrow and Crystal thing that I have 8 of) I know the other two are escape thing and grinder
>>88304721)lowers the rate of failure on grinding2)ability you can install on your mag3)telepipe4)grinder5)photon drop; currently useless but will prob have a use down the line, it was basically a second currency in older games
>>8830198ship 2 if you're in it for the long haul with most of the general eng internet players, most of them shit. ship 4 for 4chan, most of them being flavor of the monthers
>>8830618>photon drop; currently uselessits still boggles my mind they added something that still has no use, and you get packs of it
I'm worried about putting in fake information to buy AC. I'm not in Moonland, what should I do?
What do I have to do for Koffie's quest 探索許可申請試練・III?
>>8830673it will be useful. TRUST US ON THIS.
>>8830794Just reach level 22.
can someone tell me what these stats are?are the requirements of weapons just a certain amount of atp/ata like in pso?
Anyone on Ship 2 got a Ballistic Coat they don't want?
>>8830831But i already am 22
>>8830850HPPPStrike PowerRanged PowerTech PowerSkill? Ability? Not sure about this oneStrike DefenseRanged DefenseTech DefenseThis is what I figure them to be
>>8830812Way too many drop though. And item stacks of 99. Will we be using god damn spheres?
Enjoy the De Marmoth, Hunters. Hope you've got enough mates.
So did this game just turn into a pay to win game?
>>8827587Ok ok...slowing it down...Now, I got that we are on ship 4 block 34, why they removed block 44 is beyond me...maybe because we were always there.Now, how does one go about getting arks cash stuff? Anyone making a tutorial? Like how we had a tutorial for making a japanese sega account and signing up for the beta.
God dammit. I fucked up on my talents also for Ranger. Is it better to just reroll? Or just live with it?
>>8830767Please respond, have they ever investigated to make sure players are using legit addresses?
>>8831380I think its more of pay to get cool stuff that won't really help you game wise...unless you like lots of furniture/clothes/hairstyles and such...i think
>>8830850hppps-attr-attt-attabilitys-defr-deft-defthe base of these (before items) is whats required to equip items, use skills and such
>>8831385how bad did you fuck up? one point in the wrong place won't kill you
>>8831381>Now, I got that we are on ship 4 block 34, why they removed block 44 is beyond me...maybe because we were always there.Probably because launch wasn't as populated as they thought it would be, and they recognized that many of the players were just gathering on about 4-5 blocks and leaving the rest deserted.
Have some info.>90 mob drops of each of the first three areas for level cap>tundra quest is last desert mission, S-rank at 22 minutes>tundra cap is level 30>tundra is mainly reskinned forest stuff>enemies are weak to fire>ice bear is a normal enemy>first boss is the de marmoth; weak points are horns, so fuck you hunters>much more layered than the last areas>new matter boards starts with tundra enemies>surprising amount of new players>there is a weather CO for tundra. More easy EXP>AH flooded with AC shit>Wedding dresses errywhere
>>8831446What if I play it as a dancing simulator?It's pretty pay to win in that department
>>8831475I couldn't figure out how to unlock the II tiers, so I just kept stacking them. I maxed my dive roll.
>>8831610Also;>three main areas>then you get a quest for free tundra exploration>you get the first time attack after doing the first tundra map Scale Update!3 New Classes5 New Weapon CategoriesNew Photon Arts and TechnicsVery Hard ModeLevel Cap 50!Rare Enemies and Rare Bosses added!New Interrupt Event, and New Emergency QuestNew Story Quest.
>>8831794>all dat contentNow just give me more clothes for mai waifu, and we'll almost have a game.
>>8831845Summer:Summer! Festival! ScratchNew Costumes, Hairstyles, Accessories, Voices, and Lobby Actions
I must've spent 4 hours in character creator on the character I'm using, not counting the countless hours I spent designing other characters.I can't believe I'm getting jealous over an average looking dress.
Some Nab Jappy joined my room and was cool through the first area, but as soon as we got to the second he dropped a ship portal and has been gone for a little over 5 minutes now.Is there a way to kick the bastard or something?
>>8832259There is if you look on the guide for the party command windowI would just wait, though.
>>8832325Well kinda screwed now anyway, accidently made him party leader...
>half the third matter board is talking to peoplePLOT HO
Can anyone help me S rank the last caves quest? the slinky dragon one I need to do it under 16m for Koffee's quest.
Is there a final confirmation when purchasing AC?After entering my credit card details the site has timed out.
>>8832570Just see how much AC you have in-game. The site doesn't update instantly anyway.
>>8832830Ah, there was a second confirmation.Then finally that also timed out, but the purchase still went though. Online bank statement updated and the AC was placed in my game account instantly.
>>8833005I'd guess Braver/Vanguard (jack of all stats), or some hybrids.
So what's a Gacha?
>whelp, time to do hard mode city event, only decent way to grind levels>now requires min level 30FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
>>8833357Are there new quests at least to help leveling from 25-30? I'm still 28 and stopped mostly stopped playing because leveling took forever. Only city grinding was fast enough to warrant playing.
>>8833490Are you me? I was just wondering the same thing... Ugh why did they make city hard mode 30+?SEEEEEEEEEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
How many new areas did final release add? just the snow area?
>>8833490once you hit 24/25 you can reach all the hard mode planets and do the quest to unlock the next planet... which requires 90 items from each planet, dropped by said planet's unique mobs.on a related note, FUCK DESERT AND THE FACT IT HAS MORE DARKERS THEN ROBOTS
>>8833083no srsly, wtf's a Gacha?
>>8833574as far as we know just the snow area, but a new area will come out halfway through the month and according to the schedule posted on we can expect new maps once a month
>>8833005>>8833005I have only played PSO1&2 BB and PSZero, what the fuck could new classes be?Did PSU have other classes other than ranger/hunter/force? I thought that was all the phantasy star universe did
>>8833661What robots? Gilnas core?
That was some fucking horse shit. I joined an accordian dragon run with a level 18 and two bots in it, we were gonna make the 16m mark but there were TWO dragons, fuck this client order, right in the ass.
>>8833775the easy thing to do would just have the three be hybrid classeshunter/rangerranger/forceforce/hunter
i've seen a lot of stuff about skill trees, but never anything that explains how to actually spend skill points, anyone care to explain how to navigate to the skill tree in game?
>>8833780and the skate turrets and robospiders. but still, all the maps have more darkers then native mobs, an darkers don't count
>>8833827predictions time?>hammer wielding heavy hitter>plasma bow/cross bow ranged>caster that wields melee claws
Guys how to I purchase inventory expansion items? Is there a name for it? Is it in the AC shop?
Can you guys tell me what these are? I know some of them are item tickets, but I'm not sure how to redeem them. If I like, get a new hairstyle or accessory or something, it doesn't auto replace what I have, right? Where do I go to equip them if I feel like it?
>>8833918exp boostmesta boostnurse cap accessorymaid headband accessoryall back hairstylejust click and use, hairstyle/item will be added to your character editor in the designated shop on the second floor of the shopping area
>>8833885There's lots of robospiders in the first desert mission at least.
O god casts can use Wedding dress, I think I found a loophole in the no titty jiggle for casts rule.
So, red echo vs white echo vs purple echo, who actually looks decent in the lighting
Hey guys remember me?
Two questions for you, PSO2 general.Has anybody successfully bought AC/premium with a western credit card yet?And, if I purchase a second character slot, does that second character have to be on the same ship as my first one, or can I roll it on any ship?
>>8834526yes, lotsdoes not have to be on the same ship
>Must trade a Rappy costume for a color change ticket at the Recycle shopReally Sega?
I just did the tutorial level and it won't let me go down that main ramp. What am I doing wrong?
Is it still possible to do the city mission? If so, how do I get it?
>>8834476Oh shit, that's pretty cool.
>was in the city mission thing to kill 500 enemies>my first PSE burst>lods of loot, it ends>another oneholy what>more loot, full inventory>end the city mission with only 461/500okay, i'm alright with this.
>>8834984>go back to the ark ship with the three grinders I got>flawlessly go from +5 to +8 on my best weaponFuck yeah, this game rocks.
We rappy now
>630s nonstopI can't be the only one can't I? It was fine a while ago until city is announced. Now I can't even get on for more than 5 minutes before 630ing.
>getting ready to farm my 90/90/90>city mission pops up>oh shit, better gather my party and venture forth>spend like 20 minutes getting a party going>try to go to haddo moddo>the minimum level jumped up at least 10>decide that normal wont be so bad>go in>get code:cockblocked at a gate>notice that enemies now give points>look at the right side of my screen in detail>5/500 points>mfw the city has become one of the best ways to level up to about the worstSeriously, it was good, it was time-limited, but it didn't buttfuck you by giving you a low kill limit and random boss spawns that give like 100 points each, utterly annihilating the amount of time it would take to lose/win the mission. Ragne isn't even a proper boss anymore. He has been downgraded into a wondering mega-roach that don't need no map. Looks like its Nab Rappy until lvl30.
>>8835232>mfw captcha ate my image>mfw my last post
>mfw new city mission>point collecting>ragne hunting>FUCKING ANTLIONS>CODE DESTRUCTIONall is forgiven sega
>>8835232Nab Rappy, the forest quest? How is that any good?
>>8835350nab rappy hard mode is one of if not the best quest to level up from at least 20-25
>>8835350You can just use its area1 to do burst parties. You can't do any free maps or the tundra until lvl30, making it a really hideously slow Korean-style grind. The exp increase on caves and desert enemies also seems negligible, seeing as forest enemies give 40-100 exp, while desert enemies give like 44-109, and take more punishment than forest enemies.
>spend several minutes on correctly entering Japanese captcha to purchase AC>sega website times outGOD DAMMIT TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY
>>8835491Ah ok, guess I'll do this if I muster up the desire to play sometime.
ok im downloading it. i played and loved the shit out of phantasy star universe and portable 1&2, what should I expect?
>>8835706You should expect to lose another 1,000 hours of your life.
>Grinders are already 1,000m more than they were at close of trade yesterdayEconomy ruined.
So your class NPC (Maru for Force, etc) gives you a new quest that adds 5 skill points to that class. Rev up dem skill tree planners.
>>8835706Remember those thousands of hours you spent on PSO?Yeah. Spend two thousand more, now with more HOLY SHIT BOSS FIGHTS EVERYWHERE, and JESUS TITTYFUCKING TAPDANCING CHRIST, SHITLOADS OF ENEMIES.Also, ONE MORE, ONE MORE, ONE MORE. Game's fucking intense.
>>8836015What level or other significant moment does this appear at?
>>8836015WHAT. WHAT LEVEL. MUST HAVE.Seriously, I need those five points to get to Sword Gear at a decent level. Swords seem outrageously better than Partisans, much to my eternal chagrin.
Can anyone tell me what these skills do?
I bet in hard mode you just roll in the PSE bursts from this new city
>>8836212>>8836219Requires you to kill stuff in Hard mode, so I assume it pops up at 20.
>>8836015Any idea what you have to do for the RA one?No translations up yet and I could really use those extra points.
>>8835232protip: you can keep killing things after the time limit ends. you don't get emergency code exp/money, but you still get kill exp, drops, and PSE, the loops on those levels are FUCKING INSANE. a stacked party can easily farm the fuck out of the mission
There are wedding dresses with different names. What are the differences?
>>8836513color and...color.that's it
And then we all realized we were level capped.At least we got our drops. No joke, that PSE Burst lasted for like 5 minutes straight.
>>8836513White, Pink or Blue.
>city mission>first Ragne i've ever seen appearsoh fuck shit woah it's huge>a minute left, Ragne still alive>30 second warning, run off from ragne trying to finish the 500 points>mission ends, 498/500, ragne alivefuuuuuck.
>>8836384Hunter and Force are 7 Rappy (rare ones) and 5 Dark Ragne. They have to be 21+. I assume Ranger is the same.
I purchased a 30-day premium set with AC, and it's not showing up anywhere in my inventory, though it does show up in the purchase history of the AC shop. Would anyone happen to know where these items are sent to?
>>8836541>>8836561But all the pictures up the top left look the same.I'm assuming that the chicken costumes are all the same?
>>8836639Check third option on the storage terminal things.
>>8836628Awesome, thanks!
>>8836639If you bought it, then I think the room and shop are already active.
Holy fuck this is client is taking forever to download. This better be worth it.
>>8836554FUCK YOU.lvl 26 and not one burst longer than a minute. how the fuck do you assholes get all the luck.
so anyone forcefeed their way to third mag evolution yet?
>>8834265They are wearing human skin with those dresses, after all.>>8835232The worst? I think that's a bit of an overreaction. I never did grind that mission much, but the current one seems to be pretty good for leveling. It might be just luck, but I'm getting more and longer PSE bursts with this one than I did with the old mission.Either way, is grinding so necessary? Why intentionally rush to the end?
>>8836997it's not luck, it's having friendship and superior firepower
Where the hell do i level at lvl 25?
>>8837002Yeah, I got the S-ATK one.
>>8836849>>8836917it's still not anywhere under any tab, trying to use my room prompts a PURCHASE and I already tried relogging fuck fuck fuck
what the fuck are these little darker shits in the tundra? where are the fucking dagans? how is there going to be any room for ragne to move around in that fucking area?
Holy shit there's a lot of money to be made at the moment if you have auction house access.100-200,000 profit per dress/rappy outfit wouldn't be out of the question.
>>8837315let me guess, feeding him a ton of HU weapons, i'm doing that and his stat growth is the same thing, S.Atk and Ability
>>8837315anything change besides the aesthetics?
To everyone bitching about the new city quest:HAHAHAHAHA! Here's how it went for me.>bitch and moan about how it's become a point quest>suffer boredom through the first area because I'm way overleveled for normal but can't do hard mode yet>step into multiparty area>staring at a code destruction the second I spawn there>do code destruction>600 EXP>"Huh. It's not the 900+ from normal, though. Still sucks the way Sega....">code protection x 2>code destruction>code rescue>wander away from other people since they keep going up and down the main street>"Starting to get decent EXP here even on normal, but I still wish I could fight rag....">code duel vs ragne when I'm 90 miles from anyone>"Whatever. He's only level 17. I'll kick his ass.">code attack: guwana in the middle of duel vs ragne>there's two of themEven on normal mode, I got a good 30K EXP from runs that didn't have a single PSE burst. I got way less running with PSE parties on hard mode before closed beta ended. Personally, I love the new city mission.
How do i buy a second mag?
Just got a wedding dress for 15,500 Meseta and a purple Ballistic Coat for 31,000. :3
>>8837521Yeah. If you just want S-ATK, alternate some Monomates in there to lower Ability. >>8837630PB is the same, learned a new ability (with another ability slot added). Didn't notice if the random attack it does is different, but it might be. Force friends evolved and casts Grants instead of Foei now.
>>8837679You went in alone in normal city?
>>8837445Check your normal storage. It'll be a green item.
>>8837860Not much of a choice. Everyone was in their panic rooms with 90 kinds of locks. I joined someone on his second run since his room said "All are welcome", but he left the party to make a panic room the instant the run was over, forcing me to go at it alone again.
>>8837931>those glowing butts
Is there any way to limit auction house searches to stuff you can actually use (ie. not greyed out)?
Just got weak shot level 3wtf, you can't use normal attack if you haven't used both weak shots? this sucks
>>8838048Unfortunately not. Best bet is to use subcategories and rarity to narrow it down as much as possible, but it's still lame.
Just capped out my first weapon at +10, feels surprisingly accomplished, sword, ended up at 301 atk, pretty great for me only being level 16.
>>8838123Weakshot -> Bullet spray 2-3 times -> weakshot -> whatever
>>8837885Thank you, it just took like half an hour to show up apparently
How the fuck am i supposed to enter the japanese captcha?!!?
>>8838146now try to cap a rare weapon without raging
Where do I farm xp at lvl 25?
>>8838198I only got PP for 3 full autos
...Just went to add abilities to my weapon, tried to add s.atk II and it had a 60% chance, and apparently it failed, lowering my swords attack from 283 to 263, the fuck man ;_;
>>8838563>>8838198ok my bad my bad, I can normal attack after the 2nd weak shot
>>883796330k exp from each run? That sounds really good for solo normal city. What level where you? 25?
What does the hunter skill wiredlance,partizan, and sword gear do?
>>8838638they add more stuff to using a weapon basically, wired lance is a damage boost, sword makes your shit charge faster and do a bit more damage, and partisan is a range upgrade, makes it about as long if not longer than wired lancesit's basically choosing which weapon you use most and slapping it on your skill tree, i personally have the sword and partisan one, since i use them both a lot.
Didnt they erase OBT character? because i still have mine
>>8838786you cough up 6 bucks to the arks cash overlord and buy one in the AC shop.>>8838948they carried all beta characters to release
>>8838997oh so i need to learn how to delete him,because i dont want to play ranger anymore
>>8839051control click him, click around until you get a pop up, hold control, click the confirm button
>>8838534Dance in arks lobby until city comes up.
Where do new outfits come from? Drops, cash shop, is there a crafting system which I'm completely unaware of? Also specifically where are all the new ones coming from?
>>8839116 thanks but there isnt another way to have a character slot ?
So im trying to buy AC, but the website requires me to enter a captcha to log in, how the fuck am i supposed to do this.
>Chicken costume on sale for 100,000>Sold out when I click buy>Next one is 450,000
So I just installed it. Can I delete the Setup.bin and Exe. files on my desktop?
>>8839254you actually have to buy a second slot, it's 500 ac so, again, about 6 bucks
>>8839261Take a screencap of the captcha and one of us will type it out for you.
When does the city quest usually come up?Any specific time?
>>8837791I wish I could hate you to death for that wedding dress
>>8836298Can anyone help me with this?
What quest gives the most experience and would be ideal for farming? Minus the city quest.
>>8839467I'd hate me too.I was fucking amazed when I saw it. Grabbed it without a second thought.
>>8839051>Wants to delete a character because he doesn't like the classClass change is free.
>>8839609>>8839569The point is he already raised a MAG for his old class.Deleting your old character over that is pretty silly though, just make a new SEGA ID and keep your old character.
Does anyone know if Charge Tech up affects the buffs?
>sega in charge of taking my moneyAC purchase site has timed out like 20 times now.
>>8840083>Linking to an image
>>8839409Well it looks like their website just died anyway. Oh well.
>>8840130too lazy to save an image and upload it back to 4chan.
Why is it I can't use this weapon?Is it like this: Requirement# (Have: #)?s.atk?
>>8840372captcha ate my image.
So, anyone got third stage Mags?Do they use one stat to evolve to third, or its based on top two?
>>8840326>too lazy to save >not already having it savedjust how new ARE you?
>>8840490four years, with a two month old computer
>>8840372>>8840395>Is it like this: Requirement# (Have: #)?That's exactly how it is.You need 49 SAtk more to use that sword.
Hey so I'm playing a mission and randomly other people who aren't in my party start randomly appearing, and fighting. We all get exp and stuff but it's weird because I tried setting my room to private and they would still show up. Are they actual players or NPCs? This is getting kind of weird, I was doing one mission in the forest and all of a sudden a whole wad of random players run past me.
>mfw lisa parts for 30k and under
>>8840593Multi-party rooms. Up to 12 players / 3 full parties at once.
>>8840593bots(whether npc or friend) have a yellow "i" next to their name
How are forces building at 40 now that we have 45 points to spend? I went down fire and maxed Tech charge, now I'm thinking of finish S charge and heading down lightning.
>Free Mines bossCan't wait to meet three of him in a city street.
>WHICH BUTTON DO I HAFTA PRESS TO START THE MISSION?>THE CHINESE ONE!>NIGGA DEY ALL CHINESE!Then suddenly some random guy>American want Hamburger? Be quiet!
I kinda wish they just went with the P2P model instead of freemium.
>>8841141Totally agree with you there, I wouldn't mind have to drop monthly for this game if that means I have access to all the content without restrictions. Likewise I feel FFXIV should be the one to go F2P as I see that game worth the monthly fee, but I wouldn't mind playing it for free with a cash shop.
How do the costumes work?Do you have multiple slots you can equip? As some costumes seem to be arms/legs only but I only recall one slot.
What the shit?
>Strike damage and defense both add 50 at max>Fury stance adds 150 and removes 200 defense max>JA bonus adds 10% at maxSure is a lot of useless talents there Sega. First is only useful until level 10, fury being somewhat relevant until 20 and 10% JA only matters after 30.
>>8841645cast costumes are divided into torso, arm, and legeveryone else is limited to one
>>8841880cry me a japanese river
What are the three options for playstyle when making a party?
Does nobody know when the city quest comes up?
>>8843163Before the update they happened every 9 hours. Although I'm not sure how often they happen now. Was there one an hour after the servers came back up?
What the hell am I supposed to do in the lvl 20 desert mission? I've walked all over area 2 and 3 but nothing happened?
>>8841880The base talents are actually a lot better than you think. They let you wear higher level equip, and for FOs affect their support skills.+50 S-atk >> 10% JA on hunters for sure, since it doesn't count for PAs.For FOs its a bit more complicated because Charge Booster/JA boost work for spells, and FO's have more base Tech than other classes do in their stat.
>>8840593You better get used to it because it's how the game is meant to be. If it makes you feel any better you can set up your room so no outsiders can multi party with you but that's kind of stupid.
>>8843764There's a known bug for that quest which makes the main emergency quest not appear. Do it over. You should immediately find a "collect" emergency after walking a bit in area 3.
>>8840801I'm saving my points to see if I'm going to need that +100 Tech from passives to wear the good shit at 40.If I don't, I'll just fill out fire after maxing both tech charges.
>>8843764I duno, but the text under your minimap is hilarious
>>8844106I got one in area 2 but I left for area 3 while it was 4/5. Then I went back to area 2 and decided to finish it. Is it really supposed to occur in area 3?
>Level cap quest requires 90 items that drop from native enemies and not the fucking aliens>Semi-rarely>From all three starting areas (270 in total)No, Sega, fuck YOU.
>>8844202Oh, now something appears.
Why does everyone make the Ballistic coat look like shit?
What the fuck is code 618.
>>8844441Ships are full.
Ship 4 congested. Try again later. DAMNIT!
>>8844501>Sega deals with lag>Even though ships were almost full as they were, in peak time, removes a third of blocks to make premium only blocks, and makes some of remaining into 'level range X only' ones.Common sense where.
We still 4:44?
>>8844752Fucking Sega man.
>>8844770B-30 because look read above. Also, its one premium block, not many.
>>8844791>>8844770>>8844752This is why we should of picked a lesser populated ship to begin with.